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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Apr 1936, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 30th. 1936 ris, a member of this group which arrangeci ta present hem wîth a frameci COlIT. purpose card to take %vith her ta Toronto whither the famîly have moved this xeek. Congratulations to Master Don, Geo. Robinson and daugliters. _ a m iIBBYCIKMFRSAE.2 ai os n inîgth iget eenm Ja h~e ivei* ~ __NEWLYWEDS* years raising Wi. ehr SALEM I aby chicks, stock culled and I j . ac spectors, cockerels used f rom a,, the W.C.T.U. elocutionary con- United Church -Rv .Mc ______________ eîtrdhn.bodue 0 test at Orono on Friday evening. Lean. B.A., Pastor. Sunday, May presenteci to Mr. Silver, the gift rgsee es lo ie 0 Donald had been coached by Mrs. 3rd. Y. P. U. Anniversary: il ar. Teernondwrl rvl ing of C. M. Carruthers. W. G. MARRIAGE ForSaeyr.enAt.37 gg. Prices Rucedfo Perey Hare, dramatic reader. who -Morning Worship. Rev. Ells- Ilesewil eli thedr trlligtr WerrndHbe Pose. h _____ FOR SALE OR TO RENT-FIVE Bowmanville. Phone 237r3. accopanid Mr andMrs.Josewort To .BA.. Whitby, of at Newca.stle Unitedi Church. on chairman calleci on G. A. Steph roe rc otae nLb 8t and sons to Orono for the event. i'Round the World faine, will AI-OE-A h oeo et t . aae odgr Congratulations ta Mr. Ralph preach:; 2.30 pan. - S u n d a y Wednesday evening. May 6th. ens. F. L. Squair and C. M. Car-PTEOE-A the hrd' arns owme 0f denty St. S. arage.ruitd ar- Lost Gibson. entertainer. for having Sc-hool; 7 p.m.-Evening Sei-vice. words of high praise ta Mr. Sil- ville, by Rev. W. F. Ridng on sa six roomed cottage on Lib--____ won by popular vote first. prize on St.. Georýges Churchý - R e v. ii ;vith pneumonia Friday week, ver and his bride with aIl good edlnesolday, Ap f ril2n. Gad1geSth. S. g are anrgodh-LST-n rwEDN leSDAYraPRel the amateur program at New- F. H. Mason. M.A., B.D., Rector. is miaking rapid progress toward wishes for their future happiness Eln ol auhe 0 r ad grden. ath ossaefeh 0d anro ivrbaee ____Frnk____taDea,_sn16- t 'rsvReth .Gog tBw Janetvile on Friday evening andci 2 p.n.-Sunday School; 7 p.mi.- taineci St. Pieter's Club. Cobourg, lows.- A dainty luncheon was Oshawa. _______ _________ manville. 18-1* Presented their play "The Rot- Evensong- and Sermon. at the parish hall on Wednesday serveci by the ladies andi about the PURDY-WLLAMS-On Satur- HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT- ters" under the auspices of the Mrs. P. ONeil and son. Mr. evening. April 22nd. when the two midnight hour the gathering took day, April 25th. 1936, at Trinity Central location, good resident- Miscellaneous Y. P. U. of Janetville Un i t eciFrank O-Neil, andi grandson Jifl- clubs playeci the final carpet bal leave amidist a shower of god United Church, Kirkland Lake, ilsre a mdncovn Church. mie Keech motored to Napanee gmofhe season of the North- wishies for the happinezs and by Reverend James Graham. ilsreal oe ovn d iences, including electric stove PARTIES REQUIRI2NG FtJRNI- Mesrs.Heran Wenstin.Satrda taattnd he uril o umerlnýandi Durham Deanery Vrosperity of the happy couple. Luella Arnot, ofily daughter of and ctrcxue;prily tr eardo oenzd Puurchaseors h ol 0fnether. olei'i rpioneerseh brotheraveDr.JndsephLlweDe- . Wl-eague.e Petsesrs. urCobourrgses ahaveo farm and the former Maria Love- 3hane, on Sunday. I arain the champion t.eam for the las Toronto. Ontario, ta a once. Apply Geo. W. James. crated for shipping, or other kin farm., andi also miuch of the Mrs. Peacock, formerly Miss 1935-6 season. They have been FRIENDS REGRET Hardy Edward. youngest son of Phone 53 or 413, Bowmanville. odd bits of carpcntry work stok ad ipleent. I * d3s ithon op ncihav wo th F.1c~Barie.spet afe~Mrs. andi the late Mr. E.H.1 done or desiring place ta store taken possession of th rpryher school girl friend . Mrs. J. E. Mason carpet baIl trophy for ________hul gtintoc and commenceci improving it. The Rinch. three years in succession, but not- aic oenCen doub etar- PhneH. B C14-. oe tf former occupants. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. J. A Butler, who was taken iwithstanding their achievements (Ctliiiiiîel fromn Page1 abric ouenCentroube Stret1 wPhneH. B Cepe. se t. on the arpets at home andi to hi one.terrtrn DEA&THS age. Apply Albert E. Belman. _________________________________________________________ Phone 526. 7-tf _________________________________________________ abroaci, lost by a good two figure rector, the P. O'Neil silver cup-_ _ margin of points to their hosts. emblematic of the local church ASHTON-In Pontiac, Mich., on h-ouses to Rent the Newcastle Players, last Wed- carpet baIl championship. Rev. Sunday, April 26th. 1936. Mary___-___ nesday evening. The evening's Mr. Mason was winner of t this J. Ogden. belove-d wife of Thos. TO RENT - ELGI~N S T R E E T' Geo.M . osn llG. . G rne t gme id obo ge teadisg season with highest number of C. Ashton, aged 66 years. Dau- North, cement block hiouse. fiveoa ofth tam. obur ea s idiidalpins.Th Cubalo gliter of the late William H rooms. garden. electric, water. o yl- TORONT OPTOM TRISTSNewcastle, the f irst winnems 0f the ontisocainpresenteci him and Mary Henry Ogden. Ken-,fraeadgaae pl TO O T PO ERSSMason Trophy. is in second place, iha atn gft tkno dl ntreiinUinCee icellnd o rae 7. A 8-1 A TORONTO OFFaCEa143 DANFORTH AE. - GR.of0dalith PortrHopenn UnBowmanvill theireregard.phtery74Oshawa brigin upthema. I 192 te iterO f thle1 BROAD - In Bowmanville. on, FOR RENT-6 ROOM HOUSE,B WM PORT HOPE Office is open WEDNESDAY Lake Shore Union S u nd ia.y church was completely redecorat- SnaArl2t.13.Cr iet t.imdaeps ofec ekfrm9am o ..Poe Sohool vwill observe its 45th anni- jd and emergeci still more beau- oi Sne da , ip ri 69th 93. ar- 8 Lesibn erty S..imeiatepasr- N LG R T G A 1 ofec ekfo ..t ..Poe vesary next Sunday. May 2rd. ifland became of a change in oinBrainhr6hye.rssinewyecatifn-NA G R T G A 248 or 525J. G. M. Bosnell in charge. when Mr. Allan A. Martin, B.A., hIclr cem.muhbrgte rment Bowmanville Cerne- ace. bath. lights, hot water. SERIES 0OF TI th oo cee uhbihe ey gas. Apply Mrs. Thomas Rich- B.Paec.. Brighton, will conduct appearing. In this year also St. JEVVJLL - In Bowmanvilîe. on ards. Queen Street. 16-4* GREATEST5 COBOURG Office is open SATURDAY of the service andi preach a .0p George's celebrateci the 75th an- Friday, April 24, 1936, Thoms-_ _ each week from 9 a.m. to .9 1).M. Gordon tme he wil ig terynlixe ua- niversamy 0f the laying of the1 Charles Jewell. ageci 77 years. iTORN-ROMDHUE tett.e will sin.chvegybody wel corner stone with much re.ioicing,,PICKELL-Entereci into rest in! light. bath andi furnace: good Friday, Saturdi E. Grnet i chrge cone.withi special preaching by Toronto; Darlington. on Thursday. April garden: occupation May 1t. -NOTE-Where at ail possible kindly make appointments j Softball season openeci in New- clergymen andi by a supper and 23rd, 1936, Dean Pickell, in his Apply P. Martin. High StreetW R E 9 for examinations. I castle April 25th. when Scout- garden Party on July lst. j7lst year. Interment Ebenezer Bowmanville. 16-tf W R E master B. H. Mortlock, Bowý%man- Pollowing his election as Bishop Cemetery. I-Il WanteCHA ve.brought a Scout team down of the Diocese of Toronto, the Rt. RATCLIFF'E-Earày Friday marni-HenW td and Cubs. The gaine was playeci paucu his first official visit as Bis- oe 4Ge orS. o- WANTWE - COOK QENERAL.YO R U C n te bIlpar aci esutei i ahop of Toronto, to St. Georges. onto, George Arthur Raicliffe. four in family. Apply M r s. Bargain Fares May 7th from 13OWMANVILLE 1Y ta 9 win for the visitors. Rev. Newcastle. andi confirmeci a clas beloveci husband o f J a n e John Burns, 62 Connaught St.. AER AU .H. Mason. local Scoutmaster. of candidates prepareci by Rev. F. Thomndike anid dear father of Oshawa. 17-1* To C.N.R. Stations in the Maritime Provinces j acteci as base umpire. H. Mason. This was an honor Mrs. George E. May, 197 High WNE-OSK~E O Province of Quebec, New Brunswick. Prince Edward Islandu. Mr. Edwin Hancock, Peterboro bath for St. George's and for the Park avenue. and William Raýt- gnTeal OSk, n mall FmRy Mon., Tues., WeE Nova Scotia Normai School. spent the post-' village. erawokins l fmy, astr hlidy wek ccodin ta Durng ev.Mm.Masns n- cliffe of Marylandi, in his 90th ail canveniences in home. Ap- MAY 8th to OTTAWA S4.10 'officiaI arrangements t e a c h i n g cumbency a long standing mort- WILKINSply MD.' Dmawer B. Frw- MAY 8 - 9 to MONTREAL $5.85, to QUEBEC CITY S9.10 andi observing at No. 9 School and gage was cleared off St. Saviaurs day, April 24, 1936, Eith May manvilie. 18-1 to Ste. Anne de Beaupre $9.70 at Clake Union. He and Miss Church, Orono. in 1934, and in~ Gauci. beloved wife of Morley WANTED - A H-OUSEICEER ROUN TRP PAES nnablleHendry, who also spent October of that year His Grace, Wilkins, in her 5lst year. In- capable of looking after farm couple f days at Newtonvlle now Archbishop D. T. Owen, DD.. terreci in Bowmanville Ceme- hm.AI- yNoranMtlf, Tickets, Farcs, Tranisit Luiitisaid hifjreatoii J o qj 5is. choo1. have eturneci to Peter- Primate 0f ah Canada, again vis- tm.e e oe. x~omn ea N ara.4 the parish, preached at St. WORKMAIN - Suddeniy, at the 47R. R18-1mavll.Phn CA A I N Ask for C A NA D I N Mr. Wilbert Graham, who haci Saviour~s andi consecrateci the 477r11Paiens'Pa18-1" or spent the winter in Florida with mortgage free church. PrIatePatent' Pvilon.To0 N AT IO NA L Hadbil PA CI I Hi Hoor.Juge aywrthof Rev. Mr. Mason has taken a nesday, April 22nd. 1936, Rev. interesteci in aviation who are ---- Belleville, etumneci home Thurs- keen interest in the Boy Scout George Coulson Workman, MA.. anxious ta take fling instruc- ________________________________Iday evening. Wilbert wears a movement and as Scoutmastem hDae 7yas ne- in.Apy".. rwrB t hick coat of Plorida sun tarn, be- has been most successful in in- PhDt., ae 8 years Iter- tiownsApiy .X.1Daer1 ing as brown as a nut. teresting the boys in Scout ideais. mn tLkpr eeey amnil.1- Rev. Lorne Thomas, L.Th.. of pogramis and Projects. Grafton. W ne St. Bartholomew's Church. Tom- As a local clergyman andi citi- C<- onto, visited his mother. Mrs. W. zen he a nhsatclyak 1s WNM - ATEFRPS F. Toma. a eador sowna redy illig- ARD F T ANKture. reasonable prices. Russell IefkCoFFEE ~ ~~~~Miss Marjorie McKenzie, Tom- ness ta co-aperate with others inl' rutn hoe172. 1- RE LL nto. us assisting hem brother-un- aIl cammunity paîmiotic exercises IMALLY COFFEE ~~~law. Mm. H. S. Britton, on the as in he holding f Remem- The wife andi pareits f the!WNE NUNSE clerking staff behind the counter brance Day services, the celebra- late E. J. (Joe) Kiipatrick wish WAmoins b- 3ounFaRNiSe D pe in the corner gracery. tion of the late King George's ta express iheir sincere apprecia- r Ponesby ou25 mr.i 18oule BIFORE TOUR EVES There was a scene Of much ac- Jubilee on Monday, May 6th, and tion to Dr. Bell and Dr. Birks for ______ ______ is G U D EFORE y« "EStiviîy arounci the C.N.R. station the memorial service foilowîng their kindness. aiso to al who WANTED - GIRL FOR HOUSE- 1Monday morning when a large His Majestys death on Monday. kindly lent cars, sent fiowers and womk: live in: two children. gang of men and tmack iaying Jan. 20th. for kind enquiries made during i Appiy Mms. M. Bmeslin. Arcade AND HOW Scientific laboratorY tests show that from and re-cammenceti the work Of the Board of Eclucation snce loved husband and son.'Rs ie' à ffl20 to 25% of coffee flavor is lest If the laying the new heavy steel f rom January 1930 when he was firsi tr FrRn coffee beans are not ground correctly for the the point where it was calied off elected by popular vote. At the Mr. Morley Wilkins and familyStrFo RetRaMa. kind of pot used. This Is another reason about election time lasi summer. inaugurai meeting of February wish ta express their sincere SHOP TO REN'r-IN WEST END "Son g ai the wh A& Cffe sgrun wenyo by The work is being proceeded wth 1935 he was accomded the highest thanks ta friends and neighbours of Statcsrnan Block. Wiîî me- MouanUea whyA &P Cffe lsgrond henyoubuy wesîward toward Bowmanville on1 honor in the gift of the Board for their many expressions of model ta suit tenant. Apply « Juat for' CO -")l rgtfo oirmehd0fmktg he south irack. when il elected him chairman. symipathy in their recent beeave- Statesmnan Office. u EXTRA SPZCIAL Mrs. J. S. Ames. Bowmanville. Re was unanimously accarded a ment, aIso for the many beautifui Pro e was weekend guesi of Mr. andi second term for 1936. His regine floral tributes. Articles For Sale Madame«" 8 ~ ~ K COFFEE Ilb.2 C.N. R. s reang 0tth e- newthe insallaton lsat year of a IM MFOR S4~LE - O sppîg0r-o-a cara a en akdb sofrS.g LhEm T heavy steel on Monday. Apuil 27, school, and the introduction aof ______________ householci fumniture by private FIVE OSES FLOUR27c he Pint jsi wst o the lectic paer fr puping nci U~I'.în îvinleemar f ar sae. imcludng prsor ilt tee SIVEb ROk iSaES Creamemg 27e sation wheme the work was dis- îughting purposes for the fîrst dear wife and mother. Lily basd . ta r' nble r, etc.a Silvrbrok irs Grae Cearery1-lb continued last summer about the turne in the 78 yeams 0f the Beatice Hunt who passod away and mo. r snew banteSyret. tme of the federal eleciions. The school's history, and the purca- ai Gravenhurst, May 5t 95hi eeidne in tet Pit2 c C.N.R. is also geting matemial ong a1935-cngWilot e itte tougt hen1eain BLCKBUTE ls.4t he gound for the building of a Memnorial Library in the school home FOR SAL-USED SEE POTA- B L O C K B U T T E R 2 I b s . 4 5 cn e w o v e r h e a d b rid g e n e a r M m . th is y e a r . h w o l n o m r r e u ,t a c t r . $ 9 , b g e t a h Sunnyfield Grade "A" Frank Bone's. In deference to Since coming to Newcastle, Rev. Sewudn oertm.1 utr 49,bge tah Lare Dz 2 c ihe wishes of Carke Cou ricil and .Manmaie adbouh Thatiun death sa soon would mient, capacity six bags an II1GG in Caron loa 0iet f the section as hr.sMyon wîfed be uto sleep. hour: also 10 bags No. 2 Cob- localn wf t b msresident Andi leave us here to moumn. bler Seed Potatoes. Jas. A. GRAE " A" MEDIUM, Doz. 23c representeci by Mm. Howell Row- andi adorn the Rectory. The peo- We do not know the pain she Werry. Enniskillen. Phone 3133- NEWS - - - Fine Granulated Ibs. land, the ralway will flot begin ple of the parish have become bore. r33.182 SU A 0 46~ general onerations towamd the e- much attached ta hem and cannot We did flot see hem due,"'2 MATINEE MONDAY 4 p.m.; UGAR 0 46c placing of the old bridge unf il speak of Rev. Mm. Masons and We only know she pa.ssed away FOR SALE - SINGLE RIDINO NEW CHEESE M l. 14C the fumai of May when the roads Mrs. Mason's approaching de- And neyer saici good-.bye. Plow, McDeering No. 13: 2; ofthe neighborhood wuil probably panture from the village without --Sadly missed by Husband Deeing Mowers. 5fi. cut:3 OLD CHEESE 1 b. 19C be in good condition again. evincing the deepest ernotion.anSo. Msey ows.5 f.ctThrF., a. i Mo e Ne casle n ws ill e -M cCorm ick G rain Binder. 6 ft. M4ANY FLOWERS SOAP 3Cks 130 0 tea founci on page 8. THE LIVING SERMON A.oartments to Rent cut; Deering Grain Binder, 6 Bflflp. 3.1Co27ed -changhe tu Iifi. cut: Gas Engine. 10 horse. ..rÇ HTRE SPAHTI CfII 2 i m 2 Lake Shore Boy Upholds Section's I'd rather sec a sermon than hear PRMN TO REN'r-FOUR L. R. Wood. Bo w ma n vi il e. IH IT REA P & G SOAP 11,li B--EN ,Sb r.Best Traditions one any day; àme Ir~~ 07 . 1 OlilYfiAN nlmuwh *ai' 44- Live Stock For Sl FOR SALE-G. P. MARE, OU years: G. P. horse. 12 iyears. W. E. Sanderson, Enniskilen. OULCIII rvUgU MUCKE - - 23eioo 0%PeP1enn-sylvaia MAGIO BAKING POWDER Tin 2k OTR I GILT EDGE O ROI Einhn 50s ti~ 98s 45A Guaateed Af FLUUR 'Os$.59" $2.45 2,00-mlle 6-qt. VEAL LEGS "aueo RUMP FILLETS VEAL CUTLETS VEAL CHOPS LI PORK LOINS - - -lb20e - b - '29c m. w 25e - -ib. 23e aRn[ CENTRES or LOIN CHOPS ......b. 23e PRIME ROB ROAST- -u.18 SHOULDER caucir ROAST m . 12e ROUND STEAK ... 1C1FILLETS a-lb lie BACON Im>l4Bd Vb. 21@ 1FiaisanHaddi"s'mooed2 lb..25 Fruits and Vgetablea A & P DAIL Y FEEDS B ANANAS - 3 11- 17C ' lady Egg Mash 10, rîr5 ... 21 Onions SILVERSKINS 4 lbm. 19e Daly Egg Scratch if,-s.. 17 APE sr 6-qg. 3cDandy Bran 's... 64c APLSOT BSUket39 Dandy Middlunigs s.ý . . 84C CABBAGE TEXASBIL.SC Daily Growih Chick Starter BEETS TEXSOailSeD.y Growth Chick Scratch Carrots TEXAS DunehSC .......lof),s.... $2.15 LAG IE~20*". Dairy Feed 190's.... $1.69 OrangesAFLORIODA D- 9e24.£airy Feed 14W9 .. $.7 g ê~' uair i-ee cor9 Again a Lakesnore boy lhas brought honora ta hi.mself and his section. In the recent final ex- aminations at Kempiville Agri- cultural College, John Hendry. Jr. writîng 26 subjects, secured f irai class honora andi getiing hi.s dip- lorna in Agriculture fromn the col- lege. Pollowing a visit with his1 parents, Mm. andi Mrs. Jno Hen-1 dry, he has returneci to hua posi-1 tion at Le Moines Point Parmm Kingston. During his term ai college John representeci the col- lege at the annual e-union at Guelph andi also playeci goal on the hockey team at Ottawa, Mon- treal andi many other points in Eastern Canada. r GoodbYes and Partings On Tuesday afternoon. April 21st. after achool the Senior C.G. ,lT. girls with their depaming member and song leader. Miss Marguerite Harris, iheir leader, Mrs. Oea. A. Walton. andi iheir ýPastor's wife, Mms. S. MacLean, had a group pictume taken by Mm. A. E. Mellaw outside the S. S. hall. An eniargernent of the group i will be m.ade and presented to Musa Marguerite as a gifi of e- mnembrance. Again an Piday ev- ening a number o! Marguerites girl f riends gathered for a social ening at the home of Mm. andi Mms. Hemb Toms whose daughier Margaret is a member of the group andt in the course of the jprogram shawered hem wth pari- îng gifts. an individual present fmom each girl f riend. Also on iFriday evening Junior COl.IT. gro up, of which Mms. A. W. Gien- ney is leader, held a special pro- grain in honor of Miss Jean Har- I' aLIier one would alk aiRth' me than merely show the way; The eye is a better pupil and more: wlling than the ear: Fine counsel is confusing, but exainple's always clear. The best of ail the preachers are the men who live their creeds: For to see good put in action is what everybody needs. I soon can learrr to do it if you 1 let me se it donc; I can watch your hancis in action, but your tongue too fast may run. The lectures you deliver may be very wise and true, But I'd rather get my lessons by observing what You do: I may flot understand the high advice that wou may give. But there's no misunderstanding how you act and how you live.1 Property For Sale FOR SALE-3 ACRES IN BOW- manville, on Jackman Rd., new house flot completed, garage, barn, ý1 ' acre each of raspber- ries and as pa r ag us. ". Drawer B, Bowmanville. 18-2* HOUSEHOLDERS ATTENTION Painting and Decoratlng Reasonable Prices Sunworthy Samnples Satisfaction guaranteed C. H. PAPINEAU 16 Liberty Place, Bowmnanvtle PHONE 520W Apytatesman (Office. FOR SALE-COLUMBIAN RASP- bermy sets and Dunlop straw- berry plants. Apply Taylor & Hall, phone lg1m2. 18-1" FOR SALE - A BOX-TRAILER Just Re e d with tarpaulin caver.Phn J S K cevd 612. 18-1 FPresh Car of FOR SALE -COLUIMIA RAsp- Can daM. Jamieson, King St. W., Bw YOU'VE TRIED THE REST NOW TRY THE BEST - DORsE'r C e m entthe greai new early Sirawbermy that has taken the country by AND storin, plants $1.25 per hundreci, AND$800 Per thousand: Dunlaps Parson's Beauty. $1.00 per 125. %Çpra3r 5.00 per 1000, prepaici: Viking Raspberry Canes. v i go rmou s stock. $2.50 per hundred. Laird. Bowmanville. 476r21. 16-3" Lim e FOR SALE-EC3GS FOR HATCH- ing. f rom large white Aylesbury ducks. Phone 176r6, 18-2 FOR SALE-GLASS CUPBOARD. Send in your order now. gooci condition: cheap for quick sale. ApplY Mrs. J. N. Lawrie. We Deliver -King St.. Bowmanville. 18-1 FOR SALE-RHUBARB RooTS. Mms. J. D. Hogarth, pho n e 198r4, 18-2* A LIII FOR SLE - usED .TPIGHT L A, HIiPaLe piano. in good condition. Wili ~S0Nsell cheap. Apply Box 'F.L." Phone 153 Bowm.anville A schoolboy's defînîtion of Leap Year: Leap year is instead of its being the next day on the saine day next year it's the day afier. e. * ~ r Announcement J. H. ABERNETHY has been- appointed Agent in Bowmanville for Glidden and Gold Cross Paints GLIEDDIEN PAINTS Gallons Quarts Pints $3.75 $1.00 $3.00 -85e GOLD CROSS PAINTS Gallons Quarts Also Stains, Enamels and Varnishes J. H. ABERNETHY Painter - Decorator Phone 431 Eheatre ANV1LLE BIG SUMMNERTIMIE 'HE SCREEN'S iUCCESSES lay - May 1-2 OLAND IN IN SHANGHAI"p 30 LE DUDLEY 'DAY 2.30 p.m. A. - May 4-5-6 * OMEDY WEDNESDAY 2.30 p.m. LLY HAS EVERYTHItG HEQ UINr, OO Yvonne *Cecil@ Marie e Annette * Emelie <rm C. OUNTIRY BOUGE JEAN HERSHOLT JUNI LANG SLM SUMMERVILUE MKHR WMEN - DOIf M HOM Dr. Allan Roy Dafo. SPECIAL NOTE:- saturday Matinees at 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. Dayllght Saving Time COMING: "'ANYTHING GOES" "IN PERSON" "THUNDER MOUNTAIN" "IN OLD KENTUCKY" "BOHFJEMIAN GIRL"I "THiREE MUSKETEERS"l "CHATTERBOX" Mr 19 75 k Ic is is i9 '3 , - May 7-8-9

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