, , kilAY, DECEMBER 19th,13 their new home each afternoon -- MAPE GOVE and evening last week and many DALIGTNREVE REV RTIES†Per on "The Secret of Success in Smales; vocadutndecr M PEGO E Salem friends were in attendance NESTLETON Character." Piano duets were was well rendee yMse le as well as many town and out of HAMPTON 1 ie by Misses Helen Baker and Balson and PalLah era White Gift service next Sunday town friends. Mr WS e veln Tink and Misses Jessie tion in.chargeo Ms d li afernon. Sptecal Cr ids t m al sie Mr. and Mrs. G.a f ornto on Tlursday eveni or he omW W. C. T. U. met at Miss m. and Gladys Yellowlees; readings,waenodbyl.Lucws msrmo by the Paoiran spcia vi tdaye. and Mrs.eG.Crih A. meeting. The chair was occu- à Katerson'e, president, who pre- Misses Margaret Scott and Fanny served by the ais Msibythechrs.Russell McNeil was crowdeditvening the chcas-pied bysecond v ce-president s sded. at astudec ied tns.or and daughter Phyllis, Oshawa, a0n fritmapublic sche a spln was in charge of Mrs. W.J Burns conducted the devotional Msentthe weekbedtM. and did program was rendered by the strong's group and consisted of a exercises; subject, Peace on earth, Mrs. Thos.Gimblett.scholars, who certainly did credit cornet solo by Mr. W. Jackson;go ilt e;Ms .Cl Miss Jean Stevens spent the to themselves and their teacher, a vocal solo by Mr. A. Suggitt; a led in prayer; Miss Lulu Reyod weekend with hier sister, Mrs. Mr. F. Blackburn, assisted by M'qatte r n Mrs. .Am gave a talk on "Peace"; solo, Mrs. World Charlie White, Oshawa. iRobb, music teacher. A jovial strong, Miss Norma Armstrong C. Johns, accompanied by Mrs. C. League meeting was largely at- Santa Claus distributing presents and Mr. Leonard Joblin; Mrs. W. J. Kerslake; Clip Sheet by Mrs. Reception RDO tended on Wednesday evening. added much to the enjoymnent of Steele favoured with a solo; sel- G. Barron; Mrs. Colwill read let-R OE Program consisted of readings by the evening. ections on the violin by Mr. W. trfo Tdns;Ms .Fr orpeetrdoi Jean Hogarth and Mildred Snow- The correspondent extends a Armstrong. Collect i on $1.01.l guson gave a reading.Lieaalonc obsolete. Now is t h e $1.0dw de; usc fyStnly ndHeenhert Critms retig o llElected officers for the new year1 Adult Bible Class held their el- on yalor old time to trade it in on a Rickard, Iva Foley and Sam Cas- the Salem friends, and many PeintMsA.Sgt;1teconfofcrsnSudy, a ai as new 1936 M1iracle Series pu nen tle; Topic, another letter from thanks for all the kindnesses Vc-r.R .Mro;2ndf Iows:TahrM.FJ. atpynet RgsRdi.ouhm. Rev. Merrill Ferguson, wsra hw e hl h a eni.Vice-Mrs. W. Armstrong; Sec- .Groat; 1st Assistant-Mr.H.tet- ANIDEA N by Mildred Snowden; S t an 1le y Mr. and Mrs. W. Fitze, Janet- retary--Mrs. W. Jackson; Ass't- ers;' 2nd Assistant-Miss L ul1u 6 months' FAMI1LY GIFT e re Rickard gave a few remarks ville, visited hier parents, Mr. and; Mrs. M. Emerson; Treasurer- Reynolds; President .- Mrs. G. guarantee See us for generous about the Young people's dramatic Mrs. G. Cornish. !Mrs. L. Joblin; Auditors-Mrs. R.. Barron; 1st Vice Pres.-Mr. A. B. tb em aeBn contest and the older boys' elec- Mrs. J. Storie, Tyrone, visited Î W. Marlow and Mrs. M. Emerson; Cryderman: 2nd Vice Pres.-Mr.uon s. sems tion last Saturday. Meeting clos- Mr. and Mrs. E. Doidge on Tues-pasng committee-Mrs. . C. W. Souch; Sec.-Mrs. L. Cry- ed with hymin and benediction, day. (Jackson and Mrs. M. Emerson; derman; Treas.-Mr. L. Cryder- FREE INSTALLATION TO YOUR OWNARIL fruit and flower commnittee-Mirs. man. -sR. W. Marlow and Mrs. S. Mal- Reeve Geo. F. Annis Reeve Norman Green Mr. Ronald Moore, Toronto. HEADQUARTERS FOR NEWTONVILLE com1 gopledr-Ms 1. a-Who has announced his retire- For the past five years Reeve Mr. and Mrs. Ayling, John and ENFIELD 1Colmn. Mrs. W. Williams: Mis, ment as Reeve of Darlingtonof Cartwright Township who has Joan, Maple Grove, visited at J., Gift Chocolates, Christmas WrappedCgrte <_ -1 i Norma Armstrong, Mrs. K. Samý- Township. Mr. Annis, who has announced his retirement at the R. Knox's. Women's Association held the. Mrs. Vera Bee, Port Hope, is ells. Ladies present 12. Lunch given sterling service to Darling- end of this year. Reeve Green. Mr. Harry Cowling, Toronto, Cigars, Tobacos, Pipes and Lihes D bspending a week at the home of was served. ton, celebrated his civic retire- has given splendid service to his visited with his parents, Mr. and of rs.er meet ibat the home her uncle, Mr. Mitchell Zealand. Institute meeting wvas held atient by giving a complimentary township which has the lowest Mrs. J. Cowling. UPTOWN AGENTS FOR JACKMAN'S FOES elected were: President, Mrs. M.Dlh anTrot.vs-Ms oer iky' n.o at banquet to municipal officials tax rate in the United Counities. Young Ladies' Class " T h e Prescott; Vice President, Mrs. Ed - 1ited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. John Dickey's as reported.; and friends Tuesday night at He served five years as a coun- Gleaners," with their teacher. win Ormiston; Secretary, Mrs. T. Reuben Payne. Bible reading at League on Fri- Hampton. cillor before becoming Reeve. Mrs. W. Rackham, met at Mrs. W e J BG Boma; ssstn, rs' ore. M.James Nesbitt, hg, I.day evening was taken by Miss: R. Widdicombe's and packed 381P 5 o1 Simpson; Treasurer, Miss Bessie 'S visiting his father, Mr. James Norma Armstrong and Bible study'evening was in charge of the 2nd lests of Protestantismn. Mr. H. CStmss-cig hc ee OeWaV .ace and iamists, Mrs.L. ShnpsonNesbit Sr. cograultiossso|rt apie farlouedMr.tRo- Vi e isCara Page. Al c p k rý, ws nrchairman Othersent to the Fred Victor Mission.1 Commtte, Ms. orn Sipso , nad Brley, son of Mr. and selection on the accordian; Mr.' Ashton; vocal solo "The Perfect C. C. Harcourt and Rev. H. J. e aMission Crcl hldaferoo ComeMrs. L PsoeLunch om. Mrs. Cecil Burley, upon his elec- W. Jackson gave the topic; Miss Day", Rev. Wm. Rackham; read- Bel.tad oaot Mr. urtis'. o-- Mrs H.SmithMrs. F. L. Smith.,r ent,. 0e der saoys'f Parlindeln the outh organ; r.J. fne topic was giveckettMr. hs1has been visi ngnher a ' tablet returepohome fron1W rnt Mrs. Jas. Stark; programin we aal justly proud. He is a lHannant gave a reading and Mr. McGill on Missions; piano sol1o, Mrs. A. Rahm. Patients' Pavilion, Toronto. chageofMr. . rmstn ondmaster mechanic and a member Frank Clayfoot favoured with Mrs. R. Ormiston "Sunset on the Miss Irene Graham, Toronto, Remember White Gift service MissEe Sms. E rIn toppe ofourFist Aid Corps. He also music. Next Friday evening af- St. Lawrence." Meetingcoe iie1r n r. onLr tS .o udy contst rs.Hosin mit's ideholds various offices in the Tuxis ter League- the Sunday School are with the Mizpah after which aillrs.mlbreClead.o wonttal c. oected $17. si Square, League, and Sund ay havmng their Christmas Tree. enoe ubr fgmsadDonald, Bowmanville, visited Mr. SudySchool officers elected e en oam iahlnh nrMr.CWSuh n o An invitation is eXtended to Christma hopr Maie: Supt--Pan B ams Asst. violinist. His latest success is ENIKLENl itnadM2Col'noc SOLINA Bruce spent the weekend in Dle- to Visit Horn's Store at Hamptonfoexpt cher-Wallceascoibe; lAss T-.-just oneemore achievement in the . onNBwmnvileIvsied rs J D Eional Christmas values. chamis;lSec-Tras-Mi ss P ea r upwardcib Pye. Mr. Allan Balson. Queen's Uni---..C.Ryod.Hlsug Taylo; Girls Class-Miss .leMc- ing w. as cgue M sda en Regular meeting of the W.M.S. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Staples, versity, Kingston, is spending the viid his sister, Miss Edna Rey- ChitasCrs n1oolt Len;Ast.-Ms.W.Pacoe; Jr. wsh lite Church on Wed- Hampton, visited at Mr. Thos. Christmas holiday with his par- Lanss-Msessi PaseAst Reid when the program consisted nesday. After openingexrisMcil. ents. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Balson. 2fr5 r2cdz -MssP.Talo;Oranst--is f ceesofAfia, the lantern and usual business the last year's-- DptRevA.Lacews Persian Balm -- the unrivalled. Besie asce ad Mss erabeing operated by Mr. Henry oficers were elected as follows: ' in Cobourg attending Counties tereisite oa. Essent ar e-Bxdlnsa,2cdz o p BSi son adMÉsVe Reichrath. President-.Mrs. (Rev.) Parker; I BLACKSTOCK iCounicil.erdanywm. mrtrreTdGttr Mrs FedSmth ndLlydMiss Isabel Laing and Mr. Wm. Vice Pres.-Mrs. Russell Gilbert;: ogauatost r n charm and beauty to the comn- oSa msa atV rcs have bevSmitgain Oshaw Laing were guests of Mr. and Treas.-Mrs. W. J. Stainton; Rec.MrJonL Mrs. W. J. Leask on the arrivalpexo.Sfnsadbutis Men's Fancy Sox, also Work Sox 19c-o-75 Mrs. Harold in iOrsnhasre Mrs. Peter Laing, Orono, Monday. Sec.--Mrs. J..R OrmstonoCor h .rmer opened hierlof a fine baby g;irl. the skin. Makes hands flawlessly covre fomquisyTh cmmnit'ssy'pth isSe.-Mr. . OWrry:strngeCrs omeon Wednesday afternoon for Annual school meeting will be 1I whie. Cools and ref reshes. Re- Men's Ties, Very special -__-25c,-50c,-75c Mr. and Mrs. Everett Ormiston extended to Mr. Albert Wragg Sec.-Mrs. Thos. McGill, Mrs. . d etn.Srpue 1ededi h col nTusa ivsruhess. Ideal for true and Miss Julia, Bowmanville, and upon the death of his brother, Moore. Mrs. H. Ferguson: Supply'Mrs. H. Jp all e asoffredbyf Dec. 26th, at 2 p.m.' femirnne ditnctio eliatl HANDKERCHIEFS Mrs. Julia Grieves, Fruitland, vis- ,Mr. George Wragg, Port Hope. Sec.-Mrs. Wm. Oke; Systematiciwhich Mr J > ezrgram o Our annual school concert un- frgrnteitisl ab osrbedinto.i omnadChlrn ited at Mr. W. J. Ormiston's Atnthe Uie hrhSudyGvn e.--MissE. S ou c h ;charge, . a e rgtwsi de h ieto fm. Dnldteissueslenaig no stiess. For M e ndWomeadChild frn pantn EW e k a tonvisastr evenn Iv. .eronThereaoi epera e ess c rshlSec.-Mrs. Br are ..ergusn ednesda eWa r Blackb e- ubtle elegnce ad cl armetsa fg Os n oXd odfrtemny Mr. F. Gilbert's. sang an anthem and Miss Hazel E. C. Ashton: Assoc. H-elpers Sec. jstudy booka e . apte frt cided success and was very much TEB .UIE Ladies' Stockings, real values --__25cto$.0p MMiss Edth Trul1 Orono, vstdRV1 riapel edrd -rr- . a vearaigr abz Wr seJ.he pogra of The Bradey's-Baker'sCLUnited Good assortment of gifts in ChinaadGas enMiss Mary ane was a we- EiA.ber 1 E itost Glo R. officersresultngorathe lectio o.s and lterary ubers was vey domeean Schol baes Tes Cnyglr ixdNt' rne awa. Leaders- Mrs. R. Gilbert, Mrs. PeidsMrs. Ja!mes Byersrs D Gl ian's Lesson" and "*The King's t natnac fsxyfv.Vr pca au I SALEM M iss Hetty Wallace, Kendal. C. Crossman, Mrs. T. McGill.MsMr.Jsalo, Mrs. D.G1 Breakfast," are worthy of special1 Miss Doris Millson, second vice- C sted hier cousin, Miss Hazel S. Trewin; Mission Band Leader' braith,' Mrs. A. Werry; President mention. peint rsided. OYSTERS IN STOCK FOR CHRIT A Re. .S.Krrcn m Ju i. oe r sth u eet : -r Rg Ahtnon: st.--M Lsss - rs.H . 2l ltVceMs essrs.eHdaE. Tink and on edntan ou d HORN'S STOR eve nghDecMth opWedneiyhometo beheut orandmoth ratM s n e Ok sol . rs P k r;iret; I r s ia Stew rds eve ng w in c rge of Mon th ander.nand Mrs. E. R one 382r3 Hampto M. Crolotterision nayvice,-Picon za eeito sdte Johnston; Missi. ïo n B ec eeand MSe C. - Doris Millson; evot onal period lvrn a e11sue fibnr ar Th e habane dmtinatdhe aranhe flo MHl;Cre-pnigPoues meigi ot ei hagio r.ad r.Mue aeu PAssinlyrco-prgai aagve:SeobyMsHScrtn-lstWdenay OR ' uO reainsMr. J Iwi, rs P.in or ew in -r.an Mrs Lurnc Werner ScMr s. JoyFor r e-r Fn-SKessock:1strVicenPre.--D o.rRi. Canss .Fa nce,.r. . r. Jtohn ne ly f i underthe L eR. f o r earin',aM r An ce Co m tte-Mh.FeSi- i Lson: nd Vie e s.g lnays T yo.Ph n 8 r Barie nd. r.L . Cator; pan d hoor's camhe, r Mne , oroo. s akr ra - Sson M rist a on ston, rs. Yeello gwle s rin ceres.--thelen soloin, Miss . Honey. S ee wr i arss auderAhtooTronolan arer; oodCheers Co. -. Baker;s4thkVice Pres.-Dorothy r csunge and an intar- roBMs- eo tared20aesrlaGrotgn sen-Dre.wCaa ohoitaraea a keedS cp- Mr. ad Mr. Kyl Squir wre Ne Empoyee:"No ir tey'ren TrBru Ashtn s ith fiend Oniednesay aternon th Jesie Yelowles.s at hom extermn ries atMlas' a i he gthee" egu eeid endy Youn adeSc.-ass ttotega Decesmbelln; eotin e tSrodr !of a new tru k and hcerso eereelectzpdluckedicpperlThursday eveningn;withian good at- n yHlMountjoy; sst. Sec.-sMissTnkR.-oseBar:A.S the lader topi by r. L.Squar; moth cupe. fund AiGetrudeHnrjy; ATeae Mrs.1H. --Margaret PrScottTe-A. L.-N n tm T h e m e a e o w b u y l o d - M r a d r s JDrn coW a1 11s e A s . JT e a c h er M r s . ýE oC Vce H e k : s. - o n ; - readings, M rs. J. rwin, M r . P. jin day nevening w astetakenA .byeaR ev. aH . M cK essock;lsoO . S.- Fred P W right;y C ann, iss V F ran es, M . G . M r. oh n J .eeB ell.unM issh C ivi an M s adler. wst I S- -Je ssiw e e llow l Vi e es P ia n Barie an M . P Cto, ian dctr' cae*A.TPearlTroto nd or ot.hy WrigohstplyeM cK soc.A h r pora a aisduet;dMisssMurielTMountjoyBvernn ak rVanel Don' forge to ge 8010, gaMiding; Mss P linSFeeand radings b Miss Jesie Yel- Our tiC ts on th Wrn eeSn ada ne- i Htnrfavo rehapiao sl; Ywesan rÈrdrgt t hita pie esting contes conduted by the!agitaken'tbyoMiss Vivian M . aadler; af-er to suppereraand Sa jolly J timermwasn regsVen FarwrdaMyvtatM- lea er sterlsiwhiche . A -those presentk t his facenjoyed ht d M . Wecem bers M etim eetingb pr yeofyM rthe T.W om-:Pla N elles'.in 2 enaChr24. stm a s S u g g esteion tos w.. iens A er.Ln:Ch bi la 4 100 s. ag of Sugar Mder leadership of theirrteachereThursdayeafternoon witheaboutaora$5.00oin.Cas r; th'. fiftyrntoreent. meeting. othened* Pthre oten and PrenciStWlisnRao 30 ^ ubroffinsanieavv- TT"of"io 1 Lrg Tbe ooh ays t wnIGlette RazorYotivesamet ' at Mr. otieand rs.E.DarwMs. .. erryingave a.reading; 49c cy'Sn Tursday evnin celupe- piusano slo, iss Jesie Yelowd- FD&WIEPSR A BOTH FO 59c Auostrop$1.00 $.00 e eL' cte n a . olws endanceFL UROffi.caer21c BEANS 2ti"* 21 Flasligh, fcusig 8c FRSHPCK C OCOATFSo wsene nhs uirge r . n; PW.Pe-uwth Rllcealca;nas.an- HlbtPaYop1c Shle ant, s 5 FlahlihtBrodbema9c ae feshanddelciosVic r C idetMica Ols;e Va-s ChrisB. maSfts.vLncwss Eer. amreToltSa fr2c Sele lod 3 1 -2 -3 -5 lb s . g ave redngj y s; "S cTh e ash r is s im e enj . gr-o upo a ked :a o i lt re a h o e M x d N u sl Flashlight 3 cell $350 at 50c b. Spirit" was read b Mrs. w. a tndred Mot; rs.Robis. fr To a o o p o 2 c Pe n ts. 9 MEN'S ETS -- - spoe.tudonsder entChritmasc25c CtPPeel-besteualitylb 20 E IAL ~ ~ ~~. experencs Lunchwaserved-R-clane Curats lb. 2c Lr B H. 1 large SaVe CreaIcontestwhich folowed-MrssC.RC ·· Palmoliveai4-piece 79cWe1nHockMSesHarcourtSand MissigFtora.Parr ey tick icharedof the prs.grunismO anes20i2s3s3e4s4 5Y Woodbur s, 4-pece 98MBOTHsFR c9c MA.sh.rrightgrs. J. enry,À aPgCtx20eo$ 0aevlle andies o o rmgh a L.O. wt apao utb Mse i o'tfr C 1• Throetra.Awich already bastl aradiSCald Miream, Oysters Gratikes arsao$.0-$25W 30 ers. Lunc wh panoasoilothclsth ebrsadlACrimspi .- 6c-8c-$.5 tmewasienjoyed. Crls a o upran olytm wsb ivnaN -65c$1 atemanPenandPencl ~~~~'~te~-~~ h lge cerowdenyteChickens, GeeseetiandoTurke am $2.75s-$3.00 S $3g50 st$5.00Kodak rstmas oncert S utNon b theu ts Set a Bl es 35 - • Bowniese"ade adayaaftch TnONE AD ALLaEbWIS - $2.251 98C - $9.00(E.Te combined services of th er C rsm .. Anglican and United Churchhes er Chit a T FH Toilet Sets will be held in the United Church••----4 T eriae' DugStre Tole St on Sunday evening when Rev. C. P. R.COWLIG, Ph.B. .in 3-7-10 pieces Cn H sarc vening n the BE TTER Q UALITY "SN e eW community hall, Mr. H.Grhm cELVR Ontaro Fat, spke on the nter PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. DHRqA lfl