PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTTJE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1936 nolds, leader of group 2, presided . - Twist; Busy Workers, Mrs. G. 4 f, D. Kay and Rev. Milton Sander- Exp.PolnBotN.3- 120 SO IAfor the program. Roll call "New -Talcott; Asst. Mrs. Fred Stevens: o's, •oExp.oPolungToBooth No. 4 - - 00' SO IAYear Resolutions"; a paper on ENFIELD Adult Bible Class, C. H. Snowden; BLACKSTOCK i i°Congratlon s to Mr. and Mrs. Twnhi4Cund S. .Hrta96Rolm6 (bcurrent events was prepared by ; -i Temperance Supt.-Ross Stevens; -----1 Hoskin Smith on the arrival of Sitamp&Seciio o Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Thos. Baker and read by Mran s.WbSihnd M i s s i o n a r y Supt.--Mrs. C. .Vstr:M.adMs.Br aygrCRWIHT tagI O s ---------- i8 Ellis Pascoe, Brooklin, with MisslMiss Vera Baker; Miss Pearl chldrend OshawaWendra nd:Shnowden; Cradle Roll-Mrs. I-ar- HVisiTor o t Mr. andMBertha Mg H. Dalton Mis 'ue CRWRGTCONIL OrveffcrntnN135 Mary Hogarth. . . . Mr. Herbert Leahsn utawayn o Mrs. Edgar Prescott and familý vey Brooks. Mrs. J. D. Pickard; Mrs Georgon o w r.nesho ndM.Orv i shtn Inaugural meeting of the Coun-D.MAtu,.HO Wright, Enniskillen, with his bro- you" accompanied by Miss Ileen visited at Mr. Alf Prescott's Piamist - Eileen Hockin; Assist- Brown Peterborwth M. C.css 1 visited Mr. Stewart Rodman, Port cil was held Jan. 13th with memn- servcs------------100 ther, Mr. Fred Wright. . . . Mr. Balson; Mrs. Jas. Moorey gave aedn.DLnyrersml Mr. Norman Stinson visited atants--Mrs. C. H. Snowden, Mrs.Hilnrow MsCeiPry bers allprsnad subscribed N .MroSho t with Mr. Jack Baker. . . . Miss were served by Mrs. Reynolds and Mr. H. L. Pascoe, Columbus, men up.Ms.Ccl efey hr.aM rs. W. W oann. . . . 1Mr.ClifforsPethickvisited atev.thJ. J. Harourtexparesa N rensricsL.B Eveyn inkat r. lanMcGas he grup nd soialtim e- ad M. Hrve Pacoe Tant nsitanut-Mrs. Bruci efeal; adduhes adMsnatnMr. AIrthurdRedhkap'sNewtn-fewgoodremarks to the Couýýnc o. -- --- 80 han's, Oshawa. . .. Mr. and Mrs. Joyed.. visited at Mr. Wallace Scott's. Librarian-Jack Brown; Assist- M villed led in prayer S. Jefrysevcsdto-80 Ernst arer nd amlyBlak- Symath o th comuityis Miss Ida McCulloch has recov- ants-Charlie Greenharñ, R os s Ëyanrda . . Smll th W. M. S. officers were all re- aReeve Creighton Devitt ad- 1WM.BeckS.dit--80 stock, at Mr. E. R. Taylor's and extended to the family of the late ered from quinsey. Stevens; Auditors-Noble Met- and* Milton, ad Mr Deck t lMr. elected at last meeting. dressed the Council f ollowed by1 Clerk,Re.o14B,8M Mr. Everett Cryderman's. . .. Mr. Mrs. Geo. Vice who passed away in 1 Mr. Edwin Ormiston had a suc- calf, Lloyd Snowden; Music Dir- J. A. Johnston's a. Misses A. Ashton, A. Oke, and short addresses from the mem- and 0Dahc----- 80 and Mrs. Frank Rolson, Mr. and Oshawa last week. Several from jcessfuloperation for acute ap- ector--A. Laird Sr. Messrs Gordon Beech and Edgar bers of Council, also ex-Reeve C. Ginn odwo --1 Mrs AanWit, Ohaa, t attended the funeral. jpendiîciti s Thursday evening at 4 -- Among those who entertained Wright attended the hockey game Norman Green and ex-Council- O. Wrgtrd.&bies16 Geo. White's.. . .. Mr. and Mrs. + BomnilHspt.I recently were Miss Flora Parr, atteMpeLefGresSt-lrFre0. Wrgtsupis-----149 Hugh Annis, Enniskillen, at Mr. j Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin Smith NESTLETON MranMs.rtuBilyad urday night. Counicil adjourned one hour for'Clerk epner or Gordon Leask's. . . . Mrs. Samuel TYRONE have an addition to their family. C.-. IMr. and Mrs. Leslie Mountjoy. New officers of Adult Bible lunch. familtoHmanC.A Bush at Mr. Cecil Bush's, Col-: Last Thursday a fine baby girl1 Mrs. McNally opened her home Class: President--Mrs. Lloyd Ash- Minutes of the last meeting Societ ----- -- 00 umbus. . .. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wil- arrived at Bowmanville hospital. Mrs. John Proutt opened her 1on Wednesday afternoon for the ton; Vice--Miss Eva Souch; Sec- were read and adopted. N. EdgroSe.Tes liams, Port Perry, at Mr. Chas. Messrs. Harry and Frank Hath- Both doing fine. home on Wednesday af ternoon|1W.M.S. meeting. After a short retary--Will Ashton; Ass't-Mrs. Communications were read from S. S.N.6,prltah Howsam's. .. . Mr. and Mrs. Ern- erly, Mr. W. Haines, Dixie, spent January meeting of W. A. was for the Women's Institute meet-1 business session this program was Floyd Ashton; Treasurer--Lloyd Ont. Municipal Association; A. E., er's slr ----------100 est Debarr and baby Violet visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. well attended at the home of Mrs. ing, Mrs. L. McLaughlin, presi given: Readings, "Little Black!Ashton; Teacher-Mr. Thos. Me- Wilson Insurance Co.; Weed In- ý Counclajundt etFb at Mr. Sam Gibbs', Columbus. Hatherly. L. C. Pascoe on Jan. 7th. After dent, presiding. Miss M. Prout-tlSheep" by Mrs. E. Dorrell; "New'Gill; Ass't-Wm. Moore; Flower spection Dept.; Dept. of Agricul- '3rd at2pm There was a good attendance at Mr. R. B. McCullough, Mr. Al- the business a short program was reviewed the fifth chapter of Year Thoughts," Mrs. J. A. John- 1Committee-Mrs. Will Ashton. ture, on warble fly powder; and W eccCek League meeting on Monday ev- ec Purfit, Toronto. spent Sunday given consisting of a piano soloi"Life of Our Lord" by Charles ston: "Looking Ahead to Old!Mrs. E. C. Ashton. Dr. McArthur, M.H.O. report. All ening which was in charge Of at Mr. R. McCullough's. by Mrs. Russel Ormiston; read- Dickens. Along with other busi- Age", Miss Hazel Mountjoy. A1 Intermediate Boys' Class met were received and fyled. i the 2nd Vice-President. Miss Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Little and ing. Mrs. T. Bowman: Talk on ness, the ladies decided to ask thei letter f rom Rev. and Mrs. Merrill, at the home of Mr. Russell Gil- Road Supt. presented his report Itwudthrtayite Gladys Yellowlees. A delegate!Dianne. Oshawa. spent Sunday at nurising by Mrs. W. Pascoe. A.Y.P.A. of Blackstock to present Ferguson of Africa wvas read.1bert on Monday evening when to the Dept. shiowing 1935 road collegeswudwrhi a will attend Winter School at Mrs. Wm. Little's. The Young People's Union had their play "Just Country Folk" inJ Lunch was served- the following officers were elect- expenditures. throughsm fth tdns Belevll. Bbl lsso ws ea Congratulations to Mr. andprgesvcokneadaluh Nestleton. Roll call was answ,,ýer-1 League met on Wededa(v ed: President. Jas. Simpson; Sec-j Bylaws were passed estimatingý by Donald Yellowleies. Devot- Mrs. L. J. Goodman ( nee Miss in the hall Tuesday evening and ed by a verse from a favouritelening for re-organization. Miss retary. John Oke: Treasurer, the expenditure on roads for 1936l ional, Mr. W. R. Westlake; read- Ethel Skinner), on their recent a very enjoyable evening was hymin. Af ter community singing Pauline Ferguson took charge of Harold Ashton. Mr. Roy Trewin at $6.000.00; and naming Jno.i mng. Miss Margaret Scott: vocal1 marriage. spent. the following program wras given: the worship, and these officers on behalf of the class presented Watson Jr.. weed inspector at 25 solo, Miss Ella Millson: topic, Miss . League opened Thursday even- A reading by Mrs. Kitchener were elected: President-Harold Mr. Gilbert with a very useful, cents per hour when on duty. Ruth McKessock; piano solo, Miss, mg with the devotional period. Burton; a solo by Miss Aileen Swain; Assist.-Miss Pauline Fer- gif t in appreciation of his ser- Treasurer was authorized to Ileen Balson. Several games were ;The f ollowing program in charge A E Jarvis, accompanied at the piano, guson; Sec.-Treas.-Ar-nold John-1 vices. Remainder of the evening purchase one cord of dry wood. Played and meeting closed with iOf Mr. Gordyn Brent was given.:SA E by Miss Marie Proutt; Mrs. R. W.1 ston; Assist.-Miss Vivian Sadler;i was spent in games. af ter which d d at the! the league beniediction. jReading. Miss Adelaide Annis, - Philp gave a paper "ResolutionsiWorship Convener-Miss H az e llunch was served.Blwwl eitoueR n Janar metig o te Sns. f yu ereth ony ne" rad Rev. A. S. Kerr delivered a fine for the New Year"; Miss Marie Mountjoy; Assist.-Miss F e rg a iFebuaryinme iin pamgfaPur of Temperance was held in theimg. Mr. Clarence ,H at h erl1y'emnonSna Proutt gave a reading. Lunch was Johnston- Christian End -ýihSalI e:aslni nSna.sre ote2 aispeet 1eavour, I ing , b oot n hecinit of r B A N S. S. room Thursday evening with "hc hl tB ;aslni Young People's League meet- sevdt1h 0 aispeet Convener-Miss Aileen Mountjoy· ple Hb-illsio o.tagfo poing Ruth McKessock W. P.* in the topic by Mrs. Floyd Dudley: a ing was withdrawn last week ow_ At League on Friday evening, Assist.-Herb. Swain; Miss-ionary Bradley s School sbdvso o4ta oto f at Rn1usay hrdy chair. A new member was in- reading by Miss Mildred Bradley; ing to the congregational meet- John Taylor gave the Bible read- 'Convener-Hector Shortridge; As- concession No. 5 and placing it in Satra vnns n -itiated into the order. Installat-1 piano solo. Miss Eva Collacutt: ing held on Tuesday evening. ing, Wilfred Jackson the Bible sist.--Leslie Beacock; Citizenship Home and School Club mneet- th e e epresentN.2divisio.SaurayAferoos 1on of officers took place. Plans rectation, Miss Edna Cameron' Pstor Rev. A. M. Wootton con- :tdy)taly aclm the toic.Convener-JeBabunBsis.igwanedatBaky' col oersmwerege sflos were made for a pie social to be reading, Mr. Bill Brooks. -The ute heanulmetngcn and Lawrence Malcolm a reading. -Miss Frances Mountjoy; Cult- on Tuesday evening. with Mr.Bank of Comerce, Aduts 25 read regarding Grand Division in ed with hymn and beniediction. church officials and election of dent--Ralph Emerson; Vice Pres- Camp; Assist.-Miss Jessie Knox; chair. Meeting opened with the Exp. PoIling Booth No. 2.121000 Chlde_1c Toronto, January 30th and 31st. A very pleasant event took Sunday School officers. In re- 1 ident-Neil Malcolm; Secretary- Recreation and Social Convener- singing of O Canada and prayer .Ex.PlmBotN.2.1.0 Speeches were made by the newlyý place on Wednesday af ternoon gard to church officers. Lawrence Miss Ellen Emerson; Assistant- Miss Mabel VanCamp; Assist.- Minutes of last meeting were read installed officers and a short pro- when nurnber ofhladies wre Squair was appointed to Board Miss Madeline Marlow; Treasur- Miss Mildred Hooper; Leadership and adopted. The committees for gram was given. d M tind tth ome ofM. of Stewards when Kyle Squair re- er-Miss Marion Taylor; Conven- Training Convener-Miss J e a n next meeting at Baker's School Good attendance at church1seau tea iLe hSnne f heir a t ou signed as chairman owing to his ers--Mrs. W. Campbell, Miss Le- Wright: Assist.-Leslie Beacock; on February 4th were announced. services on Sunday af ternoon. terMis Ethel Skiner ho removal fromn the neighborhood ona Williams, Lawrence Mal- Publications Conveners - M i s s Miss Helen Smale, 1st vice presi- Re.W.Rcka pechda marriage to Mr. L. inneGoodma which was very much regretted colmn, L. Joblin and W. Williams; Doris Marlow, Miss Lorna Tre- dent. took charge and the follow-. excellert sermon and the old took place on Saturday. as Mr. Squair has been a very Music Committee-Miss Normalwin, Bruce Mountjoy, Anson Tay- ing program was given: Pianoi time choir under the leadership O us faithful and efficient Fteward. Armstrong, Miss Merion Taylor,! lor: Pianist-Eldon Eckel; Assist, duet. Miss Ileen Balson and Mr. of rs.Jon Bke wih rs.C.nmbe gahee atheahoarge alwdhsnaet eanMiss Dorothy Porteous. Edgar 1-Miss Muriel Mountjoy. George Werry; reading, Miss Ada Hardy as pianist favoured with' nMr a Mr. L. J.eGoman o for trustee for another year. The Emerson. Those present enjoyed1 Mrs. Fred Bailey opened her ýAllin; Talk by Dr. H. Ferguson Drug Store two anthemis which were much chria r the ha coudmnle standing for the session is W. G. a treat sent by the recent bride home on Wednesday evening for1 of Enniskillen, on "The Prevent -SEIED appreciated. caiaitehycul. Werry and L. Buttery; Board ofand groom, Mr. and Mrs. George the A.Y.P.A. Rev. C. C. Harcourt ion of Communicable Diseases"; IDRUG STORE Solina W. I. met in the Sun- Stewards. F. Cator. W. Cann, L. Hicks. took the chair for the election of a skit by Baker's school pupils: day School room Thursday after-ISuar Trustees. K. Squair and Mrs. E. Taylor and Mrs. M. officers: President. Laverne Dev-'George Werry then led in comn- noon. Mrs. Jack Baker preýided HAMPTON | A. welsh. Emerson are improving in health. itt; Vice President. Fred Hamil- i munity singing; reading, by Mrs.1 We Invite You to InspectOrPie in he bsece f te-Pesient Sunday school officers a r e: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Samells. ton; Secretary, Mrs. John Hamil- Roy Langmaid, "Is Worry a Dis- Letters of thanks were received, •Supt.-L. Coombs; Asst.-F. Cat- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson and ton; Treasurer, Mrs. Crawford; ease?"; vocal solo, Miss Jessie fro Criti S. ositl ndFroung People's Society met on r; Serý c'y.-L. Welsh; Treas.-L. family. Mr. and Mrs. John Hooey. Social Committee. Mrs. Arthur Yellowlees; reading. Miss Doris Bayer's < Ayerst Mea'(m' Muoka Chr suptiv Hospital dFiay evening, opening with a Squair; Pianist-Miss M. Colla- Roy and Burney, were entertain- Bailey and Miss Leona Devitt. Millson. A geography match was Aspirin 10-D C.L.0 PablmCe fuor oations receive, as from prayer y W. Whte. After bus-; cott: Bible Class Teacher-F. L. ed at a turkey dmnner Saturday Mrs. T. Smith read a letter from conducted by Miss Smale, after fohuot-ions relowes.Italsde-o iness, the meeting was handed j Squair; Asst.-E. Doidge; Grls eveming at Mr. H. Samells'. Mrs. Cecil Hyde, of their train which lunch was served by the 22-39-98 67c-$1.694523-c cidd o mkea qil. achovr t 1t icePrsidnt Mss|Intermediate--Mrs. L. Squ air; Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Russell itrip to Halifax. All enjoyed a ladies of Bradley's. A vote of miembo er brig lcsto taheFlorence Burns, who had charge lAsst.-Mrs. A. Welsh: Primary- Mountjoy at Mr. Merwin Mount- contest conducted by Rev. Har-1thanks was extended to all who nextmeetil ing Mr.lJck Rey-hef the program: Mrs. W. Rack- Miss L. Welsh: Asst.-Mrs. J. Ir- Joy's . . .. Mrs. John Hooey with cut uc a evdt h hdasse nteporm Pertussin 57c $1.35 am d i paye; ibl leso, Mr. Hrmn Smels .30 present. |Meeting wras brought to a close by MaSon's "49" Miss Bertha Armour; devotional, Hearty vote of thanks was ten-.. Miss Mae Lamb, Enniskillen. • singing the Nationl Anthem Mis Majore Psco; tpig Mr. 'elled evs. A. M. Wootton and and Miss Tatten. Fenelon, at Mr. netd Mr. and Mrs. er onyAtnace6 oae.4c-7cH L U IE I Niddery; mnstrumental, Miss Dor- A .Kr o peddsrie Cecil Wilson's .. . . M.adMsnetie Mr. and Mrs. Jh een Perrett; and short readings during past year, and to Mr. K. Robert McColl home from Tor- Wight r and M rs Iaac Whitd- Rbet yrp 5 ITby some members. Squair, retiring steward, for his onto . . .. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Mc- felanthifmlyndgn- Creo-Terpin 0 January meeting of Hampton many valuable services. At the Gill with Mr. and Mrs. M. Mount- ichildren at supper on Saturday l 9 0 ~Women's Institute was held in close the ladies served a dainty joy . . . . Mr. and Mrs. James evening on the Occasion of their DarlingtOn1 4 oz. - 50c the Sunday school roomn, Thurs- luncheon and all enjoyed a social Moore. John and June, Port Hope, fifty-fifth weddmng anniversary. Scott's Emul. day afternoon, with an attend- hour. with Mr. and Mrs. A. Beacock (continued from page 1)49-8c IIance of forty-six. President Mrs. Sorry to learn of the serious and Mr. and Mrs. P. Edgerton. c c810 O C. Johns presided. Meeting was injury sustained by Mr. Rowland HAYDON Domninion Stores, relief 2.02 . . . opd foll e bgthetherInstiute ousnladd ahe fell sevealnfey sR B r verle rgef2.0 PineX Compound - 37c Bab's w alt er in unison. Many letters from where he is employed. He re- jC D U Visitors: Mrs. Cyrus Ashton. elieffelss'022 the sick and shutins showed the ceived a severe shaking, a sprain- Miss Annie Ashton and Mr. Tom J. Collis & Son, relief 12.68 Jergen's Lotion Outr furnace wo rKe«C good work done by the commit- ed back and ankle. He is now Mr. and Mrs. Levi McGill.were Ashton, Burketon, at Mr. L. Gra- Bell Telephone Co.NauesRmd • ••u Yurbll. tee in charge. Il was decided to improving and hope for a comn- entertained at supper at Mr. Ro- hMs arnd he Mr. . An'i.n .C service chgts 2 pI. 3.102c-6c-4c g 4 ,hold an open meeting in Febru plete recovery. bert Parr's.Ms rn hre r li nda ttsap .196 '%% brin# yoitt a- ary and invite Mrs. Affleck of Mr. and M1's. Percy Cann and Mrs. E. Sanderson took charge Boyd, Enniskillen. Mr. Dave Tor- Counties Treasurer, EXt. Malt and Cod W ieVsln die hq 1 Oshawa to give her talk -&gain on Reta visited his sister, Mrs. L. of the worship at League on dif omnilMs ar 13 Liver Oil14 2 "The League of Nations." No. 4 Annis, Toronto. Thursday evening. Mr. Ted Gib- PhiceAtMs.h.tontj. o'so..Mun.iR.part & Co. suppis 1.5- group took charge '&'the meet- Mr. and Mrs. W. Cann, Mr. and son gave the topic; Rev. H. J. Bell Mi"Ss lc stn M.Groiucia olsb 2 lbs. 98c - 1 lb. 59cYlo Vsln Every mnan gets a thrill out ing, with Mrs. B. Ferguson in the Mrs. W. Symons and Miss Greta gave a talk; and Miss Birdie Gib- BeechEnniskiller.Nra Mr. AJ. . scription s 7.0 .po-1 of gttig hi m n ey's chair. One verse of O Canada enjoyed a Sunday visit in Tor- son favored with an instrumental.Becs....MrNrmnot-JD.Hgthlitp-c- c wassug: rstWtW.Hon aveono.Abot hity-iv fiens ndwell with Mr. Bill Dorland, Tor- perty sales 6.20 worth Geta thill nstead a reading "The Artful Young neighbors from Darlington jour- ot.J oatecs eavs rohst hc o t Of a chill; ]et us assist you Widow"; Mrs. R. Knox and Mrs. † neyed to Mr. Ed. Fowler's Jan. Mrs. E. Ormiston is.pening anHosatage 2.00 money-back gaate se with your heating plans. F. Honey gave splendid reports of M PEG O E r n setteevnn nthe winter in Bowmanville. .D oatras-gaate sellyrcm ed we'll put in a new plant or the convention held in Toronto; cards, crokinole and dancing. Mr.D rhmi mrvn.MandAnidesot le 247 ed for brocil -$10 btl, maeyorol n gtbak MssHle no aordwihavisitors: Miss Helen Fowler at Mrs. Griffin is still in attend- Coniaduret 41.481 on the job.vocal solo, with Miss N. Horn at Miss Marjory Lycett, Newcastle, Mr. Will Philp's . . . . Mr. and ance. Feb '1o eeton henw i l-;L r sue on the job. ~~the piano. No. 4 group served a spent the weekend with Miss Mrs. Isaac Whitfield at Mr. Aus- A number from here attended . st, at 1 o'clock.enwftgassyoarasudsaiaconnsye dainty lunch, which brought a Nora Meredith. tien Beacock's . . .. Mr. and Mrs. the crokinole party in Enniskil- J. D. Hogarth, Clerk. and price. A1 most Profitable meeting to a close. Miss Nora Meredith gave a party Ccil F erguson in Oshawa . . . . len hall Wednesday evening. A.Pa ke for a number of Young people on Mr. Wolfe and Mr. Wagar, Tor-. W. A. met at Mrs. Wm. Trew- Associate yourself with men of PHONE 49 Fridy. he eenig wa pla- otoat M. R C. row's .. .in's Thursday with an attendance good quality, if you esteem repu-P. .C w nh .B. EFI Phone 651 WSO santly spent in games and con- Mr. and Mrs. James Ginn withoftey-he.Bberaigatn;ortisetrtoeale TR SE Wid ests. Prize winners in the con- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harris . . .. was read by Mrs. Theron Mount- than in bad company. BOWMNL4vILLEwhccarevhufrmhn ts: girl.s, Thelma Freeman; Mr. and Mrs. L. Hyland and fam- joy. Roll call was answered by a whih cn rlive s fom heboys, John Ayling. ily at Mr. George Black's.. Mr. New Year's resolution. Programn PlumbernandTinsmith awdthe h h showsningwCreiTorontoanvisite he rs. Dave Wilson a M.cae cuded: 1ReadingMrsH.Chts.nGen- ---.-u..._ t lthewy ,,ic ea of ormer's brother, Mr. Alf red Ferguson's . . . . Mr. and Mrs rard; vocal duet by Misses Mabel . ranquiliy and peace. --Cicero. Laird. Sr. Gordon Strong and son Ralph, at Beech and Grace Trewin; read- --Mr. and Mrs. Milford Wilkins, Mr. George Fowler's. ing, Miss Audrey Thompson; pi- Mr. Theadore Wilkins, Miss Mar- ano solo, Mrs. Henry Werry. A e s n b F o garet Ripley, Oshawa, visited Mr.---- delicious lunch was served. -:NEW DRESSES --M ""eage wsld onWednesday Yts couss one Su)Ch sw1 ae At Reasonable Prices evening with a large attendance. preaching a stirring New Year For fter oon nd D nnerPartes etgonTd wt raes edied it ngrno o "heedowegofrm ON SALE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, JAN.:1t,1th 8h ey; bible readingDinwas agiven by1erie uneaspcsoth on o tem Faci Ky ndBtt Brcaygwn ae ot Mram Iisnludiolnd Is olo, 1 letsMrs. IVànnt Freeman; Asst. Su1pt.--A. Laird, clenin. I you plan to en- O Suna morning a present- Quaker Oats (Cup and Saucer-) Red & Whiteje a atin wasmadottles.Ho13c Charlotte Russe each 6c sr.: See y.-Wm. Laird; Asst. Sec. gae adecoatrteyhaeatonws ad t r.Hoad e3ly2cwe Cream Layer Cakes each 30C -Lloyd Metcalf; Treas.-Clifford special rates for winter work, y yteSna colfrb- prpg 2 WATT E I F HTCLTY Swao uendesBnra t s aran activen aitf e- Salted Peanuts 1½2lb. for 9c Fancy Pink Salmon,1ser ýAN M. Munday; Jr. Primary, Iva ~ywre drs a edb Corbett's Home-Made Hambugs lb. 30c j17ley: Rss Sevns:M.P Mi nh:"prsena R dPitd H RR E ----Asst. Mrs. Cecil Jeffery: Juniors, Phoe31 Wednesday evening the Young CO B TTS A E Yeenhamn"Interediates.Girls OOKNS &oS ALONERY irandCrokp ore àsyine MOB T I B K Ryrs. A. Laird; Asst. Greta Mun- PITS&WALAPR Orange Hall. Prizes were given Phone 599 W ]Phone 3 Distributors Dad's Cookies Bowmanvile day; Intermediate Boys, A. Laird cHN GASthe winners and lunch served. Jr.; Asst. Vernon Trimble; Wide ýProceeds $11.00DEVR Awake, A. Laird Sr.; Asst. Ernest-- Mr. W. E. Sanderson visited Mr.