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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Dec 1935, p. 10

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PAGETENTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO. TH-UR.SDAY. DECEMBER 19th, 1935 *I '~~~~ ~nto, Oshawa anti Tyrone sat touching custom of celebrating HO PT L AR E Famnily IeunionHOPTLTRE aown to a surnptuous supper, at golden weddings is of German which Rex'. A. M. Woottan. p as- origin but has for some time been M ar ed Ty on tor of Tyrone Cisurch,. acted as, nat ionally accepted in this on Golden_'W edding We n i~2~eI;t3 are here tonight ta pay ti ______ckesadighretirsb ta o u parents. lv n higis. anti wiich was cut by the James Dudiley, who have this day Mr. and Mrs. James Dud- bride of isaîf a centun3. Mn. 1 been wed fifty years. God bas ley Presented With j Wootton in a happy little speech bestaweti upon you his favor by Pure t yrneproposed the health of the bride spaning you to celebrate this - fittingly replieti. You, Olive anti James Dudley, The community hall at Tyrone' C. H. Dudley of Bawmanville, have shaneti life in ail its *foims. 'was the scene of a very hsappy on beisaîf of tise family. read the ill love anti joy anti pleasure. You celebration on Decemben 9th, following address, whicis precedeti have hati your canes anti woi'ries ~ whn r.aniMr. ams .the presentationo0f a purse ofanias yurbtes to bear. 4' Duey 0 rne but you have done your best ta fl!tieth anniversary of their mar- Dear Motiser and Father- pe formhaveur aloed askl. . riage. About 40 members of the: It is given ta few persans Yohaerieiaaml.W faraily from Bowmanville, Cal- ta commemarate fifty years of are pr'outi ta be yaur ciiltiren. AMERICAN SEVENTH DAI borne, Newcastle, Wiitby, Tor- marniet i f e, This romantic and For others you have endeavoureti Charging "atrociaus anc ________________________________________________to do something, sometimes of Seventis Day Ativentist hospital ______________________-________ - ecessity it was small, anti when gnoup of wici is shown above. i was possible you have been lapian city matie a vigorous pro ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . '~ generous in making tbem isap- ligions, anti the League of Natii ~" ~~ " ~ n'"' pier. In daing this you attaineti squadron raineti incendiany ban the highest ambition anti Most Selasîe's iseatiquanters, sevenal cý elevating hope which can inspire annex, kîllîng anti wountiing sec a isuman being. It can neyer be tiamage. (Cop saidt iat anyone left youn home __________________ without sharing your wanm hos- pitality. nothing was ever tooB a k t k Tw n gooti for your frientis anti nela- Fifyves._ We You have been a gooti neighbor it Years d r equireti anti kintiness anti Ym Mr. and Mrs. John Wright pathy wisen most neetied.Tr, one can say you have iveti in a Celebrate Golden 1 bouse by tise sitie of tise roati anti been a fienti ta man.W ddn Thene's a weil worn patis, lanten ok1 Anti it leatis straight through A vr laateett Tise lane of aur beants place in BIackstock on Monaay Till it cames ta Y01u. evening, Dec. l6th, when seventy Andthie vines of love andthieget gteia heehom af flowens of cheer Bloom there ail seasons of Mn. anti Mrs. John Wight on tise tise year; occasion of thein golden wedtiing.1 - ~Anti every yean tbey will bloom Tise tining-room was beautifully anwdecarateti in golti anti whsite Best wishes ail for you. streamers, in tise centre of wbicis We sk ou moherani ft br hung a large wetiding bell. Tise ta accept this punse as a tokental heiabauiu pdn 0f oveant eseemwit xvicbcake tiecorateti in golti. as be- oun hest bling ati M.Wii ws ona ap ourhartsaverl:w. May otifittedth ie occasion. taehrton but came to Cartwright while niany yeans ta came.- still Y'oung. to tise farm which Several lettens anti caî'ts 0f a Mn. Jabez Wright now occupies.1 congrat.ulatony nature were also Mrs. Wight- nee Rutis Whitfield) receiveti. During tise evenlng, four was born in Cartwvright on tise brothers. Harry Dudley of New- farm now occupieti by Mr. Frank castie, Levi of Witby, Steve and Stinson. from where sise was Sans 0f Coîbonne, ail spoke briefly married, by Rev. Creighton on Mi a reminiscent mooti, whiîe W. December l6th, 1885. At that J Bratitiof Oshawa paidti tibute time they movedt thie f arni west D o 't Ton oo behaîf of tise in-laws. of Blackstock where their son A very hsappy feature of tise Carl now lives, whiere the3' resiti- ~ ~~ 'I f ~celebration was tise vocal solo by eti until a few years ago when Ith brde f fftyyeans, wiso sang they retiredti t Blackstock. 1/ ~ L I . I~ F J 3a number Oferne that long ago, The bitiesmaitis were Mrs. Ro- DELCIOS anti who accompanieti henself on bert Pbilp, nee Lila Wrighst, anti i tie pano Comunty ing Mrs. John Englisis. nee Sophia 0F COURSE THEY DO - BECAUSE !anti violîn numbers by L~evi Edi- feti ni M. ih~t I wards of Oshawa atidedti th ie Pisilp anti Mn. Isaac Whitfielti THEY'RE FROM CORBETT'S prgavf netînet-ere groomsmen. Tisese wer(e ail Tise balance of tise evening was present at tise golden wetiding ex Candy is a most al)Ireciated gift. We carryv given over ta dancing anti cancis. 'cept Mns. John Englisis, who irasý 1 iunable to attend. the famous Ganong Brothers and Jenny Lini i Mr. Carl Wright acteti as chair- unes ricedfromman for tise evening, anti afteri line, prced romGOLDEN WEDDING a program i community singing, recitationsan solos, Mrs. Non- 40e upMr. and Mx-s. J. W. Philp, Arthur, man Holmes reati an appropriate CHRISTMAS CANDIES TO SUIT EVERY PURSE. Marrned Fifty Years atitress. Andth ie brie anti groom were presenteti witis two CHRISTMAS NECESSITIES 5 Mr. anti Mrs. J. W. Piilp afI baskets of yellow roses anti a C!ustms Ckes fiestquaity icc-1or lai lb 35 iAithur w'ere tise recipients of j spring mattres.s anti set of springs Ahim as Cakesfinest ur w aksetio panlb..35e many gifts, inclutiing a purse ofif rom tise f amily. Tise grantichilIý- ChimasCacke frs, ots ofwfn cake lb. 35c money, on tise occasion 0f tisein ren anti gîeat-grandsons pre- Chritma Crckes, ots I fn 4e dz. P !golden wedding annivensary. senteti them wit.h a table lamp in asuppy ofHom Mad HumugsTiirty membeî's of tise family andi eid-table; tise brother anti Get ~~~~~~~~~sat down ta a tinner. Among itr Its ro nitsi There's always a rush at Christmas. Phone your tisose present were Mî's. Walten f amilies presenteti them with a order to be sure. - 30celb.1 Jenkins bidesmai>, Kingston, kitchen cabinet; tise bî'others anti ' anti Richard Phiîp gnoomsman) sisters of tise bride, anti their Phone your orders for Christmas Baking Cartwrighst. families presentedti iem witis a of llkins.Man3 fnientis f rom fan anti floon lamp anti purse of money, of ailkinds.near wendedti ieir way Montiay. anti they also receiveti other beau- DON'T LEAVE IT TOO LATE. Dec. 9tis. ta tise bome of tise tiful gifts from fientis. Tise bride bride anti groom of f ifty years ta anti groom tisen eacis voiceti thein Cet a full supply of bread for the holiday season ýoffer tiseir congratulations anti pleasure anti appreciation in a good-will. f ew well chosen words. THIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY, BOXING DAY, Mn. anti Mrs. Pisilp have four A dainty lunch was serveti by DECEMBER 26th. cisiltren anti thirteen granticiil- tise grantitaugisters. supper hai'- dren. Tisey were marnieti at Wiî- ing been serveti earîier in tise ev- CORB TTIS BA K E Y 1lan Grove, Cartwright townshsip, ening ta tise brothers anti sisters C~.wa~ mus. U A5L1 December 9ts, 18-85. af tise bride anti groom, wis a a Phone 3 Distributors Dads Cookies Bowmanvrilîe Tie groom is a nepbew of Mns. spent tise afternoon with tiem. J. H. Werry. Bowmanville, and Tise remaintier of tise evening was pa> u Lie cy è' egz 4v è _yeÊktise many relatives in West Dur- spent in pleasant conversation isam off er congratulations, anti recounting olti memonies. Tise f nientis dispersedtiat their homes al ter wishing Mn. anti Mrs. Wright many more yeans of iappy wetid- CHOICE.*ESON. YSI Every bird that goes out of this stoi table has been selected with the ut may be confident that it will provic est Christmas dinner. Your Order Will Be And we know that you will apprec the fowl that cornes fromn àL PLAY SA. GET A PERSONALLY SELECI L YOUR CHRISTMAS E .0F ITALIAN BOMBS ing new G-E Mt LYADVENTIST HOSPITAL th seaeO i dcruel" bombing of Americanj for neiv power 1buildings in Dessye. one af thel wide receptio ti octors anti nurses in tise Etis- fromn 12 new and otest ta "ail goverriments. Ill ne- Models. ans." Tiey tieclareti an Italian nbs on tise city. Emperon Haile Con renient of wisicis stî'uck tise hospital anti if Desii ,res anti causing beavy property Dyrigist, 1935, NEA Service. mec) up in our midst. tise jewels of tissN E A L trulyestihea~rtha.s G ENi 1RALE a hifetime ta tise young. ,but 9' e lias dealt lenientîy witis Mn. antid Cornte in and Mrs. Mutton. Mn. Mutton lisas founti time tiuring his busy hile at Model shown is A-75 $ 3 5 home ta serve i town n muni- 7 tubes. all-wave .1 3 5 cipal work for a numben of years, ant ibas also been of great ser- Other new C.G.E. Radios priced froi vice ta his churcis, anti a gooti neighbor. We must congratulate you. Mn. Mutton. on your cisoice aof a if e partnen, wisose many acts of kindness anti courtesy we C . RS , o a occasion pass w-itisout sisowing Phones 373 or 589 our esteen'i anti regard for you anti ask you ta accept this silver _________________________________ basket. cisest of silver. anti table îamp. antiwisis for you all tise1 HOW IS YOUR WILL POWER? tise diggers at work? goodti tings life isoltis in store.- Mail a letten for somebotiy else anti trust tisat you will be spareti1 Wien we isear somnebotiy cnitie- witisout ghancing at tise narne anti ta celebrate your Golden Weti- 1 iseti as isaving no will power.: addî'ess on tise envelope?) dnDa.moat of us arýe iniclinedti t give; Pass a -wet paint" sý-n without ignei n ehîfofyo rfni ourselves a mental pat on tise touchîng tise article ta see whe- endis. Miss Nellie G. Mutton. Col- back anti say to ourselves. "Wehl. tiser tise sign is telling tise trutis? borne. Mrs. Arthsur Belîman. W. tisank goodness I bave a will of Buy new shoelaces b'2foi'e tise Claude Ives, Melbourne J. Wigbt,imy own." But is our will power oId anes break? Mrs. E. A. Rutiserforti. 5srng. after aIl? Answer tis Clean otut tise attic without Folhowing tise atidress Miss Mae little questionaire ant ifnti out. stopping ta readth ie olti maga- Mutton of Coîbonne presentedth ie Can you: zine anti newspapers? sî-niling couple with a ehest of1 Meet a fnienti suffening from a Deliberately isalk undei a lad- Conmiunity sîhverware, Miss Ruths colti anti refrain from suggesting tienrisen you coulti almost as Muttzn. also of Coîborne, a sil- ta îemedy ,vihsfixeti mine up'easîly have gone outsitie' erflcwer basket filleti witb îrigit away?" If you can do ai.l tisese tisings- blooms, anti Miss RuthIv les ofi Leave a party as soon as you've- anti do theim wîtisut forcing Bawmanville. a tab-le lamp. Af- tolti your hostess yau imust go? yourself ta then you have a ter fitting replies isat been matie Pass an excavation witisout'strong wiill. by Mn. Mutton. alI joineti in sing- stopping or lîngering ta watcis But can yoiî? Neither ran I. îng -For Tisey Ar'e Jolly Gooti Fellowis." During tise evening brief con- gratulatary atitresses ivere matie by Mrs. Milton Wigist, Wim. Ives. Mrs. C. A. Wighst, Ex-Mayor Mil- tan J. Elliott. R. H. Hamley. Rev. E. F. Arnmstrong. Fred C. Hoar. Mns. S. Cisas. Allun, anti by Mn. - Mutton*s brotisers. Haroldi. Lewîis, anti Hugi. Mrs. E. A. Rutiserfordi, sister of Mrs. Mutton. of Castle- ton, anti Mns. Henry MeDonalti af Coîborne. sisten of Mn. Muttan. > A fine musical pirograxm was rendeneti during tise evening anti includeti: Vocal solo, Miss Marion S E TC LF R I E Hlamley; violin solo. Norman 'lFrietili: vocal solo. Mrs. Ross G r a n t; guitar solo, Howard- Wighst: vocal duet. Misses MayI anti Alma Mutton of Coîborne; . o f A~ anti a quartette by Mrs. Milton RN *Wighst, Ms. Ross Grant. Orvil Osborne anti Howardi Wight. A penioti of community singing was conducteti by Mrs. Wighst, witish 'Y Mrs. Albert Cale at thse piano. o Mrs. Cale was tise accompanist of tise eî'ening. 3 At tise close nef resisments were ,serveti anthie big wedtiingcae CELERY HEARTS p CRANBERRIES. eut by tise bride anti distributei.ýr gr... ..1 mr $39.95 Up. Il Thieatre Bowmaniville "Tise basis of Christmas is thse rock. Christ Jesus; its fruits are inspiration andi spiritual under- standing of joy and rejoicing, - not because of tradition. usage, or corporeal pleasures, být because of fundamental andi demonstrable truth. because of tise ieaven ivithin us.-Mary Baker Eddy. Requisite on the Farm.-Eveny farmer andi stock-raiser should keep a supply of Dr. Thsomas' Ec- iectric Oil on hand. not only as a i' ady remetiy for ills in the f arn- îly, but bcause it is a harse and cattle î'emedy of great potency. A, a substitute for sweet ail for horses and cattie affecteti by col- ic it far surpasses anything that can be administered. I 1 EXTRA CHOICE AiL. IJLLAAL.A1 . WEDDING HEAD LETTUCE GRAPES IOW 2 for 13c 2lbfo29SEORPRC. Lane-Fowler 2I o 9 E U RCS A quiet and very pretty wetiding r O ET took place on Saturda-,. Novem- Am.Orted DO ETC or EASIFIRST Domestic 4-lb. Pkg. 49e br3tathMasJanetville, Chocolate 1-1b.iC whnTrsa oledaughter af S1 I TIN NG Pg.1 .Mr Thrq- W. Pwlpi- o Burki l ___________ VÂ. S~O V.ton, and Mrs. Fowler. became the, V Iresl abty bars filid itiNev S nyrna Silver Wedding Burketori, Lson f .andHMrIFI AR FgJa2cb In Bowmanville' Walker officiated. The bride: who Hlo,\LE icda YIEhle vas given in marriage bý her alw YMRsie n lavo iYIEhle f1ather, wore a gown of wine col-~C c qa i M rHndo rd Neil Muton, oureci crepe with matchig acces - A T O atNo2 Surronded by Frend 'Annie White %vearing a brown .y s î, satin ensemble. Mr. Robert Fowl 2lbs.19 'îl.Zpy r, 7 SurrondedbY one hundred el. brother of the bride, was bestc Iand twenty-fîi e frîends and rela- man. Following the ceremon a fb tîves. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mutton, dainty lunch was served at The Csion tree th. wavle Manse. The liappy couple left YMNXED T'he New A\ i container, a new blcnd, a ncw low price cemer th.marked the amid shuxxers of confetti and 25thannversry0f their wedding good wvishes for Bowmanville andc da. -Ms. Mutton had other points for a short honey-M U R i h îe C FEE2 been invited to tea. and on their moon trip. On their retuin Mr I It he lo OFE 2 return found a large companY and Mrs. Lane will live in Black- M. 1 9< had taken complete possession of stock.c their home which they had gailylb decorated in appropriate colors _ _ C H E E SE 1for the event. The gathering %vas YOUR DUTY AS A CITIZEN Xa a complete sur-prise and a veryy ELECTED FOW Lappyone. 1 As tdjgÇi. a itizeour felo 2tZOaout "illIbs.\IIrandNolffiioztm i:rb. Sht Z Many friends and relatives you owe a duty ta the cominunty P d igs Ti born an Catleon.joineti with1 You may be a large land-owner f )re for the Christmas their wide circle of accquaintances'or the tenant of a small house. bw 9(ahThoe .prices effective from Dcme 9h o2t Inclusive iiBwavledsrc omk htdoes iot alter the fact t bat________________________ itmost care, and you this a memorable occasion. i you have equal privileges and,. As the bride and groom enter- 'consequently, and equal responsi-JEY ide you the very f in- d hi r home the Wedding bility. thtrsosbltJ EAN S Bayside Mrhwas played by Mrs. J. AI- Part of ta epniiiyi E N bert Cale. W. Claude Ives acted that you shiould support the bus- A ppreciated gathering expressed congratula- They pay heavy taxes andi con- DLCO S tionLs to the bride and groom. tribute to a large extent directly O l v e -cate the quality of Mrs. M. J. Elliott, for many years and indirectly, toward thse main- TABLE a close frienti of the family, reati tenance of our streets, schools, kCawker's. the following address: police department. f ire depart- FIGS PLAIN "QUiEmNS Dear Mr. and Mrs. Mutton: î ment and other municipal ser- We have entered your home to- vices. They are the largest con-i.. . ,FEnight to celebrate with you the tributors ta local charities. They 1 9< FE ~ ~~~twenty-f if th anniver-sary of Your give generousy toward every con- jaarrutfled Pan ~Ic TED FOWL FOR is a long time, it exceeds one- leaders in every movement ta boost STUFFED "QUEENS" DINNER. third of the generally alloted Bowmanville, or to make this a W lu __X .A space0f tme. owevr. a r eare dependent upan thse people of 11-o.C f îîends have been united in the Bowmanville for a living, but the - lb.2 < a(z2 3C K E i3 9 bonds of wedlock, the most sac- people of Bowmanville. in a largeJa red ties by which we mortaLs can measue, are also tependent upon q 1 r & S nbe bond. AIl of these years they them. u rz Bow anvlle have stooti as an example of do- Wben you buy out of town. you à,*i~ II J~ k i i mq4 metefelicity anti of Christian are lnjuring not only tise bus- do] ~1 virtues, patterns for us aIl. nessmen of Bowmanvllle, but ~li yaur son.s and daugisters growing Thlnk it over! 1Cawkei PAGE TEN w4eliýý4-

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