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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jan 1936, p. 4

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) THE CA?ýADIAN right was f airly well attended, HOLLYWOOD CINDERELLA STORY i HAMPTON ~~and was in the formi of a miemor-____________________________ HAMPTON________service in honour off our late BLACKSTOCK OBITUARY Kinfg George V. who is so widely I Rev. Frank Cryderman, New mourned. Several favorite hymns'D.haoteHPilps YorkCit, sn o Mr A.B. ry-off the King, including one off Kip I Rev. H. J. Bell took charge of D.CalteH hlis 0 YokCiy Sf ofMr . .Cr-lig. ee ug yth onrg the worship at League on Wed- .. New York City deran.ha ben ppontd 1tin*. Teechoir r te nre two nesday evening. Miss Verna Me- tor off Christ Church in that city. ion.tTie chumbersRev. W.rack-o NaUly f avoured with an instru- Dr. Charlotte H. Phillips, as- t Mr. Fred Billett and Miss Laura ham gave a very timely messag entl.a1 MssAiee Mn-sitn osetcan tte In- i Virtue, Torontô, visited at Mr. A. and the îpedid sevic 1<ncldjoy read "If" by R.udyarKi-f irmary for Womcn and Children. ei E. Billett's. ed with GSe tsevicncu -1 ling. Ail enjoyed an address by . died Thursday, January 23rd, of 0 MrGMreyHatnSaveono,1 the.C.Hacur o ime nuoi thrrsdn 7 Yen epesmeeting w2.siwhen he and Mrs. Harcourt had I West l8lst Street, New York City, spent last weekend with his par- held Friday evening. Rev. W., seen the late King George V and at the age of thirty-one. ents. Rackham had charge off the pro - the present. King Edward. VIII. Sh leaves her sroing hus- Miss Jean Hogarth, M a p 1 e gram in the absence of the 3rd Memorial services for the late ShdJe s .Phso r., o Grave, was home for 'the week- vice president. Miss Thelma Rob- kng\..... baot cuchs hen ames A. iip fJs. J . f end. bins read the Bible leson: de- kigwrPedi ohcuce % he onrcrnlfirpf aesA ounvllgehauee qlt lve. Ihilps em.; her mother, Mrs. Ourvilag ha ben uie lvevotional was taken by Rev. W. MonG. Sunday. o te at ly these mornings with the old re- Rackham; readings were given by Miss Norma Hooey, orntHen ,~Mry G. HoOper, Cineiofathe;ate liable teams and sleighs. The Miss Bessie Simpson and Mrs. H. Normal Schooî, spent the week- abor Henry N. Hooper, bnnt s n farmers have to bring their milk Salter; Mrs. W. T. Perrett pre- end at home. ~ rteHnyN opr u ta the village to meet the trucks, sented the tapie. Mrs. John Carter spent the mess manager of the Warin as the hast snow storm made the ___ _________~weekend in Toronto. 0F Springs Foundation,. Georgia. Dr. country roads impassable for cars. -1 nulmeigof ititof. Phillips, a native off Cincinnati, also the main roads difficult. It I ETL TNCartwright LOL. was held in the .. cvVI 'wsgrdae ro anr presented more or less of a od! Orange Hall, Blackstack, Janu- ' lege ofPin 927 and reCol- tîme pleasant thought ta see old ary 14th, with a large attendance He*es another* Cinderelîs stary ffram Hollyw'ocd. The leg uombhyian nd190.Sre ons donubehr.eih i se February meeting off the Insti- ffromn Tyrone, Enniskillen, Dev- heraine is Mary Coleman, ex-script girl at a large studio: low If ices at 875 Park Avenue and 851I ubr cuc evc Sundayttewlehi a r.S c itt's, Purple Hill and Blackstock. she'll play a featured raIe in a farthcoming production. A SI.j West 181st Street, New Yack Ci ty. _________________________ Luglin o Wenesayaftr-Reports showed the hodges i a Louis girl. she haînmered on the gates off the movie captl o The funecal service, which was Laloucishingn ondnion.yOfficersfea- the first tiiîne last Macch. failed ta impres.s anyone as an act- private, was conducted at her late Hertistcogatlati ns tells f. M-F red WM-Fred ress, becanie a script girl. Eye strain caused her ta don glasses. residence Saturday morning bY Heariestconratuatios tIEls .M.Fe Smith: D.M. But she still insisted ta studio officiais she could act. dispensed RvFahrSlsoStPer'i Dorothy and Nora Porteous, the'_eýi Brooks; Chap.-Rev. H. with the spectacles. donned an evening gow'n - and wvon apîct- ýProestanther 'lîsoff St. Peersh i -Leslieagher o ProtestantR S-Ln.JobEpiFscopareloe. hoCsshh uer-br c ad fh.. Shoirt ' Ig ~Cecil Hl- ea.HnyThomp- 'hse.iTerian r the finals in the Kiwanis Ama- o:Le.Lsi n teur contests at Lindsay on Jan. Dep. Let-Oscar M c Q u a d e: _ ___ __ '- jAmongth numerous telegrams i C 'ourses every Thusecsdynits fre nine as. By pe yesad RHaito landuLIî'IA off sympathy received l6th. Therse c'nitest fwre hrelMarshal-RertBe R.Haditors I IA 1SALEM was one from President and Mrs. _____________weeks. and the winners met in ROyal Scarlet Chapter off the ___* - ____ -__ ooeel.Dr thhl asther the finals an Thurs. Jan. 16th, District off Cartwright met in the Ms d li pn 1cwe-srieadteSna grand-daughtèr offteleMr MisAd linset hwek huc eriean h 1na M. A. James off Bowmanville, and 'Dat and Nora winning ffirst prize Orange Hall. Blackstock on Jan-edwtMisHlnBkr chosrvewr ihra n H a p onwhich entitles them ta compete at uary 14th. Rupert Byers was ex- en ihMs ee ae. Schoaseice weoreofthdrlawn ons the beloved daughter-in-law off Taronto in the Wrigley Amateur alted ta this degcee. Officers el- Mr. Allan Balson. Queens Uni- d1i nr elaeMs Mr. and Mrs. James A. Phillips.I Hamnton viced madens bring home the Leslie Brooks: Wor. Com.-Cecil weekend with his parents, Mr. lifelong chizen o Sa eand . NwaakCiy and rs. . J BaIon.faitfuland eparnest wvorker in Agriculural cass in laurels. Hill; Dep. Com.-Robt. Hamilton; adMs .J asn t the church and its activîties. be- Thomas William Ross, Whitby Town Hall onWednesday hunrdiends anChap.-Rev. H. Bell: S cr i be- M.George Millson, Sauileaetad ilecas Town all O Wedesdayevenig. HJ n r Thompsan' Treas--Creigh- Marie. is visiting at his home igcarlae n il ls In Whitby on January r h and Sewing abot one tonDevtt:M ar a a 1- Hrb.her. cheîr 1fora nm r off years, deatb occurred off Thomas William ý DoetcSineadSw off Cartwright's new Reeve. tnDvt:M rhl H b ie.iui fling health campelled herIRoss a well known citizen and in Church Basement. ýCreightnn Devitt. gathecpd at thelSwain: lst Lect.-Leslie Thomp Master Ray Pascae underwent ta give up these duties. Funeral bsns a o ayyasi ICOF. Hall, Nestleton. ta enjoy a son: 2nd Lect.-Fred Ellis; lst an oreration for the remaval off service at hier late residebuies an for m.He aben fyacsin SCHOO DAYS socil eveing n daningond n.-Joe McR.oberts; 2nd Cond. tonsils and adenoids in Bowman- Sunday afternoan vas attendied hity.Ho e ha eentif fand SC OO D YS soia eenngindacig nd-red Smith: Herald-Earl Dor- ville Hospital on Monday. by a large number off sarraw.ingl~ nhs7c er 9.30 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. rs. D Muisic, Mas supled rell: Sentinel-Francis W e r r y1 Mr. B. G. Stevens and Mrs. Roy relatives and friends. Rev. A. M h aeM.Rs a ona Mrs D.Wi~anMis HeenFowl- Adtr-r J. McArthur and Langmaid9 attended th~e funeiralXcottnn conducted th~e serv~ic Telee r aawa na Clsss relaglyprcticl er, Gea. Fowler and Herman \il- I e.Jbi.Rgaadcm iWib . landses relagey ractial son Affter lunch Henry Thamp - LloJbin f Miss Effie Ruttedge at Salem and spake if g1Givlng ternis off a: eRagnHaed a ee Wn bu25 an dmostatonl. son, Treasucer off the Township.,. 1____ 011~ o Sunday. life off service well rendeced. one i -r g.H a eeni ui Youg mn nd omn tisi ate aschirmn nd ffer IMr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor and wvhich had mieant much ta the rîcas sînce 1914. and was irecarded' is your opportunity. f ew remarks called on Reevej CADMUS ffamîly intend moving ta Toronto Iccwîmiiiufity. and added wrsofa a f icct f ups Creighton Devitt. As the smiîing i this week. We are sorry ta lose!comfort ta the bereaved ones j and off the higbest integrity: a PLAN TOATTEND Reeve rase ta speak everybody them ffrom aur community and . words for them ta tbink off as ffriendoff thos rie nd woei Aduits welcome at any time. 1 sang For Hes a Jolly Good Fel-1 W. A. afd W. M. S. off the Un- wish theni every success. they look back avec the tiffe off h a ueosfins\h E.A.SU MES, low. afftec which he thanked bis 1ited Chucch met a, Mrs. Cecil' We are socry ta report that Mrs j tbeir beloved one. A profusion off will learn with regret off bis pass- AgrcutuahRereenatve f iends foc the confidence they iFgsnshm onTedya-jTs.Bkrsudetedoctorsbeautifful fflowverfc. amcng whihng tv had placed in him by lectina ternoor Rev. H. J. Bell led in care. ere pieces from the chucch and1 The decepsed was a miember off him. He assured everyone he, prayer, and Mrs. C. Ferguson Mca. L. C. Snowden.M lpIe Sunday school. showed the ce- Whitby United Church, and in __________________________ iwould serve ta the best off hisi gave tbe bible reading and bible Grave, spent a ffew days last wek spect and love in which the de- fratecnal circles wvas a member off abiity. Counillar Bruce Heasip t study. A cammittee. Mcs. C. Fer- with her parents, Mc. and Mrs. ceased was held. Rev. A. S. Kerr the Canadian Order off Foreste cs. and Ex-Councillor John Watsonguson, Mrs. A. McGill. Mca. G. Thos. Baker.i also attended the funeral and Survivîng are his wiffe. former- ialso gave short addresses. after Fowlier and Mrs. H. Gahbraith, A number off ladies ffrom hierýe;4ook part in the vce at the ly Miss Martha Worffolk; two which dancing was cantinuled. was named toarirange for a soc- attended a card party at Mrs. I graveside. daughters, Mcs. Cs-ril Tleard. 0f, ial fonction in February. This Rosa Lees, Kedron. on Saturday Y. P. L. meeting Jan. 22nd was Whitby, and Mrs. Jamcs Robert-~I Im p rt ntHOWI ~ b~'al: afrenon.opened by the President with the son, off Belleville: three sons, . HOW T AVOD CODQ 1reading by Mrs. A. McGill; an Our annoal congreg a t i aO je1 use off the hymn, God Save the T. Rosa. Bowmanville; A. J. Rosa.' TO VOI ~ 1 instrumental by Miss Leah Mc- meeting was held in the S. '!King. and a minutes silent pray- loff Osbawa, and H. H. Ross, off To- Factors .Bell; Scrr Gadcctoing y M ss J Bell; a o outsv nay-f ve snng is witcrie er was observed in honor off our conta; one sister. Mca. F. H. Buck- 1 H. J late king, ffolowed by prayer by 1er. off Oshawa; three brothers, Pepe ihcalds account forIn piano solos by Mrs. C. Fer- Ruth McKessock. President off the Mc. Cator. Mr. K. Wecry. 4th John, off Oshawa. ex-warden off th ua ffmilinsof sees ffguon and Miss Ruth Bell. A League. opened the meeting. The vice. taok charge off the pro- Ontario County; Hugli. off Osh- daintye lunchlionasfsecveU O devotianal period was in chargeI gram: Bible reading, Mr. K. Wec- awa, and James off Hamilton. There are two import- Face-Elle and Kleenex. Mostly The League was witbdrawn on off Miss Ileen Balson. Rev. W I y; The Liff e and Works off Kip- The funecal service which was ant things to consider j they are city and town people. accoont Off stormy weather. Rackhamn tho2n took ci-arge. Re- ling was taken as a tapic, Mr. F. held Satorday afftecnoon at the rn yor wath andjew- A farmner takes better care off _____ __a______ prts off the dîffecent depactment, i Blackbuc-n giving a bcief autline family residence was in charge off bîmel ad ctchs the Sunday achool and cburch 'on the tapic; Mc. F. L. Squair Rev. S. T. TatI wha was assisted elr rparig:A man in the city goles around TYRONE 1 wece given. A. L. Pascale was re- snake on the litecary works off by Rev. E. R. Adye. Rev. E. F. ________ _____ ___- ah wintec in the B.V.D.s be wore <;______________ elected as Eider: H. E. Tink was [Kipling and recited one off bis Armstrong, Bwavle Iducing the summer. He imagines elected steward for one yeac'. ta Ipa0ms, St. Andcews Hymn. Rev. Mc. Newton, Belleville. In- FIRST IS h e is hardy. Just stand on the Congratulations ta Mc. and filI a vacancy. and E. R. Taylor1 Raadlconditions make it diffn- terment was made in Groveside W R M N HP corner off King and Yonge Streets jMca. Rob Roy on the arîval off a elected steward for five yeacs. cutgting around tbese days.i Cemetery. WOR MAN HIP in Toronto samne ceai windy day. 1 baby girl. Bruce Tink and Ernest Hockaday jWatcb the ilflappers getting ar- Mc. and Mrs. Robert Burgess were appointed as ushers and Glad ta report Miss Ida Ste-- _______ Our workmanship is guaran-ý ound the corners. The cap wbo and Mc. Harold Burgess attended collection takers. Mca. John Ba- phens. Town. much improved in teed. We guarantee to satisfY bas te drag saine off them ini say the iluneral off Mca. Burgess' cous- ker favared with a vocal solo: health. She bas been convle- ENFIELD you. tbey haven't enouglh clothes an ta tin. Misa Effie Rutledgue, Salem, on Misses Jeasie and Gladys Yellow - cent wvith hec sister. Mca. F._ _______ _______________________ protect a can off anti-freeze. ISundas. lees played a piano duet: readînga Squair. M.W .Omso ofee I Haw about tbe boys in the; Miss Kathleen Duidley, Bow- by Miss Pearl Leach and Cbqs. Mr. and Mca. W. Moffat,Oc another stroke Wednesday night, SECOND IS PRICE country. Tbey bave it figuced inanville. is visiting at Mc. R. Shoctridge: and a vocal selection ana. were Sunday guesta with Mc. Jn 2 n ssilucncas out. Up ici Fenelon Falls a few Hather1y's. bv Tam Baker. Fred Wright, Neilan Mc.FL.Suiadat Mr. W. J. E. Ormiston, Bowmian- Ask any of our customers.! days ago we went inta a store 1 Mcs. Levi Skinner f elI and Yellowlees. Jim Smales. Wesley tended the funeral off Miss Rot- ville. is witb bis mother.- They will tell Yeu Marr's is j that carnies ffootwear and a large broke a nib an Sunday. and George Werry. Chas. Short- ledge. most reasonable in price. j range off onderclothes and shirts. Mc. John Noble bas returned ridge was appointed treasurer off Mr. and Mcas. C. Billings. Or- ____________________ tAll the undecwear was long andhome from Orotia. the M. & M. fond. and B. G. Ste- ana. were also at the ffunecah and h eavy. If you asked for B.V.D.'s Mca. J. Hendricks and daogh- vens and S. E. Werry, auditors. paid a caîl tn Mc and Mca C. the people woold think you wece ter bave returned ta Trenton af - George Wercy led ini commOiiity Pollaird later. ccrazy. We aaw ffleece-lined un- ervsiting ber parents. Mn. and singing, aftec whicb lunch was J. lin a r r derwear extra heavy at 69 cents a Mcs. B. F. Gardiner. secved by the ladies. j-~R~~~ J a r garment. The owner off the store W.M.S. will meet in the vestry 1 Temperance program Sunday MA LrR V ~ FO told us hee bad sold almoat a car-on Thursday, Feb. 6. at 2.30 p.m. aftemnoon was in charge off Miss I ____ I IE 1 R J JEWELLER îoad Considering everything the __________ Margaret Scott. George Werry -*' thooh utcm t sta sang a solo. Miss Doris Milîson Mc. and Mca. Ray Snowdeiî andA Phone 463 Bowmanville grand slogan woold be the ffam- Cbilling makes colled cookie jtaok a chapter off the tempecanceI three daoghters, Toronto, visited ous 'There ain't a cougb in a dough firm and easy ta roll with- stody book on abeying the law. it heir parents. j eod. ut the addition off extra flour. Miss Margaret Scott led in pcay- Congregational meeting wuîî be S AK I Crcbsrieo.udyto held on Friday evenîng ini the Churh seviceon Sndaytookhall. i the fform off a memorial service Rev. H. W. Faley, Spiringbrook. That's the way you like to foc aur late Soveceign. Rev. W. visited his sister, Mrs. J. D. Stev- looking healthy and happy. Then Rackbam preached an impressive ens. lng, skating and ail the other i sermon and Miss Pearl Le.ach Miss Helen and Mr. Lloyd Met- looking healtby and build up as f avaured witb a vocal solo. "One caîf entertained about 25 young them a teaspoonful of I.D.A. Cod Sweetly Solemn Thooght." pol nFdyeeig This pure o11 contains extra food Our choir beld their annual Miss Jcan Hogarth spent the ehild extra nourishment. And C a n n e F o o d S a lemeeting Sunday evening aftec weekend witb ber parents at child, it is mild and sweet in taste C anned Food Sale ~ ~~choir practice, and elected these Hampton. Ma .JQy r hn o THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATU RDAY, JAN. 30 - 31 AND FEB. 1 sock; S e c .-Gladys Yelhowlees: and Mca. Eber Snowden and ______________________________________________________________________________OshaMargaret ________________________________________--------____________________Yellowlees, Dorcis and Mca. Ray Snowden and ffam- I.D.A. Milîson. ily, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mca. BRO NCHIAL COUGH GR E A L Y- N.4 G L E Despite the cold and stormy W -J Snowden on Monday even- GREN AL EY No G LD ME ALweather a vecy successful pie soc- .1g'and helped them celebrate SYRUPS ial under the auspices off Division their fortietb wedding anniver- Wonderfui for tight &ý b wasJeeld iciA thedSons'Y Halldlastrsa__y-1che --11c1-g1slà9 izat the -ho'me-offMc. and Mc. Ferguson ici Toronito General L . Grahamn Wednesday nigbt. Hospital. We wish ber a speedy YOUR Sige. tins GMca. Henry Ashton entertained recovery. WINTER SNAPS anomber off girls te, tea on Mon- Mca. J. H. Werry visited Osh- W AX ay evening. awa ffriends. Carefufly Developed _______________________________________________________________ Church was withdcawn Sunday Miss Louie McKinnon, Toron- and Prlnted by our awing ta the fonecal off the late te. visited Mc. andl Mca. G. Wer- PROFESSIONAL Miss Effle Rutledge, Salem. PHTyE.() Phn 9 . W E L SWE S. S. next Sunday at 2 p.m. Mn. Ira Trevaille, Oshawa, and Leav yur ils ad egatives Misses Ada Beecb n Laura ited at Mr. E. C. Asbton's. PsýrOMPt RVIC ______________________________________________________________ Philps, Bowmanvllle, spent a f ew Mr. Allan Wearn, Toronto, vis-PR PTS V days at their respective homes. lted at Mr. Laurence Wearn's. CAREFUL DRIVING PAYS If you cut out of line in traffric, ________your chances of having an acci- When drivingý carefolly a,. a 'dent are multiplied by 50. .easonable speed in clear weathec: If yoo drive at an unreasonamè on good roadway, and witb tbe slDeed, your chances of having an car in good mechanical shape. accident are ntultiplied by 25. the chance of an accident, is ane If voa as nte cro in 1,000. This percentage is bas- o pasa nothr chacso arnan ed on a stody of traffic accidents cov1 yu hne f aiga over a periad off fîfteen years. accident are muîtpîied by 21. 1-urniture il BUYS .. For the Thrifty Home Lover In spite of rising prices, timely purchases enable us to give you real bargains, at prices that challenge competition. Y aur choice of any S25.00 article in this store if you can duplicate any value advertised ut these special prices. NATIONAL FURINITURE SHIOW SA31PLES- NEW STOCK - CLOSE OUTS - IPORTED SUITES- FLOOR SAM- PLES - GROUPED AT SAVINGS UP TO ONE-HALF - FEATURED IN THIE 4 FINAL DAYS 0F TIIS GREAT FURNITURE SALE CHESTERFIELD SUITES ONLY ONE 0F EACH LISTED 13ELOW 3 Fieces - taupe silk tapestry, solid waJntit carved frame - Re-F. value S195.00 3 Pieces - sjlk repP. show wood frame, Regular value S145.00 3 Pieces - rubberized wool repp, custom built. Regular value $185.0 3 Pieces - mottled repps, reversible cushions, R.egular value $95.00 ---- $110 $95 $135 $69 BEDROOM SUITES 4 Pieces - Art moderne design in Oriental and $ 4 Butt walnut, large m.irrors - Reg. value S195.00, 14 3 Pieces - A popular design with venctian mir- rors, in finie walnut veneers - Reg. value $95.00. ~595 Full sized bed, vanity dresser, chest or dresser. $5 .5 3 Pieces - Genuine oak in colonial style, dress- ing table bas triple mirror, choice off three$5 0 pieces - Regular value S110.00- - - --$1 5 0 DINING ROOM SUITES 9 Pieces - New design in solid walnut with satin finish, pedestal table, leather seats - Regular value S169.00 7 Pieces - Breakfast Suite in enamel finish, ext. table, 4 chairs, buffet with china cabinet- Regular value $39.50 .. . $119 $29.50 BEDDING SPECIALS MARSHALL - SIMMONS - WAYSAGLESS FREE-Hudson Bay reversible wool blanket. retaîl value S8.75, included with every mnattress at . . ...S35.00 - $37.50 - $39.50 FREE-Slip covers with every mattress at $19.75 and up. SATURDAY CASH SPECIAL Genuine Marshall Innerspning Mattresses, ail standard sizes, M00 couls in pocket construction, regiilar S35.00, SATURDAY $24.50 F. F. Morris Ce. Furniture - Bowmanville - Furnishingi Cheeks %,nd 4G EYES » sec your children, always , they can enjoy sleigh-rid- 'inter sports. Keep them strong resistance by giving 1Liver Ol after each meal. 1value which wiil give your [what is important to the e and odour. iy - 16 oz. - 79c I.D.A. MILK 0F MAGNESIA Relieves Acld Stomaeh Sweetens the 3 c breath - 16 oz. 33 NEW PRICES Effective Feb. ist. Burdock Blood Bitters 89C Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pils 44c Kolynos Tooth Paste 29c - 39c Lyon's Tooth Powder 27c - 39c Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry 44c Cuticura Soap 1 9C lVood's Norway Pine Syrup 29c - 59C Casearets IOC - 24c - 49c Danderine 37c - 59c - 99c Pape's Diapepsin 25c - 59c for finger nails as ex- quisitely colored as the petals o/ love/y flowers FLAMINGO ,,,kezégelo/,< Here's a better nail polish . . . made for the waman who wants some, thing a bit better than average, but at a cost oniy a trifle mare than the ordinary. Flamingo has created 12 enticing shadcs, nine for day or night (50 cents) three exclusix'ely for evenhng wear (one dollar). Words can scarce describe the lustrous tone and color which Flamif go gives ta nails. Try ane bottle-you'l bc delighted. A Food Discovery OVALTINE Gives Quick Vitality, ail day Energy, and restful Sleep. 38c - 58c - 98c SERVED HOT OR COL) UnITE-CGAw SOR t.1e ndr' iNIýr . , I PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex McGreffor PHON9 92 DRUGS WB DEU[VE r PAGE FOUR 4mw ---l STATESMAN, BOWMANVTT.LE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1936 'i s '

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