1 PAGE SEVEN -Social and Personal-I Mms. *llace Shaw, Toronto, is Visitil7g# Mr. and Mis. D. R. Marrisan. Miss Annetta Cales, Toronto. bas been spending a f ew days with aid f riends h'ere. Mr. and Mms. John Synions,l Sud ury. are visiting their daugh- ter, Mrs. Fred W. Nelles. Mms. John Stacey is spending the winter with her son. Mr. Hu- bert stacey, Maple Grave. Mms. M. A. Baison, Oshawa, has been spendlng a few days with Rev. and Mms. J. W. Bunner. Rev. and Mrs. E. Faînsworth, Beleville, were guests af Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Buniner on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Wightman, North Bay, and Miss Margaret Wigitman, Toronto, were guests of E&. and Mrs. C. W. Siemon. lN'ss Patsy AnneSmith, daugh- ter ai Mr. and Mis. Aubrey J. Smith, visited her grandpaxents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Massie, Port H-ope. Mms. A. R. Virgini and Mis. V. H-. Storey were guests at the Cur- rent Events group meeting at the home of Mrs. George Chambers, Toronto. Mrs. W. A. White and Mrs. James A. Phillips, New York City, who were called here owing ta the death of t.heir father, M. A. James, returned home last Thurs- day. Oddfellows' Etichre Party on Thursday, Dec. 19th, in I.O.O.F. Hall. Good prizes. Admission 25c. Special Prize-A Goose. S. J. Jackman & Sons, f larists, have samewhat a! a curiosity in their greenhouse-a "mum". the top flower being yellow and al lower one on the same plant pure white. O>ddfellows are reminded ta ibring their ohiidren, 12 years and under, ta the Christmas Tree cel- ebration at the lodge roor n a Saturday, Dec. 2th, at 7 p.m. sharp. Santa Claus will be there 'n everything. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hamley, Misses Gertrude and Marion, and Mr. Wilfrid Hamley, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Hircock and Louise, were in Oshawa Saturday celebrating the birthday of Mrs. Hamley's niece, Mrs. Orville Heard. All report a good time. Rev. F. J. Oaten, for sixteen years a secretary cf the Ontario Temperance Alliance, <lied sud- denly in Las Angeles, Cal., on Nov. 3rd. He is a brother of Mr. Harry Oaten, Toronta, a former employee of the West Durham News, Bawmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Cochrane, Oshawa, announce the engage- ment of their eldest daughter, Gladys Olive, ta, Mr. Thomas George Westlake, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake. Sauina. The wedding will take place early in January. Mis. W. A. Bunner and daugh- ters. Liberty Place, entertained a number of friends on Friday ev- ening in hanor of Rev. Mr. Bun- ner's birthday. Among the guests were Mrs. W. C. Washington who wa.s celebrating her 9lst birthday the following day andi who assist- ed in blowing out the candies which decorated the birthday cake. Ahl enjayed a pleasant ev- Mail This COUPON The Canadian Statesman Bowmanville, Ont. Dear Sirs,- Please renew my subscription to The Statesman for another year for which I enclose --------------. My correct address is The Statesman is $2.00 a year in Canada, and $2.50 in U.S., including postage. Please a.dd exchange when s e n d i n g checks. Phono 10 ening and wished that Mr. Bun- SILVER WEDDING Darch; Press-Miss E. E. Hay- Mrs. G. E. Chase; Supts. of Mis- Bunner-Convener. Dorothy Nic- 1 for the debate which was on the ner might be spared to celebrate craft; Associate Helpers-Mrs. W. sian Band-Mrs. C. Lunney and hais, Georgina Caverly, GertrudelItopic "Resalved that loyalty to imany more happy blrthdays. 15 CELEBRATED BY C. Ives; Baby Band Supt.-Miss Mrs. G. E. Chase; Literature Sec.' Hamley. Young People are pre- Mrs W.c. asùngon asBOWMANVILLE FOLK FirneWry st-Mrs. Cor- -Mrs. A. L. Nicholls; Press Sec.1 paring a Christmas Pageant "The In' aini oeiprat the recipient of many glUts, let- ____bett, Mrs. K.-O. Foster; Planist- -Mrs. J. R. Phllp; Temp. Sec.- Lost 'Star", ta be presented Sun- than loyalty to humanlty at t«ers. etc.. on Saturday, Dec. l4th, Mm. K. O. Foster; Asst-Mrs. A. Mrs. J. R. Fisher; Peace Sec.- day evenlng, December 22nd. AsI large." The affrmative was re- when she celebrated ber 91st Mr. sand Mrs. Geo. E. Pritchard J. Cale; Flower Convener-Mrs. J.i Mrs. J. T. Fee; Strangers Sec.-ijthis pageant has proved such alpresented by Bert Mortlock and birthday. Her son, Rev. C. C. HonredthWddlg Dayer H. Johnston. Mrs. A. S. Kerr; Christian Ste- success in nearby churches, wei Mrs. F. A. Dilling, whiie Cobour'g Washingtan, Mrs. Washington, on ______ ig Dy wardship and Finance-Mrs. J. hope for a responsive recepfllon. was represented by John Henley and daughter Anna, Toronto, Mr. IMcGregar; Supply Sec.-Mrs. F. Next Monday there wiill be prac- and Miss Ruby Boister. The jud- and Mrs. H. D. Wightman, North Gathering at their home in TRINITY W. A. J. Pattinson; Assoc. Helpers--Miss tice for carol-slnging ta take place ges, Mr. King of Cobourg Colleg- Bay, and many friends in tawn Bowmanville on Tuesday night, I. Stephens; Pianlst-Mrs. C. on Christmas eve. iate Institute, Mr. James Burns called to offer congratulations December 17th, f riends andi fel- December meeting af Trlnity Rice, Mrs. Lunney. af the Boys' Training Schoal, and and good wlshes and likewise low ladge members honared Mr. Women's Association included Miss Helen Cryderman of Bow- drink a cup af tea with this high- and Mrs. Oea. E. Pritchard, on electian of officers, presentation St _oh'______mnile waddth editt ly respectied. lady wha was very the occasion of the twenty-fifth and Christmas program. Officers ST. PAUL'S 'Y. P. G. the affrmative after a close de- bright and smart on this auspic- anniversary of their marriage. for 1936 are: Han. President-StJonsAYP. e u-ba. itous occasion. Mr. and Mms. Pritchard were tak- Mrs. E. F. Armstrong; Past Pres- St. Paul's Young People's Cluiîd cSt. Johdendn's .YP.. ereasu- Floitedbateters SMr. Francis Sutton, Supervisor en completely by surprise when a ldent-Mrs. T. W. Cawker; Presi- i held its last meeting of the year cesaful ingdefendin hi theirDa- lo wlpevng the debaen the ret ofMusic in the Public Schools, graup of members of Durham dent-Mrs. L. W. Dippeil; latgTuesday evening in the form of a fery debatng ofhmplo ouna- inthe0ftenuiig was gen avetya waamn te iig adeneLodge, Daughters af England, Vlce-Mrs. E. P. Bradt; 2nd ViceChristmas Party. Games were fmert, roun fthe neew ton- anat hucse Du mepatys we whic pakedMassy Hll or-called upon them ta offer con- -Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson; Record- played and then ail sat around ment. heonnydefayngtedCo-atervdclse reafres on oent ee onto, on Saturdav evening ta en- gratulations. Mrs. Frank Burns, 1 ing Secretary-Mrs. F. Wigh.t,; the large table which was gally Miss Mary Wallace presided 25th anniversary cake. joy the carols concert Put an b 1400 children from Toronto schools. Mr. Sutton was wonder- fully inspired and impressed with this festival of sacred music. He wondered if a Bowmanville aud- ience would turn out in such large numbers and be as enthus- iastic as this gathering deman- strated. I'il wager they will, Mr. Suttan. Put them ta the test and see. Could Yau narne over the Christmas gifts you received last year and who gave them ta you? Probably you cauldn't naine a tithe of theru. It is too bail we farget so easily. If any one gave you the gif t of a yearly subscrip- tian ta your home tawn paper, you wauld not farget that, forj you would have a reminder every week of your friend's kindness. That suggests a way by wich you can yourself be remeereed appreciatively ail thraugh thel year. A subscription ta The Can- 1 adian Statesman might be as gratef ni a gft ta some of your friends as you could think of. The St.atesman will be printed on Tuesday next week. Sa please send innews early. JUNIOR BASKETBALL SCHEDULE Jan. 17-Whitby at Oshawa Jan. 24-Oshawa at Bowmanville Jan. 31-Bowmianville at Whltby Feb. 7--Oshawa at Whitby Feb. 14-Bowmanville at Oshawa Feb. 21-Whitby at Bowmanville. B.H.S. RUGBY DANCE The junior and senior rugby tennis o! Bowmanvilie H i g h School staged a dance in the as- sembly hall af the school Friday night. A large crowd attended and danced ta the music o! Ross Williams' orchestra. Mi. Bigelow of Port Hope High School pre- sented Frank McIlveen. captain of the senior team. with the Dis- trict Rugby Cup. In presenting the cup he highly praised the teami and congratulated then' on wining the trophy for the third time. Refreshments were served and the dancing continned,. LaIe shoppers will save tume and money by reading merchants advts. 0F SALE Floor Samples A gv A nswers the GIFT Problem Ltremendous stock réducing sale which enables the thrifty buyer to ive FURNITURE this Christmas. F. F. Morris Co. stock is except- j nally large due to our policy of buying ahéad of a rising market. Ve invite you to shop early while the selection is complete. At these wvings every home and family in Durham should secure their require- ents in fine FURNITURE - RUGS - LAMPS. 5 Days Only-Dec. 19«24 2 5%/off! 10 P.C. FILL YOUR CHRISTMAS LIST FROM THESE SUGGESTIONS Chairs Tables Lamps Cedar Chests Mirrors Radio Lamps Bridge Sets Desks Smoking Cabinets Miî'rors Book-Ends Sewing Cabinets Nests of Tables Magazine Racks Ferneries Table Miî'rors Ash Trays End Tables Tea Wagons Bookeases Cushions Card Tables Torcheres Coffee Tables Mattresses - Spring Fi fled and Air Filled Sleep Comfort Made. Fi FURNITURE * -Studio Couches * Footstools * Rugs - Mats * Chesterfields * Statuettes * Desk Chairs * Action Lamps * Rockers * Serving Trays * Windsor Chairs * Bed La.mps * Objects d' Art - The Finest on behaif of the lodge read the Asst--Mrs. P.- E. Greenfield; Car- decorated with candles, evergreens following address: respondlng Sec.-Mrs. H. W. and Christnmas decarations. anAl Dear Mr. and Mrs. Pritchard, Foster; Treasurer-Mrs. Perey eniayed the refreshinents. New We take this opportunity ta ex- Cowling; Pantry Commit t t e e; of ficers elected were: President- press ta you aur congratulations Canvener, Mrs. A. Darch, Mms. Ralph Douglas; Vice- N o r a on this your 25th wedding anni- Kimble, Miss Peters, Mrs. J. Shrubb; Secetary-Helen Nor-...... versary, and ask you toa acePt Darch, Mrs. F. C. Clmer; Flow- wick; Treasurer-Ruth Hammi; this little gif t with aur good er Convener-Mrs. Cawker. Wor- Conveners-Missionary, Howar d wishes for future happiness. Yau ship service was conducted by Brooking; Fellowship, Darathy have bath been very faithful and Mis. Claytan and Mms. Arm- Somerscales; Citizenship, Dorothy willing workers in your varions strong. IPretty; Litrary. Culture and Sac- lodges and we as lodge members Af ter business meeting. averliai. Nancy Shrnbb. Rev. A. S. wish you bath health and happi- which Mis. Cawker presided. Mis. Kerr in a brie! address gave a ness the twa best gifts that C*ad Armistrong in a few well chosen 1 Word of encouragement ta, the can bestow. Signed on behaif a! words voiced the feeling of theinew officers and thanked the re- Lodge Durhami No. 28, Mrs. Burns, association when she spoke o! the 1 tiring of ficers for their splendid Mrs. Downey. unusual ef ficîency and tact of the 1 work during the past year. The Mr. and Mrs. Pritchard were President, Mrs. Cawker. She was etiring Piesident Oeo. W. Graham 0 then presented with a silver flow- presentecl with a handsome silver replied thanklng ahl for their won- er basket !illed with choice mari- cake plate. Mrs. Tale spoke o! derful ca-operation and hoped golds. Bath briefly t h a n k e d the faithfulness and untiring ef- they wonld continue ta carry on the gathering for their good wish- fort of the secretary and Trea- with the new president. Meeting les and their gif t. Amang ather surer, Mrs. J. Thickson and Mrs. closed by ail joining hands andi FOOTWEAR AND TRAVIELLING GOODS gifts received was another silver Chas. Bagneli. They were each singing Auld Lang Syne.I flower basket f ram their dangh- presented with table reflectors.I Slippers, priced from --------------45c to $3.50 ters, Lillian and Helen. Each in turn very briefly thanked %130to$34 The remainder a! the evening the association for their kind TRINITY Y. P. Overshoes, priced from---------$.0t $34 was spent in a social tume with thu1fles refreshinents being served at the togtuns.Tiil on epesUin A rpcs rcdfo --------$.0t 75 close. A three tier wedding cake, Pragramn given by the LibertY Tiil on epesUin Arpcs rcdfo - - - $.0t 75 featuring the saie decoration St. Group consisted o! a Christ- met Manday evening and was ini that appeared on the cake 25 mas story, very beantifully told by charge o! Citizenship Qraup led Fitted Gladstone Bags, at ---------------$12.50 yeaîs ago, was cut by the bride Mis. J. Darch; a vocal solo by by Bert Mutton. Devotianal was and served. Mis. J. E. Anderson and a piano given by Veîa Power and the topic, Skates and Boots, priced from --- $2.45 to $4.95 solo by Laina Clark. Attendance -Origin o! Carals" by Marion 4about rânety. Wagar f rom which interesting in- 1 1_________ formation was learned. The pro- oe r fS xKa s H e CO IGST. PAUL'S W. M. S. sl yEln ksnp iHprooedf o x riy er -os "A Christmas Carol" (Dickens)predfopiedfo Shaw's Schoal Concert will be The Christmas and àl--tD th by Vivian Bunner, and a vocal solo s o7v7vt 1O held Thursday, December l9th, annual meeting o! st. panl's W. by Deothy Nichais. Repart of 5ct 5 7cI 10 at 8 p.m. M. S. was heid at Mms. J. H. H. the nominating committee readi "Mother Goose" Christmas Op- Jury's on Tuesday. Mms. J. T. by Vera Power retnrned the fol- eretta under direction o! Mis. Fee, Vice-President, apened the lowing officers for 1936: Honor- REGULAR UINE 0F QUALITY FOOTWEAR Stuart R. James will be given by meeting with prayer. Memibers ary President-Rev. E. F. Arm--______________ Trinity Mission Bands in the were delighted ta have Mis. W. strong; President--Wilfrld Ham- schaol room, Thursday, Dec. 19, Adams, Oshawa, present, who ley; Vice-Piesident-Vera Power; at 8 p.m. Admission 25c and 10c. gave in hier own splendid way Bliss Secretary- Marian Glan v ille;, 50-2 Carman's poemi, "Bethlehemi", al- Treasurer-Mervyn Oke; M. and The next regular meeting of so a resume o! "The Babe in the M. Treasurer-Earl Byam; Fel- the Women's Institute will be Manger miade Flesh" by Moder- lowship Conveneî-Alice Puidy; held in the Parish Hall December ator, Rev. Dr. Richard Roberts. Ass't-Kathleen Dudley; Mission- 27th, at 3 p.m. Lieut. Brown will his Christmas message. Mis. A. S. ary-Mai4tha Sericis; Ass't-AX- o Christmas collection wiîî be tak- "The Stranger in aur Midst" a!ter McMullen; Ass't-Darothy Hoar; en. which a veîy pleasant social hall Cultural-Margaret Armstro n g; S O T 'DvU 1hour wus spent. Follawing are Ass't-Clare Aluin; Pianst-Lorna S O I J t Ithe new officers: Pies-Mis.A- Clark; Ass't- Marion Hamley; nes Gillespie; lst Vice-Mis. C. Recreatian-Mîs. Marion James; PHONE 120 S Carruthers; 2nd Vice-Mms. T.ILeadership Training-Rena Par- Ch rh N wPercy; 3rd Vice-Miss I. Mouir d;el Publications-Selma Bartlett OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL il F.M.L Rec. Sec-Mms. L. Scatair; Cor. Dramatics Diiectr-Marian Wa- Sec.-Mms. F. J. Mitchell; Trea. gar; Social Cammittee-Vivian ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CRURCH Rev. W. G. Blake, Minister Miss Louise Osborne, Organist Sunday, Dec. 22nd: il a.mi. and o 7cho..-CrE - sServcesIit '7eia pmusChic;tmas .mSericswih ay' Spciaol msc .0pm.-udyi __ r.. L ri Éla A ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHUBR Rev. A. S. Kerr, Minister Mis. C. H. Dudley, Oîganlst and Leader. Christmas Services: il a.m.- "They are dead thal sought the Young child's life"; 2.30 pi.- Sunday Sehool and Aduit Bible Class; 7 p.m.-"How ta be glad if the days are gray." S pe cia1 Chiistmias music by the choir a bath services. bTRINITY UNITED CHURCHa Rev. E. F. Armstrong, Pastar Francis Sutton. Mus. Bac. Organlst and Chair Directar Christmas Suxiday, Dec. 22nd: 11 a.m.-White 01f t Service; the childien and c'hoir will rendeî special Christmas music, the White Gi! ts will be presented; 2.30 p.m.-Snnday Schooi classes for everybody; 7 pm.-The Young People will present the Christmas pageant "The Lost Star". Eveiy- body Is invited ta see and heai this beautiful pageant. Co mie early and bring your friends. TRINITY EVENING AUXILIARY Evening Auxilhary a! Tiity W. M. S. was held in the School roomi on Tuesday evenlng. Mis. W. A. Shane. President, preslding. Minutes were read by Miss Greta Wlckett, Secretary. Treasurei's report showed recelpts were nat up ta the allocation. Roll was called and the worshlp period was taken by Mis. C. A. Wight, Miss Helen Cryderman rend the "'Legend o! the Black Madonna ' and Miss Florence Weîry o! fered prayer. Af ter a hynin wlth Mms. K. O. Foster at'the piano, soripture sel- ections bearlng on the subject Love were read by Miss Leta Jackson. Mis. M. J. Hutchinson, Mis. W. C. Ives and Mrs. Elmer Cax. Mis. F. Vernon Ott sang very sweetly Bethlehemi Lullaby. Mms. Shane îeferred brie! ly ta the Study Book, "The New Africa". Miss E. R. Grahami, Public Health Nurse, gave an lnteresîlng and practical address on "Keeping Enthuslastic about your Job", whlch contained many suggestive and helpful points for ail. Mis. B. E. Inghami presented the report o! the nominatlng comi- nîlttee whlch was adopted as fol- lows: Hon. Presldent-Mi's. E. F. Armstrong; President-Mis. W. A. Shane; lst Vice-Mis. B. E. Inghami; 2nd Vice-Mis. M. J. Hutchinson; Peace Secretary- Miss Helen Crydermian; Secretary -Miss Greta Wlckett; Asst-Mrs. Fred Wght; Treasurer-Mis. C. H. Mason; Secretaiy Christian Stewardshlp-Mis. Roy Webber; Asst-Mlss Helen CrYdernMi; Strangers Secretary-Mrs. W. R. Strike; Ast-Mis. W. H. Blîks; Misslonary Monthly-Mrs. W. J. Pound; Asst-Misa leta Jackson; Lterature-Mrs. Elmer Cox; Sup- ply-Mrs. R. J. Dillng; AMt- Mrs. C. Roper and Mis. A. X. YOU] A ~INI ýi DRU P YARDLEY'S Cigari PGIFT SETS For Ladies --85e -$10.00 p For Men - - $1.00 -$6.50 S Lavender Perf urne5 40o -75e 31.10 - $1.65 fBath SaIts- - 55e - $1.10 Tobat Shavlnt Bowl- - - $1.00 P b POUI MANICURE SETS Moontlow - - 75o $ 3.50 Cutex - - - - 20C $ 6.50 Fountain Pen Sets 98c - $1.50 - $4.25 up Kodaks - 98c - $10.00 IR I.D.A. STORE WISHES EVERYONE kERRY CHRISTMAS SAVE dONEY UYAT JG STORE Fobaccos sa - - soc -$5.00 Cigarettes Dc -75c -$1.00 tccos . 35c - $1.50 [PES - LIGHTERS ORHES - SUNDRIES CHRIST MA GIFT SETS Potter & Moore LAVENI)ER 50c - 75c - $1.50 up I LadieeS et DERNY'S 3 SECRETS 75e Value 5190C1 50c - $7.50 ____________________ - Also Marvellous, Gemey LARGER STOCKS LOWEST PRICES CHRISTMAS CANDY Page and Shaw 25c - $500 Neilson's 25c - Soc - $1 - $2.50 Moira - 50c - $2.00 AttrmcUvely Doxed Palmolive Set for Men - 79c Gillette Razors Wilkinson Razor - $3 Christmas. Stationery A bea4tlful assortment et faney Stationery Boxes - - 25e - $5.50 In Cedar Chests $1.25 - $2.50 - $2.75 Pen and Pencil Sets OL.. - 11.90l - 4.29 - Headquarters St. Denis uroduets Lentherlo Toiletries and Daggett & Eaasei Unes. The idea) Gif for BMei Laats a MEN'S SETS Woodbury's - - - 50o - 98o Pinaud's-----------98o Parke-Davis ----$1.10- La Vogue-----------75o Colgate's Men'. Set $1.35 value 's PE K, R ANS. Denis, etc. UI , - e *'eU» '. ' - BISCUITS CHRISTMAS PACKAGES A e c r g r ri 60e - 70C - 85C - $1.45 ~ ~ Reg. Pkts. - 15c - 40e PHONE 92 Prescriptions A Speciaîty W E DELIVER FUNERAL SERVICE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER l9th, 1935 on any Chesterfield Suite, Bedroorn Suite, Dining-room Suite in stock. 25% down puts your selection in your home Christmas Eve or holds for future delivery. Terms arranged on balance. Discount for cash on ail other furniture samples flot included above during this pre-inventory clearance. "YOUR HOME SHOULD COME FIRST"Y F. MORRIS CO. "Where Quality la Inexpensive" Cashmere Bouquet L 1 DL a