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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1935, p. 8

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PAGE EIG~ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVtLLE. ONTAItIO. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 28th. 1925 t a f a c g r e lx e J t c g e I E 1 Lions Club [o Operate a Jr. HockeyJeam Effort WilI Be Made By Service Club to R e - Awakennterest in Hockey in Bowman- ville-Will Enter Lake- shore Group Bowmanville Lions Club, at an emergent meeting follewing the complimentary banquet to the Royals Basebail team on Monday niglit, definitely decideci to oper- ate a Junior Hockey 'Teamn in Bowmanville tbis winter. The, members of the club spent more than an heur fully discussing thle pros and cons of the situation, and a ter hearing f rom Art Ed ger, a closeci vote decideci the is- sue in favor of carrying forward the projeet.. Mr. Eciger. who was for many years a prominent local hockey player, and who bas haci consici- erable experience in the manage- ment of teamis, anci also as an ofcial OHA. referee. will man- age the team. Mr. Eciger will be given powers te completely con-1' trol the operation cf the team, and will be entirely f ree fr0m administration or financial wor- The te:rn nt i e entereci in the' Junior B. Series and it is heped tha oter ntiesin heGroup will indlude Wbitby. O s h a w a, Port Hope andi Cobourg. It is ex- Pecteci that Oshawa will alse have a Junior A. team so that its representation in the local group will flot in any way be detrimen- tal te, the success of any other team. The management of the local Theo uiraewown rin hae oferd fllco-olaerat- a tryout for the team are asked ion to the Club, andi Mr. Eciger jte get in touch immediately with stateci that it was bis belief that [Mr. Breslin. with the club operateci under In the discussion it was reveal- Lions auspices the public will al- ed that there is a great deal o. so acor it available fer the team. A special committee to hancile and that the initial outlay would the business end of the arrange- Inet be heavy. The team will be ment was selecteci, and will be known as Bowmanville Lions, and composed of M. Breslin. cbair- wijl wear the offixial Lions em- man, Alex McGregor. J. J. Brown blem on their sweaters. and Chas. D. Searle. This comn- The Club is as-sisting in the i mittee will make other nedessary project only on the understand- comniittees, andi generally super- ing that the players realize that vise the season's activities. they play for the fun of the gamej Royal Theatre ý' BOWMANVILLE I SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT The omerang Clue - Agatha christie: They Coulnt Be Chess- muen - A. E. W. Masen: The Kings !ocf Beacon Hill - C. Parmenter: 'I';a Great Wcrld- Emilie Lor- irig; The Inquisitoir Hugh Wal- pole: The Battle cf Basinghail Strett - E. P. Oppenheim: Vein cf Iron - Margaret Deland; The LcVîest Spiring - L. Larrimore: jClearine in the West - Nellie Mc- Ciung: WVhite Ladies - F. B. iYoung. rTIIOUGIIT Tui-tis the vvind. know- ecc'_e the salI. andi mankinci the RHeflactiocn încre.i.e., the '.igoi cf the minci, as exercise cices the sti*ength of the bedy-."-Leviý. WXe MW 't foi perfect models îin*thought and look at themn con- tinîially. or we shall neyer carve them eout in grand andi noble lives.'-Mary- Baker Eddy. Whatsoever things are true,ý wbat»soevei t.hings are henest. -xhatsoever things are iust, what- seoever things are pure, wbatso-ý ever things are lovely, whatsoever tbings are of goed report - think on these tbings."-Bible. il TJ t' N 'la pg newsPaper centre ne gave a won-I derful return for the confidence ýrested with hum. He obviously belci te the view that the urban andi rural sections shoulci be ln unison, shoulci be co-operating for the common gooci. In this he gave leadersbip, the need to no smafl degree cf the present day. He uniteci bis cburch, bis public life, andi bis newspaper, there- by creating a force that was a neyer failing source cf strength ln prometing ail movements that tended te the betterment of Bow- manville, the home tewn and of the province and the Dominion generally. He neyer lest bis faith and with Tbe Statesman. toek advantage o! every opportunity te I elp. M. A.~ was beyoncl doubt a fine pubiciy aentforBowmanvlille, l as a town and as a group o! JPeople. He believed that whicb was gooci fer tbem in the form of a weekly newspaper was igood for others-and tolci bis col] ea- Igues about. ut.1 1 Now, ln years, bc bas laid aside the Pen and leaves the work of carrylng on from the point iwhere be le! t off, te others-te bis son, George. who is dolng the J ob well. Yes, long àball we re- tain most pleasant memorles *fi IM. A. James. Australian Raisins--------- Australian Currants -- ----- California Bleached Sultanas- Mixed Cut Peel- Lemon and Orange Cups Citron Peel Shelled Almonds Shelleci Walnuts ---- Glaced Cherries 2 Ibs. 2 lbs. IL lb. lb. lb. IL. ---IL GROCERY SPECIALS Palmolive Soalp - Princess Soap Flakes Free 5 bars 23c Fig Bars - They're delicious lb. 17C $1000 in Prizes - Enter Kellogg's Ail Bran Contest AIl Bran Lge. 19c; Small 2 for 25c 25c 25c 20c 20c 25c 35c 45c 50c Quality and Service Always Harry Allun Thura. - Fri. - Sat. ]British Columbia Salmon, sliced l1b. 18c Fî'esh Fillets l----b. 18c Smoked Fillets - lb. 18c Snioked Red Herring- 2 foi, 15c Chieken Haddies 2 tins 25c MEAT SPECIALS Bologna lb. 15c Schniedner Rindiess Bac on, sliced '.lb. 15c Corned Beef, sliced-2 lb 29c Veal, Chieken anci Tongue Loaf lb. 25c Fresh Roasting Fowl Thurs., Fri. and Saturday PH-ONES 121 or 186 We Delîver Free e Cameron, and Don Cole, the mas- Bow man ville High School Student To Receive Awards adict. Don Williams who aun ~~o~auanableomto be present. sent greetint I Il I The guest speaker of the even- LIfllinreaing wasCowboy A. .Kan h <dl Iual pleasiflg style, anid in tlt- real ait dan frm Ann ierta d whowara 5> ma.ayuamUsing address featuring an InI N ___ ____am ateu r sport, bu t fot in th e 'samne sense as referred to during (Continued f rom page 1) jteeeig dent of the Lakeshore Basebal'eafo League, sent bis regrets that an Alex McGregor n'eaf0 * ,,attack of the gout prevented his the gathering, thanked Mr. Kean appearance. He however sent bis for his o f f e r i n g. best wishes and congratulations Joifling hands around the ban- e" ~to the guests of the evening. quet tables, the hosts and guests Mayor Strike, in addressing the closed the event with the singing guests, polnted out that one of of "Auld Lang Syne". the greatest assets of a commun--_________ itYwa te________o is eo pladthe caratrbftins peo- ocid hudb alw were making for the upbuilding suffer an hour f rom worms when of the community in which they prompt relief can be got in a made their homes. One type ofi simple but st.rong remedy-Mo- À ~upbuilding, hie said. was sport,1 ther Grav-es' Worm Exterininator. good dlean. amateur sport. Brief-1 ly but 'tery effectively the Mayert urgeci the players to p]ay for thel sake of the game and for the BRA ICA OI honor of their town. He congrat- quck iupe when the ulateci them on their splendid Liver an dey achievement of the past summer. iKdny - and on the true sportsmanship BSuosdb they had displayed both on and 1 CU Lesi' off the fieldi. It is such dlean _________________ * »'.~,.. ...amateur sport as you represent. the Mayor said. which makes for!_________________ L the upbuilding of a community. ~' Each player was then present- j ed with a mackinaw lined leather coat with crest bearing the in- À:ý ~~scription "Champs - Royals. Eas- ADU Stern Ontario 1935. O.B.A.A."1 Scotty Cameron. manager of L A the team. through whose thor- ouhknwede0fte9ae9n 21 his capable handling of the teSCnLP ime was largely responsible for the; successful season. replied on be- b hiaîf of the guests. thanking the combined clubs for their interest and for the fine thoughts which'i R b i g i had brought about the meeting. .~, ~He assureci themn that the teamn oa ut to play the game for the' love of the gamne. and for the! Clever students of BownanvillelWelsh. junior champion of inter- irtermediate athletic champion oranglyofBw nvle 'High School who will be awardedschool athletic meet.. Centre rowlof Bowmanville High School and 1 L C Those who received coats were N OFP ' prizes for proficiency in elass -Marion Scott, Fairbaim- prof ic- inter-school meet; Jim Sisson, snt misS ervice ? Bert Colwell, Bob Bates. Frank I work and fieldi sports at the an- iency prize for second form; JOS- Dr. Bonnycastlý science prize; McIlveen. Ted Large. Dave Os-i nual Commencement Exercises on ephine Caverly, Galbraith prize Tom Dustan. wnner of Gilfillan B Scribe G borne, Harry Osborne, Bill Cor-~ Thursday and Friday nights, are for junior oratrical contest; Sel- prize. highest ztanding Micdle den, 'Shinny" Moise, Geo. Piper, _____ pictureci here. Photos show, lef t ma Bartlett. Jolliffe first prize School. McGregor prize in Latin You drive up to a modemn ser- Irwin Piper, Eci. Hicks, G. Pol- salesA Harod F. Rite to right: Top row-Audrey El- for senior oratorical contest for and Greek; Morse Goodman, first vice station. No sooner do your lard. G. Petrie. Bill Brunt, Doni Li, mîted TSo0a.j7 oitt, Barton prize for Upper topic of Imperial interest; Helen Tamblyn prize. public speaking; wheels scrape on the gravel than Williams, Bill Bagnell, '*Scotty" Sehool literature; Jean Morris, Morden, senior girls' athletic Boyd Slemon. s'n.or boys' ath - out pounices two or three erudite ______________________________ Squair prize for Upper School championship; Gladys Reynolds. letic champion. - Photos by Ro- college students aIl ready te eat_______________________________ French- Helen Williams. junior Menl's Canadian Club historY bert Holden, Oshaw,.a correspond- yoUuup with kindness. "God day, -______________________ athletic championship for girls; pýrize: Kathleen Sissons, Couch Sir. Can I test your oul?" You Russel Short. Fairbairn prof ic- writing prize for girls. Bott, et for The Evening Telegram.) just had the oil changeci yester- iency prîze, first form; George ircw-John Colville. junior ath- -(Copyright. 1935, The Evening day at another station, but why Morris. Couch writing prize; Eva letic champion;, Laverne Kimbaîl. Telegram net? So college student No. 1l gently lif ts the wrong side of the and for the honor of the town w.hoiesanpts tNo. nagi oniy. No special arrangements~ cwie tdn o 2 shows hlmi wilb aefrthe purchase of S O TN W hoiv the jigger is suppesed te personal equipment, but the team -2____ click but doesn't. Then he goesý rcund to the ether side in search suipor beacodethery, f nanible: FIRST " ~FJRST of the oil gauge. Itneeds a ly and morally. In this way i quart. Sir- says he. Andi you say isuppe ort rithnCub nn cil t ru o manville -. Bowmanville -That's damned funny.' And lie Younhoporinon a g vroup infPck Troosays Would you like me to test thevunsotsm e ulyer sedintakTroa it %with the Eagle Eye?" thea valuecfaalt euresportasna Wol f Cuba . Boy Scouts Student No. 3 who %vas putting I1 ofepan 0fheal ty crton t and apin. the gas has gone te the near- in the sports werld. es soie to cange a ten doar M N O E i- etoe eas _______________________bill. Last week's meeting %vas given The Toy Shop is open, but due Just the day before. a stut someone foigot to be careful against Fire over largely te practice fer the lai gels' te hîgh schoel commence- i,, another station had brekeni Rernoxe ail causes of fiî'e in youi. home Union, Darlington forthceming investiture cf a ment practices. ha.s net been pro- your wincLshield wiper in one of'tas esr htyo aealqae - _ _ ;, ~numbeî of Tenderfeot Scouts. perly starteci yet. Don Venton those feverish attacks upon the butas e ur th o hve clq t, Miss . Meean pent The investiture was belci over and lus patrol were dewn te glass xvhich was dlean befere lie Mis .Mcea petthe again this week, se that the cere- check over ail the toys. andi tag- messed ît up. se Student NO. 2! comIrehlensive stock fire insurance. weekend in Toronto. mony may be gene through with ged thein with their requirenients ipto nwwpr Mrs. William McLaughlin 's~ due recognition of its importance. such as painting or repairing. Ali?1 getting alcng fine after her op- - s tart was made on Saturday oni B hstrethyaealsad Insurè today in a well known, eration in Wellesley Hospital, To- Don Venton anci hars WolfsPat- tante. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Do Vernan andi VeraolriPat- the painting. Next week the boys ing on the running board and it's jdpna estc fir isrne MisesVena ndVea Gifintheir position of Patrol Competi- of time in the toy shop. By the fset antd Ms D. Bumast Ens - oIgt emearlyrlivei0fwllbexpete e uti pe t s nednthn p hnsCompany - as the HARTFORD. md issCekma spntSunaytien leaders last week when Bill way, there is plenty of room for We are giving you an idea fer! wit Ms.D.BugmstrEnis 1Green's Beaver Patrol won the more teys .Any Scout ivhe dici self-defence! Gtsm om cile.cempetition by 4 points. Bob rîot complete his canvass is asked prne ihtease oaltei Mr. and Mrs. Austin Larmer1 Bird's Panther Patrel was sec- te cde se at once. anci all Scouts qurin s . henseracke aI ne and family. Blacksteck, Siînday- onci, the Wolf Patrol thirci and are asked te be on the lookout 'u ftedngv ahoeaJ ~da M.Aymr ech. the Hawk Patrol îast. frmr toys, and considerably formi and tell him te sit dewn In Mr. and Mrs. Russel McLaugh- 1 more are needeci. and read it. Then you filI up INS R N E A E T in anci famîly, Miss Jean Me- The Scouts and the Cubs dici a- -.-.- the tank yeurself. iIS R N E A E T Laughlin andl Mr. Ted McLaugh- useful werk in the interests of the Miss Graham, Public Health Phone 50 Bownianvjlle I ln, spent Saturday in Toronto, Legion Band ast week. Several Nurse. bas consenteci te secure A noci is as goda iikt Sceuts aideci in the distribution the naines for distribution at good as a hinset cf bills on the Saturday previous, Cbristmas. Miss Graham is bet-jabin hre- NEWCA.STLE while the Cubs distributed more ter accluainteci with the needs -_______ bills during the week areund than any persen in tewn. ______________________________________________ town. Two Cubs aise, acted as MEMIORIAL LIBRARY assistants te Miss McCartby. the D ((I ' £ L incidentally Miss McCarthy con- Ar~ f ideci te us that both boys were Number of newv niembers, 15; as good as any stage beys she ha.s Total men'.bership 386; Circula- ever had. I H v e ion of Books: Adult Non-Fiction ______________ 29, Aduît Fiction 849, Juvenile P UD IG__ý Non-Fiction 63, Juvenile Fiction 4ccitinued fromn page 2 ý N " 34, Total 1175 books: Fine, on annual conventions, or on the ISIN TH verdue bocks. $1.20.I touring expedi tiens of the Press, TIhe followîng boeks were re- j Association. He beliesed inaso i i i . ently purchased by the Lîbrary c> .atng with bis feleows He beE AI Bard: North to the Orient lieved, he readi13 admitted, there Anne Lindberg: The Seven Pillars joy in learning the other The succes of iour (,hristmnas Pudding or Cake D1 Wîsdom - T. E. Lawrence; We '! fellosx s point of vîew-acceptable dpnso h nrdet o s.HryAh )wed it te the Chîldtren - Grace 2 r otherwise. He %vas alxsays at endonteigdetsyus.HarAln D---11.Slct -1 es--d-r. oecotndn fra enth cresol tefmet nreint n h mne L lai Change in Prices Commencing Monday, Dec. 2nd, Prices of Admission to the Royal Theatre wiII be as follows: lAdults - Evenings, 23c plus 2c tax ----25c Aduits - Matinees, 18c plus 2c tax ---20cý Children, No Tax, Matinee 10c, Even'g 15c, Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. - November 28 - 29 - 30 BING CROSBY and JOAN BENNETT in "Two For To-night" ALSO TIM McCOY in "Running Wild" NEWS - - CARTOON MATJNEE SATURD.AY 2.30 Mon. - Tues. - Wed. - December 2 - 3 - 4 GENE STRATTON PORTER'S "FRECKLES" With Tom Brown, Virginia Weidler, and Carol Stone. NEWS --COMEDY MATINEE MONIJAY 4 p.m.; WEDNESDAY 2.30 p.m. Thur&. - Fri. - Sat. - December 5 - 6 - 7 GEORGE BURNS and GRACIE ALLIN in "Here Cornes Cook je"- AND Wallace Ford, Marion Marsh, and Arthur Hoyle in "In Spite of Danger" CARTOON - - NEWS MATINCE SATURD.AY 2.30 p.m. COMING: Wallace Beery and Jack Cooper in *'O'SIIAUGIINESSY'S BOY" Laurel and Hardy in "BONNV S('OTLAND" joan Crau-ford in "I HAVE MY LIFE" Clark Gable in "CALL 0F THE WILD" "BROADWAY MELODY" -,MUTJNY 0F TUE BOU.NTY" "TALE 0F TWO CITIES" o-1 LIVE MY LIFE"' "THE DARK ANGEL" 96THE CRUSADES" - "BIG BROADCAST 0F 1936" "B»ARNARY COAST" S "A Simple Health Habit Builds Ener- n gy," Says This Busi- ness Man! Tired nerves need restorative. Milk %il quickly restore en- ergy, and relieve nervous ten- sion crcated in business. Busi- ness men, workers. housenives, children, iii fînd it equally e good. Drink at least a quart r f milk ech day. Bowmanville Dairy i W.H. Betties, Prop. PHONE 446 OR 703 Bowmanville -------------- PAGE EIGHI THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIT.T. . ONTARIO. THUR.SDAY, NOVEMBER 28th, 1935 f 11 a

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