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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1935, p. 2

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PAGE TWO '-.AVILLE, ONARIO, 1THUftSDAY, NOVEMBER 2st, 1935 sent day standards. How miany of us know that sYstematicallv-? Are you biiildin2 aur Present mail service had its beginnjng in 1685 up a wail off protection against M ee a t ib twn%.hen a private coînpany was organized to carryORL and M N the abyss off moneyiess and lvork- Established 1854 letters t0 London and its suburbs. and that the esya?-whhaysi tp AWeekly Newspaper devoted to the interests of the gv"rien mils sere oniy for government dis- B (HNCpyriht) OO ped n to bc- r 50 fllafly per cown of Bowmaniville and surrounding country, issued Patchles? This adventure led the government to il 65gt>whth er y eac ther 6tor il nt King Street, Bowmnanville, every Thursday. by M. A. take over the company and there came into exist- ,equal ta the challenge tD beeln James & Sons. owners and publishers. The Canadian ence one of the earîiest examples of public owner- Inti1onr r ee-îc1'n o~aea iad~ putting frorn 51, to 1V:of .oui Statesmnan ls a member of the Canadian Weekly News- I hscutyae evrleing owg aalndY lpresent earnings int an arcun- papers Association. also the Class "A" Weekties of ship. The author describes a five-mile railway thousand men and women whose and those dependent on yOu uiating Savings fund? Is yu1r Canada. trip taken by Thomas Creevey on November l4th. professed business is urging oth- wouid be i a state off despair and- 1829. The speed was 20 miles per hour, a miracle er men and women to save mon- wvretchedness. And if you couid Continued on pagee5o SUBSCRIPTION RATES ey find employment at your old rate iin the mind off Mr. Creevey, who was satisfied that Anywherain Canada. $200O a year; in the United States, NotV, you'd think that such a 1off pay. but with the condition at- BUILD A TOWVN SZ.50 a year. payable !n advance. Single copies. 6 cents. his first achievement wouid be his last. vocation would be quite unneces- tached that 51, or 10% 0 f youri _________ A book such as this should make the study off sa r3. You'd think that ever1 wage or salary shouid go each1 By Douglas 1alloch THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 21st, 1935 civics a most interesting adavr vlabemani and womnan would of his or week or month to the credil off a i and ver valableher volition be a money-sa-ver.! savings fund. youd positively sing Men build themi houses. and sit course in our schools. Parents had better watch knowing that it is vitaily neces- for joy and say,Ye- yes - yes down This ls Royal Winter Fair Week out or their children are going 10 know more about saiy for every earnier to be set- I-es! - And quite farget about tne towvn. ___ _civilc affairs than lhey do. ting aside money each week - J CK As though a man couid build a When it comes to the show business or putting -______ month - year - la provide a fundI Admittedly il is hard la, save 1 dwelling which would enabie him or her money. Saving money means thei Withouî fforeseeine and fo,-e*ell- on a f air or exhibition. Toronto has eamned the Advantages of Town Manager System te indulge later on some cherish- ersinoamutudofe-1g repulation for doing such things in a big. spectac- ____ ed desire - or ta buy a home, or rerssian offamuite offr de- ingt ta acquire capital for the pur- sires.-poal ut rprd-Wa sort. of place hi.s house shaîl ular arid successful way. The Royal Winter Fair. We do flot agree with the Newmarket Era when caeof 1uies foeson e i athe u d en ing osff-heWhteaebnd nrcko ad which opened yesterday and continues daily till it stales ils preferment for a Town Council con- or to be independent of the char- legitimate desires and' require- And yýe* the home that he hasz Nov. 28th. is an outstanding example off this state- ducted municipality in comparison with a Town ity off others when wage-earning ments off those for wharn yau are ffound hinm mn.This annual show now entering its four- Manager form off civic goverriment. The Era ad- years corne ta an end. the breadwinner. But is net all Depends upan the wlorld araund teenth consecutive season ha-s become a Canadian mits thal the system has warked successfuliy in eBuse norespe casfte gruiethm- ldutay? Lif twena"uies sreh ofand hs.hwergan ore. institution off international famne in which every some places, but it fails ta, namne any place that jrt f anr:te -sltl character - when the battle be- D oepnsuon ter gder vîew. citizen off the Dominion is justly prouci and keenly l'as adopt.ed the tawn manager system which has refuse la save money accarding ta lween one's desires and one's duty; And he who miakes a garden interested. failed in the task il undertook. The Era further a deffinite plan - ta id hm 15eeravctr ordt. oe pet It was a happy thought of the fair officials t0 suggests that the Town Manager system is a move selves ta put aside a speciffiedj over. life becomres more enod Must alsa make as fair a city. sumoff money each week - month we t savctroslje n A better house has little vvorth dedica-te the 1935 show as The King's Year" ta away ffrom the democratic f orm off goverriment - year. hen i is a Uchnto ondslîfe..A. n esuo etrerh mark the 251h anniversary off the accession ta the and a step in the direction off a dictatorship. These iton-savers admit that when ones strength off character A tawn wl never grow about h'im th.rone Off King George V. His Maesty is himself If our contemporary will look at a municipal they have flot saund reasons for and off purpose grows. one ac- Well gaverned and well buîlt, sri enthusiastic stockman and a winner at many corporation as a- business venture. for such it is, it mon PedggThe jsest a tey whily arrmaistke owethintht An hewhouseks hav asu English and Scotch fat stock shows. moill* realize how differentl amisaketo hin most Admunicipalitiesve su EachofftheCandia prvines s aso o hve readuced on hdieortic om u inles are ffrightened 10 pledge them- life is made drab. bleak and mis- To keep him iri the years 10 came Each of he Canaian provnces isalso to ave areconducte on teelvesctoicbeosysftbmatics saverstooff yera-ble whever dutyrovercamesutyde-ecWili neyerllprosperro ifr hfshsneigh- due recognition at '*The Royal" when a day has management. One need only look at the great money. They imagine lhings! sire. Indeed, desire and duty tend bars bexhstib r o tedspa fits realize andavey imgnetey or h cant ta become one and the samne thing Have littie market for their lab- mrate enteraomanagesaeDoting onstlie ant tey wil ge int somsome day in that liffe which is controlled by ors. tht oitoh.udmntad eao adpu-His plan must comprehiend them Thlnk off il. over 15.000 entries have benre y changed from year to yea-r. and that the share- 0f extreme financial difficulty, so pose. When clesire and duty are all. ceived ta make up this great show. At no ex- P'olders, which are comparable ta the ta-xpayers in needing mioney urgenîly! ti confit tral n t Since aIl togetherr* rfil hibition is there such a variety of agricutural a municipa-lity, are not active i the compariy's J~ C K on 'c. i re iyas t hat ger rîerbuld aseror ha. interests orie's weinknessquis tryandigualtwin usa Whoevrbuillda sheter for him mangeenereerrone reomnof.ha ran-question: If inside the riext teri Iindulgence of weakness is lîke The Royal Winler Fair has grown ta> enormous sponsibility off management. talk over Ihis malter off systemat-wiia-rondvuoe proportieonsof thedusinssrunertae minteslamaricaidueon ou tOfeeing la tig n evr ote.tge hih ha t A b out proorios ridircrasng oplait du billi money-saving how would you Saving money s uI aIe- high class ertertairiment and educational features As a- malter f fa-ct the Town Council plan, un-~ receive him? Would Yo begin 10 pessin f 3 iS poe. ist n,,1ex-i n un which have beeri built an the prima-ry anid solid der ils present form off operation, is iamenta-bly hem anid haw and 10 say-y-I sim- urgements ta save moriey is a n1 1u Se foundation off encouraging and beieffiting Cari- out off step with modern efflciency. The Town puy ca-n't sa-ve money. I use up manifestation off a disordered adian agriculture tI all its branches. Whether Council should serve ini the same capaciîy as a every penny off my earnings. Il mind - a mind which sees smail boa-d of drecorsoffariindstral oncrri asan s quite impossible for me 10 save îhings as great things. you live in the city. town or country you will en- bor fdretr fa idsr. onen sa money." JC joy a isit t "the oyal."advisory commîtîce. leaving the actual manage- What does this attitude Sig- Ili JufruntlCtotueB crbK - j iitt te oa. ment to a mari qualiffieci and well versed in the niffy? It signifies Ihat the lhingsJthat ms unmetn ad w on r thisrie 9 tusiness. Under aur present plan new counicils which deep dowri in your heart t w ori lt tm ve s bwoenblin A1rredngcriîerbe.f Abois Nme"Hus o Rfue' are elected annually, seidom on a basis off a know- yau hope for and wa-nt acutely about like tumbleweed. They iack Byron or the oulput off sanie con- are riot going to be striven for. pwrofrssac.Te r'tnna oî.aCndaii p Som yers ga sugesionwasma-e tatledge off municipal aiTairs. and members of these It signifies that 3'ou are just hop- juIla-bwer.oTheir moos nthensae ntal onietan alnian sset a Sameotersnane ta-sugethe iou se faRfue shud counicîls are given administrative posts over Pub- ing that You will gel the th'ingsmia-e Theirm h an execse ofsathng ue nusualy aniffiet a boe fohndaor thanmetherHe oa Ryfage men ad lic utîlities off which they know practicaily nothirig. desired by sorte miracle.. Il 52 11il-power is dista-steful ta thern. or magic. It mighî be off interest ta note this fact that off nfies that you are hoping thatl Most persoris in unemployment We have Just beeri given a firs, womeri from variaus parts off the United Courities ail municipa-lilies which have defa-ulted in their in later years things will be bel- have lived tumbleweed lives. Most hand opinion by a Canadian xho, wlll spend the suriset off life. t er for you and that Ihen you'Illpersans in debt and on relief have settosasi h evc f We strongly agree with the Cobourg Sentinel- bodowhhaebcm fiai-lymars- egnsvngmny lived tumbleweed lives. Most per-1 the British Nav y un t.he Medite'-, sed, there are rione among them goverried by a Yet al the tmne lit is possible sons wha ffind bhemselves de- ranean. He sa-w sunsets galore Star which also believes that the na-me "House off Town Manager. A great deal off the opposition ta for you to save money right tow P endent on charity or on other in Manly places. He says that if' Refuge' should be abolished. We would like b a Town Manager system off goverriment is because - o much every week ý)or monlh. Ipersans' earnings in the late years same off t hase pcets and o1hers' paint out that many off the irimates off the institu- it doe not present the opportunities for graft an And how is il possible? you ask. 1 off their lives have lived tumble- who rhapsadize aDout I t Ii a'n tion are i receipt off the aId age pension and are seif aggrandisement thal are presented ta the el- SH ppre is thaswe plyr I wce li avs.Ms ersans o! mll snuCntadec ome aao'ccu. practica-lly paying their way. This pension was ected counicil. carrying outi as awn policy without shauid say 10 You. "Brown, be- weed lives. iwhile beholdîng them. flot given ta them as a gift off charity, but as a the niecessary knowledgc la do it.gînning on the fi'sî off next These tumbleweed men and i As %ve write thîs contrnený fori- gift f rom the stale ti recognition off the service _____________ onth saur wage 'or salary) wiil -womnen pretend ta themiselt'es foi-____________________ they have rendered ta the state. and in order that be cul 10', . Existing conditions that lhey are the viclims af cir- their iridependence might be maintained as fa-r as Mirror of Opinion make this cul absolutcly rieces- cumistances, and they ask for possb!etrioldage Bu asde romthefac of i ______sais.' Yeuu wauid submit la this pily. They try ta comfarl theni- possblein ld ge. ut sid frin. he actofvage cut. off course. You wouid selves with the reflectian that these pensions. the namne 'House off Refuge". has Dtrhain ratepas-ers. sece that yaur representa- grawi and complaîn. and be nasty t hey are viî'tuous. hard-wvorking always sounded out off place ta us. Ma-ny off the lives ta0 the 1936 Caunties Council at Cobourg are about il. but sotî would Itat sa-y. land indiistrious. They ma-y be all aged men and women spending their lasI days i com!fitted ta -Equal Representation or Separa--Ilil chuck îny job rather than these lhîngs: yet .iust being vîît- these institutions here and throughout the land lion." submit ta this wage cul." You uious. hard-working and industri ________know that s'au wouid net iikely'ous is flot enough. Virtuous. hard- are there through no fa-uit off their own. Thes' fiiid better-paid cmPhayment else- 'v,.orking and industriaus persans bave been provided 1;ith every home comffart by Congratulations ta Durham Junior Farmers and where, and sou right ffind it oughîta be gaing somewhere- the va-nous county caunicils and interested citizens their capable coach E. A. Summers in winning fearfulis' ha-rd ta, get empioyment by the force off their own will- and arganizatons. and the institutions, if they three off the fîve comipetitions entîîling them ta e Isewýhere at ail. If sou chucked Power. are lik the oe that ill shrtly becompleed at crnpeieavoure job. Wnour wau.dOurjob.a-blvobe Arotest bofAtest lh-poll erwerndnooffppu arelik th oe tat illshrti becomieed -t ompteat he oya Wnte Far.Ma-y we hope Out-. months and nmonths. re- Pose is. Are yoîî saxing rmaney Cobourg. have the homelike atmasphere for equally gaod suces at the Roala.I We lke bc n -'County Home forth Aged" but perhaps some off aur readers cauld suggest a- The pre-election promnise off the Liberal pai'ty -1 better one. Wc would be pleased ta pasa- these tc Vote King and Gct Action' was carried out In The Lflm and Diistant rast alang ta the Counties Cauncil. wvith commendable speed i lawcring the high _Î_ ta-nf wails belween Canada and the United Sta-tes "The Art of Living Consista in 1 as announced this week. Canada- needs markets TWENTY-FIVE VEARS AGO FIFTY YEARS AGO 1for ma-ny off its commodîties and likewise ca-n use jPo h omnil es j Fo h ttsa Taking Sides" ta advanta-ge the products off ather countries. ovembher wmvl8t.N1910 ovember 2th, 1885 Although a charter and conlinuous membe' off Daily editions off the melropolitan prss are big A large burnout off members Solîna: M. Edwin Rynotlds our local Caria-dia-n Club for over 25 yca-rs, it was enough ta "choke a cow" and the country weekly greetcd Right Worshipfful A. W. ha-s fînished veneering his bouse on]y last week that we ha-d the pleasure and priv.- suffers by campa-rison iri size. And yet ive fancy McLcod. District Depuly Grand . . . Mr. a-nd Mrs. Thos. Gea. Or- Toro to her wil b al ays a pl ce or e c m mu iîy ..M aster of O tanabee D i s t r i c t. m iston have g ane la reside on the ilege, for the firsb time, off visiting the T r no t ee wl e a w y l c o h o m nt when he paid his officiah visit t-o Luke ffarm. soîîîh off Columbus. Cana-dia-n Club at ils luncheon at the Royal York ncwsPa-pcr. Il is a common occurrence for relia-bic Jerusalem Lodge A. F. & A M. Thcy spcnt Thanksgving day a-t Hatel when Han. C. J. Hambro. President off the cilizens ta tell us that they read every' une ini the Officers elccted were: "W. M.-C. iMr. Awde's. Parliament of Norway and for ten years his coun- home paper evcry wcck. Today a-la-dy' informcd B. Kent: S. W.-A. Min g e a- u d; Tyrone: The large ha-ndsame a try's representa-tive at the League off Na-ions, a-s us that. every weck for ycars she ha-d read every J. W-W. C. Kinig: Treas-Jobri barri in course off ereclian on the spekergav a ivi an inpirngpicure lin tr th paperinhudng il he dvelismens.Lyle: Sec'.-J. S. Maorcraft: Ty- premises off Thomas Jardine is guuespeaergavear-L. ndJoliawg ictrelAudiithlors-G.ludngallth nowrisffinishcd. olow:Auia-nd r.J.eflectshd.andre muchuc a! te a mad asith ions off theLeaeHs Wauld this statement appiy ta the readers off the Rawe, C. A. Cawker. credit on the builder and con- addesswasmaredwit hih iealis. e-rnstbig ciîy ncws shes?-St. Mars's Journal-Argus. Womnen's Missioniary Society of Iractor. T. Gardiner .. The elaquence and sparkling humai whtch revealecd a ____jIhe Mthodtst Chur-ch cammem- funeral off the late Mrs. Wmn. Oneof he inet istacesofIe ara-ted the 25tiiannîvcrsary Off ErentISi'., took place on Sa-bba-îh ma- of chra-ler wît lofty aspratons who ha- on o! the finst nstnce of sevice rendered j the founding ai' this branch in ftro n sa ak o h s give a Ue ff srvie fr th beterent ff u- y a- newspa-pcr that ha-s raine ta aur notice w-as ;i Bowmna-nville. This silvet' eventîeman rspciiwhhsh ynanly.Offthe a-n dcighîfulrem-rkshe tna- ebc speciai isuesoff The Toonto Star for sev- wa-s celebraed Wedinesday with a , was beld a veî'y large numbero: thi an sems a lnge upermsî ithus.Theerai days last week for Mrs. Harry 'ODonneli banquet in the schoohI'Oroi. . frîends a-nd relatives wene in at- art off living consista- in ta-kîng sides.' Il was a- rNaît Stevens wa-s the first presi- tendance. ..Thanksgiving a of Tor'onto. Mrs. ODonneli's husba-nd is accua-ed cnî and thase who failo'.ved her g.g new thought tb us a-nd worthy off cvery day con- of murder. whtle she iinamI hfi .Was sperit ii shoating a-nd'athe aidera-lion a-nd practica. atenutyhospital infiae '.tcre Mcrs. Thos. Hoar. qitaueet sideration and practice. wth a- baby a- few days ohd. Ta prevent Mis. Mnfs. G. C. Haines. Mrs. T. W,.uetauemns Byth wyHo. r.Habr i a otsanin- Jllff. rs ! M JnePCMr artwright: ti eotdta By te wy, Hn. r. ambr ta a- aulianina Donneli gettîng a-ny knawledge offlher husba-nd'sJaifeMa-..M.Jes.Ms Trebilcak. Mnofîsa-a-cJew-si .irewson talhaenanoîhn pî'am eusses the fa-miliar public seri'vces- aucbas police, are late cameî'a-who disturb business meetings by '. ugesacuied bbc chirt. biffe offIn. rlnThaiîaNovan-2 lir prtetio. ate sppl, euctio and ras- 'eiring that the ground aireadys covcred shahl be Rev. Henry S. Malîbews died Camp, off a-sari. partation. Part Il is a littie more advanced and Inacedi in onder ta cnlighten them. Those î'cspons- at bis nesidenre, 5 Chicor'a Ave.,: Binth: Wiiiama-.... Bowvman- C ha.ndles topies wbich are not so ca-ils' linked with ibefrdlrmining t hour off meeting shauîd Torno1. an Monda-y. For Ihrce ville, Note'. 151h. the wvife o! Mn. os ears he w'as ninister o! the Me- W. H. Williams, bhacksinith off a home life. while Part III expli-ns the machin- sec thal il is strictly obacn'.'ed, and toa a-l those thociist Chunch ti Boinanvliile. daughtcr. ery of gavernment. who make complaint oî' cause confusion bs' their Ma-iket prices in Bawmanvillic The wrlten gives the history aofca-ch section, dis- untimels' airivai, give the uncha-nging answer off The happiness a-rd misery Of,' Butter 12e 10 15c; Egga- 18e ta 20e eusses the dcvelopment and progress that ha-s been Eva-rgeline Booth, "Yau sbould have been oh men depend quite as mucb on doz.; Poatoes 40c o10eSOcPer nidetr c-c racbunilIlbs eahe is r- lime." Ihein lempers as on tbeir fort- bushel; Fa-Il wheal, 75c a-nd 85e maei ahbac ni thsrahdispe1unes. bush. ______ TLe Statesman. v.e are siting in t b c a r w s o f f a - n u n t mn g o d g. e leide a sinahî lake whih faris p a rt o01 bbc F en cb l R iver , lb is N v be.The sky is opa lc ent. The waten an iridescent rinunton. Ib s a m a-: illpossible to telli were the i a-I sore lne ends and the shadlo. beeliis. M\lat is. Passngthnugh Our BLUE COAIL You cannot make any wiser cholce of heating fuel than Blue Coal. 'Time and time a-gain it has proved its ability to heat homes comfortably - and de It far more economnically than any other fuel. And now Blue Coal adds just one more advantage . . . for our coal is dust- less! It's speciaily treated and cornes to iou CLEAN! With it, you ca-n have a cleaner. neater basement - more roomn for minter's work andi play. With it, the rest of your home wiii be easier to clean and keep dlean, too! Just be sure to order from Sheppard & Gi - if you want per- fect fuel! 24-HOUR SERVICE ON PHO'NE ORDERS. PHONE 15 11O.'EST IVEIGHT - ALL SIZES - LOWEST PRICES S heppard & Ciii Lumber Co* PHOYE 15 TA317TEDBO MNIL advertising compa-ntSon made wibh the Riviera. T a- e somne spot in Canada. Compare the ivarmnth, sa! tress, and 1'uLegd beauts'. .Mighln't there be a-n influx of bards and poets as wll aE sam hcavy spendeis who ha-vt an-i- thing 10 do until tomnoriu. If this ever got stanted. there-s [OTEL CLERK TELLS YOU DOMS ..m- AND HE STICKS Y... ANDYOU HAVE TO KG FOR SOMETHINO ELSE ..Don't blanie the clerk. ,esolve instead alwclys to ong Distance aheaLd for ccommodcition. *Night rates on "Anyone' (station-to-station) calis NOW BEGIN AT 7 P.M4 Fr'ank Williams mamger PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAlq- R(IWMAIý,TITTT.TT.' nXrrAMTý ýIT---.-

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