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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Dec 1935, p. 8

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PAGE IGHTTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER l9th, 1935 + A Christmas Message * From Dr. J. N. Hutchison, 17 1 I not a hopeless and f utile dreaz Yale Ave., Winnipeg, Man. af some mistaken Visionary. It is a hopeful sigri, howevý At this season of the year, as that. defeated as the world wie prepare to celebrate t h e'and has been in the applicatii greatest event in the warld's hist- i its own remedies, and as ory, the birth af Christ, wie in-1 always wiil be. there neyer pR stmnctively greet our f riends, with i haps has been a time when t] a smile of welcome, as vie wish 1mind of man is so defminite each a "Merry Christmas" and a. turning to the teachings of t!. "Happy New Year." great philosopher. The Lowiy N; In the world's great cataclysm zarene, and thereby c a t c h i ri of today, when national strife. somne inspiration as ta the posç and hatred stalk , through the bilities af His plan, as the or land, amdst want and distress, hope of bringing peace and trai aniety and fear. and our hearts quilty to this jarring aid woric aimost stand still at times as vie it is a fine thing, that as th face the future with its grave great Christmas season c o m outiook, haw comorting it is to round, and wie are again braugl cover our ears and close aur eysIface ta, face with the Christ, ti ta ail the biatant noises araund1 a revival af f aith is quickenedj us, in the quiet evening, or the each af us, and a new hope bar: silence af the night, and listenj which strengthens aur efforts1 with aur Saul, to that strangely look up and press forward t( musical, maglcally quieting, andiwards this sublime Ideal. hopefully encauraging stili smail Another year af iife's .iourney Volce. prociaixning these great almost at an end, and thaug messages: each af us have had our stru: "Peace on earth, Good Will to gles, our disappointed hopes, an men." our sorrows, vie must continue1 As e wuidtha me shuldbelieve with Browning that "o dAs ya ud ye e en sthem." is in His Heaven," and that somf "Return gaod for evil." how and some way, He is watcl "Love your enemies." aet ing over us and guiding ail H: "Be kindly affectionate oe owarks. and that, as a consequenc another, in hanar preferring one ail wiil be weil. another." Each af us have had a gree What strange but beautiful deal ta be thank.ful for durir mnusic is this, that 50 warms aur the year, and wie have the hop heart, quelis our f ear, and brings af another year ta fallaw thi new opeto ajadd wold. We stili have the sunlight an new apeta ajadd wold. the stars and the fiawers and th What a wonderful philosophy. birds, and ail the other beautifi Who is the organist that plays things of Nature around us f< such sublime music. and pro- aur happiness. We can sing an dlaimis such a remedy for the sick amile and give the cup af col world's many ills? water. We have the cheer anr Some such questianing must companionship of aur friendý have accurred twa thausand years and sa wie can look up with ope: ago. when the startled world f irst minds and hearts. and with oui heard the great message saunded stretched hands ta aur neighboi forth:- lbe glad and thankful. "Behoid I bning you tidings ai And so, with this hope and be great joy, which shall be ta ail lief, we .Ioin in wishing ta eac] people; for unto you is born this and ail, A Happy Christmas an, day a Saviaur. which is Christ A Glad New Year, a New Yearo the Lard." courage and hope, with a strange And yet, af ter ail these years Trust in Our Heaveniy Fathei have passed, and wie see so much and a wider sympathy towards a] of apparent defeat, and aur aid His children the warld aver. warld in a state af chaos, is it Theref are in gladness, let us a] any wonder that our hopes and .iin with Alfred Tennysan in hi aur faith graw faint at times. clarion sang:- and wie question if this message "Ring out wiid belis ta the wil __________________________sky, _______________________ j The flyirag claud, the f rosty light: 1 The year is dying in the night Ring aut wiid belis, and le C. H.i uic, pthmde Ring out the aid. ring in thi Eyesight SpeciaIisZ new, Authar of: Ring happy belis across the Optometry Feature Service snow; The Child and Its The year is going, let him go Development Ring out the f aise, ring in th( Specializing excluslveiy In true. muscle anomalies, eyesight Ring in the valiant man an! and glasses. f ree, Phone The larger heart, the kindlii for appolntmnent 1516 hand; Disney Bldg. Opp. P. O. Ring out the darkness ai thE Oshawa, Ont. land, Ring in the Christ that is tc b e." ]REDUCIED FARES~ Between ail Points in Canada Christmnas and New Years FARLE AND A QUARTER FOR THE ROUND TRIP CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY: Gaad going December 23 ta, and including December 25. Return limit ta leave destination nat later than mldnight Thursday, December 26, 1935. NEW YEAR'S HOLIDAY: Good going December 30 ta and lncluding January 1. Return limit ta leave destinatian not later than mldnight Thursday, January 2, 1936. FARE AND A THIRD FOR THE ROUND TRIP Gaod going Friday, Dec. 20, ta Wednesday, Jan. 1, inclusive: good ta return leavlng destination flot later than midnight, Friday, January 10, 1936. MINIMUM SPECIAL FARES: ADULTS 50e - CHILDREN 25e Tickets and complete information from any agent. CANADIAN PACIF1C ier, 's, ion it the ely rus ia- ;si- aly i. his ,ht iat in rn. ta o0- id e- 1- ns t od Lii li cd is. MUGGS MeGINNIS by WALLY BISHOP 40F Foerl-e- ýtLDAYVSEÇMW wwj Messiah, the Way-shawer wha unfolded for ail mankind the solution for every difficulty, the way ai salvation from al cvii, thereby fulfilling the an g elic "tidings of great jay, which shahl be toa1al people."' Today the nations sarely need ta unclrstand the benediction of the truc Christmas message and ta experience the balmn of the Christ-healing which would cer- tainly destroy their enmity. their fear and suspicion of each other, and the delusion that war. wrth its armaments of death-deallng machinery, can ever bring true and lasting peace or salve the problemis ai strife, chaos, and crime. Haw comforting it is ta knaw that Christian Science is spreading its healing message al over the globe, bringlng ever nearer the glad day when the universal Fatherhaod af God willl be recognized and war will be no mare! In the abiding consclousness of ever-present but ever-unfolding goad every day may be a happy Christmas, as the sang ai the angels re-echoes in aur hearts, "Giary ta God in the highest, and an earth peace, good will toward men." Bas1ketball Twa games of real gaad basket- bail was not enough ta attract a very large crawd an Friday night. The f irst game between two B.H.S. teams af Juniars wasex citing f rom start ta finish withý the final score being 21 for the Rcds and 19 for the White. Reds1 Players Cale --- Points FouIs 0 0 t-WAR ON WAR.BLES Thk'M crap ta ripen; mended a lot ai Bennett 2 0 'Thr!fl1a*~eJoke's onfMe ence ta keep stock from destray- Bathgate 3 2 Ar G D RHAEAT U CSS i1'.IFg i, then bud the grain and 1 Amle .-90 o r, A GREJA'IT SUCCvVkL Says iAt. . K r.ean stoaked it. on apen ----- 902 h- 1t ad ta be hauled and stack-- - id Last sping under the direction' Last week 1 soid ta a local mil- ed. before threshing which re- Total 21 5 afio the Ontario Dcpartment ai 1cr anc hundrcd bushels af oats quired another manth's time and Whites erAgicltre acapagnwa o-!a whaic lot ai labor which cauld Colville-------- 6 1 ~rAgicltr, cmpin a .a _ of this ycar's crap-for the easiiy have been a dead loss had Mason ------- -- rgarÈzed. in! Durham Çaunty to sum of twenty-fivc cents per bus- but a few showcrs af ramn fallen Hooper -O- --0-- ) 1 ecae the cattie a gd duing hel. The laad wighcd slightly upan the crap aiter it was cut. Neal- ------ 3 2 thue summer mthwt h the d dre- mare than thrcc t h a u s a n d Somehaw 1 dontL seem ta apprcc- Bennett --.-- - 5 3 the ummr mothswiththere-paunds and rcquircd the services iate that twenty-frve cents a bus- isultant loss in miik and beef. af two men, marc than f ive hour"s hel racket a-tali.' Total 19 10 The Department hapcd that, ta fan and bag. Addcd ta this The mans observations s0 in-alIthseodgmwi w Id each Towniship wouid give a grant:wsaahrtahusspn rgc eta ade up the j ntescn ae h mia tfurnish Warbie Fly Powdcr ta i vith a tcam ai horses deliverîng fIaIowing figures concemning theGrd exitonacCbug each farmer, with the amount the gr ain. When lcaving the nm-II cast ta 'Me of those twny-ie-wihascrime ai4 a .S Theis disribtc taeah dpenin 01 ry wrkmen observed crisply. cents-a-bushel aats. was the game ai the evening and the number af cattie owned. The "Do you realize, Mm. Kean. that Average per acre production of! Cobourg certainly wcnt ta, town at ioliawrng threc Townships: Hope, t he ioad a! Qats you've just sold oats this year, twenty bushieis, at with Spooner drapping basket ai- *Cavan and South Managhan gavej represents a considerable las.'. twenty five cents per bu.-$5.00; iter basket for themn. Just the the grant which flot oniy meant "'Sure," 1 agrced, smilingl'j. against which I chargcd seed, twa same, omnil uepae e tat achfarmerr~eivct he Butwha a it? Don't mast ai and a haîf bushels per acre atîmarvellous game. Siemon was powder but there was a saving af the farmers cxpcct ta seli their farty-fivc cents per bu.-$1.12; scaring like a wizard and the around forty percent in the price oats and barley at a loss this plowing per acre-$1.50; harrow- 'whaie tcam was backing him up when bought on this larger arder ycar?" ing per acre (once over-30c: like nabodys business. basis. "Mebbe thcy do." rctumncd the cuîtivating (once over> per acre .oor Le A questionnaire sent ta the sec- jf arm hand. "but it strikes me as -5c; harrowing twice ovr-60c; PaesCbugPit ol retary af each school section in decidediy unfair ta, the man who driling, 40c; rolling. 30c; binding, PaesPit ol d these thrce Townships brought a toak aIl the chances that had ta 40c; stooking, 15c; hauling and Spoaner, centre ,- 24 3 reply !mom thirty-!our a! the be taken ta praduce those aats stacking. 20c; threshing (labor at Duiton, rt. forward 6 1 ýr thirty-eight. Every sec r e t a r Y and then have ta acccpt s) low $1.50 per day> 21.00; !anning Piaft, left forward 2 4 considercd the Township Counicil a price for them. 'acre charge-20c; ta which add Lucus, guard 7 3 e Powder ta get the work started.1 "The seed cast iarty-five cents ent a! land taxes, per acre- Barton, guard 6 1 The reports slowect that fram; a bushel in the spring; then the $3.00. Total cast per acre-$9.67. Jamisan, sub 0 1 0 seventy-iive ta anc hundred Per-1 land had ta be plawcd; harrawed These figures leave me a bass oi Davidson, sub 0 2 cent a! the farmers in each sec-, down; cultivated ta set back the nearîy five dollars Per acre upan Johnston, sub 0 0 tidon trcated their cattle threei wecds: harrowcd again bei arecocst a! production aver local mar- Total 45 1 times with the exception ai some1 seeding down, and roled dawn ket price.45 1 who had turned~ the cattle ta aîfterwards. i When I askcd the miller why Bowmanville grass previaus ta the third treat- "On top af that you waited sa amail a price for the aats, he 1 Slemon, centre-. 16 3 made the proper move by giving mare than threc manths for the merely loaked at me and grinned. Jackman, If. forw'd 2 0 the grant ta, buy the Warblc Fly _______________of___cheqeKnt,__________ 0 ment__thelatterpartofMay._ i to the tawn bank, I repeated the F. Mcllveen, guard 10 3 Everyone reparted a very marked ________________samne question ta the manager B. McIlveen, guard 1 1 reductian in the running af cattie there. His reply was quickiy giv- G oode, sub -- -- --O theuas sumer 1en: "Simply a matter ai suppiy jRoach, sub 0 O 2 Twenty-nine of the thirty-four B sn s DirectOrY n eadvh ad ms u reports, weme in favour ai having -j--and--dhiand," htne bid. i Alms, sub 3 0 ieach Township give the grant for Ti nwra nebagt Hlmn u the second ycam ta encourage thi LEGAL aother features into the picture. Hooper, sub 0 0 imorat roet hleth thrThroughout the past scason we' Bathgate, sub 0 0 five. considercd the majamîty M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. heard over the radio and read in- - wouid buy the powder thcmselves Barrister, Solicitar, Notary aur great newspapers a! crop Total 32 13 aiter seeing the favoumable re- Phone 351 -shortages in the cereal poduct- sults during 1935. Royal Bank Bldg., Bowmanville 'ion of almost evcry c i v 11ii z c d ONE MINUTE PUILPIT Th pan fr arleFl Wrkcountry. At the same time vital There is na icar in love, but during 1936 wiil depend an the W. R. STRIKE statistics camnpiled by the variuspretlvcaetotfarb- decision ai the County Live Stock Barrister, Solicitor, Natary govemfiments indicate that worid cause <car hath tomment. He that Improvement Association and the Solicitor for Bank ai Montreal population is slightly upon the ieareth is not made perfect in Township Cauncils which wilî Money ta Loan. Phone 91. increa-se. Taking these two fact- love-I John 4:18. me tPrHoeo rdy -- Bowmanvillc, Ontario ors at their respective values, -______________ mee atPor Hoe o Frday --wauid lead one ta, presumne that December 20th. L. C. MASON, B.A. supply was short while demand E. A. Summers. Agricultural Re- Barrister - Solicitor was stili maintained. C rS EE prsetaiv wshs o xpes hs Natary Public - Etc. Wili same gaod farmer reader UT S YOUR NERVES appreciatian ta, the Township Law in aIl Its branches af The Statesman kindiy give Relief cones sr-in Counicils, the key men in the Office immediateiy east ai Raya] me, through these columns, his wih use of Schaal Sections and al athers who Theatre opinion as ta where the ebony- r H S ' co-aperated ta pramate "The Phones: Office 688; Home 53 faced figure in the woadpile may D.C A E Warble Fly Projcct" during 1935. be found. * jDENTAL I feel confident this wiIl pra- vide interesting as well as en- BANK 0F COMMERCE DR. J. C DEVITT lightening information. Sa far, AT BLACKSTOCK Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson howcver, the Jokes on me! Craduate of Royal Dental Col- CLOSES ITS DOORS lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jub- Ilce Bldg., BowmanvIlle. Office The good people of Blackstock haurs 9 a. m. ta 6 p. m. daily Happy were surprised the other marning except Sunday. U e u n to ler th BnkofComec X-Ray Eqaipment in office.____ Illage. The office was origlnally apened by the Western Bank af Canada at the suggestion af Mm. H. G. Hutcheson and was oper- ated as sub-agency to the Part Peulry cdi e af whlch he was manager. W. J. (Jack)>'White, who was later kiiled in serviceý overseas, was put In charge. Shartly afterwards the Western Bank was absorbed by the Stan- dard Bank, but the agency was cantinued and when the Farmersý Bank-which had opencd at Nest- icton Statlon-failed, Mr. Hutch- eson drove aver-they were still using horss-and put up a pla- card annauncing that The Stan- dard Bank woufld open in the building which had been occupied by the Farmers Bank. The two branches were placed under the Port Perry office with Mm. White as sub-agent. Later thcy were rcmoved fram Part Pcrry contrai as the business had reached con- siderable size and a local manager was installed ove,' the twa. Aiter the amialgamation af the Stan- dard with the Commerce the af- fices were cantinued. For some .years Mr. L. H. Corner. who was at one time on the Port Perry staff. has been manager. The Nestleton branch was discontin- ucci some time ago and with the closing of the Blackstock branch Cartwright Township is Ici t wth- out a bank. Mr. Corner joins the staff a! the Commerce here and bis former friends will give hlm a welcame. -Port Perry Star.1 SHOE REPAIRS R. PAWSON Boot and Shoe Repa!ring Soies sewn on by Goodyear Stitching Machine. Prices reasonable. K ing Street East - flowmanville FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day. F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motar Equlpment Ambulance and Invaiid Car Cal Phone 10 or 34. Assist.ant. 573 BOWMANVILLE NORTHCUTT & SMITH Complete Funeral Service \lodern Equip-ncnt - Ambulance -A. W. G. Northcutt Aubrey Smith - Phane Days 58 Nig.bts, Sundays or Hoiidays Phone 523 or 276. music FRANCIS SUTTON Mus. Bac. F.C.C.a. A.T.C.M. diplomas in Piana, Singlng, Vialin and Organ. Private or class lessons. Pupils prepared for ail examinatlons. Phone 42, Bowmanvllle j(From The Christian Science Sentine> Christmas Day! What a wealth, ai happy and hailawed memories these wôrds enfold! Thi s giad holiday o! friendly gatherings and family reunians, this holy day af gratitude ta God, the great Guver af aIl good, commemorates the natlvity ai Jesus, born amidst lawly surroundIngs, in Bethlehem ai Judea, neariy two thousand years aga, the babe whase ad- vent - according ta the reckon- ings ai time - ushered in the dawn ai Christianity and datcd the warid's history and happen- ings, as either before or a! ter that momentous event. The iowly stable whcrc Jesus was born, the manger wherc the Vîrgin-mother cradled hem babe, wcre typical a! the majestic hum- Iiity whicit characterized the carthly career ai the great Naz- arene, who brought to the world the revelatian that man is thc unfailen, spiritual child of God, perfect as his heavenly Father; that the kingdom a!f heaven, ai joy, hcalth, frecdom, abundance o! good, is at hand and within man's consciousncss here and naw and thraughout eternity. Fils Perfect undcrstanding a! the spiritual facts ai being enabied the great Teacher ta prove the tuth a! his message, ta demnon- strate the power o! the Christ, Gad's anainted, in his dominion over cvi], In the healing a! sin. slickness. and death. Thus was Christ Jesus indecd the promised A Lovely Gift A Kimono in SATIN or WOOL Serve the Best Tea TUA The Installation ~ Will be as Good as the Furnace AND when we teM you the furnace will he a HECLA, that's ail we need ta say. Canada's mont farnous f urnace-the furnace that saves onc ton in seven over any other furnace-the furnace with fuscd, gas-and-dust-tight joints. If we install your new furnace, it will he the correct size, properly located, with the right size pipes and registers. And tihe cost will be Iower than for years to corne. HE]iCLA WARM AIR FURNACES Bert P arlker Phone 651W PLUMBER Bowmanville Try Ambricoal A Fuel for ail types of domestie heating - nuggets of concentrated heat - economical and uniform heat, Per ton-$II.75 Semet - Solway Coke Ail our coke is kept under cover, range and nut size. 4 FILL YOUR BIN WITH BLUIE COAL Stops Waste - Gets Better Heat - Saves Work Combination Doors Storm Door and Sereen Door - ail sizes. Cost iess than you think they should._ Superior Storm Sash Buit to stand the elements - insure more comfort and less expense. S heppard & Ciii Luinher Co* PHONE 15 MIMJTED BOWMANVTLLE d Acceptable Glîts TABLE LINENS a.nd Terry Bath Towels from 19c to $1.25 SWEATERS A Fine Variety 98c t S2.1 mro. t A flo Sec Our Special Men's Advt. in this Issue A Wonderful Display GLOVES - PURSES HOSIERY LINGERIE la Sets and Single Pleces Ail Moderately Prlced We Suggest Collars- Umbrellas - Bedspreads Blankets - Hat& - Dresses - Coats Sheets and Pillow Cases ]Babies' Wear Baby always needs dainty clothes. Make a gift of baby wear this year. We've a Iovely assortment. Couch Jolinston & Crydermnan Phone 104 Limited Bowmanville PROTECTION The early settiers had no sooner ia.nded in Canada than they began a crude yet dir- ect and effective fight for the protection of lfe and l1mb. And their f ight went on, desperately, day after day, night after night. Their flght has even been carrfed down to this day, only the form of It bas changed. This dairy uses evcry miodern and scien- tlflc precaution known in Its unceasing flght agalnst lmpurity, doubtful quality and unsanitary conditions In the handling of Glen Rae mlk. That aur fight Is be- lng rewarded Is shown by the fact that jovng heprotection o life that goes wth thorough and adequate protection of their health. Glen Rliae Da'sy R. R. Stevens & Son, Proprietors 1Pll0NE 408J BOWýMNVILLE .'l ý PAGE MORT b 1 ;j

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