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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1935, p. 1

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tan VOLUME 81 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1935NUBR4 --- - w pownw w9 r lllKV u 9Fl HOSPITAL FINANCES IN HEALIlIY UUNL>I iIVIN Prominent Cartwright Citizens ANWPRME Work ofl Women's HospitalIN INSR RESAnnual Meeting of iospta Guesis of Rotary Club at Big Auxiliary Rellected in Report', Hears Encouraging Epo In duc time after tise repast type tnat is not satiaIfid o pac Mn. and Mrs. Rickand wcre "-tak- ils whole existence in tise în- en for a ride" and deliv.ered in a mediate vicinty o! tise home somewbat bewilderecl state o! acres. This type cmploys labor. mmid at tise United Cisurcis S. S. buys 'feed, mnachinery. fertilizers. hall into wbicis tbcy wene escort- tractors. engines. autos. trucks. ed by Mir. Fred Grahsam, a fellow and expends in tise business o! memben o! Mn. Riekards on the, the nation millions of dollars an- cisurcis session, and Mrs. Leslie nually.E Anderson. ncarest ncigbbon o! It is Ibis type, tise speaker said. Mn. and Mrs. Rickard. tisat needs tise wiol-beartcd co-È Previous to tisir entrance f i- operation o! tise wholc nation be-1 ends had been arriving in units cause lits potiential buying power and air andfarilis an grupsis vital to tise commnercial succes andpais ad fmiiesandgropso! tise Dominion. for tise space o! more than an Tise average person must real- bour and registering at tise spec- ize. iîe said. tisat unless tise !armn- lai office in charge o! Mn. Leslie en is prospenous and is able to Anderson. asslstcd by Mn. John pn ths millions on mnachin- Ashton. so that by 8 o'clock as sery n theen equiremnents. and tbey werc. led to seats neserved onruxuy,.heindustrial life wlll for tisem. t.o tise strains o! Lois- suffer and suffen very materially. enszrin's bridai marcis. played by Agriculture. he said. was tise sta- Mrs. E. C. Fisher. tisere were b- biiing influence in our comrn'er- twecn tbrec isundred and four cial life. liundred present. Auditorni um, speaking o! !arming types, tise cas roomns. galry. kitchen., were former O.A.C. President polnted f!ild. out that rural population was ai- Mn. and Mrs. Rickard again ways srnallcr in good turnes. The wcre conducted bo seats on tise peope to continually cry for a fflat!onm wisere they migist be the back-to-tise-farfl'. movemen't arel betten seen. Mn. N. L. Riokard sadly out o! uine wth the times. (conllnued on page 10) (contlnued on page . 1 Goodyear Emploj Choir at Trinit: "Trade Marks" was the subject of Rev. E. F. Armistrong's sermon Sunday evening when the employ- ees of the Goodyear Tire & Rub- ber Co. were guests of Trinlty United Church. Specl choruses sung by a maie' choir composed of Goodyear em- ployees featured the service, sing- ing three numbers. "I want my Life to Tell". "The Riches of Love" and "The Church in the Wildwood". 'A trade mark is for the pur-1 pose of easy recognition andi stands for certain qualities of the produet", began Mr. Armistrong. I'They are reglstered by the gov- ernment in order to protect the companles. The signature of the head o! the company may be thse trade mark, such as Is used by the Ford Motor Company or it may be made Up of a symbol such as the Fisher Body embiem de- plcting an o1l f ashioned coach. o ~1aw~~n anqet hurday ~ pledidWork of Sup- Health Nurse Results in MucI Sating Stagesa Play Com untyHal t lak-Se eny ttndto Hospital - ReportSr tock Sn e ofHalay Gc- e e ty A t n Presented at Hospital "A Day with the Publici thering for Keenly An-,Leaders' Course1 Meeting Health Nurse" Depict i1 ticipated Rural - Urban'TeLaesi rlil coiAogteitrsigrp ed for H o m e and GtTgte -Cow-received and adopteci at the - col lb t eua GetToethr C W made a gooci beginfllfg on Mon- fluai meeting of the Bowmanviiie Meeting boy Kean Was Speaker: day in St. Paui's Church wth a Hospital on Monday night HoeadScoiCubhl t 'egistratiofl of seveflty. that of the Women's HospitaladScol lb e Thursday night w as a gala: The conducted by Mr. B. Auxiiiary. an organization to meeting on November l3th at the nigt i Crtwsgh TwnsiPE. Ingham cof Bowmanville }igh which the town owes a debt ofI South Ward School with a 1ag when Bowmanville Rotary Club'Shol ceee to be the most gratitude for the splendidi work 1 number of mothers and children had as its guests prominent citi ar.Over thirty Sun day itcrefoadfrmyart present. Mfter the minutes were zesfrom ail parts of the Town- Schooi n Y .S. :rers settled Hon, W. J. Patterson yvear. The annual report of this read. Mrs. Ross Stevens, convener ship at a complimentary dinner' t tdth reaino rmly insrofNual group was presented by the Re- of the evening, took the chair under its RuralUbn elW h r downt stdythe grelatoi of sourmerî inter ofsaturan' cording Secretary Mrs. Chas. D. and the following interesting pro pral Bîk hisînt t h getscilRsure n h akacea Searle. and it reads as f ollows: gram followed: -Health Rhymes" The CmuiyHl at Bak problema of our day. . Government who has succeeded to The W. H. A. has just corn- by f our primary pupils, Elton stok reened a carnival ap- Those t.aking the course in thse office of Premier of that Pro- pleted another year's work dunn rc.Om oes Clarence peak ranesfre a ir h ad il Study conducted by Rev.1 vince with the acceptance Of which ten regular meetings andSelranBiCaertwch- ie fVictorian Women's ansi-Wm rk ner 0f nndprkiable~iPrme Gardiner of the Agricul- one special meeting wer ed uses by the pupils o! the school. tute ad tatefuly decratedthe ture Portfolio in the new King There are 27 miembers wth an -Corne Little Leaves" and " tute ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ diisrto ha aseulydcoaedtetteawnerai.gad rfial tables, and they served a delect- t'ime. a pc A dmnitrtinatOta!average attendance of 10 mem- Wash My Face'; an Health Pla able chicken supper to over one, . M omnWie es hunctred. The guests of the ev-inhreptm t.hdago The Hospital was visited each Gregors room. "Mr. Cold you ergincluded the Reeve and'group of Young people interested Bowmanville is certainly doîng mnhb w eies h e e embr o h T shPCuX-i the subject of the place and lits share to distribute the newmntbyto ebr.whr- caf't catch me"; instrumental 'in( cei r ofsi lig.mi ec-bnfto the sowshpory- in tefrmn- 1Silver Dollars issued to commem- ported needs and work done. quartet by George Roberts, How- 'ii ing o! the character o! the child. 1 orate the King's Jubilee. Some Moe a asddnn h eradCre.Hrl chevert andcT ers, postmastei's, rural mail car-' by two bridge TateIue2thOcrJse. ahnme a rins shol rstes-AniUlu The necreational feature con- 3.000 o! them came to Bowman geti njydsMssGah: ri~ ~ ofiers. sc ltuteand outhr ducted by Miss Eileen Stainton ville with Goodyear 25-vear em- and Nov. 22nd. getyejyd isGaa. b ai Society ofces n te The usual Birthday Partywahelh nr.wa te geti prominent citizens of the munici- iproved a source of enjoyment to ployees foliowing thei'r recent ahel nr.wstegut pait.Th getswrethr i il. presentatiofi. and there are few he]d in Manch in the Nurses' Re- speaker and put on a veny help- i hrt The school wili continue on, in the town who have not hand- sidence, when donations o! linen. f ui and interesting play "A Day lare nmbes o gve e~ TursayandFriay irnimt e hmi hi iclto, fut. groceries and money were with the School Nurse," with the e ared e t th RGarto n oa h ChristmasyTrnatFfor thenNur-ehe schooinand Mrs.iSyulnsiand Lir wecoe oth Rtnifi s h~Unted Church at 8 o'clock. Ail received. assistance of several children of i ç Seated at the head table were church workens are welcome. 1 True religion is not soltary.1 ses was held as usual. Mrs. Stevens. Miss Graham had i . Preidnt . . rmsrolgMaorThe Graduation Exercises were writen the play herseif and theý Ros Srie.ReveN Or an . 'qheld in May at Trinity Church first act wvas the nurse in the ' la Green, Township Clerk William ï ack tU I arm~ Mvovenient with a reception in the School class room with the teacher. The t Beacock,PatrsintGo Room afterwards. 4 nurses grad-seod astenreith0f Chase, Leith Byens, President o!fT l ~ J uated: Misses Forsythe. Werry. !ice at the Central school with 1i Cartwright Agriculturai Society, * rNi ria and A. D. Kean, speaker of the,&V~~m. Refreshments were served at for various ailments. She listen- ,. vy evening. both Bridge Parties. itdYe n teddt hi ed A Crnva Amoshee r.J. . eyolsParty, and atGrdainRcp very efficiently. having some lie A spirit of jollity ruled the ev- 'r-ýE o u in r tion and usual gifts given at down who hadi been late in rising enn.The atmosphere wsmade, e ...Peiet eg.aeWTelsWSenaiand edal o tS Exercises. school without proper food, and gan y the guests and hosts, and ' , I____ The following punchases were then to others examining teeth, the fun started when Presidentý ian lub Canada Can1 made during the year, mostly bY hands and binding sores and giv- 7 Armstrong appointed Frank Wil- Do with Less Farmers The Elocutionary Medai Con- the Buying Committee: 6 Wear- Ilxg kindly advice. The third iasandFedCdefana____ test held at Hampton on Nov. Ever sauce pans, 1 Big Ben alarm scene was the nurse in the same Serîýants-at-Arms for the even- lth. unden the auspices of the oc.idznmrlhagwnofice with the teacher who had ingotarians were f ined right There la no need for a back to W.C.T.U.. was a decided success '-knit cuf f. 2 dozen patients come to her with questions con- and reft on the least provoaation, the farm cry, in fact the less and weîî attended. Rev. W. Rack- gowns. 36 table napkins. 241,ý yds. cerning her pupils, and the fourth!I Hn~netMse and on many occasions without f armers we have the better for ham acted as chairman. Six flannelette, 5 pairs wool blankets. scene the nurse in the home with Canadiafi High Commissioneri provocation at al. A mnere slip the economiC welf are o! th elIcontestants f nom Enfield and 711--' yds. flannelette. 12 infants the mother who had a lot o! wor- to, Great Brtain. whose country1 o! the tongue meant a penalty o! country. Dr J. B Reynolds o! Port Hampton schools gave readings vests. 4 jugs. 2 pickle dishes. 49", ry and trouble that goes with the estate is located in Durhami i0c, and Rotanian Bill Green notHoefrr esdno!te. bearing on different topics. each yds. cutain net, 13 strainers. i raising o! a large f amily. But af - iCounty, is seen ini this photograph onln pad p fieifr has fniAnC.'atGurph todsembrsnf ontsntnteistanng excllet aketi. 4pudinedchell4pietentht nusetadvistedheranefo te firs tme n hs indor when he should be sîngîng,.but Bowmianville Women's Club in ability. plates. i bowi, 4 knives, 3 lemon helped her with the health prob-!cuia court drs. nwhc h ill ap- had to whistie a song in the car-PnhHaloMndDrRe- These readings wene intenspens- soueezers. 2 ec-g beatens. 61 yds. lems o! her f amily she f eit cheer- ipear at officacorfutin gain. noldsh Haslsean onay D.heylae cc with music'and song as fol- 72 inch sheeting, 523/ yds. 81 inch ed and encouraged to carry on inj at the Court o! st. James in ADellcious Suppel' - giutr or National iows: Vocal solo by Mr. Douglas sheetinz. 6 bedspreads 72" x 90". 2 her daily life and duties. Miss London. This pictune was theî Mfter the delicious suppe r had Lif e" and in the course o! his ad- Rackham: vocal duet by Ferfi dozen linen huck toweis. 50 yds. Graham received a hearty vote o! most recent pictune o n asy bee gvenfui Tostdnss e ndevoredtosho tatGilroy and Grace Stark: Piano Gold toweiling. 55 y'ds. towelling. thanks for the helpf ul advice 1pnion to his departure forEngand.1 to the King was duly drunk, and f arming was being Eomewhat solo by' Miss Edith Trul; chorus The members o! the Auiirthtaleoyd Mn.ym s-________ Mel Dleledth gthein i a the pupils o! Hampton school: donated 4 Layettes to the Hos- room won the mothers' prize o! Bay o! Quinte Conferece of! Farming. Dr. Reynolds said was guitar and piano duet byMr.pti .owthaoal!17mtesheUtdCbrhwlmetii (Continued on page 5) a question of tremendous nai- and Miss Vera Kersiake; pianoi Officens o! the Women's Hos- present. At the close Mrs. Stev- Oshawa next May instead O! ional importance. Leading pub- duet by Mrs. Kersiake and Miss i pital Auxilairy are: Presdent- ens' group served a dainty lunch. Kingston. lic men and womien were more Nora Horn: guitar selection bylMrs. J. O'Neill: Flrst Vlce-Mrs. Trib te s Pad ad mre rcogizig it imor-Norma Cowling and W a n d a W. H. Blrks: Second Vice-Mrs. T ribute is Paid an'd morethe scgil a 1n eonie Clarkte.a Rev.. W. Rackharn pre- A. R. Virgin; Recording Secnetary H m t n B o h r o d H l in pofthe ete egend, applying tvr -Mr.CD.Sal:orepn-H m on B th h ode d 1 Sha is oupe n xre hefouder o ciiliaton.skilflly to the dangers o h n Secretary-Mn5.V.H try Shaw Co ple Te rt ma ws fr r nddrink habit. Treasurer-Mrs. E. W. Crawford; e r a i a io n S t r a Silver W edding amin mghtwal b dscrbe Rev. E. F. Armstrong, Mn. B. Executive-Mrs. C. W. SeoR o g n z t* n o a u d y as the f irst and noblest o! the E. Ingbam, Bowmanvilie. and Mn. Mrs. M. A. Neal, Mrs. F. J. Mann-___ scienes. ,H.G. Macklin. Tyrone. were the ing. Mrs. H. M. Cole, Mrs. W. R. Mr. and Mrs. 'W. J*S I can speak intimately o! farm jugs. Mr. Armstrong f irst giv- Stnike: Renresentatives to the 1D R A U IR itnPtr Rickard Congratulated affairs, Dr. Reynolds said, as my ng a spirlted talk, stated the Men's Board-Mrs J. O'Neill. Mns. IN FINE SHOWING President of Popular1 whl bee myneed of advancing the Temper- W. R. Strike, Mns. C. D. Searle: b ayon wbImpieoasbentaoentn- ance wonk in every communlty Buvlng Committee-Mrs. W. H. AT WINTER FAIR Hampton Club -Plans born d o agrfcumtsevn ile r and stressed the f act that the at- 1 Birks. Mrs. W. J. Dudlev. Mns. H.Ar MaefrS so' _______ ryboonanvil ven maigessed titude o! the Young people to- M. Cole: Auditors-Mrs. E. R. Corne Second in Dominion-Wide Arei.iMae frSao' On te tent-fith nnier- ntrnceexainaion in the wands temperance today rest s s o B ounsali. Mrs. A. L. Nicholis: In- Young Farmers' Contesta Actvte sayo theitwenty-ita nnver. îan n ig ce eaintinsin emuch upon the spirit shown by. ventory'-Mrs. E. R. Bounsali, Mrs. at Toronto Mrs. W. J. S. Rickand, Shaw's, The speaker presented two pic- the parents in the home. A. L. Nichoils. Th_______d ogaiato weehonored with a compliment-, turcs to illustrate two types o! He then stated that after due Junior_________ofDurThe orothe e rhof orampton weyaresan rsnainaf rig i is ited- deliberation. the judges decided CAR - RADIO SHOW County made a splendid showîng circuit met Saturclay nlght and Schol pcte th peaanttyp offarm Dooth AdmsonhadwontheREMAKABY FNIEon Tuesday in the judging con- the United Chuncis Sunday Sciooapitc the marks tpe !ofarh the ____ petitions which preceded the op- laid plans for their winter meet- hnilg, Nembste n l6t. Tb e had hh w andel sPiontergtand contestants varving littie. 1Five brand new 1936 Dodge and e, go! the Royal Winter Fair. ings. Tise officers are: Hon. Pres- eningNovembr 16th They ad whih wasself spportig a MissssM.. KatersonrsiPres ofdenttoo!utmebiteoaautomobiles andhar fourtynewoungenockg accepted an invitation to a duck 1i self suf ficient on is small acre- teWCTU nsne h ea aiswr oda h uoadi DrmCuy .ugsokicent-Rev. Water Rackham; dinnea'irints eeigat age. This type tilied thse sou t to the ha.TUp wie. tandaksradioshweld b tme J.tCai- 1 Judges dicl a great cdays work.President-Hilton Peters; Vice Mrs. Rickard's girlhood home. 0arn a livelibood. It cared not for tiste othen contestants. namely. lis on Frlday and Saturda' o!fOne team came second in tise in thse home of ber f athes'. the latel societs', had no0 attainmients and Donald Samis, Fern oiîroy. Mad- îast week. 1îen-county judging contest, this Preasid-.L.Gaeo.Wey; ec- W. H. Peance. and Mrs. Pearce. h loped for none. It lived to get eline Wilcox, Gartb Perrit and Mn. Chala expressed himself 1team being composed o! Evenetitreas.-A. L. P-arncoe.Pro Also at this silver anniversary fron life a banc existence and PtrHs.a ral lae ihteso Brown. Orono. Murray Byers. omtemfaPOlPo - ae iefrayo! tise fîner PtrHs.a ral lae ihts hwBurketnan lver Smith, Bunk- Iram-H. Salter, Edgar Horn; festive event wcre two highly es- "arcd littie Mrsfor PanyrEandrit isBnown won third erSocial-UGeo. Armour. Will White, tecmed long time f iends f rom things o! life, preferring to live I a oe yMs .Ptn n nbsetuisi anrIeton and t ownwn h Toot.Mn. and Mrs. Walter only in thse family circie without ttandsvone y e rty vte.! tancamd tese two d aswee les pnize of $15.00 in tise contest for Lewis Cryderman. Eldad: Pro- Seldon. and th(, two younger bro-nyflohi iibunes n be given tise acting chairman. the only results. He had acquired a heihstageae ons n Soram-G ncs. tisens o! the bride o! 1910. css oillf itsts usd ol.judgcs and al who helped make valuable iist o! prospects wbo MTaaBeywnlit pieo ~es ocial- C. YA. Blnca. E.n Howard and Ernest Pearce, at The other type was the type ti u rsMeaCoetschwldnobelyeombyr $10.10 . -Tgayn-lor.N. . ehlowess Zion home with tiseir motisen. tiat prevails in Canada. Th i o u is ealCnes uc id uhendoruteybcoeuer DamCntureu. ares roralex MccM-asnt e Rli .....................- . -tn edcle sces.inte er uur.macle an even better showing in-Gaol'3ca-antBcc tise Dominiofl-widc contest. spon- I RUsl onieu rul"" b p't'i. AeLEgiouUa "ramaIu vci& I. ;t c yees Provided ~~~ored by tise Canadian Council on Tle f mat meeting wil be iselda r s n e y T i iy Y ,ees ~~ ~~ Boys and Girls Work. Compet-I Hamptoni Cburcb.'Fnidav. Dec. 6. i.,T ...? .V D ~, C urch Servce cc in tise Dominion. they won vided and Rev. R. j. McCormack ________ ~~second place in two classes anid o! King St. United Cisurcis. si- Tise Reiigious dramna "For He isardmaldioAsai.wsleZr Goodyear Wlng! 001 trade mark tiird place in anotben. awa will be tise giiestsekr ai ra ossin" rsn-as ajneRn .wsts was oiginated by a man namced In tise beef cattie project. Dur- A good program will be p)rovided cd bY tise Young People's Union daugister o! Asenatis and Bena Az- Seiberling wiso owncd a miniatureismCutBe!ClClbwstevrmein daltsemnoTiiy Churcis on Monday and ci. This story takes place ira an statue o! a winger Mencury and second, tise representatives being and boys on tise circuit are con- Tuesday evenings. was tise f irst o! outer court aI Ben Azel's home, seied ponthewined ootofJohn Rickand. Newcastle, andidially invilted and will be macle its kind 10 be given for some turne. and through tise belle! of Hadas- hstaued aspon atise w ie foot o!Thomas Baker. Solina. Mwel'co0m e. It latruly a remarkable play bas- sais and tise loss o! lhiser daugis- bis o stated a fs an proael In tise seed grain project class 1Secndàmeeting will be at Eldad cd on tise story o! tise Ricis Young 1er, Zerais. Ben Azel sela ail Ida bol ! spcd o trael.anothen second awand was won by on Jan. 6tb. Corne out and make ruler at tise lime o! tise Passoven. 1Jewels and flnds tbaîtishe trea- "Tienean trde ana o atise Durisam Grain Club, repre- tisese senles o! meetings a suc - Ben Azel, lise young nuler was 1 sures o!lil! e are flot bough isîwtl God-made man tise greatest pro- sented by Stanford Brown, Miii- cess. taken by Clare Aluin; bis wife. As- moncy. duct o! tise world. There must be brook. and Genald Andersoni, enatis by Marion Glanville; Job- As an introduction to Ibis play, nesiiency or obedience 10 lawstise I Soutis Monagisan. anars. Mervin Oke. a close fnletid Orclercd Souths", waa veny nicely samne as in tise making o! rubbdr In haiso! tisese contesîs finst Scout Toy Shop o! Bers Azel. was one o! tise f irst pnesented. Thsis stony is based on products. This h tise secret o! place werst to Aberta. I !oliowers o! Jesus. Zakkai. Don- tise Afnicars Missions. A conver' rgesm. There must also be en- In tise dalny caIlle project. tiselA a resulit o! Sattsrday's can- 1aid Purdy. chie! collector' O! Jer- sion o! ail bis f iends la brought dunance 10 wtbstand tise irritaI- Durhsam County Dalry Cal! Club, vasa y irs ia Bowii'anvilie iiciso, was tise f irst one convented. about by Harold Colnier as Frasil ions o!lie ancl an cxcellerscy o! represented by Ivison Tamblyxi Troop o! Boy Scouts. several Bow- Ibrougis Jesus' presence in bis' aisn ofo an enginffl living above tise standard. Christ and Roy Brown, Onono, was plac- avlecidehwl epole ouse over nigisl; Masons. Bert taken by'Frarsk McMullen. Jear camne btiste cnoss because ise ne- ed tisird. final place golng 10 Que- wilh toys at Christmas time. TiseMuttona steward o! Bens Azel. ai- Mno rn aisr' aac f usecl to tone clown btiste aven- bec ansd second b Britishs Colum- appeal issuecl for toys was well 01oloed Jesus later; Ban Tlm- was taken by Aileen Gibbs; Eleani age standard o! tise day. Tisene bia. nesponded 10 by cilizens, ansd wblle aeus a blind beggar aI Jenicho, or Gardiner, Rena Farrel, ani mus be qualty on lise inside iratise canvass bas not been com- ws laken by Wilfrid Hamiey and Piluip Lawry, Harry Jackma addition to the outward appear- Pallie (Elsie Canrutisers) takes pleled belwecn 100 ansd 200 toys bis daugister. Hadassais. was most wene f riencis o! Frank and Jean ance and wcarng ability and1 Bob (Owen Nicisolas) for a ride- bave been doraaled. These toys stnlkirsgly takera by Mns. Marlon ICanke Harvey, Hubert HOOPOM poer le seclilfe tisrough. Ina man j "Rldlrg witb tise One You Love" wlll be ready for distribution on1 James; Leah. Ada Clark anad as weil as Ina rubben." I -It's a Kraockout! Christmas Eve. Miriam, Evelyra Plokard. wene (coraîlnued on mae 7) Wit1lWhich -,1T Tncornorated The Bownianville Nei,,s From becretary - I reasurer maîl Operating Loss for Year Ending September 3Oth More Than Offset by Income from Endow- ments - Co-operation of Hospital Staff in Econ- omy Prograni Responsible for Fine Showing- President Lauds Women's Auxiliary FInarrces of BowmanviIle out whose aid, thse hospital would Hospital, due largely te spien- not be able to show sucis a re- did public donations and bc- latively excellent financial posit- ruests are in %n excellent ion. condition, the report of the The President pointed out that Secretary - Treasurer C h a s. the Board with thse cordial co- H. Mason revealed at the operation o! thse hospital staff had Annual meeting of the Hos- made every endeavour to keep pital Ina the Council room onl down expense durlng the yean. bht Monday naght. While on ac at thse same time no necessary ne- tuai operating the Hospital pair bad been le! t over. The ho- showed a loss for the Year pital itscif was in a fine condit- ended September 3Oth. the in- ion. corne fenm investments more Duing thse year one memben of than offset ths >ss. Itise Board o! Directons. Mn. T. S. Total expenditure as howfl Hoigate passed away. Two others, ithe f inancial statement for thseI D. A. MCullougis and Capt. C. W. an was $16,604.78, wie receipts. E. Meatis dcclincd. for business icluding grants, donations, and reasons to serve again on thse id accounts totalled $16831.93. Board. The 1935-36 Board wll be 'is would tend to show an actual composedo! F. F. Morris J. rplus. but old accounts cannot O'Neiill, W. J. Dudley, F. O. M- ýincludcd in this year's operat- Ilveen, E. W. Crawford, and Fred g account, and neither can tise Cryderman, thse last two named m o! $1190.00 bonrowed f romn being new members. Officers are e savings account. Not indu -: electcd at the f irst meeting of Id in thse rccipts howcver are 1Dinectors. ;ms of varying amounts. tise Report o! Women's HospltaI- icome f nom investmcnts of f unds Auxiliary was presented by Mrs.' ft the bospital in bequests. Chas. D. Seae, and this excelent Un! ortunatcly tisere was only'ireport o! tise activities of a very banc quorum present to conduct1 busy and a much necded onganiz- he annual meeting. President F. ation appears escwisene ina this 7.Morris was in the chair and* issue. i bis brie! remanka he paid tri- Due to the compicated mannen Dute to the very fine wonk o! thbei Women's Hospital Auxiliary. with- (continued on page 7) Tories Gather in Port Hope Honor Defeated Candidate Fred W. Bowen Prese&-'~ ed with Silver by Fi ends and Supporters at Big Gathering in Port- Hope Durhami was in tise Conserva- tive ranks for half a century and Fncd W. Bowen. who has repre- I sented this riding since 1921, wua caught in tise Dominion land- slidc on Octoben l4th, but this dld not mar thse social evening wi.h was tendened at the Town Hait, Port Hope. on Fniday evening for party wonkers and supporters. in-. cluding between 20 and 30 from Bowmanvllle. Fully 400 persons attended thse event and everyone isad an enjoyable time. A short prognam, was put on which was prcslded over by E. P., Sanders. local Association Presi- dt. He announced tisat plans had been made for the formation o! a Junior Conservative Assoc- iation ina Port Hope. He intro- duced Mn. Bowen, bis wife, a.nd Fred W. Bowen daugister te tise audience and Consrvaivcmemer or ur-tbey were enthuslastlcally neceiv-ý ham for 14 years and defeated, At tis Juncture. H. R. S. Ryan., candidate in tise recent elections, ,lcal Secnetary, pald tibute to who was honored by hundneds of thse work o! Mn. Bowen and al-ý frlends; in Port Hope lst week. ithougis de!eated ina te last edec- tien, party interest would nlot lag Alderman Aluin F. Annis. nais and a dtrmned eff ot would ho imadle to nedeem th ise nldg. Mms ive o! Tyrone, and now a prom- Fred Scuithorpe tisera presented ment Oshawa barnister, bas an- tise defeated M.P. anad bis family nounced bis intention o! contest- with a handsorne silven combina- ing tise Mayoralty o! tise Motor tin platter. wisile Mns. Eowen City. His many Bowmanvllle fnl-j and ber daugisten recelved flow- ends will wish hlmn succcss. He ens. Mr. Bowen flttngly nepled. bas isad a metcorlc cancer in Musc fr round anad squa. municipal politics in Osawa. dancing was pnovlded by a Cob- ourg orchestra while iratise recep- Duc to a f reight train leaving tien room a numben o! tables of tise rails nean Napance. traffic on carda wene played. tise C.N.R. was iseld up for sev- Lady mernbers o! tise Associa- crai heurs on Wcdnesday, mak- tion served refneshmlents and it ing tise early mails In town some was annouraced tisat addltlonal , hurs late. i social prograins are planned. IIow" Wall--~ JJ Dpà,Cte5,J

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