r With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News VOLUME82BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH l2th, 1936 Higher Shorthorn Prices Indicate Improved Times __________________________________________________________________________________________________J _______ Common Battery or Dial Telephones Installed in Bowmanvilleby June '37 Present Rates Will Be Slightly Higher With New Syste .... Company To Erect New Building, 'To House Exchange At Corner 0f Church And Temperance Streets With a supporting resolu- NEWLY WEDSAR tion fi-rn the Town CouncilAR behind it, the Bell Telephone HONORED BY MANY Conpany will install a mod-ATB CSTC ern Telephone System i n ArBAKTC Bou-manville b ef o re J u ne 1937. The new equipinent, 31Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swain te be either ai the common Greeted by Over 200 battery or dial type. will be Friends installed in a new building ta be erected by the company onI An interesting event taok place its own site on Church Street, n the Community Hall, Black- irnsediately notth of the ýstock, on the evening ai Mai-ch Tax Rate Is 48 Milis 1I'AR ON RABBITS TO CONTINUE ON SATURDAY NEXT Newcastle and Clarke Town- sbip's war on the Jack Rab- bits is to get way for a second offensive on Saturday after- noon, and Bowmanville and district hunters are cordially invited ta joîn in the hunt. Those intending to take part are asked to meet at the Comunity hlall in Newcastle at one o'clock on Saturday afternoon. From here the hunters will be organized in groups to scour the whole counitryside in an attempt to eradicate this nuisance which has had such a disturbing ef- fect on the fine orchards of the districts in the past few weeks. DURHAM CLUB 0F TORONTO PLANS A BIG OPEN NIGHTI ToWII Hall. uTChenw insllai- -l l...........e argmgai tion wilI bring about slightlv erings of this kind, over twa nun- AiU Durham OId Boys Invited To increased rates, but under the dred friends and neighbors of Mr. Join in Evening of FeUlowship present setup of rates on fyleI and Mrs. Harold Swain (nee in Toronto on April 2nd with the Domninion Rallway Frances Mauntjoy, gathered ta ___ Board, the town should bc 'honor and have a social time with Th DramCntClbo paying these rates with uts1 themn. The presents were num- Th DuamCntClbo present system. erous and costly, showing the es- Toronto is holding an "Open W. P. Harris, representing the teem in which they are held. Mr. Meeting" on Thursday evening. Bell Telephane Cmay x Creighton Devitt, Reeve of Cart- Arl2d tteAtGleyo plained the company's proposais wright, very ably acted as Chair- Dundas St. West. That means at a meeting Friday. and aisa ta man and invited the bride and the counicil an Tuesday night. At: groom ta take the seats ai hor that if yau were born in Durham1 the conclusion af the discussion. The brides father and mather. County. ever lived there, or are it was moved by Councillor W.A. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Mountjoy, and now a resident of this banner Shane and seconded by Council- the graom's sister and brother. county, yau are cordially invited1 Îor W. F. Ward, that the caunicil Ms Clarence Marlaw and Mr. ta this meeting and wil be made< ~'oiethe necessary resalutian Herb. Swain, were also asked to welcome. In other words you1 Jupporting the installation of the take places on the platform. A don't need ta be a present mnem- new systemn and the increased splendid programi was given and ber of the club. Yau know there rates. enaoyed by ail, consisting af are scores af former Durham The Resolution speeches, sangs and recitatians. Caunty folk living in Toronto wha after which the gift.s iere pre- neyer attend these happy social4 The Cauncils resolution reads sented ta the bride and groom gatherings where aid acquaint- as fallaws: 'Resoived that this and opened by them for ail ta see. ances are renewed and new fri- caunicil. in view of the fact that Lunch was served, ail present endships are macle. No doubt you1 the Bell Telephone Company have being treated ta a piece of wed- have aiten read about these announced their intention to 1in- ding cake. After a social turne meetings in the Statesman a.nd stail ether a common battery or was enjayed the floar was clear- had a desire ta attend one. Weli. dial systein in this municipaiity. ed and dancing wras enjoyed by carry out that good intention on go on record as being in favor ai the young People till the wee sma' April 2nd and came. Call up some1 hetelephone rates set Out in hours. when the guests departed other Durhamite you know and j3_roup 7 af Rates now an fyle wishing the young couple a long ask themn if they will accompany with the Dominion Railway Board and happy wedded lue. you. Make it a real aId time being put into effect on the coin- ________ party af good fellowship and soc- pletian ai such system." iability. Cauncillor L. C. Mason apposed WATCII VOUR STEP Oh. there's one thing you must the resolution, and Councillar Ar.- IF SUPERSTITIOUS do - and it isn't buy a ticket. thur HaIt and Reeve R. O. Janes If yau're caming phone Hudson were absent when the resolution To-morrow is Friday the 4713 or write Wallace Maas, Sec- was presented. It might be Point- Thirteenth, suPposedly one of retary. 32 Glencairn Ave., Tor- ed out that while the work an the those days when the ogres of onto. and let himn know how many installation will start within a bad luck are supposed to be are coming. This is very import- short time, the new rates wiil not on the warpath. Personally ant aL., they always serve a lunch be effective until the change is we are not superstitious, but and therefore want ta know haw made in June 1937. The erectian fo- the benefit of those who many ta prepare for. ai the new building will be the p!re, we strongly ad-.ise ag- iirst major building aPeration ainçt walking under ladders. within the tawn since pre-depres- Iettn? a black cat cross your Snowden Famlly Re-union sion days. and will emplay can- nath, getting out of bed on The six brothers af the Sno- sillera.ble local labor. the iwrong side,* putting on den family with their wrives 'heldà Pull details af the affer made your Ieft shoe first, picking a re-union part.y at the home ai ta the tawn by the Bell Telephone up à pin, or any other of the Mr. and Mrs. John Snowden. Ma- 1 Company follow. Mr-. W. Harris, so-called signs of bad luck. ple Grave. Tuesday evening. Mr. representing the company. out- As far as we know no organ- and Mrs. Richard Snowden and lined very clearly what the cam- ization has planned a cancel- Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Snawden, pany was willing to do. provided lation of its regular meeting af Oshawa, mnotared to the am thase who benefit are ready ta for this date. The R o t a r y home af their brather and there assume slightly highea- rates. It Club mill meet as usual, the jained with Mr. and Mrs. William might be pointed out that under, Bowmanvllle Dranma Club is J. Snawden. Mi-. and Mrs. Chai-les the schedule af rates appraved by staging tbree plays In the er- Henri Snawden, and Mi-. Thomas the Railway Baard, the Company ening, and schools will close Snawden, at a dinner party. Fol- is authorized ta Place Bawman- as usual Friday night for the lowing the deiightfi hour at the ville in the group with over one weekend. So just keep your festive board, the evening was thousand telephanes, the rates hand firmly on the old rab- pleasantly spent in social inter- for which are the same as the blt's foot, and stop worrylng. course and playing Lost Heur. f new rates Offered. Sa that the lnci-eased rates asKed by the coin-B Pany are only what tliey are now idSouaB de adMnd imProvement ta the sy-stemn. This is theFamous Hockey Star-'sAdvicec Thisis he ourth time. Mr. _______________ Harris said, that he has been ta Bowmanville an this same pi-o- A Peeliar Accident cni Ae ae a us Position. In 1932 the Company M- .E.A odia iT r SpeAe ie spli etr had planned certain imprave- Mnt. ChiE. d.ivicng fro ToBr- Spaqer t oinsJuior A ments in Bowmanville as a partono hldivgfrmBw-etyE af its annual work. but the comn- manville ta Oshawa, met with a BnuT Lions JunubrsoAtay ing af the depressian had fore- Peculiar accident whereby a pas -ins _lub ____y stalled such work zoing ahead. senger in his car was iured, Tevi- Vnstmnmn Our Position taday. the i-e pie- 1"Taboutfnetmouen sentative added, is that we are abu the face with glass fram a You can ei-ect to yourself is a finer prepared toD go ahead and spend broken windshield. As he was body and a dlean mmnd. Get in1 between ninetv and one hundred passing a car camlng taward hum. there, leai-n how ta take it, keepv thousand dallai-s on in'taiiing a shait af nickeied steel was youi- head and play for the laveb either the comman battery or dial thrown inta the air by the wheels af the game." With these wards r system, and eiert a new building Ofa the eastbound car and it hurt- I-vin "Ace' Bailey, former star1 on the campan's lot at the narth led thi-ough his windshield strik- right wing af the Mapie Leafr west corner of Tempei-ancc and ing his companion in the face. Hockey Club, Toronto, clased hisP Church Streets ta l'Ouse the ex- Fartunately the passenger was address befare the Lions Club onP change. The chanze would beflot seriously injured. Mi-. Gold- Mondai, night. Besides members1 completed by June 1937. man displayed the missile which af the club. "Ace" was addressingo In the event o! this w~oi-k being was about ten inches long, nearly a group af young sportsmen,f carried out, is the town ready. an inch in thickness, slightly tap- members af the Lions Junior Mr. Har-ris asked. ta assume ering, and had appai-ently been Hockey Club. who were tendered broken off a car previaus te the a camplimentary banquet on this (continued on page 6) accident, occasion. and numerotîs other guests. Mi-. Bailey delivered aa splendid talk which of course Insplrlng Father and Son Service centred on his own spectacular career in professional hockey. A yquiet, madeat. unassuming pr Heldin T iniy Ch rchon S nda sonality, "Ace" won the hearts ai the eighty guest.s who gathei-ed ta A splendid turnaut af fathers jPresented by Bob McIlveen, mem- hear him. and their sons - large and smali ber Older Boys' Parliament, out- President Dr. W. H-. Birks pi-e- -wer atthe ervie inTriit lining the wark undertaken and sided and after dinner extended a Unete at thonseric naTMrnt carried out by these young men Most cordial welcome to the Unied hurh a Sudaymoin.-which should prove an excellent gUests. A friend of Mr-. Bailey, ing when Rev. E. F. Arnistrong, training. Waacmaidhmf-r o- pato, uporedbyfour Tuxis The subject presented by the'onto, Mi-. Taylor. provided a MU- and Trail Rangers, conducted the pastar, on "What I owe miy fath- scal number duiing the cc-mmun- t service. The Cadi ta Warship was er", was also in keeping with the lity singing perlod under the dir- - given by the pastor, the congre- service. The speaker emphaslzed ection af Allan Knight. s gation respanding. The singing the home atmosphere as being The piivilege af introducing theu af the dcxology and the Loi-d's Most important in any boy's life 1 guest sp)eaker was accoi-ded Lionh Frayer in unison was fallowed bY and, amnong the debts owlng the E. W. Crawford. a personal frlenda Donald Masan announcing the fathers was, integrity, purpose, af the hockey star, and a formera f i-st hymn. Fi-st scripture lesson and Christian faith. He asked the bowling team-mate in Peterboro. t was taken by Frank McMullen, vital question, Arn I worthy af Revlewing his hockey career,n and the second by Ber-t Johnston. my heirioom?. closing wth the 'Ace' recalled that he f irst piayeda A quartet was sung by Boyd Sie- statem-ent. "WVhat I arn 1 owe ta hockey In Bracebrldge, and hed mon. A. Colvifle, H. Jackman and hlm, what I accainpllsh I give ta recalled aiso that his fit-st posi-b H. Hooper. The choir also rend- hlm.", The service was M 0ast tion was that af. goalkeeper, Ie ered a sultabie anthern. Ihe The address on Boys' Work was (contlnued an page 6) 1 htnudo pg 1 How the Town Council A Airived at the Tax Rate Ne Telephone System Prom ised Bowmanville Despite Increased Counties a £à AAlè iAxaI Lm VI 35 RateMaintained Town Estimates Pared To The Limit To Prevent Higher Tax Rate .... Smaller Counties Grante And Insurance Expenditures Cause 0f High School Increases .... Creditable Achievement For Council Despite iincreased requisitions fi-rn the High School and a higher (ounties tax rate. the Town Council after weat-y sess- ions of pai- the controlable estimates, on Tuesday night de- c]ared a 48 mill tax rate for 1936. The rate is exactly the saine as ini 1935. A reduction of $500 ini the estimates of the Publie Seliool Board also played its part ini keeping the tax rate down to the level of the past two years. The explanation of the ig-h Sehool Board for its higher rate, and an explanation of the highier Connuies rate is explained below. _________________VU________n -To provide taxpayers with a clearer understanding of the 1d draft of the various rates is pubiished beiaw. With careful study H ~ they are quite easily understood. It wiii be seen f ron. these figures that the total General Rate, the only portion aver wr,îch the towný- has control, is $33.650, which after deducting the various receiptsI NEW GOVERNOR 0F from severai sources leaves a total of $25.010.20, less than one quýar-, ter af the money raised by taxation in the town. It was oni b_ COUNTY JAIL AND the careful cutting of this rate that the Town was able to take care WIFE ARE HONORED of the adcled expense in the High Sehool rate and the Counties rate.1 ___ These combined increases would have meant a two miii increase in the tax rate, had flot the council pared their controilabie estimates' Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Wight Hon- ta the limit. The complete set up of the estimiated expenditures and ored by Nunierous Groups Ere receipts for 1936 foliow: Taking Over Important Ainount af Assessment Roll hable for ail rates $ 2,'213' 300* 001 Cobourg Office Liabie for School Rates and Unemplayment Relief 2,2,56,400.00 1 Debenture Principal and Interest payable in 1936 $ 58,448.721 Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Wight lef t Less: School Debentures--- ------- $ 9,814.51 last wee-k ta ta-ke up their new Waterworks ----------- 11,716.80 duties as Qovernor and Matron of FronageTaxe . 7,97.47Cobourg goal. Previous ta ieav- Sinking Fund Prin. and Int. 1,988.90 ing, the Young Ladies' Bible Ciass Total Payable ------------- --$ 16,957.04 of 'riyitv TUnitd Chur,,,.i, v As per Estimate County Rate 'Public Schoal Board -------------- High Schoal Board School Debentures and Interest------ Under Levy 1935 -------- Tat ai Payable --- General Rate, Fire Dept., - .. Public Property Health Relief Printing and Stationery Cemetery Roads and Streets Salaries-- ------ Police ----- - ---- Contingent----- Bank Interest Contingency Reserve -- Total General Rate Recipts--Deducted H ealth----- ---------- - --- -- Cemietei-y ---- Dog Tax --- Fines and Fees------- Public Property ------- -------- L icenses ------- ---- -------- Statute Labor ,------- - ---- - W atei-woiks --- -- --------- 26,000.001 $ 18,000.00 8,273.02 9,814.51 3 13.50 $6,300.00 5,700.00 1,700.00 1,500.00 500.00 1,100.00 5,200.00 2,750.00 3,000.00 1,500.00 2,400.00 2,000.00 from Generai Rate ------$ 400.00 --- ---- 1,100.00 -- ------ 300.00 ----- -- 200.00 -------- 200.00 ------ - 250.00 400.00 1,200.00 4 ýlfl flOu ----- ----------$ 25,010.29 ------- --- --26,116.94 36,779.32 16.821.08 -- -- --- ----2,256.40 ------- -----$ 106,984.03 renitis 'ax ýrrars Fuit- Eitima. General Rate, at 11.3 Milis, i-ealizing Caunty Rate, at 11.8 Milîs, realizing ----- School Rate. 16.3 MIlis, i-ealizing Debenture Rate, 7.6 Mills, realizing--- Unemployment Relief. 1 Miii. realizing -- Total - 48 Mills ------ $ 36,401.03 $ 33,660.00 Department of Agriculture At Ottawa is Purchaser at1 Annual Sale of Shorthorns Mrs. Wight a leather bound itym- nary. her name engraved in gilt letters. On Monday evening the Lad- ies' Bridge Club were entertained- at the home af Mrs. F. B. Her- man. Towards the close of the evening, Mrs. R. E. Logan. on be- haîf of the club. presented Mrs. Wight with a bridge lamp, and Mrs. M. Jamieson reacl the folI- iowing address: Bowmanville, Feb. 24, 1936 Dear Verna,- We feel we cannoýt afford ta let this opportun.ity pass without ex- pressing in some smail way at least, aur appreciatian of yaur kindness and thaughtfulness you have always shown us, and we know we will aIl miss you fram aur midst. We desire ta convey ta you that we are pleaseci to know that while the change will debar us constant association with yau. we have f ound' that yau are not gaing so f ar away but that we wili be able ta meet yau frequently. We now ask you ta accept this lamp, not for its intrinsic value, but as a token af aur love and es- teemn for yau, nnd that happiness and prasperity may be meted out ta you abundantly in yaur new home. Signed: Millie, Wildred. Ann. Elva, Mary. Ruby, Ida, Ada. Mrs. Wight made a fitting re- ply and extended toalal a cordial invitation ta visit her in her new home. ~ ~ ~ ~ uapeuoc and5 'the..554V~UUOLULI On the fallawing Tuesday ai- village ai Hastings are naw plan- ternoon Carlisle Cii-cie, underthiniga ask for separation frian leadership ai Mrs. W. O. Sauch, the United Counties. With Port met at the home ai Mrs. P. E. Hope eand Cobourg alsa mak.ing a Greenfield. Aiter a social horlk ffort the United Caunties was spent Mrs. Wight was given can be saud ta be battie riven. the place ai honour and Mrs. H.________ HONEY BRIDGE IS WASHLED OUT WHEN CREEK ON RAMPAGE The spring floods, which eut off contact by No. 2 Highway with Toronto on Wednesday, have Played bav- oc Iocaily and in the region near the lake have dune con- siderable damakge. Mr. E. J. Wood, manager of Brookdaie- Kingsway Nurseries, lnform- ed us this morning that the Honey Bridge, just south of C. N. R. station, had b een washed out, most of the boat houses in that section swept toward the Lake, and the Wharf Road is blocked with huge blocks of ice which have washed up from the creek. The Honey Bridge provides the only means of contact be- tween the Brookdaie proper- ties north and south of the railway, and it wlll have to be replaced bel ore spring work can be commenced. This ln the bridge whlch lias been a bone of contention for sever- ai years between West Beach cottagers, the nurseries and the municlpality. More Want Separation Last despatches report that the with a black silk parasol with Mrii. rred C. Vanstone reports rat.e O.I $26,000 fori- s year. This High Prices Feature tors. purchasers. and prices paid alber hande. from members ai the ice on his pond the thickest inerease is made necessary' be îoîas:the cii-cie, and Mi-s. W. O. Souch he has seen it in rnany years. In cause af the Provincial Govern- Sale Of horbre f ICIGawns:saine places the ice is aver 6 feet ment's insistence that the Coun- Sale 0f horored Caration Pride, contributed bY Cate ***pL. Richardson & Son. Ashburn, (continued on page 6) thick. ties Pay the $73,000 dltch-~diggng puge chased by Wm. Lang, Clar-ke, vincial electian. The Caunties Better Times F o r $75.0.tr rne.cni-btarheh e g e r endeavouring ta pay tlils and Farmersby L. Richardson a.nd Son, pur- Ch mpon iee ialmnts.deitof Higher piices, reflecting better chse by Rusell Wrgt, Bow- rresentea W ith Silver Trophies The maeupao the Getieral or manville, $85.00. ___Tw rate was explalned iast agriculturai conditions, were a Lancaster Girl Sth, contributed week, and other figures at-e sel! feature af the fiiteenth Annual by L. R.ichar'dson and Son, pur- St. Ândrew's Hockey Team, the abject in sport was not ta explanatory as they appeax- else- Sale af Sharthoi-s, sponsai-ed by chased -by E. J. Syrnons, Port Wner n hrc eu , xcelle. ah thr te efatrmista h the Durhani. Caunty Shartharn Hope, $100.00.W nesi hr Lauclne. where an tis page. Asscitio a th Lvekn at-n, Lavendet- Boy, cantributed by Guesta of Honor at Banquet Frank Williams, canai- ai the Town Council is deservlng af côn- east af Bowmanville, on Thurs- H. Earl Osbor-ne, Bowmanville, On Tuesday annual trophy ta the boy who wassdeaecidtfo smine- day. O! particulai- note was the pth-chase<l by Wm. Laing, Clar-ke, named as the cleanest player and ancerai thced4 ifrits rat.Ite-a acthttomis erpu-manvile, $42.50. St. Andrew's Chut-ch Hockey the one cantributing most ta his iatage dioftdyn chased by the Dominion Depai-t- Challenge Caunt. contributed team, winners af the Chut-ch Le a rnea, presented this award fori-nd O ar dofteoal ! stding ment af Agricultur-e.Ow, a by E. F. R. Osborne, Newcastle, gue title this seasn wei-e guests the second seasan in succession toesadsaita eelta h Orbt etehg ult ttaa, Tom Depew. atual ad ratlng co vat in whe tributeotal oth hig qualty atain-purchased by Dominion Depiart- ai honor on Tuesday night at te Mngr thehevrost act avilleailorthain Bany ef b lcale ha t orn breder s. m en a Ar C ualture, c$120.00. ann s ual hk y bn qe thein S. - also had a few words ta say. and m unicipality O ! its size in the Totl ieceptforthe22 ed LavEndF.R.Challene, pcntibt-dre' hrh ndrteasx-these inciuded Micky Roach for Province. Opei-ating costs in- iocte thtcm uner Dna rw'hAuc-ed yE .R sbre ucae es ai the Boys' Work Board. Close St. Paul's, Boyd Sieman for Trin- cul hs hnslse ne tner unaBrn'h erby J. Moan. Part Hope, $70.00. ta one hundred boys, memubers aicuetoetinslse ne were $1.777.50, with the 8 femaies Broadhloaits Seai. contributed the Board, Eotai-ians andi Lions, Tity ans DoueG ( ihl o-teGnrlRt ntetxrt averaging $86.00 each, and the 14 by Jas. Hadden and Son, Black- attended the gathering. The lad-TityGasWtrodfi- setup. maies averaging $78.00 each. The 'wate,ei pui-chased b3 Fi-ank L. les ai St. Andrew's catered te a fSt Jon 's n a- aka ________ highest price secui-ed at the sale jMRson, Oshawa, $75.00. vr at upr at the conclus- fi t oehS was for Melba lOth, cantributed 1 Elmivale Eclipse. cantributed byiove i-y ty suxAleeiMe Other itemis on the pi-agiarn in- Close Certain Lakes by J. E. Leask ai Seagrave, and T. Baker and Son, Hampton, pur- io aowhchthali-m Bad Alle c cluded an addi-ess by Bob McIli Ta prevent the famous Kawar- pui-chased by M. Jenkins of Little 1 ciased by John Baker. Hampton, Gi-n ev.a teW.oG. Bard, calsed veen, member ai the Oldeýr Boys' th a Lakes f ishing f rom becoining Britain. for $142.50. The higlies5 '$75.00.upn evW.GBaemisr Parliament, a guitar sala by Wal- exýinct, the Peterboro Fish andi price paid far a maie was tl'at Stof <rt-bte ya St. Andrew's. ta extend an ai- ter Goode. and that wark ai art Gaine Protective Association will purchased bythe DominionDe- Callyni ficial welcome on behaif ai that .The Immortal Classics', with i-ecommend that certain lakes i paitient of Agriculture. Prince A. J. HodebN* and . S on Ofbus. hrch.Mi-.oaklie u nted Fpr iank Tighe and Mickey Roach the district be closed for a period Lind, contiibuted by J. L. Pars- prchased by M.2.50.pad ouai ta the aine0f le, butheplinted at the console ai the grand piano, a! three yeai-s, during which time ans, Bowmanville, and purchased Biakn $6250. ou tht te taphes n te ltte W. L. Paterson presented on be- several hatcheries woulcl be es- far $135.00. 1 rma o: c~tiue were mare enduring. His advice hali ai W. P. Rlckai-d, M-P., the tablishec n h ae eted. The complete list ai cantribu- (continued on page 12) wvas summed up in his urge thatf Ric-kard Trophy, won by St. adtelksrs'kd ____________________________________________________the boys always try ta be the fel- John's at the conclave last year. Mr. Donald Williams, Queen's ,ts h e,,matert*nkBýII McFeetei-s accepted the tra- University, Kingston, spent Sun- - teyar. hy on behaif ai St. John's. day with his Parents, Mr-.an Jack abbis G e Sca e asEd. Devitt, with Geo. L. Day,- lasers, and i-erinded themr that Mrs. Frank Williams. ]Big Offensive is Launched, hieh the boys uvorked ai! anyTneuOprtaiPestdby _________ thiat might have resuit- T n f lO eet sP ee tdb Newcastle Villagers And Others They had corne in units and in Onbhlfo h Rotai-y Club, Choir of Trinity United Church JondBaudy nHntFrcompanies ai twas, tre n reietE .Ai-mstrong pi-e- JoiedSaurayInHut orfoui-s ta jain in the hastily ai-- sented the Rotai-y Silver Trophy, Large and appreciative audi- ian aperetta, depicting a story af Destructive Mamnnls rangeci campaign agaînst the i-ad- emblemnatic ai the Church League Idasi h al asi p ents. champlonship. to Manag-er Bob ences iilled the Opera House îast pendanain.theearl day n Up The fi-st arganized Jack Rab- Irwin Colwiil, Director ai >per- Kent and Capt. Gib. McIlveen ai Wednesday and Thui-sday ta see Mai-gai-et Aluin, was a daughter of bit hunt was staged in Newcastle ations, headed up Mill and Man- the winn.ing tea.m. He also pi-e- the dramatic operetta "Lelawala" the Indian Chie! ai the Oniah- locality Saturday aiternoan, with vers streets with abaut 20 shots- sented miniature silver engi-aved pi-esented by the choir ai Trinity gahrahs, Wokomls, playecj by the resuit that pei-haps t.wenty- men. Othei-s went straight Up cups ta the follawing members ai United Chui-ch under the auspic- Clare Aluin. To appease the Great five ai these interesting animais. Mili St. tawai-ds the Bell ai-ch- the teain, Gilbert Mcflveen. J. es ai the Women's Associatian. Spirit, Manitou, the tribe council so hard driven for f ood by the arcis north ai the C.P.R. where Knox, B. Crawford, Eric MIli- The production was an exceed- had decided, on the acivice of the unusual depth af snow that they much damage had been dane. veen, Donald Mcllveen, James ingly difficuit one ta produce, and medîcîne mnt anleoea have been foi-ced te find susten- Stil others went a littie east and Stutt. Lau Wiseman, Jack Hately, its peenao w ieqetyis m a n e atif mieon, ta ance on the bai-k ai young apple up through the Gi-ahamn Aluin Don Cameran, W. Toinlinson and inteirupted in rehearsal due ta cifii n a canoe avec- Niagara and pear trees, were bagged by andi ColiUl faris. Haroald Glb- D. Spencer. members ai the caste belng taken Falls. This was ta carry out the the gunners. Shortly ai tex- din- son, Chef Sti-ateglst, was aznong It was pointed' out that the iii with Qerman measies. One principie ai an old legend, whlch net- about 40 men and boys with those who went north and west- league this year was i-un by the member ai the caste haci anly told that Necla, a chlef's daugli- a varied assortnicnt oi single and ward Into Durham Counties' chie! Boys' Council, aperating under two days ta learn his part. and ter, had madle this selisame sac- double barreleci shotguns, assein- apple procluclng area. Art Toms the Work Board,. and ai whlch then turned iIn an admirable per- rifice ta avert a famine that bled at the corner ai King and went aiong as a divisional coin- Frank McIlveen Jr., is the Boy formance, wlth no slgn ai the threatened the tribe. MiIl streets, near the cammunlty mander. Out across the snw Mayor. shoxtness af the turne he had ta Leiawala a!! ers ta save lier hall, and about 1.30 set out .Mr-. Armistrong congratulateci learn and practise bis raie. naOrthward tawards the 3rd uine. (contlnued on page 12) ail the boys, both whrmers and "Lelawala" is a tyical Canad (cantinued on page 11) In cansidering the H.igh Schoi budget for 1936 on Tuesday night, a letter was read f rom the High Schooi Board explaining th e higher estimates. The main it- ems, such as salaries and upkeep af the buildings, were the saie as last year. Each three years the Board must pay the rnsurance on the buildings which amounts ta $670 covering a period of the three years, and representing pro- tection af $85,000. This suin came due this year. The Board also faced iower Counties grants due ta a smaller num.ber of Counties pupils in attendance. This was expiained by the fact that many possible first and second formi students are now attending the Continuation Schools at Black- stock, Enniskillen and Orono, andi are flot required to corne here ta take that Part of their seconda.ry Ieducation. JThe third miajor item respons- ible for the increase is the fact that in 1935 the Board had cash an hand amounting ta $1,689.69, which went with last year's 10w estimates on the year's expendi- tures. Without this sum on hand naturally more rnoney was i-e- quired. The reduction in the county grant already referred ta is $503.15 or approxi.mately a quarter af a mill. Oiily by reduc- ing some af the regular charges against the school was the Board able ta arrive at the estimates presented to the town council. The Counties Rate In 1935 Bowmanville paid in- ta the United Counties aver $25,- 000, and althaugh the Caunties rate has not yet been struck, the council is estimating the Counties (00-0 14 %-Aw 'A 9\1 (,E0ývvwa ,,Otan