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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Feb 1936, p. 4

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*1' P**~' - r~- * - -. q~ PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE , ONTARIO, THUP-SDAY. FEBRUARY 27th. 1936 seriptures of his race. He kneý che great service that had bee Sund y Sc ool endeed by Moses as a lawgive Sudnday SckoOurcte b t Lessonways bis transfiguration exper Lesso enc wasa repetition of th ____________________-temptation expenience in the wil demness. Jesus was deciding th VISION AND SERVICE methods by which he would wor and the motives by which h -Sunday, March lst wouid live. During the transfig biehuration the method of Moses th Golden Text: "He that abdt lawgiver and the method of Eli in me, and I in hum, the same jhtepohtsodoti o bringcth forth much fruit." - jaht he rophett cautei co John 15:5b. different f romn either of thes Lesson Passage: Luke 9: 28-34a. great historic figures. Insteadc Not always on the Mount may Mount 5mnai or Mount Canin p we Christ's supreme service was ta b Rapt in the heavenly vision be; rendereci on Mount Calvary. Hi The Mount for ision-but be- death was ta be accomplisheda 10w Jerusalem. His utter surrendei The paths of daily duty go. his final sacrifice was ta accomp lish more than he could do as The Power of Frayer, 28, 29 national leader or prophet. Th2 Decisive spiritual experiences symbol of his service was flot t occur in prayer. Many convers- be two tables of stone or f ire f aI ions have taken place during the ing f rom heaven, but a cross. act 0f prayer. It was while he Buildings or People, 32, 33 was pra>ing upon Mount Hermon that Jesus was transfigured. We Peter has been reprimanded fo cannot understand ail that this centuries for his foolish speech i: transfiguration experience meant suggesting the building of thre to Jesus; we may be sure it wastaencs.I fneofPe far more than the physical ex- it may be said that his speakin altation fron the mounitain alti- average ranked high. His cor tude - it was a spiritual exalta- fession of faith at Caesarea Phil tion experienced in prayer. I i ppi and his sermon on the Da significant that Jesus constantîy of Pentecost are lasting mnm feit the neeci of prayer.Ifay ments of his discerning speeci one had moral and spiritual re- Trsi ugetion on theidin M oun serves upon which to draw, it was Tasiuain0 uligp he, yet he felt daily need of fel-, jeet was impromptu and uncor lowsh.ip with Goi. Wieh sidered. If we blanc Peter. le prayed îth Peer, Ja e an us in f airness share his guilt. Th~ John th f eshirofahis onn-Christian Church has spent man aone as ltered f hile cupray. 1,millions upon building projeci acneswsng aur si. Wsie eking G d1that might better have been ex wil, esh u is kn 0f aurcharacepnded in human personalitief andl conduc asis fequntlyalter IThe ma.iesty of European cath and cnduc is requntlyalieedrais is not enhanced by beggar changed f rom self to thought of ei aon tedor ihehm others, f ramindulgence to sacri-proudethappears -tahc eglccte ficiai service. Frayer expeiîences In modern days donors - have gix require many chapters in the bi- en millions for educatinal build ography of a Christian if c. ings whcreas bath teachers ani Past and Future, 3(), si students may Uc experiencing ec Our Lord was not unmindf ul of: onomic handicaps that prever the past. Fron inf ancy hie had ! the best educational work f rai been taught the history ancl;being donc. There will always b a place for great architecture an glodi buildingis arc necessary. bu abetter balance nust be kept be EM MR twcen the expenditures for build o ingýs and more direct human ser vices. 1 / ~AAp Hear tim! 34s~-36, 10'lf BIG of Transfiguration can mean aý MrS2 5#much to us as it did to Peter VEGETABLE SEED John or James. The light and th -and o gel or 5 voice were secondary to the com. 14 bokg= nextordersc mand, -Hear himn." The trans. &.dyoo £11t t.e25C bck e C 1 d, . figuration-confirmed Jesus in hiý I*OdSiiPSOd Oc2 O.lto 1rh10 pýCOii of mission. and threw upo; AD. and luhs ministry the dark shadow d. Large Packet Beautdful Flower-FREE thecrsbti aapemni Mwd McFayde',s. o -. -,.k0.10Ucrsbuathalyer ae '0e P-' Pa"", N..icLO.0.Evcî --î 1:=0 1message for us as well as a sig. UMÏ eeed Alt e CPfrKSed 0OO!.IRECTMAff nif icant place in the growing ex. OL £. kMcFoy,ont.. or Ceg. M m.Ol , ep S25 er05J srience of our Lord. The trans. N fîguration tells us that Christ i lu' ______________theSýn of Codto whorn weare * Oa ta listen. It is easy f or th( Christian Church to divert itý KERSLAKE'S MM EXAMINE YOUR MYES FREE 0F CHARGE WITHOUT OBLIGATION. Make Appointment Now. Peroxide, 4 oz. .......15c 50e Armnand Creains.. 29c Boracec Acid, 1 lb .... 35e Seott *s Emul . ....89c Yellow Vaseline, 1i11) 25c 27e Noxema .............15c Castor 011, 16 oz...... 60c White Vaseline 14 - 23 Olive Oil, 16 oz ......60c YelIom- Vaseline 9 - 14 Iron & Yeast tabs .... 69c Pinex .............................37e 14 MODESS, NOW 21c, 2 pkgs. .. . . 39C 35o CUTEX PREPARATIONS, 110w 27c RAPID FLO FILTER DISKS, 300 for......$1.35 Creophos ('astile Baby 's Steedman's stops coughis Soap Own Tabs. Powders $1.0 Lue, bar loc i 22c 1 22c Build up your system 110w with Ext. of Malt andl Cod Liver 0OU, 1 lb. - 59c. 2 lbs. - 98c. 4P. R. Cowling, TPhm B. Quality COAL SÇaves You »Money "Good COAL Makes Good Fires And Warm Friends"' When Ordering Coal Always Phione 173 or 98S "WHERE YOU GET GOOD COAL" D&H LACKAWANA ANTHRACITE "Tii. COAL That Satisfies"' KNIGHT'S COAL AND WOOD Taxi and Trucking Service PHONE 173 OR 98 ( w n r. h- ne i- je he r- 1- he li is a 'r I Topping a British: Hill-Climb with a Flying Broad Jump In Britain, the Railton sport car. officialiy son eight chassis for this type of British sport car. clocked as accelerating to 100 miles per hour in' Photo Shows: The Railton completing a hili climb 41 seconds, has been setting a sensational series at Brooklancis course and "taking off" as [t tops the grade. Observers stated that the car travelleci lof new lilîl climb andi acceleration records . The 35 feet before touching the ground again. In the car interests Canadians because Reid Railton. car shown, the ratio of power to weight is one famed British designer, has used the stock Hud- lhorsepower to 22 pounds.1 y energies into the building of 1- cathedrals and maintaining of or- h. ganizatians. but lier primary dutyl of is to listen to the tcaching of '- Christ and to do his will. It nay i- be that the stern moral require- et ments of obedience have turned ie Christian strength into building Iy projects and organizing activities. tS iChrist was more conceineci with K-what happens in the inner life. Visin and Task, 37-43 Exaitcd moments are rare. Ev- rs tn en mystics, saints and poets feel maiu nsiain.nyocs î. onally. The gospel stories record 1a nly haîf a cizen suprcmcely great cid hours in the experience of Christ -hîs visit to the Temple, his Uap- tisin. his temptatian. the trans- ri figuration, Cacsarea Phli il i p p i. niGe thsemiane. The transfiguration It at the most. and when Jesus de- j scendeci fron the mountain hie was imimediately in contact with 1the cruel realîties of life inth necci af an epileptic boy. It ise significant that Jesus passed nat- urally fron the exalteci moac ido t prayer to relieving suffcring. Pet- Is er felt that the transf iguration r. experience was 50 inspiring that Le it was goaci for the three dis- 1- ciples t, be there, but the world j- has also benefitteci greatly f nom is the healing example of Christ. ,n His sym.pathy. his readiness ta ),f help, anci his use of divine p'îwer It ta mieet human neecis show us -that warship must bc relateci ta -work, prayer must Uc preparatian -for action.,ision must Uc harnes- is seci t" daily tasics. Earnest wor- .e ship on Sunday shoulci help us ta Le do aur work well throughout the ts work-a-day week. Mamning pray- cm shi.uld increase the fidelity of aur service throughout each day. Conversion experiences are not ta K~ be haliowed moocis tb)Uc treasur- cd. they are rather ta Uc sources of Power applicci ta Christian service. When religion t h i n k s only ,f ivision il becomes un- practical; whcn people think anly of work they become routine. It is when we relate aur highest visions ta 'ur lowest tasks that we finci the glory in the grey. Questions for Discussion 1. Was the transfig ur at io n saicly an inward experience? 2. Why is Mount Calvary more sacreci than 5mnai ýr Carmel? 3. Why do churches sa, fre- quently spenci much more on architecture than on education? 4. Haw may we hear Christ? By C. H. Tuck, Opt. Eyeslght Speclalst VOUR CHILD AND THE EVES Part 23 I amnont attempting ta paint a picture so rosy as to show a f ut- ure of much împrovcd vision Uc- yond what we have today, but I dG endeavor ta show you that in spite of the strain of modemn life upan the eyes our modemn science is doing ail in its p 'wer ta cape with the new conditions. I have no dreams of a future of normai vision or a perfect eyesight. but I endeavor to show you that with impraveci condi- tions and wth the proper atten- tion andi correction of visii-n. iiuch of the eyesîght of taday may Uc retained normal with glasses and as such is an asset of inestimable worth t.,- its owner. Civilizatian attacks aur vision andi so makes it necessary for us ta Uc on the alert ta Uc in the praper position ta affard the nec- essaîy relief when it is demandeci. Ihve no doubt we wîll always haeta use eyeglasses andI ather aids ta vision and these will in- crease in number and bc improv- ed upon fron unme t, turne as the changing conditions may war- rant. Dont neglect your cyci. for trust thein examination in incompetent hands. The most competent and trustworthy Op- tometrists wîll have sufficient and praper equipinent ta do the cx- amination. "I reverence the individual who understands distinctly what he w i sh es; who unweariedly adi- vances, who knows the mnsn --------lit did a Fred Astaire araund the 1' ecge before dropping saulfully I thraugh the ring accompanieci by Basketba* a deafenîng round of cheers. I asebaICo-starring in ts We 1c cim e Flathinge outhefromuti corner'*Jackman playeci his best gaine of( ta he cie 0 te fuicir-cle with the sea-son and althaugh that lait1 a it of speedy prestidigitation, pay-offdiewsdsici ig Harr Pea' Jakmansiapp;âe cd with an element of luck. it- was home vagiant bail with anly ten 1 more than descrved on the night'sE seconds left of play ta turn îm- pa.RlhAnsnvc pfo Pending defeat into gloriaus vie - the Juniors when they finihc tory in the Senior gaine againîtthirscsn fw hothur Cabarg . I onF'riay igh, ~e bef ore. anci playeci his second star score beîng 20-19. In the fîrît raIe of the day. How the diminu- gaine of the evening the Cobourg tîve -Zike- caulci jump s0 high inc Girls ekeci out a 7-6 win aver snaring those rebouncis fran his B.H.S.. while in an af ternoan f ix- taller. opponents wilî ever remaînf turc the Junior Boys cancludeci a' instery. theii scason by traunicing Whitby i TAe entire contcst wvas replete H. S.. champions of the group,j with spine-tinigling play as' theE 3725. t~eainis sieifenenci taend t The final gaine af the cvening!anci at haîf-tîme Cobourg wvere iý was easiiy the beit of the yearleut in fr-ont by a 13-9 margin. and one of the threc beit gaines Cy. Sleman was an absentec fron ever st.aged on the B.H.S. court. the locals as the teain playeci its With the play see-sawing back fîfth straight gaine without beJng and f orth throughout, Cobaurg able to sentI aut its stron-estc were always on the top en fln-up. Thompsan antI Cam;p- thescoe lthug thirsupren- bell of Cobourg were sent fron acy was being constantly threat- the floor during the closing min- eneci. utes with 4 fouIs.t Bob McIlveen realily started the Cobourg - Campbell '3). Hay- i final drive when Uc sank a bas- es <2', Titfoîd, Thampson (1l).b ket with three minutes ta go, ta Bennett, Platt. Markey, Guy, leave the Red and Black iquad Payne Lucas. anc point away fron a tic. Ca>b-, B.H.S. - Jackman (i1), Kent,c ourg cheeked furiausly in a vain Go>ode (1). F. Mcllveen ý5h B.f bici for victory as the seconds Mellveen 13), Roach, and Aines.o flitted hurriedly away. and it was The Senior Girls last tai Ca-e not until only ten seconds re- bourg under aimait similar cir- i mained that BowmanviUle got its cunstances. After leading all break. With every fan in the gym thnaugh the cantest, B3. H. S. p an his feet and cxercising vocal watched a last minute basketk concis ta, the fullest. "Zike"' Aices snatch victory. but Cobourg rcally got possessian of the bail anci. deserveci to win as it was only with hcad tuekeci snugly under an poor shaoting on their part that opponent's arm. shot for the bas- kept the score dowri. Bowman- ket. But the elusive pilI faiied ta ville helci a 4-3 leaci at half-time. get the idea anci insteaci of head- Bawmanville were also n i n u s ing for the yawning basket begafi thnce regular players in Helen a flight into the stratosphere. But Mason, Gert Dewell andi Mary it reekoned without the afore- Birks, ail out sick. We might acic mentioned Mr. Jackman. Lekap- that nickels were seiiing cheap. ing high in the air "Pean' viol- Cobourg - Purser (2). M. entiy changeci its sense of cdirec- Thompson (3), Duftan (2), Page. tion anci sent it fiying towards Thnoop. L. Thompsan, Austin, the hoop, where, having amived, Hlenderson. and Jex. ________B.H.S. - Nichais (1). Wright '3'. Caverly '2). Dudley. Cale. Elliott and Joncs. Busiess irecory n the Junior gaine. Boxvman- Busiess irecoryville after holding the group lead- u ersn for the first haîf. tunneci LEGAL on a withering offensive in the third quarter that had their op- M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.3. position campletely baffleci, anci Barrister, Solicitor, Natary the locals scareci 19 points ta 6 Phone 351 Uy Whitby. Thirteen of the points Royal Bank Bldg., Bawmanville came before Whitby wcre able ta -find the range. W. R. STRIKE Whitby - Maffcy (3). Allen Bamister, Sol&icit.or, Notary (9), Kapuiscinski (8), G-(oci4), Solicitor for Bank of Montreai Cameran il). Goidman. Beaton. Maney ta Loan. Phone 91. B.H.S. - Spencer (7V. Ashton Bowmanville, Ontario (4), FHooper 15<. Aines (6). With- ___________________ - ericige '4'. Laplien (2), Cale, Ma- L. C. MASON, B.A. son 12), Neal l,, Mcllveen 16'., Barrister - Solicitor On Wedncsday last B.H.S. Jun- Notary Public - Etc. ior Girls playeci hast taO0. L. C. Law in ail its branches of Whitby anci Uowed ta thein aId- Office lmnediately east ofaioayal cme antI more experienceci visitons% Theatre by 22-5. M. Hammn scoreci aIl five Phones: Office 688; Home 553. points for Bowmanville. O. L. C. - McCioskey. McIn- DENTAL tosh. Beck. Stephens, Bailes. Kmn- _______________________man, Goodfellow, and Alger. DR. J. (- DEVITT B. H. S. - Glanville, Caverly. Goode, Hammn. Wagar. Morden. Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Williams, Starey, Vintue. Graduate af Royal Dental Col -_________ lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jiîb- ilce Bldg., Bownanville. Office ST. ANDREW'S WIN hours 9 a. n. tc, 6 dally FR TPAY F except Sunday. IS PL Y F Phone 90. Haïuse phone 283. DEFEAT ST. PAUL'S' X-Ray Equipinent in Office.____ SHOE REPAIRS R. PAWSON Boot and Shoe Repalrlng Soles sewn on by Goodyear Stitching Machine. Price3 reasonable. King Street East - Bowmanville FUNERAL DIRECTOR1 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service. any hour, any day. F. F. MORRIS CO. Modemn Motor Ecuipment Ambulance andi Invalici Car Cal Phone 10 or 34, Assistant. 573 BOWMANVILLE NORTHCUTT & SMITH Complete Funeral Service Modern Equip'nent - Ambulance - A. W. 6. Northcutt - -Aubrey Smith - Phone Days bd Nights, Sundays or Holidays Phone 523 or 276. mu sic FRANCIS SUTTON Mus. Bac. F.C.C.0. A.T.C.M. diplomnas in Piano, Singing, Vialin and Organ. Private or ciass lessons. Pupils prepared for ail examînations. Phone 42, Bowmanvllle the right rail and then Wiseman passed to D. Mcllveen for the tie- breaker and added two more hum- self before the end of the period. At the start of the final canto, Wiseman scored the last marker for St. Andrew's while St. Paul's were a man short and Crombie banged in Colville's pass-out and the same two players combined for another tally shortly after. bath counters coming while the opposition was shorthanded. Just before the end of the garne Tom Depew scored the last goal on a lone shot. St. Andrew's - Goal, Tomlin- son: defence. Crawford and D. Mcllveen: centre.W i s e man; wings. G. Mcflveen and Hately: subs, Knox and Cameron. St. Paul's - Goal. Welsh: die- fence. Colville and Crombie: cen- tre. Depew: wings. Harrison and R. Fie: subs. H. Fice and Ruiter. Referee - Fred Jackman. JSport Notes J With Bowmanville Hîgh School Senior Boys having only an out-j side chance ta make the playoffs. it was fitting that what may prove to be the final home ap- pearance for four or f ive of the players shoulci be the outstanding gaine cf the year. At present B.H.S. must defeat Peterboro on Friday when they travel to the northern city, and Co>botirg nust aiso defeat the Liftlock City squad. Bowmanville has a real chance 0f winning in Pet-erboro. prcýid-j ing they are given a break by Kid 1 Measles and are pcrmitted to dress their strongest 1 i n e -u p. Thcy will also have the entire1 Junior teain at their beck and eall, andI the addition of these will give the local teain a power- fui squad. In their previous meeting Pt erboro vo.n by 9 points wit Cap tain *Tony MelIclveen taking his basketball f romn the sidelines. Francis. as hec was no doubt crirstened by his the:n ho)pefl parents. h i in his zecond season as captain of thet' earn andI is play'- irg his final vear. Jackman. Kent andi Slemon are other mem- bers who wil! Uc niissing when the rall is called next year, andi it is doubtfui if Roach will bc back. Siemon has outplayed every I centre t-o oppose hum. in this his' f irst Year in Senior ranks. and is I one of the smoothest centre play- ers ever to attend B.H.S. Kent is in his second year and excels at graobing rebounds. while the prowess of the others is too %vell ýknown to relate. If arrangements can be made, J These Values are effective for Februimy 27th. 98th and 29t1î. Four Goal Lead Cut Dow-n By; Losers in Battling Last Peried St. Andrew's Fiying Scots cm - erged fran the first gaine 0f thenr two-gane piayoff series with St. Paui's for the Church League titie, with a anc goal lcaci aci a J7-6 vie tory. ced by the flashy Louie Wis"- man, the Kent Klan came f rom behinci to tic the score in the f'rst perioci, werc farceci ta watch St. Pauls, tic thc score part way thraugh tthe second after St. An- cirew's haci Uuiit up a two-goai mai-gin, anci then in the final the battling crew fran St. Paul's scored thrcc turnes ta cut down,ýr the four gaal leaci which the Scots had gaineci. Six penalties werc calleci durin- the gaine, two in each periaci anci three ta each tean. Colville of St. Paul's anci Hateiy of St. An- drew's cach drcw a pair. with Harrison antI Wiseman getting the others. Wiseman was the leading manksman of the night. scoring five goals and assisting un two others. Colville led the St. Paui's point-getters with three goals anci twa asslsts. Sandy Calville put St. Paul's ane up after a minute of play and the Scots tiec iIt up six min- utes later on Crawford's pais ta Wiseman. In the second penioci seven countens werc scoreci. Wise- man tallied the finit and passeci ta Gib. Meîlveen for the second. Colvilie tied it up for the Roach gang with two hard drives fron J Freshly Ground, Delicious Early Mornins Coffee 1-1. c PEERLESS LAUNDRY SOAP 10 Bars 29c- CHRISTIE'S Ritz Biscuits Pkg. 1 . Kraft Old English Kraft Canadian Kraft Velveeta, Can-idian Cheese ¼ib.15 Plain or Pimento MAPLE LEAF MATCH ES BLEBOY GOLDEN Glassco's Jams \Vith Added Pectin PIum jar .10 Strawberry - Raapberry Black Currant j29 SPECIAL ORANGES 2 Doz. 25c a gaine between the Al-Stars of Persian Bain is alluringly frag- the Church League and the grad- rant. Adds a charming refmne- uates of last year will be played ment to the most f înished ap- in the near future. pearance. Creates and preserve* - - - -complexions of surpassiflg loveli- Officers of the league have cho- ncss and texture. Softens and sen their Al-Stars and it is pec- whitens the hands. Cools and dis- uliar that of six forwards chosen, pels ail irritation caused by five are centres on their team weather conditions. Swiftly ab- and one of the men chosen for sorbed by the tissues leaving nev- defence has also played centre er a vestige of stickiness. A peer- on different occasions. less toilet requisite. Invaluable ta - - - -ail women who care for elegance Here is the t.eam-Goal. Welsh and distinction. and Norton: defence, Crawford, D. Mcflveen, Colville and Con nr;forwards, Depew, Bird ee tad I can do no Rundle. Brown, Wiseman and Gib otherwise. God help me, Amen.", McIlveen. '-Martin Luther. Look Twice as Smart UNBELIEVABLE EASE .... PERFECT FIGURE CONTROL.. .... THE ULTIMATE IN STYLE 1Amazing New Garment Nu-Back creates a new era in corsetry . . . that ex- jperienced corsetieres in the i world's style centres, Paris. London, New York, are wel- coming as the supreme cre- Iation in modern foundation *garments. Nu -B a ck moulds and TELESCOPI smooths out wayward con- tours . . . provides a won- derful blending of figure controi with miraculous new freedomn in one beautifull,. styled garment that is dra-_ matically different, giori- ously smart. COMPLETE STOCK 0F BRASSIERS AND FOUNDATION GARMENTS YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE Phone 164 Bowmanville DOMINION STORES 1 - 1

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