THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THUR.SDAY, MARCH l2th, 1936 Largely Attended Banquet Marks I"NICE WEATHER FOR IT" I ~"-~-..---... .......-f Close of SuccessfulShort Course! ... ~dents at Agrculturl Killan, N'oreen Lang, W il1 M a l~.; 5ýudnts t A ricutur l each, Marguerita Martin. Helen and Home Economics Metcalfe, Muriel Moore, Nellie' Coure atH a ~ t< iMutton, Ruth McKessock, Anmie! JoinFrieds A o un dOke, Ruby Parker, Edith Pascoe, Banquet Board Louise Salter, Muriel Scott, Mil- ______dred Snowden, Eff a Stainton, Bessie Simpson, Eileen Stainton, Bringing to a close one of the Ruth Stevenson, Hope Symons, most successful short courses in1 Evelyn Tink, Madeline Truil, Lela Agriculture and Home ECOflomics Welsh, Thelma Werry, Jessie Yel- ever held in Durham County, a ýlowîees, Eva York, Hazel Wood. - banqet tteded y 15 sort The class in Agriculture includ r course students was staged n the ej: pAlfred Allrn, Lorne U n i t e di Church basement at; William Brock. Tom Baker. Har- Hampton. Many friends of the vey Balson, A. T. Blanchard, stuclents were guests at the ban- iSOBkr ody rnVc quet which was also honore d withi tor Bowins, John Broome, Gerald the resece f W.F. ickad, Black, Bruce Clarke. Robt. Cam-; M.P., Reeve and Mrs. A. L. Pa.s-1 eron, John Griflin. William Gil- coe, Deputy Reeve and Mrs. C. M. bert. Stuart Hogarth, Walter Hol- ... Carruthers, Rex'. andi Mrs. Walter well. Fred Holwell. Aden Hoar, Rackham, Township Clerk and Freddie Martin, Eber Milîson. Mrs. J. D. Hogarth, Mr. and Mrs., Matthew Mitls, Lloyd Metcalfe, E. A. Sumnmers, Miss E. Warriner1 Howard McR.oberts. Carrol Nich- and Miss E. Sutton, instructors, 1 ols. Howard Oke, Albert Rundle. and Mr. Alex Muir, assistant to1 Garnet Rickard, John Rickard. the Representative. Robt. Snowden. Joe Stevensoni The tables were artisticailyiLloyd Stainton. Roy Scott. Jim' decorated with yellow tapers in Smales, George Tufford. Francis purple and yellow crepe paper iTho mpson. Norman Thompson. decorated holders. These clrs Bruce Tink. Percy Werry. Wesley predominated in the programs, Werry, Leslie Welsh. Frank West- ........ song sheets and baskets, which lake. Neil Yellowlees. Bruce Yeo I held the after dinner mints and Caec e.Wse elwes Turkish delight., made in colors of An exhibition of the dresse, white. yellow, green andi Pink. fagotted organdy collars. bloss ýThe green matched the baby'sîetc.. done by the girls during the tears Plants, which were also used cuswsvee ttebn to centre the tables, It wras in- quet.noe res idinrtunmntBatflsuhne deed a gala event, for which the Ay_____________Vctri._._.____pes_________uramn. eatiulsushne lades0ftheWoens Mssonryproduce winter golf the equal of any on the con- the snow-crowned Olympics mounitains andi the Society did the catering. I inent might well gaze at this photo from the sakighglgt ftesamd h orn Lonlg Toast list I(, h ~ seventh tee at Oak Bay golf course in the British of the course a scenic delight and greens and culurl epesetaiv. a toat of the Pacific Northwest and Canada recently no other golf course in Canada was playable on a E.ltua.lSueprnaie os t iAr-Coubacptl wee15gler o i a t farways ereain fin cntheieonfor play1th2ug master for the evenLing. T h ei By Alph~a Pinc playeci the highly successful eighth annuaI Em- tura ntbssdigthwekfFb.7-2 toast to "The KÇing" was drunk,______________ folowd y te atona Athm.Then it is lost in a halo of mists 1 100m up range after was truly glonious in our vision. The toast to "Our Couitry" was MONANRVEIES ncha.Asw gzeo pek range. 100 miles away to the We scanneci 1000 square miles. 1 proposed by John Rickard, New- after peak we mtght dream that noth is the Sacremento, and haci a lingening conception thati castle, andi responded to, by his Instailment No. 5 we are looking on the nins of Capitan 120 miles away dressed this aerial koal was something I father. W. F. Rickard, M.P., and El Paso andi Mt. Franklin are castles built by giants, for these in a mantle of snow. This view had longed tô reach, but hac f ail-1 John Baker, Solina. "Our Ouests' at our back yard, andi you may rocks have been exposed to wind_______________ ed to ascend to it before.1 was proposeci by Miss Muriel have reaci a verse somewhere andi weather for generations * a Nearer by is the organ Mount- Moore, with Reeve A. L. Pascoe, about disagreeable tasks, and which have carv.ed them into a .. ...IU C. ns, cailed f rom their appear- Deputy Reeve C. Carruthers. and how to do it. It was that the, wierd andi grotesque shapes. LAMu IJaflU aILA i ance to a huge church organ. Rex'. W. Rackham, making the hill that looks so steep when, When wandering through the i fl La These mountains when viewed at reply. paeu oetptsadtal To the class in Home Ec- viewed from down below, becomes i ecflfrs ah n rîsBoth Fi flu Benei sunset make a picture challeng- onomics was made by Wesley a gentle slope as up to the top of variety and sylvian charm., one _____ ing description in words. for they Yeliowlees, with the reply being, you go, but when it comes tO forgets the hurry and bustle and Windsor Lady Hus Good combine ever3' hue and tint of given by Beryl GlaspeIl, Zion. Ad-1 mountain climbing this is not s0. uarge of the city that seems s0 rose, crimson, purple, golci, and elide Annis. Tyrone. and Marjorie 'For on this trip it was only for ai distant, and yet awaits you only Results With Dodd's blue colours, which glow and fade, Pascoe, Hampton. The toast to short distance a gentle slope, and a littie distance over the hilîs. Kidney Pis then burn again, and leave a the class in "Agriculture" waslthen f rom rock to rock. craig to I_______lfo oudrnee o efrote mpeso Sina; andirspontd e o y 1- sag, ian msqute hes.cathen that overhung a cliff, and looked Mrm.Bolohan And Her Husband on the observer. bert Rundrsonie, Ham to b y Ad-cameead path with difficlth away off and down until a creepy Both Helped In circles, In angles, in stars,1 MetcalfuMle Grpo. and Gor-dicatesithe r aet. ih ifiutfeeling came over me. an.d then I sifting and creeping over and out Metalf MaIe rov, ad Gr- tep intheascnt.retreated to a less exposed posi- Windsor, Ont., March il (Spe- of the rocks, little strearns of dyn Brent, Tyrone. The toast to Many who have liveci here for tion. Cial - "I was very sick, could water trickle down, and dash the "Ladies" was given by Garnet years have stayed at the bottom Ti cn sntfreey y o tagtnuadstsopdteievst pa nlribw Rickard. with Mrs. C. CarruthW. because of the difficulties and Ti ceei otfrevr.e efor trhte u, andstsoopedontheslrs ospray and a. ibows ers making the reply. bard work getting to the summit. to see. The comfort loving tour- oe o he ek. rtsMs ntercsbnah loltl ist will neyer behold it. for the Emma Botohan. of 1230 Howard streams corne into view smiling R. H. Graham, B.S.A.. Live Diffilculties though are somethingAvne"M itroImeautndhsaigasaltecid Stock Branch, Toronto, spoke on given us to be overcome. prize is won only by toit. endur- DAvenue. "My sis I told r e atan igt ating asa ttieon chilc "Why good farmers are that The easy par is pase ndth ane and perseverance, but the boes andi was wl nuht yohrltl temadfr wy basing hsremnarks on "h wyws oerugvin x-1tew 0f tefar off c ontyfo oxwl nug thbeohrltlesran n r way bi Th wa wa moe rggel aci ex- o the onan opffscoryb the walk. I took one more box and I ther down the rnounta.ins foam- parable of the sower." Mr. Gra- h ausing. The top is not 3'et in expnditure of the effort, and it really was well. I amn 27 years olci ing andi frenzied like a wild beast ham was master of his subiect. sight. but the city grows fainter, Iisweito rmme ha h otand was neyer sick before in nMy figbting for freedom. Those lit- anc hs in adrss itesprsd hesk-scrapers flatten. distant mr-agnificent, satisfying. and up life until my back got sore. I can tle strearns carry away layers of with wit and bunior, haci a spien- rnountains 100 miles away with holding things of life have to be thank my sister and Dodd's Kidi- sand in the crevices between dici hearing. Short speeches were their faint blue haze enveloping earned often by great effort. ney Pis for my bealth. great rocks, and then they slipE also made by Miss Warrener, do- thern are visible. Af ter 2 hours us follow one of the traits Last summer my husband hurt little by lit.tle and at ]ast wlth mestic science instructress, and Il0f a'climb we rest. not at the to higher heights, and after more bis back carrying wood. He could noise like thunder corne crashing Miss Sutton, needlework instruc- top, but intently gaze with de- cîirnbing we reach the summit. not work. I gave him Dodd's Kid- down the mountain side carrying tress. and Mr. Muir, assistant to1 light at t.he supernal beauties The City, with its sky-scrapers ney Pills and in a few days he destruction and desolation te ev- Mr. Summers, agriculture direct- ,around, on every side. Slowly we andi miles of bnsy streets. looked was able to go back to work ery'thIng in its way, railroads or1 or. wend our way on up and stand on like little yards full of toys, wbile again." rivers ahl the saine. eften chang- Songs frorn the song sheets the top of one peak, not the the mountains when viewed f rom For over haîf a century Dodd's ing the course of rivera. were înterspersed as well as a highest-7148 ft. above sea level. below looked big with peak on idney Pills have been helping to I shoulci love to view this scene piano number by Miss Annie Mc- With each degree of the sun's peak, but up here on the top it relieve Kidney troubles. Tbey are at nigbt when the yellow moon1 Master, andi Misses Helen Baker and Evelyn Tînk in a ciuet. "0 course you are looking at a huge was alI grandeur so majestic that speciaily prepared to help purif y sheds its ail around, whens Canda an "ldbag yne mvin pctre.on miut paks yougcannot describe it. for a blaze the blooci and thus enable the those peaks would shine like goldt were sung with "Gooci Night, La- are sunlit, then it fades and gos0 lr a I ruc niw ytr to regain its normal and the streamis of water murmurc dies" in cosing. ' unbeams are dancing misty cap- gazed in wonder and admiration bealthy condition. If you don't sweet music, glittering like silvert Presentations Made *"'s' opens a view that f ilîs you ion other peaks andi canyons. feel well and suspect your Kid- and diamonds, and all around i: On ebîf0fth grl o te t.h amazement and admiration.1 Far away to the sout.h in Old neys take Dodd's Kidney Pilîs. stiUl and,' solemn that it wouldc Home Econornics class, the two- instructresses were presented with compacts on Priday morning, fol- T H E 0 N L Y C O M P L E T E Canada" and repeating the bord's Prayer, whicb comroe th o- enlng exercises every mseoring of the four weeks' course whlcb was attended by at least forty girlsl each day. These. classes have been record- ed as having the largest attend- ance of any short course classes Durbam bas ever Yet held. which Let Tour 0wn Comnpaxisou Pirovei stEl bespeaks the ambitions of Dur- ham's young people in striving to farmers. The guest speaker, as OP E E I U A L T well as Mr. Muir, paid honorablec tribute to Mr. Summers as being OP CTINU UY the Most efficient agriculture re- presentative tbey had met, his p!easing andi patient manner win- nlng for hlm rnany friends in bis classes and elsewhere. eebrysedy..Cerltw fs iiscas Honorable tribute was paid by Rmme etra...Cerltwsfrtn t ls observing two minutes' silence, to give buyers more than four cyliders...first with closed which was followed by prayer by bdes ... No-Draft Ventilation ... Knee-Action ride. Rev. Rackbam, to Harry Cam'P-.. bell. Tyrone, who during theCmaetdy. nyCerlt ntelwpie seern that silence was a whisper frorn heaven. In this bigh altitude there is an abundance of wild flowers. Later in the season every few hundred feet down there is a great change, as you go up to get cool, and down to get warm. There is a wide range 0f bird life; there may be seen an eagle. a wild turkey, a sage hen, amock- ing bird. a noisy rnagp.e. So with the mountain 0f hf e we mnust climb if we would get the best, for it is by bard work we get to the top. REGULATIONS ARE ISSUED ON SIZE 0F CORD 0F WOOD Cord of 4-Foot Wood Must Pile 128 Cubic Feet New Ruling Provides The following information fromý the Weights andi Measures In- spection Service will be of inter- est to those buying or selling1 wood.1 On the 28th of June 1935 as- sent was given to "An Act to Amenci the Weights & Measures, Act." Among the new sections added to the Weights andi Measures Act is one whicb reads as follows: "Sec. 22 Sub. Sec. 3. The cord shaîl contain one hundred and twenty eight (128) cubic feet.' be- ing four and seven hundred and forty, nine hundreci and ninety ninths (4 740'999) cubic yards ac- cording to -Dominion standard Yard. 25-26 Geo. V. C 48-S8 4."l This now means that a cord of 4 foot wood must pile one hun- dreci and twenty eight (128) cubic f eet. 31'/2 foot wood must pile to contain 7/8cords. 2 foot wood mnust pile to con-. tain i/2 cord. 18 inch wood must pile to con- tain % cord. 1 foot wood must pile to con- tain 1/4 cord; and so on for other lengths. It is understood of course that the wood will be neatly andi closely piled in all cases. SCHOOL REPORT 1 BAKER'S SCHOOL February Exarinations: V-Velma Gilbert 79 (H). Sr. IV-Ella Millson 84 (H), Harvey Yellowlees 66. Jr. IV-Matthew MiUS 66, Ber- nice Moorey 59. Sr. III--.Jerry Milîson 84 (H), James Milîs 75 (H), Jim Harris Sr. II-Murmel Smnith 78 (H), Bruce Taylor 77 (H), Margaret HIS 76 (H), Laurence Adams 58. Jr. II-JoyceI-hîs 78 (H), Jean Adams 77 (H), Stanley Milîson 76 (11), Dorotby Moorey 70. Sr. Pr.-Helen Adams 89 (H), Clifford Mils absent. Figures indicate %; (H) Hon- ours.Ada Allin, teacher. FOLLOW THE LEADER Walla Walla, 'Wash. - Melvini Weltz and his eraser were havlng a high olci time until that second cop came along. At police heaci- quarters tbey said Weltz was fol-- lowing traffic patrolman down the- Street erasing chalk mnarks from came rrom the second membepr ofi the traffic squad who was f ollow- v ing along behinci to keep an eye 1t out for such things. v LOW I flTr-TA TREY CAN'T TAKE IT rest of the council and Stil be apart. TheY are the only rner- Blenheirn - Mayor Ernest War- bers of Blenhelm council who de wick and Reeve Everton Todd are not smoke and i wsh they could trying to work out sorne plan that be screened off when the air be- ill enable them to ait with the cornes blue durlng a long session. - P R I C E D C A R I1% SoId by leading merchants STEELE, BRIGGS SEED CO. ILIMaITgD 'Canadale Oretett 8»d fMouse» TORONTO, HAMILTON wINNlpEu. REOinup.LomUTON So we urge you to be the judge, yourself, of quality that cou.nts. Corne to our showrooms, slip behind the wheel of the new Chevrolet, and give it you.r own practical road test. See why people cail it The Only Complète Low-Priced Car. Greatly reduced 7%/ GMAC Plan time payxnente. *On Master De Luxe Modela Conider the Company Bock of the Car CORTCE Roy Nichm,45ols OMNIL là-. Chas. A. Rafleman j Stylst and special rep-tnative of TNP TOP TAILORS LIMITED wiibe here- Monday, March 16 On the. above date, mon wMl have an opportunity of inspecting an outstanding collection cf British woalens for the. new season. The Tip Top representative wif also interpret London and New York'ig latest style trends for men and women. Unrestrictedchoice of thes. superiorfalbrics, hand - cutting and tailoring to your indi- vidual measure, emphasize Tip Top Taflors' smore for your money " policy. 0 Feel free to consuit with the. Tip Top representative. COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN Limitd PAGE NINE PAGE Nnk 1.