VOLUME 81 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14th, 1935NU BR4 YOUR CHANCE TO HELP WORE.n TIRAVELLER SPEAKS AT ROTARY CART RFHT CTIZENS•• Hundreds Gather at Cenotaph i iO StRdathe CAUSE evMncia on P T •Bowmanville Troop of Boy wrciight owns, So oart ear 0IHyScouts will canvas the Town Trusteewshaletec hspot_1 for second hand toys for their mausters, minitcers, dotrs To Pa T iut t W rDe d lChristmas Toy Shop. TheseAgrcultralSocity fficals RAtoys will le repaired, painted rlural mailcaiers, mer-als It •• • and at Christmas time dis- chantsadothrersproment Imler lm S Vtributed to children of needy ciaten othatTronip families, whose opportunitiescwill e guets toni of an ue o At I pre siv Arm stie Rof securing toys at Christmas BwmanvillgestR orClb t o --are very limited. Many citi- a RuavlURayfelwsh i VeernsTown Officials zenseduring dthe s frthwee banquet in the CommunityTyo eN w Capt. WilliamGeno Ca msne s haeofee ty ortu Hall at Blackstock. Cow boyth Onai T iig i ndCties reet tpurpose. If you have toys AtDhKanofBornnvll BrefM moia erie et isitor oyoucae to dote onthiswill be the speaker, and 1Recent Visitors: School GetSpae RecenoV oryM d orthy as ertll ophone Claire Rouse, well known Mr. Alex Purfit with his sis- 1-Gatherin HerD- on Moday r. a s. Es5aa .ac5or aste d rraMo ek Toronto entertaner ad hs ter, Mrs. Sutherland, Toronto .· riinwd racs Seventen years after the bugles Strong ' and Lawrence at. Mr. G. mn"ilOemaefrn o ea n tepra m. his . . Rev. J. W. Down and Mr. offhet atinshadsoudeothsFole's . . is Dois ucheeo cllforthetoyfooSaur-metin isanannalnffar own Exte, a Mr Teodretrinin toa cos th anua order to cease fire. Bowmanville and Miss Eva Brown in LTor~ day. Please do this right mingich the Cluendeavors Down'sxe,wngto hi.dauher, ervaince ofeebaneDy pai tibteonModa, emm-sa .. .Mis io tPaey -away, and thus play your partito sponsore alb eendeor- Miws FoeneDownh aig n- h ocabran ch ofF teCnda brance Day, at its Cenotaph. to onto, with Mrs. Wi is . . . • n making some kiddie happy ostanng beter uandLegionFlrheld their Armisticee Ban- ranc those who died and to those whoMiss Helen Fowler with Mr. and at Christmas.stownigtizen ra a deroea prto nOhw uti t onsPrs alo seCeeheriontyinit ou rs. usn Beacock ..D..FMrs.__ Hospital . . . . Mr. and Mrs. L. Monday night.Thhalwsel of need. A large crowd of peopleCeiFegsnwtMr.DFe-PaeadMseJakGidefldwthveasadter sto i hecl addapofteguson, Oshawa . . . .Mrs. Gorge iMENDELSSOHN AND D R AJOSWN SakMs .Pare, GBowman- gulests, toeotoheflte morning to join in the service of .le anand rs. . MountjoyN as. EO il, atMrs. GJPaStrey's . . . . sndd dinerovddbth commemoration sponsored by the WdtMiMHelanadies of the Legion Auxiliary.WA Town Council. M inisterial Assoc- - . • M r. and M rs. Russell Nes-! P R G R MIEA U RNJ D G N GH E O N O S M .vi ol M s a si t oran ,ss pen dPid edin e rt P r er w s i iaio ad1h1CnaiaJLgon mbttsTrnebto. Wt r n r.Smith with the former's mothe tecaran fe hetatt The service started sharp 11JmesNesitt.rgs Music Study Club Hears of Heri.. Above is pictured the two adventurous Whitby boys who Wl ersn nai nBe Mrs. Barraball, orono, wo i the Khigexndeawrme- e'clck, wen obs minuytheres oi Ms. eciaguon took thye t age 1Left by Great Musician- on $75 for transportation made a trip around the world, visiting Daiy and Grain Club Comn- 'qieil... r n b ome to the guet fth vn enc wee bseve byth lagetopc a Lagu o Thrsay v- Youthful Conveners Provide no less than 27 countries. Above is Rev. Ellsworth Toll, son of iin tRylWne Robinson and Bernice, Peterboro, crowd, while factory whistles an- ening. Mr. Lloyd Thompson gave Splendid Programn Rev. S. L. Toll of Whitby, between two Arabs. It was this ad- Detiin tRylWne at Mr. F. L. Byam's . . . . Mrs. MaoRssSrk inabre nounced a cessation of work in a reading; Mr. Roland Thompson venturer who told the graphic story of the trip to Bowmanville Nvme t a eete Edgar Rosevear and Miss Helen arssddtewoktah theirplanslforaslieoobervane.esngbasoloander. Sdney-er-oelecions iromtheewoksrokRotrianslastFridy. Inthe nsetbelowisIhs yongernrothr Bef Cal Clu Couny Tems o Roseear.PortHopeat M. G.Legiotisooingfor teMreurne Major the Rev. C. R. Spencer, guson ý;ave a reading. Mendelssohn, whose namne in LeRoy, in the costume of an Arab. Both lads made the tour to tboys oalf team. site enairyf Rosevear s . . . .dMrs. Emer en deen daintfrtre e VD., Padre of the Canadian Leg realms of music holds the samne secure a wider and broader outlook on life preparatory to their five bosineatwenty-to graiad i, EeynmeK c nd thecommnit ngnrl ion, conducted the service, whichUNO SEVC prominence as Shakespeare in entering the ministry of the United Church. iesn, twenty-t otaogluras, from Bradford and eswc. n hisfitoficilapaac opened with the repetition of the UNO EVC literature, featured the Music'-comente rthee Otaio chu amp_ Mrs. H. Wicke attended the ý.In Bowmaillammerelc Lord's Prayer, and the reading of MARKS NEWCASTLE ,Study Club meeting in St. Paul's ionsps andorthe Otri hamrp- Tahesnonetina Pr o uramW.FrnkRiad the nams ofte flenbMyr REMEMBRANCE DAYlcter ooH D lm ens aynigtht.p-£&r u d he rl n 7 sent Ontario at the Royal Winter Hope. M . adagoigtiuet Weh Ross Strike Mrs. thH. D. Cleeens, ate the ope- Fair, Toronto, against the other Tyrone W. M. S. are holding a those who gave irlvsan Wreaths and flowers wered Rethen.H.eigeeriehaddte.et Provinces. Durham Junior Far- Bazaar on Friday, Nov. 15th, at 7 who fought forthfreowhc placed at the base of the monu-Rv.SMasncLenand ev.F•i • ing over to Misses EvlIyn Oke andita s Azn Fe tmrwothBefDiy and p.m. in thecuc ety olw enwejy ment, and the Last Post and Re- Msn odctSric n Dorothy Edger who had charge W ib ad 'Gain e tmrain tClubmetiti.tr - e byilur e etre yMrs. Lt. A. Brwn of hSlato veile erehas ouned by Band-Uad nitducfftepora.iAvery inerews. boro the Swine, and South Sim- E. A. McCulloch, Tyrone. Ad- Army with Mrsn .C ela h mather RichardF ouna i wing Newcastle obere Remem- in and info brmtveopae wa Rev. Ellsworth Toll of Whitby Describes Thrilling coe the Potato competition. As mission 15c. Children free. piano, renderedtwwelapud ntoshebfacto sr h esrinite w nc a wt hoan1d|giveln w Mrs. Ale Coled ronor tRtayClub Meein -Belie only four teams are permitted to Mrs. John McLaughlin, Col. and ed cornet solos. oth possie tonsecuretesercstbreanc Day withe oschool .thells," iencewhichisheepamd WrdTu a oay u eea ee compete at the Royal it was de- Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin, Mr. By- The toast to th1 aaia op ofthe eion o B.an iut-der stehemunicpal flag and otherstheriffn.A ercesof cie ad a Common People of the World Desire Peace cided to drop the Swine Club, ron McLaughlin, Messrs Howardiwas ably andhuousyp- the Ms dirction ofMFranchopi Sut- ' cd londrop ar io.ve y MistGrutaieaperwhich means Durham County and Talbert McLaughlin, Bow- posed by Lt. Co.G4.Bny ton, Mus.ow Bac.. mssed ic h ipriatehly onedand flown,45 droo was gie byMinssoret.WicettA ipigstr f epries carried on by dictators and arm-: will send six of the eight boys m-anville, Mr. and Mrs. Levi An- castle, who alintoue h frgiom the ow nchrs led in the ctizens congregated in the 4itda on lef Menwdeoh. eni- Aoftwoyots rlo etravellers ament manufacturers that the from Ontario to the Royal, which nis, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. guest speakeroftevnig singiin of th hymnsfu and h church at a union memorial ser- daltelsn et t si. he ldaoer- rovided the feature for Friday's working people were innocently is a record similar to 1934 when Annis and family, Oshawa, were Capt. William Gen sitn aprenit ntheautiful aland ie nhonour of those who ser-tle ngtssrere in music. Th etfo ngp of the Rotary Club, when, led into bloodshed in the belief Durham sent a Grain, Swine and dinner guests Of Mr. and Mrs. A. superintendent o h nai Haporte athm OjVlintd and suffered and sacrificed ing.Cer ts renderersnuSni ers e iEllsworth Toll of Whitby,l that they were protecting their Potato Club Team. The teams W. Annis on Monday. ,Traininar ephode nh ra Hearts .~~ their lives in the great war of Ferguson, a piano duet "Midsum-' who with his brother LeRoy re-' country. Paris, disgusted the and standing are.:Wme'sIntiutean Ldis ar he h aada op Lieu. Bownof te Slvaion191418.Rev F. . Msonandmer Night's Dream"; Miss Helen, cently made a world tour, was the; youthful travellers. Organiz e d Dairy Team (16 teams)-Ivi- Aid will meet at Mr. Willis Ste- frtarvdo h etr Army read th scripturekeson, e. 1 aLanc-prae nArgue, vocal solos, "On Wings of, speaker. vc a apn, n nasotson Tamblyn. Orono, and LeRoy wart's on Wednesday, Nov. 20th Fot h paerpi rbt Anwhe Rev. . G . lake ofSt arranging the service which was Song" and "The Lord is Mindful Mr. Toll was introduced by his eveming walk they were stopped Brown, Orono, with Ivison Tamn- at 2.30 p.m. Fto the sptadethsamwt Anre'san Rv.A.S.Ker fattended by pupils of the pub- o i w" Ms 1hli Ca-fte, e.S .Tol iitrnoless than twelve times with the blyn being the high boy in the Lautpeeohrsa vn-iwithe orpsenerdupnit St. Paul's recited the prayers. The liccho adhihfcoo n is pin o"Rondo hyliCaco;f htbyUie rh her e.S .Tlmse rqett ot osso l e vnefr tiscmptiin- iguewith a da period 1f duies nthe sccsstht t eicewa roghtoh coe body in harge o Princial Thos and Miss Margaret Allin, vocal speaker, and his brother carried pute. 1 Beef Club Team <17 teams)- quiet music and prayer followed tended its efforsi h ie with~~~~~~ th eeito yRv .F A. Rodger, a veteran of the war,1 solo, "O Rest in the Lord." The out the remarkable f eat of trav- In Italy the globe trotters f ound 1 John Rickard, Newcastle, and by bible reading by Miss Susie RemembranceDyCatGrn Armstrong of Trinity Church. and and Miss Hattie Mason, The Trail club will welcome another pro- elling across the world, through the people equally kind, but the Thos. Baker, Jr.. Hampton. John Thompson; reading, Miss Velma said, was a day olo ak u the singing of God Save the King.. Rangers under the leadership of gram arranged by these talented: 27 countries on transportation ex-! governmnent not so kind. In three Rickard was high boy for On- Bradley. Program in charge of our greatest dut a olo o- An interesting innovation was Messrs Stanley and John Rickard youthful conveners.pesso $75 each. Mr. TOll weeks they found themselves in tro isAead ni nldd ad twsordt ohl ther laing oiufalanodersseld, also atten e inabody. Amongbifyotiefoe ftehg-ji olesta he ie.Grain Club Team (22 teams! reading on Fellowship, Miss Ade- those returned e honee wereindividual wood lcres, avthepresnter a nuMr.o lights of his trip. The brothers continued their Stanford Brown, Millbrook, and laide Annis; reading "Praise , help, but above l hr a h belarivengdpopies oere l byWar eters .P. and r iveMr Wins Overcoat His story was entertaining,: travels in Belgium, in Holland, Gerald Anderson. South Mona- Miss Edna Cameron;- reading, duty that we w srtre elativedcrindlsio of the AlrW.F.ram. PAnd eeveia thrilling and an inspiration. Leav-1 Greece and Switzerland, where ghan. Stanford Brown was high "Truly Brothers", Albert Rundle; men, to the furegnatos cerrn. t the conlusin of the balfredW. graham. A mpem, oria Morris Prout on Saturday night ing Whitby the brothers hitch-) they met many officials of the boy for Ontario. musical selection, Lloyd Hoar; War clouds han, vrth oio cereic mstch il adreny of the trbsket of grinandBpoppes on- "von a $50 Balaclava overcoat hiked to Montreal where they1 League of Nations and were much Swine Club Team (5 teams)- reading, "Bridge Builder". Aldin at this time, headd1n s Public rin School and b of the triutdy r.M.Bonstd when he held the lucky number caught cattle boats going to Eng- I impressed by the great work for, Peterboro County first. Ontariol Hoar; piano solo, Miss Lola Rich- you, what areyuginiod Ontaro Trinin Schol ad beore he atar.program at the professional hoc- land, working their way across peace being carried on by these wsscn n uhmtid ards; Topic, Christiamity Christ- aotiW o' atwr mildandtizns aledtaer onptis key game in Maple Leaf Gardens, the ocean. In England they pur- off icials. Potato Club Teamn (23 teams) 1 ian" by Mr. Albert Hill. Meeting and we realize ta fteLau fied nd re the ircpoppies Mr. John Medland, London, Toronto. This is the f irst time chased a tandem bicycle on which1 The most interesting part of -1_st, South Simcoe; 2nd, North 1 closed with a contest. Attendance of Nations canntsoiate moThe crossan e.n cup gave The Statesman a friendly we have heard of any of these they toured England. Scotland.! their stay was in Palestine wherei Simcoe; 3rd, Durham; 4th, South d0. the league is o ofrhrue Thlae Canadian egi on hocupied call on Saturday. prizes coming to Bow-manville. Wales, Ireland, and Northern'they remained three months on Simncoe No. 2 team. Women's Missionary Society We believe tha ihaeut Ca h plaeoimeinatesuHaolth Europe. special research work. Here they The Durham boys coached by are having a bazaar on Friday ev- support f rom alntisth Coeotah. eC o rs.A d e ard They carried with them theiri saw and visited the places where E. A. Summers will compete with ening. Mrs. (Dr.) McCullouch, league can stopwr n ti u Mfhnrcmoses carried o the coosr ur mall tent and cooking utensils,j Christ lived and worked two thou- the other Provincial Teams at Toronto, is expected to give a talk duty as Canadinwrveeast ofis hoo r. mpoed ofbosn of he Onsol1 ated ural ChOOls and lived the life of the out- sand years ago. They sailed all Toronto on November 19th. I and lantern slides. support the leauad upr Firs Bowmanilleuub, so aendiof doors for many monts In Eng- night on the Sea of Galilee, and Dritain in itsspotoih the oy Sts, lasod a atteto. land they visited numerous places! spent their last night in Jerusa- League covenaninaefott around theFaners wFieldparlt.ngS o S pe k r of interest, saw the great cathed- lem, where Christ spent his lastdhT prevent thebodsethug Teag aers werePadScoto rals, the museums, the art galler- night on earth, in the Garden of TWO undre ather TO which we were eurdt o ALedWeeer ondTo an der coutsechm f ri-les and the historical centres. Gethsemane. Their travels carr- Col. L. T. McLuhiadRv Patro1 Leader BillGreeRehd'.A C ecur'fTm REV. A. S. KERR IS Germany they found to be a, ied them on into Egypt, Iraq, In- V ar 2 th W e dmRDy . Spence-r--ahsa- charge of the distribution of pro- ity College School Tells, GUEST SPEAKER nst friendl atiowaa. btsweoe diae , ng rmaiiaSingapore, Hong 1V ar 5 h e d n y ere .Co d sRe ard grms.ead of Honor was Disric TechesiPes AT UNITED CLUB: to believe that France did. In1 In India they saw the mostI and Jack Livingepesdt h cnpo;Sie SBill Edger,Junon ent Rural Schools Out France the travellers found tebatflidn thehewrd 1 .adMs.Ca.Å ndSeffvefld tray.nscopeeasthta falh Wright, Ted Clark and Doug of Date Home and School Club of Brad- opposite feeling. T h e French, the Taj Mahal, and they saw it Wih fPrvdn e rristh riegrort ompof 25ladisthrviedt Harnden, and S e c o n d s. Jim ley's Secton Hear Fine wantdhpa ermutnyere led to be-'mits most beautiful state, bathed Prsetgwt iler ersrse othbieroccasion 5 and t pnoie ocokoe ai SouteyKnHopr.ndHre The annual convention of theoga It was through this propaganda; (Continued on page 5).1 expressed his and Mrs. Wight's supplied by W .Bgel h Jones. ~Public School teachers of In- Tea Service on Wed-1 appreciation of this expression of Legionairesanthigussl- Among the many beautiful tri- spectorate No. 1 in Durham and First meeting of United Homethesemoteifrndadineed oteDmno-w e butes placed on the monument Northumberland Counties w a s and Schiool Club was held at d eing Rniversar wellcsten oers reiewe ad ithedogrmspnoedb heCn were those in memory of Pte. E. edlatTusdyad rdyat Bradley's School on Tuesday ev- NawO s esrm e ce us p st 25 yeas, t evi yad tsor- ada Legin G. Clarke, O. Pringle. A.Si- thedCet rsya ndlic co, Prtening, with Mr. Russell Gilbert, N to sD srn e c u t A delightful time was spent atrost erinathig on then oteain ein nick, A. Wrenn, Clinton Spry and Hope. president, occupying the chair. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles rthat urondas nhe wastb oter fomth Povnc o O--The convention was opened by Bsns tm eedsusd M aintain A dequate D efense Wight, Providence, Friday even- friends hie had the feeling of be- HOME ANDSH O tario; the Town of Bowmanville, the Rev. D. McTavish, followed then Miss Helen Smale, 1st vice- ing, Nov. 8th, when on the eve of igcmltl thm.Ms R. M. Hollingsehead Co.. The by an address of welcome by president, took charge. Rev. A. their 25th wedding anniversar' ight coe ad comedhr Lion Clb, te GodyerrTree&Mayr BGe.nBnnet. IIhi ad-S.a err fOBwmanillewastheOnlySecrit risPor aeaceARMSTICSSPAKER abotE2KEfrendsandreltive hubands wrds dnd ddedherWELLATTNDE Rubber Co., Men's Canadian Club, dress, Mayor Bennett stated that guest speaker and gave a, very. took their home by storm to bring tak ohs Puli Shol tuens Cnaia h ws lasd o elom teinteresting address on 'What I.vn ain oHv them congratulations and best From the host of happy friends Public SchoolGmaeu n Leon and Lad iescAuxiliary, teachers to Port Hope for their Manr fChl il hi fe Strength to Maintamn It wishes. The guests having as- several were chosen by the chair- Class RoomsPcerfrPp BomavileHih cho. Dur- convention. "The part that you He stressed the importance f R FH M Tl sembled the bride and groommatodresheghrignd urAnalEntLs ham Textiles Ltd.. Boys Training as teachers play in the life of our parents having a good influence Rev. F. H. ason Tel were ushered into the living-room mthfoloingrespoded ith veryndTursdaNgh Scoo, adsevrlohr.hc communities," stated Mr. Ben- an their hiren min intthi ome os to the strains of the bridal chorus fitting remarks for the .ioyous bore wnolcards. ywa vr nett, "is one of the highest im- a h he anisiuin from Lohengrin played by Mrs. occasion. Rev. J. Barnes, Rev. E. Nearly thre udedpol Thpeswhl e r doeoythewasrypotanehonyorhnsae whch g and in hbysand oimold The only guarantee for world Nellie Garbutt. The bride's bro- F. Armstrong. Mr. T. H. Everson- teddoeo.h otsces imresiean oe f hebetplaced the training and educat- th hrce fby n il peace is for the world powers who ther, Mr. Leo Courtice, was chair- MrardWtBwntr W .fleucraissaed bynth atended in years, and officials in ingý of the children, who in after are the Home, the School, and want peace, to remain armed and. man, and called on Mrs. Fred rckredM. BP., Mr. W. .-Cour-Hoe ad cholClb tenra charge were extremely well pleas- yers will take their place in bus- the Church. One ofisCanada'f ready, to make others who want WihRh edteflo ing tceM. S.,has. AWi.R.Go- SHooleastTusdydhegm ed with the interest taken by the iness, social and municipal life, greatest needs today istat o war hesitate, Rev. Frank H. . ddress: FAniM.reC.Har.sium as totlyndeutet pyli i kepn aiv. heme-making up our citizenry."haphoe.Oenmuby want war hesitate, Rev. Frank H. Dear Ruth and Charlie, Will Dawson, Mr. Kyle Squair handle the nubrin eea ocy of those who paid the supreme . Following the Mayor's address, the program were: PanoduGladys Mason, Newcastle, told members We, your f riends, have gathered adM.Go .Sehn.casom eerqie osa sacifie i th GratWar Mis RbyBragg owmnvileMisesvordlsneay M J.nfste Cion uClb a thir e-togthe wih yu hre tocel- Drin th enin Mr. Aber th payes wohcme o ejo preidn et ofe the teachers soc- owlees; aMsReta Cari- of membrance Day meeting on Mon- brate the twenty-fifth anniver- ý Cole and Mrs. Rarbutt entertain- teeeig uheadbig • itinwecoedallth tacer Y o esan 1 M Bllday night. In making that as- sary of your wedding day. It 13ei ihisruetl;Ms Ll'ope the progam. n th Fames r mLuk othe scoen Y-tionaterwhich Boakwmnille; soos y .et o 1sertion the speaker did not f avor with great pleasure we do so, re- Osborne gave a reading; Mr. Nor- euchre compeiinprzswr . th secetay-trasuer'sreprt prksia t acc pai chrg he maintainence of a large stand- Reov. Frank Mason, M.A., B.D. membering the- pleasant. associat- man Friedli played a violin Solo, awarded to tesxhg crr With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmianville News