PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1936 jN ewc astie United Church Congregational Meeting, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. S. Rlckard,h Mrs. Geo. P. Rickard and Mrs. IAil the varied interests, pro- hymns. A. O. Pa.rker bas aI l C. IJ. Staple si r and Mrs. fodjects and activities of the United ways been custodian of the lin C. Jt.Brtails n d i l od Church in Newcastle for the year terni fund. Jan. lst, 1935, show- P oBing h apegrwrsa1935 were fully and interestingly ed a balance on hand of $14.00,1 ______________ Amon th aple rowrs ndireviewed at the congregatianai rentais $1.00, interest 27c;n ex- others who attended the North- meeting in the Sunday schooi hall penses; total on hand$1.7 umberland and Durham j1pple on Monday evening, January 2'7. W. H. Cooke, Choir PresidentDrII Jan. 29thAsociaione: CW. orE. t 6.30 o'clock 160 persans enjay- read report of Music CommitteeBR H W. H B.Chalin îrin d a pleasant haif hour convers- prepared by Mrs. W. D. Bragg.C C.H. A. Chaln, H. W. Duleyl, îng and feasting on a supper of The gowns had been recieanedCR ERA- tBwmnie Freas.Ahoa, <. W.neyudle-y, thot meat pies, etc.. prepared by and mended. the members pay,îng Hospital, February 5th. 1936. ta laced rhms. G i. H.î<> Wal the Woman's Association and ser- one-third o! cost o! cleaning and Mr. andi Mrs. Fred Cryderman, lakeHeJ, Russel Josre, T. ved by two C.G.I.T. groups. the W. A. twa-thirds. Miss Mar- adugtr Jackson, Earie Qbon, m, Following the repast. Rev. S. ion Aluin bas offered a donation WRIGHT-In Bowmanviîle Hos- QuggOWsFbckrd, Garne MacLean. chairman. and ail the of $5.00 towards the cost of a pro- pital, on January 3lst, 1936, to Qug .Rickard, A.0 Prer .R.e people stooti andi observedi a two- jected cupboard for better kee Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wr'.ght,l Pecare, D. J. Girson, 1-.aR.1 minute silence in laving memory ing of gowns. Through its -pec Tyrone, a daughter. Peare, D J. ibso, Hoardof their late sovereign. King Geo- iai music comunilttee. of which Gibson, Harold Gibson, and oth- rge V. Mrs. C. A. Cowan is convener, the ers. choir has attempted ta have a! ers. - I Mr. W. F. Rickard. while ail re- . E DN Mr. C. T. Batty, local manager mained standing, pronounced a spca number at each service in E DN Bank of Commerce. was in Tor- panegyric upon the late lamented addition tadhe relaranes onto iast Wednesday attendingi onarch and bestowed encomiumso e M.hirWa ncesh o n iane ýSTRUTT-SLINGERLAND - Atý the banquet to branch managers upon his sonan successar, ig1teonsng.Troe nSt at the Bank M Commerce build- ~Edward VIII. Mrs. E. C. Fishier $30.46; spent on music $9.00. on a raFbuyls 13.y the piano striick the ci rds of choir cabinet $3.85, on fiowers urdvA . ertar olto, 1936. b Newcastle Toy Factory hasth national anthem and aîî join- $5.34: balance $12.27.Re.A.MBWoto. dea mov ti ro th Mose uil ing. Rickard, Ch ir L der, Slingerlan ti u r k e t o n. andi draHl ntefre ohril W. F. Riekard, M.P. 1 The reports that followed in- ledgement of the help, co-opera-,ON JHS-theom draHl n h omr ohrildicateti that al branches of teto ftemmeso athe e of the bride's father. Hampton, andlatr te PlkngbrneBlokch urch were alive to their respon- junior and senior choirs and re- on Saturday. Feb. lst, 1936, by King St. West. This property, a W'. F. RICKARD, M.P. sibilities and opportunities andetniei sintaon aal Rev. W. Rackham. Phoebe Ruth part o! which bas been occupieti were diligent in business. The e ne i nvtto oal Johins. youngest daughter f by Mr. Laklng as a dwelling and AND J. E. W. PHILP msviafetrsfthcbchYoung people who can sing or Mrr.Lei Ofs ndWi mos vial eatresof he hurhiearn to sing ta came ta junior liM ro.ewit Yonso ndofWMl- service station. has been puchas- RECEIVE PRESENTS were graphically covereti in the choir practice. la oe onsno r- ed by Mr. George Bonathan of____ report of the session, read by the Norman Aluin for himnseif and Albert Young, Haveiock. Newcastle and Toronto. Cek .E .Pip Mrs. J. R. Fisher's 1935 Sun- Former Chairman and S Cer, J E W.Pblp colleague. Thos. Maffat, 0f thej day chol clss f gilsadvac- f Comunty Hllport o f Stewards was sub- Pew Committee. remindeti alt dytsh ira of JgiurysavMrs mittee Are Honored 1mtted by Chairman E. M. H. that pews are free at ail times.' DEATHSI N. L.hR ckrs fciahet an en- Warti. Annual individuai canvass However. familles as a rule lîke N.yaLe slelghing platywih r. itN1ntan en-n att J lnshad been made in Decemnber. to sit in the samne seat reguiarly Joy ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~îable soule ofry it Mr. . nNodyeeigad theMrs. C , groups o! one steward anti one anti keep their books in the rack. HAMLIN-In Oshawa, on Satur- Abert Pearce in charge. Friday pial oeo 1.adNr.Cr1eIder cavering- the eight sections. The committee has trieti to allat day. February lst. 1936, Eliza-1 ven adlarenoe oeLaw, Newcastle, the memJýers of the1 J. H. Jase. Chairman of Fin- bt uak io ftelt moefun and raer ebmets te 'Niatagemenit Cominittee of New- Iac omte n n lp permanent sittings to ail wha de- bt uak io !telt morefunandrefeshent atthecasle ommnit, Hll ithsiredane them. R.nd S.lop sHamlinm R.o! Oshawa.Osawa hmrse n o uglas B s ad rs artncrs presented '.\r. W. F. Riek- Sewarti. probabl3- has a mast ex- The Pastar, speaking for the MUTTON - In Bowmanville, on arti M. P., former chairman of theatig ndim ocuygdt. Devotional Service Comnmii t t 1e e. Tusa.Fb t,13,Js He must keep a neat and accur- niae httecmitehd e JnMuoag 7 ar Ed. Brittain have returnet fromn committee for 10 vears with a Gla(l- 1 ate record o! ail the week.iy con-itmaeithtth amite ai e J foMutton. age rd ears a two months' visit with relatives stone Blag antlMr. j. E. W~. Phiil1>. tributions.- drawn up a list o! leaders for the Wuel fomS olatresdnce In Toronto. former' secretarv -treasurer, with ai A. O. Parker, Church Treasur- ywar nightserces fo eor oa elinton t3 .. on Strday Mrs. A. W. Gleniney's ciass o!f loor Lamp. During these Nears er. presented an abstract state ya naiactomno u- e.8b t3pm nemn girls o! the United Church Sun- hoth gave the best of thîîir tlîought mnsowgbancfrm 1934 ldies for every meeting. lHe ex- Bowmanviile Cemetery. day cboi hltia peasrabe ati biltie b he anaemet meof81061;rcintbalancefr26n ex34tendeti an urgent invitation to al ORMISTON -In Enfieid, Thurs- dskting party la C e arnkdthe lge ss e m alagnt o h$061e re- 26426 e-ta attènd the meetings. t day. January 30th, 1936, Wil- skaturd ay eian i the'nk e-rgea romsbnhallha.dthe haependitures $2520.08: balance o! Fred Fligg. Chairmnan o! Pro-_ liam J. Ormiston. aged 72 years. paudyeigairehe r- r tona rotheir MrsTe% hve$9.. H ok.Scy.-ra..pryCmitesoe xed- Interret Un4on Cemetery. Osh- pie oterteacher's home on now both retireti from tte commit-, tres te so! 3593 ead out f awa thehblîl for further delights in- tee. Reeve Alf. . Graham acteti o! PrsonageH.CommittSee .-shoedCrurrrent35.93und ot fROGR-Aaobugo.Sn cluding refreshmnents. as -Mastur of Ceremonies. Otlie~rs fcasonanti fomm 1924, 819.05: It un. GR,>-tCooug o Sn Frientis are sorry to lose f romnt resen were Nlr. T: W\. Jackson, carevene a fro rnt19ofg$1r.en; Adoption o! the several reports1 day evening. February 2, 1936, the community the genial C.N.R. collector of tickets, anti Constable freim interest on bon.ds andt ro ;ý was mnoved by N. L. Riekard. sec- Loue Lat il. Rogers agte do section foreman T. W. Johnston. anti Ntr.. John Garroti. batik accounit. $58.17; exuentii-! onded by F. W. Bowen. anti ap the late Willim B Rogers ndr Mrs. Johnston andi Nancy. Mr. 1MNr... Percv Rare read tîhe f4OlltWv.- tures $58.14: balance 3 cents. proved - I mene Wiougnte iog e eIter-. Jobnston, who bas been in charge ing atitressa«anti Ree',e .\If. Graham Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard. Past Rev. Mr. MacLean commiended meS nt bog ni emTer- of the Newcastle section since Mr. madie the lîresentation: Fresident. presented a general the work o! ail departments and ROLSON-IB owmanvile1936Tues-. P. 0'Neil's tragic tieath, bas been Mfr. \\. F. Rickarîl and i Mr. J. E. report o! Woman's Assciation. congratulated themn on their fine da. ebuar y 4th, 1936,of har-. transferredti t Port Union. John W\. Phflp. Mrs. Geo. P. Rickard hati eenachievements.ritRasn dwo!heleI .Cbilvers. formerly o! Oshawa, Dear Frientis: presenteti with fîowers on br Fiiwn easwere e- JoephA.froin.hagetid7 ears.o and one time o! Dariington. suc- It was with great regret that ive 8th birtbday anti matie an Hon- electeti for another three year Fnrlfo hersdne0 ceeds hlm here. learneti somne week', agi) of the sev- orary President. Mrs. E. C., Fish- terni: E. M. H. Ward. Thos. lier son-in-iaw, Mr. Gea. B. Unitedi Churcb - Rev. S. Mac- rring of yNr înetoîwith the er foliawed with treasurer's re- Couch, Wallace Holmes. Thos. A. D.inQenS. hrdy 1ean, B.A., Pastor. Sunday. Feb. Boarti of Mlaniagemnit of t he Coin- part: Reeps1ncuigabi-Rtgr . .Bmn eb. 6th. at 2.30 p.m. Cortege 9th: il a.m.-Morning Worship: munit% Hall. ance af 9.23. were $405,87: 190 Attenugston! hs i- taUin eetrnOsaa 2.30 p.m.-Sunday School; 7 p.m. Nlr. Rickarti. yot have servet i n was contributedti t churcb cur- kes, usher. one dozen copies o! SCOTT-In DarlingtononSun -Evnig SngSeric; tem. vriils ofie..luunrv:iag atirent funti $125 ta thankoffering, the church hbrninary for the use dy erur n,136,Wil The Shepherd Psaim. county, alwavs, with the iuteret tif anti $1000 to M. & M. funti; oth-of isitrs illof prvidai. iam aii ce Patts-loe St.Geoge' Chrch - Sn-the public at lîeart. anti vou have er expenditures $74.38: balance A bearty vote o! thanks, moved husbainti of Eltia earIera- day, Feb. 9th, Septuagesîma Sun- proven yotîr popularity, whîeti the $6.49. b .0 akradscne y mn no eeey saa day: 8 a.m.-Hoiy Communion; people of Durham bestoweti iponi Treasurer o! M. & M. Fund, W. J. S. Riekard. was tendered mn no eeey saa il a.m.-Morning Prayer; 2 p.m. von the high office which v.onIno%%* J E.* W. Philp. showed contribu- Rev. anti Mrs. S. MacLean for ______ _____ -Sunday Scbool; 7 p.m.-Even- holti as our Representatis e for the tians o! 8753.33, plus $45.00 f romn their inspiring leadiership anti the sog Sro.Dominion Government at Ottawa. Clarke. $793.14 had been remit- able a i hich they bati car- the aid question. "Wbat shah I1 Mrs. Luke Young has returneti You gave your lime anti abilitY, ted to the General Treasurer. prie an hi od's700ork The s Terv e ates. aeshudb to Napanee af ter a visit witb her very generously to the service of the Mrs. Norman Allin. 2nd Vice- hoas i maie9035.sts takTe ngreast cae hoult b sister, Mrs. P. O'Neil anti Mr. anti Community Hall as Chairînan of the President, reviewed the Woinen'shmsi 95 ae n rprn afiefe Mrs. A. E. Mellow, anti Mrs. Mel-I Boarti. whîere Yon servesl conscient- Missionary Society: 55 annual1 Votes a! thanks were also tend- cof! ee. nat because it is more dif- Iow's mother, Mrs. Dean. Mrs. ionsly for sr) many vears. anti 20 life members; 4 executive ereti the W. A. andtihte C.G.I.T. . ficult ta make than any otherF 0'Neii is slowly recovering fromi MNr. Philp, you also have serveti anti 12 monthly meetings. Mrs. groups for their willing anti cap- cdffee. but many per- ber recent iilness. 1tîhe village oif Newcastle in various J. A. Butler anti Mrs. Floyd But_ able. services in providing anti sons are more critical o! a caf- Congratulations ta Mr. anti capacitiues. anti have given your ser- er hati attendeti every meeting. servîng supper; ta ail the volun- !eîne-free coffee. They are less Mrs. E. G. Gray on the arrivai a! vice faithfullv ant i ngrutiinglv ta Society was divideti into 6 grus tary officers anti workers who apt ta, let it pass when carelessiy a young son.Cuni the Conmunity Hall as secretary- Mrs. S. MacLean, President, pre- gave so f reeiy o! their time. tai- matie because they find it harti to Muncipl as at a resurr f te oari f Mnae- ett ...te Ses * ents anti substance in promoting believe that it is as gooti as or- force o! men anti teamns taking ment, always tiaing sa with the ini- Receipts $399.41, o! which $3h8nt75s5!te hrh nidiaycafe stones anti large rocks framn the terest of the coinmunity at heart twas sent ta the Presbyteriai Trea- ail it stands anti strives for; anti Be sure, then. to foilow the rules- o he concreteri dge on .mii S agnrl bice etetrsetofte1srr, an amount considerabiy in to J. E. W. Philp for bis services for making gooti coffee. There are toltharoucretpidg nlS er, dpulicing hem ceo! îast year's. as treasurer o! the M. & M. Funti. many kinds a! co!fee-makers at Cbapiin's flats anti dumpinâf Th erefore ive are hiere ta-night' Twa Canadian Girls in Train- Ini the course of the evening a which are gooti. For special de- them into tbe creek beneath the as a testimony of the integritY Of ing groups are affiliateti witb the Young peopie's quartette. Messrs. vices foiiaw the manufacturer's- bridge with the view o! prevent- yaur citizenship, yaur ever layaI c0- W.M.S. Mrs. A. W. Geney is Stanley Rickarti anti Wiibur Bas- directions. The foilowing ruies M ln frterudemi.lg !the operatian anti service in our worth- leader o! the juniors anti Mrs. kervilie anti Misses Marguerite holti for ail types o! eciuipment. east wali. The thick ice bati to be while activities, which surely wilh be Geo. A.Waiton of seniors. Miss arris antirt redBnan . 1. Tou he uteeni.l.,fmusrotaesor sawn out anti drawn away ta per- an ~tspiration fotr gooti, that will f Margaret Pearce reporteti juniors , vueiwt art uîeogl eni . refrmtae mit this. This bridge was bufti et er. anti brighten the little corner beld 10 meetings; average attend- 'I WIi Try." o! aid caffee. soap, soda or other 19 years ago anti was pait f or by in which we live. ance 9 out o! a total o! 11. As a The Unitedi Church in Newcas- cleaners anti foreign substances the issuance o! a 20 year debent- %Ir. Rýiekarti. on behiaîf of thelChristmas projeot they matie tle is f ree o! debt;, no mortgage. s ucih as ather foods. particuiarly tire bougbt by Miss Eva Grieve. Boarti of Mýanagement we ask youlidoil's clothes anti sent them ta no bank overtirafts, no unpaiti fats o! any kinti. It is best ta At the rate o! lnterest it.bore it ta accept this Glatistone travelling bag Cbildren's Shelter at Port Hope. boans. During the past year di!- wash the caffee equipment right bas yieideti the boîtier an annu- as a token of aur esteem, and ai>- They have $4.00 in treasury. Miss ferent groups anti arganizatians af ter it is useti, in ciear. bot water. ity o! $184.09 or $3681,80 for the lîreciation for yoîîr services, so ablY Helen Rickard reviewed senior beiti over 300 mitiweek meetings. cleaning ail parts with a brush - 20 years. Further work at the rentiereti on our board. anti we trust group which inclutieti homemade whiie the Financial Committee reserveti for that purpose. Scaiti bridge bas been suspendeti until %%-len %.on are attending the varions coaking sales anti an afterr.oon meets twice on Suntiays ta open anti drain weîî anti ailow ta dry in Reeve Graham's return t ram f unctiiin' at Governiment House, as-tea; eki cm;Sna envelapes. count the offering anti !resh air anti sunlight if possible. Counties Council., soeiatiuîg with the Governor General. night service at wbich Miss Kay make a record a! the peopie s gîv- A pot used every day anti caretif Lake Shore frientis tentiereti Cabinet Minusters, Senatars, anti Thompson, Wbitby, was speaker. ings. Meig o nti a ed oohrp Mr. Manson Soucb a fareweii Young People'san hae ocaionUnionws onantiedtothe.. cleaning. However, for equipment party anti presentation at Mr. ta use tii. bag you wilh sometimes anti 88.00 ta Ontario Girls' Work Traoung ees mUnton ana thisi oeït eglryo o anti Mrs. Welington Adams' on think af the pleasant associations we Board. awyprel candano-f Tedyevening. Every onere hadti ogettuer. Carl Fisher reporteti for Traîl evening. .. casianai baiiing o! soda water in grets bis ieaving as he bas been Nir. Philp, we ask you ta accept Rangers: 12 members; average Sr. C.G.I.T. meets on Tusa lit will heip ta keep it sweet anti taklng a leading part in tbe tsoft- this lamp anti.%-heni you are spentiing attentiance 10. Artie Toms pre- Mvn.we foinl evc breofugbi w hont i.thend bail team and in musical circles y iou lisure hours remiuiscing ini its senteti a statement o! receipts heionweeDesda erviceil hottes. d anti activities. giaw, we hope you will think of the anti expenses. Cari anti Arthur hairson for prsactie ee on water. boil somne clear water in Young Men's Class a! Unitedi evenings -,peut iin the Cctuncil Cham- were introduceti by Stanley Rick- Thurstiay evening. the pot. wash again, rinse, drain Churcb Suntiay Scbool electeti bers with the Board discussing its arti. Leader.Jr .IT meso Fidyadr. these officers: Presitient Garniet many prablems, anti that it will bring Miss Evelyn Aluin, Sec'y. re- JrCGIT. etso Fray nidr. Rickarti; Vice Presitient--George back peasant recoliections. porteti on Young WorshipPers' eisnionBn t ng.he 2. For maverange trbetse twao Buckiey; Secretary - A i b e r t Now we ask vutu ta accept these League covereti eisewhere in this ssirdyofBathe meon the 3rti levelm easuring t abiespoono Pearce: Treasurer-Gearge Gra- giits anti our %wish is that you willh1issue. WAturayo! ndth montb. grounti caetaeac ai in bam; Mr. J. A. Awtie continues Ibu-, Fareti many years to enjoy themn. Miss Grace Powell reporteti on W3.o.n Tusa.maur !wtr as teacher. -S neti on behaîf of the Boarti of Goldien Rule Mission Band, the W. M. S. an ist Thurstiay in 3 If bot water is useti. heat warm weather anti lst Mantiay fresh. caiti water in a dlean con- Miss Jean Clemence presideti at Mangement of the Community Hall, banner banti o! Oshawa Presby- i odwahr anrjs otebiigpit Young Peopie's Union Mantiay Newcà..tle. Ont., February 3rti, 1936. tery. Miss Jean Banathan sub- i at ete.tie is atebligpit ýr1-. -A ýD-1 L. i - -- .... -A l -- 1Water that iq rebeateti or kept 1 Years ago Mrs. N. L. Rickarti's With sncb assurance, the hame- 8. Serve co!fee as soon as pre- I aDMssION 35c quantity required.I cass o! S. S. girls baugbt a pro- maker neeti not hesitate to servei pared. If It must stand fora Lunch hicluded - Tax extra. b jecting iantern. It bas been in this ca!!eine-!ree caffee ta ber whlle, kcep over a unlfarmly lowl Van WALKEB'S ORCHESTRA Se. Your Home Prini., Fin continuai use ever sînce anti was famlly anti guests. She fintis It heat so that It wlil remain just J OHAW M operateti by Chas. Gilkes at this an Important part o! any meal below the boilng p.ont. Do notJ OSHAWA__M._A._________&_______ meeting for the slnging o! the anti at least bal! the answer ta cool anti reheat. 1 1 CARD 0F THANKS -The failyo!_the late William Houses for Sale 1 Live Stock For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE OR RE=T- FOR SALE-TWO SpRLNdERS, Resitience o! the late M. A. anc Jersey anti one balf-Jer- James; equippeti with electrie sey anti Holstein; anti a pair o! stove anti eiectric f i x t n r e s godatiagricultural mares, six thtroughaut; also other modemn years aid. I. Hardy, Hampton. conveniences. If not solti will Phone 167r4. 6-1 rent; partialiy furnisheti if de -_________________ sireti. Apply Gea. W. Jaes Executor. Bowmanville. 3-t FOR SAL-SIX ROOM BRICK CYoWIe bouse at 24 Carlisle Ave., alPodo modemn conveniences, pipe f ur- Podo nace, bargain for quick sale. Appiy ta M. F. Hoaper. 4-3 J. Ormiston, Enfielti, wisb ta take, Repair Work this opportunity o! expressing______ ______ their sincere appreciation o! the PARTrIES REQUIRING FURNI- fine messages of sympathy, anti ture repaired or modernized; beautif ni floral tributes sent tbem furniture or dishes packeti or anti the many kintinesses shown crateti for sbipping, or other' them in their recent sati bereave- otit bits o! carpentry wark ment in the loss o! a beloveti hus-i done. shoulti get in touch witb bandi anti father. H. B. Creeper, Horsey St. Phone! - - ; , 1 628. 4 t Sport jobs on coupes anti roat HEARL-In ioving memory o! aur sters a speciaity. Gea. Lefroy tiear father, Mr. Samuel Heari. Ontario anti Nelson St ., Bow- wbo tiieti February 7th. 1927. manvilie. 6-1 Notbing can ever take awayi The love the heart boltis dear: f __________Cars_____ Fond memaries linger every day Remembrance keeps hlm dear. FPOR SALE-1935 DELUXE FORD Frientis may thi.nk we bave Tudor, oversize heavy ti n t Y fargotten1 tires: bas run less than 10.000 Wben at times tbey sec us miles; looks anti runs like a smile; new car. Ross, Ames & Gart- But they littie know the beart- shore, Oshawa, Phone 1160; or ache Bowmanviile phone 190. 6-1 Wbich that smile bides ail theMiela ou while. iclaeu -Ever remembereti by Daugbters anti Son. Chais- LYMER - In loving memory of Mrs. Thomas Lymer who pass- ed away Febrluary 7th, 1933. Loving and kind in ail her ways Upright and jult to the end of her days. Sincere and kind in heart and mind, What a beautiful memnory she lef t behjnd. MAHOOD-In ever lovimg e- ory of my dear grandfather. Joseph Mahaod. who passed away February 7th. 1935. Gone f rom this world of sorrow and care, Gone to a land so bright and Sa fair, Resting are the hands that did their best, Gone. gone. dear grandfather, gone to rest. -Ever lovingly remembered by his grand-k~aughter E v e i y n Devitt. 3LEMQN-In loving memory of a dear wife and mather, Pamela Siemon. who passed away Feb- ruary 5th. 1932. Loving and kind in all her ways Upright and Just to, the end oi her days. Sincere and kind in heart and mind, What a beautiful memory she left behind. --Sadiy missed by Husband and Famly. louses to Rent F'OR RENT-5 ROOMED BRICK cottage on Liberty St., furnace, eiectricity; possession Jan. 17. 1936. Appiy ta, A. E. Hircack, Box 479, Cobourg. 1-tf Apartments to Rent FOR RENT - SMALLT APART- ment, rent reasonabie. Apply Allan Knight, phone 173 or 98. 5-2 .0 RENT-A COrSY SUITEOF roorns over my grocery; 6 room bouse on Weilington St., wlth garage, electrlc light and water service; Store on King St. at present occupied by N. Gilmore as barber shop. central location. Possession of ail of above Mar. lst, 1936. J. B. Martyn, Bow- manville. 6-2* Baek to Eden "Dan't you think that wamen's lshions are maklng tremendous rogress?" "No. I think they are rapidiy going back to those of the Urne Df Eve!" SLIGHT OR STOUT - HIAV .vaur figure probiem solveti y Chba r is. Professionai a visa.r wlthaut obligation. Phone Osh- awa 863. Madame Biatter. Priced To SeIl We CAN seli yau the Car that yoîî seek! We know we must affer a Useti Car a! wbich you wil ho pronti. We must offer it at a price you wili bc anxians - anti able - ta pay! We must arrange its payinent ta, suit YOU, not ns. We'll f ili that bill ! Comtt in anti try ont YOUR Car! liO0Y NICHOLS DEALER FOR General Motors Cars CO0U R TIC E and Bowmanville Geo. M. Bosnell G. E. Garneti TORONTO OPTOMETRISTS TORONTO OFFICE 2143 DANFORTH AVE. - GR. 7078 PORT HOPE Office is open WEDNESDAY of each week f rom 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Phone 248 or 525J. G. M. Bosnell in charge. COBOURG Office is oper SATURDAY of pach week from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Gordon E. Garnett in charge. NOTF-Where at all possible kindly make appolntments for examinations It i s our desire to please, Cou- pied with the unusual Service we give our Customers that bas buit' up and maintains a Drug Busi- ness that Satisfies Our Customers and gratifies us. No Firm Gives Higher Quality No Firm Gives Lower Prices, A Few Exam pies Burdock Blood Bittera - Dutch DrOPS --- - 4 for P inex ------- ---- -- - Cuticura Soap 25c Tooth Powder 25c Noxzema ---- 25C Writlng Pads 15e Writing Pads 10c Writing Pads Envelopes ---- ---- 25e Tooth Brush 25e Combs JURY & LOVELL WHEN WB TEST BYES IT I8 DONE PROPERLY As Aladdin CaIled [o Bis Lamp To brlng to hlm the flnest things he could wlsh fer, even as easily as he. you may have the FINE ST FOODS, by merely phoning our order depaiment and a.sklng that we send yuu, through our Courteous Free Delivery Sytem, the articles you desire. Princess Soap Flakes Package i17c Chocolat. Puff Biscuits lb. 15c Chateau Cheese ...... pkg. 15c Daiton's Orange Peko Tea Aylmer Seville Marmlade .4 .l.. b. SSc ..... uOz !p Palmolive Soap Princess Flakes Free with 5 bars at 23c Ovaltine .......... 38c-58c-98c Golden Wax Beans .... tin 10e Crosse and Blackweil CHOW-CHOW........ Reg. 50c .... jar 25e Crosse and Blackwell SANDWICH RELISH . Reg. 25e 2 for 25c Beacn Brand Oysters . jar 27ec XXXXQuaker Flour 98-lb. B« 2.99 Sea Star Brand CODFISH M - package 15ce Pienic Rolls........... lb. 22e British Columbia Salmon Schneider Rindless Bacon Whole or Haif .. lb. 13c .~1-2 lb. 17c Macaroni & Cheese Loaf lb. 22c Full O'Pep Egg Mash 100 $2.40 Pure Pork Sausage .... lb. 19c HARRY ALLIN, Grocer Phone 186 or 121 for Quick Delivery Bowmanville The NewcastleIdeedn -17e -lic ---- 7c Sc .-17c -17e i - t~ -- j.ý