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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jan 1936, p. 2

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'~ 'r p --/ r THE CANADIAN STATES.JAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. JANUARY 30, 1936 s r Dbe 1LuuiÎun $tb ~mn Established 1854 A Weekly Newsiape-r devoted to the interesis of the towf of Bowmanv'ille and surrounding country, issued ut King Street, Bowmnanviile, every Thursday, by M. A. James & Sons, ovwners and publishers. The Canadlan Statesmnan Is a niemnber of the Canadian Weekly News. papers Association, aiso the Class '" Weeklies .of Canada. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywher'e in Canada. $2.00 a year; in the United States, $2.50 a year, payable In advance. Single copies, 5 cents. THURSDAY, JANUARY 30. 1936 How Easy Mistakes Are Made in Print sisat sa înany merchants are not ready or in2 position to advertise that its clasing was forc We undai-stand thse two Kincardine papers ort aiso planning toaanagarnate. In tise case off Che village off Hostings wve donto vei'y ruch whether the citizens. antI particulariý the local mrîclsants. wii trsîly realize tise gi-ca ioss they hsave sustained until'tise newspap-i' ha ceased ta exiss. Like soa nîy off aur pu~blic in- stitutions. tise chuî'ci. thc library. te iospital the utilities. the public faîls to fnily appreciatE sîseir worth or are nos prepared te pay lise price ta share in their beieffits. A ncwspaper is sornsehiîsg :ike :,he inc s:l. r'espect. The legend respecting :s~:'canimal' relates that it spent so iiuch of î :uc b'ý:rraw% ir.g in tise graunti. in tise ci.rk. *, "- s :: eyov become useiess. antId s in e:s'c '" ' bind. Toîîsany people are :si::.t\::: The banc off an editor's existence is ta find the off their local newý.spapcr-. Thc. ::' ::' paper has been printed antI that after al the for -gi-anses!, but cxpe'cs a:.. " care taken ta avaid mistakes. mistakes appeor %Wishou:* spendîng ayhi:' t::~ x.~ therein, says the Hanover Post. Few truer wards turn . antI nos until te Q:: : 0r* ha'. were ever spaken. There is a kind off undertone Up oer the wvindowvs an.d tlse rajeor h; x. existing ahl week, a sort off fear that we are miss- iioved ffron'ititeir iiidst do -to-."ý 'c:e:.'. ing sorne mistake. andI then affter every care has A cornIunity l-S ide-,tu*Y antic.: c:ie been aken wc are arnazed andI sornewhat chagrin- O eited villa-ge whien us '0pe ea-s: cd to find them there, standing ant. like a soi-e fiin thumb.___ __ Lost week was anc of 51505e weeks when the aid Oshawa Chamber of Commerce Makes saying- "mistakes will happen" was too apparent. In the ffirst place we listed Rev. Dr. A. C. Crews Splendid Choice as "the late" when he is stihi living. In another instance we goS Swo sfories mixed andI we found The city off Oshawa should benerit substantialiy to aur borror that anc off the causes off insanity f ram tise appaîntment off M. McIntyre HootI as was "a srnail percentage off white pine andI hemn- the îsew secrctary off its Chomber off Commerce. bock," which was realiy a part off another stary Mi'. HootI. for the pass sever, years. has been cdi- about woodiots. AndI as if Shose items werc not tor off the Oshawa Daily Tintes, antI during that enough we published a brief story sent in in ad-- Sime we have corne ta know isis worth as a public vance off a shawer Shat neyer carne off, being spiriteci citizen. cancelcd on account of bad roads. Any-way, we Mcîntyre HootI nsay be said ta be anc off tisose feel somewhat better now we have publiciy ac- individuals wbo bear out the truth off the aid knowledged these mistakes. .rnaxim. "A praphet is nos without honor sove in For the mast part newspaper mistakes are Iis awn counntry." He bas been an indefatigabie amusing. One member af our staff bas a sorS off worker in al the wortlswhile activities off the hobby off callecting newspaper misprints, andI thcy Motor City. He has donc perhaps mare Sa moke foi a collection of humorous anecdotes which waithy citizens off the tjkranian populoticn off that would be hard ta surpass. city thon any ather persan through isis deep in- We don't mind these mistakes which bring a terest in their affairs. their cultur'e, andtI heir cd- laugh, but we do mind the type that cause cm- ,cation in things Canodian. The Uki-anians barrassrnent to others. For instance Dr. Crcws tanght Mr'. HootI thas thcy possess a culture which would .iust hate Soadct that he was apparentiy rriglst weli be incuicated into the national dis- dcad and didn't know it. Liktmwise the young tinctiveness off the cosmopolitan Canadian. andI lady mentioned wouid be arnazed ta read off o be in Srn taught tbern the pi'ivilege which is shower in ber lionar ta whucb she apparently tuieurs in the citizeniship off siis greos Dominion. wasn't invitcd. Hîs masS outstandîng work has been for the One off these days wc hope ta get ans an cdi-j returned soldiet'. So bighiy was he thaught off in tion without a mistake off any kind. but that will titis connection that hc was cahhed in by the Ban- not be ither hurnan or naturai. We ail make nett Gavernrnent to advise an the construction off mistakes but as we once heard it saisi, a cioctor its new eisiation rcgarding soidiers' pensions. cani bury bis mistakes, but an editor has them Whilc he served throughaut the war as a private, indeiibly printed wherc denial is impossible andI his worth was flot only established but cbly recog- excuse.s ai-e almost uscîcss. nized by his lection ta the office off the f i-st vice- president off the Canadian Legian, Ontario Coin- mand. Had noS pressure off business prevented, Favor Farmers' Market in Town he wouid ci-e now have heldtI he highest office in the gift aff the Ontario Comnmansd. Mi-. HootI. in- It is unfortunate that Bowmanvillc has a nnm- cidcntaliy. was the sponsor off the Bowmanviile ber off merchants who cannot sec the vaine off a Branch off thse Canadian Legion, antI much off the farmers' mai-ket in this town. For severai years local branch's succesa was duc ta the f i-m founda- we have urged that a mar-ket be opened. antI that tian laid by Mi-. HootI. andtI ta is untiring efforts foi-mers fi-rn thc surrounding territary be given in hclping the branch aang. an opportunity off dispasing off Sheir praduce dii-" In Oshaiva, as a member off the Wclforc Board. ectly Sa the consumer instead off having Sa scck ashead off ieBy'Wr omtc f h mnarkets elsewbere. Rotary Club, antI os a forcefful speaker on a widc The Petex'boro Examiner, discussing this mat- range off topies, be bas donc bis share ta place er rccently, pointed ont that in tiseiî' cisy inai-~ the Matai' City an the map. Pcrbaps because off .abiy the formner reccivingl'ils money aS the mai-- hî, nosirjflflas,'ito,. of the .%hawA T9imps os a then it %vould be a way off keep- ci. ing us per-pe:ually young. e 7i OtCwaK Th tt w Spotlight hf I arn on this subjeet, I stggest that ît would be good for It A Weekly Re-,' f Ntoa Af us indivtdually andI for tc state Your Nainl far if we we re requiied. by law, to t BY WILFRID EGGLESTON keep moderately lean. Se o f us are sadly o'.er-weiglht,. WC could. if we had s-uf.icietuL .1- Iui~ Ottaa, anury 8 -Wha- aloa of$50000000or orean-power. reduce our vweiýht Le what ye il. i Jnay28-Wa- odos 5.0.00o or n 5sanctionc'd by physicians. EBtJC ever illusions the Liberals may nually will have been lif ted from against 'wll-gower sco ce te î r o oe 7e have had that their political vie- the federal taxpayer's shoulders- appetite and indo:eii. tory would mean the early arrivai say $25 a year taxation for the AndI suppo.-e that ail nmcc i ByCH.TkOt offprspeit-sch llsios idaverage householder. business - Our retailers and our Eyesight Speciallst lo o eiint-h lluesionsaddWheat Prosrects linaniufacturei:. ou-rfin an c ie r s _ no y nîst thae Ù1ecomn The wheat problem is anotherj andI our bankeis. our la oes d VOUR CHILD AND THE EYES -ýhy us hvebeen fairly well colossal matter whicli is tantaliz- our archî:écýs. cur ensýnee:s andi____ deýtloyct by now. It is obviously ingly- slow in improving. We have 0""acco.n'ants, p-'pa hci'sPat1 * toea long hard pull un beneptigttogtetrfr and our teachers. our phy i art 1 nI4ý a'ny tor ifin.There is sixyears. Now the immediate and our' -rofe: sors - hai zoîîb- or atifacionthat con- pr-ospect is a good deal brighter. mrit toe bein7 nmeasured or inven- By beîng con5-.ant:ly a ined.uîn :cn- mod s wll s heydo Canada dominates the world ex- toried cveiy fiv.c years, j ývwhereb)y imuch of thîs iknawldege cthaî.t the direction is riglht. port picture for the next six cvrth c eeo t 'îrf.m,s- lis passed an to the~ public. 1 hoc 1.R rcrcsis slow. But the înonths. We nmay seil as much as ta carry cri. nuti :s- n 1' e t eabot ipes o 1t h reeor 'our- super problenssix rcvnmlinbuhl odt~rfor ithe. tlx u vlhof hsgea se-vsa 0'c.rightly or wrong-ly. govern- wcÏk till the end off the crop year. iitfi3 kr hyd.Xandita.whnynl:v tîwe o Srecalled upon to solve. do If %we do, our stocks will again bc which the,,, z Er%-. and t.e .<at5i,(1---- n:o: ze: iinuchl easier as time goes normal. and we start, on even keel Ah. I forgot tr iinciude tarin- )n. 'Uneinpoynnt continues to: agaîn. But the long view is not ers! What is t1%e a'tîtude tawc Lrr be hec~uxof te hoe affair: 1 particularly bright. European îm- i]ife and! h: o'vn acciu n't off any govcrnnment whieh can pro- ; ports have in recent years been ri a c a g 5 as ~ n vide a state off affairs in whîchi cut in haîf. A combination off ery one fînds emiployment wili heavy harvests in any two or Soinetimes I thinktia the E S j U o ow into lustary: any govern-! three off the foilowing countries: State should hal. e rcwer to cý: mient which fails te mend mat- ýCanada. United States, Argentine termiinate each Vear a :o: tîon o' Irers will simiply go down. The at.Atrl.wudagipr-its sur-pilus apujlatiru -, For the W hI Lîberals were careful not. to say cipitate a serions world -situation. fer examee.who nmey 1,r cn e- that they wonid cure unemploy- At the moment the main export - le f and w~.ho -;vîlflot i '.Thev NO. 3 -FO ment or perish in the attempt, ing countries are producing, with cuiner the earth. Thco,' a d d but they did say that. their polic- an average yield, nearly dàouble heavily to pubL:' ta'at;icn. They ies would encourage trade andI the imnporting capacity off the are in effect dead. Thc'y are 17 rin work, and when the day off trial Eniopean and other nations. It Producers -bty choic,-. I think cornes, it will be the extent. telis especially tough in outlook for that I could g'ý' nseîf into a iwhich Lîberal policies provides! western Canada, large areas off state cf mind whirh w: dl?, rrtc 1 employment which wîll decide1which aie suited for wheat and sanctJon their ec'n:icin. The la'.-' their fate. precious little cisc. The best hope 5ays 'that 'a !murid?'rer ýhaill e Financial Outlook . is, that intense nationalism in hanges!. ThM. is to .sav-. the Financial problems are stili jEtirope will abat.e and ourw%,heat State ac"cujts the p,.inci-,le that it grave. The budget does not bal-1 -the bcst and cheapest for its has te ri-lit to terminate a. ance; andI it takes a brave mianIquality- in the world-will corene anVs life ;'.')'on he cor"mi11ts a to prcdict that it will balance!,into its own agaîn. crnotbe, r)f'ibe. antI w isti even a year from now. 0f course The Coming Years nte h e ccPD--; cf ano wertio ea a good deal depends on book- On the whole, the picture one the princi le? orneti keeping. A bud get wih~l es off the next two or three c1rtriiîîion te The stat2snan 1 balance even when the deficits offý years is one off careful reconstruc- 'vit this question.i Al omxwattbeba the Canadian National. and alil tion. paying off our cebts, re-es- -Mi________________bea the charges of unemployment. tablishing ourselves in world j wonmen want to be healthy ca'sital andI current. are piled on 1 markets, improving our credit. "AtIversi'y ha,; thp ef'fc, t off ci- 1 anything else is miilk. Pui lit, is a remarkable budget. When with no extravagant expenditures, icîsing talents wvhich 4n rrc.sper- witlî a flavor that invites d there is a surplus af ter ail ex- na flock off new government jobs.,0515 ciifz',cn:-es wu 1t lavQ raetbnfis r rn penditures, the position off the slow1ç andI steady improvernent in jain tIorr:nnsS-Hor: ce. raetbnfs.Tydii cotintry wiii be very strong. aIS employment andI trade. Not spec- a habit of cooking -Aîth it! this score. It is something ta ta-cLular. nos popular. Financial Hsf e i:]- cr a I- e ' balance a budget s0 that depart- 1 radicals will denounice it vigor- hoard w:ira.r hp":t. . lý- ,mental expenditures are ail cov- ously. and caîl for a new way offeaevoisrItm' .ryGn j a ered. and ail bond inte:est met - laoking at things. But we have Cornwall. G e a andI we have been doing that now an orthodox governrnent in the "Iran Oar nsY th'ink itFclf' R. R. S.e--%ens & for two ycars. satItile. andI nobody can say that senselessiy tortu cd in the furn- Railway Problemn they represcnted themselves as ace but w-en the watch spring PHONE 408J The railway probiem daes not anything very different last (:)-iookss bock it knaws better."-' get simpier very fast. Indeed. tober. Other countries are try- Maîsbie Babcock. the Canadian National did no îng to get out off the depressian better in 1935 than i did in 1934. by novel andI untried methods:________ Gross earnings rose, but expendi- Canada is evidently following turcs rose jusS as fast. The siug- Brîtaîn and Australia. gish movement off grain was, off The tariff experts at the capi- -' ' course, an adverse factor: and if. tai are working overtime. There aq it seems. there w.ili be heavier are applications and inquiries volume off wheat moving in 1936, running into the thousands to and a better level off other mer- deal with. Some want high tar- chandise. the Canadian National ifffs taken off. others want them in 1936 may do very much better ta stay on. The budget will show than it did in 1935. When it ta what extent these applications cormes ta pay its own way. if ever, have succeeded. YOUR WORLD and MINE BY JOHN C. KIRKWOOD (Copyright) ket turns andI spends it the samne day with the Iproper opportunity was Possible ta give him his How long shahl a mn'îs sleep book seerned ta be at ieast 30' inerchants. Any townl where a market exists will1 due, andI consequently he received the r*e- beo Sis anetion tereman f arobabyId. n h s report the same staSe off affairs. Another splendid Jcognition thas he carned for his outstanding 'ork be oi ese a'r-ane mon off Prboably I nw ta nowIn hameo example of the beneficial effects off a market is for ail branches off community work. Mr. Hod whom I hveshoer sySan he .boatIngboksowththnow Ian nos seen aS Gait and Hagersviiie where we were in- wîli make a splendid secretary off tihe Chamber Many nmen get along with 4 haurs, formd tat arkt da isthebusestday n te of Cmmere, ntIthecit offQshwaanand rany more on 6 hours. erness as was maniffest ten years worek for rkt ayi the buis a nteo omerceadants. o shw i nde Speaking for myscîf, frorn 6 to 7 ago. For years and years I weekfor he mrchats.fortunate in possessing such an outstanding mon hours in bcd has been my limit bonghs quise 100 new books each It shonici noS be a difficuit Sask to open a mar- ta fi this important office. for 30 or mare years-but I do .3ear. Now my inquisitive interest ket in Bowmanviile. Part of the D. 0. & P. Ca. not sieep for ail these hours. And in the business which has sus- factory or the chnrch shed on Church Street, both - here I arn reminded off a story taineci me for 30 years and nmore of, myself. I nsed ta go ta m j is waning. I find myself noS ab-2 centrally located and each now the property off Iow's the Time to Act retail store about r, in the mrnr- ta make commercial use off new- the Sown. conîd be utilized ta nerfection. One ing ta do my baokkeeping, re- f ound knowiedge. andI I have day a week wauld likely be ail that was neces- Varions irnes movements have been matIe re- turning ta my hanse ta break- ceased-or nearly so-- ta read sary, and it wonid flot be a costly venture ta put commending ta the Town Cauncil that tise elec- jfast, when the regular staff ar- books whose reading would keep either building into condition for snch a purpose. t'on f Iciv.ic badies lie put forward ta the f irst irived. One rnorning before 7 me burnished antI a good adviser Thesrnii eeschagedthefarer or ts se anay n Dcemer nstad ff he irs Mo da Io'clock a farmer tied his harse of others. The smal feescharge the frmer fr its se MOnay in ecembe insind front offs Maura storentandouI wtrn, This wis .aTsa isconfessionsio bututit wold in any event cover the cost off alterations in January. Toronto recently passed a bylaw ont ta sec him. He wvas quite lis one which, I imagine. fist andI the lighting of the building. changing its date ta canform with this viewpoint. 1 astonished. and he said ta mc, agcîng rnen have ta make. I may It is rather a shortsighted view for merchants We think that Bawrnanville might weli study 1 "Arent you the one's that's marr hinksmsi ab h qa f iedW-one off two brothers, ant I i younger men, but whatever I may ta take that the farmers wonld deprive the mer- the mater antI adopt the siystern if deemed wise. said ta hirn "yes." "That explaîns think about myseif, others holtI chants off the sale off a lot off butter, eggs. meat. There are many things ta commend it, which we lit", he commented. And when Ilj different views. I arn surraund- and other f arm produce, but at the same time think would be beneficial. Toa often the voting sought eniightenrnent, he said, ed by young men. 1 marvei at thefarerswoud rceve cah rtur whch day cames during the holiday times or an New"They're sometimes glad ta get their zest-their energy, their theyfarmersnwouldrnsee ive caheretcrn whch Nwont!" I may mention that this Iambition, antI their competency. the wul i tnn ped it th lca mrc- Year's Day when many people are ont off tawn. man was a bachelar and eidcrly. Ir& their particular field off en- ants for groceries, hardware, drugs, clothing. foot- Then again Shere is a greater likelihood off bad J C K deavour they are pushing their wear, etc. What littie the merchant stood ta lase weather eariy in January than there is eariy in Men who wark hard, physicaiiy, carS with keenness - they are through anc or two commodities, he wonld more December, and this Soo no d'oubt has the efffect off probably sleep better andI longer goîng places. I arn fossiiizing. I than gain in the increased purchasing power off keeping the voters aS home. than men whose mincis are n'ore have be asdby te Young- used than their bodies for the sters in the race af liffe. the farmers. In any event it wanid be a nice thing ta get performance off their wark, but J C K 'When fai-mers finci it necessary ta go ta Osh- the elections over befare Christmas. There seems rnany men whose woi'k is whoiiy Why arn I induiging îny bine t awa, Port Hope andI Peterboro ta selI their pro- ta be more time ta give due consideratian ta mun- mentai-like ,iudges, and lawyers mood? perhaps ît is for the en- duce, r ta entI i ta Trante they oturaîy len icipl affirs. atI a etteraplerpnityofm ecr-a-wi0 siep fror 8 ta10 hars. cfragemnt of y Lush Is i thos tucearthe saeist ournSobuytheir ruremy ent. ng ip fa reresendativet"ter in rnthe ofrly p r ffSlcep remains a good deai off a %vith lusty lîfe in them who give toward he saie soure ta by thei requiements ing arepresntatrnysoterytheespitepat hf arnountdesoff thhîsouwor fdtitswo motive motv werowr.ltI- We wonld suggest that a farmers' market be December than o manth ater. study given ta it by physicians. eret' persans serve a usef ni pur- given a year's trial in Bawmanviile, and we are We have nat endeavoured Sa go deepiy into this psycliatrists andI others, includ- pose: they are the brake on the so certain Shat it would prove mntuaiiy beneficial motter, but suggest that the Town Cauncil con- ing the makers off beds antI mot- wheel off yauth. They are ballast .sidr i f ansitsman anleseary i th ye r ieses! One shing seems ta be in the ship off Yauth. They keep ta farmers, private citizens and merchants and ýdri rmismn nlseryi h er established. nameiy: When men yauth f rom gaing ahead t00 f ast thus become a permanent fixture andI asset Sa andI if found benefficial to She town antI its inter- grow aid. Shey nat oniy need mare and wildly. A senate rnay be a the commnnity. ests, pass the necessary legisiation Sa bring it into siep u lod ie lne nIgo1hn i h e-pofgv effect. At the present tirne about haif the muni- mare. meaning that Shey sleep in errnient. Youth is Liberai. Age is cipalities In the province elect their counicils in the daytime as weli as aS night. Canservative. I arn wandeî'mng if I Newsppr auate Pile p Dcmean thrmidrinJury It is this thought- off increasing it wonld not be a gooci thing in spapr 'asulLls U Deembr ad te rmaiderin anury.age which has led me ta speak off govertirnent if the Liberai party _________ _________siecp. As we go on into the ycors shauld cansist of ail those undet Announcement was matIe ast week off the ces.s- beond 60 andI 70. there is an in- 50, andtI he Conservative party off ation off Publication off tise Hastings Star. which dtraNoe crea.sing tendency to sieep - nat al Shose past 50. Its an idea, onceagan bing fociby t mm th materoffEdioril Ntesjust the sieep which is a state off anyhow. one ganbrng friby amid hemttr fscîspended mental antI bodiiy Oc- J C K newspaper martolity due ta lack off public support Haw is iî. shat we sec certain men growing aid in tivity. but aiso a suspension-or This business off kceping yaung more Shan mismaîsagernent. Sonse weeks prev- tise harncss. ,voiking on vtgorausly ta the endI? 'athcr a decline-of ana's intaî'cst shouid concern ail off us who have bous the Millbroak Mirrar-Reparter. aiso in tisese i Mainiy Shrough equanimity off temper and habit- in new experiences antIoff one's attained aur 5th year. Wouid ît zesýt for ncw knowledgc antI new nat be advantageous ta us in- United Counties. aîsnounced that it was ceasing uval cheerfuiness. Thcy have educated theîssseives adventures. dividnaliy antI ta the world as publication. in tise habit off endurance, off not being easiiy pro- I suppose that. it is presty gan- large if ail off us were compelleci, Editor G. W. Lucy off the Hastings Star, staSes voked, off bearing andI forbearing. off hearing lsarsh erally tise case that ageing men by law, to keep yaung? Suppose In his final announicernent Shat faihure on the antI even unjust things said off thern witlsout in- in ail classes off occupations ceose, that the law compelied us ta re- part off local merchants ta acivertise caused the duiging in undue resentment, andI avoiding self aS some point in their career. Seaffurnish aour homes every five keep thernseives up ta snuff: they Yeats; ta go travelling eveî'y fîve ,cessation of activity. For Siis seif-same reason ormenting cares.-Portland Spokes. go on antI on using only the years; ta modernîze home equiîs- more than a score off newspapers have shut up n we g h h h y a q i din m tev r fv e rs tap - n £hop in recent years in Ontari. until pubishers A gossip is anc who al Sa yau about others: no'.'.rleg e ars. chTîey qurcita eduint very fiveya';ta pass anr begin ta take serions cognizonce off the rapid de- a bore is anc who talks ta you about himsctf: antI kecp the mili-wheel turssing '.wiSî five years; ta attend educatianal î mise inlocal ewspaprs. Ciizens re als be- abrilliat contheatwaterstwhiche hhasap 0a sh setd. hantIhsgynsnasiandrnmclasseslase veeyryfive mis inlocl nWsPper. Ctizns re lsabe-a b'ihian caveratinahst s ac wo tsksta Tiseir expeî'ience, in its extension, years; ta burn ail the î'ubbishj comlng aharmed, but when it is too aSe, yen about youî'selff, slyiy remarks the ecitor off1rnay give She r g-cter campet- which accumnulates in celiars and Not only have weekiy- newspapers in many tise GaiS Reporter. ency in certain paiticulars. but attics every five years; ta replace plce e___t_____bu i an tws n in the inotter off new knowiedge, aid books on aur shelves with new plaeswceased to nwp exist t n atwm anm- AltofflsotofajbImlyfl h they ceased years ago ta acquire ones every f ive years: Sa Sake an cites her tw neSPaersexited amlgaa- lo of fflksontoffa jb srnpy foidShi . I recail going into the iib- examinatiaî every five years ta tions have taken place. Last week the Perth hands andI do nothing. Then there are otisers lilte1 raî'y off a very succes.sfui faisi discover whethei' or noS we are Courier took over the business off the Perth EX- the chap aS Ottawa who goS busy andI actually doctor-after his death. There qualifieci ta continue in aur kindj positorn The Exposîtor expiains quiSe candidly matIe a workable wincimiîî ont off seraps and pieces %vas being helci an auction sale of off business or ta hoitI aur posi- thatsa uchbusnesswasgoig ot o tow, ad o meal escud fom dup. his effects. I was quiSe shoaked tion in aur business. If the iaw tha somuc buines ws gingontofftaw, atI ff eta recue f om dunp.ta finci few new books. Every compelled us ta do these thlngs, M COURTICE have perhaps regaineci it, you ýill 1maintain it andI do everythingo in your power to appreciate it. iThere are many ways that this can be done. If Yen appreciate its value you will flot attempt to c oir2ct or underestimiate it by at- tempting its correction over a i bar-gain counier or by mail. This is public wvelffarc and if you are cDimpetent to assist it by any de- Ivice off a self-testing nature, why do t),e leading universities take frcni tu.o an:d a haif to five years n their courses of training to ithose qualifird tb examine and correct the e.ves of the public! W e train tMe hands. the voice, the eyes and the imind-all of these are linked with the use off the eyes. The eyrs are the most ili-used andI the most ill-trained. (to be ccnlifýLid) Iovh'ow sublime a thing it o 5uffer ant debcstrong."- LD HEALTH ioie Famiiy )R WOMEN itjful, l4hich is to say ail y. More important than ire, dlean, drinkable milk rinking enough to insure king Glen Rae. And make Son, Proprietors BOWMANVILLE PAGE TWO ---- ~I ROY NICHOLS -qi

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