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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 May 1936, p. 4

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PAGE POUR THECA.ADIN SATEMIN. Ow~~vr JRri~rrA ~i-c ~~~OT' y MAY 7t,13 The Newcastle Indepei Congratulations to Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Wn Mrs. Glenn Pollard on the birth moved f rom the Th:r of a daughter, Joyce Evelyn. Lake Shore in the hc occupied by Mr. anc Miss Lois Rowe is visiting Mr. Robinson. and Mrs. H. Jermany, Wolfe 'I Untd hrc land. Lean, B.A., Pastor. Mr. Chas. Donkin, head garden- lth, Mother's Day er for maniy years for the late Morning Worship,1 Dr. Geo. H. and Mrs. Carveth, at and Baptismal Servic their Newcastle-on-the-Lake pro- choir will sing; 2230r perty, is clown from Toronto as- School, special Mothe sisting gardener Herman Perrin grami; 7 p.m.-Evenir on Dr. Walton-Ball's Harris Lodge Mrs. Wm. Bonath estate. from Toronto wher4 ________________________the cold weather mor ______________________daughter, Mrs. Jameý Mrs. A. N. MeEvoy ter, Miss Helen, w] Remember Those You winter in New Yor] occupying their hou Love on castle-on-the-Lake. The setting of the hall which has Show] M oâ ers Day provement in the paý We have a complete ns ytepatn assortment of pers one on either steps to the main ent Mother 's Day Cards hall and four Pyrax Vitaes. spaced at equi 5c to 25c two in front of the1 Also mottoes, pictures, books, fice. Property Comni china and novelties. Ail suited Walton superintended for Mother Day Gifts. ing. _______St. George's Chur( P . H. lmson, M.A., E Sund.ay. May lth:8 Commuunion; Il a.: It's Spring ry; 2 p.m.-Sunde .pm.-Evensong andS A littie Paint and Walipaper to hold its Summer will do wonders. Your choice Vegetable Show on of a large assortment of Sun- The prise list was revL worthy and Suntested papers, larged wit.h more cc lncluding floral and plastiec given to the vegetat effeets. 1 The society made a( 1S2 00 towards the Disi Flo - Glaze and Old Colony Show at Brighton on Paints W. A. of the Unitedi meet this Thursday May th. in the S. S. J. W . Jew 7ll Harry Couch's groupi the program and ser Phone 30 Bowmanville ments. Members areo spond to the roll cal name of a fa.mous m( RICE & CO OFFERS Opportunity Special LAWN MOWERS Four-knife machines, Taylor, Forbes, 'Woodyatt nu Special....................... $ Special Values in Garden Tools PAINT Lowe Bros. D. C. W. Paint .... ..-.... Quar SPECIAL Sherwin - WiflHams Enameloid - Quarter Pin - Regular 35c, for .... 19c FREE GUESSING CONTEST Guess the hidden number n.nder the seal, and Free Goid Beal Congoleum Rug .... _ Value OPPORTUýVNIT'y PRIZES - $2.00 Plaslilight, Flaslilight. RICE & CO. IPhone Q6 Bowma Th'e Biggest Opporti ST THE TES for the balancec Only $1 For New Subscribers Only ir USE THIS COUP The Canadian Statesman, Bownianville, Ontario. Dear Sirs, PIetso enlter in v <ut, lut fot'r 11, a . 111 o enclose te sjur'iul l il' ni1e I >111a1 .00) NAÀM E ........... -...................-................................. .ADDREs81s........................................................ THIS OFFER GOOD ONLY UNTIL IV program will be in honore of N. Y., is visiting his brother, Mr mothers.ChsHatn. iMesdames F. H. Mason, J. Scott HAYDON Chas. Hlatings. ad ub h «ent Howard, Cecil Horrocks and MissEGrrd h * returned home from Cameror nden 'B Mentoh wre n Trono been erethey visited relatives. tending the fiftieth anniversary Mr.E erad Hoia soe Miss Jean Hogarth, M a pI of the Women's Auxiliary of The ime wnamved Ho s.ia er'sa Goeisennheeekn Toronto Diocese.titw oe oMs idr' rvset he ekn a n. Blake have. Mr. H. J. Toms went to St Hampton, last Thursday. home. Master Keitb Wood, Bowrnan- rLine to the Lambeits, Que.. and as.istd his Mrs. Edit.h Ormiston and Mr. ville, is visiting with bis grand- ouse formnerly sister-in-law, Mrs. Harold Toms. George R.iggs have returned to parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Williams. id Mrs. c*eo. in moving to another house on their farm. Miss Bessie Simpson, Maple April 27th. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham Grave, was home over the week- Rev. S. Mac- Mr. and Mrs. Meredith McMiI- and sons, Mr. and Mrs. HenrY end. Sunday, May Ian and children and Mrs. Gea. Ashton attended the Ashton- Mr. Lorne Hastings, Oshawa, y': il amx.- McMillan. Oshawa, visited at Mr. Kennedy wedding at Islington spent Sunday with his parents, Mvother's Day and Mrs. Parnaby Martin's. last Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hastings. ýce; a Mothers Relatives here have received Recent Ylstors: Mr. and Mrs. B. Ferguson visit- p.m.--Sunday word that Mr. R. W. Walton, Mr. and Mrs. John Grahamn and ed frienda in Blackstock. .er's Day pro- manager of a chain grocery store Mr. and Mrs. Milton Graham, Mr. J. B. Horn, Dutton. made a ýng ervie. tlMllsonburg. has been promoted Oshawa, at Mr. D. Graham's. short visit 10 bis sisters and bro- han is home omr ageWallo. tworeia nd nt. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gay and thers here last week. re she spent 0 Mrs. Edmuond Tboisackray was family, Oshawa, at Mr. C. Ger- Mr. Jack Chapman and Mis. )ntbs with ber ofpres.Ete undwtha lckric floorrard's. Ella McGinnis, Toronto. spent the s Haugh. lamp by the Women's Guild and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ashton and weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. y and daugb- a glass table centre by the TiUl- Mrs. E. Kennedy. Burketon, ai Cbapman. ho spent the sonburg Women's Bowling Club Mr. L. Grabam's and Mr. H. Ash- The vice president, Ted Johns, k, are again before their departure for London. ton's on Sunday. opened the Young People's meet- ýuse at New- Miss Valeta Allin, Orono. spec- Miss Lorna Thompson, Toron- ing on Friday evening and con- ial soloist ai the United Church to. at her home. ducted the business. The pro. ie community Sunday morning, was guest of her Mr. Bruce Gerrard at Mr. H. gram was in charge of Miss Flor- n marked im- grandmiother, Mis. Elizabeth Mof- Gay's, Oshawa. ence Burns: Miss Edith Rackhanm ~at two. years fat. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Larrner read the Bible lesson; the devo- in__attractive-_ and children, Burketon. Miss Ai- tional was taken by Miss Wanda n atrctie-ice Ashton and Mr. Gordon Beech, Clarke; Mrs. Arnoldl Damant f av- of two Juni- Y.P.U. A.NNVERSARY Ennmskillen. at Mr. A. Beech's. oured with a vocal solo; the topic side of the ____ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smth, Mr. was in the form of a reading en- trance to the Rev. Ellsworth Tol and Rev. W. Ira Travail, Oshawa, Miss Maudie titled 'The Unused Diplomas of mnidal Arbor C. Smith Specia.l Preachers Ashton, Toronto. Miss Margaret Lif e" given by Mrs. W. T. Per- ua] distances, Dalton, Mr. Orville Ashton. Mr. rett; Rev. W. Rackham gave an Library wýing The United Church was beauti- and Mrs. S. Trewin, Enniskillen, interesting address on the paint- the Post1Of fully decorated on Sunday, May Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm ing "The Light of the Wor]d": lissioner Earl 3rd, with a magnificent basket of and Jean. Nestleton. were Sunday Miss Betty Knox favoured with a ýd the plant- snapdragons in front of the pul- visitors at Mr. Wfli. Trewin's. instrumental. rch R, v.pit, and geraniums. foliages, be- Glad iv report Mr. Silas Trewin ch -., R e v. gonias and other plants adorning is slowly improving. B.. aso.the pulpit precincts and choir SALEM________il__ 8 a-.m.-Holylof t. It was the Young PeoplesSA E ,m.-Morning Union anniversary. iss Je a n S LN lay School; 7 Clemnence, president. assisted by ________________- Rev. A. S. Kerr took the word Sermon. Mi.,ss Winnifred Rickard. a past . 'Calamnity" as a subject for his ;ociety at its presdent. conducted the service. Mr. Graham WiUlan, Toronto. excellent sermon here last Sun- ing, decided wýith Rev. S. MacLean. pastor, spent the weekend at Mr. S. E. day afternoon, and brought out Flower and making tbe announicements f rom Werry's. many wonderful lessons to be Aug. 26th. hi-, pew. Rev. Ellsworth ToUl, B.A. Mr. George Milison, B.S.F., has learned lrom our mnisfortunes. ised and en- Whitby. made his first appear- accepted a Position aI Dabeau. Nexi Sunday there will be a onsideration ance before a Newcastle congre- 200 miles north of Quebec City. special Mother's Day service bere Lble section. gation and heid his lisieners' Miss Pearl Leach spent Sunday at the usual hour when the Rev. donation of tense attenticn as he related with ber parents. Mi1. and Mrs. F. Bannister, Garden Hill. will be strict Flower -,omne of his and bis brother'sj Norman Leach. Taunton. H e r the speaker. Special music is be- Aug. 121h. thrilling experiences during their sister. Miss Jean Leach, returned ing prepared. and a cordial in- Church wiîl three months' stay in Palestine 10, Solina with her for a few days. vitation is extended to ail. af ternoon. while on their hit-ch hi king tour Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Baker. Y. P. L. meeting on Wednesday Hall. Mrs. around the world. He brought Concord, visited at Mr. Jack evenix-g April 29th, was opened wil rvîegreet.ings from a former pastor. ae'.b thegPresiden'. Mrs. L. Squair rve refresh- Rev. E. B. Cooke. in whose churc Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid took charge and a splendid pro- asked 10 i-e- at Claremont be and his brother- and family visited at Mr. Foster gram ensued: Topic "Hymns and 11 vrith the LeRoy had given their illustrated j Snowden's. Kedron. Hymn Writers" was introduced by .oîher. The travelogue a few nigbis before. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Pickard the leader; recitation. Miss M. Ir- The choir sang their prize win- and baby, Maple Grove. visited at win: 23rd Paalm recited in unison ning festival anthem. *"I will lift Mr. H. E. Tink's. by Misa N. Darch and Miss K. up mine eyes," and Miss Valeta Mr. and Mrs. A. Williams and Cowling; vocal duet. "My faith Allin. Orono. lavoured wiih a1 Miss Helen Cook, Port Perry, vis- looks up to Thee- by Mrs. F. Cat- soprano solo. "The Straniger o! ited ai Mr-. Chas. Howsam's. or and Mrs. E. Darch: the story Galilee." Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy of ibis hymn was then given by In tbe evening Rev. W. C. land f amily, Oakvood, spent the Mr. W. Taylor: piano solo. Miss Smith, M.A.. BPaed., Court ice, weekend ai Mr. Isaac Hardy's. M. Collacott: Mr. K. Weîry read Preached a forceful sermon fromt Next Sunday will be our Moth- the hymn. "I heard the voice of the text, O Lord, tbou hast er's Day and baptismal service Jesus say." and the story in con- searched me, and known me; and Vrill be at 2 p.m. nection witb il; the hymn "How Thou knowest my downsitiing and Lasi Sunday afiernoon our firm a foundation" was given in mine uPrising, tbou undersland- monthly missionary program was the saine way by Mr. E. Doidge; est my thought.s afar off. Ps. 139: in charge of Mrs. Isaac Hardy.1 violin selection, Mr. C. Collacott 1 and 2. Mr. Wmn. Rowland and Miss Mary' Parrander gave a and Mr. L. Coomnbes; reading, Mr. Chas. Glenney. botb past reading, Miss Kathleen Baker Mrs. L. Squair. Attendance 30. presidents of the Y.P.U., jointly sang a solo, and Mrs. Hardy gave1 Mrs. H. Gaud enjoyed a visit conduct.ed this service. Mr. Sam a chapler o! the atudy book. from ber mother, Mrs. Moody, Castle. Maple Grove, sang as a The annual meeting of the and ber brother and sister, Mr-. lachines special solo, O0 Breath of God." 'Solina Women's Institute will be land Mrs. H. Moody, Toronto, on s&qS and the choir rendered the an- 1 held in the Sunday school roomn Saturday. ihem. "0O Lord Hou, Excellent Is on Thuraday. May l4th. at 2 p.m. Mr. Reid and Miss Bailey. Thy Name," Mrs. W. D. Bragg It is hoped there wilI be a good Town, were Sunday visitora with and Mr. Wilbur Baskerville open- attendance for the election of Mi. and Mrs. Geo. Cornish. ing with a duet. and Mrs. R. T.1 officers. Mrs. W. Moffai and two sons. Rutherford talcing the solo. "Lord,l Our closing League meeting for Orono, visiied ber parents. Mr. rt 75c Thou ai-t my hiding place." Many the season mas beld on Monday and Mrs. F. L. Squair on Sunday. of the Courtice and Maple Grove night and took the foimo! an Miss Ida Siephens returned with members of Rev. W. C. Smith's1 amateur programn. Miss Dorotby them after spending some time ntcharge, came down and aitended Wonnacott opened the meeting With Mr-. and Mra. Mo! fat. Sonry the service. Rev. S. MaclLean and introduced Major Bowes - to, learn that Mr. Mol! at iS Stijl Preached in Rev. Mr. Smith's Mr. Walter Blackburn - wbo in- in delicate health, although im- l - church at Ebenezer. terviewed the guest artists. Manyi proving slowly.S excellent nuxnbers were gîven. At r.G .Stephens speni an 1 Win ~Toronto - Stephen Burgel, 30, the close of the programn a vote eveningGlast week with ber fri- I WIIa was found drowned in the bay ai was taken and the prizes werej ends, Mr. and Mrs. D. Noble. Or-C $5.50 the foot o! Yonge Street, May 1. awarded as follows: lei prize, lono. Mr. Noble is in Poor bealth. $.0 after being missed f rom bis home mouth organ music by Mr. Neil _____________ since March 14. Cecil Wright, a McCullough, Enfield, accmpni dock watcbnian, saw the body led by Miss Ida McCullough: 2nd cNIKLE floating in the water. BurgelI prise, vocal duel by Miss Muriel ___________________ came 10 Canada from Poland. and Master Jack Smith, wiib moutb organ accomparuîment by Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ashton and Get your share of the bargains 'Mr. Jack Hazeldean: 3rd prise, Miss June Ashton recenily visit- invile offered by Bowmanville merchants vocal duel by Miss Pearl Leach ed in Toronto. during Opportunity Days- May and Mr'. Harold Balson, accomp- Mran Ms.SPehc ad 8thb My 11h.anied by Miss fleen Balson. Next Mi- OWald Pethick visited Mrs. Tuesday evening. May 12th. our Wm. Shephard. Zion. _______________________________ oung people wîll vîsit the Efield Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Harrison Young People's Union. visited Camneron friends. Mr. George Hogar-th, B.A.. Toi-- Mi-. Allan Wearn recently visit- onto. spent the weekend with bis ed in Toronto. C) sisters. Miss Mary Hogarth and Soi-ry to report Mrs. Thos. iMrs. R. Pascoe. Craig is ill. olA li Mr. and Mrs. A. Wearn, Tr Mr onSlemon had a very 1__________________ enjoyable trip 10 Windsor recent- ___ >ly -- M Nar Miss Reva McGill and Miss MarkBlacbî,r. Orn,,.is ABernice Ellis. Toronto, visited Mr-. i n it e s 41,itlighi r miiler, \fir-s. \Ualîe- Tos. McGill. Frley.Mr. and Mrs. F. Parker, Pair- spii teweec wthic)snlJaffery, Rochester, N. Y., visited Nfaster Bohhie Stevens. Mrsff. D spent Sunday With Mr. and Mrs.i W. W. Horn.I KENDAL Me. and Mîrs. Richards and _______________ I o a ~. , f~ ~ i- ~1 ihbaby, Toronto, visitcd ber sisîci-, foi \-jj(Jj1 Mes. L. Crydermnan. Messes. L. Mulliard and Alexan-î jM.E. Milison, Bowmanville, dei- have returned 10 the village. spett the weekend with Mr. Re.-. Taking for bis text "And not a ....................... ........ Rackharn. sparrow lalleth to the ground Mr-. Harry Cowvling, Toronto, wiîhout the Fathci-." Rev. E. ............ .......................... .Mr. and Mes. Percy Cowling, Beech gave a splendid discourse ~IA lth 136Bowmanville, Mr. and Mes. W. Sunday morning. RAY 16t4 1936Burneit, Oshaw.ýa, îvere Sunday League was as usual on Thurs- visitors with Mi-. and Mes. Jno. day nighi. Sciipture rcading was Cowling. given by Rcv. E. Becch, and a Mi-. Frank Mason, Friendship, ýsplendid topic wvas given by Mr. Sjr loin Steak Round Steak Cliuck Roast BeeF Opportunities Fer Every Housekeeper Here 's choice steers from the stables of Fred Brimacombe and Austin Turner, Clarke Towniship, we are offering as FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS >malI Porterhouse Steak . 1lb. 20e Rlted otRoasBeeF IL 20e9 2 lbs. 39c IL LSc, 2 169. 35c - lb. 13e - lb. 10c Lean Boiling BeeF li This is Al quality beef - the usual Cawker sta.n"rd Home-made Shortening Home-rendered Lard Dripping- lb. 15e, 2 1bs. 25e 00 .100 THESE LOW PRICES ARE FOR CASH Ail meat kept in our sanitary refrigeration plant inside Cawker's Butcher Shop Phone 64 Bowmanville cock and Mi. and Mrs. Carman dent; and Alan Brown, Port Hope, Bell. Elizabethville, aI Mis. A. Secretary-Treasurer. Cob o u r g, J-ackson's. Port Hope and Bowmanville stat- 0 ed delin.itely thal they would en- ter teams in the leag-ue. It was Baseball League Officers decided 10 write Pickering, Peter- Lakeshore Intermediate Base- boro and Picton ini search of a baîl League met Wednesday in foui-lb team. Picton, who is le! t Bowmanville with Port Hope, Co- wilhoul a league 10 play in ibis bourg and Bowmanville repre- year, is rurnored as wishing to senled. O. A. Gamnsby, Orono, enter Ibis league and the only the reiiring President, was elect- holdup would be the expense en- ed Honorary President; Roy D. tailed in travelling. Schedule will Dodge. Cobou.rg, President: W. J. be drawn up in Fort Hope on May Bagnell. Bowmanvilie. Vice P'iesi- 131h, ai 9.00 DS.T. Fred Cormish on a "Watch." Sac- red numbers were sung by a trio o! girls, Misses Berice Langsia!!. Wilma Carson and Editb TrulI, and assisted by Mi-. Swarbrick. Cburch Board met mn the S. S. room on Thursday nighl. Annual beef ring meeting was beld in the Orange Hall on Sat- urday nighi. Kendal United S. S. Annivers- ary will be Sunday. June 141h. Visitors: Mi-. and Mrs. Cecil Tebble with lriends in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, Sta.rkville, at Mi-. Milton Robin- son's. Mi-. and Mis. Roy Keen and son. Brantford, and Mi-. and Mi-s. H. Rutherford and Miss Audrey, Toronto. ai Mi-. Mark Soper's. Miss Kay Gray, Toronto, aI Mrs. George Swarbric-k's. Mi-. and Mis. Thos. Tweedle, Toronto, aI the farm. Mrs. Chas. Thompson, Sask., wilh ber son, Mr-. Arthur Thomp- son. Mr-. and Mrs. Cecil Quantrill, ELzabelhville, at Mr. G eo rg e Quantrill's. Mi-. and Mrs. Win. Honey, mil- ligan, Mi-. and Vernon Pea- FRUIT TREES & BIJSHES We stil have a limsited supply f neaily ail the popular varieties of Apple, Pear, Plum and Cherry trees, also smali fruits. Our Roses and other ornamentals are acknowledged throughout ail the Ea.stern Provinces t. be of unsurpassed quality. If planning a new Rockery or Perennial Border, we have an extensive assortment from which you may make your selection. BROOKDALE - KINGSWAY LTD. Sales Station north side No. 2 Highway, east end f Town PHONE 144J Opportunity Days 1 AND CORBETT OFFERS IBIG SPECIALS Trhese Specials Good OnIy Fromi Friday, May 8 to Saturday, May 16 NO. 4 NO. 5 Coconut Mlacaroons Chocolate Cakes Reg. 15c doz. Doz. 13C Date Filled, Reg. 20c Bach 1 Special Special18 NO. 6 NO 7 NO. 8 Date Coolkies Fried Cakes JeIIy Roils SILVERWOOD'S ICE CREAM Bricks, Bulk, Dixie Cups, Double Dip Cones, Walking Sundaes, Eskimo Pies FOR MOTIIERS' DAY GIVE BOXED ClIOCOLATES CORBETT'S PRIZES - 3 PRIzES - E-ACH $1.00 WORTH BREAD TICKETS Corbett's Pi-IONE 3 Bowrnanviîîe Bakery ) à fflFý m - - - mýý ...j 1 1- THE CANADIAN STA7FSMAN, BOWMANVi7r.T . ONTARIO. 711UR-CMAV MAV 7th laig 41) IL se 5 il

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