-'I A THE CA1NADIAN ST/LTE AN, BO V]IÂVnLE, ONTARIO, TKUR-SDAY. APRIL 30th, 1936 il The echocs of reveille were lest lu been seulte ofil] the gaps left li the mist of summer uterxing. Three- the 58th after Verdun. He had thirty o'clock The 58th stirred rest- noticed the lad with the shock cf lessly. Texnsion and restraint weme brown curîs axîd the straight grayi lu the air. though they were net go- eycs, almest immediatehy. He was ing over the top, for they were be- taîl and sleuder as a yoang truc. hind the liucs îîow, lu support after There tva' soineîhixtg fine about his a tremendous and gruelliug drive. face aud bearing andI a hint cf Private James Crippetu was givîng streugtlî te come lunuîaturity. Bt a last rub te is buttons. Ris face the hune cf bis jaw axîd cltirx. xet. was was white and sraiued above the round axîd soft. He was making a sbabby khaki of bis xniform, his valiaxit struggle to appear andI act eyes dulled with the pain and exhaust- mtxcl older than hecsvas. ion of mental torture. Eithem by Crippen's cyes seemed te draw bis, ironic coincidence, or, more likelY, like a magxîet anid uev met, gras- by the Colonel', orders, he was a- aud blue. like a warm iaxdciasîî. mong those chosexu for the firixîg Thie boys senstîive mouth litaîf- sqîxad. twi'.ued lu a texitaîlve sitile. He tore A littIe mnin with rat eyes and a Crippexu's heart out, staxndixng theru. sharp nose sidled up. ga ve himn a dlg so ike lis owni o r'etua- iîi n lu the nib, axd ptxsbed l is face clos..-ait hoxme. Thete wo si r.. fr.itî!., a, te Crippeits. Tlieru stas a hl f ouce. Thux- uigit bav-e ki:,,svi eaub situer oxi the ceckxiex 's face. g'thuýr for s-cars, whiexu haîf ai t hir ".Wot's i atixi' yer.mate,%? Ner after xneetinug, Jîliaîx c' 'ofluîd t" look a bit scedv llI dsa' li ut w-at itoo "n..- e chiad'I heit ah'1 Crippexi scarcuîv h'-ard bixît. te w,îri oui of hlm-lii'. rtie agu. "\W*11, .c aim .t xiethtix' buxt a H..'\was fifîtu.. A 'caxtt s a oh' m,,tbîr's darîju .xxv'ow-. I saVs I' '-r thian ittst it la . Phiî. .t'î lu r, Tom tîte mut' 1 clapped, me bloom- he \\vas. iii hii n uiî-createdIble]. ai i'ex-es xn 'ixi, I savs: 'e aix't got thetfron for te fi;;, lime Cr î exîotgh gins t'-2'-l 1gel "Sîtut otir dlrty fac e. Sxnith 1 )' mu tas '.fllud sih xitltdvii 'cmnîaxîded Crippen cîîrtly. his blue n m1-adiiiiratin. iu. hîh ;tgvr. Tii,! i ýs i îreatuîixuig. "ou bg fuI li.c.- f i'e os "ix fuI r n Halrighît. h'all iglît inatey No c e( epome xgatixram xtee te e s~'ast'" ' adseiure aud 11k' tuar-diuiixtz. gler- But Crippen ivas net isteing. he hm. (- tsicfyîîh.(htCd had turned ou hishbcd axmd srde Cvr ix îa d.k pa!cca vih The uswremtel spasmod- But Ged secniid ahîsay> far sa icallv as the 58îh sound its wvîover i rg-m lte 'oxîxud cf hattîc. Jîiait. hi'. thie white road. like a brow-x strearu volinzu fac.. sober aud gray ey..3 star- between shelhI-torit fitelds aitîd thie rmu- uiu iitluthearlxtess. confided ii iaxît cf a wod(. Thie air vas soft brekuisîîîcst riî.x.bsf.a here belixtd the lhues sylere the ' '" ýiuc eer the top. il tva's 0 stextcb of death and the acr,'d phos- 'a ni. anîd ai atacktva, '.cheduled for phicrus cf uxpledixug shelîs svas ilo t tree. 50 stroxîg. Iicoxtgrou.sly. hidden ""If l'in - afraid, J catît - b),a bird, carolled from the strickeu I cced soldi'. r. cat i 1, it " Tuiaii's w'oodlautl. Thue mist carcssed their vurried veice asked. sar-wearv fac..s svithu ils soft clamp- "The bes't soldiers gui a quiis-rt uess. fee.linig li thte siornach iat uit.s. luI- The tuiixîî lu Crippui' miniînl- jaxu. .ii% mxani svo s.'mtadih i crcased as tbev dresv ixexorably is afraid- hefor.. g'iine osevr the tep ucarer axud ucarer tc L..ioux's Farm'. fo r the first timue 1'Iv]ixtg. and 1ttltt He was reuieiuerixtg thte day that time, eut of tün. a poor soldier.". J uiau, witb buxîdreds of others. lia.. He rememberud thtat coîversatioîu verv svehî. Thie arouta of thete 10 bacci' bucltad bcextnokiîîg bexi fillhi, otrd n Spe ia B rg în W hen tlî..s svct over. he lest JîxI- ian. A piece of shrapnel tome bis' ]cg ad he must bave ]ost conscioxxi- EXCURSI ONS bessonatr for be svoke up bu TOALSTTO SIN ilie rude dressing stationî. Ris firs5't TO ALL TATIONStb..uglî't a fter hi, appalliug tbir'. WESTERN CANADA had been partially quencbed by souste -..Going Dates: voiccd the question.c Daily May 14 t.o 28, 1936 "Roîbwell ?" repcated thie ytîng - Return Lmit: 45 days. doctor. "Qxite a pal of yeurs, vasx't APPROXIMATELY h 1 Wh~Iat do yc'u ueaxi, wasîî't lie?"t ONE CENT PER MILE Crippen cried, alarmed. "He svasn 't * Gond in Coaches onIy --killed, net Julian 7" Hi, voîceé paded for reassurance.r Sleeping Car Privileges PlThe doctor lookcd away. "You'd Passage Tickets also on sale, gond in: better get sote sleep, Crippen," he (a) tourlat sleeping cars at approxi. said. mately 1'/4c per mile, plus regu- "TellIm," Crippen cmadd lar berth fare, m," outmustta elld (b) Pa rior and, standard sleeping cars gmaspiug hi, baud. cYuuuttl at approximately 1i/2c per mile, me, is he - - dead7 Pl.s regular seat or bertlt fare. StilI the doctor hesîtated. -'!ROUTES -Ttckebs good goiug via "You eally mtust getl he be- Port Arthur, Ont., Armstrong, Ont.. gan bu a chidiug voice. Chicago Ilit., or Sauib Ste. Mamrie, rpe.fretn ewswud reburntn;g via same route and lite Cipx.fogtxgbewswud only. Genemous optional routinga. ed, tried te raise biutself. The rou Il STOPOVERS - witbhtn litit of ticket, went black for a uteuent axîd sweat c botti going aîud eturning - at Port broke eut ou bis distomted face. He0 Arthur, Ont.. Ar'mstrong, Ont., andt bit bis lips until they bled. wesb; aise ab Chicago,.El., Saultt "o o),Cipn Ste. Mari..' mici., and wesî lun tc- YufoCipe. Lie dosvu and cordance wibh tariffi, of United behave yourself," commnxdcd thbc States line. dector.y Full partaculars frornail» agentî "Tell me, then," Crippen whisper-d ed.E CANADIAN PACIFIC The docter gave in with a sigh. t "Hc's missiug- - yet. But they me i J. W. JEWELL Sole Agent For Flo-Glaze Preducts Bowmanville Phono 30 TO INSURE a home, store, or factory against loss from fire requires the services of an inswrance expert. Our advice might save you some money but will not cost a cent. Ask us to study ail your policies and plan complete protection for you in the Haftford Fire Insurance Co. J. J.MASON &SON Phone 50 INSURANCE AGENTS Bowmanville X a tl el t( ir sl hl c al fi in sr Mi hi ri y( VIL Sc fi fc tc a fil Co gr th- T, Ci tel te bu le warm gray dawn. They were at .eloux's. Juliax woxîld be wattixug here, hi, proud votung head flung teck, deterutixed' te die bravels. wîce he lîad lost hi, lierve, bxît he ould show them how he could (lie, -rippeu could visualize hlm tlits, anud Ill îl'at soute such thoughts were xssîxug through his mind. The battaliou formed a square in he court-yard. Crippen asked leave osay good-bye to Julian. He did it exîxect that it would be granted, nit the Colonel, knowiug the lie wasý naking it harder for himself, agreed., 1 stilI bringing them lu so 1 wouldn't worry if 1 were you." Missing I' Crippens dry lips re- peated. "Oh, God, keep hlim safe,' lie whispcred. his ey es staring. "Let him l'e alive." He fell asicep presently. His wouuid was superficial and healed nicely, He had beeu luck-v in this tiightmare of a war. Too' damned lucky! He had a feeling that the uext timne, he would be left, a stink- iug corpse ini No Mlan's Land. It was a convictiou. Two weeks had passed and nio trace of Juliau had been found. Blown te bits, likely. What a death! What a hideous per- bod to a vibrant. seusitivelv attuued voung life. Theu. suddeuly one day. J uliau came hack. Crippeiî eould u"t believe it. it mrust be his ghiost. But if his re-appearance seemed iuicred- ible. what folloNvcd was more like a hallucinatiou. Ot auv of thý, obvions tNcu5es 1er bis absuxice-prisoner of the iixi or just A.W.O.L. for a eî'od tinme- I tliaxu did int make lise, but said dt liberatelv that hie ha( lts ertti(l. WhnCriî';wxî huard!, hie felt aif ,outeoile had hit l:iuî Wt\ve..'n thý e ' Ilt B Rni ahnou,~i i miud iateî i hi' hia: f ni 'i und blia tomk x ' f ;r iii, bît\ ,'>xiffct anxd le w a' iiiil \N witilt i' art a 'îrelien- sioit a>' ot' hercsu!-,c'f the e' urt- martial w hich insxt if' 1w. Tb.. l w as so ý(ilng. ni high charactur and r<î'.xtaî,. i ' c e'r'..it xva, bis ixrstext c Th. da i e iiecourt-mnartial tlit c' ckzie vSxnith. *s sittixxg b"idc Crippext at i 's axtd w iih bis char- aux..ristic <lig in tte rnb'.aud poking ot li'. weas' I facu ie oCrilpp..ui',. hý cNclaimced w iii relisýh' -\Veî e':.er thi uk. utatey ? Yer hI1 oniiil little ut<tltrs boy 13ilu.et 'vatur ~çwfir cuýrtaini. ('rii'p.. n mîchu d ex as if lie had itot h.. ard. Btut Sutxh couuntii.id xxxi - aba-'hed. 'a\ .uring ecdisvllablu. "lt t' ut' b it haixît 'is first etf- teincv. 1-. f înked itl 'ncu' le f' ru. on 'h'-wtt unt hu*WlmIat !" Cripipuus k-nife anîd ferk <Ire 't i w i t h a c latter..For a xii'- Iltnt11v tari 'I nîtl..U(iiigîv bu.fore hiru. Thuti dazedlY he tuirucil te Sîtîith. *WlîIat*s that yotx sav ? Deserte-I l'if' ore ?-'Hi' speec~h vaýthick, as i f lîis tonguewerc swolleu. *Thiais riglht. 1 donii kxtow ne pertieklers t Ncept tliev give *iii ait- otht'r trv ai it. But lxix werentt no lise. Thle bl..ke 1' chickeu-livered. that's h'all. A\s 1 was savxu t' Tom - -' -Keep our dirty toxîgue off hlm, fill . cix?' Crippeu blazed, aund thexi ixî ' to dized silence. He Nvas stxuouied, yet agalu, and quite iuncousciously, he hegax ito ex- cuse IuIiau. lu his cycs, the boy could do no wroug. it svas this cursedl ivar tîtat w;as at fauli A fter aIl. J uîiau, tvas ouly a child anîd shoîxld hxave beexi at home, swimmiug lin the river aud trampifig over the siti- sweet fields 'these preclous summer days. lustead, he had faced a bar- rage of death and, quite natturally. lourid his fifteen-year-old courage unequal to the ordeal. But uo matter how manv excuses jumped int Crippen's miud, the fact remaxned that it was Julian's secoxnd if fence. and that meaut that the ver-1 diet, almost bevond doubt, woÙld be -death ! Crippen reluctantly faced bhat thought, and shuddered. In ,ome other battalion, perhaps, the lad would have been sent home wherc te beîonged. but the thought of clemenex' and Colonel Goodham at one and the same time was incon-. gruous and inconceivable. There were hours of tension be- fore the verdict was known, during ,xhich Crippen died a thousandi leaths. He even dared to hope 3ut then he would see the cold, aus- ere Colouel to whom Army tradit- ion was a Gospel, sitting unperturbed and impacable before any pleas for Mercy. At last it was over, but it seemied as if news of the decision would lever reach Crippen, as he waited in unbelievable agony of spirit. And theu it was f rom Smith he heard it. t would have to be, he reflected af- terwards, bitterly. He raised hisj eyebrows ini question as Smith came up te hlm.t *'Well, hi'it's aIl up with 'lim, I guess. H'at suxtnise Stinday uterx- in'. Axi' wot I says is, 'e got wot svas eombu' to 'lut. Yer gotter 'ave guts in this war, matey." There seemed te be ashes lin Crip- pens mouth. His face was wry as .e turned away. Then fury seized hixp; he was torn by hate and sor- row, and bliudly, shutting eut aIl rea- so, he sought eut the Coloxtel. Vithout aneurncement of any kixîd, e broke into the Colenel's sanctum. Colonel Goodham sat there workin t some papers, the candle light lickering on his habitually taut face, Crbppen's eyes were wiId. Grat- j ulian was lu the stable and when the guard let hinm in, a priest was praying in a corner. Juliaui, sliKht holiows lu his checks. lus chin and jaw more sharply dcfined and bis straight nose with its delicately flar- ing nostrils giving his profile streugth and maturity, stood looking at the priest indifferentîr. It wvas flot his religion and he would have preferred to be alone. His face lit up, howcver, when he saw Crippen, then fell again. He half-turned away. 'hat must you think f he askcd low. Crippen ached to sliug anl arm around the boy, but such demon- strations did flot conte easilv to hlm. 'I cani quite understand," he said, his throat tight. -1 felt like mak- iî.g a boIt for it when 1 weut over the first time, but I didî't have the courage." The gray eves brimmed wiîhi tears of thauks.Ilie turued to hldký thcm1 and said: "How like you to sav somethiiug1 like that! Theru ivas silen:ce for a linoluitiut. thcn Julian. his voice quiet and clear. I kuew ' ou'lIdo tîlis for nie, jluî if Nvou cat. Don*t lut thieinî s-cd w 'rd homte tlxat 1i wa - shot-" for -destriug. It woulîl kilI itixr moilher anîd hrîak li%.father's heart. Let t hein tîx uk 1 was killed iin ac o 'x.t J lent suppos"e it cati he doue btt- -11 1 do it if 1 ]have to bash thes 'lauuxed Coloulel*s hcad ini.-' * Thanks Jimn. There wvas a pause. The guard stuck his headluilthe dour. Times up!" About thrce more minutes te live! Julian's hcart lept, theu steadied iagaiu. He held onît hi, hiand te Criîî- pien. "Xý'ell," lie said. a haîf-smiîe twist- ixîg his lips, 'I hope there isn't ait- ullet wjiî yoîxr name on t. Tie boy was more composed thaul Crippeu. Before the eycs of thý, lat- ter. Juliaxus face kept blurrixug luto iPhil's. Somebodv sceuted te bc squeeziug hi, hucart wbcn he felt Jul- ian's f irut laîud and saw thuose grey eyes, 50 steady, se clear. He didu't tell Julian hie 'as lu the firing squad. He woxîld be bîind-folded and would neyer kuow. Crippen's throat ached intolerably as hie said huskily: "God bics, von. lad!1" He took hi, place lu the sqîxad. Mercifiiîlv, there was a sheet with a hole cutt'lu it, bchind which Julian would stand. Tîte comutand was given. They fired at the small hele lu tlîe sheet; the echo died and the sutoke cleared awav. Crippeit marched' as lu a dreamn. The xnist, shot through with the lovelv rose foreruxtuers of dawxi. was dissolvixig. Oulx' trailixîg cobsveb wreatms lixîgered lu the vallex s. ST. PAUL'S WV. n S. Thc Tliank Offerixîg meetinig of St. I'autl's \V.MS. was lbeld linthe lectuî,rt ounitnAitril 2lst. t1r'.. T. Etce îresidel. NMrs;. C. NI. Car- rîxîtrs read tîte call te sverslî. Aftcr sîîîgixîg a bsix" i M rs. ~!.tls ter read the scripture lessoxi and Mrs. A. L Nichlîls offemed prayer. Tîhe special fcatiîrî of tîte meetintg vas an ad<Iruss gisexi hv Mrs.- Geo. .Uasoit onxi"Tlhe Kiîgdoîniof God"- svbici t tuched tlîe lîearts of aIl- prest ii. v A baxtiful dîxet *Lift up yoxxr n eves to the Hilltops" was suxug by v -Mrs. C. F. Rice aîtd Mrs. A. Col- a SHREDDED WHEAT MADE IN CANADA - 0F CANADIAN WHEAT ville. The henediction ivas po present. Tea was served and a social we can hear the still smallvoice, ouuced by' Nrs. Fee. The plaitf1om time enjoved. the clear leading of the ever- was tastefuillv decorated with f crus present divine Mind."-Chrstian and cut flowers. There were 34 -When we are mentaily quiet, Science Journal. Our entire stock of used cars.-including fast rnoving, late model lobs-rmust go. And to, sel them quickly, we have slashed prices to absolute rock-bottorn. ln many cases we are actually accepting a Ioss. But our Ioss is your gain. That's why we urge you-if you're in the market for a dependable used car-to sce these values immediately. They're too good to last long. So corne early and get the pick of the stock. 1930 Chevrolet Coupe 1932 Pontiac Coach 1929 Chevrolet Sedan 1930 Durant Sedan 1930 Pontiac Sedan 1930 Durant Roadster 1928 Pontiac Sedan 1928 Pontiac Coach 1927 2 Chevrolet Coaches Nichols DO WMAN VILLE. i i i I E H E ER G C F T E USÉ R Y 1935 Pontiac 8 Special Sedan 1935 Chevrolet Special Sedan 1935 Chevrolet Reg. Master Sedan 1935 Chevrolet Master Coach 1934 Chevrolet Master Coach 1933 Chevrolet Special Coupe Rumble Seat 1933 Chevrolet Master Coach 1932 Chevrolet Regular Coach Roy COURTICE HERE'5 MY SCE FOR KEEPG~ 5TEP WITH... lOSof fresb air and exercise plus a wholesome diet - .Lé?that's the answer. For breakfast, Crsp nut-brown Shredded Wheat with rich, wholesome iL and fresh fruits is my favorite. Shredded Wheat supplies energy and vigor because it's 100%o wbole wbeat. I get a natural balance of vital food essentials in their mout appetizing and digestible form." Feel well and keep well with Nature's per- fect cereal food. TUIE CANADIAN SHREDDED WNEAT se e- COMPANY, LTD. NIaSm Prob - C8ada 12 big biscuits in every box