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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1935, p. 3

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- _________ f I PAGE THREE fI~%T'I'A~Tfl 'rT-TTTP.SDAY. NOVEMBER 14. 1935 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWM.MqVILLE,1 to make every evening one of un- Bisbop at Newcastle usual value. Cnurcii News delegation from your Sehool andSu d y S h o Leadership Training Citizenship Group 7 Scbool In Town Presents Programi at THE RETURN iXOMi__________________________________ hNovember 18 to 22nd Trinity Y. P. Union CAPTIVITYB The Leadership Training School. Citizenship Group led by How- Sunday, November I7th will be held in St. Paul's and ard Jeffery presented a very in: . qI UT Trnity United Churches, B0w- teresting program on Monday Ev Golden Text: "The Lord hath Sensational Value! P. E. 1. Green Mountain inanviHle, every evening f r o m ening by way of a Broadcast f rom done great things for us: whereof _________________ 22nd, commencing at 8 o'clock. Devotional was led by Bert Mut- Lesson Passage: Ezra 1: 1-6; f St. Paul's Church-Monday and ton, during which readiflgs were Psalm 126: 1-6. Tuesday: Trinity Church-Wed- given by Alice Purdy. and a solo - G o tede w o uaranteed Wlnter Three parallel courses iwill con- îy rendered by Marloi aaToughthf dedbeneerseEUKeeers tnethroughout each evening Program. based onfl itie a But the love that the dear LordIÂ lfVV and will be as follows: very interesting. Wilfred Hamley îeoketh for.,MDI S I--The Lif e and Teachings Of and Marion Olanville favored Hden itblyar the Prophets.- Rev. Wm. Parker. with readings: vocal solo. Howard idn th heart f teded5 Enniskillen, teacher. Wight, -Dear Land of Hope and, f air. II-"The Message cf Jesus for Glory': violin solo. Nor ma n -Harriet McEwen Kimbal the&,Life of Today,- Mr. B. E. Iflg- Friedli, -Versailles: and read- SUFFRACAN BISHOP MILLIONAIRE bam, MA.. LL.B., Bowman v ill1e ings represeriting f ive seuls vho 0F TORONTO TO Outside Influence,Hg 1eol ece.fuhWC h atwrwr i- II ECSL yu. igc esa a e High ous Eduaincf Chidren oBat ittheVivan Bunn er St GeorgS ChurC S TL aE spons. i f e rturn ofr- t1r stie S SrnsC III-"Story Telling in the Re- en by Muriel Henderson. Selma S.Gog' hr it av pnblfrtertu fteCH C L Mrios Ndor W hite, roln. BPeer van nnr Vera *tJews to Jerusalem. He thus be- RITZ BISCUITS Mr.Nra htBoki.PwradMervin Oke. Meeting its first visit froni the Suffragan cm a benefactor of the JewisS a ns Marshmal teacher. closed with the National Anthem Bishop of Toronto, the Rightcame Chocolateedsod ceaio Every Sunday School and y. p. and Good Sna.Nv 7h hsvsto ebro nte aead-night round . N e xt Reverend A. R. Beverley, D.D.. on people, though hie himself was a Tshewtty lvoed sd reto FINE QUALITY CooaeF S. worker should find a place in Monday and Tuesday evenings. o memer of anothferentraeliain. sâhl atd ene 0f the above groupe and avail NO- l8th and 19th. our meeting Bishop Beverley will be lookedfolercadieen rlgo. themselves of the opportun.ity af- will be withdrawn in f avor of our lorward to with the keenest o rulers in other countries affect Pg forded by these courses and ex- pisys. 'For He Had Great Pos-irterest net onîy by the memnber- national policies. N a p oleon 1 2c2 ceptional leadership that basessiens" and -Going South." ship of St. Georges but by the cagdtePltclotoko been secured. ~~~~~~~~~citizens in general. The Bishopcane h petiaotlo of________________ been scured.will preach at St. Georges at il Europe for more than a genera- In addition te the Courses Local Branch Joinsam. and wiîî be at St. Saviour's. tien. The German Kaiser repre- Preto -b i there wilU be worship and recrea- Domninion Body In A Orono. at 7 p.m. te hold confirrni- senting his nation put forces into Pfeon 1-lb.Xtil tional features - ail combining Cop aeCo uno ation service. The Rector. Rev. operation which are still affect- FLO WA 35 _________________________ F. H. Masen. M.A.. B.D.. will pre- ing taxes and tarif fs. Every na- sent twelve candidates for the tion holding membership in the Artificial 2-oz. bot. Services in St. Johns Church rite of laying, on of hands. four League cf Nations bas had its EXTRACTS. . .- di on Sndaywere of a sp oa f which will be from Newcastle. national and international polic- Business L/irectory young peoples nature, the ocs Af ter the confirmation a recept- ies revised in t.he light of Musso- Cooking * _______________________ion being the Dominieri-wide ien will be held te give the par- linis action regarding Ethlopia. FIGS - . 3 Mit LEGAL ~Corporate Communion for mntm- ishioners and their friends an op- This international i nflu e n c eCOT S LEGAL ~~~bers of the A.Y.P.A. At the ev- jpertunity to meet Bisliop Bever- also in reîigious 11e. Paul, Dniin hclt O G T -_______serviceth_________________y a Jew froni a Grecian city, has BDminon" h-cl2t M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. ofc eening thed ta had a great influence in countries Barrister, Solicitor. Notary pressive ceremnonv conducted byr other than bis own. Gandhi and ASSORm E D SO ~F U S~ Phone 351 the rector. Rev. C. R. Spencer.!Teachers' Convention Kagawa have had an influence Aunt Dinah No. 2V,'s tin Royal Bank Bldg.. BowmanviUle During the regular service thei far beyond the bounds of their MOLASSES-- tin 19t retiring officers were called te the i HeId ai Port Hope own lands. More and more the A E W. R. STRIKE chancel steps where tbey received 1 Tbursday and Friday world is becoming one - an add- Pure Clover No. 1 whiteCA E Barrister, Solicitor. Notacy the commendatien of the recter ______ed argument for a world court HONEY - 4V2 lb. tin it5itî Solicitor for Bank of Montreal fer tbeir years work. Retiringj (Centinued from Page 1) whereby the nations may act ce- Money te Loan. Phne 91. President Eric Colwell was pre- ucational Conference last spring operatively. Th buu1e elh rn dovavle Otro- ýents pwin inareognîptncfesilin wbich lhe advocated consel- Motives, 2-4 OThNe ocl e Heathink Wt L.C.MSO, ..' 1 et' ininrconiin fhis dated scools in the country. Cyrus was a shrewd adminis-1 OATN c i 8 L.C AON . I service. The new officers were Tbey must come. The present itrator as well as a successful mil-c Barrster - Solicitor then called to the chancel and school bouses in tbe back con- itary concuerer. He allowed the 22-mR3 in Notar y Public - Etc. 1 reciuired te take their vows f c sso s e o nicte log cabin Jews te return from captivity te Y M RT n Law in all its branches cessions belong te v * re pr Thetresented with the badges of office îihere is ne reasen why a numiber egy he removed a discontented Teteand the manual. The officers in- cf scbool sections sheuld net be people from Babylen. and he won READICUT c b DENTAL ~ _,stalled were Mrs. F. A. Dilling. I united and a really modern the friendship cf the Jews who, M rsdn:B .Mrlc.Vc-sbo ul.tasotto en eue eteronl .~KNBL President: Tom Dustan. Jr-. provided for the pupils. I would Granted that there was political MCRN DR. J. C DEVITTTrea surer: Sid. Casbouru. Secre- spread over the country districts poîicy in bis action. it nevertbe-q DR. J C' EVI1 tary. a good share of the extravagance îess remains a generous and just ___________________ Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson 1 Assisting in the service were 50 often sbown in the city deed. Modemn pacallels are the MtEu Graduate ef Royal Dental Col-i Tom Dustan wbe read the A.Y.-cchools. Let themn alI be continu- amicable settlement made be- lege, Toronto. office: Jury Jub- P.A. prayers. and Eric Colwell Iati(rn scboeîs. providing a thor- tween French and English in gNk..L U.E & àJ < ilee Bldg.. Bowmanville. Office 1wbo read tbe scripture les5ef. ough elementary training in tbe Canada. the action cf Great Brit- heurs 9 a. m. te 6 p. mu. daily ýTbe special speaker was Mc. ,usual scbool subi ects but stress- ain in giving self-government te except Snday. Keith Long of Port Hope. retir-lin English. Histery and Gevern- South Africa and an increasing ___________________ Phone 90. HT-ouse phone 283. i ng president cf the Deanery Le- 1ment, xih a library and as.-n-ii measure of home rule te India. M.b,.___________ X-Ra Eqipmnt n Ofic. cl on cbllenef ihe aceP..r.te andhall where acting, speaking Miltarists wbo see only the pow- SH ER P IS study the needs ef the days. and ~ cu aepae er of the sword may regard such SH ERE AR mdr lnuae refe r a b.1 y actions as quixotic. but in the SPECIALR. ~. A ~ ~ ON to apply thernselves to the selu- French, sbould be in the curnc-log nsuhm naiusctLAG PK. 6c\ /UE tion of the great problerus. uun Ter would also bea ionisEplitially csePecRu Boot and Shoe RePalring Fcllowing the service a Sethb techrilcal side. classes in agricult- allays strif e, fosters good will 5A Soles ewn onby Gooycar Parker vnn vshl in the iure fer the children and further enceurages tradte, and establisheMDIMpLKE Stitchir.g Machine. i Parish Hall. wben many f rom St. classes in the evenings fer theiriprecedents for peaceful settle- Prices reasonable. iMarks. Port Hope. were Presentt parents. Instruction in simple ments. Could the Versailles Peace The New Granular Wheat Food Kino#- Street East - Bou-manville toehrIihmmer ftemecbanics. bousekeepiflg. carpen- ITreaty bave had more ef the opfrALHue ldWsig cengregatien. Mrs. Dilling ex- 1 try. metal work. etc.. should also spiitof HUMORtin, t . . o- ea s S ofS prse teapecainofte1bc a c f the curriculum. Thr al relationsbips might be better j O ItRHUMaîBIG FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1 branch te Mr. Long for bis ad-, sheuld be good playing grounds than tbey are to-day. "tRglts des n e adod e,ýinhgmsProsfral hn K FUNERAL DIRECTORS local counicil president. also spoke. what a stimulating centre such a Chu.rch Architecture, 5, 6 S P R S D Seric, ny ou. n~ ay rscbool would becomne for the Architecture is one of the glor- g F. F. MORRIS Co. Decide Books H-ave country community. We must les of the human race. The buîld-j work towards this objective. The er bas bis dream of beauty and_________________ Modern Motor Eiquipruent More Influence Than j cities are over run and youtb bie cequires the assistance of Ambulance and Invalid Car Movies in Y. P. Debate tends te become dissipated and many other people te make bis utofmnYbe sptin1WyufrnedslDug Cal Phone 10 or 34, _____disheactened; cur future strength dream become a reality. The courts of justice are frequently 0outs ohmoey breenspn iaWs ffe r tanLnieed t'ssy Deg- i Assitant5ant, 5u73y. the. mtcoesdntras. naionliesintpeeouple Jeiahpeele pad expresedther pensin ton. Hw ieatis he hurh achiectre?. ls' gypianLinmen b i ga eSening withY.5Pr . e e scip-sa nationtrylies es mstbe devetion te Qed in a temple. Ai- 1 1 4. How far do we recegniZe quck sure relief to scald f eet. BOWMANVILLE eeigwt25psn. ripan ucotrdwlesmt soul of man whe can concelve God in national events? ture lesson was taken by Howard gîven their rigbtful share of op- ter this temple had been destcoy- an I shsevsoso bat!15 What has the depr e s s i e n soft cemns and warts. Relieves Brooking and prayer by Nora portunities and their life made ed they were desolate, an1sad rc heevson fb auty uminfammation. Removes prou d NO TH UT &'MTH Shrubb. Miss Dudley et Trinity more attractive. Take away the socix as they wece allowedt e National Gladness, 1-3 iaugbt us? Comnplete Funeral Serviee 1 Y. P. S. who is Pcesbytery Editor contrel by local boards: give the, tumn te Jerusalern they planned; The return of the Jewish capt- 1 flesb.r. odesatak Modemn Equipnient oAblac f lbhe Bay of Quinite Conference Province complete charge through 1jitivrebuirdmanother temple. True m iners W om Powensdatnac A. WV. G. orhut- Yon Popes ae. The an expert committee. granting the project was costly and the ivsfrmBayooeJeu ln n h tmchadi-1 Phoney Smi58- 'Quint e oples a er. drssdTh e wi latitude te the scbool staff people were relatively poor, but j was the occasion of an outburst itsie at once. and no worm T e h Nigts oSneDays or8olid uingte ro.eaining ddee the jcswho must bave proven efficiency, bY saccif icial giving the project jetfgong. The cetumfi was se un-, can come in contact with het he h wSchools Nihs uas anoldy aheig xpann heojcsd live TA. ncorctte fe ~cvra xilnig fortAc- Phone 523or 276. e the paper and asking foc sub- and you will soon see the present was achieved. Beautif ul buildings 1 cxpected that their gratitude exwae.Teyaprooreth Phone_____ 523___or___276. ___scriptions. Meeting was in charge stagnant condition of some ot are an aid to orsbip. Massive: unhea condieran sngex sthion vi.te andI ffect inIflg for 1c'm 1U I cf Literary cbrvener Ileen Alder. our scoels and m any et our peo- pillars. sbapely arches penting vcrreseal. Luh tei nd song av etv r. r s eti g u eIl.Iii ei,, l'iil ____________Progran consisted of harmonica pegv dYtononie e' eutfuhYecourttage e mssettn up me-.1 and t ~i h seeton yMr .Selr: e inspiration. and new zeal. tinted windows induce a spiritualithanks to God wbe had dn acistatre obnfcia rl u~ca 'ld Olc s .t te eac erSwaTiOnt r i to an taniigob ve tt ste t eir.eTr.n h n- llon ,(sWS aa Hde-Iices. tiav Mus. Bac. F.C.C.O. bale -Reslved that Books have An address of special intercst niood in wbich the presence 0fi great tbings for them. We mayj to the growtb ef the cbild. They . si-ection invited. Curriculum Mail- A. . . . d p o a n P a o g eater influence than M ovies", t e c e s s given by Col. E. 1the Unseen is feit. There as been je t r i t n understa di g of avI . adt e ow r in h m-1 e un iieahst B i d Torxl. 4- S i n g. . i plV o l in a P iO ra n o , ! ith R th T ie r k a n d J im T h o r np - E . S n id e r . I n s p e c to r f P u b li c m u c h r e a l w o r s ip in c r u d e a n d ' o y r c l i g t e d m d r e d s o fcs e sn d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __11g ., T o r n to ._ _ _ rivate Vo clalsn s sogn.aki n th fimtiveand oels, Port Hope. and fellow- ugly churches amidst pioeer, hsmaetoouhytutoty Puils epa or ah 'aphDulas and Ileen A Ide gm. group meetings were beld fer conditions, but that is no reasonl onstaii5trgbutewrd puieainatios. tRlheDNegsave. Af e bnidr rural and urban teachers. why there sbould net be beauti- on armistice mornîng. There were hnex42mBniavleations. h gaiýAthe udges. ora srubb, ring Fridays session officers fui buildings wherever il is P05- surges of collective joy. Thei 39-tf 'Miss Lycett and Mc. Rowe avvard- wvere elected as follows: Hon. sible to bave tbem. One of the Itbougbt of victory was sccondary. I RIHR ONAN Meetinz closed after a baîf heur's Inspecter cf Public Scbools. Port that some beautiful cathedrals1Ifroni unccrtainty and joy for the I- Bandmnaster Canadian Legion recreation. j Hope: President-Percy E. Hamn- vere rutblessly destroyed. NO 1 ceasing cf the long long casualty Bad'ilton. Janetville: Vice-President- .sne can estimate the spiritual in- lists. n a lesser degree this Gt IO n Ti TechretCont.Trmet Mn mthr bverasn emiss M. Adams. Orono: Secre- :iufcncs upon the British people mood was fclt by the regiments Barione et. bessMothr Gave' Wrm x- J. Roinsen. if Wetminster Abbey and St.i the army of occupation returti-j 25 years' professiorial experience. terminator. because it bas eiev- Cutc.PusCterl n iedernigta>h hiet aaa . TTA Opn o pplsno. cdte itl oe 0 sfern Inspector cf Auxiliary Class mies parliament buildings have To bear their cheers upon sight-I IS B P ' i i. an address n Aung i c-E-u-a--bu --architecure.aIn Euope, neyer toy-eiforgoten. SanieUt< n .L Q Attaek Ithe Cauga- erensset relief can OnY Se eflecttd b7 rmOi"th John Meneely. Mary Bur le y, A* ing repesentcd Qed as saying. "A -- uric acid and other impuritieas ron tise blood. Rumacpe relieve the pain wih iGordon McKay. wholc I planned." T he ref o re derL'iitely rensovlnc the cause They wli also cive you new beath uand Vigor I-Elgin Savery * Bud Jones, -rst God, sec all, nom be afraid" through tiseir ecanmanc and gerun kiizng aCtiOn. Siat YoIII treatment 00<1*. Pal Warc*. Bill Coucb*, Dereen i1N U t uesinsfrIic o ueBOX OF 50 ci.sSUîE-.0i o Burley. Dick MacDonald, George 1.Wo- h otifunil CU 6 ,J h s o - ~~~~~~~~Gibbs. 1 h stems nleta RuAHEUMATIC P r--Jean Mlligan. world figure te-day? IIUE 0 * denotes Honours: t denetes 2. Should churches be more PHONE 104LITD R UM ACA P CPSLE Failure. luxurious than homes? imniTÉI9 -lpuvv.119 Ravrv.teaher 3. Why have such large amn- ALEX McGREGOIU5 - UILJI.SD- PUNE2Do .JMA97V3Y V35 90-1b. Bag eston*'s LATE MALLOWS llow and Jelly topped E{oney Biscuit. 25c FRESH MEATS Boneles PORK LOINS 25c lb. 3 to 5 lb. eamh. Boneless PORK BUTTS 20c IL Mild Seawn's BOLOGNA 2 lbs. for 25c FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Celery - - 2 for 15c Head Lettuce - 12c Cooking Onions 10 lb. bag 25c OId Dutch CLEANSER C.H.Tuck, Opt. Eyesight Specialist t eAuthor of: Optometry Feature Sernte The ChiId a.nd is Developinent muscle anom ale, eelh a ndg lae s D lsneysi el ing pp . O OTh awil Ont. p1Sli ' SALE HATSI $1m25 quallty mean in our Mllin- ery Dept. Both are lnclud- ed In this extra rSpecial Of f ering. .ryderman BOWMANVILLE il PAGE THRU oNT-uuo. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14,1935 VIN JLxivý-., - iAurence ziavery, feucuer. Lmý

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