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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jan 1936, p. 3

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%h~ ~ 't THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMAN~VML.WONTARIOTrI TT--,Av TA7 AP, D U R H M C N T R L IElliott, who was ca led on for SO CIETY REPO RT O BIT U AM f tcella nd Bowmrrd av M. M1 SOCEY R POR S OBTUA Y Ias an o0k Bowmanville boy, an S U C C E SF U L Y E A Rsaid he intended to write his fri Manv Activîties Provide ArrtpIe JonEPrkLida end George James, editor of th Funds - Officers Re-elected The death occurred January 27 Bo afvleStsmnaboi of John E. Parltes at his home. 91 ~ ~ this happy occasion. The annual meeting of Durhr.m Wellington Street, Lindsay, after AgnCultural Society was held at a brief illness. He was born in Orono, January l7th, with about ;Cartwright Township. the son of 30 members present. although John Parkes and Mary Bailey, oniY one lady showed interest ta and had been a resident of Lind-;îT e it r. al th ent of attending in persan.sarr'nc 1913. For a number ofTh E io'M î The 935exectiv wa re-p- earsliewasnight constable of Pointed for 1936, with Russell the town. but of late was employ-. Dear Editor, Osborne as president; and the ed by the Mason and Risch Piano Th rcaainoJigE directors were elected as follows: Company of Toronto. He is sur-Teprca tinoKlgE M. J. Elliott. Geo. F. Ajnris, T. W. vived by his widow, Clara Athea ward VIII last Wednesday brough Jackson, F. B. Lovekin, Qeo. Cain. Houston: a daughter, Mrs. W. L. to minci the story that the lat H. J. Souch, Roy Bal W. Cowan, Webster, Toronto; one son. Carl- Thomas Paterson told o! the pro A. J. Tamblyn, Kyle Squair. Neil ton B. of London; two brothers. clamation o! William IV, in 183C Mutt.on, W. Rolph, W. E. Arn Robert and Thomas, and one sisberd yPasn o! our redes strong, Milton Cornish. R. R. ter, Mrs. Newsome of Toronto. brdb ayo u edr Stevens, Carl Billings, with W. F. a retireci Bowmanville merchan Rickard, M.P.. added as an hon- John Strutt, Sauit Ste Marie 1912, atthe aged f 9 ed h a oraclsarymme ftee uti te John Strutt passed away Jan. la remarkable memory and waý Fi nca 35 s tte met or th 5th. at the home Of his son, Ro- -keen o! intellect to the last. Ibert Strutt of Sault Ste Marie.W.J ilWthsm prdeue t Receipts aged 95 years. l4LI recaîl the fact that as a boy ir Cash on hand. Jan. 1. The late John Strutt was borr. Scotland hie heard the proclamai. 1935 S 227.31 in England and came to thiF ENNISKILLEN BOY lion o! King William IV read twice Borrowed, ln purchase ccuntry when only four vears old.NY first time being at Leith Pier o! field 400.00 He spent many years in the SERVES COMPANY~ He followed the heralds Up intc Miscellaneus revenue 9.85 towniship of Darlington, and af - FOR 53 YEARS Edinburgh., and heard it rcada Dontios nd rats 7 er ein mrr________a Sel second time in the city. As hE D o n a i o n a n d g r a t s 7 6 0 t e b e i g m r r i e n i v e d o S e l -n e d i n t h e c r o w d , a b y s t a n d e r Ad-. revenue 990 boumne vhere two sons were bomn. Man c f our older readers, led teto aoeo Fair Day revenue 82484 Robert. nwo ilStMaie'pait'laly hs h ie ntomnsae nacr3g Entry fee.s andi memi- and William of Carman. Mpnian d - clar1y thoslenwho l eitw berships 181.90 t<cba.Th~e late Mr. Strutt was aan acndEislen nearby, say seatd i alarr. Buidin reenu 3 00,rucedoldpinee an boe mnyinter ested in the following art- Mr. Paterson claimed that he and Street Fair comi. 1.08à52 Of the hardshirs of the earlier Aicls e fer the S . rsJournlaMrBakeo Dane t Nwcstl 2 49oa.sHe en.ioyed good health srn Ar1usreferitget W. J min a Toonto vereg Defnse tNtebcathtlef27l.h9s pat year.the nave of Enniskillen: , rogtefwmnte ii Refrshmet both lntilthispastyear Vin hiz ÏFfty-,-thr-ee years ago Monday, in Canada who could say that (ladies> 128.841health started to fail him T I .. Nad Coner 'ros ecips 8935poitis.hewa alie-on Lb I . h d.t ald fsxte, seen Sir Walter Scott. l_____.n ado ixen John Elliott. ____eral. His wife predcceased hirn eiee teepoy0 h ax- 62W ravyrsao Itenntckwt.ll frn a, Winnpeg, Man. 68 illiam St.. $3,986.101-ayy.r z.Itrin k1 Wthi the exception of a few years London. Expenditures 1Ipac at Sauît Ste Marie. .eniiChcoadteWser Prizes paid in cash $1.171.051 Iate . Mr. Milis has been with Bowmanville, Hydra 26.53 R. S. Pollard. Presten rfrmtt.dyutonwJa.2h,93 Labr ad ssitans 7 153inice 1911 he has been Secretary- To the Editor of The Statesman, Attractions, races. etc. 290.6.5 Robert Sherwood Polia,-d, Pres- ITreasurer of the Company, Mr.' Dear Sir, Printing and advt. 245.98 Iton citizen for the past 40 yearF.;Mîlls reccntly resigned his posi- Repairs & improvements 129.81 died suddenly on Tuesday. J-an.,tien, his connection with the firm. It was with considerable plea- Juciges 20.00 28th. His passing being attribut- being severed on Monday, which sure I read the editorial in your Postage, phone, etc. 24.34,ed to heart f allure. He was in hi:, was the fifty-third anniversary of paper last week in which you Supplies and sundries 50.41 Seventieth year. and was strickenithne day he went ta work for the mentioned two ministerial mem- To reduction of debt. and while listening to the radio. Born1 late David Maxwell Sr. at Winni- bers of the Public School Board. purchiase of field 1.687.62 in Port Perry. Mr. Pollard lived peg. in the community Mr. and Not only do I appreciate what was Miscellaneou.s dnsur- for many years in Bowmanville. Mrs. Milîs have been among our said but also somne things that ance. etc.) 80.01 and for a short time in Gaît be- niost valued and be.t-beloved cit- appeared between the lines, by Balance on hand 88.17 fore moving to Preston 40 yearslizens. They are leaving next week whièh 1 undexstand, at ýleast, - ago. He was a salesman for aj1to spe nd a couple o! months with more clearly some things written $3.986.10 Preston manufacturing concern a number of relatives in Califor- before. Signed by auditors. A. A. Drum- for mnany years. and for the past nia. While I have had no experience mond and J. E. Armstrong. ten years was a manufacturer's For the first time in the hist- of an edtor's work or of the dif!- Treasurer pointed out that sloo , agent in business for himself. A ory of the St. Marys Rotary Club iculties of placing before the pub- rent of building, and possibly mnember of St. Paul's United the members on Monday night lic a completeci newspaper every $175 counties grant had not been Church. Mr. Pollard was also a heard the loquent tongue of week, yet I have imagination receiveci at Jan. 1, 1936. member of the trustee board. and their beloved fellow Rotarian Bîl- enough to conceive the work in- The meeting appointed an en - x*as on the committee of stewards ly Mills, stuck for words. Billy volved and to have a great sym- tertainment committee. T. W. lof the off icial board, while he was MilIs and Mrs. Mills were on the pathy with you in your work-I Jackson, Russell Osborne. M. H. la member o! the property board eve of leaving for a much-needed know that it is no smnall task to iStaple§ and the secret ary J. C. for many years. He wvas also a holiday in California. and the secure advisements, news. editor- Ga.mey to try out some form of! member o! the Preston Public Club members decided that it ils, letters, et.-to f111 a paperi winter entertainment. This comn- School Board for several years.; was a good time ta tell BiIly just each week. Then to sort it out mittee decided to stage an amna- 'Surviving are his widow. Maragret1 what they thought of him and his and be sure there is nothing that teur show on Feb. 21st. Mr. Ballantine: two brothers. W. B. good if!e. And they told hlm. will hurt or offenci the sensibili- Jackson kindly offered to donatePollard andi L. Pollard of Toronto:1 And backed up their telling with ties o! your readers; that it will $500 for the f irst prize. and two sisters. Mrs. H. T. Hart appropriate tokens o! remem- be sufficiently interesting to cre- and Mrs. MacCallum. o! Toronto.1brance. The modest Billy iwas ate a demand for your paper, and SEPRAT STMP "Tial techmoraîsnottonearly swept of! his pins by what that it will be such as to help SEPAATESTAýSS"Trals eac motal no tahe heard. And until he could find mould higher ideals in the minds When postage stamps stick to- leari on a material staff-a bro- utterance he harked back to those of your readers. Such an accom- gether lay a thin paper over ken reed, which pierces the heart. memorable lines of Tennyson:- plishment is very difficult to car- themn and run a hot iron over the We do flot haîf remember this inl "I would that my tangue could ry on week by week, and yet it paper. The heat does flot re- the sunshine o! joy and prosper- utter the thoughts that arise in is very Worth while. gove mucilage. ity."-Mary Baker Eddy. me.,, I do know thje difficulties o! a r-- Bill Harrison, disgulsing the minister's work.Tpraeto ____________________________________________ real purpose of his place on the or three sermons a week and have program, launched eloquently in- them so prepareci that they can to a dissertion on Rotary's motta: be delivered ef!ectiveîy andi re- "Service before Self" and then tain the attention and lnterest o! t ppatt ielyndaplldtis o tr.the congregt insis vno eatly and Mrs. W. J. Mills. 'Billy your choice o! subjects and the Milîs." he said smilingly. "though nature of their treatment. Then a rotten horse-shoe player, has a there is the order of the service, happy home and is a good neigh- the prayers, etc., as Weil as the bor." He spoke of the large place address. The mninister must bear that Mr. and Mrs. Milîs haci takc- in mind that his hearers have en in the life o! the community 'varying sensibilities, andi be care- in public and church activities, fuI that there is nothing Person- referring also to the deep impres-I al, or that may be considereci per- sion that Mr. Mills had made on sonal in the things he says. (If the young people in dramatic ac- there are personal things that C tivities. and Mrs. Mills in musical shouîd be said, it is his duty to hunes. In the Rotary Club Mr. go ta the individual and say it Mihi wasa c arte eberas private]y, not preach it from the haci served whole-heatdl sPUlpit. Yet I have been called president, secretary, and in every upon with a !ew minutes notice important office iu the Club. We or a !ew hours notice to stand are not saying good-bye, said before a congregation, and that 1 Bill, it is only a temporary move, assure o sntes.Ihv and they will be back soon rested eyoisntay.Ihv à, and refreshed. In presenting BiUly Milîs on be- haîf o! the Club with fountain CW7pens for Mrs. Milîs and himself, toehe4ih il o anpo ~~8 tents. as a slight token o! ap- preciation, John Linci said that the previous speaker had covered the ground. He himself feIt hon- H ous D re sesored in presenting this token to e e eDess s 0 0 hi s worthy frienci. "If we al done as well as you have, Billy, we would have a better club," jconcludeci Mr. id Fine D res es ea Sk rtsRotarian Billy was apparently deeply touched by the Club's ges- ----------_________________________ ther honeymoon' which _would nohigelse in the îow-priced field brlng them shortly back to us. ai our showroomns today, and try the Ail remlaining Winter Coats clearinsg at A true !riend, not a fair wea- AsIc, too, about the greatly redu HALF PRICE. ther !rlend, is a wonder!ul thlng, Canadian Time PaYment Plan. ____________-------- _______________ President Bill Hardy reminded the Club. Bihl emphasized his MANY OTHER ]ITEMS AT SPECIAL SALE PICES. point by amusing illustrations, VISIT THE STORE. f rom old days on the farm. He had a true friend i n Billy Mlills.J "Andi he wlll come back beam-I LADIES' lng," said .President Bihllu con-j COURTIC, clusion, "better than ever." The YD PECALTY S 0Anong numerous guests pres- I Phen 594floB anBe London, well known to mn as former hlgh achool principal at -'~- --.w,.lkJlt3*,1, UflL'*UflRfl301936 PAE TtP PAGE THB= -~ . r A TRIBUTE To Lt.-Col. Wilbert J. Hoar So swi!tly cam thecall, at hast. I We scarcely beard hlm answer And though his suf!ering here is past, Our loneliness is noue the less. His winning smile, by ahI, was loved. The cheery word to young and ol, His presence here is just removed And takeri to the Heavenly Foid. He served his country and his king In peace time and lu war, Now, round bis bier, bis comrades> bring hat Deep tributes, though their er- are sore. 'Twas joy to visit at his home. As host he could not be excelled,i And those now le! t, are "oh, s0 lone,"l But blessed memories will be hehd. ce ~uTASTY 1NE WTON VILLE _ Miss Marguerite McKay, Brigh- CAND 10S ' 1f0% t 2 ,de ton, was home for the weekend. e~g ieg ,% CHOC. DROPS Mrs. Bee and cousin, Mr. Ron- _0e b JELLY BEANS ald Burley, visiteci at Mr. Fred 2bu uýeQijHLMBUGS Brown's, Port Hope. . it o pl Mm. S. R. Jons, Mrs. Mitchell IR% o cund dq 9. Zealand and Mr. Wm. Smith are 40 6 on the sick ist. s < d ig Rev. Thos. Wallace, Ruby and nt e Mabel, Greenbank, caUled on fri- a&~; _ ends here. "SATIýN MIXED 2 lbs. 2MU Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Turner w and Sammy, Newcastle, visited Die__________________________________________ Mr. and Mrs. Brock Pethick. v i * ~ & j' u-' League was witbdrawn January l i 2lst owing to the storm. E Miss Kathleen McKay and Mr. ------ Earl W alkey were guests a h I*i <l I _ _ P a r s o n a g e , G r e e n b a n k . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ visited bis parents. Sunday evening iu honour o! ourj Heal your horse while it works. Wormns sap the strength andi Mr. Wm. Andrews is visiting late beloved sovereign, King Geo- Apply Douglas' Egyptian Lind the vitality of chlld- f riends in Greenbank. rge V, conducted by Rev. E. L. ren. Strengthen thein by uidni An impressive memorial service Beech, assisted by the choir, who ment te sore necks a.nd gafls. A Mother Graves' Worm Ebxtermln- was helci in the United Church 'rendereci two anthems. Isure, speedy treatment. ator to drive out the parasites. rspeut a whole week trying to pre- 1pare a sermon that I f eIt Worth s while, and on Saturday night IJ throw it ahi aside to, go into, the Jpuipit without a sentence on pa- cPer, sometimes to, be told by some tO! my hearers that it was the best sermon they had heard ni e preach, and sometimes to feel that it was not Worth while. Then to stand lu homes where1 deatb and tragedy have come and bring a message o! sympathy, com!ort. encouragement, and per- haps to go f rom that scene to Soin lu the joys o! a marriage ceremony, takes much virtue out o! any Man Who is lu earnest about bis work. Besides this he bas on his mmnd ail the individuals that make Up bis parish to reach with sym- pathy, to inspire with hope and courage, to guide. instruct, or re- buke, as the particular case mayj need. Ail this makes any worthy j minister feel how unworthily, at the very best, he fulfilîs the re- isosbiiiso! bis work. Similar things might well be said of alrnost any calling lu J o are mistaken when you think editors are flot remember- ed lu the prayers o! ministers. il cau assure you, You have had i the earnest prayers o! at heast one for a long time. and I know also o! quite a few other people as well whose earnest tbaoughts have gone out te You, but I fearJ you have been so busy getting ouit your paper You have not heard them. Your whole paper is an ex- ceedingly good local weekly P.- per, and I should be pleased at anY time that 1 maY do so with- out neglecting My own work to' give You a little assistance. Yours sincerely, (Rev.) George Mason. l ZEBRA OL TOMATO JUICE I ~'A STOVE Large I3 CLArZK'5' I J aee's Witb Pecik 32-oz. jar PIum Jam 27V dauo's With Pectin 32-oz. jar liCherry Jam 33e IiiGlsae'aAssorted Table 2 10% -or. L 19c MANNINGS CRISP-S Crown or Beehive CORN SYRUP No. 21 8c<, 5 39< CHOCOLATE COVERED BISCUITS *Chevrolet is the thcst offers you Knee-Action for a gliding ride . . . plus Body by Fisher for comfort and style . . . with Hyd.rauic SBralces for driving safety .. .and Valve-i.n-Head Eniefor performance -qup Consider the Company Back of the Cai on4Y low-priced car PRICED PFROM $772 (Standard Serins 2-pass. Coupe) Master DeLuxe Maduls from $905 Duliv.ed a! lactaq, Oshasa, DatFaIIy lqrarîghl ad Gav ut MFée .WI =e , j 'J y U .~. Roy Nachols OMNIL HO EY NO 1 4%-lb. HOMEY WHITE tin 45< SUNtKASHIE le1 S M R CEREAL pkg. 9 Ir ZEBRA JUICE 1 Ali Brands in t5c

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