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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1935, p. 6

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THË 1 CANADIAN SI! ATESMAN, BOWMANVILE. ONTARIO. flIURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1935 B. H. S. Seniors Drop First Rugby PIay-oFF to Peterboro C. vuI Srs. Invade Peterboro Saturday, VVitk Seven Points to Regainl. Team Conf.ident oF Winningi their forward passing. the bah, always seemning ta be just beyond the fingertips of the would-bei receiver. Altogether B. H. S. thre'w fourteen Passes and com- Pleted four while Peterboro toss - c d ight and five were completed. Practicaliy al of the Petes for- wards were tossed stnaight over the line of scrimmage. Next ta Calmer. 'Zike" Aines sodOtin an offensive way.« "Monk" Colmer P 1 a y s Sa Like A Boy Acting as relief mani for McIlveen Stellar Rugby, But In- and Siemon he played more than. jurie Hanicap ocal During Teachens' Convention, haof the game and wben he ne- Lcla kindly gentleman in Bowman- licvcd the injurcd Çy. the righty, Aggregation ville said. 'Well boys. why are atom played safety and caught y ou nat at scbool today?" and ran back the Peterborc, punts GAME ENDS 12-5 -Oh. iL*s a holiday. We have in f aultless style. Besides this hie one tamnorrow. too!" did considerable plunging and' Facng deici 0 seen oins, The gentleman r e p i e d -I only once did he fail f0 gain and' . think Flil go ta school and get on that occasion the play went Bowmanville High Schoal eniors ~m oias"hyie wil inadePetrbro n Sturay One boy exclaimed. 'You don't Slcmon is getting more lusive withtheknowedg th t a nin e ed ta wvorry about these bhl- evcry time out and with "Tony" injuries, they are evcry bit as days! If you get the itch you get Mllveen and "Kobby" Kent run- good as their big-town rivaIs and 1-ol4days for two weeks." ning and piun7ing in brilliant with an even chance of over-frteBwanil akil coming that advantage and add-' ________________ one, th e Bawmanvd i bAtl lng the Lakeshore Senior A i n ob ekndwt.A championship to their list of Eownianville fumble just thrcc the samne time judging from the trophies. yards from the Bowmanville line way Peterbono faiîed ta penetrate In doppng te frst aeofa nd had little trouble in crossing the line exccpt on rare occasions. the doeangdthoe. f irtse the line for a touchdown. the shock troops of the squad will count series. they laoked eveny bit With nlo attempt at alibing, bear watcbing. as good as the winncrs and as one Bowmanville got the short end of The first qunrter. çespite a Peterboro player said that seven the breaks, and the big end of the couple of attacks of fumblitis, point iead is flot by any means;injuries. Captain 'Tony" Mc- went to Bowrnanille by quite a insurmountable. 'Ilveen, who hat played only anc margin. Colmer offset the f irst JeLusi cin o hsi itr faohrhg A big second quarter that gave1 game without injury this year, fumble witb a nice run back of a I oere Lgo uiLs ation Hno ryti is. pctur 0faenthowi- thePets eeve pontswasne-twice had to retire for repairs. P. C. V. S. boot. One Jackman pwrdngopglsJh er ei.wobsbe hw shePonsiblevte 12-5oit ay n Mn aleunobedy te o"on"Miîenfawn as ing considerable promise of late. He is battling witb anc of bis sposile orth 125 icor ad otnding lyer nof tedyh caled ba" ck bu afen an excbawge recent oppanents. Note cspecially the weli developed arin five of those wcre of the sofit1 usadn lyroth aclebckutfe nexaz muscles. vaiety as Peterboro grabbed a misscd a few minutes of the third of kicks the next forward clicked quarter while having a cut arterY for 25 yards and "Tony" added _______________-in his hand repaired and Cy Slc- seven more f0 put the baIl on the'IU man. safety man and one of the Peterborc' 35-yard mark but the SCOUT NEW S steadiest players of the squad fumble an the next play went to __________ 1' ______ was forced ta retire after f ive Peterboro. The rnly point of the '4 '~minutes of the second haîf with finst ieriod came shortly after FIRST "~FIRST Ii a twisted ankle. Glenn Mcllveen this wben a Jackman ta Slemon i and Halîman were aiso sporting forwand pass was ruîed compicte Bowmanville Bowmanville inar injuries after the contest. due ta Pete interfeenrce and when 1 ac Troop Pewyswhcb al] w auld brev us ed, Clres adr.iust ahe blouar ted- he acwk ings with Bawmanville have ai- head of the Pete safety man. the Wolf Cuba enaibe edu hebI etfraoit Boy Scouts 57R eare bath at the stant and at Just after this Mcllveen made baif time with petty squabblings bis first trio ta the bencb for a Th el r-ognzdCbatigwie1ameeina- oen re-organllwzeddCub andthing wndîle Iaamfhenearin Can- te Peterbano pigskin on the Baw- cd Peterbora recover-Id their ow Pack and Scout Troap wcre seen ada ta help thîs great work, manville aval. tJpon official kick an Bowmanville's 25-yard in action duning the past 'veek in please" 'measurements it was fauind that uine. community activities. T hne e the Bowmanville bail was exactiy Starting the sPpnd neriod. a i~t ceda A more inten-ive study was in- r ane-quanten of an inch taa large long kick by Yoiinq that Juist the Remenibrance Day service at auguae tbt- cu n icircumference. so the soggy grp7,pd the goal ro.nst. makine a the Cenotaph on Monday, while meetings lastw.&' Scouts are "A Simple Health Peterboro baîl was used fan the catch next ta imnpossI'ile tipd th- Chief Sixer Junior Neal, and te aatr orthi t nestinre n Hai uld nr zeccnd haîf. score. Aftcr a pile-up in the four sixe-s and four seconds Of, the Culhs are working bard to Habit uildsEner- One thing this quibbling did mniddle of the line Captain the Pack ýormed a guard of ban-, complote their work for their "'as ta show Bawmanvilie that "Tony" took bis; second rcst. or around the "Flanders Field ceremony of admissian. gy," Says This Busi- r hev 'arc heartilv feared by the Grant Clark, srepdv threat of thePltatteC oap.Teub, ariuay--- anW - ness Man !numbers in scholars the Bow- arolind the end 9-d mnde ýeveral1 pfiedthe poppy crosses in t esay wuas thpefact thon te ta anc. 0 yfv finally brougbt ta earth 10 yards,"i Cubs shawed up for 1007,, at- Tired nerves need restorative. HProld "Monk" Clmer, triple from the B. H. S. line and 70 On Satunday severai uniforn- I'tendance. Twa boys, it is truc. threat mno the lorai e was yards nearen thaRn. be e trted Cubs wene also in evidence wn betdc ailcs u wcnh tr-' wr betde oiles u MJik wHil quickly restore en- ýhead and shoulders above anyon j. Bowmanvill" put on the aiding thc Canadian Legion Pop- they neceive attendance in such ergy, and relieve nervous ten- -Ise on the field. Nat only did he braktes and hcld fnr tw, dawxrn5 py Day pel at hs c cases. so that fan the first ime sion crcatcd in business. Busi- " onsistently out hoof bis appan- on their own yarrcl Une but on th-, tivities are warthy cnes. and the full attendance was markcd up. ness men, workers, housemives, rnt but he rqn bark kicks. carried third attemnt AI Clar> crossed 'Troop and Pack p!ayed import- 'A new boy, Murray Grant. was t'e all on end-runs. was on ne- Hie ]!ne for the mqiior score I_ ant parts. added ta the strength of the Park chidre, iilfin i cqall P"iv1nL, end of farward passes and'tbough rumours -'i1î neriýtt hqt-.- as a probationer. sa it looks lîke good. Drink at least a quart did some of the best tackîing, of tle hall w,~as r)uhp a ven aftfe' Cubs and Scouts wiil be inter'- a'nathen Six will bc formed short- of mIlk each day.r the day. Truly is this a 'Monk"'; tIi-- whistle had blown. csted ta knaw that Lord Tweeds- ly. Clmer year. The Petierboro offense continu- muin. new Gavennor Genenai of---- Ahanz with Clmer on the tack- ed and when a Bawmanviîle Canada. is now the Chief Scout! Douig. and's White Six i 1ng end of the gamne was Kimble. fîmble icave the Petes possession for Canada. In a simple Scout stole firsf place in the Sixer comn- "an~'end man. wbo moved up ta j but threp yards Pwav frorn a cercmony His Excellency repeat- petitian. finishing the evening Bowmanvîie ]the Seniors when the Juniors j score. Kelly hurrcdlv rcros;Fpd Ithe cd after Sir Edward Beatty. pres- ,wlith 124 points, anc ahead of Ted ppssed out, and Bob Kent wbo'rline for their sernI touchdown ident of the Scout Association.: Clark's Grey Six. Red Six bas Dairy i nlav-ed a great defensive game. npithen 0of which wpre canvent- the simple but significant wards yct ta win the competition but Bowmanville used a new defen- cd. known as the Scout Promise. Don Wright is right on the job W. H. Betties. Prop. sive arrangement. with anly four1 On the kickoff Pt rentre. Baw- Thus Canada's first citizen be- and wc expect thcm fa came instead of the usual seven men iroanville rîîlled the short kick came a Boy Scout in exactly the tbnaugh this weck. PHON 44 Or703 n the line. and it wanked well play and SIpmon got the bal samne manner as any Bowman- PHNi4vO 0 ith the twa befties of the Mc- eevpn yards the rir!hf ide of mid- ville boy joins the organiation. The Scout session proved a Bo maviiecIlveen famlly. Glenn and Chanhie. field. A line plav folîowedi and Speaking ta Sir Edward Beatty livcly anc last Tuesday. Beaver r mavll do'ng yeoman service. then'Calmer uncorked another of1 aftcr the cenemony, Lord Tweeds- and Panthen Patrols made the _________________________click l'n tremendous hoofs w b i c hi muir said "I bad a talk with Lord most of a session in knots and ________________________________________________ erboro caugbt Just Outside lBaden-Powell before I left for whipping unden Assistant Scout- !thpir own iine but the busthinz B. Canada, and hetme he had jmaster Jack Faster. while Hawk H.S. tacklers tbrfw the receiver neyer been so satîsficd wîth the Patrol studîed the bistory and back aver the bu-e for a safetv wark of the Boy Scouts anywherc composition of the Union Jack, t,,,,h and twa oits lTe period as he was with the work of the and th, Wolf Patrofl the Scout ended iust aftcr a houndinz Col- scouts in Canada. If I can do Law. ýmer kick had travellcd from the R o y a l h e a tr eowmanville 10 yard ta the Peter- Raacb gobbled up a Peterbono R o a h e t eborn 25-yard line. fml and carried it 20 yards but! BO WMANVI LLE Starting the second haîf. Peter- on the next play abad snap was _________________manville neceiver vrsadec ieU fime Slemon was tho v icrt im. Ptro Fyn ig tik Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. -November 14 - 15 - 16 1After the first ffence he wa-,able' anP a1te s, Pery, G. Cla Srk and AI Cak Quarter, McPherson: GeneStratonPortr"the billiant hall' was farced ta Snap, J. Pattenson: Insides, Wil- Gen Sraton Pote'sretire %vith a twisted ankle. A son and Kelly: Middles. Sedge- fîfteen yard penalty ta P. CafV-the1 îrk and Pulkinghorn; Outsides. accompanied each brearb f heTharburn and Young: Subs. Dun- "I<eeper of the Bees"1 ramie.~ A Jackman to'"Tov"p can Gunsolus, F. Pattersarn Hall. Wit Nil amlto ad Btt Funea.Petes 28-y'ard uine but an a- Bowmanville- Flying Win g, anemate oie krk en t wrgClmer; Haîves. Slemon. Kentî NEWS - - COMEDY and PeeorreardonthiadF. Mcllvecn; Quarter, Jack- 10-yar Snap. Roach: Insides, G. MATINEE SATURDAY 2.30 pan. Clmer roundeci the end for 12 McIlvecn and Goodman; Middles. -----------______________________ ards ta the enemy 30 but once Souch and D. Fagan; Outsides. more a scanine rhance went Kimble and Halîman; Subs. Ames. Mon- Tes- Wd.- Nvem er18 1 - 0 limmerinz wlien Peterboro In- Gibbs. Wclsh. C. Mcllvecn, C. Mon Tue - W d. -Novmber18 -19 -20 tpeeptLedç the B. H. S. farward. Fagan, Bennett, Little, MrLaugh-c j PIav continuced in the Peterboro lin and Bathgate. I FRE A TARE ndGIGE RO ER i jpnîd as first. Calmner bootpd ta Referce, Gil Calmer; Umpire.r FREDASTARE ad GIGER OGER in heirfiveyard line and l'e a Legon; Head Linesman. anel .Tackman ta Calmrer forwand eP ... TOP HA -' ine. This time a nt 9,s Kent plunged fan ten yards With Edward Everett Horton, and Helen adAf,; on an ntternnted place- II' ment kikedta the dcadline for Broderick. a point. 651w CARTON - -NEWSWith Caolmer out for renairs Rtowmanvillc cot i break whenc MATINEE MONDAY 4 p.m.; WEDNESDAY 2.30 p.m. , Hahlmqn gathered ta bis boqom 9 ht-ri r furnble and ta show UTafwmr asI aevu ter elatian. Kent and "Tony". fraeceke vrfe.Do' Thurs. - n. - Sat - Novembr 21 - 2 - 23 inatwo tries nhiincpd fan 15 yards JSafwbr ast aevu ta en-d t- at -Nve be 2 2 -23-auarter. miss this chance ta bit sure your A Pefenhorn reniltyv, an eizbt furnace le gas and dusiproof, tbat vnard nain hv' Kenf anti a kilt hv b, pipes and grates, etc., are readv ta GARY COOPER in jramrpolrdtels o-r gi o 0' itfreeydla bave been away for a touch. Later us High School Minors Suf fer Drubbing In Wet Tussie with Oshawa Juveniles Saturday's Games Went WelI, Bowmanville Winning A Satisf ied Customer First 6-4 and Tying the Second - M o n d a Y, 1nsmn i con o B.H.S. Midgets and Juveniles Were Defeated by iI etlgbi can o the Public School and Oshawa Juveniles 12-7 and pinfing anc of The statesman's 11-0 o MuddyFieldcustamers writes ."We would lk 11-0on Mddy ieldto take this oppoitunity ta tbank In the second tilt of the morn- ing, although Oshawa fielded a even. In the fourth and final bigger and heavier squad. the two quarter play sec -sawed w i t h teams battled through the game neither teami getting close enough on even terms. to score. Except for the first period when Blowmanvillc High School min- Oshawa kicked for a point, aIl the or rugby teams suffered a double scoring was confined to the fourthI reverse on Monday when the Pub- quarter. Opening the period. lic School, bolstered by the addit- Bowmanvîlle tied the score with! ion of Wiseman. defeated the a rouge. Play then swayed back Midgets 12-7 and the Oshawa Ju- and forth across midfield until an 1 eniles trounced the locals 11 -0. Oshawa man broke free for an Wiseman scored the first touch- 80 yard run and a converted idown for the Public Schaol and touchdown. With less than two was partly responsible for the minutes to go. Nicholas polished second by throwing a forward to off a Bowmanville attack with a Gibb Mcllveen who made the major try but the convcrt f ailed touch. Neither score was con- and the game ended with the baîl verted. Graham got the oniy in Bowmanville possession. point marked up to the High Oshawa showed to better ad- School in the first half on his vantage in the tackling but Bow- kick. imanville were superior in the Brown opened the scoring in plunging and forward pasa' 80 the second haîf with a converted maybe Ted Reeves' defensive Tri touchdown and later on Depew color will triumph over Warren kicked a single for the winners. Stevens' forward passers. B. H. S. had another chance to - - - -score but. failed to capitalize on On Saturday morning, two1 the opportunity. Bowmanville High School rugby -::: teamns. the 100 pounders and the In the Juvenile game all the 130 pounders. journeyed to Osh- scoring was confined to the first awa for exhibition games and al- vilf.Ohw lce omn to a'7-6 defeat, the Midgets held 'ile kick 15 yards from the Bw though the Juveniles went down m anville line and in two plays up te Bomanilleendby eer-went over for a converted touch- upn th Bo 6-anvil nd y emr-down. Their other score came as As the Midgets had a hard time down utheofiaeld. taedmrc getting enough players. Wiseman ontefld and Mason. the two lightest mcm- bers of the Juveniles. Played for -________________ the Mites as well as their own team.I In the Midget game, B. H. S. got away to a flying start whenI Wiseman scamPered 60 yards forl a converted touchdown in the first quarter to score aIl the Bow- manville points. Oshawa confined their scarnne to the second and third perlods, starting off with a single in the ýecond and adding a placement in the third although play was fairly ISPORT INOTES Maybe it's just a hunch. but Bowmanville High School Seniors %vill win the return game on Sat-j urday right in Peterboro. Remember. we didn't say wvin the round, for after all, to give a team seven points and then step into their back yard and over- come such a handicap is a rather large task. But after a thorough review of the first game. maybe an upset like that isn't s0 impossible. It is hardly likely that Bow- manville will run into as many injuries as they did on Saturday, and with 'Tony" Mcllvee:n ini there for sixty minutes and Sie-l mon back in harness the Petesý better travel at top speed for the'- entire game. The main trouble that Coach; Devitt must face is to find a 1 berth for "Zike" Ames. who on' his display in the initial playoff game is too good a man to ride the bench. Without bis *sparkling relief playing the Peterboro margin would have been bigger. Peter- boro haven't an alternate toý match him. Doc Tighc. husky lineman. in- Jured in practice. will be back in uniform and ready for duty. On Saturday there appeared ta 'e little difference between the ability of the regulars and the, splinter-gatherers. and it means. a lot to have capable substitutes. Diinc Williams, in leading the Queens Juniors to the 11-1 vict- cry which gave them thc group, 'hampionship. kicked threc sing- les, a field goal, and made a long 'un ta leave the baIl just outside lhe line from where a teammate 'arried it over for a touch. Wil- iams had carried the baIl over on his sortie but the official ruled bhat he had stepped inta toucb ust before crossing tbe lune. Incidentaîly, if we fail to caîl his game right, we won't nced ta cah any more. SCOUT NEWS For the third wvcck in success- in Don Venton and bis WoVlf Patrol wvon the patrol competi- ion. Don has an exceptlonally smart patrol. but the only reason he wins is that be makes sure hisr ang are going ta be tbcre, and n time. smartly dnessed and witb iseir fees. That goes a long way ir points. The other patrols ;eem to have twlgged on ta this qo we can expcct a regular round p ea<'h weck from now on. Scouts are asked to place hemselves in readiness and atr 1.h caîllof the Scoutmaster on Saturday ta bring in toys donat- ,d ta the Scout Toyshop. Pres- mt indications are that eveny boy vill be needed. We might men- on that at bis own expense Mr. laherty of the Balmoral Hotel as had a work bcnch made for he Toy Shop. which will be very seful In the weeks ahead. *you for Lthe service we have received from you during the past year in connect- ion with the work you have donc for us." I haie to be a kicker. I always long for peace; But the wvheel that does the squeaking Is the wheel that gets the grease. LOW FARES TORONTO Royal Agricultural WINTER FAIR November 20 to 28, 1935 Single Fare for Round Trip Leaving Nov. 19 to Nov. 28 inclusive. Returnrng up to and including Dec. 2. 11/c per Mile Each Way Good going Nov. 20, Returnîng Nov. 22 Good going Nov. 27, Rerrng Nov. 29 Compl4e partculars from lan>' agent. CANADIAN NATIONAL - -_______________ l "When my hand gets weIl will I be able to play the banjo?" "Certainly." "Thanks, Doc, you'î'e a won- der. I neyer could before." YOU may not play the banjo (or even want to) but suppose you have an acci- dent. Do you know that ouî' accident J)oliCy would pay ail expenses until you» get well? J. J.MASON (1SON Phone 50 INSURANCE AGENTS Bowmanville PAGE SIX M si al qiL- BLUE COAL You cannot malte any wiser cholce of heating fuel tlxan Blue Coal. Time and time again It lias proved Its abllity to heat homes comfortably - and do it far more economleaUly thain any other fuel. And now Blue Coal adds just one more advantage. . . for our coal is dust- less! It's specially treated and cornes to you CLEAN! With Il. you can have a cleaner. neater basement - more room for winter's work and play. Wlth it, the rcst of your home will be casier to dlean and keep clean, too! Just be sure to order from Sheppard & Gi11 - If you want per- fect fuel! 24-H1OUR SERVICE ON PHONE ORDERS. PHONE 15 HONEST WE1GHT - AI£ SIZES - LOWEST PRICES S heppard & Ciii Lumber Co. PHONE 15 LIMITED BOWMAjN-#-LL mRýý m . -- mmmmý' il

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