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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Mar 1936, p. 12

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w ~ __ ____ PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWIMANVILLE. ONTARIO. TFIUR.SDAY, MARCH 12th, 1936 rMrs. W. W. Atkinson and her hunters in tlheir plan of opera- daughter, Mrs. R. W. Gibson will tiens. be at home to their f riends at Mn. Jack Hane, who bas been Newcastle Arms on Monday after- attending fiftlh form classes at flon. arc lthfro 4 6Boxmanville High School and noon Marh 16h, fom 4Io 6conveying with his car a group of go'clock. The oceasion oeing Mrs. Young lady fifth-formers and Atkinson's ightieth birthday. commiercial students. was taken Through the kinciness of Mn. ili with appendicitis and on H. S. Bitton who installed a ra- Thursday afternoon was rushe< dio in the United Church on Sun- by ambulance to Oshawa hospital day, March lst. the large congre- whore he was operated upon. Mrs. gation was enable to listen to Hare is staying in Oshawa while King Edward VIII as he spoke Mr. Hare goes up evenings. As to bis subjects throughout the his condition as serious f riends wold. here laboured unden the deepesi Mn. and Mrs. C. R. Carveth anxiety untîl assured by the in- spent a day in Toronto with bis!formation that he is nom, doing brother and sister-in-law. Mr. n:cely. and Mrs. Rupert Carvet.h. pro- W. A. of the United Churci- paratory to their leaving for their mieets March 12th. in the S. S. home at Grand Prairie, Alta. To- Hall. Mis. Percy Bro"ns group gethor they visited the Star vvill provide the pragram and Building where they wene grac- menu. iously received by Mr. J. E.' At- Mrs. Wm. C. Lake and Mrs. krnson. President of the Toi'onto, Hanold C. Allin were called tc Star. who kindly arranged for ý Oshawa on Monday evening ho- thein a tour of inspection of theî cause of the serious condition of plant. Thoy spent thnee and a ýthe formers sister. Mrs. Win. h-alf delightful hours seeing and1 Herning of Enniskillen w-ho w-as learning much about how a great taken to hospital suffering frorn rngetropolitan daily and a popularlan abcess in ber ear. weekend paper are turnod out. John Quiggs hockey teami. with United Church - Rev. S. MIac- John and Bruce VanDusen absent Lean, B.A.. Pastor. Su n day. and Alfred Garrod kep ot0f it March 15th: il a.m.-Morning by the measles, loét tg, their New- Wonship; 2.30 p.r.-.S u n d a y tonville opponents by 2 to 4 at School: 7 p.r.-Evening Service. tlhe Bow-manville rink F,,:day ev- Devotional service every Wednes- ening. day evening at 8 p.m. St. George's Churcb -- Rev. Young Poople's Union F. H. Mason. M.A.. B.D.. Rector. Y. P. U. of United Church was Sunday. March lSth. 3rd Sunday!held on Monday evening with in Lent: il a.m.-Moî-nin-' Pray- ' President Miss Jean Clomence in er and Holy Communion: 2 p.rn. !the chair foi' the devotional and --Sunday School; -i p.m.-Even- ~business period. Devotions were song and Sermon. Chîldren's Ser- conducted by Miss Louise Han- vice during Lent every Wednes- cock and Wilbur Blackburn. Mis- day at 4.15 in the Parish Hall. sionary Convener Bill Rom-land Service in the church every Fni- had charge of the program: Miss day evening at 8 o'clock. Hilda Rowland gave a very inter- Arrangements wone made by esting talk on curnent events: Mn. the Municipal Council for the ad- iJ_ A. Awde presented the topic. ntittance to the County Home at leading the meeting in a discus- Cobourg of Mr. Chas. Wilson. sion period; Lake Shiore Quartette Masters Chanlie and Harold W. Baskerville. Robt. H e n d r y. Rogerson, sons of Mr. and Mrs. John Holmes and Mr. Sinmpson Chas. Rogerson. had an exciting - 'cont.ibuted two seloctions and an adventure one day last week; encore. and Miss Gertrude Bona- when they observed near Dr than led in a sing-song. Walton-Ball's propenty a lange hawk swoop down upon and kili Hunter's-VanDusen's Hill a pheasant. But bef ore Mr. Hawk Mrs. McCargars letton to the could manage to make off wýith Editor in last weeks Statesman its prey on devour part of it thei once more nevived happy mernor- Rogerson boys were on the sc11ene ies mwhen sleigh riding on Hunt- and wrested it f nom its captorersadC pin his sa who oulddoublesssoonf 1 prime winter sport. The Hunter anothen meal of pheasant. rabbit hiIl was much steeper in those or mice. days rnaking for more speed. be- Reeve A. W. Graham with his fore it was cut down to provide gun on bis shoulder joinod the plenty of clearance for road traf - rest of the boys in Saturday's 'fic when tho G.T.R. tnacks wero Jack nabbit hunt. while contnast- lifted and a subway was built on ing with him -in age but no loss Mill St. Previous to this it was enthusiastic was Mr. Jim Branch a level crossing. Your corros- who stalked to Newcastle by a pondent. by request. recently pro- diagonal route through fields and vidod ail the information ho orchards fncom his fruit and dainy could, as a former school chum. tarin beyond the north-eastorn of the lato Sain Hunten 0f Seattle, confines of the village and thon Wash.. whose widow is writing connected Up with the rost of tbo and planning to publish a biogra- ______________________phy of Mn. Hunter wbo was the eldest brother of Mrs. MoCargar. And of course sleigh riding on the hills and skating and ice boatiig FIr o theMill pond below were givon i some prominonco in bis notes. -ow there aroso up a new king ovor Egypt. whicb know not Jos- A, eth"-The old Hunten home sinc'e ýuM the death of Mrs. Huntor bas been occupied by Mr. W. VanDus- ' S ?E~~~4en and f amily and the prosent ~ day gononation bave corne tai speak of the bilI as VanDusen's. 11 c Tbey are a largo family as wono the Hunterse I nd theno are no spo rts. winter or summer. going OULLGE TiEWOIIon, but that some of them are1 %Vyou.>6P c y .. itbor leaders on panticipators. ou~ P M8uy~ S. S. Pageant YOU intL ~ f .. l opening the United Cuc Our luming orklive p S. S. session Sunday afternoon, I Or puniin wok lves~P Mrs. N. L. Rickard's classof to the specifications. We Young ladies presented a pageant know that it's easy to make with a rnissionary lesson, Who is this kind of a statement but My neighbor? suggested by thoe ixav prven tto l>~ lesson for the day. Marie Henn- we hve povenit t be ng and EvelYn Allun wore two treinalag ubro Canadian Sunday swhool girls. homes whose owners have Entered upon the scone Marguer- availed themselves of our ite Harris as a Japanese girl. fol1- services. Let us serve you. lowed by Mar.jony Lycett costum- od as a Hindoo girl and Louise Hancock as a North Amneican In- L. A. Parlker dian. he r ecvdan Phone 651 cussion, hid listened. deoply m oressed. to the song of two littie BOWMANVILLE girls-Pauline Deline and DollyE Plumher and Tinsanlth Purdy-who sang of ahl the littlo 1white and yollow-. red. brown and 1 black children of the world asi *.equally boloved of God. Other mombers of the class. Jean Clem- once. Besqie Ethel Boyd. Margaret Toms.,.ioined in a clos- ing chorus. Mns. Riokard express- C. i-iiuck O t. dcher appreciation of the kind- nesand services of Mns. W. E.I Bernn wo wotethe words and Geo. M. Bosnell -G. E. Garnett TORONTO OPTOMETRISTS TORONTO OFFICE 2143 DANFORTH AVE. - GR. 7078 PORT HOPE Office is open WEDNESDAY of each week from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Phone 248 or 525J. G. M. Bosnell in charge. COBOURG Office -is open SATURDAY of eacah week froim 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Gordon E. Garnett in charge. NOTE-Where at ail pSsible kindly make appolntments for exaailnatlons- a pamphlet entitled -It is happier ta give than tLo get.' Mrs. Nor- mani Alun's group was in charge of the programi. Mrs. Allun offer- ed prayer. and Mrs. Harold Allin gave the Bible roading. f ollowod by prayer by Mrs. Bemn and Mrs. C. Hancock. The Watch Towor Heralds as follows: Korea, Mrs. Carvoth; Japan and Formo- sa, Mrs. R. Dickinson: India. Mrs. Cooke. Mrs. W. Rickard gave a splendid pa.Lver on Temp- erance. Miss Mason favored with a solo -Take up thy Cross" wbich %vas mnuch enjoyed. A talk on. The Country and Customs of Af- rica was very ably given by Miss Ferguson. also interesting talk by Mrs. Bernan on an African Vil- laze illustrating with miniature village which she had built. OTTAWA 15 BUYER 0F SHORTHORNS AT ANNtJAL SALE Continued from page 1) W. S. Bragg, Bowmanville. pur-! chased by S. Barnaclough. Wes-1 loyvillo, $80.00. Melba lth. contnibuted by J. E. Loask. Seagrave. punchased by M. Jenkins. Litle Britain, $142.- 50. Rosebiîd Princess 2nd. cannî-ib- ut.od by J. E. Leask. purchased by Francis McQuay. Whitby. $35.00. Rosahind Thornham. contribut- ed by Chas. T. Fothergill. Whit- hy. purchased by Francis M.-Quay. Whitby. $100.00. Prince Lind. contributed by J. L. Pansons, Bow-manvihle. pur- chased by Department 0f Agricul- ture. Ottaw-a, $135.00. Lind Boy, contributed by J. L. Pansons, purchased by Nor'man Wilson. Pont Hope. $80.00. Matchless Minstrel. contributed by W. F. Rickard, M.P., Newcas- tle.- purchasod by O. C. Love. of Blackwator. $65.00. Mayflower Sybil 8th. contribut- ed by W. F. Rickand. punchasod by Alfred H. Allia. Bowmraile $47.50. Wanddahe Comel. contributed by S. Chas. Allun. punchased by Alfred H. Allia, $72.50. Clai-ets Count. contrih.ýuted by S Chas. Allin. purchased by H. H. Nichols, Bowmanville. 560.00. Ontario Duchess of Glosto l6th. cantributed by S. Chas. Ah- ln Business For 13 Yrs. C. I. Tuek Oshaw-a o:ptom-etiist. w-vho bas beon in busines-s for the pa ýt .hînte-'n yoaîs. w-mb manv Bow-- Manvi' le clients. and hias m~c ta langer. moýre comrnodiusm q:i- .ers in the Disney Building, Kinrz Street East. LUMBERING DONE Sudbury. Ont. - Un"ess several more comipanies decide on a spring cut a lange fcrce of hum- bermen will ho released fnamn theiî- jobs tem.poraril,; the hasýt week of March. By March 21. it is ostimated, ail campanjes w.ll hIave finishied thein baalina a 0e',- ations and will ho ioad.v I on tho spnring bîeakup that will stant the drive. FIND BABY !N PEW Montreal - The body o! a newv barn baby. whicb polce believ was still-born. %-as found in th, pew of the Notre Dame Du Mont Carmel Church yestenday. School Absences Due to Colds Cut Almost One-Haif linî. purciiased oy Alfred tH. Alla. I $75.00. Agusta Charn 2nd. contributed Famous Colds-Control Plan by Râ. Duff and Son. Myrtle Sta- Tested in Th.ree Series of tion. purchased by Francis Mc- Clinics .A.xong 5,118 Quay. $62.50. colhide Clipper Ruth, contributed by R.Scol bide Duf f and Son, purcbased by F. FURTHER PROVED IN McQuay. $67.50. HOME USE JACK R BBITSSchool absences duo to colds JACK R BBITShave beon reduced nearly one- GET A SCARE bal! 40.2017c by following Vicks _______Plan for Btter Coatrol of Colds. (contînued f nom page 1) This is shown in records of clinics among 5,118 schoal children. f ields and onchard lands trudgedi Mothors aad teachers aliko wel- such vetorans as Fred Fligg, Vil- corne Vicks Plan as a practical lage Tax Collector, and W. E. Be- guide to fewor and shortor colds. mani, propnietor o! the famed Be- This commonsonso. mio d i c a 1 I y man Pear and Nothera Spy or- sound Plan is basod on three si- chards. There were oagagod in1 ple stops: the hunt veterans of the Great 1. To Help Build Resistance to War and fathers of lange famil-1 Colds ies as George Gray, and proud Live normally - avoid oxcesses. young fathens of one as Win. Eat simple food and keop elimin- Lake, Jr.; bachelons with the af- ation regular. Drink plenty of ternoon free as Harold Laking, wator. Take some exorcise daly-1 Bill McEachera, Art Toms Sr. and outdoons pneferably. Get plenty Leon Honniing. who shot. a jack of rest and sleep. on H. R. Pearce's fanm this win- 2. To Help Prevent Many Colds ton which tipped the scahes at At the first warning- nasal irr- 1912 pounds which boweven was tation, sniff ho or sneeze, use Vicks quite a lightweight to, one other Va-tro-nol - just a fow drops up ho bowled aven weighing 22 lbs. each nostril. Va-tro-nol is es- Thon on Saturday too thene wene pedially designod for the nose and younger shots, Trail Rangers and uppor throat - whero most colds Scouts, as Harold Hockin and stant. Used in time, Va-tro-nol Bruce VanDusea. helps to, prevent many colds- Aftor coveing a part of tho and to throw o!ff head colds in 2nd and 3rd concessions of Clarke the early stages. as fan west as the town lino and 3. To Help End a Cold Sooner back the general expeditian man- If a cold bas doveloped, on oeuvred soutb and wound up strikes without warning. rub the the operations for the afternoon throat and chest at bedtime with anuund the LeGresley, Jose and Vicks VapoRub. VapoRub acts other lake shore orchards. two ways at once- (1) By stimu- It was a profitable afternoon lation through the skia, like a for the huntens for at a rough poultice or plasten: (2) By inhal- estimate at least 300 pounds o! ation of its penetratyng miedicated good edible Jack Rabbit, that vapors, direct to iti!lamed air- would make savoury roasts or passages. Through the night, this tasy pies, was secuned and taken combined vapor-poultice action home to lighten the moat bill. loosons pblegm, soothes irritation, B. H. Motlock of the Bow- helps break congestion. manville Statesn-ian. and John What Vicks Plan can do for Jiames of the Orono News moton- others bas been indicated not on- e-d to the base of oporation at ly- in dlinics, but also in the fur- Newcastle round about 4 o'clock thon proof o! everyday home use and interviewed somne of the ear- 1 by thousands. What it can do for lier arrivaIs frorn the hunt with 1 you and your f amily can be prov- ovidence of thein success in theo ed only by trying it. Directions shape o! a big gray Jack bang- for following the Plan came in ing head downward from, shoul- each package of Vicks Va-tro-nol don or gun banrel. land Vicks VapoRub. Another hunt on a langer scalo iboing organized for Saturday afternoon of this week. _______________ IN BUSINESS FOR yTT TJ-IRTEEN YEARS i.oYOU iNeeu Oshawa Optometnist Moving To [argon Quarters j( ~ * E Thinteen years of progress in the citY o! Oshawa is bein- ma:-ked by C. H. Tuck, Optom- with the removal ta more modern and commodious quartoi-s thîs week. Dr. Tuck. w-cIl knownî ,11ta many, Bow-manvihle and di,ýtric*t clients, finst op-ened for business in Osh- awa in 1923. w-mb qiuarters in the ald Grand Theatre bu il1d i ng, w-hich many wilh rernembe-, on King street Ia 1926 he moved ta the Disney Building, on the sounh 5side o! King street easn. just east o! Ce'liaa ad sm-ce that tîme ha.s built up an enviable dhlientehe, until the need for- now quartonrs was again apparent. The new location is one doon, upstairs, where fine mod- ernhy equipped quartons w-ill cater f0 the needs and comfoi-t o! the many citizens who take advan- tage of the efficient service offen- ed by Dr. Tuck. An annive-sax-y souvenir catit - led 'Unfai-gotten' specially pi-c-- Pared by himnsehf, wvill ho given ta bis friends and customners ta mark the occasion, and the doctor looks forwand to many more years of satisfctory service on behiahf o! the citizens o! Oshawa, Bowman- ville and district. Live Stock For Sale Repair Work 4~ FOR SALE-AYRLSHIRE BULL. 2 years old. T.B. tested: papers if AUTO TOPS. CUSHIONS AND wanted. Dam. 7,462 lbs. milk. Curtains repaird or rplaced. 310 lbs. fat. 4.15", , 305 days. 2 Sport jobs on coupes and road- yean aid: Grand dam. 119.960 sters a specialty. Goo. Lefroy, lbs. of milk, 4449 lbs. of fat in, Ontario and Nelson St., Bow- 9 lactations; Sire A A class; manville. 11-2* Sire*s dam. 12,710 lbs. of milk, __- 525 lbs. fat, as 3 year old: _______________ Grand dam. 21.198 Ibs. -, ilk. BSNS OVOE House f orSaleWorld*s Champion. Apply R.ý I BIRTHS I ORSLEO orSle - seni. 1 mle or ofHarnp_ FRSL ORRENT-A SOLID tn 11-1 brc ouse on Centre Street, t-~ PRICE-In Bowmanville Hosp:ta1 ail conveniences. double gar- FOR SALE - SEVEN YOUNG on Sunday. March 8th.195.ta age. Apply Albert E. Belîman. Leicester ewes and one i-arn. Mn. and Mrs. J. S. Price. a son. Phono 526. 7-tf p-u-o bred but not negistonod: j also une 4-yeai old Percheron Wïae horse, sounct and good wanker. flEATLI vane Howard Allun. R. R. 1. New~- - ...a.I - - __________ ----- castle. Phono Clarke 2622. WANTD - APARTMENT SUIT - 1 GROOMS-At ber i-esidenco. -Elm able for light housekeeping. LawnFaxni.Richond n a Apply M. Clîfford. c o States- FOR SALE - 2 GANDERS. OR, Napanee. on Wednesdav. Mar.1 mian. 11-1 will excbange fan g-eose. Apply, 4th, Jane Ana Kelly. in hon WANTED - BOARD AIND ROOM Js nwn hn 1. l- 75th year. belaved wife of t.îel yvui uiesmn pl late Z. A. Grooms. Mother of! yaung business an.Apply Notice to Creditors Mn. Harry A. Grooms of the manville. 11-1 I H A~R0 H Pas' Office Dopantment. Tor -_TE_____OFTH jonto.i WANTED-EXPERIENCED GIRL ESTATE of Joseph John Mutton, DEVTT-At Balcai-res, Sask.. on- for- hausew-ark. Phono 505. late of the Town of Bowmanville, Maîch 8th. Lott:e Feîgusoa. 11-1 deceased. widow of the late Jahn Wesley NOTICE is heroby given that Devitt, formonly of Cartw*-nightIW A NTED - HOUSEKEEEtt aIl persons having any dlaims Township. Sistoî-in-:aw of Dr. Wiý*tllnur-sing ability for elderlY against the above namied Joseph J» C. Devilt. Bowrnanville. ope Poo59Or 'Wit John Muttan w-ho died on or FLrNTOFF-In Oshawa. March Statesman office. 11-1 aoout the th day of January. 5th. 1936. Glenn L. Flintoff. -19.16. at Bownaaville, Ontario. aged 35 years. WORK WANTED - H O USE - are requii-ed ta dolivex- ta the un- JOLLIFFE-In Lindsay. on Mon- wonk or caring, for childîen in doîsignod executrîx unden the day. March 9th. 1936. William aftornooas or oveaings. Apply w-îll of the said Joseph Jh G. Jallîffe, in bis 73rd year. Mrs. W. Moffatt. King Street. Mutton theii- narnes and ad- LINTON-At St. Joseph's Hospi- Bowmanvillo. Phono 36. 10-2 drosses and' full paxticulars of tal, Toronto, Friday, Mai-ch 6. WE ARE IN THE MARKET' FOR 1 their dlaims. 1936. George H. Lintan. deariy Mixed Rags and Fleece Wool AND TAKE NOTICE that after beloved husband of Afretta for cash. Toronto Mill Stock the 18th day of March. 1936, t.he Marjoie Lînton. and fa., r ! Ca. Lirnited. Toronto 8, Ontario. said oxocutnix will pî-oceed to dis-1 Miss Iva C. - and W. R. Linton1 9-4- tribute the assets of said decea-sed 0f Toronto. and G. M. Liaton o! amongst the pensons eatitled1 Orono. in bis 8lst year. Inter-i thoreto. haviag regard only to the ment Orano Cometery. Articles For Sale dlaimis of which she shahl thon ORCHARD - In Darlington. on _______________ have had notice and that said Sunday. Mai-ch 8th, 1936, Mary- FOR SALE - CHICKEN HOUSE. oxecutrix will not ho hiable for Ann Orchard. widow- of the later 10 x 12 x 8 ft.. fitted with fat- said assets Or any part thereof John C. Orchard. aged 74 years.j tening pens, large glass win- ta any peîson of whose dlaim sho * -_________________ dow; w-ell built and would make shall not thon bave recoived not- a fine broodor bouse. Apply P. ice. IN MEMORIAM Martin, High St., Bowrnanville. Dated at Bowmanville, March - ______11-1- 3rd. 1936. Mrs. E. V. SCOBELL. STAPLETON-In loving memory FOR SALE - ONE NO. 17 DE- Executrix 0f the will 0f the Off Thomas Stapleton who pass- 1 Lavai Electric Cream Soparator, said Joseph John Mutton ed away March 14, 1929. 1 one Anchor Hoît Separator. aý- deceasod. We you an a thousand sa new- Separators including Bowmanville. Ontario. 10-2 q turns Renfnew. DoLaval. Viking and_______________ Along lifeos weary w-ay: 1 Lister. Apply O. Hyland. Bur --_______________-- For life ta us is not the same kenon. Phono Port PennyIllr5. Since you w'ene called aw-ay. i 11-4* Your loving smrille and cheery IUM RU f ace. FOR SALE - LOE%1RG Op o t n ie NO one can filI your vacant 12' x 15', naaly new. Mrs. W. place. B. Hoar, R. R. 4, Bowmanvillo. I -Ever remembered by 11-1i WuiI personally intervievý a few youri Wife and Farnily. FOR SALE - QUA.NT=T SEED ualize the future In this new field. WILLAMSIn ovig mmor of grain, Vîctory oats 40c bus.. inl spare time or evenirnQs. Practic, six-row-edInMaltang banley ofprovided under the Supervision of a EmmaJan Wilias, ur ean also cows to nenea- soon. J. L. interview, give age. phonie. occupatio mother and grandmother, who Motcalf. Phono 183r5. 11-. man. died on Manch 12th. 1935. ____________ We aften sit and think of you, FOR SALE-INCUBATORS. 120 And think of how you died; to 600 egg. bal! pnico; stoîilized To think yau could not say goose feathens; turnips; 50w, goodbYe duo March 29. Geo. Reynolds. Bofore You closed youn eyes. Countice.i-P< ineiiwer w plceupouîiyour grave1 May witber and docay; But the love for you who sheeps benoath Will nover fade away. -Wilfrid. Ruth, Leona and Earli Ijouses to Rent FOR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE 8 Liberty St. immoediate possess- ion, nowly deconated. furnace. bath, lights, bot water. gas. Apply Mrs. Thomas Richards. Queen St. 11-4* TO RENT-7 ROOMED HOUSE. good gardon, north of town. al modern canveniences. Particu- hans write P. O. Box 87, Bow- manville. i- FOR RENT-5 ROOMED BRICK cottage on Liberty St., furnace. electricity; possession Jan. 17. 1936. Apply ta A. E. Hincock. Box 479, Cobourg. 1-_tf For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT-ON LIB- erty Street, two and a quarter acres o! good gardon land, with large asparagus, strawberry and raspbenry bods. other small fruits: splendid brick bouse witb aIl convenionces; garage. barn and honn bouse. Apply to Wm. Bnock, phiono 144, Bow- manvîlle. :0-4 AUCTION SALESi Saturday. March 14t1-i-At Ty- none. immediately ffolloiving Rich- ard Hatherly's furniture sale, H. Collacott E.state wiîll seillbouse- hold articles including nearly now Findhay Oval cook stove, chairs, table, dishes. and othor articles f00o nume-ous to mention. Elmer Wilhun. auctianeer. The tîndersigned bas received instructions from. the Executrix of the estate o! the late Wallace Scott, ta soUl by public auction at Lot 35. Concession 9, Darlington township, on Friday, March 2Otb. the entire fa-m stock, implements. feod. grain. and a quantity of housohold funniture. Sale at 1 p. m. Terris cash. Elmer Wilbun, auctioneen. il-P* Mr. William Simpson, Lot 18, Concession 6, Darington. 11., miles nonth Hampton. will seîl ail bis farm stock and implements on Monday. March 23rd. at 1 o'dlock. Ternms cash. J. D. Hogarth, Clerk: Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. 11-1 The following housohold furni- ture will ho sold for the Estate o! the lato Mrs. Alex Taylor, Con- cession Street, Bowrnanville, on Saturday. Marcb 2lst. at 1.30 p.m. Dining room suite, bedroom suite. sofa, radio, piano, easy chairs, 4 good rugs. mattresses, commode. mirnor. hall rack, cbest o! draw- ors, sowing machine, w hoe e 1 e d chair. book case, toilet sets. small1 tables, combination c a h i n e t, trunks, kitchen stove and furni- tune. refnigenator. car pe n t e r 1's tools, work beach, wbeelbarrow,E etc. Ternis cash. C. H. Mason, Clerk; W. J., Auctioneer. 11-2 FOR SALE - VICTORY SE E D Oats and O.A.C. No. 21 Malting Barley. Apply to Elmer Cox, phone 30ûrl2. 11-1* FOR SALE - BEATITY ELEC - trie Washer. coPPer tub, for balance of account. Apply Ma- son & Dale, Bow-ranville. 11-1 FOR SALE - 250-EGG MIELLER Incubator, nearly new. Apply J. W. Abernethy, Bowmanville R. R. 2. Phone 183rl4. 11-1 FOR SALE--GRAIN DRILL AND) top buggy. Apply F. G. Kers- lake, Hampton. 11-1* FOR SALE-COLUMBIAN RASP- bernies. $4.00 per hundred. R. B. Clarke, 107 Liberty St. North, Bowmanville. 11-1* FOR SALE-140 ECG SIZE IN- cubator in good condition. Wifl soul cheap. A. B. Short. Bow- manviUle. Phono 47Sr31. 11-1 Miscellaneous PLAY POPULAR MUSIC-PIANO lessons, beginners or advance I pupîls. No scales or exercises. I You'll enjoy this lnew method. Homes visited. Box 43, Osh- awa. 1- HAVE YOU A CAR? - VVE CAN offer you valuable territory to cover selling our Quality Teas, Coffees, Cocoa. Spices, Extracts, Medicinal Preparations direct to established users in Durham County. Write T. H. Ward jCompany, John South, Hamil- ton. 11-2* 1 E. S. NAYLOR -IS F uLL Y equipped to do a first class job irepairing your boots and shoes. Bring them along. next door to J. B. Mart>n's seed store on Division Street. 10-2* NOTICE - I WILL NOT BE RE- sponsible for any debts incurred without my written authority. F. R. Rowe. Newcastle. 10-2 Charis SLIGHT OR STOUT - HAVE vour figure problem solved by C h ar is. Professional aivisor without obligation. Phono Osh- awa 863. Madame Blatten. SUBSCRIBER SAYS IT WITH POETRY I've tried in vain, a thousand My brain to rack. my punse ta' save, But 'chat I need. my consciencei sa ys Is:' Pay your old suhscription." I saved it once. with T3-rone screed. And got four yeans extension. But that is past, my purse must bleed To pay threo years' subsoniption. My soul. the muse won't now in- spire To write for sport, non yet for bine. So, hero's where one lays down bis lyre. I'il pay my "durned" subscrip- tion. Hardwod SabsSof wO'0d Slabs, Green Hardwood, Kind- ling. anv kind of Trucking. Wo will appreciate your pat- ronage. Phone 692. "'7' j L aCb i (Ul . ýtj1CV . Liberty Street - Bowmanville 11-2* WANTED Reliable Agent One of the oldest and most progressive creamn separator companies want a local agent to represent them in Bowman- ville and surrounding territory. A splendid opPortunity for the right man. Pull co-operation and selling support wilI be giv- en. Write Box P CANADIAN STATESMAN Two Slightly Used Pianos Both re-conditioned and priced very Iow. 1. Heintznian & Co. Upright Grand clark mahogany plain case and very moder. 1. Newcombe apartment size Butt Walnut, beautiful tone and appearance like new. 1. Bell Organ walnut case, 3mali, in good condition, suit- able for school. L. B. Trapson, Piano Tuner Phone 353 P. O. Box 17 5 BOWMANVILLE lELE VISION g men, now emnployed, who vis. Those selected wiII be trained ,al Iaboratory experience is also iweil known mnanufacturer. For in. 'IV.- M." Drawer B, States- bpring - orn-c Breacis Spring is hiere, and yoauIll be w anting food that wvi1I ho a tonxie. Corbett makes regular these fine health breads. Make them a part of Nyaur regulan diet, Hovis, Roman 'Meal, Wliole w-heat. ('rac-ked Wheat, Wliole Wlieat and Raisin.- And during Lent serve CORBETT'S HIOT CROSS BUNS often. You '11 find thema tasty, fresh, and low in price. D OZEN .............................20o CORBETT'S DAKERY Phono 3 Distributors Dad's Cookles Bowmanvlfle bnee[ ivetai An3 thing ou need znanufact- ured, covered or lined WITH:- TIN ZINC COPPER NICKLELOID ALLUMINUM GALVANIZED MONEL METAL OR. BLACK IRON We are at your service R. E. Logan, Phono 264W Today. Bowmanville, Ont. l

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