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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Apr 1936, p. 10

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7, - 'v4 N r r w -v-- v~'~ PE ENTHE CANADIAN STATESMLAN, BQWMANVILLE., ONTAPLIO, THUJRSDAY. APRIL 9th, 1936 BIRTHS SAMEXLàSAt "Elm HilF'arm," Sougog Island, on March 26th, 193U, to Mr. and Mrs. George W. Samelis, the gift of a dau- ghiter (Jean Marie). DEATHS IN MEMOIRIAM RUTLEDGE - In loving memori o! aur parents, the late Mr. anc Mrs. John Rutledge, also oui sister Effle. Love's greatest gift - Rememibrance. -The Family. HAMILTON -In loving memorY o! our dear friend, Wiliiam, £3ODDARIDIn Bowmanville, on wbo was laid ta rest on April Tuesday, April 7th. 1936, Laura lOth, 1934. Goddard, beloved wtife o! Not dead to us who loved hlm, 2&l. Frederick W. Goddard, in NoS spot, but gone before; ber ear.He lives with us in nemory, 10WEY-In CaFh rtwrlght on SaS- Andýwill fur ever more. urday, April 4th, 1936, John -Ever remembered by the Willam Hooeyn bis 69th year. '.A.Y.P.A., Blackistoclc. Interment United Cem e t e r y. ossfrSl Cadinus. ossfrSl HEAOHIE-At St. Michael's Hos- -____ _____ pital, Toronto, on Thursday, FOR SALE OR RENT-A SOLID A4Yrll 2nd', 1936. John Davies brick bouse on Centre Street, Keachie, beloved husband o! all canveniences, double gar- Margaret Tod Keachie, in his age. Apply Albert E. Belîman. 84tb year. Phone 526. 7-tf MOUITJQY-At Enniskillen, on-1 Wedne-sday, April 8th, 1936, liouses to Rent -Phylna Virtue, widow of the late James Mountjoy, aged 86 HOUSE TO RENT-5 ROOMEID .years. frame house, electric and water, Funeral f rom ber laie residence good garden and garage, situat-r Enniskillen, on Friday. loth ed on Third Street, off Elgin. iuisS. Service at 2.34) pm. In- Possession May lst. Mrs. S., terment Hampton Cemetery. Foster. Scugog St., Bawman- RUNDL-In Exeter, on Tuesday, ville. Phone 546. 15-1' Marcb Slst, 1936, Martha Ten- nant. beloved wife o! Thomas F0OR R E NT - BRICK RES.I- Rifiidile. dence on Centre Street, form- eloccupled by the laie Mrs. C. M. Cawker. Apply ta F. C. Vantane or T. W. Cawker, CARDS 0F THANKS, Bowmanville. 13-tf FOR RENT - BRICK HOUSE, 7 Mrs. John Hooey and family, r o omnis, garden, garage, on Burketon. desire ta use this Church St.; possession April 1. means of expressing their apprec- Aiso boarders wanted. John iaotion for the floral tributes, Mcîntyre, Bowmanville. Messages o! sympathy and anets 1' 12-tf osf kijrnrpes sh_______________________ their recent sad bereavement in the deatb of a loving busband and father. Mr. D. B. Farrell and family1 wish ta thank their neighbors and friends for the kindness and syampathy and the many ways they helped during their recent sad bereavement. ALso the men Who warked ta open the roads. SALESMAN We bave an openlng for a mi age 25 to 35, must bc weil known lu district, and car o wn er preferred. FInancial assistance wll bc given. Give full details in replying to BOlX"P. S." Drawer B, Bowmanvllle i SPRING NEEDS IN HARNESS Sansple Set, Zack Pad Har- ness, brass bail top haines, ring style traces with heel chains, 1" Uines 2'. Brasa and Japan trimmed bridies with uose bands and check strape, martingales and breast straps wlth sfides and inaps, cruppers and baek straps. befly bands complete. Special Price $40. Yeilow & white sweat pads 55e Rame straps from 15c up Harness oil, coUlars, harness parts, work boots, etc. HARNESS AND BOOT REPAME14G CORNFORTH'S ORONO ONTARIO F ARMERS... .... ATTENTION Get our prices before buying your Clover and Tamottiy Seeds We also have the leading varieties of SEED GRAINS including Oats, Wheat. Barley, Peas, etc. A. W. Glenney NEWCASTLE Phone Clarke 2612 p - Property For Sale 1 PROPERTY FOR SAL-BRICK house and 3 acres of land, witb fruit trees and small fruit, brick garage. barn and hen house: an highway about a mile east of Bowm.anvifle. Apply ta Mrs. T. C. Bragg. R. R. 4, Bow- manville. Phone 111r3. 15-2* FR>OPERTY FOR SALE - SIX roomed, frame bouse and sum- mer kitchen on Scugog Street, about acre o! land, fruit trees, good garden. ben bouse and small barn. Will seli cheap for quick sale. Apply T. Lymer or Mrs. M. Lymer, Bownanville. 14-3* FOR SALE-TWO NEW BRICK bouses on Wellington Street E., aIl conveniences. Prices reas- onable. easy ternis. Apply Joe Flett. Wellington St., Bowman- ville. 15-1* For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT-ON LIB- erty Street, two and a quarter acres a! good garden land, with large asparagus, strawbcrry and raspberry beds, ather small fruits; splendid brick bouse with aIl canveniences; garage, barn and ben bouse. Apply ta Wm. Brook. phone 144, Bow- manville. 15-tf FOR SALE OR RENT - HOUSE, next Town Hall, wlth garage and completely equipped car- penSer shop. Easy ternis. Ap- ply Charles Heal, phone 9w, Bowmanville. Apartments to Rent POR RLENT - SMtALL APART- ment an King Street, Bowman- ville, Possession May lst. Ap- ply Allan Knight, phone 173 or 98. 14-2 I-elu Wanted WANTED--GENERAL, MUST BE good plain caok. Apply "P."~ Drawer B, Bowmanville. 15-1 WANTED - A CAPABLE GIRLj f or general ousework for smnal family. State experience and( wage expected. Apply "D. F."1 Drawer B, Bawmanville. 15- Farmns For Sale I FARM FOR SALE - FOR T Y- five acres, near Bowmanvllle, 7-roomed f rame house, 2 barns,1 one on stone foundatian, hien1 hause, plg bouse; 35 acrest warkable, balance bush andc pasture: $800 cash. balance onE easy ternis. Possession at once.1 .1 5fft+,.,,1f- rh I p IR A 4-* j.,UtL .. mel flouamr,>. ar-z Pasture To Rent FOR RENT-SO 0ACRES 0F PAS- ture with plenty o! good water. Apply H. Cdwlingi.Hamupton. 15-2* The pre achier wbo lbas sometbing to say alwas kniows wben lîe bas saii it.____ fied FOR SALE - A QUAN~'T=Y 0F thick-set wheat for seed. Apply ta Lorne Lamnb, Eniskillien. Phone 239r4. 15-1* FOR SALE - YELLOW DUTCH Sets, $6.00 a hundred; $3.25 for 50 ibs., F.03B.. Newcastle. Ternis cash. R. J. Rueland. Dutch Set Grawer, Newcastle. 13-4-1 Live Stock For Sale FOR SAE - BARRED ROCK Hatching Eggs, hens mated ta pedigreed cookerels. these cock- erels frain 225 ta 250 egg record hens. S. Hockaday, Hampton. Phone 238r3. 15-1* H-ORSES FOR SALE - BLACK General Purpose team. 3 and 4 years aid; Clyde teain. 3 years old; one wagon mare, 3 years: one aged horse. Apply Albert Hi.i# Enniskillen. Phane 308r42. 15-1 FOR SALE - BAY HORSE, 7 years aid. sound. weight 15001 ibs. Appiy Lloyd Craga, R. R. 2, Bowmanville. 15-1- PIO-S FOR -SALE - -13 YORK-1 shire white pigs. ready ta wean. Apply ta Percy Byers, R. R. 2. Bowmanville. Phone 124r11. 15-1 Lost LOST - BUFFALO ROBE AND sand army bianket between Hampton and Bowmna n vi 1le. Finder please leave at States- man Office or Howard Cowl- ing's, Hampton. 15-2* Miscellaneous S E E DING TIIME I5 JTJST around the cornier - So is J. B. Martyn with the choicest of everythxing in field and garden seed. Make up your ILlt early. 15-2* PARTIS REQURG FURNI- ture repaired or modernîzed; furniture or dishes packed or crated for shipping, or other odd bits of carpentry wark dane, or desiring place to store furniture. shauld get in touch with H. B. Creeper. H-orsey St. Phone 628. 14-tf AUCTION SALE Saturday, April 25th. - Mrs. Albert Phare, King St. E., wiUl seli by public auctian, a quantity of household furniture (none of Mrs. Smyth's), including parlor suite, brass bcd, springs,et. chairs, tables. eiectric fan. cham ber set. etc. Sale at 1 p.m. Ternis cash. W. J. ChaU.ts, auctioneer. Friday, April l7th. - Mr.R.G Moffat, Lot 27?. Con. 5, ( 1rk (Orono), wlil seU by pu.blc aur- tion at his premises, 22 head of cattie, mostly milkers and spring- ers, 5 horses, and a number of pigs. Sale at 1 P.m. Terms cash. Ted Jackson, auctioneer. Lake Shore, Clarke Home and School Club met aS the school on March 26th, with a small attendance due to the con- 0dition o! the roads. Program was in charge o! 3rd Vice-Pres. MT. L. Allin. The numubers were as follows: Chorus by the school cbildren; recitation, Jean Brown; , CrackerJack Orchestra; I ni i t a- tions by Mr. Meadows; solo, Stan Brown; Miss Rowlandt, demon- stration clazsa; Mrs. F. Couch, Trip 50 Grand Lodge ai Prescott; Crackerjack Orchestra; recitation by Dorothy Brown: reading by Archie Brown: musical number by John Mitchell, drumns, Gardon Martin, violin, and Mrs. Mitchell at the piano. Thc remainder o! the evening was spent in a sing- sang, games and lunch. Don't Want Liquor Baddeck, NaS. - A typewritten Petition 17 feet long, containlng 1,045 narnes. bas been niailed t0 Premier Angus L. Macdoanald re- questing Baddeck's branch o! the Nova Scotia Liquor Conianission be closed, 15 wus learned today.1 SP'ý 1935 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN 1935 PONTIAC 6 COACH and COUPE 1935 CHEVROL.ET MASTER COACH 1935 CHEVROLET STANDARD COACH 1935 FORD SPECUAL COUPE 1934 CHEVROLET MASTER COACH 1933 CHEVROLET SPECIAL COUPE (Rumble Seat) 1933 CHEVROLET SPECIAL SEDAN 1934 and '35 PONTIAC 8 SPECIAL SEDAN 1932 CHEVROLET SPECIAL COACH 1931 BUICK SEDAN 1931 WILLYS CLUB SEDAN 1931 CHEVROLET COUPE 1931 CHEVROLET SPECIAL SEDAN 1930 CHEVROLET COACH 1929 CHEVROLET COACH 1928 CHEVROLET COACH A large assortment of Iow priced Sedans and Coaches Several Used Trucks - 1/2 ton, 1 1-2 ton and 2 ton. Roy COURTICE Nicheols Artcls or . Ne casleNoes tria of Bowmanville radia artists, the S. S. teachers wvas held at the t SHIELER R ale NG COMING EVENTrS BckadayWesi OS fparsoage. Fridav night. '.\r. Rý ~HE LEGHand N h ATC ro.HInG _____________ W. A. of the United Church1 Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Welsh, for- J Rowe %vas in charge of the dis- t Egg an Cick fom en meets on Thursday of this week. merlyaof Newcastle, and Leonard carefully cuUled for heavy xro-. 'ruesday, April 2lst - St. Jas- at 3 pm. inthe Sunciay * ooI Somerseales. Lunch of c a k e. cussion. ductian and large eggs. Repeat1 eph's Church Euchre, Bowman hall. Mrs. R. T. Rutherford's cookies and ice crearn was servedi A number f rom aur local W. M. orders prove their ability ta Hause; godPrie; drawing for group wil have charge. Program t alal cantributors ta the pro- S. niotorcd to Newcastle Mondav m satisfy. Customi hatching also rug. 15-2 wrill centre around, the life and gram.. and were guests of the Newcastle Y clone. Orders for started pullets Keep in mind the Anniversary warks of Canon Prederick George Passion Week services are being W. Mý. S.d should be placed at once. Also Sttpper in St. Andrews Church Scott, Canadian poet, wbo re- held mn the S. S. Hall every even- MrPrv oe, .P, f rom h several coal-burning brooders on Monday, April 20th, coiuiienc- cently celebrated his 75th birth- ing this week except Saturday. \lta Pcalld o bisNparent,Mrad forsae.H.J.Brok, ow ing at 5.30. Tickets OC. 15 -2 <y Y. P. U. conducted the services mnanville. Phone 175F. 14-3 Public meeting wibeelon -thescaeterie edonM da evngwenmiss Nirs. R. J. Rowe and his sister, Mrs. d FOR SAL-HXATCHIN~G EK5 April 24tb in the interest a! the on Sunday mormng, Mrs. Gea. A. MclDougall and Miss Sybil Lag-OtJ. tereFo i a hm o S. C. White Leghorns. W. H. Canadian National Institute for Cook, her daughter Mrs. Fred miaid, President o! the OshawaOtaa Carruthers, Phone 38W, Bow- the Blind. Mr. Harris Turrner will Spry. and ber daughter, Miss Presbytery Y.P.U., w e re t he Mrs. llen, Castleton, visitedY y manville. 14-tf be the speaker. Jean Spry, representing tbree speakers. W.MS. had charge on Mrs. Willis joues. Mr. Allen camne ______________________ The final plays in the Oshawa generations, were received into Tuesday evening. and the Session down f romn Toronto for the weekend.- i o~~SEM FoR. SALE - Young People's Union Drama mensbership by transfer f ro on Wednesday. The Stewardis are Mr. and Mrs. W. NIcKay visited yeilow Blossom Sweet Claver Conitest will be beld in Bowman- Trinity Churcb. Bowm a n v i e. conducting the meeting Thursday Nir. and Mirs. Sid. Lockhart, Sunday. seed for sale. R. J. Hodgson, ville Trinity Sunday Sehool, Mon- Mrs. Jermiah Brown, who early in evening, and Rev. S. MacLean Cowan*s Orchestra held a success fuIl Tryrone. Phone 194r21. 15-3 day. April 20tb. Admission 25c. the winter returned from Aberta vdll conclude the series on Frid8y dance in the Community Hall, Fri- S15-2 with members of her family, was evening. day nighit. FOR SALE-STACK OF STRAW St. John's Guild are holding also re-adsnaitted Vto church mem- 4 -__________ On April lst W. M. S. met at the by load or stack, some hay. 2- the ]Baster Supper on 'FldaY, bership. Pastor MacLean wel-1 home of Miss E. A. Thompson. The year-ald Holstein heifer, due ta April l7th, at 5.30 p.m. in the comed tbemn and Elders Thos. NEWTfONVILLE P1resident, Miss I. Laing was in the freshen Apr. 12. Apply W. L. Pairish Hall. 15-1 Moffat and Robt. Martin on be- chair. Mfiss Jessie \Valkey gave the Barton. Bowmanviile. 15-1 * Newcastle Girls' 50f tibal Club haîf o! the session and congrega- -cripture reading; Mrs. George Wal- Dance and Cards in Comniunity tion, etendied themn the right Mr. R. Woodbam, Toronto, ias kvra h ryr niain FO AL-BY' IYCE~ Hall, Newcastle, Easter MondaY. hand of fellowship. guest of bis parents over thie-vteck-- vr reccived f rom Bowmanville to good condition. Phone 300r22. April lSth, at 8.30 p.m. Admission nwhere. al ld 15-135.icunga. meinteSS.Hlen. attendl their meeting, April 4th and 35c,_______________________ 1n ±vLanay evening. March 30th, Nfrs. Thos. Stapleton '.isted lier riNecsltoaemthrme- SEwI BARLEY FO)R SALE--OÀA. EFEL)with the President, Miss Jean slaughter. MIrs. G. N. Smith, Stark- ing of April 6th. The ladies decided C. N. 2. brwnNrom egser-Clemence, in the chair. Wilbur ville. to hold their special serviceo ed No. 1 seed, also Nobarb Bar- Easter report Enfield Sthool: Blackvburn and Charles Glen.ney 'Miss Marguerite McKav-. Brigh- Mfothers Day. NMrs. L. Saverv had ley. This Nobarb was secured Sr. IV-Dorothea Hall 78, Neil conducted the devotiolial exer- ton. %vas ho'me for the weý>ekend cag fteporm r.J f rom Guelph Agriculture Col- MoCulloch 77, Elaine Ormiston cises. Mrs. R. W. Waltan was MNr. WVray Soles, Toronto. i, vis- barrie ofadte deotial eIafletJ lee ndi pstthe yar bs69, Bill Gilroy 61, Bob Stinson 61. respansible for the programn and iting Nir. Melville Samis .EL. Bri edte e gavea excellet; shown an increase in yield over Jr. IV-Ferne Oilroy 75, Grace as leader of the Senior C.G.I.T. Congratulations to MIr. and Mrs smavoftecape nth1td O.AC.No 21o!20percet.Stark 72, Ross Taylor 52. group provided a special treat by ofladLaeo the hirh f t,î1bok etnle the ChuchiîAfiy Apply Garnet. B. Rickard. R. R. Sr. I11-ar McCullocb 76. 'having the girls a! the group re- and heir oo nI*s 4, Bowmanville. Phone 140r14. J i-oadSai 4 al peat their highly diverting play, Mrs. Hassan, Chatham, i.. guest of \. The fompso ried Ca. i 12*ter Ormiston 61, Evelyn Taylor i "A Little Excitement,"' which fol- NIrs. Rutherford. rcie rm afin nCia 15__________________ 53. lawed a program of music and Miss Ruth Savery. Starkville. vis- benetingctio ih h fi FOR SALE - VICTORY QATS. fl-Fay Gilroy 79, Jean Taylor tbe topic taken by Mrs. A. W. 'ited Nir. and Nfrs. Laurence Saver% eidcin si rwd ale, wetCovr58. Glen.ney. Musical numbers con- who motored lier home on Sundav Mr. and Nirs. L. Saverv wvere in sndxTioth Bry. home gro. W. I-Ruth PrtesCOU 86. risted of a vocal duet by Miss Nîr. and Mr... A. liarclev. Osh awa. Peterboro, Saray J. Leask, Tauntan. Phone Osh- Sr,-Primer--Merle Ormiston 92, Winnifred Rickard and Mrs. W. calle<l on Nir. and Mrs. L. Saverv, On Tuesday evening, Mlarcb 31. U. awa 163r13. 14-4* Jack Taylor 91, Herbert Prescot.t D. Bragg. a vialin solo by Mr. Sunday. Misses Mary Lane and Ma'r- C. League was in charge of the Pres- and Herman Schmid (equal) 88. Fred Wood, Bowmanville. vocal ion Sami4; returmed with them. ident. Mr. Earl Walkev. Bible read- F'OR, SAJ-S1EED GR-AIN, SIX- Jr. Primer-Gordon Taylor. duet by Miss Dorotby Nichais and Nfr.Melville Jonc., was in Tor- ing. S. Lancaster; 'iolin solo. Ronald rowed barley, victory oats and Figures indicate %7.. Grace Rundie. Bowmanvile. and oto. IMondav. Burlev accomipanied by jean Camp- timothy seed. Fred B enn e tt. Ella M. Tamblyn, teacher. an instrumental quartette ýby a The regular monthly meeting of bell. It heing the fifth Tuesdav ii R. R. 4, Bowmnanviile. Phone 111rl5. 15-1 -_____________________________________________ SPRING CLEANING If You Want atisf action e rv i ce aving Phone Bowmanville 152 We Cali and Deliver daily O skawaLaundry &Dry Cleaning Co. Lt. PRICES CHOPPED s M14 ST To ROCKM A A BOWMANVI LLE ,c i DER TH * I E B CK OF THE*S I I DOTTOM Corne and sec them . . Drive them . . Compare tiue prices. and know the values we are offering in dependable 4-Star Used Cars (one star each for DEPENDABILITY, QUALITY .VALUE .. DEALER RELIABILITY). Every car bearing the 4-Star tag has been thoroughly checked, carefully conditioned to give satisfaction f rom every owner stand- point. New Iow GMAC financing rates make these cars easier to buy on time. 1935 Ford .Speclal Coupe Practically new .. . Small mile- age . ... For quick Sale. $600 Trade-In Accepted 1934 Chev. Master Coach First-Class Condition ..Motor Overhauled ... Exceptional Value. $550 Gea. M. Bosnell G. E. Garnett TORONTO OPTOMETRISTS TORONTO OFFICE 2143 DAkNFORTH AVE. - GR. 7078 PORT HOPE Office is open WEDNESDAY of each week from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Phone 248 or' 525J. G. M. Bosnell in charge. COBOURG Office is open. SATUIZDAY of é-ach week from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Gordon E. Garnett in charge. NOTE-Where at ail possible kindIy make appolntmeuts for exauslnatiois, the month Mr. R. J. Rowe conducted aspelling match instead of haering a toplc. Sir.-Your wife is held by us for ransom. She will be detaincd until you deposit teli thousand dollars un- der the oak tree at the toi) of the iil-The Black Hand. Dear Sirs.-You fL'vor of recent date reccived. 1 have dePosited un- der the oak tree a troiik coiitaitn*ng the rest of niy wife's wardrobc.- Yeurs truly-J. B. Henpeck. 1 PAGE TEN

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