Th CNDIANI AEMNBWANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21st. 1935 PAGE TEN TECN lTSABW ______iegal in white and purple and er- HAMPTON O E FOR SAL acndd n stE - SIX HORSE OAS Fica.N;ebr22-res -oýINJURED I R S -l-1Fia.Nvn upon her royal green throne. Oth- 1 ,ir- ýllS ThFecsl nd p n ete racers wr:A ad Ca20 McDeeriflg traCtor, Deeriflg 1 tion at. BurketcnçPR Sain d:c PeIdeedntec agti e es.BbyPrdandd. C lau Wlin amnad cuttgrinlgboxde. rAtpP u topL. r. l con,,ýSiStlnr 0ýof os.srfgrad FacsJose: ArbutUS and Inno- o hpa aken to utnbo.ApyoL.R.CO cec.Helen Flood and Mr Bowmanville Hospital59fedr;srn leas46-tf lfeeder cathele ooodaIl typeilre.ePhon Young People's meeting opened' Al i la seito earn that the :: Flower Fainies. Em-ma o 5.4-ffee ateo Mna vni Nihanme;oeainwsqiesucceeasHarisoa Mrtin Jen ToHmtnwmn Mus. nsadtoC ofgamnes coniuted by the recrea-i Newcastle friendis were sorry to Bonathan. Vera Cutler. Shirley Williami Chapmafl and Mrs. Joe onal Su Pe ViSioi Jack Holmes af -1 learn of the death of Mr. EverChrltt Gray, Rtiby Chapman. received injuries that ____ tokFoSl_____efeeofC trwhicb the opening exercises Long in Geneva. N. Y., on Nov.1 Gibson and Pauline Deline; Little necessîated teir re ovalat weeconducted by the President 16th. Mr. Long. h was buried 1 Green Elves. Mabel Gray. Lorna Bowmanville Hospital on Tuesday FRSL-5IARDRC M a i n A ln then FlooBonRosilie FrusCio.oOlive Mc- afternoon. whnen a car drive n . i byt .M u b tr i : dr s e Malntook charge at BonloHead.oOnt.. onuMondaYOlive Mc _____ Wilbur, Of the program conisting of a was a son of Mrs. Milton Long. Mns uhBnta.Am cgetnHl f32MRbrsBRHS CTL TAE-NOTE ducks and boiling and ratn reading by John Ashton; current cnro ypel otgGibson. Lorna Harris, Betty Van avenue. Toronto, crashed into ; I mssLt2.Cnesin9 71 rhk evnsby George Buckley: read-i Newcastle-of-teLake, a n cid ul n; Will o' the WispS. June theni on a bad turn at the C. P. R. WIDDIS-At Burnside Hosptl Careabuth sofS-KG.Wry etW ing. Sid Barrabal; vocal duet. by sumrmer resident here for many Allin. June Gray, Yvonne Megit. Bridge. just west of the town. Tlno udy o.1t.t tember. 2 two-year-olds and 2 ~ F R S L~ E U K what is best worhdig Tooto s ite f eeae.Smnith. Viola Cotten. Marie Cotter; wbeel ofhecr and she receivediasn Makervll : aMshort an Cabpy Rev. face lacenations and broken n WiddisMaie resy gear-ld s er can.h a v e ln is 6w esod.A pyt ________________ Maceal is SsiU Vn amp Saunay Niht of No.N 9hvpiitofth DwnSGrcePo elinte neoM riethse aso. am b prvig roerY nd ToyoGwetlCo... ot18 led in a sing- O g O5i e- contans an article by John A.i Te oe tta pened w i t h i hile Mrs. W lia m C4e7--1__ _ __ _ _ _ _ aig xe.55 . .M l es farngt ofl. nxtto iltonR Pet- 3 ior inluded call t w rsiP b MacNaughton , entitled -W e of are Faiies- and47-1 ens' fanm. Bowmanviiallled R. R. 3s Maron Allin: prayn. Jo n Ashin which lhe present.s eThere- are ayins Dawnd n clu-ire wivh ed ev re d faci al s hea cs.!M R I G 47DS W D T R A -- ton; vca oo r.Creh an intimate picture of men of ustate aY Joe Chapmafl. who -mas riding in.____ able prices. also hard wood and Proa scripture. Mrs. Dickinson: story. class. vun artists. auhos en- onthexfront seat beside his wif e, was mlxed Wood for sale. D a v i dW miss m prssed ber deep te A\ ON-THc=11-OBon.1 BW Mis anCap.Much praise S hv hetan peito f the service of Miss iuijrd Syne Vnon th niT huncbprsoN ne., n 13Carlysle Ave.. B47-MR.RBTS-LDIE' due Mis Allin for the very fine, îng but practically no employ- 1Annri Kenefc hoa n ps Chief of Police Sy nyV to Saturday. Nov. 6th. 1935. a' manville. Phone 103. 471 Tailor and Dressamaker. Fit and Monday e e n teBcwm n ex np ewotis Ei. .W ad ye a shnnnie__ __ __ he Uitedle. Ont.. by Rev . . I F R A I N W ANTED - sye euaranteed. Prices neaS- program sepstdNextment. Mn. MacNaUghtonisatecaig investigated. Young People çvll be Our guesta eonst the city of Brandon. re costumes. Newatei o-Bick. Gladys Ferne. younger Naimes of persons atantie oab.GoreSetB- Q and îhey will present the program'!Man.. and now corresponds for a; i ainS ay fbrilver duWercen.adMs. rsonil frdstuto o avil.Phn 20 g- sew r ookinag forxard te an- Winnipeg daiîy. ;Shet adi tnite, t ct ens.k 1UuI James Thonipson. Bunketon. te theft at Lake Front cottages.- Ro e aron na er rSepdervibeto hew Thomas Edmnund Lawson. only; Stnictly confidential. Libenal WARNING TO RADIO II cther ery enjoyable evening. Mn. and Mrs. Harld Couch f the several othen ladies wbO continued -foni page 1) 1 son f Mn. and Mrs. James reward. M. J. Hendenson. Nor- LISTENERS Re.S. Mýac(tean. B.A.. co-set S ;vy ih e parents. edr vlae assistance dur- Lawson. Janetville. thern Assurance Ce.. 615 Yonge. ),~Ol~ I ducted anniversary sev Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Wallace,1iîng the evening in helping the Iwith Mrs. Fishen at the piano,1 -Toronto.____7-- ceivng e s o arenbe r are Zion on the Welcerne charge on Greenbank. igrsad boys Put on their pic- struck up *What the matten with ciigst r eeywre Sunday Rev. B. F. Green. BA.. i Mn. Harny Couch Jr..spent 1.uresque apparel Terwih D AT S ooforSale 7-3 o n d fuliensed raio e-r I preachinz hene on Sunday even- ith f iends in Col- . h rsnaino nzsi I Gertie? Theyi-*e aillight . fol- 13,teDprmn fMrn ing. bre l wd b T e r ol od iltk Sun day week Thealtî? W at'nthe matt v ofH SW ood for alethaton-ad1tes 3Ot oe mbte rheB 1 G W O RTeHN mrsE. J Syons nd amil. Weken viitor wih Mr. Pways a feature of interest te pu- Iflowed and The ar e lgoi1CREL-O audyNo.Mnyovrb 2Rbrtwe ropao hrof W e l c o m e . w e n e S u n d a y g u e s t s o 1 O ý e ivwr e M s . o r S y s i s t e r p l ,1ae n s a d3 5,ns a i k . I n a et hedn e . 1 l h i p wD e p arb p b i a c i o i t e f l e f Mh o a i e f e i gv e M r s. d E . J . S Eon an d f is r u v r : E le Al-. 11g o ,oc ed h i i- Mns J.M.Cobledck visited b e. an h-i sses .M MCety ofdna- inen ofMss Non F adjoining with enthusiasm n . St. Joseph St.. Toronto. Eliza- on Lot 20. Con. 10, Darlingt in.not alre oreed tbePii' uc- a s o a g cot! Cr h . . . o b l e i c r c r .vi n r f i b th"e N'g t n . % v w o i s w s f F . H u d s o n s O a s e s o h e c r e t f s c a l y e a n sm of S a d e o o y W t fiends at Kirbv last Sunday in nr isenrchards witing pnize fer pupîl thîs vocal tibute te the bonoured Ofeth McNaugfhtforon. widet f ,Prhand theirsseMsF.Hth aeAbr avloMo-Sain.aot5arsostn- SoOÏi co cmaywith her brother.Mn.r ni fFkod .efS. fînrst class: Dolly Pundy. guests. Rev. S. MacLean. BA..'telteAbntCrei.e Mn ttin.abu arsofsad-jaeaccordingly advîsedte obtain Of divn efrta obt. Clemenof.J. . oeaedetewnro heSehnJs e-then led in prayer, voicing senti- 1treal. and beloved sister f Jes- ing pine suitable for lumben Pur- such license immediatelY. of sort aerr m hen. en f te ongeWhtb. MCruch J. sigmentsaen te rmes ftete by n.Jos e-Iets of pnaise and thanksgivingý sie L. McNaughton of Tononto. poses in 14 acre lots, more or less. The license fee is S2.00 per an- Ue as Hoîsteinsmmbrs ndaby oitheize occasiOn.t seio 'Interment St. Georges Cerne- Sale at 1.30 p.m. Terma cash.nm motrei e noo unayevn-*«enh.s to lak ndwhtei ams ovki d reita C.ooe:M.F . oei. ev f tery. Newcastle. Theo M. Slemon, auctioneen. 46-2 Lcne a be pnocured f n priceste'e ury p" 'dean- toreph N v. 1 th r om re e teL c ss. R adi D al nsya d th moong i'on Snaye en-we ifes wolatgkda ud h e ec ei teandia Hs-Clarke and chairmnintof the ev- HOLLING - On Novemben lSthlre gan BShOP . 'try pnizes of ookrodonated y ening, then called on Miss Win- at 191 Cnaighunst Avenue. Ton- Saturday, Novemben 23-ErnetoPes Offic es n ctieandioarge- ga i. o of Toronto . R iht f gu es or p i es oftok'aia e '1 ed y u li -c Re. . . ev nly. D.D.. who fiue.G a a . lvn t e W e's C n d n Club of I nifned Ricka-d who neati the ad- onte, M ary Etta Isabella, de r A. W enry will sh y p blc - twn . Ra De le rs.Raiend t i A.fRmed tevercnldaes. e-Metrn San rAhr cms he Bomile. nesned by sdness of euloy idwl n et l elvdwfe0 e.D.T . tion on Lot 18 , Concession 9, Dan- specatonieise iesso sen ed o~ he ectr. ev. F. . et n an dno Anrth rfToshan ve J . F e; E le îai J ne w shes. signe - by the ccinm ittee. Ho ling. form er y of Lindsay . hîngton. i2 m ile east f Pa e__ ___nt o Getdb teRco . Manyn. H etund wrih G d and'i and iIs .B oeiM .i road. choice fr1nuk haîiling. behaif of the Deatqn. r N I C l f Y thnee fineurch.buc a. nyand Paul \W ise. winners of M. ad1s. F . L vei, M.POW ER-In Bewmaflville. Sun- 1 about 5 acres bard wood and pîne foM ai.o ttrawa. On t. EA ER FO Dr. and Mns. H. heGe. rest at 220 lbs. MiSs Masen s frtui and Mns. N. L. Rickand and Mn. 1 Pewýer. husbafld of the late cnh,ase otayhave untilesManch 1B re E Stratfond. Mn. and Mrs. Lash- Athol-aigh Mr Mîdeton and Mn.I third pnizes for neatest nl'cc.nsr a aeutlMrh1'R .SIH eea brook, Marloie. Joan an1M r-Toms are ne novices, the fun ofnote books in junior nooms: Pau- pecand n.H.R. erce. t M adata Tr. agda1nea .1307.te m ovTerm bca. Sale r Dat* instR. . M i .Ge ra M o rs C s Mn. is h shClm ncBel- en was net theins lune Deline and Claude Food for !apre.cave neeence to M .ti i ROWE-In Westen. en Monday. 1 30 p.mOTetacas.aEmenI eyMine nof5 Marne.C 0 weeSunday visitons S t Mrt hîsaon.ReeGrhmir-bs and neatest note bocks inIMs ikrsteoint hin Novemben 18, 1935. Mary Hel- Wilbur. auctoneer. 4624- T. H. Clemences. ther Stan iaying 10w the whole intermediate nooni. junior third home. faiy and ficurc teinItandaE M.Ross Dickinson neturned teeewhctepatwee elass: and Violet McKellar and spiaiyan ieMmmnt r. and Mrs. William Rowe,- " an Bo avll hom efn onBa swer wut n titie. bor is companions got class. Thesze wene ail doae Yon bebaif ef the school anti cd- Tusa.afwdy ha ftea shot at one.i ucation. the cbunch andi all its. , - ~ ~~ i ~Miss Masen anti presenteti bv Mn.iI H ATR0 H rest o the artyowingt aI Percy Hare of the Board of'Edu- interests. and the commendable IN TH ITERO H ofcation.nig n i way in which their f amîly of j INMM ORiKIzdA ESTATE 0F JOHN HYDE. touch e loipioigi i FUBLIC SCHOOL Memtioan. three sons anti two daugbters * LA FTH ON OF1 L.tJLIiVL"The i wWetakn, thinplae ntM IB nN e d a ne f rn ce . COMMENCrWJEMENT IS weThe nin. Heepeplacein the OWMANVILLE. INTH The Golden Rule Mission Band'tiz for best original meledv w55oudnig.a iadIMOORE - In loving memcory of 1,CS-OUNTYn iv fu wilholti its autumn nthank offer- NOY BEEVENT presentetibyMn.C at. 1 ens in variau us pert earde Skîne Moner. QIE EESD gill Nov. 2- ize C T.30 tv wonld antissher he ne- Gouder daughenandre.who ,IRE 0F DURHMMD ing meeting 2r. 23- Vice-C air man to Carl Fisher. 1 ponsibilities of life. died November 22nd. 1934. N TC S H R B IE The ccmmuniy hall was f illed !iThis prize is the annual revenue, Mr. Rickard was wearingý a car- rii on1utnt ogot N O TIîalCrEitoHRsatters bo b r a n dofMn. a tiJ . . n Jl w, -h i Sn b tnI f roBonathancedt rsan th rshvIP Mn. nd rs. . H Vamlew. Friday evening on the occasion of lfnom an $100 bond donateti by nation placeti in the button hole Ada an nte er îgdiso eatsaantr thecel- te public scholcmecmn ýs e.El GenAlnAda an nte ero ead gis Toronto, who attended tecl-ho omecmn r.G Ilbeck. Gen lo f bis coat by Barbara BnIh n ouinloncy oursof ,n f hd ta, xeciss wichwel mintine 1Sang -The Little Fairy Folk" te and Geralti Cox. and Mrs. Rick- t-e diaefthe oradouthe Tyet R ickard's ilv rw ed n. t e r tradîtional reputatin for the tune com peseti by C r . s na o ey Thoughts off lber are aways I th dedsate cf ohe abot Jh e n tHd at their Cousins'. Mn. and Mrs., othein a olrflpnegnam, of r .C Fs Cr rarl.son anti helti in ber hands alvl nean. day of August. 1935. at th onb ri Fred G aham. anti remaineti even o t nir c lnu n. E C ih r ra i tef bouquet f mauve and yellew - al isd b ar ns fi%- a vll .i h o n y o Mrs W H Perc ad xcelet usc ad ouhf l ra te f Iih - fo reened therby eNineteentnbbothrs Didayar cfureDec-rbe nih ihtory of a high standard. The pro- atWmHocpen w-as choir leati- x.The ittîe girls looket i sitraniboes.Dhaaeîeuednore- m II siho ihMs .H eneat xeletmscat otfloa nit etiChrchofwhih theïums pesenttisteber by Hln al mse yprnts. fofe thewmanletn the Cny of c M . N . L . R ick a rd a s b een g ram i o p en e ti w ith th e sin g in g o f I ,en f or m an y y ar .. he n f: en us a ea ti u a t tonigwetenOnaneanti vis- 0 Canada foloweti bya prayen of High Schooî Entrance prîzes 1Genaid just as neat as the gifts'THOMAS-In loving memory cf iemnben. 1935. te senti by post pre- toin g e s.atier . .OHt Epsraonvcation b Rev . S. MacLean. were presenteti to Editb Hendry fe es a dean husband and father, ipaid or dteiver to The R yal w-i r ad M s . .E th A. ,f nom the Lake Shoe school anti Mn. anti s. Rikn btbe-C Clintn. n cmpan.Mn Rev. F. H. Mason. M. A.. chair- James P. Lovekin of Newcastle pre_ýsed their grateful appnecia-i as. wbe passeti away Novemben Tononto. the Executon of the lasL MiennetbWy. ikr. ue man, expresseti bis pleastine in sec- s'chocl. These pnizes of $5.00 each tien of all the kindtiogt f 2i,13. iladTsaeto theadC bcm a ý in-so may preent, ndicaive aeexpressetiuallino oehru-Lovingly nemembereti by bis tieceaseti their namnes. atitiesses Unvestyfurhyear stutin.,d g mn ent.nt niaieaedntt ntal eoer-their frientis as ep uge i he 4b 94 il niTsaetc h ati aosfunc ecomse iCanaams Unhvcrsity____________________Duu'ans in w iting tofitheintdaims.hotheranfurnaceyoffers escfiptuoes, thchfuale wstaken iii with appendic' isi of the lively intenest taken by the rai anti one villag ui yDr tdns ni0 hi i 'pbas n duatos Wifer. ehan oanti . . .Famiwr ly.ain esritions.f theiuîrîc-famerfurnace obecsfeitsfatures n anti operatedi on in the Kigston pbi neuain. atn-H jhn ieA .A .Te ee accompanieti it. a cabinet of table i Kn expnessed his appreciation of theipresenteti by Mn. Hare. P. W. M. silverware, a boxeti canvîng set. a Iis hositl husdy ngh -No. f the teaching staff anti of Durami Lotige. acting for Mn. walnut coffee table anti an cl~ ossfo ae I~e the iracoutaatiHELAeamaiofatn the most efficief _____________________bespeke the sympathetic co-open- J.A. Smith Jr. the present W. M. tic floor lamp cf the latet de- FOhSLENIdBIC BN- the scn.i n. and healthful home heating ever eie tachens in their duties of in- Miss Masons music scrap book i r ndMs R adin their way a al rve esn uhlt y on at the H-ad to be R.olled structing their chiltinen anti main- pnize was also w-en by Carl Fisher. 'So f 5cknowledgement' abepice for quick sale. Apply but th pced otý e are ts cf the saiti de- O aneers discipline. Principal Rd presenteti yMn. Batty. Boardi coulti not have betten expresseci Wm. Bnock. Phone 114W, Bow-bueteasscfheaid- gralso spoke biefly. of Education poster pnzs eetheriselves hati they been fore- m nvle463 ceasetia on the paî'teý entîtetihdad'h unc ok Nek o o I Ppis f bejunornonimaie reenet b H.R.Perc ~ jwarneti anti nequesteti to contri-ge -theneto having regard only 1tiito meet iunusuai heating prohlem.Seus PendetonLadySuffredthein debut in a seies of short Athur Toms Jr.. Vers Cuther antidbt oteporm insteati Of FOR SALE OR RENT-8 ROOM daims of which it shahi then have ~cns. inetet byMis HatieI haue Foti ToChalieRogr-being taken by surprise. heuse anti 212, acres landi. i4: notice anti that the said E xecuon So 'With Rheumnatism Mpn .with Miss Norma F. Or- son went Principal Rotigers senior'j The goot humour f evenybody acre in fruit trees, on pavetiwilnt ehble for the saiti as- chartaiatte piano. thirti genenal pnoficiency pnize of w asfuthe nacd yteoai ncnr f Hampton sets or any part theneof to anYU t L K Dodd's Kidney Pis Soon Helped Equally popular witb the auti- books.I etinog0 an original song Apply to Mns. Chas. angkien. I on oe shah nohe been n-i Reieve Mrs. Mudoon iencc was the playing of the Rhy- Lastly. Jean Robinson of New- I composeti by Mns. C. A. Cowan Co oy - La, Engai. psn or ersont cf he bdaim --* c thm Bandi witb their motley ar- castle schooi anti Wylma Farrowlanti Sung by a mixed quartette. 4-*c civeti by it at the tue of such '"m Pentileton ., Nov. 20 <Spec- îay of instruments. conducteti y anti Tolly Tk atch of Brown's wcre H. C. Alin. Howard AllUn antid distribution. il) -Iamn twenty-seven years Miss Mason at the piano. MaryI presenteti by Mn. Donald Gibsonj Mesdames C. A. Cowan anti W. D. IoestRntda of N cf age. anti the mother of four Puntiy brought sweet music f nom on behaîf tif Durham's Agicul- Bragg. It was entitîcti -Walter _____of______________1935. whlre"çrites Mrs. Alan Mul-1Ithe xylophone which ber elden tural Representative Mn. E. A. niGri"at won prolongeti FORRENTE ROYMEL FLAT.T c h-ern ' a o~ n1 i e o I a silv erwe ll ina n d - I n db e r tie aE R O Y A L T R U STE D L A T doon. of this place. "We lieo îtrDlyhnieis eli e Sumamers wth the T. Eaton Co's.,aauestiitirecnnu- light anti neomy. heateti antiOPAY do ah my'own housework besides1 There wene six contestants for bocks for highest number fpit ententained with s necitation veniences. Apply J. E. Elliott. yterSlctrs oe61 LM E twhe hundrti prize n of ponts I on.Mosa Pe.yCBlemnaurnisblicifodesinttheailoon- BylthireSolictons, Phne 651W' LUMBEarcourtilP When I was a chilt i Iwas sub- ~peaking prize, tbxee girls anti fair. Wylma Farrow had the most riedOsdlenR.C. Hre ih 6 okn&St Hat, oont. ject to clti in my Kitnys. My three boys. Dolly Punty, spoke points as she hati last year: but a r ofanti M rs. . . e anece ith -R R N - E S H F'4- mothen always gave me Dotids on -The Robin'; Pauline Delinelhaving won lst prize once it ne- froni Edgar Ouest. Mns. M. H. double bouse en Wellington St.. Kidney Puis anti inside a f ew on -Paulinie Johnson'. anti Jean verteti this year to ber nunnen- Staples contributett a piano sole 6 mooms, batrooni; possession heurs I got relief. At sixteen Bonathan on -Marjonie Pickthali' up. Jean Robinson. anti accompanieti Mn Staples in Novemben lst. Apphy J. F. Os- years of age I had a severe sttack, two beloveti Canatiia.n poets. Carl hssn M ra, hc e bre .R ,Bwavle of rbeumatism. I had te be rol- Fishen's subject was -Peter Mc- introdoîehibyechuborne, .eeR. 4 6-owanlle et on sheets in bcd for over a Athur, Jounnait. Philosoer NEWCASTLE-CURCHES Among othens who miadtie _ --_--_______1________ ruruw wek. I tok Dotits Kitney Pills'anti Farmer; Haroldi Hoar toksec s.bihl oclradalF RRE T SX R O O S reguiarly anti in about twro weeks for bis subjcct. -An Insect Pest,, Unitedi Chunch - Rev. S. Mac- sopechenitay ocuhearinipal FORibrtStXreetOM5.H osE-~d w P ' l" hLean.BA. Pstr. una1.No. ompthirent reto theSpnic-l 8Lbrt vtee $100. PceL Eighteen r mnll ide I was able to wahk with bep. 'the Common House l' bLea24mb: il'5,mtor.niig erhi Nof hvnlee.Rv .Mc session lst Novebn unc A ften taking threc boxes I feit n-i D cnaldi Jose spoke of another in- The dangerg W rgap n, LeanrDr. H . G . USES ail.J.Store offers hothese fine gtfts.oin My brother-in-law. after an t-s c nu y t ur ni a îts -Evenig Se-vice. . Ap ly S. T o4sRc 4-rc4s* MThOeS d n e o ny u s o s t r I nages t frsad llkandS. eog'sCompiete.F.1exM. *HsetPare of Bk tack of summer 'flu, woke UPof garments in storage. The St ogeCunb-R-.FexMP.HR.Pac.Ts.a- QunS. each monning witb a terrible pi uieweeRvJ.HOseou.Man. M.A..B.D.. R e c t o r. el-, Walter Scîtion. A. A. Coiw'ill. HUEFRRN the mnetatarsal arch ta foII-fonces headed byba1fl olcr pain jorch bock evt Jnormal perhtiOn.H.rîzesninHail. Select the chOl in bis back acress bis Kitincys. Ioen.aniMn . .Jotan untiay. Nov 24th. 2r uniyjN. L. Rickard neati letters froni bouse. two stoncys.rel de-ONL50 thle toes forward-cramps them. Put t<igs adto hs.Egt 1after Tadninit. H J8ranmS-HOIY Cna- iMn. J.W. Bradley, Rev. W. P tnn atigasconenencandoo gave hbm.some Dotitis Kidney Principal of Pont Hope Central muerrni: 8 .m.-cnninCoray- Rogers. Tara, anti W. F. Rický,ard. trcih ar. Possession c s. RC Ap- okionrmlpsiin da s h p i w as g ne a ti Pa lne D li e. w ho r ce v t the -E vn on g 11 ant. m on re e t PI votPs es i n D e .l t. Ap es. v r c ninnt i u five en: 2 .m.-Sunday cboeh: 7 ýM.P.. extending felicitations antipd~ Ms~ ae ete Relieve cromped tOes-cOIIouses you wishtosprtfmthe be bas been fine ever sCcentNonS E. Cendmfoopnpeotnsthet__the_________ TORONTO OFFICE 2143 DA:%FORTII AVE. - GR. 7068 and iM-. E-unI Fou*leî. at Mn-. Wes-t b-niYn ftheein.a196 ey Elioits . . . .<Mrn. ud Mir,: îî'ctheenn n ocl o whaev nd i pnon ain usnssa Arthur n.lantindMisses. PB-rnicecu0i1 a afo nesii.A PO R H PE Ofice is op n VE NES AY i iss eoepen o ra oficaiuserforth o-hhe Cout reoeuftfictiatel 5l.JI1II W enfores E eshteon oc-rl of e ch w ek f'om a. . to 9 p.m . PAneDalington '. .M. andnvilCMr,'n. R ia Cooke anti M argaret A. J. LYLE. O 248 o 525J. G. M. Bosnell in charge. Cecii Tebble %vit h er nmeer.Pare,, egidth o CrkfteTwnf ors Hoe, froni se;,en toeight Bowmanvild. J r COOR fiei pnSTRA fihpaoslcin.Dateti this 12mb dayofef l O ______________AMong pi-esent fi-om. a November. 1935. 46-21 tach week from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Gordon Keep înfermed on w-bat is go- distance. not alrcatiy mentionct.Sppr unBni nise hiPoe78Bnanil E. Garnett in charge. ring oThenStatesmnruny. yowrk; Mn. Wolterion glasbew on- ort ou musicalnmed fthe NOTE-Where at ail posible kindly make appolntments raigTeSaera eual.Yr;M.Gro stn o-gets uia oeyo hPoe7 ferexnlnaios.Speciai off er balance of yean for treisi. anti many relatives anti yctr-local cast of 100!- It's a for xaifInAtOi~~25e me new subscribers in Durham ffientis froni Toronto anti Osh- Kneckotit! Opera Heuse, Nov. 21- County. awa. 22-Uts a Knockout! Md 1