I I PAGE TWOTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1935 Employers Express Appreciation IIMIns s. fEdn 1) B i d n g N t s D . 0 . & P . C O A Weky stblshe 154Th rce tine ndproesnaina yot '~J~1 VJ~I n are putting a niew roof on their OUR ORLD and INEdry kiln. Frank Wright. is Put- Esabihe 15 Tereen inerad rsetain t oonoBY JOHN C. KIRKWOOn ting a nice addition crilbis house A ekyNews;:apLr devoted t0 the interests of the for tverity-five year employees of the Goodyear (Copyright) on Scugog Street. W. PigOtt-s (own of Bowman'. lie and surrouniding country, i:ue Tire and flublier Comîpany, in which twelve local dwlin nCnrIteti er et King Straet. Bowmanviîle, every Thursday. by fML.. ing completion. John Lyle hias, James & Sons, owners and publishers. The Canadian 1eliployees were hanored by the company,, was an ___________________________ iling on entre Str1e rickar Statesmnan is a rnember of the Canadian Weekly News-.iunique affair. and a tribute ta both the company A good oid story is that of the der lias been placed: clarity be- bouse on Queen Street. M r. Canada Association. also the Class 'A" Weeklies Of and ta the eniployees. For a quarter of a century nian who. when about ta die, told1 cornes Clouded: flot Until the ctstonwbueonS- G oo d year__lias_ h sesonh eth atgastr asuresw as b ur- co m m o tio n l as cea sed w ill th ei r og S treet are com p eted . J. ____ _______Gooyer las eenthelares inusty i BO- ed in one of bis fields. After bis 1 be that condition of mind which Èemin&'s brick residence on Wel-! SUBSCRIPTION RATESes manville. and approximately half the workers in death the sons dug that field is needed for the flext step. Jigo tre snaryfnsed Anywhers n Canada, $200 a year: in the United States the town are employed in that plant. deeply and thoroughly, but they Stre H Ietwi naoletefin- 1250 a year, payable n advance. Single copies, 5 Cents To the twelve emplayees who have completed found no treasure f gold or jew-n e w n o e h crn i loc il qpi g r Quite oten we ant ta ee theherfn bs blocktil ddspin Mr - 25 years of service with the company the gather- w els. Sande Ionte the field v end f rom the beginning. In Crawvford bas built anadiont THtJRSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1935 ing was a tribute to their loyalty and industry. theni a mammoth cro. It was imuch human experience the end bis rink. The recognition by the company of these coin- then that the sons perceived the cannot be farecast. What mat- We are glad ta hiear that Levi charcteistcs as trbut tathehu-father's wisdomi: it required sanie ters always is that one shall be a Tole of Enniskillen is ta becon _________ n ehlfofYoth n ealemenrteihic und a rbtelv e isî ithe etaodnryicetv t ettepurposeful beginner. facine in the a citizen of Bowrnanville. havinz managlement 0f h c oubany. So na n h e ari a ry duceteur e tei1direction of bis dreams and de- received the agency for the Chatý- manalemnt f th coPan. Soman hue i- sos t Prducetresur. ýsires, or purpose or ambition: 'haiii Harvester Ca.. for the dis-. The District Governor of the 27th Rotary Dis- dustrial institutions have become machines. and Asoyai ati n a and then that ane sball proceed.l::ict fromn Toronco ta Kingston. t aous lect. use l and unesitvtaking one step at a time. j Leskard: There was ively coin- made a stirring plea ini behaîf 0f youth. The and it is a relief and a pleasure ta find a campany j president, now no longer living. h ts he w y o L nd n o ni1c:ýi-h la M da ngh . R v great Canadian churches have. ini recent years. ivhich really does appreciate its employees' years He had a lecture which sanie of TapetewtoLnont ! reiirhls M na nieht. Rev- stadly in rese tei rco niio o te laen y ader readers mav have bard The comfoîrting and the de-, enle froni pw rnas sl Vl st ad ly in re se t ei r co ni io a t e 'la e o f service in th e com p an ys beh a f. T h e p res n ta- , 30 an d m ore years a g - A cres of lig h tful fact is th at th e w ay o f jbc $52. of youtb in the scheine of tbings. and even polit- tion of 250 silver dollars ta each of these employ- ! Diamonds«'..a lecture which Dr. advancement opens surely and !___________ ical parties. which have entrusted their destines ees was tangible proof that the canipany realîy Conwell gave to 10.000 audiences! easily to all Who just go forard ANEJYB VEIG ta well seasaned men in the past. are today lean- does appreciate their efforts. It is an easy mat-I Dr. Conwell taîd 0f a number a step at a time, undaunted by A NOAL VNN ing toard yoth wih its igh idals. ts entus- lf instances w-here men eager for ýprospects and fears and misgiv-:BScieG i n t w a d y o t h w t h it i g i e ls i s e n h u - te r t a s e le c t a n d d e liv e r c h o ic e w o r d s f a p p r e c - f o r u n e hI B y S c ri b e G .a . i ,g s iasm. and its desire ta do things. iation, but mere words are not sufficient ta express v hie ail the finie. right at tbeir J C K elaragatdlabu There are unfortunately stili many aIder folk appreciatian of sucb long aîîd loyal service. The very feet. was treasure or f ort une. I arn addressing myself in par- hrdt n neeets Mr Who believe that youth shauîd be kept in its place.tnibl ilver ift.o ivranvray a hs n aildta see ta. tclrt on epe yhope oehenavr ablg eaelaout Tbey consider youth in tbe spirit of the aid nurs- bath apprapriate and expressive o! a warmnth of the pebbles on bis own land wvere is that nm-Yyoung readers are ed personallv ta the theory that ery rbyme "Little boys sbould be seen and not feeling that exists betiveen the companys employ- f imns ehdarso i-mne og oehr-oe -iteundsava ry.Wehe len- hear." hey til fee cofidet tat te od fok ands aIl about bum. Anather! where worth while. Thus. seine We were further canfîrmed in hea d. T ey stii ee c nfi en t at the ol f lk ee- an d the executives. im an, in Pennsylvania, failed t a fIl0 t en ay have Political a r- this opinion after attending a ia can carry on, and with their ageing bodies and To the Goodyear Company we affer congratula- see tbat the iridescent scum ni a jitionems: ane visions of power banquet a while ago at which riinds deal with the vast problenis with which the tions an bath the manner in which they recog- the creek an hîs farn signifiect and great achievement in the real three generations of a noted fani- world a! today lias ta cape. nie.thse the pretence of petraleuni, and bie fa!business enterprise. or of art. îîy were the hanored guest.s. nzrthseent. and on inducing among its em- ,et pt ential millions oif mney1 or 0f science, or oif engineering. j The Honorable E. J. Davis. for- Youtb bias n thing against age, but it does want plyees a spirit of loyalty evident by this event. pass from i mbu ta thers of-Mtruro f lw r 0 ai h s f m r m nse f te Ca n i its say in the affairs of the country and of the To those Wha were honored we likewise affer con- Perception, agriculture. Sanie a! my readers son. Mr. Aubrey Davis. who is cburch. Yauth believes that the mature judgment gratulations on their display of loyalty, industry. J C K iiay. feel that the way ta theirt' oe*tn edo h ai of aider people is invaluable ta theniin guiding and faitbfulness taward their employers. Digging is an immensely pro- ultiiiae goa is blckedo atits e afthe Cmpany 0efuemaret fitable tceupaerantingebeadptife. heiDavis thern along the correct paths, but yauth is con- _______________ itabl ocupIonandthe net - o.aoppartunity ar of favorableI pisso! its kind in thewhe fidet t at he ery attibuts a yatb re uch j y digin I ean the inv st-circu nstance, or of sane disabil- world. and is son. Mr. Bruce fiaet P Hetepburn'sr Retsof yremenetuchment 0f thougbt and effort ~in ty.'ut natbing autside ane-, Davis. a young Lawyer. Authar that iL sbould be given leadership. OntariiasasPremier Hebr' eie t sanie worth-while endeavour. one s1elf can or need baulk one in bis and Lecturer. 'Yau will seldani very youthful Prime Minister; Bowmanville hias a begins some enterprise invalvingorbra itusdiesadp-Ienunrtremninneai! very yauthfl Mayor. and botb have shown very The retirement o! Premier Mitchell F. Hepburn I tbe expenditure of thaught 0poses. I s true, of course. that îly ivith equal acumen. manners1 Few people wyolook to the iereaize the wl e eevdwthrge rom bath political anddinandly fnds oetn- bt1ayerofddb Dvi riseit Important place that yauth bolds among the great friends and faes. XVatever degree one may dis- Inew and valu able--saometbing i in the fable af the tartoise and sonal charni. was persuaded taý men a! tbe past. Moses, Jashua. David, and many agree with the Young and able premier in politics. the way a! a surprise discovery- the bare: thE: tortaise did arrive sav a few words after his grand- other of the majar praphets were called inta tbehe iblas so many definitely fine attributes that. only jsametbing wbicb was unsaugbt. at the goal. and bie arrived ahead soil bad addre-ssed the meeting. Cbemists and inventors are o f the swift hare. The race is! He said that in bis opinion the wider service w ben still quite yaung in years. Few those wba are a! the aId palitical scbaol will be co t n al en e aded in not l a s w n b th S if - c o i g vr ue n a Y u g m n people bave realized that Christ himself neyer liv- glad ta bear o! bis departure froni the Ontarioa surprising ways as a consequence foated. Thase wbo are sure of is modesty. Sa we went home ed ta be more than a youth. At the age a! 33 political scene. Perhaps one a! the best tributes ta a!f their intense tbinkin- and e!- ariva tgasofdsiainare feigqiests e ihor Christ had paîd tbe speesciieo l ie r Hpunb i poet aebe thevr fort: In trying ta do one thing those with the quality of persist- self. had risen froni the dead, and bad been the in- great number o! Canservatives who have ar ended soth ng ele-afhen asoretgIeasy circumillance crinectand spiration wicb started that. great. church whicb bis meetings anid wha have given bum a patient quite wonýderful. The fact is tbat Ihav enftlast:thycr today numbers its followers in the millions. Many and courteous bearing. This fo might be inter- it is when the brain is beated up. .ave been at tal stfhe3' cor- of Cbist's disciples were likewise yaung men. and preted as a tribute ta these Cariservatives theni- d'as ilyer - tht it baste uesta -s ho retain their strength.1 yet tbey were entrusted in the carrying an of tbe selves xvbo have striven ta overcame that bitter; liberty. Sa. if one wants ta ac- tois. he orheprnduesot te jEio fTh ttsnn greatet work this wold bias ever seen. Yes. youtb antagonism w icb featured political differences in compish someting unusual and 1 s te pritn ign h ai rtcs a en vie has an important part ta play in the affairs Of the past. fine, let bu tn t in couderitet in or- Smecitcimlis en oie this world. and it is up ta aIder people ta, see that Premier Hepburn cannat be accused o! beiný der ta, get the mind heated up. l as ta the quality of wreaths sup- they get this chance. and ta sympatbeticaîîy guide lacking in courage nar in îoyaîty ta convictions. IWen ones brain is energized bv1 J C K iplied by the Poppy Committee. intense effort. it pro du ces j Nature cnceals er treasures. I We wuld point out that the b- CA] them froni tbe wealth a! understanding and ex- We bave on several Occasions during tbe past 15 j thaughts and perceptions deniediand s0 taa do art and the lav* iect is nat ta put on a show. We - perience that a long if e lbas given theni. months founci it necessary ta question Mr. Hep-j it wben it is in a state a! piaci d, and medicine and business entr- ulnderstancl that very beau tiful - IL a p a ade papl, bobav i teirbadsburn's actions, but neyer bave we. or bave bis op- normaîcy. prise. What is firisn est n tin rabcrieatindta1w the training a! yautb, ta Sa train theni that tbey ponients faund it necessary ta question bis un- Poets and artists antd writers I lif e denies itself ta all those wha price-made in Austria. By us- know froni mucb experience that wviII not dig for It.L ing Vet.craft wreatb you contri- Will be capable o! bandling the great prablenis a! doubted sincerity o! purpase. The mariner in their finest work is perfarmeti J C K buted one third ta the local Pappy thxedayri ie fteir exisnd esar si imtes been barsh, and sametimes bielbas nat used earlien intense effort. Sa one men and wamen. o! anv and ev- craft Sbaps andi they were niade D the grace o! an experienced statesman in bis need nat be. upset if, as f rom the ery age. in wham the f ines o! am-n- bveans scodisabled t a hy handling o! important public questians. But none outset. one is not doing bis !inest bition have not burned out. ta go 'rbbycudntwr tay ark. One cannot do everything: farward canfidently andi bravely 'thing else. wildisagree tbat Mr. Hepburn's every action bias wbio netist oi tikai nuredyi b ieto The Poppy Funti does flot in Citzes oriby ndifeen. 'h? ollawed a sincere conviction to better conditions ling. -o! their goal or dreamn or desire. ariy way bkepnt tepLegin T in bis native province. Achievement is often cumula- Ail their invested effort will be a nae skp nasprt c Notice o! tbe annual meeting o! Bawnianville Premier Hepburn's retirement will remove froni tive: Yesterday's work anid ac- conributiari ta forces wbicb as- couint anid in the past by' fan tbe Iffopitl Bardis nnonce fo No. 1th.comlismeI become bath the sure the attainment of success. langer perceritage b-ti been dis- Hosthital Boardfieid tannouncedorfor igave.i1tte.foTaathen naliteîcapiraiendoftIeoneast colorfulggifigure tinbthe toaen lisharent I xnany this will be iust anather notice, with the Present century. With due respect ta Mn. King thaunedan arid heinpiration o If oeis praf uow d inrta trib tedofa tren \va ar n personal infererice that its none a! their business.. andti faMn. Bennett, Mn. Hepburn bias certainly 1 vance niay be quite impossible 'and faitfhully, then one sbould Wi11 go ouf a! the fund this v .î: Contrary ta this belief tbe Hospital Board meet- praven himself by bis words and his actions, a mari1 witbout iritervals a! reflectian be veny uncanifortable. Treasure' that bias nat been appî'oved by, in i e er o e' b si es . Ev ry ciiz n is a ax e m vp f on he re ul n b nr el o ath digestion . A n excited m in d and rew ards go t a those w ho seek th o m te c n s ti g f C i - Inharseboeryine'th ine Eeaatar itizn stiuta. fia l toughfothrid action, sof ot cari e likened ta a glass o! water '-who dig. rades Venton, McLaughlin and shreolerintisgrathuantrin nsittin pliicl hogt ndacio.into wbich an effervescent paw- The end. 'Storey. The ninmes a! cbose un- He and were it nat for the donations made by pivate jBath Liberals and Conservatives will hope tbat ________________________________ fortunates wbom the3' corisider citizens, the towri. the counties andi the provincial bis prescrnt illness wilî be sa well overcome tbat lie 1 esveid te eian. ottemvlent Pel governmnert this popular institution would very wil like former Premier Benniett. stage a splendid I ever witheL ebiAse sow-gt s o o c ose iL d ars A e ery ci iz emcnt ib u es I b e fo re th e tim e fo r is re tire m e n t a - in g th e a m o u n ts p a id t a e a c h in onie way or anather ta tawri, county and pr'o- rives. In TL fl... and Disa ntBI.PasIIi merchant ta, supply the needs. hip vincial finances, everyane bas a definite stake and 1___This_______ _____________ inIlqu adefinite financial interest in the Hospital. the gaps left by red tape. tJn!ortunately x'ery few know. or even cane, Public Liberty and a Free Press J WNYFhEYASAG IT ER G e n are ratef ul ta ar many e From Th-IeBomnil es hER G IT ER G e e ndae pa-tiulmany Canv abou th wok te hspial i dong. It iasa Fom Te ý yýavile Nws, From The Statesman, Nov. l3th, rIeased at the response we bave,' Britiý most efficient staff. anid a most capable board of At a recent Forum on Curu'ent Problenis. Col. Novemnber llth, 1910 1885 had tbrough the purchase o! Pop- smr directars, anti perbaps it is because o! tbese tbings Franik Knox, publisher o! the Chicago Daily News.T -pies. sat that tbe public is content ta let bospital affairs to ptetpcu Fe rs. Cl nx Bawmanville Honticultural ac-easo tookup he opi ofa "Fee res." noxicty met Friday evening wheri!%vas inaugurated in this sectian of the purchasers of %wreaths and go their even way witbaut any suggestion f romn was mosf emplîatic in bis belief that the censor- these officers were elected: Presi- last Wednesday wbeii Mn. Thos. the indiiulsbcies h hi citizens in general. ship a! ncwspapers deals a deatb blow ta public dent-A. H. A. Fletcher: lst VicelGeo. Onmiston, third son o! Mr.'lisI. at present shows such a pre- Despite the loyalty of the directors ta tbeir task, liberty, and hie cites as an example expeî'icnces i Pres.-S. J. Jackman; 2nd Vice-i William Ornuiston, Enfield.,vasPonderarice of gifî.s froni those Prcseî ando!tb saf tathirduie, hspta afarsin Europe. 1IPres.-Mns. L. A. Tale: Sec'y.- united in nîaîrîage with Miss Ida familles Who have already suif- latest and f te stff o thir utie, hspiti afair 1 Treas.-E. A. LovelI: Directos-lJane. eldest daughter of Mn. Gea. ered. through the %van and de- Cann t b caniei o wihou a efiite pubic "The maintenance o! a free press," e says. M s. W . W . Alliri. F. R. Foley, J. 1 Awde, Rev. Geo. Bro i e ffciat- Pression and o! merchants w o am ou feelig behrid i. "toche h if n -edm ! h aer at j S. Moorcraft F. W. Coucb. C. Jing. are beirie constantly solîcîted foi- On Navember 18th. the public sbould tur o b is ploiv. the worken at bis bench. the banker at jRehder. Dr. B. J. Hazîewood, F. i Hampton: Gea. H. joli, an- so nîanîy causes that %ve hesitateý in arg nnibrs o tted te eetng ! h is desk. as much as it does the editar in bis of- R. Kerslake. J. H. H. Jury. Mrs.j other o! Darlingtoîî pioneers , as yet ta pubhish it. We feel thiat In lrgenurber toatted te metig o th B. M. Warnica: Delegates ta Pro- passed away Nov. 7th. havinig saine a! the others %when thev Board. They shauld be prepared ta offer any sug - f iee. Ail înay mnaintaîn thein liberty 50 long as vincial convention-S J. Jack- been a resident o! the TOwnsblî stop ta consider will assist c gestions tbey deernio! value ta the bospital. and sPeehad'es r ne henatefciv man. J. S. Maorcraft. J. H. H.1for 42 yeans. He leaves a wife crigt tenmas they shoulti ikewise be Prepared as shaî'eholders .'ernedy for tyranriy o! any kinti is publicity; it is Jury. land eight children, Will yauî at Ibis anuîiversany to hve hei sa intheaPpintentof iretor ditatr'sdealiet fef D. A. Moon. manager o! the 1Tynone: Many anxiaus cye, ar pause a mioment and îhînk -Pr- - - .Ir1 n w isrbto f h rdc. oa-d-1 01113"citizens of Pickerig. 'FI- h.lh o nepretenda ta read iiita. to say noth- ge bov e al other businesses. iii the newvspap r. M.so.îJmea s hcsstnt d iAiewt e n g !Lb ultitudinous comic stripa3 makes it business' Honesty is the Best Palicy" nay mare,, sIens ta Mn. Wilîard Caldwell,j terests and special attrac- p s s b e f o r a n a d v e r t is e r L a o r e n c o n ta c t t is t h e n ly p o l ic y t h a t p e r m it s a e a i a n d a s t - C c t a h i v r .iL o s E e y m n u e o b 'the reader unless lie screamns his head off inii ng succcss iri that profession. I Mrs. Thos. Knighî xv&s in Ton- j tew day s pc ith TT-3 whole page-Even then he bas t compete %vith "The courage. the self neliance. the' indepeuidence ono on Wednesday attending thead etmub etercoergei te om-twnwck-thnin ieaiss r csgnn, elis dmaoges Kigtosf e bsnb rde .cleOnd$IPC U eM T Rnta.O j tr ch ativertising orgies as sixteen-pae "Sînîpson o! the worthy %vorthxvbile paper provides a guar- wedd'inhgo be hs r in. Fak J. .;evn s andt~j ay" sections. autec that al ather rights arc safer froni sucess- fo ei okfor EgI <'1jflh at ngtso drng c uéf The ativertiser a! a natlonally sold producf cari ful assauht, ither by well mearing but shallow- i' nd Mrs. W. H. Pearce, Frt William/ a ~.His ativertisement bas a real chance a! being Sa long as we bavea!eepsswwîîrana ment o their eIder daughter, t . v U EU OO O TO Kn t. ien, and onse uenty re d. ree eopl". M. Water . 5 W S Grave', does the four hIg y necessary to kill a cold quickly. opens the bowels, combats the r cold germs and fever mn the sse relieves the headache and gripy" feeling, tones uP the entire syste nI r ail Druggusts. Ask for Grove'ls. t'e in a white box. EDISONMA L- à ,ADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., Limitd Iisplay of Model Suits AND OVERCOATS By MR. CHAS. A. RAFELMMi STYLIST FROM TIP TOP TAILORS Monday, Nov. 18 h, Johnston & Cryderman LIMJTED eet PHONE 104 Bowinanville O'j MADE IN CANADA LAMPS