AIL-' PAGE SI THE CANALIAN STATE.SMAN, BOWTMANVI£L, ONTAR.1O, THUPRSAY, APRU., 91b, 1936 I NEsrLETON Womnen's Institute met aI tbe home of ,Mms.. W. Philp on WednesdaY afternoon. The pres- Ident took 'the chair, and the meeting openes! bi singing the Ode, !flUowes! bi' the airipture îeadlng by «Mis. Percy PhiIv. Alonia wth other business, tbe ladies Plannes! b make a quilt for sale. Mrs. P. Philp's group was lu charge o! the program. Mis. ýG. Tbompson ans! Mis. H. Pbilp sang a duet, "Iu the Gar- den'; Mia. P. Phllp reas! 'Hang- lng the Picture"; Miss Pauline Parguson sang 'Srnllin' Through"; Rev. H. J. Bell gave an address on "BFagter"; a contest vus won by Mis. Robait Dickey. Meeting closed witŽi National Antbem. A vote o! tbanks was axteaidas! Mis. R. W. Pbilp, Rev. H. J. Bell ans! the group. Lunch was serves!. May meeting at the home o! Mis. H. Philp. Election o! officers. Leagua met ou Fridai' evening. Mr. Leonard Joblin, who was in G reater Values Prevail This Fine Living-Room Suite .... reflects the modern influence AIl that you coald ask in a fine living room suite, Is embodied in biis trim nunbam! Style, new and modern; matemials, tha fin- est; a range of coverings! We higili e- commend this "lbuy."1 $79 This is cly one of many uew thrilling designs just, "eleased by the aanufacturers. As usual Morris lias' hem first. F. F. Morris Co. Phone 10 Bowmanville o7 iutes - NO POLISI14ING FLOOR GLOSS WIPE IT ON - LET IT DRY G-4 MfadebyThe Mah.n@f HAWES'FLOOR WAX Buiford Canned Peas 3T"m27C rankord Canned Corn 3 nm25c Chrlstle's Fig Rols 15C lb. Ayner Sevile Marmalade Jar 25c New Healtia Cereal Sunsoy HRighest Quality FIELD AN<D GARDEN SEEDS RED OLO VER SWEET CLOVER TIXOTHY SEMD R! r P EASTER 1 ROVISION, spmRINGsuGGEisTs sAL IRACLE WBIP - BU oz. Jar SALAD DRESSING HELMAN'S DOUB& '4";àIPPED MAYONNAIgÉ DUNBAR SALAD SHRIMPS ...tin LETTUCE - TOMÂTOES CELERY - RADE AYLMER FRUITS For SALAD .... tin LARGE JTIICY, GRAPEFRUIT.. 5 for RIPE JUICY ORANGES .......... Doz. STRAWBERRIES - PINEAPI Ifighest Market Prices For Produce .... See Harry A Harry Alli GROCER Phones 186.- charge of the program, tookt Bible study. Rev. H. J. Bell1 in a discussion. Messrs. La rence and Neil Malcolmi played violin duet, accompanied by ti mother, Mrs. Stanley Malcolm, the piano. Mrs. G. Hicks a. Miss Norma Armstrong played piano diiet. Mr. Frank Playfc rendceed an accordion seleciti( Mr. Will Armistrong f!avored wi a violin solo. The relmainder the evering was spent in contes Next meeting on Thursday eve ing, in charge of Mr. Lawren Malcolm. Ladies' Aid met at the home Mrs. K. Burton on Thursdaya ternoon. Meeting was spent discussing different niatters business. and a programn was di Pensed with. Lunchi was servec Mr. and Mrs. M. Mountoy i ited at Mr. Robert Dickey's. ,li is expedient to have ana quaintance with those who ha loolced int-o the world. who knc mren. understand business. ai can give you good intelligen and advice when they are wan ed."ý-Bishop Horne. K iooU vvOax tast uctobar. Aler 'an exiýiina- Authon .o!:I Far M tn ion for discoveri', thé-driver o! 0ptômetry Feature Service 4 C the car which struck Mm. Jamie- The Child and isa exn one .rankU!. M..,w sp el eusvay nCouck, Joknston and Ilin ______________ on . raaik Rickard, MP., was Deviopel i WATCH OUR muscle anomalies, eyeslgbt WINDOW 1 Owed $1.00 Flfty ar 1ans! glasses. rd ma For Laclede, Mo. - Formner Mayer Phone CI -FE Chillicothe, Ohio, anclosing $1. Disney Bldg. Kig PHONIED Blotvl 11 VEGETA2BLES 'me latter meass: "Encloses! Is the; Oshawa4Ont.* HN10 a.mouut 1 bormowed trointYeu 50 Iyears 240. 1Thlank you."lI - the <eI Verna spent the weekend with-' President, Miss Ruth McKessock, led fA~~IUU friends in Toronto.I took charge of the meeting. Miss ___________________ IMrs. C. Ferguson visited her HADMTON~ Helen Baker led in commnunity ENFIELD ,d a 4j -sister, Mrs. P. Mountjoy. 1 singing. The devotional was giv- hir VcoinWmnsIsiu Miss Pauline Ferguson spent Mr.Ae.Blet svstn n by Miss Margaret Milis. The M.all\r ro * at Vitra oe' n istwe wt'erss ends. An Toront svstigfi and met W edxesday, Ap nil st at the }ast week wit her sTsrortMr topic on "Sir Richard Grenfeu'" fNir. a beirs. Gordon L d a home of rs Arthur Baily.' -In Philp. Miss Grace Cawker spent the was given by Miss Gladys Yellow- fankily aebe s. stin totthe absence of the president. the i'ýweekend at her home in Port ls. bReadissveyn in Mr. Wa1terF and Milbrs. Bue nn.h fstc-rsen Mr..o-ICADMUS Pers ry. ,Torot, is visiting ftoolccharge of the recreation anj ian M Nrs. LlMaaoy ei - oflng of the scripture passage, the*.hmsteM.ClodAli, meeting closed wlth the Miai stngaM.LldFe Bss aster story. was taken by Mrs. Benediction. Mr.. G. Bowmall and ps 55Monjy Rdcl Anu erofaenagterd Miss Jessie Knox, Egypt, spent Bndcin \1r .Bwaiad',en- Russela ony ol a5s Anme ffrecs9ahr- the weekend at honme.__________________ Helen receratl% visited at) meanswered by a donation.*for the at the home of Mr. and! Mrs. E., M. and Mms. K. Caverly and C. Pascoe's and Thos. Bc Fimat Aid kit, or a painting and Sanderson on Mondai' evenang to !amtlTrno >n udi a E D LMs uySih h a sor acont ! hearis. Te ldthm arewell previous to the home o! hem parents, Mr. and .. been spending a few daysà a!- prograan was in charge o! Mis nvn onlhr. The even- Ms .W oc.Mse og-_________ in PeryVanCamp: Miss G ra c e ng 'w's spent in dancing. las < C.erW. reu.Mse r ome g-th Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Hml of Mountjoy read "The Quintup- League met Thursday evening. las* aving penedthoe wtmQatiWiy with Hsar- ii-"ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gog un d. Childmen's Associates": Mrs. Ja- -of a discussion led by Rev. H. j. Miss Jean Hogarth, Maple trili.. Miss Helen Darllngton ,i-bez Wright played a piano solo; Bell. Mr. Roland Thompson sang Grove, was home over the week- land Mr. J. Glover, Newtonville, Mis. P. VanCamp read "Should a solo. Miss Helen Fowlem gave -a end. 1 with lier mother, Mis. A. Dar-_ Fanm Women Go on Strike?". reading. and Misses Birdie Gib- Mrs. G. Ciatiworthy andtMiss lington. .....Miss Ethel Boyd. av ie pr sent2ld-with music. thae avu e b ersdaughteMs. .Miss Helen Bostock R.N.,Kings- io Wrsipa Lage nWed- ldt report that Mr. T. Cunningham, Cameron. Mistn at her parents'.. .. Mr. Thos nd nescai evenng was taken by Miss Bruce is improving after a çe- , Hazel Cunningham r e t ur ne d Tweedle. Toronto, at his fanm.. . neHazel Mountjoy on the stud of o is illness. home with them after spending Miss Doris Patterson. Kirby, atX t- the famous picture. "The Last Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brown the winter ýwith her grandinother. home. Supper-': Miss Jean Wright fav- andi son Ross. Toronto, M~r. W. Mrs. Nancy' Shaw, Lakeport, is Miss Jean Stewart, R.N.. Osh- oured with a piano solo; Miss Proctor and Mr. Charles Henden- visiting relatives and fiend inlawa. l'as returned from hier trip Ferga Johniston told a stori'; Miss son. Toronto. Mr. William Bmown the village. to Bermuda and is visiting at her 1 Muriel Mountjoy took the topic. and sons. Sunderland, were at A number of relatives and fri- father's. Mr. J. Stewart. Then followed a discussion, led Mr. Russell Brown's on Sunday. ends gathered at the home o! Mr. Congratulations te> Mi. and' by Rev. H. J. Bell. on "The New Miss McNevin spent the week- and Mis. E. Wilbur last Thursdai' Mis. J. HOi' on the birth of a Cana.dians.' end with Miss Helen Fowler. night to celebrate the 89h birt.h- daughter. W. A. of the United Church met Mi. and Mrs. Howard Bailey day o! hiem father, MrL. A. Hulis. Gordon, four Year old son o!f' __________ at the home o! Mrs. James Byers vsited with Mm. and Mrs. Levi Mr. and Mrs. W. Burnett, Osh- Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Cathcart, __________ on Tuesday evening. The devo- 'Mc<3i11 awa, spent Sundai' at the home narrowly esca-'Ped death when tional. an Easter story. was taken o! hiem sister. Mrs. W. G. Wilbum. overcome hi' gas fumes when he' by Mrs. C. Hill; Miss Olive Van- The annual Brotherhood ban- managed to get the top off a Cam gae aredin; te Geequet was heki in the hasement of can o! gasoline. Ramev. .J ell a e a ;teal n* .E .Smer.Preoe E S Club !avored with a chorus; and! ENNISKILLEN the church last Thumsday night. E S The Passion Plai'." Lunch was Enniskillen W. A. met in the and Rev. Mr. Bannister, Canton. HAYDON ierved and a social time enjoyes! chrch aeeto ens wrgutspkrsfthev by I ~April ist. The president, is. R. ig The Golden Rule Mission Band McGill, conducted the openting Congratulations to Mr. Stewart Mm. and Mrs. L. Bradley, Ty- For Satisfac met at the home o! Mis. MeNally devotional pernos. Treasurer e- Hogarth on obtaining the highest rone, Mi. and Mrs. J. Bradley.1 on Saturdai' aftemnoont, with 12 ported proceeds from the cafe- nuinher o! points in the Junior Enniskîllen, visites! at Mr. E. W ts Paste Present. The meeting- ope ned teria tea on March 2th, weme $24. Farmers' Sees! Judging Compati- Bradley's. - Ws wçýith a hymn, afiter which Mar- Roll cail was answered with bouse1 tion at the Quinte Seed Faim at Mm. and Mis. F. Hepburn and! Hutax Faste...... eHilled in prayar. Scripture cleaning hints. Mrs. H. MGill, Pjtn a!Y O-YOI udyda rion was taken hi' Gwenyth leader o! Group 4, bad charge o! 1Mn. and Mis. Frank Rogers. Mr. R. McNeil's. Kolynos Faste ..31 Madang BerYl Larmer ecites! an Easter pnogram: Vclde. Whitbi'. visites! at the home o! 'Miss Annie Mounitioy. who bas "The Stomi' o! an Apple"; Jack Mrs. E. C. Ashton ans!Mis. T. M.1 their son. Mr. F. Rogers. on Sun- been visiting in Bowmanville, has Squibb's Paste....2 'Marlow playes! a piano solo: Ver- Slemon; Paper on Easter; instru- day. eturned to Mi. Milton Slemnon's. _________ na MeNalli' gave a reading "Why mental music, Mis. C. Crossman; Mm. Hary Cowling and Miss Mr. Wm. Cowling. Salem, Sun- r the Kitty hlas Velvet Paws"; Mrs. reading. Mis. C. Virtue; and a Esther Wallace. Toronto. visites! dayes! at Mr. T. Cowling's. MothIV IMeNalli' told the stori' o! "Liv- humorous reading hi' Mis. E. the former's parents. Mr. ans! A numiber o! Young people went11 Bags ingstone in Africa". Moves! bi Page. At the close o! the meet-1 Mrs. Jno. Cowling. on Sundai'. jte a surprise bîrthdlay parti' for' Rlh Mm. and Mis. W. Simpson ans! Miss Laura Philps at hiem home on 1c-35 j Rap Lai-mer. seconded hi' Grant ing Mrs. E. J. Harrison conducted!fml'hv ie pfrigFia'eeig I Fr~c tht avoe o thnksaninteesinnest. Mi.Pg and have moves! into the house Church service last. Sundai' wasGO b e given the W.M.S. for their pa- being Mr. the. awinner.el a___________._M._____6C 3 Pers "The World Friends.'" The Mr. Gordon Weri' has a vemy oMnedranki' M is.Cas angmteai on welaene s!. e A. sm. ont meeting closes! with hymn and successful sale on Thursdai'. April Mm rn Sr a ccpe!ato ra ngasln i seo beniediction. 2nd. Mr. and Mis. Werry have position in Toronto. on "TeeThings thatCucae Use Larvex te ensur The sympathi' o! the commun- moveci to Bowmanville. Mm. and Mr. C. H. Burrows. Oshawa, Christ.*' One application is iti' is extendes! to the famtily ans! Mrs. R. Ormiston are moving in visites! Mrs. M. Goodman on Sun- An Easter service under the one year. friends o! the late John Hooey, to their home. On Fridai' even- day. auspices o! the W. A. will be hels!Pd wl'o passed away at his home on îng a farewell parti' was given by The President opened t h e next Sundai' at 3 p.m. Enniskil- ,n Saturdai' morning. result o! a the conîmuniti' to Mr. and Mrs. Young People's Meeting on Fri- Ian Young people wilI present stroke. Werry when a nicely worded ad- day evening- and conductes! the their pageant. "At the Feet o! Leave yu etfl A God nidi' ervce or hedress was ead bhi'Mr. Roy Me business. The programn was in Jesus": also, special music, reas!- ~ n i cicutwil ehed nth UiediGill which was !ollowed hi' the ..harge o! Miss Florence Burnis.insadeecss circtwheh ld n he Unted retation of an aîectrîc floor lst vice president. Gordon Wil -_______________ Church, Bplcsoc.on IFridai' amp tv unrhh lt n um read the Bible lesson. and R evnn.Arlû10h. înteresting f two bumpn.Te r t at anTed Johns took the devotional. MAPLE GROVE PHONE . items are being prepared hi' eacb onai a.'m rs1tto Miss Edith Rackham favoures! _____________ 49 P. R o! the churchas. Rev. Dm. Bowles was made bi' Messrs. Howard Pye with an instrumental. The topic will deliver the address. gin h ibeatnuSbeechres et.e was capabli' presentad by Miss Nf r. and NIrs. Le..lie Collacutt at -____________ Bowmanville Badminton Club dinti' l unc wservpes j ALulu Reynolds, a! tes which Miss tviffled tbe 20tla wedding celcbrat -_____________ visites! our badminton club on Mis. Sidney Hockadai' Solina, Vera Karslake favoures! with a ion for Nlr. and( Nirs. Eslie 01,. Wednesday evening. visited Mrs. Wm. Oke. piano selection. Mrs. Harols! Sal- EbIetit!z(,r. on Nl\oindav vaag ___________ 'me iYoung men's discussion Mm. and Mrs. S. Pethick, Mr. ter gave an Easter reading..Tî. Stiowdjetaî isited bis' gr'oup met at the Rectori' on Fi- Oswald Pethick visited at Mr. Congratulations te> Mrs. Lewis brothurs. Sainel andl Richard Snow- day evening to bolci their last Chas. Bennett's, North Oshawa. Allin who bas satisfactorily coin- dun. Oshawa. SL meeting for tbe season. The ev- Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rutherford pletes! the final examinations o! MIiss Betty Piaigle. Town. pn enn assetinasn-song of and, Miss Audrey Rutherford,. To- the Standard Leadersbip Curric- Standay with '.\lisse Betty ai* Npl' solos, duets and choruses. Ant un- ronto, visites! at Mr. Jas. Bras!- ulum o! Teacher Training and dred Snowden. EA ST usual featume o! the evening was i ey's. recaivas! the diplomia presentas! Nliss jean Hlogartbl spent Sundav when Rev. and Mrs. Harcourt. Sor' to report Mrs. Phylina hi' the United Church of Canada at home witb lier parents at Hamp- Noinwllmk saga duet in Eskimo. Alter a Mountjoy is iII. Miss M. Virtue, Board o! Raligious Education. ton.,ohn wlmk saingylnhsre yMs a-Trno n r.A ritn Women's Institute meeting was League meeting was bield on We<î- than a Brick of Bî county lunch. sere hi' M isa- Tonfe. aeandi is. . mso.hels! in tbe S. S. room Wednesday nesday evening in the formn of a Dessert. cout, r. W.annes. thpresid- 'Entf! reattengbrpo-aflemnoon, April lst. 'me presi- crokino le party . There were nine 0RI dresnt res napporaev.anMs-gramonfrget tbe Eastner aPi&dent, Mrs. Chas. Johns, openes! tables plaving and everyone ha.i a Hrcsanu reshate Rev. a le ,Mis. gram he onudynigbtludesu ls- the meeting hy singing the Insti- good time. After ter' games tbe Oorbett's have a runt iterbauiu]tal pcs o!W.tbemiong loadi ls.tute Ode. followed hi' the Lord's playaing was stopped and tbe wiin- Eggs, Chioks, Bunmi runn eenVnzp ner- Mis. C. W.e spemon, fowtan vile. rayer repeaitas in unison . A ners announced: Higbi scores for Pieces. Maiss Ha e ren danC pean- illbLunth spl eakervrte een numnber o! lattais weie nead from girls-Tbelma Freemnan; boys-En- tainehdaew rindsheatctson fng. Lunch wilA.h aed. s.the sick. again maminsing us O! nie Gilbanik; lowest scores for girls-BOE CH O lie F rid'evening on the asion o re lny Mr. and!MsA PgMis. lte goos! work being dome. The -jean Jarvie; bovs-Ernest Twist: XE RC ber hiraenh bithay.Moreen aflnai, M. as! baing lansacted. Mrs. lucky, tally holder-Howard Cryder- - Mi. Salerhas ove te he Aw Page.onMi. an i.Ca.Nidderi' was reguestes! te>taka tbe man.' Lunch was served and meeting village ans! is occupying Part of .PnknoMi.Fak Page, chair for the election o! ofrtcers closed with the snitgo udLn the bouse in which Mrs. Thomp- Toronto,. Mrs. C. Branton, Osh- for the coming i'ean. whicb ne- Syne. 1ign f udLn son lives.Gahatbaneu- awa. visites! Mr. S. Page. sultas! as follows: President-Mrs. "reuntte omai'oRyu iMsD.Glrihhsrtr--Miss Mae Lamb, R.N., is nurs- 1.T Perrettî*lo Vice-Mrs. . rqet h opn Phone 3 Distria ed !romn Bowm.anvilla Hosital. ing in Bowmanville Hospital. G idr;2dVc-L.W etr."Takry fyu Mr. Louis Graham ans! Mir Mr. ans! Mis. Wmi. Giffin andG. Honid e r s er -Ms . W. hî~"'akn Charlie Venning, who have been daugitters. Buffalo, N.Y., Miss Chapmnan; Asst.-Miss R. Clat- sick. are improving. Jane Cookman, Mr. ans! Mms. R. worth.y: Treasurer-Mrs. A. Pet- Recen Visiors:Griffin, Union, visited Mis. D. ers; District Director-Mis. Chas. Miss Lulu Wright, Toronto, Burgmaster. Mns. Burg mia s t e r John s; Auditors-Mrs. W. w. wth bier parents, Mr. ans! Mrs. 0. has retumnas! to Buffalo writh the Horn ans! Miss Knox: Press Sac- Wrigbt. former for a. visit. netary-Miss L. Horn, Asst.- Mr. ans! Mms. P. Philp. Mi. ans! Mn. and! Mrs. Laurence Wean Mis.- W. Doldge. Mrs. A. E. Bul- Mrs. G. Hooey, Mn. andi Mrs. H. ans! Mr. Allan Weamai visites! Mr. leIt took the chair for the follow- Hooey, Miss P. Hooei'. Tononto, Win. Parrott ans! Mi. Earla Pa.r- ing program: Singing "The More and Mr. ans! Mrs. R. Lansing, ot. Chalk Lake. We Get Together"; Miss Manjori' Toronto, at Mn. Poster Frguon's Mr and :Ms. Alax Simpson, ~ rs~iat w eync a Mi. and! Mrs. N. S. Mc aly nMs. W. Sayyae. Oshawa, Mr.J.llln aon g4sthtwor MiE. ed Ms. hos.Crag. . Flry avea ver' intaresting e ad Ms. mo . Maig.i talk on "Hop Gmowlng."1 Group 3 Msm. s ss McI lLeughliiP served lunch. Meeting closes! hi Prmnesa Mountjoi', Union, visites! Mr. ngg odSvThKi. Walter Rahm. 4S atCas rm$29 Soap Flakes Mis. D. Burgniaster visites! at StC as fo 29 Mr. John Oimiston's ans! Mr. T. SOLINA New and distinctive models that will instantly at- 2 -po 29C Halls, Brooklin. .ç, 11 Mr. ans! Mm.eM. riffin, B'01-- . tract yen. New colora, new imaterials, new weigrhts. a Leask and g at '%fr. ontgomncry have been guson s. liss Mary 'Messrs L. >wman's. tby. bas ai Mni. F. 1 - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Smith's. ..Milton Cochrane, Oshawa, lias moved on to the farm of Mr. W. Dryden. M'%iss Heleni Stark was home from Wb*Iithv nver the week-end. MnI. ans! Mrs. Everett Ormiston andI Miss julia. Bowmnanvillp, have been visiting at Mrs. W. J. Ormiis- ton's, Miss Joyce- '"Yes, Jack and I are t0 become pariners for lif e." Miss Nfeans- "And! you will be the senior partner. How nice 1" LAKE'S SEMCE ýtion let us fit your Eyes 19e Giant Castile 25c Soap 32 -4 Kruschen 10 Bars 2543 69C 25c W oth Lge. Listerine Tooth Faste (iller 40c Mass> Tooth Brush 9c lb. BOTH FOR 39c re your clothas against moth danmage. guaranteed to proteot clothing. for Bgottie $1,00 lm here to be developed sud printed by specialists VER WOODS' ER BRICKS eyour Easter Dmnner more enjoyable ilverwood's Special Ice Cream. for- MER ONE ZARLY complete stock of Easter Novelties, les and Novelty Baskets, and China )LATES - BABTER WRÀPPED 'TT'S DAKERY butors Dad's Cookias Bowmanvie #- V -;- -.7-