k inereby terminatirsg that de Reeve Mallorys motion, seconded Reeve A. W. Grahami. Newcast was recomnsended by' lie committ Ai comment in the report oft I C. H.Tuck,Op t Eyesight Specialist Author o!: Optornetry Feature Servlcu The Child and Its Development Specializing exclusively I] muscle anomalies, eyesigls and glasses. Phone for appointment 1516 Di.sney BIdg. Opp. P. C. Oshawa, Ont.' WOMEN - Neyer for any informatioi insurance protectioî or obligation - eVE insurance with us. Insure to-day i: dependable sto company - as j. je.»AS INSURAN( Phone 50 EASY GOC For the W NO.3 -Fi Ail women want to be beý women want to be heait] anythlng ecis smiIk. P wth a flavor that invites greatest beneflts. Try drum a habit of cooklng wth It Glen ]Ra R. R. Stevens & te 1îc"î To Open Roads Council ttee. the Decides at Cobourg Meeting -,Cobourg to Increaze Rent on ivill be reasousably cîscap." said Reeve Morrow, chairman. and il was uin- Counties Building ini Keeping derstood that tise firsb operations ' With Higher Equalization - would bc ho rulievc some villages that $40,000 for Roads Ilave becus aîmost isolated for more tIsai a sveck. The comnmission is Xitis oisIy$40.000 to bc spersî on alu'rirected 10o otliise a policv of 'e msaintensanrce of tise 300 miles of coîsceusrating snow feusce in district douinîs roasîs, and any uecessars cou depots for gencral distribuition next sbruct ions, thse prospect of snow re- ss ntbLr. aird ise supîsly of fence is ho nl moval louniied as an additionsalex- - e usc(I oîîl for thIs Isurpose. with i: ptrnse tîsat iniglit bite off a 1 argc tIse orle exceptions of wben requests cbunk of tbc Roads and Bridges nsay bu rcceived for temporary ise Coîîniteu's appropriation. Thsis wsn- li. chsaritable organizaîiouss dîîring ter*, experielice sitis heavilv drifîcd siusîsser uiouths. c il tIsaItIhe sîsow problcm dan bc Sehools Committee no longer igssored. Reeve E. C. McKecl's doiisible - We'l1 t r v ho work oust a plan that recomunended thah the counscil be- Proads lias imîrcssed upon tbc coun- come a mnember of the Ontario Ed- ______________________________i ucatiousal Association, sud that Mr. IMcKeel be a delegate 10 its con- venstions. Pas ment of 1935 granîs to Coîborise Higb School for $6730 ansd Norwood Higb Schooi for $421 was also recomîeusded by the coîmitîce. XX-ooler*s graust will bc paid when it is approved by Mr. McKeel. Property Conunittee Aisew five vcar lease of the rooms us Cobourg' îown ihall tisaIare occulsied ty the counnues was discuss- cd bs' the Propertsy Committee. The rent last ycar was $3,000 but Cobourg is askiusg for ais increase ruîored 10 be $4,000, wbicb bappens to be timed with Cobourg's higher taxes to tbc county. Tbis question was left bo heitt t hoe us the commitîe 10 be reporîed back to n or advice about an tise council ah any lime Warden n. There is no charge Thse consiitec adviscd Ihal the en though you have no present iusurauce of $10,000 on the- Hous of efug bc ncresedho $ÔW0J<. Report was adopîed. Deposed JaLlIer's Appeal A\ letter from R. A. Hutcbiusson, n a welI known, recenîîy dismissed as governor of tise cousies jail. bis retirement to ck f ire insurance lake cffeet NMardhIîst, requesting theHA TFO D.conîscil 10 Ieition the provincial the ARTF RD.governscîsî for bis reinstalement, wvas receuved and filed. Mm. Hutch-C uusoîs wrote that lise lsad becn usurus- key for leven years, and was pro- moted o tse positionî of jailer or goverusor a year ago. He complain- ed tIsaI be bad been surmarily O N W BONsotified ous Tuesday last tisaI bis services would nul ite required after CE AGENTS 2Marcb lsî. Reeve Booth stated tbat Mr. and Bownianville Nirs. XVigbî who is 10, be tise uew 1 matron ah the couinies jail are bakingi a thrce weeks' couirse of instruction1 in Toronto. F. J. Wightî of Bow-E mausville succeeds Mr. Hutchinsois as governor. Named by Warden Dcputv Reeve Robent lunses of Sevnîiotsr ,as apîouusted to tise spec- ~" L W A isi Irohsrtv counuitîce by XXardeus MJ HE LTIA Xaternî. Finaisca Couninmjuîees ruconsiir- hole Famnly dationî that $40,000 bclipiropriated 'hol Fa ilyfor coiuity road %vonk Ibis yean, ausd that the wages of employees be the 'OR '!W OMEN same as îasî year, was adopted. Il was also decidcd 10 aise $27,- 000 ho bc apîslied oui the couishies' debt of approximaîely $80,000 for- provincial bigbways. Most of tbis liabiiity was incurred by the speciai rwork on bbe bigbways prior to tbc eîectjoîss of 1934. Depanîmeuit had threatened to siîhhold thle $29,000 refuusulcoi couuty road expenditure last ycan if soie arrangenment svas not mnade to pay ibis dcbt. Accord- iusg 10 the preseust plan proposed t'y the couiscil tise iîîteresh ccsarge of- $1,690 will bc paid to tise goverment Mardi 1. anîd the $27000 later iiitiseN year. Reeve M. Booths said he be- ieveu tise Departient would be sat-M autiful, whlch is to say ail isfied with this arransgemenst. Il us thy. More Ïmportant than also uisderstood 'that 4nother psy- 'ur, dandnlkabe miiiment of 1$27,000 will bc made ils 1937, Pur, cean dinkale ikaîlshouugh tihe council for Ihat year ;drinklng enough to Insure caî't bk bouusd by tbc actions of tîsis nking Glen Rae. And miake year's council. A tiird paymeiit in- 1938 would wipe out lise debt. Reeve Stiuusous said that the uîitcd count-- tics wcre one of tbc fesv that bad nol setled thein liabiiity. te D a lz7Grants 10 tihe Colourg, Port Hope Son, Proprietors over for consideration in June. Re- BOIVMANVILL redtors received a similan shif t be- cause tise request for $50 was flot 1made until laIe in tise session. Mforrow, Murray twsi;Shos J4nited Counies' 'urrent Arecuue CRMc eee W A.pelod RgrecelE.rC.Meee W.CApblWord, Debt Now Totals $1 54,468 A EddtnBwavle e forestration, Deputy Reeve J. G. Honev, Cramahe forNotubr $ ~ , O O I For High ays land, and Deputv Reeve J .N. Green- $80,000______For__________ away, Port Ho pe. Satisfacery Flnancing More Favorable Interest Rate couiies' auditors, Oscar Hudson & The final report fromn the auditors Wifl Likely be Demanded - Company of Toronto, suiggesting will.flot be available until the june Depuy ReveEdmndsonethat the $21,000 in the contingencies session. but from thie provincial Depty eev Ednonat~nefund should flot have I een used in statement Major MacNachtan, clerk HEeada PropertyCOoMMitte compîeting payment for the con- and treasurer, pointedl out that struction of the new Couinties' homne the couincil's budgeting last year had Only as a last resort will the for the aged persons, was greeted been as close and successful as could council of the United Counîjes of with unanimous disscnt. be hoped for in the face of unpre- Ths ie had been briefly dis- dictable costs such as old age pen- Northumberland and Durham issue cu.ssed at tem orig'sesinan ions, mothers' allowance and other debentures as a funding plan t0 wipe Reeve Cecil Mercer of Hope said that items. The council had incurred an out an accumulated deficit and mrake probably the resolution passed in thcea~sed expenditure in the care of a new start with a dlean sheet' ac- December would have to be rescind- teimates of the House of Refuge cording to the sentiment of the ed, alid the $21,000 diverted from the a ete \Van hitFlý, until the members of the finance committee. coutities home accouint to the De part- riew colnnues' home here was com- The current dehîi of the counties ment of Highways bill. However ped. This was additional unavoid- s $15446882, of which nearlv $8soWo the finance committee rejected that able expense, but it had (Jolie excep- s owing 10 the Departmenit of High- suggestion with scant deliberation. tionally well in ils 19.35 finian cing. On ibis subjeet of financing, Reev %vays, and about $60000 s ain unpaud Deputv Reeve Inois of Seymour, Bo,11, said that the batik overdraft account ai the batik. Reeve M. Reeve H. A. Grant of Colbornie, and was being steadiJy reduced. Reeve Booth: Cobourg, chairnian of the Reeve Eriiest Beer, 'Manvers,' were Stinson expressed the opinion that 1 cOmmnittee sýaid that the counicil among those ivho br ieflV expressed Ihle counties were crtitled to a morel could meeti ts indebtedness 1,y sel- their objections. tvrbeiirs aea h ak ng ebetues herbvsaîsfvngthe W decided in Deceil ser to set- and 'hou1d juil be ebarged the same present obligations wiiicl ba've been île ai once for the total cost of the raie as the horrolvur of a few thoni- accumulatiuig for some vears. nu Hoti-s of Refuge." AMr. Grant sands of dollars . A lower rate on Reeve Booth did îlot-recommend said "bv îî"qilg the insurance monlies boanis %oulrl be of consideral-le help here debentuîre plant, but simplv and'the;21.000 contingenicy fund. 10 the colincil. uen1(ltinge d t andxpelisiiofcon \Veivu i home and told our rate- 'If the batik is g&:ng to stick Wiihl ~diatig he ebtaIl <lpOiof payers that tbe newv building ,vas comn- the combine of the Bankers' Associ- t. He said that the Duparîincent of 1'uteîv. paid for ani 1 am opposed atton we may have to take other High%%alss vas inisisting that their ill of '$78.165 whicb wiith interesi to goitig back on that action." sîeps, 'Mr. Stinson remarked. wouîd amouint to aImost ,$80.000 be Othur inembers took the same atti- ;ettled by. 1938. Reeve Beer of Beth- t-e RudneDcene eslto etailers to Meet ny. ReeveRa alr of Percy is 'lot likeîv 10 be attacked. The 'Ihe Ontario Retail Merchants township and ,te e1csob- $S21,tff remnainis 10 the credit of the Association aninual conetini ece -1Ieling debentures. Coneshm adtatacunt s being held in Toronto nnx "Let nis try 10 pay off the provini- lu remnain closed nnfless îome later Wednesday and Thursday at the ial highiway' bill in thru'e yearly in-action nlav hc cnsidercd. The et,- Royal York Hotel. Outstariding talîments, 'and if we find by that titi'orf theemnbers svas in the speakers have been engaged for me that we have fallen short we isfect that their ratepayers had ap- the meetings. Several Bowman- oudthen consider the debenture proved the course of immediatellv ville merchants will attend the Ian," Mr. MaîlorY proplosed. He meet'ng the cost of the building, and sessions and any others who care )ointed out that ':$36.000, incînding that accompished shouîd not be to attend are asked to get in t "1,000 in the contingencies accourut. umpaired. touch with Secretary C. G. Morris n iad been raised last vear. and blv The 1936 Chair"' who will give fulli nformation. he same inethod the counicil could Chairmen of tIhe staningcommnt lecid e 10 a p p ro p ria te $ 2 7 .0 0 0 a n n u - te e' w ere a p p o in ie di as fo hîw s Fri n- N w Y r o i e s l e 8 0 lly for three years 10 be appîied o ance. Reeve M. Smith, Cobourg; per cent of the 29,287 missing il e Highways' Department accouint, Roads and Bridges, Reeve W. H. person cases in 1935. I a t st hi ci sý h; ih d( a. ti- lqcsCOUGH DRO> ensof Vicks VapoRubj FULLcated withNgredî. c: J. b< c J- no lu FI Business Directory LEGAL M. IF. V. GOULD, B.A., LL-.. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royal Bank Bldg., Bowmanvlle W. R. STRIKE Barnister, Solicritor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan. Phone 91. Bowmanville, Ontario L. C. MASON, B.A. Barrlster - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in alI its branches Ofice lmmediately east of Royal Theatre Phones: Office 688; Home 553. DENTAL DR. J. V- DEVIITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate orf Royal Dental Col- lege, Toronto. office: Jury Jub- ilee BIdg., Bowmanvllle. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. dally except Sunday. Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office. SHOE REPAIRS R. PAWSON Boot and*Shoe Repairlng -Soles sewn on by Goodyear -Stitchlng Machine. Prices reasonable. KCing Street Eust - Bowmanvilie FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any daï. F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor Equlpment Ambulance and Invalid Car Call Phone 10 or 34, Assistant, 5'73 BOWMANVILLE NORTHCUTT & SMITH Complete Funeral Service godern Equlprnent - Ambulancei -A. W. G. Northcutt - Aubrey Smith- Phone Days 58 Nlghts, Sundays or Holidays Phone 523 or 276. music FRANCIS SUTTON Mus. Bac. F.C.C.O. A.T.C.M. diplomas in Piano, Slnging, Violin and Organ. Pnivate or class lemons, Pupils prepared for afl examlinatlons. Phone 42, Dowmanvlle 39-t! LAULU '.ouIriLes and T.A. Reid. Clarke towniship; P. Stuussoui, Millbrook; B. Thacker- lay. Alnwick; W. A. WVood. Cavan, ausd \I r. Waterîas. For NfcKetizie-,Nf J. Greer and H. L Brislils of Hamilton town- ship: Reeve L Campbell, Cramahe; A. L Pascoe aud C. M. Carruthers of I)arliuigton; J. A. Devince' and A. R. McKenzie, Haldimand; R. J. Edmunds anrd J. N. Greenaway, Port Hope; H. G. Fairman. Hast- ings; H. A\. Granst, Coîborne: R. R. Mallorv andI A. Merrill, Percy townsship: C. G. Mercer, Hope; H. Qurck. Brighstons village; Garnet Sbieîd. Cavais. For Morrow-P. Goodiuîg, Brigh- bon township: XW. H. Morrow and XV.J j. olsos, Mnrrav. Township's Long Wait Ou]%. onse other reeve of Souuth Mouragsau lias beeis Warden of the uuîitud couisties. Robert Fisher was eleecteul 10 the posiions in 1902 duriusg tire îeriod îvheu tise couu- bics colnscil uvas couaposcd of con- muissioners. XVardens Xatermaus bas bei a ussenber of South \Ionag- i hans cotuucil about ten vears, and has becis reeve duriusg thelstfv Purse to George Greer .-Xfter the councul adjourned tise members and many other citizens met in tIse court roomn where George Gerretired counîy roads superirs- 't= rfwas prsented with a walleîi of money by empiovees of the roads department, memi-ers of the council and otiser f riends. XVarden Water- mais presided. In acknowlcdging tbis gif t, Mr. Greer said in part: "This bas tak- en me unawares. I thank you from, the boîîoîn of my heart. 1 don't kuiow what is in the purse and I don't came very much. It is tise spîii I appreciale. Tributes 10 Mr. Greer were ex- pressed by former XVardens, M. J. Elliott, Bowmanville; Fred W. Bow- en, Clarke; W. F. Rickard, M. P., Newcastle; Perci' Stinson, MiII- brook; W. H. Nelsons of Percy townsship, and Jas. McCamus of C.avan. Ask Government Assume Upkeep Hastings Road Ex-Warden Stinson Complains of Administration of Old Age Pensions ini Counties A request 10 the Ontario Govern- ment to assume as a provinscial high- way the cotîntv road from Hastings to Cobourg by way of Roseneath was embodied iii a resolution whicb wvas uusanimouusly adopted aIthie sess- ion of tue Counties Cotincil. This road traverses Nortumber- lansd diagonally f roin Cobourg on tise south-west ho Hastings on the uorlh-east. Ih provides the shortest access bo the south shore of Rice Lake and the Trent River, and by ils six-mile extension torh of Hast- ings connects with No. 7 higliway at Norwood. Judge's Report Accepted Revaluation of Northumb.erlansd ansd Durham for equalization of as-' sessment by Judge L. V. O'Conner was accepted by the counicil aI clos- ing session Friday afternoon. Elimi- ination of business assessment as shown ils the revised report sub- 1 uitted by Jîudge O'Conner is a con-, cessions 10 the urban muinicipalities. Tbis schedule of equalized assess- ment becomes effective for county taxation this year, ansd is effective for five %,cars. Wrlt Against Connûtes Counties Clerk E. L. MacNachtaus told tise council that he had been served with a writ for $38.25 by Belleville Geuserai Hospital f o r mnaintenansce of indigent patients from tIse unuited courties during the ycars 1931-32-33. "I warned members in December that sonethsing like Ibis wouid hap- Pen," Major MacNýichtaus said. "Somte muisicipalilies seci ho be do- iusg their best te avoid pa3ing for 'isdgnpains If il is manifest that an indigentî patientl is a resi- dent of a inicipalily, there is nothing that muusiicpaliiy cati do but pay the bill. If yoîi cati refuie the dlaim you mulst do so wiîhin lwenîy days f ront the lime youi receive the hospital accotint.'" A motion ordered tise Belleville bill ho be paid with cosîs, which it was said mighî be $50. To Keep Pendions Records Mounting cost of old age pensions prompted tise couticil te authorize What Counties' Council Did Eleeted Reeve Fred Watermauin ofS'ooitli Monalan as Warden for 1936. Decided that onlv as a last resort would thiey issu;e debentures to wipe out accumulated deficit. Appoiuîted Deputy Reeve G. A. Edmonîdstone of Bow- inanville, Chairman of the County Property Committee. .Appointed Reeve R. O. Jones of Bownianville to the Board of Managers of the Home for the Agred. Made presentatiosi to George Greer, retiring Read Sup cri ntendent. Confirmed appointment of A. S Miller of Brighton as County Road Engîneer *at. a salary of $1,500. Appointed Reeve F. B. Lovekin of Clarke Township to Road Commission for two years. Made Reeve A. L. Pascoe of Darlington Chairman of Eqîîialization Committee. Appointed l)eputy Reeve Edmiondstone lo Bowma n- ville Hlospital Board, M. G. V. Goiild to Bownianville Iligh Schtool Board and Howard -J. Toms to Newcastle 1 Board of Education. Retired E. A. Hitchinson as jailor aînd appoiîsted Fred J. Wight of Bowmanville to take bis place. Decided to accept the governmnent 's offer to paN haif the cost of keeping coimty roads opens for automobile traffie during the winter îmonths. Heard Cobourg's demand for ig-her rentai for ('ount- les' Buildings. South Monaghan Reeve Is UJ!!Pi ev n ,4 1JTviuI-jrI (eq....L i WALKIER'S I MATTRES SESI IReeve Percy Stinsous 10 keep a record Iof tIe pensions issued ils the united colintues. 1 ieive thebcdispîacenient of tise fri r loal dsions boards is prov- iirg costîv 10tIste muuicipalilies, RueCve Stinsoîs said. 'I have been keepiisg a tai oui the penssions that ilave' been issiied during the year suusce the oîd systeni was donc away wiîiî by the govertsmeuit There seenis 10 be a suibstantial increase un aIl pensions, excepî of those of course which had been granted aI the maximum of $20. For example, rthe last records 1 kept as secrcîary of your board were for the fiscal y'ear from 1933 t0 1934. As shown iii the governmenî report we granted 161 applications and rcjected 31. 0f lise 161 that were granîed. 16 were for the full pension of $20, and 145 rauîged f rom $10 10 $17,50. Oui the othser hand, of 138 pensions granted last %car under the new sysîci, 114 wcre for $20; 12 were for $15. ansd 10 for $10. Nearlv every persous who usow applies for a penssion gets the $20 amount." Reeve Stiuîsous said lic kncw of some cases in which pensioners were living iith their chlldren wvlo wcre able to give tlîem a 'home. but pro baily rvot a speuding allowace .A Polis1ion of 10 or $12 would be ample uni suds cases ; but witis the full pen- sions these persons wcre in a position to tuiro part of their pensionss over 10 their sons and daughîcrs. Prefer Former System "If thie council sees fit 10 assigis thsis work ho une I am %villing ho pre- Parc a list of otîr 1,100 pensioners. 10 keep bbc list lup-to-date. and bo sup- Pl% tIse clerk of each muîsicipaliîy and tisrough tisens tise reeve witli a lisi of the peusioners. 1 stili believe." Reeve Stirsson conîinued. 'that bbc former slysbem of local boards svas the most economical anîd satisfactorv becanse no0 ouse is in a better position th.. th, reeves and counicillors 10 kuosv the circusmstanccs of appli-L cns Opinions of Members Reeve Stinsoui retired from tbbcar chamber wîsile lus proposaI was dis- rn cussed. Reeve Joncs, Bowmanviile, said tise presenit s'.slem was a job il tîsat had been wished on the munici- th p~al clerks I-v the government. There sp EIjj KNITTED SETS 3 piece silk and wool knitted sets,' boot - les, bonnet and jaeket, pink, blue and whte TeSet -.....$I .. ......... CAR RIAGE CLIPS Dainty Ivory carrnages clips, pink or bIne, with floral decoration. Neatly boxed. Per Pair . . ..... .390 BUNNY ]BLANKETS Esmond bunny blankets, soft and warm as rabbit fur. Blue and pink with an- imal designs. Size 30 by 40 inches. Each ........ 1 0 BATHROBES Ederdown Bathrobes for infants. In pink or bine with animal designs. Each ..... ......................$1.1I9 1 Large Towel Feeders Large size towel type feeders that will stand lots of washing. Each 15c Also Bibs up to 590 each "~P I, 8 CRIB SHEETS Flanellette crib sheets. White with pink or bine stripes. Good heavy quality. Pair.~ $1000 Consuit us - m Wc have the largest and most selected stock of Baby Wear in Bowxnanv'ille. If we havent just what you want we can get it for you in a very short time. Drop in and talk over your baby clothes needs with us. We'll be happyto help yon-and yon 'll find it eosts you less to bny them iu Bowxnanville. Balance of Ladies' Winter Coats incites. FINAL CLEARANCE Rayon FELT HATS M M M of49c Cushions Al women's et ats to b odrgrluo former Pl 69c each seling pri e. ullsize chester £fI i dl aCushions, plain and bro- Our Phone Nunaber lu 164 c98e aycvr. Rg (ZC~I/b Comforter- Batts 29c eac Pull size 70x9O good lofty Batts o.1 combed cotton. White Cotton 12c Y' A 36 inch Bleached Cot- ton, for quilting and many other uses. Linen Towelling 19 C yard Pure line alternate, nat- ural and white stripes with red border. Reg. 25e. Children 's Aprons 15Sc each Smart, tub fast prints, bias binding just like mother 's. Sizes, 2, 4 and 6 years. Rubber Mats 29c euch -Pull size black or brown rubber do-or mats. A Iim- ited quantity at this price. Table Oil Squares Slight printing errors but nothing to hurt the wear- 't THE ANAIANSTAESMN, BWMAVILE. NTAIO. HTJ.SfAV W~TA~T -- --- .u,.,,*~vPAGE ME vvazqi uAL i %.A L (continued f romt page 1) sentl me here. Nolhing cani givc me more lileastire than 10 pass ut on to them wlicn 1 return 10 my mu- sicipalitv.", XVardcn XVaterman welcomed the îew members of the council, and coisgratulaîed aIllbis associaies on iseir election is Jaisuary. 1 feel my responsibilîîy vemy Iceetylv, and I ýprIomise you that 1 shaîl do my best îhroughouî h 'ear 10 menit your confidence. I isk for your bcst co-opcratio iii lookiîsg aftcr the business of these conties. ausdI1Ihope tisat our cf- forts wilI prove as successful as ce aIl] wish." How Concil Voted Tise vote of bise warden;hip as egistercd by' Counties Cîerk, E. L. McNachtas was as follows: For Xaerman-Ernest Beer and J. C. Cummiskey of Manvers ; Reeve Maurice Booths (iwo voies, ansd )cputv Reeve L. H. XWilson, Co- bourg; E. C. McKeel and Chas. Calver, Campbcllford; J. Cuirrie ind R. uisnes, Seymouir township; C.R. Devitt, Cartwrightî; R. O. Jones and G. A. Edmoncistone, Bowv- manviîlc; J. F. George. Brightlon swissiîî: A. W. Graham, New- -stle; S. J. Gray, Hope; J. G. [015ev, Cramalse: F. B. Lovekin I i r . "I r e- Il t mi THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 154th MA -e ýlD ,MARSHALL to introduce their new Mattresses, offered MORRS Co. the opportunîty of selling them during this sale at special prices. Many dollars less than the prices that will become regular immediatelv affer the sale. These are high grade Mattresses, with aillich famous MARSH-ALL features of strength, coofort and long life. Remember-These prices are for February only-It will pay to buy aIl you need. Slip covers Free with every Marshall Mattress. F. F. Morris Ce. ]FURIMTUE PHONE 10 7UNERAL DIREOTORS and not much more by the Depart- says the clerks mnust f111 in the ap- mient.. plication forms. Thev gel noîhing Reeve A. L. Pascoe, Darlington: "I for it. and the forms are then sent tink tise biggest mistake was when to the counlies clerk. te govcrniment cul off the local in- Resolution instructing Reeve Stin- spectors. I dont see much check son 10, keep a record of pensions for 1