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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1935, p. 6

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TH'E CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAJqVILLE, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1935 _______-onto..... Mr. and Mrs. Elmer e. Wlbur with Mrs. Chapman, Or-11 HAMPTON ono .. . . Mrs. Carl Wilbur and BLACKSTOCK 1 Il Ralph with lier sister, Mrs. E. Annual thank off ering service Wilbur . . .. Mr. Raymond Burns of the W.M.S. was held on Sun- and lady friend, Oshawa. at bis Recent Vstors: Mr. F. Goard day eveîiing. Rev. W. Rackham home here . . . . Mr. Win. Young. mand aerton. with r andl opened the service and Mrs. A. E. Havelock. at Mr. J. L. Johns' e fBae-o.wt r n Billett. PresidenL of W.M.S., read Mrs A. J. R.eynolds, Toronto,.Mr Mrs. Herman Hooey. .. ..Miss the scripture lesson and introduc- and Mrs. H. E. Tink, Mrs. R. Pas- Florence McLaughlin. Tor o n t"o, ed the speaker af the evening, coe and Miss Mary Hogarth, Sol- with hier parents .. ....Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Wagar, Bowmanville, ina, with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Chap- Mrs. Walter Wisýeman and daugh- Who gave an instructive address man . .. . Miss Gladys Chapman, e en r oglMcogl on "Missions." Mrs. M. H. Wight Tyrone, home over the weekend. ail of Toronto. Mrs. Hall. Sun- and son, Bawmanville, reindered Hampton Women's Inst i t u t e derland, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Argue two very appropriate duets. met Thursday afternoan with the and Miss Marion Argue. Mr. and Mr. . Way s lad u wih apresident. Mrs. Johns, presiding. Mrs. Cecil Hyde, at Mr. E. DAr- bruised leg when a large stone It was decided t-o give $ 10.00 ta cy's---.Mran s Jh ralled an him. the relief committee. Mrs. Knox Fetlock and daughters, Jacaline Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Knox and was appainted delegate ta con- and Beatrice, Lindsay, Mr. and Miss J. Knox attefided the fun- ivention at Toronto . There wa Mrs. Hendry Trick and son Wa- eral af their cousin. Miss Annie $93.69 cleared at tihe park this lace. Mrs. George White. Manvers' Brown, af Roseneath. last week. summer, instead ai $30.64 as re- Station, Mr. and MrS. Doc Ad-j E. J. Clarke's sale af stock and parted. last month. The Institute arns and family. Cobaurg. at Mr. implements was fairly attended,1 Rally Sang was sung. after which George Bowers' . . . . Miss Ruth and prices fair. j Mrs. Johns called on the Bow- Marlow. Toronto, with hier ina- A Hampton maie quartette took manville Institute ta give the pro- ther. Mrs. James Marlow. . . Mr. part in a concert at Greenwood1 gram. In the absence af Mrs. j. and Mrs. Cecil Dawney, Reaboro,l recently. Thickson through illness. Mrs. at Mr. John McLaughlin's . . . . Wilfred Greenaway is driving a Fred Baker took the chair. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright and nice Buick car. - Mare successRoss Grant sang 'My Rasary." daughters, at Mr. Austin Larin- Wilfred. ýwith Mrs. Wood as accampanist: er's . - . . Mr. and Mrs, Andrew' 'Ne note Mr. Wallace Harn,!Mrs. Hall gave a reading, céure Marshall. Miss Ethel Marshall. M.A., was elected Secretary af for Ail Alments, Mrs. Wood Mr. and Mrs. George Mrhl MeGllUnverit Cemitr Sc-favoured with an instrumental: and babýy Joan. aillai Canntn McGill nerityCeitySc little Miss Loraine Somerseales at Mr. Herb. Hooey's and Mr. ieCty, M mntreal. he Troag an vrsweetly, "Is This the Rupert Werry's -. Miss Mabel on Tesdy afernon, iththe rai toHeaven"; Mrs. Yeo gave Wilson with friends in Peterboro. an esda ainthe ron, with thea reading "Housecleaning Time" -...Mr. and Mrs. Walt Larmer preasident inhe chiIt as a ur- Mrs. W. B. Pallard gave a aplen- with Mr. and Mrs. James Larmer. bearethavies withe s an - did talk on "Our Likeness ta . Mr. anid Mrs. E. D'Arcy at ber aiontheoies vromthe poh- Guinea Pigs and Getting Our îMr raArgues ...Mr. and Mrs. gamaUo. ho gv the pro-es Ma Mney's Worth." Mfter this talk FrankH MalcolIm with Mr. and gvr and e the busoion e wasI think we will ail be watching Mr.Hwrd Bailey . . . . Miss tarer nd the dev.t.ounsperadthse advts and make sure af what Genevieve Beacack. Lindsay, with Wterak ka en yr.J G ums r. we are buying. Little Miss Mil- hier parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. Waltr Rckhm le inpraer.dred Luxton, assisted by Laraine Beacock. . Mrs. Norman Wood- Mrs. Harencaurt, Oshawa, dele- smrcls ag vr ieyly yoe n isSseVn gate to, Provincial W.C.T.U. Con- Smrcls agvr ieyly yoe n isSseVn vention at Barrie, gave an excel- 'My doîl is bigger than your Camp With the latter's parents.. len reort Mr. DnnOshwadoîl"; anather beautiful solo by - . Mrs. Galbraith bas returned lent reprse t. r.Dno shawaon Mrs. Grant braught the program home after visiting her daughter. sngJveR.sBeethy ty selectiot a close. Mrs. Honey moved, Mrs. Percy Jabb, Oshawa. We are dent, gJ. R. finatContyrs. i-s and Mrs. Barran seconded a sorry ta hear that Mrs. Galbraith derintugave a fine addreMis hearty vote ai thanks ta the Bow- Lilil again . - . . Mrs. Jerry Hen-- gaeian Bu rs, auntseretary, manville ladies for their splendid ry. Mr. Walter Henry, Miss Thel-- Kerslake renderpd a piano sla. prograin. Mrs. Billett formed the ma Henry. Cobourg, Mr. and Mrs. Tc Miss Katerson moved a vote ai company in groups andi lunch was Meredith Henry, Lindsay. at Mr. Pi> thanks ta the Oshawa ladies for servedi. The Bowmanville ladies James Henry's . . .. Mr. and Mrs. IR. thei fie Prgrat an itwasmaveti a vote af thanks ta Hamp- Hamry VanCamp and son Glen at IDot teir ne rar.G am an iThwastan ladies. Na. 3 Graup has Mr. Heaslip's. Janetville . ... Mr. 1 Lat Heamn diesMs .rreunand he re tmetn.John Hartley. Tarante. at Mr. T. Ash a sacial haîf hour was spent. Next Sm41e ithfinsiOhw . . .Ms. Sho Ty-M meeting will be at Mrs. R. Kat- r Mr. ah nd MsCuiney aham. a.ih ersan's an Dec. lth, 1 CADMUS Mrand dugtrs autneM r.aihard S.E Recent Visitars: Mr. and Mrs. an a upr'h.t .ss tMrichiland W. R. Burns and sons. Janetville. at Hoe' isMre iln r Mr. S. Kersey's . .. . Misses Mar- Young Peaples League met on Port Perry. with hier grantipar- Anr janie and Editis Pascoe in Tor- ThumsdaY evening. and the pro- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Ashton . . . . Osh ______________________gram cunsisted af readings by Mr. and Mrs. W. A. VanCamp. Sal Mr. Roland Thampson and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Werry. at Kei Jack Hammand, an instrumental Mr. Harry VanCamp's. Sle by Mrs. Ted Gibsan. and a young Mrs. Faster Fergusahl Is attend- Anr NIj1t mens quartette. ing the Institute convention in S.1 Miss Mildred Archer has ac- Teranta. Nar cepted a Position in Part Perry Mrs. Arthur Bailey entertained Mel hospital. a number af guests on the occas- ited Mr. Keith Brown has sailed for ion ai Ross' faurteenth brthday.,- England ta live with friends Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith, Mr. there. andi Mrs. C. C. Harcourt, and Miss Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Evelyn Devitt were entertained at Cecil Ferguson and Sidney, Mr. a fowl supper at Mr. Howard and Mrs. J. Brown. witb Mr. and Baiiey's. Mrs. Kerr and Mr. and Mrs. Hut-1 Mrs. James Henry opened hem ban, achison, Lindsay . . . . Mr. and home an Wednesday afternoon fer nar uI *Mrsw Austin Beacock and daugh-1 W. M. S. meeting. Scripture was en ter at Mr, Isaac Whitfield's... taken by Mrs. J. H. Bell. andi îy Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Brown with prayer by Mrs. A. Werry. Mr. and Mrs. E. Batten, Oshawa. Bell read a letter irans Miss Ham- JOY ....~i Mrs. Cecil Fergusan and son bly, wha is now on hier way ta hier ever Sidney in Osbawa.. . Mr- andi mission fieldi in Cnina. Mrs. H. the 354 Mrs. Richard Stinsan andi daugh- Ginn read "A White Cross". An Wcl ter Lola, at Mr. George Fawler's. article an peace was given by Mns. ba BETTER UÀALITYBell. Miss Fergar Jabnstan gave hs a reading -'Missianary and Main- Sf,- B E lE R VA L UE faher<ac ln nit ed with a solo "At Calvarysha Knockout! gavea temperance reading and 1 -Mrs. Hill reviewed a chapten îram Mer ________________________________________ the study book "~The New Af ica". Sa Lunch was served ta the thirty sor' adies present. nisk A prograin af unusual intemest aaok the iorm af a remembrance hier evening. Mr. Faster Fergusan Mr. pake an 'The Causes, os-G : F or the vveekend uece anti Cure for War"; Mr., en, Charlie Venning spake on "Life in JUST A RIVEDa Prison Camp". Their remarksj at I JUST ARRVEDwere based an personal exper-j Johr NEW CROP SANTA CLARA PRUNES iences. Miss Vivian Sadien iav- onto Sz 40 o5&oureci with a sala. onto Size 50s to 60s.- ------l---.b. 15c Rotarians af Bwmanvile en- Prou Si---------- -to------ 2 lbS. 25c tertained saine eighty-five Cart- wt Size 60sto wrigl.tImen at a banquetin the le CHOICE FIGS lb.---------------- enîng. A very interesting~ and eo Seediess RAISINS- b210; l bs. 25c hmru pormwas enjoyed. Spke appreciate this kîndly gesture of Tho ê - UE&1~lte Rotary Club. Ladies ai Vic-Th M R LA X IItoa Wmthe Gitt ctre ra totebanquet of roast chiaken. Edur A number Irain tbe United Ew Package Sunday School attendeti the Pro- Vîncial Sunday Schoal convention anti at Peterboro. ry. 5c L 0. . o Booingandi 5cdance in artwrnight Community bled THATNEWCEREL Hll o. L. a Bemeingtan eld a brer THA NE CEEALmakers orchestra supplieti music. land' Gjd H m r akg he lucky draw tickets were won G OO 1-1~ ~ a2kae by Mr. Lloyd ThomPson, Catimus; CHOIC WRIE COKINGMr. Victor Cutting. Oshawa: Mr. I Staintan. B. A., B. J D., S. Thmas .. - Mr.FloytiJ IA R UA LBIN lPethick. Toronto, with his par- IULT EVC ents, Mr, and Mis. S. Pethick. a I QULITY- SEVICEMiss Gladys Page at Mr. Cecil Phone 186 or 121 Bowmanville Branton's, Oshawa . .. . Mr. andi Mms. A. Weax-n, Mr. Allan Wearn. _________________________________________ Mr. and Mrs. R. Hugh's, Erie andi ýWe Telegraph kFOWERS Anywhere Should yau desire to sei flawers for any occasion1 any place in Canada, U.S.A England, France, etc. we wi gladly perform this servi( for you through aur Bonde Flanist Association. md ta A.,1 vn ce led For speed, reliability,i and dependability Send Flowers by Wire. S. J. JacIcman & Sons PHONE 80 Bowmanville's Oldest Florists . tidy, Toronto, Mr. anti Mns. E. .mmtt, Chalk Lake. Mr. anti Mms .Actan, Geralti, Barbara and >nalti, Victan3' Corners, at Mr. aumence Wearn's . .. . Miss June iston with hem sister, Mms. S. ly, Tenonto . . .. Mms. Win. hepparti returnedti t Pont Hope 'er visiting hem daugister, Mns. .Pethick . . . . Mn. Herbent rigist, Mm. Edigar Wright, Miss nnie Oke anti Miss Hazel Wrighst. bhawa, anti Mn. Fred Wright. lina, at Mr. anti Mms. L. M. eith's, Tarante . . . . Dr. C. W. lmon, Bowmanville, at Mm. H. nnîs ... . Mrs. G. M. Saper, Mrs. Patton. Kential, Mr. anti Mns. oman Bradley, Mn. anti Mrs. el'ille anti family, Oshawa, vis- ci at Mr. Jas. Bratiley's. NESTLETON vtany froin here attendedth ie iquet at Blackstock when Bow- .nvîlle Rotary Club entertain- saine Cartwright men. Young men's choir. untier tise idersisip af Mrs. Merwin Mount- ysang at Janetville on Sunday 'ning. anti were entertaineti at e parsonage by Rev. anti Mrs. olf main. di's. E. Taylor is still iîl in tise >pital, anti we wish hem a ,eiy recoveî'y. MIr. anti Mrs. Artisur Malcolmn tve returnedti t ieir home in msforti, Sask. Recent Visitars: Mr. anti Mrs. erwin Mountjay, Mn. Arthur ipleton. at Mm. Sim Sandier- ns....Mr. W. R. Lamnb, En- skillen, at Mm. Cecil Wilsan's..1 .Mms. Peter Wrighst is visiting ti augisten, Mmi,. Rac Malcolm, lverton . . . . Mr. R. Brown, rCisarles McGill, Mn. anti Mrs. ,orge Fawlen anti taugisten, Hel- at Mn. Merivin Mountjay's.. Mr. anti Mrs. Herman Sameils Mn. Cecil Wilsan's . . . . Mrs. hn Dickey witis frientis in Tom- a.... Miss Launa Pnautt, Tom- a, witis ber motiser. Mms. Gea. utt . . . . Mrs. Robert Dickey ,h hem daugister. Mms. Bert Mc- llen. Janetville. Mr. McMul- is ill anti wish hum a speetiy overy . .. Mrs. C. Wilson, Mrs. rens, Toronto, witis Mrs. A. iks . . . . Mr. anti Mrs. James 'mpsen. Beavertan. Mî's. John *mpson. Mr. anti Mrs. Russell a n c i s. Cannington, at Mr. nt Thompsan's . . . . Mrs. O. 'ards. Part Perry, witis imientis. ..Mr. anti Mrs. .James Bow tidaugister Shirley, Port Per- at Mr. M. Emerson's . . . Mr. JMî's. Lamne Thompson with .parents. Mr. anti Mms. Cab- dick. Omano . .. . Mn. anti Mrs. Id Hylanti at Mr. Byron Hy-1 I's. Janetviile.t IF You Would GiVe Lasting Gifts.. »w.55M0 f'eS? & BOOKS NEW FICTION special Iist of the most pop- lar fiction, up f ram $2.00. TRAVEL rîteresting experiences at orne and abroad, by pop- Iar wnlters. from $1.25, CLASSICS *Iways acceptable gifts by book loyers everywhere. Pnices fram $1.00. WPLAR REPRINTS 90e ea. great varlety of books for girls and boys. W. Jewel Phone 30 BOOKS & STATIONERY PAINTS & WALLPAPER CHINA &GLASS h -- - 1 yars. A piana duet by Misses Kitchener, at Mm. Thas. Bow-, r FrNAeda Bradiley anti Mabel Beecis. man's . . . . Miss Vera Stinsan SALEM I _____________________,~ IRecent Visitons: Miss Jean Mc- home fain Pontypool . Mis_._____.______.__ Lean, TorontoMr. ana Mrs. Lloyd, Helen Stark visiting in WhitbY. ½v .5 eracpeits 1 heWoensIntiut onen- r E Bade's. ..Miss Eva _______ aO 1plpt n Sunday anti telivened a ion a Roya YorkHote. Tornto. shto, Oshwa, a Mr.Leslie eyfnsrm . Congratulations to G o r di o n Gahain's. ..Rev. anti Mms. E. Bi'owfl's Home anti Scisoal Club veyfn1emn Scot o winin thrd lac am L.Beeh ad bbeNewtonville, was well attendeti Tuesday even -Y.P. L. meeting on Weqostay ongsevnten cntetans i th atMn. A. Beech's . . . . Mr. anti1 ing. Mm. Bill Morley, first vice- evening, Nav. l3th, was Ceneti ratrclcneta y eo Mrs. E. Elliott, Bawmanville, at president. had charge af the fol- yteve-rsdnM.L Mantiay nigist. Mr. Miltan Slemon's . . . . Mm. lowing progrmi: Vocal solo byby hevc-esdtM.L aniMs1lmneAeyinTm m tn otos: musical duet) Squaim. canductinz tise openilng Mm. Tam Bak te Royas inTmntor onto . . . . Mn. anti Mms. John by Myntle Farrow anti Oren 0g- exercises anti prayern y Mm. W. thiweekon tse Ryal intr Gaham, Mm. and Mrs. Norman tien; vocal duet by Mrs. Jaynes Taylor. Miss M. Callacott, Mis- Faim trip. Hall, Oshawa, at Mr. D. Graham's. anti Audrey; mautb argan solo by sianamy Vice, took change af tise Mr. Tisas. Baker anti Miss Vena, 1' .. M. D. Grahamn is seiaus- Omen Ogden: vocal duet by Mar- follawing program: Bible meadling, Mrs. W. T. Baker. Louise ant ily ill . . . . Mr. anti Mms. Alymer ion anti Damtby Simpson ai Mrs. J Irwin; Topic vemy ably John. Mr. Jack Bakem andi Miss Beecis anti family, Enniskillen, at Cawanville. The guest speaker taken Mns. L. Squair; eatings, jHelen, attentied Mr. anti Mrs. Mr A. Beecis's anti in campany was Mr'. A. D. Kean, Shaw's. wba Nina Dancis, Lillie Cawling anti *Walter Rickarti's twenty -fi fth witis Mr. Arthur Beech anti Miss spoke mast inteî'estingly on "*The Mm. F. Cator. A social periati wetiding annivemsary at Newcas- Mabel Beech visiteti at Rev. E. L. Manarcis oi Buckskin Mountain " contest was canducteti by Mr. W. tle Satuntiay evening. Beecis's, Newtonvilîe, Sunday ev- Aiter lunch was seî'ved dancing Taylor'. Missianary collection was Tise League meeting Monday ening. was enjayea. îtàken. Attentiance 23. evening was in charge ai Miss __________ _____________ *Gladys Yellowlees, miss ioan an y i_______________________________ vice-presitient, wha gave tise de- j TYRONE votional. Vocal sala by Miss 1 __________ Katlee Baker; eating "The1 Homes in Tninidati" by Mm. Gea. Visitars: Mm. and Mms. Clar- werth;aMvocal sla panti playuedenaWoodley reinntisy antaoG iIft N o tio n s sloSpands favoryned. W adley e ntLindsyEureta guitar accompaniment; topic on visitedth ie lattem's sister, Miss Schools in Tninidati was given by Annie Penrase, Oakwooti . . . . Roils Razoî' - - $6.95 Compacts 49c - $3.50 Miss Doris Milisan; eating, Miss Mns. W. Hugisson, Mms. Gearge Auot'îRz , Ella Milîson; piano duet, miss Arnaldi anti Mamy Marilyn, Mms. uotpRa rC exS s20 $4 5 Gladys Yeliowlees anti Doris Mill- Dobson. Toronto, Mrs. C. D. $1 .00 - $5.00 ue es 0-42 son. Contests were then enjayei. jHatigsan, Bawmanville, Mrs. D. K. Wikno a r-$3 Y dlySt, Thbere was a goad atteniance . Fraser, Bethestia, Mrs. Donald VlA snRzî 3 YrlySt, at Dvision meeting Thumsday ev- Davey anti iamilY, at Mms. R. Mc- H. K. Boker Razor 85c - $5.00 ening. Plans were matie fan Cullough's . . . . Mr. anti Mrs. '$.5 PnSt 8 8O saine impravements ta tise Sans' Theatiame Dawn with Miss Flan- $3.25___PnSets_-_9c_-_$8.___ Hall, anti Mr. A. L. Pascae anti ence Down in Oshsawa Genenal Mn. B. G. Stevens wene appoint- Haspital, anti also at Mr. W. Military 1 Full Strength Anti- EVening in eti ta loak after saine. Miss Ileen Bnadt's . ... Mrs. Cleland Blake- BuhSt reeAchl PrsSt Balsan gave a piana sola; eati- 1Y, Pictan, at hem brather's, Rev. irs esj Fez Achl PrsSt ings by Misses Ada Allin, Pearlj A. M. Waatton . . . . Rev. anti $2.75-$5.50 1 gal. 89c $1.50-$3.25 Leachs anti Mr. A. L. Pascoe; vo- Mns. Wilkinson, Ruth,. John anti cal solo, Mr. Harvey Balsan; Mms. Stella, have returnedti t Wamsaw Toilet Aticles Jack Baker led in community a..ter visiting Mm. anti Mms. Aber't D sigP e Special Enlargement singing. Decemben meeting il Hills . .. Mm. Harny Hatherly has utn Po dr be electian af officens anti a sup- retumnedti t Dixie . . . . Mr. anti 50c - $1.50 Mounted - 29c per meeting, r's. F. L. Byam anti famîly at Bah ats 5c$25 _ _________ Wamen's Institute met Thurs- Mr. J. Lillicmapp's, Cannîngton. Bt at 5-22 day ai temnoon, with about sixty Mrs. Jas. Stamey. Mm. John After Shave Lotion ladies presenit. Mns. S. E. Werry Noble, Mr. anti Mms. Robemt Hadg- 3c-$.5 TemtH a a a peneti the meeting anti took son. Miss Nina Hotigsan, Mr. antidc-$.5 TeîmtH a a .change af tise business. Five dol- Mms. Raymond Clapp. weme guests Toilet 'Water e lars was vateti towamd Christinas ai Mr. anti Mrs. C. D. Hadgsan. (, 25 chemical action - 97c ciseen for tise patients ai Christie Bowmanville, Satumday evening. 0 25 --- *Street Hospital, Taranto. Miss N. it being tiseir wetiding anniver- When We Test Eyes You Are Assured Satisfaction in *Wemmy was appainteti telegate ta sany. iWomen's Institute convention in Little Misses Ellen anti Joyce Fitting and Price. tTarante. Mrs. Isaac Hardy, leadi- Abenetby hati their tonsils e- * er' af gmoup 6, then took charge. moveti in Bowmanville Hospital.St r R.oll cali was answemed by naine Sevemal frmhiene are attend-, K erslake's D rug St r af a member of Parliament. Gui- ing the Training Class in Baw- tam music by Miss Wantia Clark; manville. PHONE 49 WE DELIVER Mrs. Roy Langinait eadth ie adi- Mms. Haratia Hill receiveti word __________________________________ dress given by Mrs. Mitchell Hep- that hem bnotiser-in-law. Rev. R. __________________________________ burn at tise Londoan W. I. Con- A. Delve af Oshawa, has suffereti vention; piano sole. Mns. Isaac another strake.______________________________ Hardy; reatiîngs, Miss P e a rlI Friay evening tise W. M. S. Leachs anti Mms. Lloyd Williams. iselti a very successful bazaan antid Tise guest speaker was Mayon concert in tise csuncis. Variaus D O N 'T D O IT ! Ross Strike af Bowmanville wha baotiss af home matie coaking. gave an instructive talk on laws candy. baking, pawtier. aprons relating ta wamen. A heamty vote anti otiser artices anti a f isis pond Don't wear yourself out Sftik forbis kndes in yrcomm veed awelparonizetait cesichd ..maskes aurond Pudis.- Set fo than s was tntemei Myor praeti l atemy gedat cessai hmaskes arn P his- ta our meeting, andti taMr. A. L.,. lantern slides weme sisown anti It i ust as ciseap and Pasce fi, ntrducng te seak letur by rs.(Dr ý A.Mcfan easier ta let us make er. Mrs. John Baker led in, coin- Cullougis. Toranto, wbich praveti and or p uddigs r cake munîty singing. A cantest was very Pudgs rem e put on anti lunch was sevc. _ rorm an Old English Re- December meeting will be at Mrs. Cipe, which Proved very Fred Rabbins' andtihie raIl calIpplnls em -s will be an excisange af Christmnasi ENFIELD ouainfcth w Visitons . l. I have several or- ReetVstr:Mn. anti Mms. Annual At Haine ai W. A. 'vas I ,er. o udnsfrt H. E. Tink with Mrs. Will Wam- helti at Mr. anti Mms. Etiwin Or- er ner. Hastings . . . . Mns. Nelson nîisten's tise evening ai NovemberI Order Your Puddings and Cakes Now Fice, Taunton, with hem parents, 6tb. anti a very social anti enjay- Puddings and Cakes are alwa3's better for a few weeks agelR~ Mr. anti Mrs. Fnatik Westlake - - able time was spent. Why not 'yau'Il enjoy Watson's cakes and puddings, and thse price is Mr. Bert Luke, Tomante, Miss have thein semi-annually? most reasanable. Nana Werny. Ketiman, at Mr, S. E." Rey. J. Wilkinson ai Warsaw1 Wermy's . . . . Mn. anti Mms. Joe preacheti here Suntiay ta a veny CHRISTMAS CANDIES Cisapinan, Hampton,- at Mr. A. L.' attentive cangregatian. Pr rshCnyfoi'h hrsms r Pascoe's . * *. Mn. anti Mns. Jack Mms. Frank Gilbert was in Tam- Pr rs au h hîta rd Reynolds anti Mm. Jack Kivell in onto on Satuntiay fon X-may ex- French Creams, Satinettes, Christmas Toys,- Toonto. Mms. KiveIl, who has amination at tise Lockwooti Clin Gum Drops, Cut Rock, Society Mixed, eye. netunnetiborne with tisein . . Vitos Mr.WigtM. Ras Christmas Fruit DrAlopslb ..Misses Helen Baker, Evelyn Wright anti Miss Graisam, Oak- Christmas Mixed Candy --------- 2 Ibs. 25C Tink and Ruths McKessock anti waod,' at Mm. Etiwin Ormistan's. Hot C hocolate----------------------- c Messrs. Ernest Hockaday, Evenett . . . . Mrs. W. Avery, Mn. antidO Vice andi Percy Dewell witb Mm. Mrs. L. Miller anticisiltinen. Rag- anti Mrs. Maurice Baker. Con- l an, Mn. anti mrs. Evemett Ormis- cordi . . . . Mns. Levi Arnott, Mm. ton anti Julia, Bowmanville, at anti Mms. Narval Wotten. Francis 1Mm. W. J. Ormistan's . . . . Mn. anti Arntt. at Mr. Chas. Mc-1 anti Mrs. R. Aunger anti chiltiren, rV avo B k Cullaugh's. Betbany . . . . Miss Tyrane. Mr. anti Mrs. Webb W t o l sB k . Mary Hogartis, Mms. R. Pascoe. Sinitis anti chiltimen, Oshsawa, at Mns. A. J. Reynolds anti Mr. anti Mr. Ahf. Prescott's . . . . Mr. anti LUNCH ROOM PRONE9 SODA FOUNTAi[N jMAPLE GROVE I o r Mns. Fred StevenÇsbas returned o r Looking for Special Value in Rugs nome, iier plattLaII4sat n liclUdy witis hem gî'andparents at Grims- by, Englanti. Sise alsa visiteti other relatives in Englanti. A number frein iere are tak- ing in tise Standard Training Cour'se at Bawmanville. Tise sympatisy af this commun- ity is extentiedti thie relatives ai tise late Mr. George Power, a lufe long resitient ai tisis cammunity. Several frein iere attendeti the f unenal on Tuestiay. Mr. anti Mms. H. G. Freeman. Misses Thelma anti Lyra Free- man, anti Miss Marion Foley spent tise weekend witb Mr. E. R. E'eeinan, St. Cathsarines. Mms. Mark Blackburn, Onono, visiteti hem motisen, Mms. Walter 1'aley. Mn. Mark Blackburn, Mr. Fane- well anti Miss Bessie Blackburn, Onano, spent Suntiay with Ms Walter Foley anti Mm. Howarti F'oley. founti on page 9. 1 HAYDON Mm. Elmer Slemon isas enteneti Christie St. Hospital, Tomante, ion treatinent. Cisunch service on Sunday was *well attentieti, Rev. A. M. Woot- tan peacbing a splendid sermon. W. A. met Tisusday at Miss Mabel Beecb's witis eigisteen pre- sent. The Presitient Mms. Silas Trewin openedth ie meeting with hymns anti prayer. Mms. wm. Trewin reati bible neatiing. af ten wisicb business items weme discuss- eti. Proram in charge af Mrs. W. Tisampson was given as fol- lows: neading, Mms. Walter Bni- get; vocal sala, Mrs. Lloyd Ashston; Hawaiian guitar anti moutis an- gan music by Mms. C. Crossinan anti Mns. W. Thampson. A talk by MISS Annie Mauntjoy on tise, girls af tise Victan Haine, of whlch 1 she was supenvisar for several PAGE SIX - m See These C ]Room Size Axminsters y CLEARING Many different rugs - bothý seamed ,and seamldess - ail grouped at this speclal low pnice! Yoil find sturdy qualities in many different patterns, including Oriental medallion, floral and ail over effects and you'll find that the colours will blcnd $1 0 .1: *wlth a number of colour scisemes. Sizes 6' 9" by 9' î only. Special, each.....a - Special Offer - Fni., Sat., Mon. Only By speclal arrangement with thse manufacturer, a fine n.ew y. \ Axmlnster rug, (room size 6' 9 x 9'), included ahsolutely free wlth j every cash purchase of a chesterfleld suite a $89.00 and over from our large stock. OFFER WITHDRAWN NOV. 26,AT 6 p.m. NEW LAMPS ts A somplteselecton of nwLm now o ipaincludlng lated than a fine lamp. A small deposit will hold N-aur choice untîl Christmas. Be sure and see the imported Table Lamps featuring lmported alabaster and majolîca bases at savings of 40% on usual pnices of tisese fine lampe. Saturday SCash Specials Caîrd Tables - Bedlites End Tables - MilTors Regular $2.25 Sale Price-$1.19 Fe F. MORRIS CO* PHONE 10 FINE FURNITURE BOWMANVILLE t lm

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