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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1935, p. 6

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THE C-ANADLDIN STATESMAN. BOWMANVUJE oNTAIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBKR Sth.,135 lie Mrs. 0. Graham, a". Mr.MishatM.WatrPrrne's __________ ___________________________________ B L A K S O C I MJ . L .BHenr a n r s . JW S r o n Ž ."r' mayt ? ' ' V ' N r ar s . T h o s . G . B r a g g a n d M i s s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a d I r . W r r ~ ~ '. ,r ." E e y n . V a n c o u v e r . B . C ., v is i t e d 1T R N - pogrm onss~d . ~ W '~-' '-~"~'~~ ~a~'; ýt tri- Sa t ~aU at Mr. John Baker's. TRN WA :i edChurch met 1 Miss Kathleen Wrs; ~'t us.± 'i. Mi . 'Mr. amThmpon M. n ~ad s;s~ :.M s. C. Hîl gve Forer F c~e W:.. '~k M*' Trot. vS ted at Mr. a. W rnr.dil mt iid Ms e. I r r i , i ~i ýw W-~ w~ ~ rght's on It's Lam p ght :-, ryitc 1l '~'tf ~ M~ ~~ ' ~ I M rs. A rthur Steane and Russel. r .V o a S it n is H l f ez. - : about forty 1 Valley": a reacd1rg by ",-,e.>.'e ir .M . ~aqiarters M er hm~nadfred en Smith have returned home af- uTo o t ,vstd a M r S.E * ter spending several weeks withA Fu l f i al ty e of d es e he t g - Hýesz-7-u. ea.n and offered piano due: by ~- *~'W........ For Boys and Girls ry's. e the former's mother, Mrs. Barra- AFe o l ye fdr Tr&ZJE't H J.Bell took the Kathleen Wr: Il- 'i.tja. -C'or M 3 avurt M.adbIOoo h a enii Ub~ sute ~ folo s Pes- orh~ azabe,. M r. ' and ~ ~ : ~ d O O SMrs. Isaac Hardy and bl],yLs. Bo ba ee il nuggets of concentratied he at - e o o i a ý : e e l e c t i o n o f o f f i c e r s e r v e d a n d a s c c . i : : : n i ! c M ' . ' . ç [At h FO Or fLind sy fri ekeds uniMrs.orm heatandF er t o n-aS u . t--itda__los rs- osi ,Laueo-M.ssM.bead11Barraball returned home with aduion et e A . R i ; V c r s - d y n g t w s - ý e , i r -R e ia rS m x thot oasle nds ,t h e wrn t e r . _a dLi n d s a y_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __Sm i t h_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __th e_ _ _ _ _ _ - M rs. T . S a iel s; C orrespon din g a readin g y M i«2-: . vi :& . S .~ : .~ r N.:ai*, : s. M erw in G ra- i g g f . 5c to $ 2.00. ar y B aMss nM a ion , a snd M at L eskard , M rs. H . M ercer and S1 dentîng gW.fA.AVnbock Seca la.Jot-sMary's. Miss- -Marionk anadlMr.-Mrs. Jas. Bal and Miss Rena, ~...* L R S.-Mrs. C. Marlow; Treasurer «Success". a reading oy MrB':Z ~~; Y~>~'AsinM.A Blo'. asterDnl.Ms .Cc- ne -Mrs. M. Graham; Pianit-Mrs. Mountjoy. 'Threshing on ' M~:~:~, Nr. and Mrs. Ira G M SMsr .J s s. and flene Riddell, Mrs Sadler: Assistant Pianist-Mrs. G. Farm.- The topic ýHmL:- rç: nd Marion, Mr. and Mrs. Checkers, Dominoe«, Table and Geo. White attended the fun- Matilda Chapman and Mr. JohnAiouckesketudrov, &trong; Devotional commttee-1 ions", was divîded in two parts. Cecil Hyde. MIr. and Mrs. E. Tennis, Blocks, and many new eral of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ro- Thompson. Orono. spent Thurs- louckeikptx Mrs. H. Bell and Mrs. C. Hill; i and taken by Miss Hazel Mount- DArcy. Mms. R. E. Edgerton and Canadian Novelty Garnes. bert Miller. Stouffville. day. Nov. 26th, with their moth-ragan u Paroae commttee-Mrs. J. 1 oy and Miss Ferga Johnston .Miss Lucille Hyland at Mr. R. Sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. er an-d sister, Mrs. Wm. Virtue, in ___________________________ Henry and Mrs. W. A. VanCamp; 1 Miss Olive Van Camp led in sing- Spinks'. OL Howard Wonnacott and Ross honour of lier 70th birthday. Her Fruit and Flower comnittee-'ing some camp songs. A conî.est Mrs. Mahood is ill at lier DOLÉILL YOUR BIN WT Mrs. J. Henry and Mrs. G. Craw- was much enjoyed. daughter's. Nrs. Charlie Smith. The lovely Shirley Temple f romn our community. They have many f riends join in wishing bier ___ __ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ __ __ W e are sorry to hear that the There will be a public m eeting Do ls - Every little girl Mo e o G l o d w t e a h r. an d m r ha ly dbir udays and local branch of Bank of Coin- ir. the Community Hall on Tues- wants one.r Mr. Geo. Carr.Mran Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dudley and BL uIzh her %.of iL merce is removing to Port Perry. day at 8 p.m.. Dec. 10th. in the S2.98 to $6.98 John Wonnacott and Dorothy Pamieytsent.Sanday .Wi .ThohrB IrT7 C 1We will miss our bankers. interest of Protestantism. Mr. H. Cuddles, Chubbies, Speciais in have moved onto the f an vacat- Pare, Mr. anMr. W .Tr jSeveral from here attended the Graham of Kingston will speak ail Ruhber Doils. Teddy Beais,1 ed by Mr. Howard Wonnacott. nrrka. Stops Waste - Gets Better Het -SvsWr TII A L T T C 'II Y ,funeral f M rs. Houston nee and music will be provided. Free Bunnies, Ducks, Dogs, etc. The tem perance program at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ z- 4oe~~4I~1..1 Carnie Beacock> at Toronto on tb ail. everyone is welcomie. 25 M ' Snd.ay.Sc o s n ho arge B AIS Wednesday. Orangemen of Purple Hill en-Mr.RJ.M esok hogv PROVIDENCE C i i a i n Io r A number fromn the township tertained their %vives on Wednes- KIDDIES' HANKIES a reading; Mis. John Baker sang o b n t n met at the Continuation Schooi day nîght to an oyster supper. WVhite and colored; boxed and gave the temperance talk. At the Report of S. S. No. 5, Darling- DIRTY FUEL on Tuesday evenîng to discuss the The evening %vas ý-pent in speech- single. 5cp.hrhseveRe.WRakm ton Providence), for November. Storm Doo' and Sereen iDoo lszs AN ndShl lbinec ecin _________ __advisability of forming a Home makîn-a acng.5cu.phrcherav celent seRkrn Hon. 7 5', : Pass 60' figures in- Cost less than you think te hud AND__________lubin___l setio._-1theachoirsnannexealnthermonanddicate per cent. y____________________________ DUT SHS Nrs. Fred W. Bowen was present . W J we l the chired g auarthett fMisses Sr. IV-Catherine Wight9. DUT SE and outlined to those present the CADMUS Poe3 Pearl Leachi and Ileen Balson and Grace Hall 89. Helen Luxton 87, p ro t rn S s pupose d wb.of hepr-OOKS & STATION ERY IMessrs. George Werry and TomlPearl Shemilt 83. Glenn Brooks u e i rS o of Glee Club under the leadership lMrs. E. w held for Mr. and CIAîN & GLASS There was a good attendance Jr. IV-Viola Ruiter 80. Violet Buit to stand the elements-inrem e Let the Magic of f Mrs. Sadler are giving a con- 1rs-E.awson a: Yelverto nta egeon Mdyih hn Crago 68. 01l Heat cent Friday evening, Dec. 6th. Pto- Mionday evenîng. we entertained Tyrone young 1Si'. 11-Helen Wight 85. Mad- ofranlesx ceeds for Star Santa Claus Fund. Mn.Everard Sanderson. Mrn, ocotmfort t r Lur popend pt Ritr 8 Youngpeope 0fUnitd ChncliRichard Snderson and M.wî a.Tî'no iie Mr.Lur- eople whput on laery to ae-eieCao8.HlnRie 8 enjoyed a sing-song at the par- tcn Larmer motored back north er.ce Wearn's. es1inr.pr1gram. leased o hveightSBra7962 scrnage after church on Sunday îast iveek. Mr. E. Sanderson a Miss Reva McGill, Toronto, vis- with us Miss Winnifred Rickard Jr I-EenoeWht7 îted hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. of Newcastle. Christian Fellow- Mary Wight 78. Irene Wight 64, av ~ >~.. evenin. Vsios:lokngfr arrheead ry . Cain 6Sh Maer0..C A loin .-rm r a fre m ninhfrantiMe. To.Mi l.stnspn o-i ship convener of the YugPeo Mur1 y S. Ieppard & Ciii Lu be Co i Rcen Vsitrs Mr Avini Lrmr i rmaiin fo a T os. M Gi l Aho pnMn-pIe's Union, who gave the topic.1 Sr. II-Gwendolyn Brooks 92 Bell. Ottawa. with his parents, M rs. W . Larmen is visiting M rs a n T r n o.G m s a d c neisw r no e Calvin Crago 80. W illiam Brag gP O E 5LI J D O M N LL of your Toronor.Gand anrs. R.stBelle ejo.ed, . E.HNSanderson.E ofRuthrMr.a rwMssainSis. Mn.Bellliamson held an aîum- Mr. and Mns. E. C. Ashton , and lunch was served. '72. Beatrice Quinney 61. Rut Malow Mis Crolne ims Mr Wiliasonhel analui-Harold and June. visited at Mn. Regular meeting of the Wcm- Sr. I-Lillian Osborne 89. Geor- Kitchen Toronto. with Mns. James Manlow. inum demonstration at Mr. G. Stewart Rodman's. Port Penny. ens Institute will be held at the i e Wight 79, Dorot.hy Ruer 75._______ .nTno... M n.JhnCrer ahfnd Is. j oe 0 heldes heW. Mn. and Mrs. Russell Giffin , home of Mî's. Fred Robbîns onj Jr." Pr"-Douglas Burdett, John ______ Drudgery. E.Tayor nd fai. . SoMr.ina .h okeofathaeulta:di s h . . r n aiy isVn esaeTbunsday, Dec. 12t.h. at 2 p.m. Wight, Dorothy Quinney. i M.Tyland rs E amr . ln. Mss gsoso n d t uns aat .Cern-n n li GifnvstdM.Pnogram in change of gnoup I Helen J. Lewis. teachen Lre...Ms uo'onTusa feno.M rfiBRolcal: An exchange of Christ-- _ _ Getting Ready For Chi ma M. Gniffin. E Blit M s Je sie 'M s F e g so nt r ai e t eackstock. R î _ _ _ Franîs ountoy ith issJesse Ms. Fnguon etenaîne th NIs. S. Pethick and Mns. Wes.i mas gifts. Miss Nora Werny. oun n5î o1 > uI', Hoywt redinTrno..Oke have rtreThmoatra etoni orno wl iv y 3 M r RebligaaeneoFenusonFnîday evening the Onangemen pleasant visit with Toronto f i- vnio n oonolwl obligation frmHaret nie eds on onth-.c Devitt's Hall entenîained their ensireport. Ail ladies welcome.. ed..Division meeting wil b e Ïheld in CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL- y port. at Mn. Roy Fergusons and wvives to a fowl supper. The ev- Mn. and Mrs. F. McGill. Ton- theS.S.Loetn husdy v jReuor eein ws el Dc MrCecil Hill's...... ss Flonence ening was spent in dancing and onto. visited Mrs. Levi Brunt. teS .ro nTusa v eua etn a edDc McLaughlin, Toronto, with hen a good timle was reported. Mn. and NIrs. Arthur Brunt lcin2d it ebr i rsn -hone 264W Today. parents. . . . Mn. and Mrs. James School was closedi a few days KarI and Mona, Miss Myntie Page of officens and will take the form and Reeve Green presiding. B kn o Stuart. Betty and Donald. Mn. W. ls week on account of illness of visited Mn. Onr Jeffeny's,Suggfasuermti.Aime- TxsilbeclcedbyBn o mnin,~nto, trbrM. n h eahr is olrisfe Isdlfast pr eein.3l mo'Taesclock e c lt Bn Petebor. M.vadIte tachn.uissFower s fel-Islndbens please attend. of Commerce at Blackstock until WXe have already a fine seetino Mrs. Ceeul Wilson. Gwen and Eun- 'ing better. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Bnyan. 3-____ - D. Johns'tene oh. od o hî~a 0 ice, Mn. and Mrs Herman Sam- Worship at League on Thurs- Oshawa, visited Mn. Walter Oke's. À . ons'tnerPuddcrd f hitags odls.o --day was taken by Mns. E. Sand- . Mn. Norman and Arthur Carn- SALEM I Teder for-00bwnid ter was ChristmaPudns112b. îopic; Ms. H. GlTeaithgaveoa inge in ononto ospital erson: Rev. H. J. Bell took the ington visited thein brother, Geo- ChridiidedsetweedF.nJons an A. a toic PudHdingsth, 2 arg i ornt btee F Jhs0ndA neading: Mn. Merlin Philp fav- Mrs. Wm. Hlerring visited hier Rev. A. S. Kerrn occupied the L. Baîley at $25.00 per M. j Christmas Cakes, 1 lb. te 6 clb oured with a mouthongan solo: j son. Mn. Alymer Hel'ring, Oshawa. pulpit. hene Sunday ai tennoon in Ondens wene signed -s follows: Amn an MssDri Mckegae ns BsseRobis.Hmpon is usual efficient mannen. J. Larmer. nefund dog tL,% S 2.00 ion Icing, per lb. - --------- reading. Miss Greta Wickett. Bowmnanville. Y.P.L. meeting on Wednesday 0 ngt od n _____ Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. Rs visited Mns. Wm. Oke. evening, November 27. was opened culvants 366.08 Rosby the president with hymn and N. Green, Reev 00 Cuntis and sons. Bruce and Dn Mrs. D. Burgmaster visited -: 3.0 Shortbread : id e.tokDhage-f heC.grm . Byes. ,Counillor 2.0 o h ietqaîv na încemr Mr.C tpes apo. p rayer. Mn. K. Wenry, fourth- C .Dvt.Cuclo 25.00 1bte nad borg, R. J.liBrucens. . n.W .Wie r.J .vice okcag fteporm .Bes onilr2.0 o h ietqaiy aeW +Ma ong, withRher.aruet. N..Is. W . he, Hmpto. J .Bible neading and explanations, J. Fonder. Councîllon 25.00 lcech-3fo:5 Mrn. and Mns. Isaac Whitfield Phillips, New York City, Mirs. N. Miss M. Honey; topic. veny ably B. Heaslîp, Councillor 25.001Oceh-3fo ith Mn. and Mns. Norman Green. S. B. James. Mn. and Mns. Geo. deait withi by the leader: pin Clenk, balf-yean salany 100 Nn.ciu Ferguson with W. e. Bowmanville. were soo1is5.0.act0sor0.S MNiy piîn friends in Wnoxeter and Wing- dinner guests of Mn. and Mrs pe.M.K er;a neet o o.i 7 namn . . . . Mn. and Mrs. Smith Harvey McGill on ThunsdaY. o n .wDry:anintnes- oi'No, lervicSpinora Chî'isms ea wl apa Colette. The Associationforthe servicesiod25.00 avrtemnsac wekfm Fenguson au-d Clte Bowman-Th Womens Ascatobeld Mrs. Len Richards. Attendance Rkeceipts: For Cfusher S208.00: IlOW- Up to Christmnas, ville. at Mn. A. E. McGill's . a successful social evening on 15. j Amusement tax S12.10: Drill shed _______________________________ Mur. Sydney Ferguson wsith Mn. Novemben 29th. Progressive cro- Reev odveeig e lumber $11.50. and Mrs. Russell Mountioy . . . . kincle was enjoyed by old and cember 16. for the Salem school I ouncil adjounned bo meet Dec. Here are choice Chistmas suggestions, selected IMus. John McKee us horne after young. Mn. Hugli Annis won the concert. 16th a: 2 p.m.u, frmhunrdsmr-i completej situng friends in Bowmanville ..Iprize given for the gentleman Several from thîs district at- W. Beacock. Clerk. W ati'sflfl fuî'n.uî'eMn. and Mns. George Campbell winning the most points. and NIns. tended the Royal Winter Fair atj holiday untr depaî'tments. and Jean, Newtonville, a: Mn. Page won the prize for- the lady. Toronto. Cecil Ferguson's. Lunch %vas senved by the ladies Mn. and Mis. L. Savery and Sam Nîkolandis %vas removed to LUNCH ROOM PHONE 97SDAFUTN ____and a social hour enjoyed. family. Newtonville. visitedi hen the East Gelienal Hospital. Ton- ____ -____parents. Mr. and Mis.A. Welsh. Onto, automobile ac- ENIL Ms. W. Moffat, and famîly. cident on the Kingston -- j ~SOLINA 1O:pno. wene Sunday guests with West Hill MonCay, and us suffer-adahc ~ndb cî n asne noe0 h w SEE O R Viiton: Mu Ste art a d Mis MO and rs. . L. Quai Mn ng fom afn~c0i0~rmanaledp emet tFe.nL.ed n b vstîgtMng CHRISTMAS Agne~~~~Vsoo ieywaMrtEarnPe-di nMMs ..fatissscoerngfrm n S- auenb ur ed cull. A car of Toronto. colluded on the i, vehicles. rvicalPliear n CHRITMA Ages ooe andMr.Ear Prs- r. nd Ms Ye.lCloelieess1 tacko b0f d-oblood-inpoisoninemntt linnbusa be Vanigte- WINDOWS lcot:, Tynone, a: Mn. Alf. Pres- wene necen: guests lwith Mrs. Jas. arn. i cottîs . . . . Mn. Calvin Nîdideîy. Gafatt. Bnooklin. Mr'. and Mns. W. Cann wene un ............................., Toronto, St Mn. W. Pascoe s .......Mn. and Mus. Geo. CurI and Toronto last week visiting theun, Mn. and Mns. Ferguson. Black- son. Mr. and Mns. Ransien. Mus. da:ighten. Mus. L. Annis. i stock. a: Mr. L. Cochrane's. ..Langmaîd and Miss Langmaid. Mn. and NIns. L. Squain. NIns.F. Mn. and Mis. W. Smith and Miss- Mn. and Mns. Allin and daugh- L. Squain and Mis. W. G. Wenns es Ruby and Wilma Smith, Whit- ter. Mn. and Mis. Penny and Jack. motoned to Touonto las: week to 1 Ilkn by. at Mn. L. C. Pascoe's . . . . Oshawa. a: Mn. Arthur Milîson's. attend the funeral of their cousin. iF - -o tgo ery t M . L C. r. ert War ick. Win ipe , Mr. M Murry. ale frend Mr n r.Ev- Mn. Donald Yellovlees, Col umbus. ji in symathv to tbem. ei tOrmstonandJolia. Bow- visited a: Messns. N. C. and J. W. Friends çf Mn. and Mns. C. M. mavle tM.W .Ormistons Yellowlees'. Cnuhr nmCîon. h .... Mn. Myna Robbins. Zion, a: Mn. Geo. Hogarth. B.A.. Ton- wrere taking pa ort n eSco Mn. Fred Smth's . . .. Mn. Frank onto. vîsited his sistens, Miss nighit a: St, Andnrews Chonch laut Mason. Oshawa, called on seveî'al Mary Hogarth and Mns. R. Pas- Tuesday night, spent the nemaîn- ol fied hre.. M.and Mis. coe. der of the week at the Canruthens' 0 c u i l h a d f a m i l y a t O r - M . a n d M s . S . E . W e r r y a n d h o m e . M . C . C a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __s adfaiy Taunton, Mn. Donald Yellowlees', Columbus. gran. gmabraisfYOreely a n dondon Mnis Enik l e , M . an d W euMv s te a n, t kî g p a t in thico t sh p o-D n' o e l o k t h s b g e t a g a n imo u re r al y i n e e s e H. nnîkilen Mn ad Ms.W. Brummell, Mns. C. Curtis. town. visîtedinavnmoe You'll need that money for Christia gftz atM. .Glbrs .M.and Columbus. Mn. and Mns. Chnîs with Mn. and Mrs. E. Doidge.soavontsepeal MsT.Bowman with relatives in Cook and family. Mîmric, visited s aeo hs pcas MGeorge Ormiston, M. and I HAMPTONIN Mr.Edwin Ormiston, Mn. and A PO Mr.Gordon Sizer, Messrs. Keth1 LOOK< an ap ritnattended ithe.on epe etn nFl Mu' Leslie Rbis ohse,1Dmel oia n Mrs.A. Pet- PORK SAUSAGEi N.Y. vsie Rinsreser ndens. Miss Lobu Reynolds conduct- Smoked Picnic Hama e b N.Y. vsiedhi prets M.1ndiled a Questionnaire, and spoke on almn tel.IcPN AMN aitn Mî's. F. Robbins. They netuu-ned Ppenrn nou vl M.adMsJonSrhaelage and the nuisance 0fwes __________________ tin gone to live at Bowmanville. j0also toucbngonpotn =lns Mn. and Mis. F. Rundle, Mn. Snsarîe h n PtipantusAY'>t" and Ms. C. Branton, OshawaPON Rev, W. Rackbamn gave a read- GIFT HE.A Q U A R ERSvisited at M n. S. Page's. . Miss N. Horn nPlayed a piano il_ WHER EAALJY SJNXENSV'ei PeeH iît OwmNvIEsojnumb er.the Nain"al n "WHERE QUALIY IS INEXPIESEVE11 Mr.nMrs .eens tervis e Flornist,'s nme.Te aYnlAnhr D o SveEvrTm E PPhonEs T jEohSeesHapo.C14jcoed the meetng.Nextmee- 'her, re _____________________Stevens,__Hampton._______________ingwdlthe meetino fe ns meet Mr. and Mrs. A. Wearn and bAI. 'i nwU b lcai f fler nWer y.Sv veyT

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