THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWIAINVILLE. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1935 and his acs~Ociates fî tickled the il, the bouse. long since destroyed fancies of the scat hoiders soon by rire, built as the rectory for T paeen enn to convulse them with the incumbent of St. Georges AB T e Newcastle n e e d n agiean hnrce hr hrh ertestoftep-sa1e and shook thcm 'xîth their hum- sent Cemnetery. where the Angli- wto orolis reinarks. actions~ and pr'o- caris of this district worshippedi oW Ccedings. It was ail terriblY ,!rom 1836 to the early 1850s. to Wl( R .F.H Ml. ono! st. Geor- -Esf-(niiig Service. Pre a c h eCi hard in a way on an ass.-emblage Lieut-Col. Allan Wilmot was the ate ges Church had an especi lly Rev. B.F. Green, B.A. Welcome.uof peope htlad but just iiscn eldest brother o! the late Samuel ik fulClay un Reinembrnce Day St. George's Ghurch- Rev. F. rom tetbe in the basement Wilmot and it svas his- father. rd Nov. it h. In the forenflon 'he H. Mason. M.A. B.D.. R e ct oir. çbre t }hp ladies o!flihe W. A. of Samuel Street Wilmot who gavýeprd t i d r s s t I h o - S t i n d a y . N v . l t h . 2 2 n d S u n d a y o o m ni ty d ine m odral s erit c o ri n - h U i e_______ rv d ' 1 c es o a n n b i t a t sCo m p ý muniy iernoial ervie inthe'after Trnity: il a.m.-Morfling thei witb a supper of roast goose own expense the church in which1 nitecd Vucd iri Ihe 'i!tr- 1Pr-achry h Rth ve A.Imd chîcken, ho t potatocs, dress- !Elizabeth Adelaide Wiîmot, a I Used Car ser Pra ancf gravy etc. that go to make il little girl not quite rive months BIRTHSFR-AE'6 HV CAHI50E for he lte Eizaeth il- . Bveri~'. O.. uif'a1a1Bis a full course chur<'b supper. of age. was baptized on March________FR vice forthe ateElizAetE-2l R.CHEVleyCOACHufra5n Bs- mot at St. Georges Churrb.' In hop of Toronto; 2 p.n. Ilnay~ their overtaxed gastr*onomici9th. 1845. As a girl in her teens in good condition, $50,00 cash. tra th vnn eadesc h cho;Eeigsriecnelds CfLARIKE-In Bowmanvîlle Hos- A. e. R. R. 2. Bowmanvilie. tnt ovfngb dcose S'oo v n fin io service cncelle suffered in any way from1 she atteniuu the newly buiît pCtlAR oebr7h 93.bri 61 Lions' Club. Bowmlaflville, and j on counto cnirfa inse- violent rontortions incluced by grammar school in Newcastle, un- ptl o me 61 lateror F o uA ltraftencled the Canadian Leg- vice at St. Saviotrs. O1,on. fthe play, fhe Janelville peopfle <fer the principalship of John 10o Mr. and Mrs. Allan ClarkelILotorAln ion dinner. Mr. Paynor. Cbieac',o. ,vas a re- m iust fake the blaîne.1 Turpin, M. A. 1859. Among ber 'nec Eteika Trimble' a son. Girls and1 boys selling Vetccaft cent izucxt of is prff~nll Lets hope t bat wben tbey corn('e class mates ,vere the laite Chester James Allan tsince died, aopis;" Flower.s orf trem- Mc. and Mrs. D). J. Gib on)i. an Mis lizbetLOST - BETWEEN SOUTH The Poppi<MissSs.ela nlixfkif0 iii lasey rd Ms Eiaeh-iWard School and Base Lîne. ntu brance" Saflirday. met witb the MtshBa'kîr. ~ fe ODrham County Dr*amatic Tom.s a!terwards Mrs. E. C. Be- I brown zipper purse containing sell on ustual synîpathe'fic'rs>ns froîn tac s Newcasftle Hort ic'îltlirbl Soc'- Fe'stival, as they surely are. a. man. ,Vho is still happy witb us D A H It onanpnadpnio a and na benket ret s bsî Is ret <. Pi)oa. o.- cane fpitaireand r en oler.fembr the public.' . fa be kp rety us fat asf des not precedie fleir and 'rbabl', since Miss Wlmotschnepr adgenoci.emr Newc'astle pbic sbolwspir'l fldaclithe appearance. death. the eldest peison iin New- Flease returri toe i n ifî dfolowil closvd from Wednesclay'of last bI)I)s as fa l reiuiiis for te The ladies of the chut-ch wer*e castle toilay' isWî rdy.Novemb t ercatle,935 Ltn46C_ on wekt usay or this. ot"îiîgf eil)'s o! the society. n thc ~~ fi'su~~p<i'anid, For long yeaia past 1Woc roka iltg pet e the Teýacheirs,' Convenftion in Porf, 1T. Anderson Smith Co. istr- 1plav manv Anglican frierida. a 1niot and bei' only surviving sis-i Harinab Mary Farncomb. cuid-r hoe o berdanc fncriay'. stgand a nîodry î lot wayte W lnr" cont ingenît froui Oshawa. Ici.MisMargaret. have resided j0w of the late Afr'ed F.arf- Live Stock For Sale sulkyr and f a'oserance 0f Mor oiçay. iîg Mîd s>iîtory ' nam nn roi waville. incNewcastle iatterly in the bous e 1comb. MD. ae57 yas.I- _____ Nov. Ilit, Po.taslapstafewtorviholiday.otheirt bctthe. Hig Siîoi as aiso closed on Miss Mecla Coîich. Bufflao. N.Y.iPr tî.Nwovle rn otb h late Dr. Alfred Fair-- teî'red in St. George s Ceie- FOR SALE-WHITE LEGHORN chine Hig Scioo ishone t viit ieratit, rs.Tyrone and other centres. Pro0- romb fi th, receptioli o! his Iey pullets. year old bens, anel ap- %el bc Monday. ishm fc i.itbe utMs. ecs $270. A fuIl report will buý bride. wb%-o passed on last week> HAMILTON-In Bowînanvillc on pies. A. H. Clemens. R. R. 6, team ih Mrs. WVi. Jainieson was at1 Waiker Milison wh sfo5 retiurniig iaesrtela the W. A. meeting over 'fort vyaîsao Friday. No% ember 8. 1935. Mary, Bownîanville. Phone 237r3. fere Napanire t fencing tbe rimeril! If o Reginia. Sask. u9T sdyferoo.Mis r s 'î i Jane Hamiltoni, beloved wîfe o!flte hroîsnMr id'.iPublic Sebool Commncl'(ementtoa. a teguar a.- Mr.MissWilliam __a________a__-_146-1V other hrcui.M.Sie.tendant and supporter of!St. MrWila J. Hamilton,. Mari- ______- cîerk; Messirs. Rosa Dickinson and Ir- Exei<'ise wilfie field in the romn- CIIPANY 0F 'TIIE Georges Churrch anid waa the only vers .aged 64 yeam's. Interred Meiscellanleous wiiCiui ihaparty of seven mtinuty hall Friday eveninit. Pro-tiAnlcnCitey a M i IncludintzMr. Beni. Dickinsori, grain wiii include public speakine ILSBNUTffhaniesr ftecuc stock. IORATION W A NTED - 0fat Port Hcgîe. left for Bayswater.<'nes.lrenaino î'.anfJ<Juy12wb iS KNIGHT-In Darlington. Thurs- Naines of persons at any time the !ol near Suidbury.on atryonoeet nertedecin ! Present A. B. 'Mainwariflg lith prescrnt at the laying o! the corn- day. November 7, 1935. Maîtlha.l responsible for destruction or Duke their annuai deer bunt. Miss Hattie A. Mason. and other Feuiîtain Pen - Newcastle eir tone of the new chucch on wdow o! the laite Th om a s theft at Lake Front cottages. fredsor Members of Durhamn Lodge A. i'ntcrtaining feature.Paest resen Te .îi .157 n nrcgiil Knight. Bowrnanville, aged 901 Strictly confidiential. Liberal - F. & A. M Thusid thirOrNorecent iios tM. and s. Iotters" at Hart Bouse of Ibis fact and ber long and SLLYears.lngon reward. M. J. Hendet'sofl.Nor -___ brthe Tuadyevening con Nimr Alins were: Rev. adTetebntrbe ec !srirseISULY-I aintn ues-' thern Assurance Co.. 615 Yonge, the occasion of the visit o! the IMca. H. C. Woifraiin Janetviiie; Thar______eyasofsric h il ooto 43 District Deputy Grand Master M r. and Mrs. BerawkiMo ort, Tiiere was a Dîrector naîned and pi'esenfatiori froin the Rec- liain Jamnes Suiley, in bis 81st -__ and attendcd 'with their hosts Hope:; c n r.Br or ran n ntî n.ti o adcnrgfo.Iilte ear. Interred in Zion Cerne- Notice of Sale the oas pok sppe atSt.Sas Dogla an Ro. Ciboe Ms iythii rock o! cerfairity. al bis years she bad been the Honorary tery. jours Anlican Cburch hall. Jennings. Providence: Mc. and, admirera prescrit ait a complii .Piesident o! the W. A. anid onber THORNTON-In Orono. on Sat- Under and by virtue of powers MisasFinmna Benian. who bad jMca. Henry' Aluin. Bowmanviiîc. mcntary dinner tendered hinm in casket lay a beautiful cross of urday. Nov. 9tb. 1935, Eleanor contained un a certain Mortgae been in Bowmianvillit hospital anid Mc. and Mrs. Norman Aluin and the cornmunity hall on Tuesdlav flowers froin the nenîbers of the Hughson. widow o! the late C. which will be produced at the F later at a resi home. rttrned, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hoar attended evening. Oct. 29th. were asked to Auxiliary in tribute to er woth J hrtn xMPae 3 ieo aeteewl eofrd F hoeo r.C A ih'ssle 'o"'"'cta lmrc.Ms J. A. and %vorks. years.1 for sale by Public Auction on Li valescent but sf111 rather weak weddingataiProvidence.Bttepaadheyloanpnk HcRcr.evF..Msoi WILMOT-In Cobourg, on 1.195 t S follwin be seioî.s lînas. Mr.Lews Carkba. ceurnd nanusci'ipt papers around. each;conducted the funeral service as- day. November 8tb. 1935. Eluza- 2... p. in., at the office of M. G. Miss Amiernto frumhemon ha-s frroi htcRier w18ecelotherem.-eaded by this one line. and s'ar- sisfed by Rev. J. ScotHoward bt1.Wlnt.duhe'o V Gould. Bowmanville. by Theo f aý goneto Tcono fo th winer isafue as been18Bcfflow zeo. ed in sentiment and chyie tin- and the choir in the preserice o! the late Col. Alan Wilrnot. New- M' îio.Aciner htcr Mr. J. E. Atkinson anîd Mc. and issSisuy ufl deed swere the 26 e f f u a i o lnts .1 large number o! relatives and cstainn parc ya. nM.S el 0f laucn si tat e nth Mrs. Harry Rowland wcrc ainong icameaso! obe aimî. ted otea.wbîcb Mms. Butler later read for citizens. The palîbearers were: terred un St. George's Cerne' tain po! Bowofandsile ion the! the Toronto frienda atferidirig teileso e t. the t r.the edification o! ail and whicb M tmaGo aieoi hiLW ery. ToDuwn.fbeirig the.oi'tly opart fuerai of the late Mc. Afred Fred Elswortb, la staying at the GoJmeo.CrsLw uhi.bigteNrhrypr Farnromb on Nov. dwtfird. she douîated to the play director. . Phiîp. N. L. Riekard. Geo. I~o! Go'e. ou' Lot 1. Block"V Mrs Go.Maadn.Brndn. Neighbors hcid a fv.o day pîow- Comimanîder A. Brian Mainwar- 1Borathan and Dr. J. A. Butler. Houses for Sale forrned by' Div'ision. Lowe and Mr., acied hare T Brmandoa. imîg bee on Monday anîd Tiesday irig. to pass upon and keep as ___________- Centre Streets. and a Lane con- f Man, arivedher T r d yf or Mr'. Milton Brown wbo la silîl 1 mementoca o! the occasion. First You cari sase the price of a FOR SAL-NEW BRICK BUN- riecting said Division and Centre shortly affer the death o! ber at Sf. Mirhael's Hospital. Toc-- prîze limer îck 'sas sriten by Mc.-i-a. usrpinaiotay gao,6ros nN.2Hg-Stueet.s. in the Town o! Bowmafl- onl site. Ma.AI!edFarco nb. I cOlgaGibsn, svib Ms Coa But- week by taking advantage o! buy- way at Maple Giove. Reason- sille, aforesaid. being forrnerly W. A. o!flice United Cu onto. scnealst'ing fro pro- er, a close milir ut. Mca. Gib-'ing opportunîties appearing in able price for quick sale. ApplY knownria-s "Tbe Bungalow." will meef Nov. l4th. in the S. 'rm ohrcmpiains oS.cie ldX omat heSaema dt.Wr. Brock. Phone 114W, Bow- TERMS: 101, o! purchase hall at 3 pin. Mca. Percy Harca Mc. Frank Irish. Barrie. visitcd plus. as lier assard. Wedding cake boxes sold by mariville. 46-3* price f0 be paid dosvn at turne o! group will provide the prograin bis couîsin. Mca. H. W. Dudley. Those prescrit ai this very soc- The Stafesnan. saeI Výwti 0dy n h anid menu.O Res'. J. S. Harringfon preached iable roasf goose dimner s'.ece the______ HOUSE FOR SALE - El G HT remauning 50 ¼, may be secured Mr. anid Mca. Cecii Horrock.s in St. Georges Cbur-cf stiday inenibers of the cast. officiais and n roorn bouse, on corner o! Kmfl 'by Mocfgage on trn aoal ari catmhfcsarenonncel st-n nodig ind n heUe iedChu-itaedbndCohTurN-vasanderonaoad sosptaal irt toth Prcnse. or urbe tled in their new borne on Miili-ch ini the es'ening in the intercala Players' lateat suCc55. The Whoie 'ci ass repair with lovely grounds, parfictilars and conditions o! sale and Robert Sts.. builî largely by o!teUp r aiaa Bible Soc- Towiî's Talking. anîd their part- MRS. ROBERTS - LAD IES' ah cuba and trees. Will selI for apply 10 M. G. V. GOULD. Bow- I their osvn labouirs. Althougb the i iety and mnade stcorig appeals for ners. Foilowing the sumpfuous alradDesae.F ad $250000; part down payint. miansille. Solicitor for Mortgagee. lghting and heating systema are la continucd ntereaf in the soc- ,neal.,D'.J. A. Butfler, chairriran. style guacariteed. Prices reas-1 balance on mortgage. Apply, DATED af Bowmanville tbis Installed and in full operafioli. iefy and fou' contributions 10- pcoposed the toast 10 "The Kinîg" oibe George Stîcfi 0 to Win. Brock. phone 114W. ' 28tb day of October. 1935. tliere la yet considerable work fto rste a'yn ufo f n which ail dcauîk bearfily in glass- naiiville. Phonie 420. 46-1V 44-3 i44 bedoc n orpcfn~th ete-greaf enterprise o! translating. e o! !resb sparing1.deu' lor and interioî' o! thîs. their îîitieardcic1aig)h1bbe Rev. F. H. Mason iin pcoposmng Wood for Sale IFOR. SALE OR RENT-8 ROOM NoieofS* cosy, colonial wintcr esidence. îMc. Haccimgton ivas a gcest o! the toast.. "Oui' Dicectoî'." fore- h - ouse and 2'2 acres land, i4- United Church - Rev. S. Mac- Rev. F. H. anîd Mca. Mason fou'i casf the cedra!ting o! the Pl a yers' Monday, Nos'emnber 25-Robert acre in fruit trees. on paved Under and by virtue o! powers Lean,.BBA.. Pastor. Sunday. Nov.' dinner and o! Res'. S. and Mrs. constittution and the organiza',- Pbilp will seli by public auction road in centre o! Hampton. contained in a certain Mortgage l'th: il Worship: MacLean for tea amîd also calîed fiou's disassociatiomi fcor St. on Lot 20. Con. 10, Damlington, Apply ro Mca. Chas. Langinaid. w'ich will be produced ait the 0 2.30 p .ni.-Sundav School: 7 Pi. mn the aftem'noon on MiS. J. C. Georges Chtirch tînder the pat-(L- uitt west o! F. Hudson's GasI C o Roy McGill. EnIiskillen. turne of sale there will be off ered _____________________Hamcork. secretacy o! the local c'Onalre o!f w'icb i i was !oundced. Station), about 5 acres O! stand-t 46-3* for sale by Public Auctiotu on bmanch o! the socicty. and met But now lit ia strong anîd vicocous irig pinle suitable foc lumber pur- - Friday, November 22nd, 1935. at Mm'. Thos. Mo!!at. the local ssiI h iriteî'ests ciuife beyond the pioses in .~are lots, more or less. l-ouses to Rent 3.00 p. mi., at the office o! M. G. Reduced Fares brancha entlnmsiastic piesident. booida o!fiii onie chucrch and SleM,5er m. auTiersc. - CTAET ET-F V .Gould. Bowmanvilie. by 'Theo Bcownvnsisitedi Misses Elizabeth ifs own feef. roonis. furnace. ail cons'en- taipaclo'tat!lnd d ROYAL WINTER FAIR amd Murgarm't Wilmîîot af Cobourg Mc. Mainwaring tri repîymng ex- Satom'day. Novernber 23-Ernest i icrces. good garden; possessionin paie sit at ofri land bend, 0 Sunmday week on learning o! the Piessed bis appreciation 0f flhc A. Werry wiil seli by public aoc-1 at once. Apply B. Furber, King in heie sTown o! former- seriouma iliness. benefits decived fî'on the Puay- tuon omn Lot 18, Concession 9, Dar- St. Phone 438. 4-fi heTwifBwmnil.i T11O R OU NT e rs' coiîiection witb St. Georges, lington, .--mle cast o! pavedl- ____ -- 1_____ the Courity o! Durhamn and P'ro- Holiday Week End Visitons but thought. as dîd Mm'. Mason, roadi. choice for truck hauiing, FOR RENT - EAST HAL F 0F vince of Ontario. and being coin- November 20 to 28, 1935 Mr. Kenneth Wcrcy and Mca. Ibat the time badi coic for the about 5 acres bard wood and pine double bouse on Wellington St.,' posed o! Part o! the Nortbh aîf - N b.ant Mia Wmînfc Rik- e'eancc o! the tics that bad n 14 acre lots. more or lesa. Pur- 6 roorna. bathcoom: possession o! Lot 11, in the Flrst Concession aNd.iL.Mmanmd Ms's. C. eppsck bouind flic orgamization f0 the chasers nîay have until Marcb 1, November 1sf. Apply J. F. Os- lof Darlingtomi. now f ormin'g parti Clîmton. uci epi ar rbt o13,to rn fîetmber. Sale at borne, R. R. 4, Bowrnanville. o! the Town'io! Bowmanville de Leaving Nov. 19 to, 28 Inclusive. Mc1hs oesm.J. tM.helylc-~aino hIe .0pi..Tecins cash. Elmer 46-2- scribed as !ollows: Commemiciîig 1.30 ______ ndinlun M. ha.ReroI J.,atMr tethyleo-North o al heEast, ucioeangle a te orhfas saido si Retunlngup t andincld W. T. Sainiomis, Port HopP rnembecs botfo The NewcastleWib.autoe'.4--f W. .2 MssMaio -____th Mss ____. ndofth s--, catsFOR RENT-SrX ROOM HOUSE > Lot; thence South 74 degrees De. . is anMain Alun wii. dliay es mdo f te as e heats otce i-rdtors8 LibertyS' treet, $15,00. pas-lIWest. 9 chains. 3 poles and 6 ss V aMcaim.Blackt.Oshawa îbee rles o heplaycsie d Ntc o~eîsession 1sf November; f urnace. links more or less to a road run- $1, 5 it Mss ion Mcobcrt. Osaw.eeingprmvNecaste.o prodcmce since any bath. lights. bot wafer. gas. ring North and South througbi Goitx NMiss0 Marion'g Alvn.2 comadg oeva istleimLLoERSaSntvianany Apply Mms. Thomnas Richards. the centre o! said Lot; thence Golng Nov. 20 - Return'g Nov. 29 Misa Mabel Brown, Toronto. Hine ruaeat ofinpitn n claimîi agaimaf the Estate o! the Qucen Sf. 44-4"1 South. 16 degrees East along the Goig ov 27- etrn' Nv.29guet O! ber aurits. Mca. Jmio. nomîemie t h efl fect that late EDITH A. HILLIER, o! the 1Eat limit o! said road 3 chairis Doumgla.s and Mca. Ed. Brittain. arcangeremnts hav'e been made Towni of Bowmnanville. wbo died HOUSE TO) RENT - 5 ROOMS land 8 links f0 the place o! be- Pull defails froin amiy Agent Mis.s Domothy Brown,. Lansing. foc The Newcastle Players to go on or about fthe l4tb day o! Olc- and bath. near Central Sehool. ginning; thence North 7 ere i. u . . Miss Ida Stone and Miss Bafa 10 Toromnto anîd presemit "The Rot- tobcm'. 1935. are recuired f0, file modeî'mte i'enfal. Box 67, Boss- East 5 chains; thence Sot16 Cana ian Paci icFir,'r. Toronto, witb Mr. mnd tems" in Hart Hocîse Theatre. the saine witb proof thereof with nianville. Phone 42. 44-t! degrees East 1. chai; thence ____________________Mra. . O. Parker. Fiont their places on either the undersigned Solicitor' not laf - South 74 degrees West 5 chains: ___Misses Dorotlîy anîd Ruby Ami- ide o! Ernie Gilbank down the er thami Novemusbem' 2th. 1935. a!- HOUSE FOR RENT - 5 ROOM and thence North 16 degrees West dcewss. Pickering, wifh their auif. Ilne. wbere Prompter Donald Gb- ter svicb date the E-stafe sili be bouse. twso stoceys. svafec. elec- 1 chain. comtaining one-baif acre Mc.Fe rhi.son also wms seated. Gertrude disfributed and ail claunis o!ftric and gas APIvnines go Mm's. Stm'omg and sistel'. Miss Bomathami aud Gladys Pollam'd. svbch the Execotors has'e mot cellar. Possession Dec. 1 t. p propcrfy is situate on the East- W ~ Jessie Tcewui. and Mca. Win. sumdeniy asuring flîcir roles o! reccis'ed niotice will be barred as ply te, Mca.S. Mason. Centrej erly aide o! Centre Street, Bow- .Jemnings. Toronto, called on Mrs. SaliS' Ofis andi Lila Wilson. fisk- aginaf thein. St Pon 266. 43-tfaui5illt'. Geo. P. Rickard Saturday. c1d b lihe bead table andi cttely DATED ait Bo'.vnanville this - TERMS: 10", o! purchase FOR Mr. muid Mca. Delor Smmdy anid 1isping. giggiing amd wigglinig. 26t.1 day o! October. 1935. Articles For Sale prce te, be paid down at turne o!f HEAL H'S AKE Keithi. Toronto, at Mr. W. H. preacuted 'Ouri Dimector" witlî a1 The Toronto General Trusts - -- sale: 40 % witbin 30 days and theei HE L HSS KE Cooke's. foumitaimu îen., cacm'yimg wifh it! Corporation. FOR SALE-FINDLAY 'QUEBECreaiig o' aybscud can you afford to wash at i Misa Aresta Martin oo t he licgood sislies md appreciatio il asdi r1 H llereasi oo dtonale A pl lm .er ann 0 , ma e sc r home when, with our Iatcst sviflthlieu' pacemîta. Mm'. amiiMm'sort!bflic ivhiole couiipaîy. . J. Y.oMatheson.fExecuboes approved wierearets. M uiJ. toaha w re. ood.2 dora "esto! C eai to! ,the Purchascu'. Foc fucîber a p o el method, w offer Parnaby Mart i. Sle s igii St., Otiier to ss %e , "The Cast." by M. G. V. GOUL D,.WB ode 2 Par. Bw i s 'i le.m o pacticulars and conditions o! Sale you Geoge's choui t flicfumerai sec- i rohoscd by Donald Gibson antid Bowmans'ille. Ont. 46-Ve Pafirlik.eMsaEia h epmdd obBca laGo-terSliio.43 ___mans'ille. ol.Gcit or for M ortggee sou; "Thei-ot Stage Hands" byCa FOR SALE -SIX HORSE GAS DATED ai. Bowmanvillld thisl Mu'. aid Mca. R. S. Whittle, enite Allimi, respouuded to by Chas. J 28tb day o! October. 1935. 9%sota. s'ililierpaet. Rev. P. Flood;anud "The Prcess" Ebs' tmwe. ratr. D4eru1gm 2 0 c Delb s .r a t o . _ _i n COBOURG Office is open SATURDAY of Ct>umnu'diuug officer o! thi.e sec- Al proFOR n bsneatn onît Bahuuloi o! ofDurhîam anmd tflicERFO the Court are mecuîested toaten each week from 9 a m. to 9 1). in. Gor'don f muaI Reeve o! Clarke Tp.. sers'iug General Motors Cars 9- aforesaiti.à E antinc ag. A. J. LYLE. NOE Garett ain ch inymaearge.tmnt Juliiîunue Turner. C 0 U R T 1 C E Clerk o! the Town of NOE~Wee tfi o îbIx lndtiy ak auInm Tlelr homîe was on the farin Bowmanvllle. for eianilnatloflmnow owmed and occi pied by Mr. and Bowmanville Datedti Iis 121h day o!f_______________ andi Mrs. N. L. Rlcknrd and laten r November. 1935. 46-2 .OATS, from DRESSES, at - ------$8.95 up --------------$3.95 FOSTER'S Ladies' Wear AND FURRIERS -c WIIEN YOU BUY FUEL Consider These Important Facts ARE YOU GETTING CLEAN FUEL? ARE YOU GETTING QUALITY ? ARE YOU GETTING GOOD SERVICE? ARE YOU PAYING A FAIR PRICE ? ARE YOU GETTING FULL WEIGHT ? When Knight Supplies Your Fuel The Answer TO ALL THESE QUESTIONS IS Y ESg Estate of the late J. W. KNIGHT PHONE 173 OR 98 FOR YOUR FUEL Taxi and Trucking Service Bowmanville I .... - ..... 3oys and Girls Happy this Winter ress the look of eager anticipation on the face of each bc coveted prize on Christmas morning, you would admit EXALL GIRLS' AND BOYS' PRIZE CONTEST Is really and the money it costs to assemble the prizes. This year Iand-.boys under fourteen years of age have entered the mk. If you know some littie child you would like to make is plenty of time yet to enter his or her name. When some lnterested frtend for your support it simply means ir store, between now and Chri.stmas is good for ONE th only a few exceptions. The votes are piaced to the for, and the 18 children obtaining the most votes each fui Prizes, now on dlspiay ln our windows. Besides mak- r. "Always Shop to Advantage" at Jury & Lovell's. NEO-CHEMICAL FOOD CAPSULES AN ALL-YEAR-ROUND TOMIC IN CAPSULE FORM I * I39C Phone 78 f or Quick Delivery iffirfuq ir ft. V E'I'IL I Hel WatedHarris: 1 circular savand framen, IOUS ND REIABLE1 bell. 300 ft. pire lumber, 300 fI. 7joUsAND ELIA3L s"hite ash. old iron. tools. and s m e ii wanled. Wilb or c;cher articles. Sale at 2 p.m. ot experience but uiiiigTerns cash.w. J. Challis, auct- k.Slart jmniediately a!,ncr as o! your owsn - gua'- ed necesity producta. norý Friday. Novermben 22 -~4nest special o! fers wi'tb frcee, A. Wercy 's'ill seIl by public auc- utcfs, interestifg profita for ion at Burketoii C.P.R. Station. 's'orkecs. Starting valise j wo car loada o! choice cattle ple e 'sil b productas$16 on- coristing o! cows, apningers and .Vcite for details anti cala- feeders: springing beifers and e.Famnilex Producta CO.. feeder cattie o! ail types. yearl- St. Clement Street, Mon- inga andt 'so. Catle al deliver- 1. 45-4*ed home free o! charge. Sale aI 8 a.i. Teris cash. Elmer Wil- i br. aucion'eer. 46-2 UCTION SALES Farin Stock Sale - Pursuant fi nstructions receis'ed from. Mr. umîersigeti as receieti Tal Henry. Lot 32. Concession 9, ftions f roin ý. J. Clarke to i Darlington. the urterieitiondd the prerises in the s'illage valuable arin stock will be sold rpton. on Saturtay. Nov- at auction on the 21s1 day of No- ,l6tb. af 1 pin. shaî'pthe vemnber. 1935. on the premfises, aI ing articles: One horse, imn- 1.30 pi. sharp. Pig: White sow, ifs, a quanfity of hay.'sa-, due Dec. 1: Redi sos'. bed Nov. sleighs. cultivalor. buggy. 10; i aow "sith 12 piga: 1 sow witbk., 1. cuffler. harrosv, carl. 9 ~pis: 8 pies. 100 lbs.; 10 f 2& plox'. sepmuator. gang po's. pues5: 1 ed Tamwsortb boar. CaIW' ,Gilson engie. smwig ia- le: 1 Hereford bull, 2 baby beev- 2 sawvsl. cuttine box. gra-, es, 8 milch co's' in caf. 6 Young x. sing lei barne ss res'.' » catlf , ie m'sing 2 year. 7 sprirg harnes. f annine iill. svif - calves. Horse: 1 brooti mare. s. neckyokes. anti many sstb foal by side: 1 gelding work articles. J. D. Hogarth. iorse; 1 Belgian mare. 'ising 3 Fumner Wilbur. auctioneer. jyears; 1 Belgan mare. 1 year old. Terma cash. Elmer Wulbuti, auc- day, Nos'ember 18-Estate1 tioneer. ,Ossvald Brancb s'.ill sei i flosing aI bais late reaidence If you s'.isb 10 serve God and Sf.. Bow..manville: 1 God- go f0 heaver. rermember you can- )n truck: 1 tractor. Massey- , nof setsve hum alone. GOOD NEWS 7osteî"s are now carrying a complete line of ingerie in the new Celasuede Fabric. Cela- ,ede will not shrink or ladder and lasts twice ts lon-g. "Jt's the Top) in Undies." Also a full ne of Cî'epe and Satin Undies, Crepe and An- ,elskin Slips. We are featuî'ing a complete line of Neck- w'ear and Scarfs, also Boxed Handker- chiefs for Chr'istmas gifts. Weekeend Specisal Bowmanville Opposite Balmoral Hotel