Cole, Mrs. Chas. Stewart and daughter Frances, Toronto. call- -i- ed on friends here udy Mr Soci l an Per onalCole attended the Oddfellows ser- J vice in Trinity United Churth on Sunday mornhng. Miss Peters has returned from Mrs. Thos. Tod has returne<l1 Mrs. Jane Hamlyn celebrated vislting friends in Peterboro. from spending the winter with her 85th birthday on Sunday. Miss Marion Leggott, Whitby her daughter, Mrs Arthur Wright, April 26th. when a number of Hospital, spent the week at home. Hamiîlton. friends extended congratulations Rev. and Mrs. J. U. Robins, Mr. Don Williamis and Mr. By- on the happy occasion. Mrs. E. J. Listowel, were in town last week. ron Vanstone, Queen's University, 'Burk, South Darlington, spent the Kingston, are home for the sum- weekend with her. MrS. E. A. Wight, TYrone, is rnpr holidays. Rev. H. W. Foley and Mrs. Fol- visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. j. omnile erm diateey, Springbrook, left cQn Tuesday S. Rundie. omnil Int erm on an extended holiday to visit Miss Emma WerrY, Toronto, Baseball Club will hold an organ- relatives at Bowmanville and St. spent the weedwt ization meeting at the Bowman wekn wt is Catharines. Mr. Grant Meikie- Florence Werry. ' House, Friday night at 8 o'clock. john will be in charge of the ser- Mr. nd Ms. Hlandand A commnittee is a gathering 0f vices during Mr. Foley's absence. Mr. an Mrs. yland n Ol important people, who, singly. Belvle ntro Blackstock. visited Mr. and Mrs. can do nothing, but together can Sgt.leJicleOneani.Sg.Hr A. eacckLiei~y S.1 decide that nothing can be done. oldi McKnight of Bowraville, Clarence Alldread's little chums Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Siemon, Sgt Kincaid, and 2nd Lt. Gor- are glad to see him back to school Miss Greta Siemon. Miss Kate don Cow]ing, both of Ty-rone. after his illness of two months. lMcNei]. Toronto, were guests of were at the special course at Miss May Vanstone. Toronto,1 their sister, Mrs. Marion Moore. Stanley Barracks, Toronto. re- spent the weekend with her bro- on Sunday. icently. çwhere they pa.ssed a course ther, Mr. F. C. Vanstone. "Cedar, Mr. Alex McGregor has been iqualifying themn for the ranks as Cliff."1 attending a Post Graduate Course te r itdaoe TiiyChurch choir wili ex- at the College of Pharmacy ,Uni- teýàre A.îJted abe. frtep change with Simcoe St. Church versity of Toronto. for tîhe past r M r.A. J. almaen. f the a5 choir of Osawa next Sunday ev- j two weeks. Ceveal a Bakmonaomercof th ening. rThe ByScouts will conduct a B'Canin Bank 0f C ome i Tag Day on Saturday in the in- t. *tbe Insiection Derartment of terests of the Iocal committee of the Bank's Headquarters in Tor- the Canadian National Inst4tute '&nto. Mr. Whalen will be suýc- for the Blind. r ceeded here by Mr. Mitchell of Sunday School Albert Darclh, son of Mr. and Carleton Place. SMrs. A. L. Darch. was one of the A reporter. who had been told Anniversary successful contestants in the Arn- b;: his editor that he gave too ateur Contest at the Regent The- nmuch attention to detail. sent in Trinity United Church ratre. Oshawa. on Monday. h:s next report as f ollows: "Mr. Due ta a typographical error an X. a guest at Lady B.'s party last Rev. E. F. Armstrong, Pastor item in Foster's Ladies* Wear ad- night. complained of feeling ill. Francis Sutton, Mus.Bac. vertisement las, week read "*2 H'okadik hsht i ot Organmst P.udhv ra 3pece suits.$45. hs tmhis departure, a pistol from his shoud hve ead.~3 iec suts.pocket, and finally his life.' Sunday, Ma y 3rd $14.5."i The Toronto Conservatory of AlpuplIs of Trinity United Music announces that. the Mid- Church are asked ta meet in the summer Local Exarinations for il a.m.-Rev. E. R. McLean, Sunday School next Sun d a Y,.1936 will be held t.hroughout Can- B.A., Toronto, wil speak. morning by 10.50 arn. to attend!r ada in June and July next. Ap- A inassed choir of cbjld- the anniversary service in the pications and fees f rom Ontario ren and Young people vril churc h.i candidates east of Sault Ste Marie. proidethemuse.Mr. Mark Roenigk. Fort Erie. shouId reach the Conservatory provde te muic.and Mrs. H. T. Humby. Hamilton. not later than May 15, 1936. 2.30 p.m.-P r o g r a m in the were here Sunday on account of At an inquest held in the Town- churh. ev.3fr Mcean the serious illness of their father. ship Hall at Brooklin, into the churh. Rv. 3r. MLean Mr. Jules Roenigk. who is in the ci" mtne urudn willdelier a addess. hosptal death of Patrick Gethons. aged 7 p..-Rv. r. Mc L ~n Mr. Bob Corbett. who has just 65, who was killed by a car driv- 7 lpr-each. MAiL te young gmpeted his first 3year in The- en by Lou Roenigk of Bowrman- at1mne olg.Tr ville, returned an open verdict.f people are especially in- onto. was home last week prier to The jury's verdict claimed acci- vit.ed. leaving for the Mission Fields of dental death. Gethons had run The ffiiai oftheSaskatchewan. away f rom the House 0f Refuge. TheOficiisof heSunday Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trimble On Wednesday evening. May Sehol reaskng ora cnt~..attended the dance recital in 6th, there will be a High Sehool Scoo reasig oracotr-Oshawa on Thursday eveigpil'msclvnn. in thei bution of $400.00 to carry onl given by pupils of Miss Weyra. ipilscom uiloveing.t8 .M this import.ant work. Kindly do Toronto. when their little dau"gh- Theigh school uioriumstat .m. jst yorbest to assist them in this t er Betty sang and danced. iTe hig s ool rhestbrssf t-e most worthy enterpnise. Wednesday. May 6th. at the public school orchestra. will play High School the final musical from 7.30 on. f ollowing which evening will be held when those there will be choruses. cuartets. You are cordially invited to taking part recently in the con- solos. etc.. and a demonstration of these services.j cert. in Massey Hall will take part some f eatures of the musical in-b on the program. Admission fre struction in the high school Al Mr. W. J. Cole, Dr. FYank Li. parents of high school pupils are - urged to, atendà. others interested 9 -cordially invited. No admission fee or collection, a The remains of the late Miss i% dLilly Butt, daughter of the late c( Samuel and EmnilY Butt. who 1) passed away in Toronto on April s ial, the funeral taking place f rom v When you ean get riglit here, values that siirpass the residence of her uncle. Mr. S 4 Chas. F. Rice. Ontario Street. on , anything you ever saw in Custom Made Cloth- Thursday afternoon. Rev. A. S. ing. Compare value and prices'anywhere. Taillr- Kerr, minister of St. Pauls Unit- w ed o ft yu ersnaiy.ed Church, conducted the service. p ed tofit ou prsonlly.Psu bearers were Messrs. F. C. iv BUY BEF RE DVA CED PRIESPethick. Wallace Downey. F. W. qi BUY EFO E AD ANC D PRCESNelles. Roger Bird. Herb. Moyse ti, and H. M. Rice. The interment l NOW took place in BowmanviUle cerne- w. NO$16, to $25.tey 1 COMING EVENTS High School Musical Evening: on Wednesday, May 6th, at 8 p.m. in the B.H.S. auditorium. AIl in- terested invited. No admission fee or collection. Public School Pupils' Spring Festival on Friday, May 8th, at 8 p.m. in Trinity United Church. Parents and others interested in- vited. Collection. On Saturday, May 2nd. a sale of home made cooking and meats wilI be held in St. Paul's school roorn from 4 ta 7 p.m. Pancakes with maple syrup and coffee will be served for 25c. On Friday. May th, in St. John's Parish Hall, a Musicale will be conducted by Marie Clark Bell and sponsored by St. John's Women's Guild. A feast of var- ied entertainment. Admission 25c. I o e-hn Q ,.j On Every ~omeLI1ng ave Purchase. I Specials for Thurs.., Fr1., Sat., April 30, May 1-2 Gold Medal Orange Marmaladle0 32-oz. jar 22C Calay Soap 3 bars for 15e Mediu.m Old Cheese .......... per lb. 23e Lux Flakes, Smail pkg. 10c, large pkg. 24c f Dutch Sets 4 lbs. for 25c Nugget Shoe Polish, (ail colors) 2 tins 25c I Pecans, Shelled 1/4-1b. for 12c Gold Medal Quick Tapioca, 4-os. pkg. 10c I Grapefruit, large 5 for 25e Keen 's Mustard, Small. per tin 10c il Clothes Pins, 6 doz. for 19c Gold Medal Choice Tiger Brand PEAS Salnîon 2 No. 4 Sieve ' 2Tins I9)012 1/'S tins 27&% Brasso ... sinail 15c, large 25c Jeily Beans . ... . per lb. 15c Libby's Spaghetti 11. 2 tins for 19c Quaker Cornflakes ..... 3 pkgs. for 25e Summner Pride Peas, Choice 2 tins for 21c 1 pkg. Puffed Wheat Sweepstake Brooms. ---,- each 43c 1 pkg. Puffed Rice -,. 2 for 23c Ayliner Vegetable or Tomato Soup J ullket, <ail flavors) trial size ... 3 for 10e .. .... I ........-.............2 tins for 17c M uffets ... ..- .. .. . ...... ... pkg. 9c Diced Carrots 2T 150 Bowmanville u-m 1I Seudy coamuly the. many "Odntages off.r.d by ilils ail lecture Spar;on. Today's Mot omazing reirigera- tor valu,. $179.50 AND UP vile s t 011 .OW. «O<~ L. A. Parker Phone 651 BOWMANVIILLE Plumber and Tinsmith WEDDING Burns-Turner Vari-coiored isîlipi, forie il an ef- fctlive backgrîound for a prett 'îîriîîc wcdding ini Holy Trinitv Zbiirch. Osbaw.a. at îhree o'clock on "atîîrday af ternoon. .April 25th, ,vben P l'iiis Madge, (iaughter of Ir. ail M rs. P. Turner. RitsnîR-oad. Soulti. becaîne the bride f Raymiond Ronbert Burns. soiîn oi Mrs. Burns aile lie laie 'I. Burns of Hampton. Rev. S. C. .larrvît ouiciateîi v.hile the M15 cCdn mii slila.\(i hi yMiss Ti. bride ivas given inin arriage iv lier father and seas attcnded bv Mliss Cvce!lia Thonisoti. ami M 1r. Normal, Cleinlens aifIHampton ivas groom.eman, The bride ivas lovely iin a hecotning .iiîle-luiigti gosen ni poudre lilue euth j seket and liai to match. Her orsage ni pink roses, sîveet ceas and babv's breath. Miss Thoni- son, the bridestnaid. wore a charming yellow Oet irock. madie anklc-leiîgth with maichiiig taifeta slip and hat. bhe ivore a corsage nf roses and riaidetîhair ferti. IFeîliov.ig the cerctioiil a recelîtin was held at the hame of the bride.. arents,. 254 Ritson Road, Soth* %vuire the roitns were gay Nwith bout- ucis ni dafiodils and tulips, artis- callv arratîged. Mrs. Tttrner wore ichic gown of black prinlted silk% with matching accessaries and 'Mn. 1.Burns chose black crepe witii îatchitîg accessonies. Follawing a short vveddiuîg trip \In. snd NMrs. R. R. Burns will live d251 Simcoc Streeu, Southî. For ravchiing the bride wore a black id white enîsemble and matchitîg ices sortes. ait tri ai] ai CHURCHES ST. AN1DREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. W. G. Blake, Minister Miss Louise Osborne, Organist Sunday, May 3rd: il a.m.- "The Great Physician"; 7 p.m.- "No Other Gods"; 2.30 p.m.- Sunday School. THE SALVATION ARMY Bowmanville Corps Lieutenants Brown and Sloan Sunday, May 3rd: il a.m.-Mr. Watson will speak; 7 p.m-ýSub- 1 .iect, 'A one-way ticket ta Hell," Lieut.enant Brown. Cordial invi- tation ta ail. ST. JOSEPH'S R. C. CHURCH Rev. Father J. F. McGuire, Pastor S u nda y, May 3rd: Mass at Boimanville 10.30 a.m.; Mass at Newcastle 9 ar. ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCR Rev. C. R. SDencer, Rector Mrs. J. A. Gunn, organist Third Sunday after Easter: HoIy Communion il arin.: Sunday Schaol 2.30 pin.; Evening Frayer 7 p.m. BLIND ARTISTS PRESENT PROGRAM pathetic understanding. Instruct- ion is given by these teachers ta blind persons in their own homes without charge and is invaluable in helping adults who have lost their sight 10 adapt their prev- ious training and experience 10 their changed conditions. i Blindness is neyer desirable - one wouîd neyer seek it, but there are degrees of misfortune, and one m.tght be blind and still not be so bad.Iy off. But blindness, plus Poverty, Plus unemployment, is an appalling situation, and to ameliorate that condition the In- stitute maintains a relief depart- Iment which dlsburses thousands of dollars annually te supplement small earning, and, where neces- sary, municipal or other relief. jThe Institute contributes to the happlness of bllnd readers across the .Dominion through a Iibrary and publlshlng depart- ment. There are over 20,000 Vol- umes in embossed types avallable for boan. The Courier, a monithiy Braille magazine, books, maga- zines and musie are circulated by the Institute free of charge and are carried through the Canadian PROM INENT LOCAL 1 mails entirely free.J It is the purpose of the Insti- CITIZEN PASSES tute t0 assist the competent blind te an active and normal place in U Otînhît itd fromn Page 1) maintain a standard f living onag He s ase survived by ones a par with their stghted neigh- sister. Mrs E.J. Jollow. Bowman- P IT H E bours. But there is a class of v ille. blind. the members of which. The funeral service, which was JACKETS either frein age or some other largely attended. was held f rom disabillîy in adldition te that of Trinity United Church on Mon- d blindness. are unemployable, and day aftex-noon, and was conduct-95 adu for their benefit the Institute is ed by his pastor, Rev. E. F. Arm- 1nd4p trying te secure f rom the Federal strong, assisted by Mr. Will Gevernment an extension of the Pointon. Speaking f rom the text The Une-up of fashions sounds Old Age Pensions Act w h i c h Ul Samuel 18: 27, "And the King mr Ieasyemgzn weuld make the benefits of that said, he is a good man," Mr. Arthnmare le aacsle!maazhe act available t.e the needy blind strong heid up Mr. Jewell's 11f el ta a leradne sl Ters over 40 years of age. The pro- and his devotion te his church as larot rutfs, reigot flros, ject appears te have practically an example worthy of emulating. Mirgot grl fshoulers... . Ev-ks the unanimous support of mem- Many beautiful floral tributes eryone will flnd a bargain. bers of the House. The only bar- from friends and business assoc- rier to the immediate enactmnent iats testified to the wide circle of of the necessary legisîstion is th friends of the deceased. and t T h e reluctance of the government ta the sympathy for the bereaved accept new financial commit- family.. ments at this time. Paîl bearers were T. H. Lock-V L Y N The Canadian National Insti- hart. J. J. Mason, W. J. Jeffrey LADIES ho tute for the Blind is supported by and John Mclntyre. aIl fifty-year SPECIALTY voluntary contributions fromr the .iewel members of Florence Night- T general public. supplemented by ingale Lodge. and Dr. J. C. Devitt. Phone 594 Bowmanvi.ile government and m u n i c i p a 1 superintendent 0f Trinity Sundayý grants. A.Il congribution.s f rom1 School. and Rev. John W. Bunner. any community are expended on Interment %vasmade in Boxv_______________ the work of the Institute in that manville Cemetery where t h e____________________________________ rerritory. Odd.fellows' burial rites were con- At the conclusion of the pro- ducted by Noble Grand Harry iH Kltk bohr n grami Mr. Treneer expressed the Cryderman and Chaplain T. H. Dilling, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hearle Harry Kiparick, rtesan gratitude of the Institute to the Lockhart. and family. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Norman Hennings, his workmate. pres an to arius rganzatonsChambers, Mr. and Mrs. W. Oke These from out of tewn who peand to ivials oganion and family. Mr. and Mrs. E. Cor- attended the funerai included Mr. for their co-operation, and made O IUA Yby. St. John's Church. Will Long-' and Mrs. W. Monkley, Mr. and an appea for th supporofthe_________1 bottom, Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Moor-1 Mrs. W. Austin. Miss Helen Aus- auli n apa the suppor ativt o!fh craft, Boys of the Club. Mr. and tin, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. E. payblic a in the a a aivtof Ens oeh iptik Mrs. W. E. Crago and Mrs. How- Corby. Mr. and Mrs. T. Corby, be conducted during the week of Bard.ill _____________ April 27th to May 2nd. The paîl bearers were Cecil A voe ofthans toMr. re- After a week of severe suffering Jackman and Frank Lane, bro- I Faith is turing the face towards A voe 0 thnksta r. re-there passed t0 rest. on Saturday thers-in-law, William, Arthur and 1 Gond. neer. Mr. lYufl and Mr. Turner. morning. April 181h, Ernest. Jas -______________________________ moved by Mr. E. W. Crawford and eph (Joe) Kilpatrick. dearly loved seconded by Mr. C. H. Mas on. wa husband of Florence Marie Jack- enthusiastically endorsed by the man. and third son o! Mr. and audience which later adjourned to 'Mrs. A. C. Kilpatrick. Queen St.. A O A ~ the Sunday &chool room where Bowmanville. at the early age of p n anew înerhsuigehbi a n28 years. Borniin Aldershot. Eng- vie. erhpsthe most novel land, he came to Canada and at- feature of the exhibit was a dem- tPdelanats adNo otrtnofth~e -Takig ook';i dd ecate n N.9A ULIFLO W ER Pa t last year. dnjredo but1 er until he Ready 110W for early planting. These plants have been ________________ himself about a week be- fore he died. He was well known in fraines, hardened to plant any time now. HITLER PROGRAM and well liked among his fellow SAID ILLOICAL andg Was an excellent Cabbage- 75e per 100 _____He was married at St. John's Cauliflower-$1.00 per 100 s .iiielironi Page Il Church on September 3th. 1931. Ï1with your neighbour you should knock him down. The Nazi regime has done much sgood for Germany. The allies were mainly to blame for the ,depths to which Germany itad ,sunk through the iniqulîous Ver- sailles Treaty. That treaty show- ed that European statesmen were better versed in the business of making war than of making pe ac e Mr. Mason saw in the future two years great dangers in t.he tNazi movement. the will to con- quer. and the disrespect for pledges gwven. He believed that we could learn two important 'hings f rom Germany, first. the 1enthusiasm of youth for the wel- f are of the state, and secondly ,preParedness for the climax of the strained relations between nations. Rotarian Wm. Green expressed >the club's thanks ta Mr. Mason 'for a very fine a.ddress. Guests at the meeting included Lieuts. Arnold Brown and Sloane 0f the Salvation Army. and Rev. C. R. Spencer who introduced the speaker. Dr. J. C .Devitt, who celebrated a birthday recently, was present- ed with a picture of Paul Harris, founder 0f Rotary. The election 0f directors for the year commnencing July lst. 1936. resulted in these Rotarians being elected: Oeo.* E. Chase. Frank Williams. F. O. Mcllveen,~ W. R. Strike. R. R. Stevens, W. Len. Elliott. J. R. Stutt. At the next meeting a president will be elected from these directors. 'Fullness is always quiet: agi- tation will answer for empty ves- sels only."-Alcott. Tlier&s a world of differcnce bc- tweein Ipraching on tackle anmi catch- ilîg fishi. .Nain, nien nii'îake a disposition ta kick at ever%-ting a divine call to prcaclh. **X\aiter. tîhesc arc verv 'ina Il oN-- 'N'es. sir." '.\nd( thev donit alppear Ia be vcry iresli, ither.' 'Thie n it's hi ckY thievre siiail, it it, sir?" New WalIs New Ceilings New Floors PAINT AND WALLPAPER Sprlng cleaning means re-dec- oratlng, and when you are looking for best values ln Faint and Wallpaper let us have an opportunlty of servlng you wlth the Canada-wîde favor- itesr Su.nwortl'- and Suntested Papers - Fle-Glame and Old Oolony Paints and Enamels J. W. Jewell. Phone 30 Bowmanville to Florence Marie Jackman' -and' leaves t0 mourn bis passing his wif e and lîttle daughîer Helen, his Parent-, and three brothers. William. Arthur and Harry. aIl ai Bowvmanville. and two sisters. Mrs. T. Corby. Oshawa. (Garland). and Sylvia at home. The funeral. which was largely attended. took place from his late resîdence. Queen Street. on April 20th. to Bowmanvîlle Cemetery. Rev. C. R. Spencer officiated. as-! sisted by Lieut. A. Brown. S. A.1 The floral trtbutes were numer- I ous and very beautiful and in- cluded: Pillow from *-Wife and Baby: Gales Ajiar, Mother. Dad and Faraly: Wreaths. Mrs. F. Jackman and family. Mr. and Mrs. F. Luxton and family, Re- ceiving Departinent Go o d y e a r, Recreation Club Goodyear. Bow- Imanville Foundry. Good y e ar Girls. The Neighbours, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Jackman and family: Sprays. Mrs. John Clayton and family. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shee- han. Mr. and Mrs. Kemble and famîuly. Woodward Fýamily. Mrs. J. Hearl and family. Mr. and Mrs. H. Moise. Companions of the For- est. Mr. and Mrs. G. Corke. Mr. and Mrs. W. Monkiey. Mr. and Mrs. Bates and family. Mrs. Frank and famîly. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lane. Mrs. W. Sewell, Mrs. W. H. Spry and son. Mr. and Mrs. Morley, Mr. Roy We wiil reserve them for future delivery S. J. Jackmnan & Sons BOWiMAlNVILLE'S OLDEST FLORISTS PHONE 80 ROUND THE CLOCK TOAST for breakfast-of course. BREAD, our bread. baked freali every day, to help make your din'fler and supper table atiraetive- SANDWICHES for between-time. lunches, with meat, cheese, peanut butter or any one of a t]aousand delieious spreads-and-a bowl of bread and milk at bcdtime. Tiiere is something good! For any heur of any day bakery produets offer you at- tractive foods and more value for your money. They nourish-sustain-BALANCE. W. seil that Good Silverwood's Ice Cream Phone 3 Distributors Dad's Cookies SAVE MONEY!-l Buy At Your 1. D. A. Store HIGHEST QUALITY .... LOWEST PRICES Formalin For Treatimg Seed Grain Prevents Smut 16-os. Bottle 25c 32-os. 40c Dodd's Kidney Plis .....33c Chase's Nerve Food ....49e Pepsodent Antiseptic 2 50C botties 69C FREE!l 25c Listerine Tooth Paste with 39c Tooth Brush -Both For 39c /;)7uf OR No motter wbeîher yeur sIin be dry or oi ly there are Daggett & Ramsdell Creams te suit your partîcular skin. Here is an eppertunity te try Daggett & Ramsdeli's Perfect Skin treatment witheut any big expenditure on your part. Two special size jars oF Cream in a silver cardboard box, <Iabelled for dry or oiy slin). Regular value $1 .00. We are off ering them as an intreductory Special, whiie they last, at only .. .. . ......39c. Bowmanvmle Removes Corns quickly and easily, Just soc rub itin ...-........ Trial size of Kruschen Salta with 69e size. Both For ... 9 Stop Bore Throat at once wxth SYBILLA -- SPAl-RSS REMEDY O0c Phione 92 for a hottle at once PEEK FREAN Iinported Biscuits Choice Assortment Priced at 15c, 23c, 35c, up Moth Killer Crystals 1-lb. tin 39c MOTH PROOF BAGO 15e - 23c - 39o Heinz Baby Soup LET US DEVELOP YOUR ESWINASPCLT FILMSPESRPINA ECAT Our work is seldom equalled ' PROMPT SERVICE AIDA McCreffor UNITED CIGAR STORE PHONIC 92UG WE DELIVIU ILA Special Shirt Sale Broken fine,. brok-en sizes. in al sh'îdes.Reg. $1.00 and $1.50.. TO CLEAR AT 79c each M AC'S CLOTHES SHOP Men 's Exclusive Haberdashery Cowan Block Bownianvi.lle Phones 599 r Fe W. NELLES PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THUR-SDAY, APRIL 30th, 1936 PAGE SEVEN AU Varieties .. 100 CORBETTIS BAKERY