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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1935, p. 9

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIO. ,TH-URSDAY,NOVEMBER 21st, 1935 OeHundred Years of Methodism As Related to Trinjty United Church, Bowmanvjlle, which held Centenary Services Septeraber 29th and Oc.0 h _';ýewof the History of M1eth- ti-at it be printed. Sa to make odismn in Bowmnanville and scine amends for omissions this Trinity United Cburch review f ollaws: iThe calning of Revs. Crossley By Rev. W. A. Bunner I and Hunter ta Bowmaniie bY Rev. S. Gorley Brown of Rich- the rcquest of the pastor. Rev. E. mon, is ettr pbli-P' Young. was a notable event in mon, iS ettr pblih-th e religiaus histary af Church ed in The Statesman af Oct. 23rd, Street Methadist Church and of lias called attention ta the fact jail the churches af the tawn. This that the writer af the Histarical Xas nat a revival af religion alang Sketch for Trinity United Church the ardinary lines of wark but of failed ta mention the wrk and a special character that appealed services of Crassley and Hunter ta many unaved in other ways. during the pastarate af Rev. E. R.i Crassley was the preacher and Young in 1883. 1 arn sorry at the singradhsepstoso h omision nd tere ere anyWard were clear and canvincing ather things af spiritual imPort- and were the means af leading ance that deserved recording but miany inta the knawledge of Gad's were also omitted. saving grace. Hunter wvas a great IThe articles that appeared in leader and master on ail occas- JThe Canadian Statesman ai Sep- ians. and under the guidance of tember l2th andi 19th were nat the Spirit af God knew how to primarily written for the press. handle the crawds that camel for the writer was anly asked ta night after night. and then ta gather certain facts as ta, church leati the people to immediate de- buildings, the dates af erectian, cision far Christ. One af the andi perhaps the opening services sangs used constantly through and by whom, then when. and the services was this: where the first Methodist servie-, Thanks be ta Jesus His was held. The historical sketch mercy is f ree, having been written il was the Mercy is baundless and free." express wish of the committee They were great meetings, and ______________________many through sang. and preach- ________________________ing. andi enquiry room were led ___ ta Christ. and ta trust in Him as their Saviaur. I have forgotten Busiess >ire torythe number of people who joined Busiess irecory the variaus churches but the LEGALwriter of the abave was glad ta _____________________have some part in the services M. G. V. GOULBA., LL.B. Jtehli Sunday school raom at the ex- greater glory is due to God wha o f avaured with a piano solo; Wil- Smith, Starkville. with Mrs. Thos.1 Mrs. Will Hoar and Mrs. Wright- penditure af many thousantis oai nspired the builder. Thus is true liam Laird gave a reading, fal- Stapletan . . . . Mr. andi Mrs. Ivi- 'son Wight canducteti two verY dollars. of any Christian effort. The ev- MAPLE GROVE I lowed by a duet by Iva and Flar- son Munday and f amily, Maple nestgcoet.Sadih (Cantinued next wcek) angelization of the worlti by hu- - ence Foley. A mock peace con- Grae Mr. andi Mrs. Willard ineetgcness Sadih - man wiesdo. ipossible . odssit -School Reeneport Lage f aions, Lokhart adfaiyNaaaespumpkin tarts and candy were MAPLE LEAF MISSION BAND cmspsil hnGdssii wiî:h regard ta the Italian-Ethi- Falls, N. Y. anti Miss Winmie 1 serveti by the lunch cominittee, MaleLtf isin an mtworks within his church. Class standing in Fall exain- opian situation, was put on, witn Lancaster Bawmanvillc, W t h M. Jim. Brown and Mrs. Alex 'in the primary room of St. Paul's A Cofltrast, 8-10 iflatiofls:I Bill Lycett as chairman. William their parents, Mr. andi M5. j.W. Prout. Church. Meeting openeti with What a contrast between the Sr. IV-Phiiip Ayling 71 (1), Laird took the part of Ethiopa Lancaster . . . . Mr. anti Mrs. A. ____ caîl ta warship and the Lord's temple ruins comprising piles ai Walter Polley 69. Ernest Twist acteti for Italy; Gilroy, Kendal, with Mr. and!________________ prayer. Mrs. Gea. E. Chase gave debris and the second temple Jr. IV-Eleanor Hlaynal 69 (1), France was representeti by Goi- Mrs. Tane Langstaff . .. . Mr. and prayer; Jean Rice reati a story; standing in ah its glory!Çeti Phyllis Trimble 69, G e or ge, don Jarvie; whiie Sam Cast!e Mrs. Bruce Leuty, Port Hope. duet by Catherine Colville anti was due ta Zerubbabel the builti- Wright 55 (2). very ably upheid Britain's sîde ai with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lane ... Jean Rice; Mrs. C. Lunney read er, but the Hebrew people united Sr. 111-Margaret Campbell 72, I the question. A discussion fol- Mr. Doîpli Payne, Toronto police prye. h dy f mlithng admae e 5 () Payne anti Mr. and Mrs. Frank! this glory possible. Couiti Jacques Jr. III-Dorothy Snowden 82, 1 Ovens. .. Mr. anti Mrs. Brock player. th daarifnsmll things ati madePtenl59 72,.Pethick wîth Mr. and Mrs. Char- Cartier return to, Canada andMro 1ly7,BihePlly7, NEWVTON VILLE ence Turner. contrast present-day conditions Gabriel Kovace 55 (2). -_____________ S unday ScIiool with what he saw four huntireti Sr. II-Pearl Collacutt 77, Reg- Years ago, how great progress he gle Evans 69. (Intentiel r or last week) would sec! Even the pioneert who, Jr. II-Lenore Colla cut t 81, uc egewsi hrea H W ' Les nsettled Ontario one huntred years Audrey Greenham 81, Stewart U.C I I a n hreofS A ' ag o hepahiner f h Jarvie 53. Mrs. Willis Jones. Scripture reati- prairies af fifty years ago would Sr. I-Norman Tabli 78, Doris rng was given by Henry Reichi-1 Shaw's Home and School Club W THEMESAE F AGAI note remarkable progress and lin- Stevens 77, Stanley S5nowden 77.1 rath; Mr. Savery gave the topic;; opened their first meeting af the " THE MSSAGEOF HAGA l)rovement coulId they retrace John Morton 73, Doreen Jeffrey'solo, Mrs. A. Redknapp; Mrs. scason with a Hallowe'en mas- AND ZECHARIAH their steps today. Credit is due 69. Jones reati a poem. querade with about 60 in attend-! Ai SunayNoembr 2th ta mani, but greater glory is due Jr. I-May Wright, LWoitey n ebret teTui 6 ance. Meeting opened by singingà0 _______ ta Goti who put the impulses of i Sr. Pr.-Ray Munday, B e r theld their annuaî campfire meet- oCnd. foowdb te creative achievement anti the' President, Mrs. Walter Rickard, c Golden Tcxt: -I was glati when perseverance for faithful per- Snawden. ing and weinier roast at their îeading in prayer. Mrs. Percy they saiti unta me, Let us go irito formance in the hcarts af Men. Jr. Pr.-Wallace B o t h w e 11, mentor's, Mr. J. J. Mellor. There Hare, elocutionist, N e w c a s t 1 e, 1 ~ aU the hanse of the Lord."-PsalIm The modemn world neetis ta learr Christena Campbell, A r t h u ri were 20 members present.' Mr. gave wospeni nmbrs 122: 1. from the ancient Hebrews this Tabb. Marjorie Runtile, L e w i s Mellor anti Mr. R. J. Rowega e ut slei b Thmnton a Lesson Passage: Haggai 1: 2-8; habit ai seeing the hanti af Goti Runtile. ishort talks on Clean Speech anti derson; followed by community 2: 8, 9: Zechariah 4: 6-10. in the achievemients of men. Numbers denote perce n t a g e: ean Living. Isinging led by Mr. Walter Rick-1 Quesion fo Dicusion figures in() denote number ai The United Churcli helti their' ari; a mouth organ selection by H E Goti gave my worîdti t me, ~ etosfrD~u~o subjccts failet inl; pass standing thank-offering services on Sun-j Ralph Douglas. Berniece Gilbank Anti I rebelliously 1. Will Canada ever have great 60'ý honour standing 75%. dawe1e.E ecipec-plyt h in o h rm Crieti out, -~How small! cathedrals? Wm. L. Lycett. teacher. ed splendid serinons. In the ev-1 enade af those in costume. Judg-I And is this all?" 2. What are Canada's ouilt - At League meeting last Wed- ening the choir sang two anth- es were Mrs. Perey Hare, Mrs. « S U His words were sati, yet ili: ]standing national characteristics? nestiay evening Emnest Twist ems, with Misses Mary Lane antidHryJs nter.HwriI Wei oI o o "Ah hat ou cilti" 3 H s Choanad oeult gave a short talk on war; Prayer Frances Elliott taking solo parts; Cooke, Newcastle. Prize winners 1 Myscîf that moment dietid hrheshol nicolgs J was leti by Iva Foley, a very f it- also a selection by a tria, Mr. weeFBsRrEsE!ldmad 4. Hw dos Go's owerhelp1 wre: est resed ldyFREEd Anti born anew I cricti: 4 o ie oispwrh ting armistice solo was given by anti Mrs. Gea. Campbell anti Miss Edith Bennett; Best dressed man, I Phone 264W Today. "Love, take control us? Samn Castlc; Bible reading anti Elsie Wallace. Objective ai $250 Mr. Melbourne Wight, African; I Anti leati my soul 5. Will future Canadian gener-, devotional topic were given by was almost reacheti. Best comic, Aunt Dinali, Mr. To serve my smaîî estate:"1 ations consider 1935 "the day afi Jean Hogarth; News review aof Visîtors: Miss Olive Jolinston, Garnet Rickard; Best ti r ess eti R . o a Ant Io1, ny worlt is things"? Maple Grave anti vicinity within Peterboro, with her mather . . . J. rl ypy Helen Wight. Chorus R E o a -C.otuR.y aosn'ttrav- oythe lait month proved very hum- Mr. andi Mrs. Arthur Welsh, Sal- by five boys of the school, dress- Bowmanville, Ont Oppotunty oesnt tave oyorous when given by Lloyd Met- cm, with Mr. anti Mrs. Laurence ed as darkies, sang "When John- Houses and Churches, 2-4 schedule. cali; Mary Clemence of Shaw's Savery . Mr. anti Mrs. George ny comnes down froin Harlow."~ Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royal Bank Bltig., Bowmanvili W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank af Montreal Maney ta Loan. Phone 91. Bowmanville, Ontario L. C. MASON, B.A. Barrlster - Solicitor Natary Public - Etc. Law ia ail Its branches Office lmmediately east af Roya Theatre Phones: Office 688; Home 553. DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate af Royal Dental Col- lege, Toronto. Office: jury Jub- ilee Bldg., Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a. m. ta 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. H--ouse phone 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office. SHOE REPAIRS R. PAWSON Boot and Shoe Repairing Soles sewn on by Goodyear Stitching Machine. Prices reasonable. King Street East - Bownianville W.EA DRCO UNERAL DIRECTOR Service, any boum, any day. F. F. MORRIS CO. Modemn Motor Equipmient Ambulance anti Invaliti Car Caîl Phone 10 or 34, Assistant, 573 BOWMANVILLE NORTHCUTT & SMITI- Compiete Funerai Service Modemn Equipm.ent - Ambulance -A. W. G. Northcutt - -Aubrey Smaith - Phone Days 58 Niglits, Suadays or Holitiays Phone 523 or 276. music FRANCIS SUTTON Mus. Bac. F.C.C.O. A.T.C.M. diphomas la Piano, Siaglng, Violin anti Organ. Private or class lessons. Pupils prepareti for al examînations. Phone 42, Bowmanvile 39-tI RICHARD FOUNTAIN Bandmaster Canadian Leglon Band Teacher ai Cornet, Trumpet, Baritone, etc. 25 years' professional experience. Open for pupils aow. Residence: Opposite Town Hall TIeSbawScbools p îeEff,ctiv, Trininir lCfor Ac- and olce. npoitions. Pincementh Il cial Modl (Ollice 1, f ' e Grad o ates an 1u:mpnoyers. 1il- qs> cet1!on i n vit .'. ('o rilei l in mail - üd on re , neo t to Il .a' Offices, liay anid(jharles flidg.. Toronto. 44-5 C.H.Tuck, Opt. Eyesight SpeciaIist Author ai. Optometry Featuris Service The Child and Its Developme#t SPeclallzing excîualvely In muscle anomnalies. eyeslght anti glassdS. Phone for appointmeât 1516 Disney Bidg. .Opp. P. 0. Oshawa, OQpt. Ort PvomPtly and t rUghlv rulieved by the Uof j ruen, Mvr. Eoscor, tnere are some other things in cannection le itfl the aistory of in C. egtinsareien div uideu ethese Parts, anti the other chur- in opinion ant i f d it dii ficuli ches that came into the union af ta make up their miatis. Practi- 1884, 1 hati hopeti woulti have cally ail the Jews returning fram been written. so that in future captivsty ta, Jerusalem. wished ta days the church then may reati have a temphe but some thaught ai bbc past anti learn something that the time was not opportune ofa its successes and triumphs. for building anti couniselleti de- These were great days in soul- lay. Ia neariy every large group saving anti building up t he there are those Who wish speetiy church af Christ. The names anti action, anti thase wha pleat for j faces of some of these worthies, caution. It may ble a difference a] mea of faith, ai purpase. anti un- irn temperament or it may be the tiring eaergy, come quicly be- result of looking at different fore us. It seemeti that their one graups af facts. Arguments coulti - bject was by word anti practice be adivancedi in favar af building ta preacli Christ anti Him cruci-1 the temple anti also in favor of -fieti. delay until the People themselves Previaus to the union ai the were mare prasperous. Haggai churches in 1884 in this towa icîlt that it was not fitting for the there was Qucen Street, the for- People to be building their awn mer Bible Christian Church. with bouses anti aeglecting to built a i -a history ai many years anti hati templeforthe wards ho ai od ýebeen serveti by a splendid body aofH at htGo' as hut yministers anti aymen w h a s e 1 have first place. In pioncer dis- name ar lik oitmen poredtricts in Canada it was oftea the naesae ie itiet oreicustomn to holti religious meetings -Wbo coulti forget the Rev. Paul in hanses until a school or a Robis wo cae t us romthechurch coulti le built, but the Bible Christian Church in Eng- Ipnotpleîy ongierteCtingacesd -lanti? Haw graciously anti well i odealngiercn pcs lie canducteti the business of thel of public worship. Book Room for the saciety in this lVorship and Prosperity, 5-8 town. Then to meet him aiter Haggai tii nat hesitate ta as- his retirement anti converse with sert that there was some relation bim was a beniediction. bebween the Povcrty of the peo- e They hadti t their minîstry ple anti theiir aeglect of public -through the years such men as worship. They were working liard Revs. Wm. Jolliffe, Geo. Webber, but were gttiag small harvests. John Kenner, John Harris, Eti- It was like earning wages anti ward Raberts anti others. putting the wages in a bag with Perhaps of ahi men 10 be the holes. On the surface there does best remeînbereti would be Rev. E. not appear to be mucli foundatian Roberts, traineti in Cornwall, f or Ibis statement, but if we look Englanti, as a local preacher, below the surface, we finti that then; entering the mninistry here. natianal character bas a direct A mran af tact, ful ai enthusiasm, effect upan prasperity. Credit is igocti p:e2'cher anti splendid ar- at heart a Question of character. ianizeîr, honoreti by bis brethren ImPorts anti exports are very ai the Bible Christian canîcrence argehy canditioneti by internat- -wtb the presidency anti aiso xith ianal goati wiil. Consumers wha 1: a similar hanar in the Bay Con- earn ess than fifteen dollars a feirence. week are forceti to buy very care- ýe Rev. H. J. Ntt came ta the fully whercas consumers who are churcli anti town as Editor of receiving adequate wages spenti The Obser'ver. anti well titi he freelY. Secumity tiepeatis largely fulfill his duties until God early upon justice, anti prosperity upon calieti him ta a biglier service. cooperation. The growth ai a Perbaps of all the mca to mca- class spirit in- a nation is un- *tian is the Rev. Cephas Barker beaithy, but it is inevitable wher- sentfro Enlan totak chrgeever there is oppression. The la- ai the stations ia Prince Edward idulfltoamsewsnt Island,. anti well titi le fulfilI his very sigaificant in its effect upon ministry. Ater nine years af public business, but large corpor- servce e ws apoined ditr 1ations with f ozen assets can con- sfervc e rliew rs andoiatetiEdtor tribut e to business stagnation. air The Observerolantiicameita Bowmanville. He was perhaps Trlireaso.iecletiems the most influential minister aofe 1emls,8 bhc Bible Christian coanection lin h w epe,8 Canada. As a preacher lie hati1 Whea the Parliament Buildings ffew equals. a prince anti a great at Ottawa were burneti turiag man in the pulpit. For a perioti the War, the Canadian people ai faurteen years by vaice anti resolvedt t erect a mare dignifieti pen he matie bis influence for anti beautiful building. Resitients gooti feit on every hanti. in the capital city anti visitors Queca Street bati also a sijien- compare the former Parliameat titi bandi ai laymen. leaders anti Building anti the present building local preachers. Amang t h e mi greatly ta, the credit af the pres- was Charles Coambe, always ac- cnt building. The glory af the ceptable as a local preacher, ah- second Parliament Building is ways ready to carry on Christianj greater than the first. The same wark anywhere. His son, Rev.I1 effort was mateienl Jerusalemn Wm. Coambe, seat f rom Qucen whea a second temple was built. Street, was one of the mast hon- The original temple hati Wonder- aured ministers of the Bay af ful traditions, but the people who Quinte Canference where lie ser- hati been la captlvity hati en- veti many years. largeti their ideas anti hati higli Thomas Kirby was a class ambitions. Older people might leader anti lay worker. a great be consciaus of more thrill la e- hearteti soul, full of the spirit ai memberiag the first temple, but the Master, ever goiag about do- thase Who sharet Inl the building ing gooti. af the second temple feit that It Rev. John Piacli had retimeti gave great glory to Gati. The He- from the active womk because of brew people titi not give chief ili health anti yet lie was ever credit to themselves, but attrlb- founti doiag lis best for the uteti the glary ta, Goti Who hati churcb's interest. given the silver antigalti whidli There was Paul Tebilcock who matie Possible the building ai the af ail mca titi mucli for the temple. spiritual lifie of the youag people, Divine HeIp, 6, 7 anti the progress of the churcli. IHaggai anti Zechaiali, the pro- There were many athers, men phets, gave great service in f illang anti women af Got who thraugh the people with eathusiasmn for the years gave time aand talents the praject af temple building. anti their money Sa tînt the womk It was necessary, however, ta of Christ's Kingtiom migit lie bave a practical man to carry the adivancedi. project through ta completion. Ia 1889 anti 1890 the two con- Zerulibabel appeareti upon the gregations were belag serveti by scene with authority to carry on Rev. E. Sanderson at Queca St., tbc work. Yet the glomy does not anti Rev. H. S. Mattbews at beiong ither ta the prophets or Churcb St. Then came the un- ta the practical builder. The ln- ian af bbc two churches bmlaglng itial Inspiration bat came from togethor the two congreWations Goti himself. It was by the ln- under the leadiership oi Rev. T. fluence of the spirit ai Goti upon W. Jolliffe; anti the people anti the people that they were able ta the officiais weat forwarti with undertake anti carry thraugh so anc abJect, the ativancement af large an achievement. The ex- Christ's Kingdom la the tawn. Plaaation given was Goti's help. The trustees, affilcials andt "Not by miglit, aor by powemr but people af the coagregation were by my spirit, salth the Lord ai cetalnly Possesseti with a large hasts." In the Olti Country great falth for they undertaok to en- glary lis given ta Sir Christaplier large Churcli Street church and Wren for his architecture but 04 Cm~1ete Iw-Ped With Chevr.Iet's New, Pevfect.d Hydiraulle Bralkos Tr ODAY, Gen-ral Matou. flash«ê the nmw-car improved solid steel Turret Top bodies by Fisher- nown that everybody in walting for 1 ... Présent- Safety gla.. al arourid-limproved Shockproof steer- CHEVROLET for 1936, the only comploe low- ing-and conceal. hora, protmcted againat dirt, priced car. 1cm and water. It'a the. artest, longetruont heautiful COMFORT: Chevrolet in the. only low-priced Chevrolot in hi.tory. But what we want to erm- car that ofleru you the. famnous Knee-Action gliding ph«si»eame the great «"hidclen valu«s" that make iide-the enly low-prlced car with big roorny and this nmw car safty-comnplete in cam- cornpletely appointed Bodies by Fisher-the only performance, dependability and low-priced car with Fisher No-Draft Ventilation! Ch.vroiet offér. genuine syzicwo-meeh Bilent-Second shfting; and other improvemn.ntu for uMoothee, safer and mnore ecoriomical driving. The new Chevrolet la the o»J)y car in the. low. price field that brings you ail tii... good thingu of mnodem m zotoring. But viait oui show-roomse today -mme and drive the. car itseif. Let your own eyo and your own performnance testé atlafy you that Chevi'olet lnuthe anly comploe low-priced car of 19361 vau o n eny PERFORMANCE: Chevrolmt's imnprovmd valve- Compare Chevrolet's Iow delivered prices and new, greatIy SAFEY: hevole forIW6safquada ou i-hed Hgh-ornr«nin agin no gireduced G MA C 7% Time Payment Plan - off urind the SAFTY:Cherolt fr 936safguadu ou In-.adHig-Coprmuin egin n ivges you lowest financing cost in GMA C history. We invite you and your farnily as you have nover been safeguarded l.ncreaed power-and new, thrilling '*pickup" - also ta iraap.ct our factory-appraved Service lacilities - before ... wth n.w, prfected Hydraulie Brakes- Uting even less gagoline and oul. In addition, desiÉned to keep you aatistled, al ter you buy the car. PAGE NI«

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