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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1935, p. 3

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nmiicnàjA,%amQlA'!'UA?.T flU77.AN'iTTT.T ONTARIO, THURSIAY, NOVEMBER 2lst, 1935 THE lolst PROBLEM a store or a town dweller's back- FAR NORTH QIL WELLS TO BE RE-OPENED *LOCKHART'S HOME "6LE yard and began helping himself. -A DSC O LC U hFAL N W E e would speedily find himself in ANDSCH OLByU the local .iail. "Oh, but thats HEAR REV. G. MASON the Reader Comments on Timneliness dufferent,- is the cry. -Not at of Statesmnan Editorial Re- al:' is the answer to that. Un- - Speaker Says Rural Sehool Childdnt lain t Poprt Rghs deniably the samne priliciple is in- Has Advantage in Health hrt Volved. frh In a recent edtorial oni child- A store keeper spends money * Home and School Club met at haai rens dregard for the rigkits 0ftoeeupistck-aare the sehool, Wednesday, Nov. l3th.te r others, gStatesman said some- flt only spends money for seed, *.. Programi committees for the re- thei thing tthat needs to be said. The implemients. feed anhaor u afil otswr hs editorial was commenting on the himself works early and late at way youngsters trampled gardens back-breaking tas. His work is are: DCon eber o-tevris months son; January- Henry Bowen; We and stripped fruit trees inl toxwm. never through. of usy-oa rha;Mac If every word had been printed What the Farmer Has to -M Fbrary-oe;ra G raham;Larngofhes in italics. the empha.sis, from the CnedWt-May Bwn p-Mrs. Lai w ng _So fand ' io ew ,ecanbld o d doestenrs. d ryhn a -anrthoralslo pysraji fames Ofi o ie. Oldflt Some people have an idea that Jor.May-M.rsFed owen:Preve have been too greaý. one plants seed. or a tree, and I rga osse fapaosaidi on the parents for flot teaching frmrirnsi asxld yjo. uia their children the sanctitY of numerable insects. blights andý June Brown: guita r.lo b No-rd others' propertY in town. in the diseases. and for the rest. is de- I s: man Lawry: readinM.Bak but fo contyth arnt heslvspendent on the condescension of Thev.': - speaker wassome set an example by stopping the the weather. He spends dollars i..Ge gest speakerwmas Rev car while out for a drive andofof "the helping themselves to whatever caand lo-hodas a buritp eo M5Ol f Wanile 1hotie.h coaxa cop o stnd ipeand ~ '~speduaon".tHeroa ubec thof fruit is in season. Apples are the bountiful in the field. and one i~dcto~ eepandta sweet most obliging - the trees often must remember that his crops[ there was a difference in schools. he I grow quite close to the road and are his livelihood. Has a shop- Oý ela otNra.o h akni ieNWT. Although there are advantages to would thus do flot force one to exert keeper or any other town dweller. i ela otNra.o teMcezervr ... be had in urban schoos their ad- and1 oneself too much. then. a right to help himself to çýhich is to be re-opened shortly and will be most northern ou vantages may be offset by those of se Pan you blame the children for this hard-earned harvest? It may well in operation in the worid. supplying fuel cil for the Great o0f the rural school. A rural pairs dloing what their parents do? flot seem stealmng. but there is Bear Lake mining region._____ child has a better chance to be of a One is at a loss to know by çwhat reaîîy no other namne for it. 'healthy and health plays a vital menti process of reasoning these people Woln .OS Bonk 56 (total). jHarold Snud- !Part in education. The speaker ordir reach the conclusion that what is deoodlandH.S* O* S37 explained that the Purpose of Bu a frmrs s verboy's Pr- In the Spring. in spite of cam- TJrhr oncl dn(. H. oM p.) 3Meta 82, education is to prepare the child B haps they think something like paigna to preserve the wild flowý- rJ.UMlre ecl doesn this: "Oh. he's got hundreds of ers, it is the samne. Private Pr- 17,Jo y P o 72.,AlRd Feathe s tat ebyte tieead 5reah-1 um barrels 0f apples, heil neyer miss~~~~~~~~~ perty signs are simply ignored. CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL 7, u5Gion7,t»'Sd-eangebwen1ad5heht barrl fewa Bt by heltie ew eolemrniteisbskt. nd____den (Lit.) 57, tWinnie Power will be equipped to make his own him. moew passtby atdhe th afem-witoute a ngthhe fir sttain-d eulrmetn1f onu s(Lit. Geo. Ar.) 50.1 way in the world from the fact start. seore s and anod 0 hlden ing onesa permission. ig stom e I h l Nov. t ithofmember s al Sr. Pr-Keith Crago 82,*R.ose that he will have acquired initia- theC halvesfilad therwpofcts and 0f one'spisiwodan.digtransant it prNoven t nd Ree e .Gren pre-Snudden 75. tive. planning ability, endurance take hav flle tei pokes n thoeir odnrdenspln rsidn.n ReeN.Gen r Figures indicate "f: * Honours; understanding and patience. Mr. Welfa blouses. and somnebody else has interongres iig Failure on total and subjecta in Mason suggested that one impor- truste even had the audacity to comeI Wouldn't it be amusing some Communications f rom Coun- brackets. tant work of an H. and S. Club ia has s and pick a basketful, and a few day, if a woodland owner walked ties Judge was received statingi Ruby M. Bragg, teacher. to get a three-way co-operation grega packed barrels have been stolen into a town garden where hepat- he would be in the hall at Black- Reserve Friday. Dec. 20th, for between the School Board, Rate- Trafi in the night - well. you may be- icas. Spring Beauties. Jack-in-the stock on Nov. 29th to take evi- the Christmas Concert in the payers and the teacher. He em- in on gnto see where this attitude Pulpits and Adde*s Tongue e dence e valuation of Cartwright achool ro at 8 p.mhshould nthe rshd rug that ide leada. One apple grower actually looking very homesick, and calm- for County Equalization. sol o erse hog ft had somne of his Spy trees picked ly dug themn up again. saying to Road allowance on Con. 6 W8.5 school but only advanced accord- righte one night. the aghast householder: "Pardon rented to A. Wright. uriiI G ing to their ability to grasp new heq Doesn't Work Both Ways me, but these came from 1fl3 Clerk will advertise for 80. knowledge. Refreshments w e re lot. Quite often fruit lii ted by the woods. so I'm taking them back sticks of bridge covering and 4;<- sesved. I ca,,sual passerby is green andhome with me. By the way. those cords of wood. Lwo-hmsnwr sual Nopaer - s green anduitare beautiful crocuses on> our Ordrs eresigned as foîîows: 1 Laso-Tbie if wr Is arlNw a ter sTen fruit lavn. 1 guess I'11 take a f ew of Hydro Comn. service ___$ 9.581 A very quiet but pretty wedding b BT A Y1"etI drawback to this practice is that toe o.WaII lavH.BackSc-Tas was solemnied 0on Saturday, No- more it doesn't work both ways. If a holes in your lawn? Oh,. well, S. S. No. 5 -- _--100* 00 vember 16, at the United Church of th farmer or his children came into' they'll soon disappear. Looks as W. Forder, refund dog tax 2.00 Parsonage, Whitevale, Rev. J. R. Mrs. Thomas Knight, Bowmanvslie jobs _______________________if you've got a nice lot of roses O. Wright. roads, bridges 352.45 Bick officiating, when hr.ScouiJne"LSwnec-ea.Fne ugrduGer f Mr.yg srspecge his l hee e o n ue L win e.Tes Fre one duhe fM. A hhly eseted and edhea< Persian Balm appeals instantly Other Fellow's Vew S. S. No. 4----- _ 50.00 and Mrs. James Thompson, Bur- resident of Bowmanville, in the ti to the dainty woman. Stiniulat- Is the point clear? J.rewa Wright, Weed Inspect- keton, was united in the boly persan of Mrs Martba Knight. hn ing the skin, making it velvety ., *ws or eries 25.00 bods fmarmoy th Thoas idow of the late Thomas Knight, Bu sof t in texture. it creates and a Birds Eye Center cartoon in r s2c. os0fmaxon i msbuck presrve copleion ofexqis-the Star Weekly some time ago, Assessor. selecting Jurors 200 Edmund Lawson. Janetville, only passed away on Thursday. Nov. what pesehres comliexios fraexqui.shvigtefr ran f- Clerk, selecting Jurors - - 2.00 soni of Mr. and Mrs. James Law- 7th, at the home of ber daughter, e Cool and delightful to use. Es- iy picnicking on a city îawn. It Receipts: Mrs. Fallis, lumber, son. Mrs. Geo. R. Collacott. Salem. toe $300; J. J. Jobb, lumber, 80c. The bride was b ec oin ngl1y Darlingtofl township, aged 90 oe peilyrecommended to soothe expresses what I am contending, .W pec isplruheso hfn.prety sally aut r h Counicil adiourned to meet Dec. gawned in a frock af san marca years. thini Stiultin ad nviortin. m-worse offenders, so what can be 2nd at 2 P. mn. crepe in fusebia wlne shade with Deceased's maiden naine was a1 youul thfulnd vioelunss I1 W. Beacock, ClerIt. trimmings of silver lame. and for Martha Bunt and she was borna o parts a otfllvins and expected of their cbildren? A taeln hs ot0 nls at Travarren. St. Columb Parish. refoc protects and enhances the most recent sermon had as its theme, taeln hs oto nls delicately-textured skin Persian _I1 sat where they sat." Try sît-f îama with wolf collar. with bat Cornwall. England. She came ta Balm is the unrivalled tolet re- igwee h amr Sit - SCHOOL REPORTS1 and accessories ta match. The Canada in 1869 and wlth hier hus- Mi quiste.while and then see how your * happy couple lef t mld showers of, band lived for many years in tbe extec Ilo rsuei.Tefre good wishes ta enjoy a motor trip brick residence on Queen St., now wori isn't stingy heaven knows. but be SHAW'S SCHOOL REPORT to Belleville and points east. On occupied by Mr. Bent Parker. Mr. man 1must live, and surely it would be their return Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Knight passed away in 1918, in The3 wise to teacb Young Canada ta Sr. Wight (hon), will reside at Yelverton. bis 91st yean. ach L d e ! respect the nghts of others. Jean Prout (hion), Dentzel An- hlevstmorhrpa-tni L d t %ç-Elsie Carruthens. derson, Mabel Clemence (ill>. ing two sans, Joseph and Frank chul Jr. IV-Donald Cox, Ross Cob- Wmlis-Cassan of Toronto. and one daughter. tite. FOR biedick t. The marriage took place quietly Mrs. Collacott. with whom she bas wil] HEA THS S KE Dicusin 136 aren Sr. 11-Margaret Harris, Ar- on Tuesday aftennoon, Nov. 19th, resided for several years. serv HEALT 'S S KE Dscussng 136 W rden thur Clemence, Helen Cox. Gor- at the home of Pe.W .Bae The f uneral which was pnivate theý can Yeu afford ta wash at don Allin t.Bwani Le v.henGVernakoel, was attended by a large cincle of so0 home when, wth our latest (eebn xmnr Jr. II-L or ne Price thon), youngest daughter of MTs.B. friend.s and took place from her - approved method, we offer Reeve Fre Waterman of South Douglas Harris t. Stephen, and the late Mr. Fed daughter's residence an Satunday. You ~Monaghan is being mention here Jr. I--Gerald D'ox (hion), Gar- Cassan of Campbellfand, w a s Nov. 9th, service being conducted T- n hr nthe United Counties don Hanna thon>. uie nmrig oM.Ewr by Rev. A. M. Wottan of Ty- E4 n X ah as a candidate for the 1936 war- Pr.-Joyce Cox thon), Arthur Willis, son of Mr. and Mrs. James fouercundit. Tessars award, LJý1m W ash densbip. The townsbip's last Hone thon), Dorthy Hone tbon) Willis of Campbellford. Th e Alan gandsFrnk KnigrsHt ado 16 lbs. for4 war n was2Robert Fishe wb len rou. bride was lovely in a gawn of blue Collacott. a nephew. Floyd Bunt. 49 havselctme d n 0. Mny e teven aiue chiffon velvet, hat V match and and Nelson Wilkins. Many beau- have cme an gonesincethen. Dorot'iy H. Hoar, teacher. wore silven sandals. Mns. Iana tfu lrltiue xnse h and only 3c each additional -id S. Monaghan sentiment is ____ Dummitt of Bawmanville was ber sympathylofra lrgsecirce 0f f ni- Pound. iomtigMr. \Vaterman for the ssister'sobridesmaid and wasf be- Sed veytlg ndaa- honor in January. He has been S. S. NO. 3 DARLINGTON come'sin aid indreenchiffo ends and relatives. SedeeyhIgaday generally popular at Cobourg, and cmnl tieingenhfon Ainang the relatives attending thing washable andit will ~rgre sbîgcran0 e hita xmnto eat velvet, witb accessanies. Mr.thfunalerM.adMs.J be etrnd see a d cean i ectuon an biong eti fr-.hita xmianrpr:Laverne Sauch of Bowmanville tefnrlwr r n r.J al ed o rnn.eeto nhsonmunicipality. Sr. IV-*Jean Metcalf 88,. Bil- a tmn H. Knight Mr. and Mrs. F. J. ai rad frlrnlg. I Tw;o other aspirants for the toga ly Henry 86,. Peggy Finnigan 82,1 Aften the ceremany the happy Knight. Mr. an Mrs. WFantk OS AA now w;orn by Reeve Percy Stinson *Norma Sexsmith 79, Harry Fea- copelfto oemo ni But, FMryd anaDorty ltrn O AWof Millbrook are Reeve N. A. Mc- ther 72, Joe Wojnakaski 70. cupe et. ohn teronripurnta; FlMr.andr hwaroBn- LAUNDRY and Cî fCmblfr n ev Jr. IV-Glenn Metcalf 66. Mad- they il reside in Campbellford. Ao r. and Bety, ndH nw illiamnt Fred K. Denyes or Brigbton town- eline Metcalf 66, John Noble 61,, ______and________andMr._Willia DR L A IG ship. Those who are recommend- fEveline Gibson (H) 64, fGordon Bunt. Owen Sound, a brother of Co. t ing Mr. Denyes point ta the f act Metcalf (H. Gea.) 57, foGordon deesd h sinh.85hya Lt.Itlat bis township bas neyer been Trull (H. Lit.) 56. Hits ad_______tan atie WePHONE 152 represented in the office of thel Jr. III-Donald M et ca 1f 62, riou sehold anHeybngtad cie W aladDle Warden af Northumberland and f Alvin Metcalf (H. Lit. Lang.) 53. 1. ______________ _____________________ I-Mik Bok 7. fSm Mnu întAt bis farm an the 2nd of Bien- Rice Souff le heim, on Thursday evenlng, Nov. Buttered Cauliflower 7th, Rev. John Jay Jobnstofl. a "Baked Apples Nut or Prune Bread retîred minister of the Methodist Milk Tea Episcopal Church, U.S.A., was rMilk may be substituted for cailed home in bis 65th year. e-r..cream in the nîce recipe. Tils is Mr. Jobnston bas been living simple recipe of whicb I am fond. ton, Ontario, for the last two ___________________ tjThe simplif ied version is one cup years. He specialized in pure bred BOXED HANKIESL uncooked rice. one quart of tam- Jersey cattle and took great HOSIERY Tef~ slcinj~tw KID GLOVES atoes. canned: one large onian, pleasure in the raising of them. Th impo t e isshnkiesndm Gnin wdinbnyclos cut into amali pieces; one tea- A cbronic heart condition con- Goronkalt emlse% m rleed ishni , ain GnunrKitnfod cl s spoon sait and one 0f sugan and tinual3y bothered him and quite ieGard fllahon pur emsice tl mbodrdinasr of black, brow-n, navy, etc. steam an hour. This menu is ap- frequently be would be unable ta Iloe. lheui ahin ue haes floral and conventional de- Assorted trims and stitching. propriate for a simple dinner, do any serious work. It was this -~~se. AilBoxeFuantedzehaaege. Pair. supper or luncheon. condition thatcasd im t Sizes 8 to Wý'leave the ministry and followa To-day's Recipes long cheished hobby. KA79C 25e Rice Souffle - One-third cupi Mr. Johnston bad gifts as an nice tw cus canedtomtoe. evngeiata1dtherefore was led W A TCH FO R A N N O U N CEM EN T F O PEN IN G F TO Y LA N D w eW A d ruélll.T e Bbl s no ne de a b Turn into a gneased bread pani a hlstory of the wonld, but a MIT Bake in a moderate aven, 350 de- histors' of the redemption of the gres, about ane haur. world. E_________ Wben niones' talles it doesn't WALK R ST RESLIMIEDbave any trouble getting Central. Phone14 ORFVIT SHPIGRTEBanvle Wby forfeit the best helps in Your soul needs food, air,ex 164 OURPAV~~ HO~~IN oeNJ!1 Bomanill 11e? Go ta churcli regular-ly. ercise as muai as your body. S Wbere do we go from hère? Wby starve your soul? Go ta Let's go to church. churcli tomorrow. SUPERm AT VOUR SOPChips Box -31> SU.'%'%1FIELD Flour 24s 57,1 STAN~DARD BARTLETT Pears iqq2Ti T ls 25, GILT EDGE Flour $2e59 C«oa cnut r15* NAI'I TOILET3 2O PAPER 3af 0 At STR 4LIAN Peaches 2SWs Tin 23" ,41cCOR3IICK'S CHOCOLATE Pufs ç 2Ibo.250 FRENCII Creanis 2 lb:. 330 A & P Milk Leaf, sUeced or unsliced, 24-o:. wrapped Se A Charcoal; 2 bugs 25e t OKAR Coke 25-lb. bas 23e i gorous Cul Citron Peel, 4 o-. cello su ie plis. 10e Mazola o11, 1Va 27e 2's 49e Grapenut Flakes 2 pkus. 25e Encore Mayonnaise PU 8 osý. jar I17e I Nuis, la ceclo Plis- 10. Crisco, l'a tin ale 3's tin 59eFAY Keta Salnmon dl 0eFowl ' Pari Dos Food 2 pkgs. 23e FANCY PUESI Oxo Cubes V'.tiln 10e Goe 10's tn 25e Fr e A&P FEEDS Fresh Fille Egg maSh Feed 25-lb. bag M6e Fre 100-lb. bag $2.15 Egg Scratch Vsed 25-1b. bag 47C ORAN 1100-02lb. bagg $':88 P L Oyster SheIla 10-l.lbg Ï.9AP L Datry Feed 20% protein 100-lb. bag $1169 Grape U4% ftoteil 100-lb, bat 1*.75 N I 34 % protein 100-lb. bag $195O IO VALUE DAYS I A&P FOOD STOIRE CAMPBELLSTOMATO6 '45 RED hANDLE JE EL l. I , Short,'ing .12 BIJLK ]Roll"d Oats 31 AYLM!iR CHOICE NO. 4 Sf eve P e a s 2s Tin MAXWELLU HOISE CHRISTIE'S BOURBON POST'S BRAN FL"»ES2 100c b. Tin 3 5 0 270 Pk.230 & P COFFEE 5ALE i-lb.'C k7C su eC lhai I .ic 27 I eiwFuibdsI At A &i P mark<ets 5MOKED SIDE *astlb.16c Bacon by 5he Wiee ,230 BROOKFIELD On MAIPLE LEAF 4 te 20 Averagelb Sausage lb. 250 su FR2811 IL. 19c1Porkfluttlb.1L70 esh Pork Shoulder Il. 130 ets sst-t-d lb. lic 1 Smokod Fillots IL.14c es1, Fruits and Vogetablea «GES C.UCoTUis Valseca -2 doZ. 35e 'Es Greeninga 0-qi. Bsket 330 efruit flmdee.Mdum 4 for 25e MS No. 1 10-lb. Bag 250 Ajf&3Pt.FOOD USTORES Th ra T A T C& P C FI e o p n ,Lnie ~**~'~AZ~* .~~.,,4%4fl.44flt ,4VC~W - THE r CANADI1.N o A A 7 M N-. - -----. - -- - bETHZ .............. Fiviiwiivif -l PAGE ET GEORGE DO IT"P the 'Man on the Street' in eOwen Sound Sun-Timnes) ' -. tknow wbo be was in the place; but of late yeans be become quite a noted char- r. He's the chap wbo bas ail nean lîttie jobs wisbed on ~t You've heard tbe comman ession. "Let George do it!" oon aid George! I feel aorry -im; he doesn't have any fun. never there's something a lot i sthine sbould bave atn i raething we'd like done onr ented--something somebody's . or dane or leit undane-I cting we thine sbould be , ýgbtened out-most of us are [ta give our moral support; for the actual doing-well. let ebody else do it. Let George! eorge is-or sbould be--one âe busieat men in seven caun- He's always baving some> ýt lit.tle job put up ta bim; if looked aiter them ail be ln't bave time ta eat or aleep be'd need a couple of pairs yeen league boots, a dozen M R A T S s f eyes and a brain the size tgrain elevatar bMn. Not ta - E G H T C I G ion an army corps of sub- LE G I ST C N S nate Georges.ét ;'t do the thinga nefenred Vo and the neason for that la Fit the foot . .. because (1) they're lie bas so mucb loaded on1 correctly sized in six sizes (2) have the be doesn't lenow wbene Va Flextoe which adjusts the stocking foot ,If be sets out ta straighten City Council's jam. be can't #to the shape of your foot. Stime off to attend ta the Fit the thighs because the exclusive ' fare Board and the School Van Raalte Flextop stretches or clings tees and wbat the ministen according ta your measure.'1 0 said ta aiffend anc of bis con-11 0 0 gation and that quire in tbe Fit the Ieg because they are in thre. flc Act and a wage gnievance lengths: Flextop (average), Flexteen ne af the factories - on any (shorter.than-averaige) and Flextra the thousand and one tbings (longer-than-averoge). tare wnong and must be ted at once. Result us that ~KC quickly sidesteps the wbole «&éà6Yu or0Mc znfe wonder if a new attitude ta- S -d George wouldn't beip. May- Th vy La is S e at h p Ifiune EvlynaLadies' Specielty Sko SGeonge do it" and a liVtle Phone 594 fomali re illng o uderakesome the necessas' but noV pleasant saurselves. we might ligliten_______________________________ load sa that be cauld get bis Ld up long enaugli ta do some- EPITAPH He was not sleilled. No gifted Pen g.____ In causes great lie wielded. lut then. if we ýquit passing the He did but clironicle the briefs ck ta "George" and tacleled Not great waa be. bis name un- 1* vJeyyeed at we naw pass on ta bina. lnown Hsltl alyyedd orge would be out af a Job al- Whene men o! note are toastcd. Yet wbo shail say bis wor wau ether. I No niches could lie call bis own, vain- rhicb wouldn't be sucl a bad 1 0f no fine home lie boasted. His tales of Dicle and Sally? ng. Assuredly, we sbould geV 1Wbere social lions dance and dine He did bis smail task well; lie ot mare done in the way of! He neyer eut a caper. )» sent trm. He wnate fromn Happy Valley' ta The news !romn Happy Vailey. ______________A little country papen. liller's Worm Powders nat only But now at last bis work la done; ;erminate intestinal and other He wrote of "sociables" and Some other scribe must labor rms, but thes' are a remedy f or "bhops'1. To gatben for the Fails Gazette Lny other aiments of cbiidren. Fowl suppers gay' and festive, The news o! !rlend and neigh- ey strengtben the young stam- 0f bow Jim. Burns could train a bon. agans bîsoanes nd recolt, Where many shine wlth blilding ical in their effects where the Howeven keen and nestive, ligbt. ld suffens f nom bas of appe- And bow Mike Haddon "Sunday- This man was but a taper; e.In fcverish conditions bey ed" oft But ah, lie sent such "liomey" Ibe found useful and thes' will At Farmen Slmpson's mansion. stuff ve ta allay pain and griping un Hua own wee liamiet (sa be Ta that amali weekly paper. stomacli. from wbich cbildnen wrote) M. S. W. often suffen. Was due fan great expansion. Toronto.

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