PAGE MUR THEi CANADIAN STATE-,&N BOW.%ANVLL.T ONTARIO, THUR.-SDAY. MAY l4th. 1936 ISouthland's quick coming night. these worthy sires are Gea.1.Ithe Ladies'_____Meeting._The_ an I I We hesitated a San Diegos Ebc- Cochrane and StanlIey M'lungI'g aies part eetnThe eigwsa nd Mro tM. .Wife Letter From BiIIy M ilis :iit4:ngan annua:.eveflt housed xespectively Presidentand Sere- BLACKSTOCK graer uprt ofmteresenfng ws TpcatLaueo husa rs lir udvwt apat fom the w :zardrv of the wa.s m y. privilege and plea.sure to Nie~ n tt t e h it i n oo u c a r . o a d Mcs, T r a lihigeffect. :s ust another have a littie vi,ýît the other day home of Mrs. F. A. Balcv on sreln oîatm nae.jevenng wazs taken by Miss Helenpaet Mrad s 112 - N. Beachw,>d Drive. tions off the vessels whc1'h had Off more enrgrassng interest is îans in their handsormely appoint- Wedne.sday afternoon. May 6th. W. A. and W. NI. S. oH.h Ur owe.o Mte1 S'M good OidM:s:on an :eg deAi- d ofics. nd pwer thughwith forty ladies present. Scrip- ed Church w.11 meet an Thursday 1Ro1and Thompson sang a soo. H . uk] Apr': 20. 1936 stead. wth the idea o fur-ter ex- cala. founded* in 1769. the mother they be i the financial aol f tue w-hMrs'R arnn - o al cliarna :sson. PlIg- asAngle. tei repose a he Strang. Mrs. W. A. VanCamnp!Mrs. R. W. Marlow. Mrs. F. Mal- have returned ta their cottage for wt Oea W J me. nk owr ed and b rned in 1775 bv I Mr. and Mrs. Smith Ferguso0 Bowmnanvile, Ontario stretched before them. Cabr, h~ieps.wr amniu~w. e-toak the chair for the election of iceclm5* group is in charge of the the ,ummer.M Dear George:- The value 0' unit sailed in June. keep:ng al- Irdîar.s. :t was rebuilt :n 1776-7. dy and warnily human. re d Presidentf ce large crthe was present at Receettins.tors advertising has finally f:ltered wavs wthjn sight of the coast When Span4:sh sovereignty gave an undimme<1 memory of. an .n-1e : e c t e d:. sdn-mfrs. Cci, A lrecodwspee- iRcn iios I ou h a vyos e o u rnd o eye <j in c e e r t a s t P o n t l a m a ri n w y o r e re x iîa n a m is th e terest in th e asso c ia tio n o h i F erg u so n : V ice P res.- M rs. A .L .1t. a m a eu rC ollettne. B owMr. a n darîvCec l ae, w ithýM r thrug myoseou dme.Sice în. ad t ws or ntisstei onay ere ae!îcnvetd obaihood days. TheY are real ici- rvîntr ades"-eea Bailey: 2nd Vice Pre.-.\rs W. eveng. The winners were: Un- and Sidney spent Sundy ai Mr., chihw ave jnurnte e lief sîgted. aed hatPon.t oaken ssecular uses. Ther. for a perîod of lows. admired, resPected and b-Jo iSc.Ms .Mun-drtev.M.JmyHn. c-WlrdGyo'.Lts th irestg . ursi n the bFil- sighon a ne pn ta 'e O one hundred rears these houses îoved by thae ifrieds oy: Dstrict Director-M rs R. gag and MissJean Mlom.for Mrs.AusinBecODri ounkncsl ohn g rj m a t e rs . i m a r k c d e th e Mo r d e K i n o faiS an . th u n eago o f rrh es e r te s a - a m o r aOe a n c o rM r . W . A V n a m . M i s. R M . G i b i- M r o w is e M d o d eedscaeasbrT-orww anhfrSan Mountjoy: Branch Directar.-. sîngang: over twelve for music. -____________________________ o! theEu ropean th invasngonf ain r. the scnt an.racks, stables. sheeD-foids. stores. Francisco and home. after a nev- Ms .A aCm. m .M.Gletralw issMd ofmterîc. ute othei dyas i Nef b lan as. sheares tupnetc.. un*:l 1856 when the United er-to-be-forgoten"saiourn af thre Mountjoy. Mrs. Mahaad. Mrs. F. dline and Irene Marlow. and Miss' stood upon a spur ai land - the The Point, a majestic promon- the Ca:ho'hc Church al that was Caliornians. hp I N.î Mountjoy; Audtrs-Mrs. F. man Wilson and Mr. Williamrson. Motsuhr:point o he- Sae aenetmd vr amnh mn hs IS YOUR BATHROOM A1 1 O E mos sat.hrlypant i te U- ory. form4ng the outer ranipar: lefft off the properties. The pro-, Mrs. Mills joins me in ids Ferguson. Mrs. P. VanCamp: Re- Hampton. ite Sttes- PintLama- and of San Diego harbar. commands a cess of restoratian and re-dedîca- regards to yau and yaurs, andest presentatives ta District Annual- Caesarca achool has been clascd visiOfled the PacifJc horizon af panoramnic v4ew af rare beaîity. tian was g-adua"y carried out am er.Snrlyti. Mrs. C. Fýerguson. Mrs. R. 'Mount- ,for a time. as the teacher. MtissijN O R CA 9 6 1542 as it sharply authined twa Par to the naorth the island of and today thraughout the s'ae evr iceyhne. 'Elv' jay. Mrs. T. Smith. Mrs. L. Gra- 1 Florence Fallis. is quarantined for' ANDY A Spanish caravels - San Salvador San Clemrente rises f rom :,he sea. Irom patio and tawer. ring ou iham. Park Com.-Mrs. A. L. Bail- keariet fever. Messrs. Ivan and oLttetCstt BngYurahom and Victoria - under command: Faurteen miles across the waters. vesper chîmes carrying the aId aid, ey, Mrs. Fred Baiiey. Mrs. F. Fer- IWrav Hnry are aiso quarantined. and Kitcben Up-to-awi t of Juan Rodriguez Cabrilia. I re- Coranado IL'and. Mexcan owr.- story. the message afI Pea'ce on guo d lwe Cm-[AsWilMter a evc aiized that the Plgram Fathers off ed.rase their rugged w all.c--vGod' l tsen"H Q r JStog.Ms.T.SDt. as ed n etita nie New Eag.and famne were th I-'hr : ealtliLhn ri ti.rne daddtheail!-biicity. the channel. at, aur feet. iThe -Oid Town- af San Diezo____ Mrs. Dr. Archer: ,imtMr .Chu rch on Sunday aiternoon. SA D R L M IG FX U E Don Jan as on ulei aay. a ,grim warshîps ply toa adiat . itand ftrro g sot Mauntjov: Git Com.-Mrs. P 1 Dr. Kannwan. af Toronto. as- Write. Phone or Cal for Des(rpieLtrtr 1)nJa a n fabd fwhere Narth Island hauses army Here cani be seen. theaipla BETTER A-ND CHEAPER VaCm.MsL. yrsCo-jitd tth aniravseic Spaishveturrs hocanzeed nd av avatin iei.s whrc reantfîrt aisd he e ae pt a ehespiias venreMrsW.Hasîn.Mr. R ji. he rebytria Curc0o Guatemala, established asp Landward. dottîng green valeys U. S. ilag: the ffrst Caliiornia an article which la ofiered ta us Whitfîeid. Mrs. C. Devitt. Mrs. L.1Sunday eveniLng. his theme being a d bon t he er coas ai m eita_ and r a.ling h uils. the stuccoed palin tree. 162 years o d: the or- as being b th better and cheaper G a a . M s c :I r. T u d y S h a a k s ic an bji evra iu sy~house. of historie San Diego iginal graveyard w th crumbling than anything else. There is no Samels. Ater the eection. rý 'which was much enjyed, was:' gieam in the brili:an-: ,unsh;ne. walis and faded wooden head- doubt. however. that this dlaim F.iiization ae aoalk oCaturse ons hrcb he Blchsocrkf. The Pint as rcenty ben bordF.Fergizaon ogave a Co taik . o hejrneCredb he lchsoirof S. j T e P n: h s rc ty b en b ad. and that centre ai ro- cari be made in Sa far as dîsease Lunch w s er d.M . R se B o n i, n des:gnated a Gavernment Reser- mance,. Ramona's M a r r i a g e is conccrned. Na ane can denv hwasevdMrRuslBanislIn vation and the aid Spanish lîght- Place.- It is over fiity yearsÎthat the preventian af disease iý The sympathy off the com eVstan Hospital. C.H T ck1p memarative monument erectcd to the sweet and beautif ul story 0fr it îs much cheaper to prevent friends of the 'ate Mrs. D. Gai- Mcrwin Mountjoy attendcd the Eyesight SpeciaIist Senor Cabr.lao. "Ramona.' the throb and thniloff than ta cure. braith who passcd away at herlfunîerao th laie Mr. ea VistinhSar ogo.bya1?;-hic«- are as vibrant today as Tuberculosis. being a commun- home on Friday mnornîng &fiter a csfera n uiday. Auhra:neans vew a sunisez, from Lamna whn the bok was frst written. icabe disease. la preventable. inering iUlness. Recent Visitrs: OP*ometry Fetue Service andurfent your pactc sou 1uPo= The house. af adbe 'with walis With early dicovery and ade- A Rural Lii e Cnvnton off the Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cawker and' The ChfId and its suc'h a r- o'0f ntaoerab:e beautry three ta four feet thick. roof cov- caaeteamtmatdcr rebtr b ea ns. eryr Development as Na ireralne car.spMeatupanserd can.Oshawa Pebyeywiii în is.Port Pe wîPvth M.and a.s a-,re lon ca speadupo erd wth:ic and raîters baund be dured. Uniartunately Manv Blackstock Un.ited Church or. Mrs,. E. Armstronig hecauasclct e anomalues.s:L- w:th rawh:dc. is a ramblirir old cases are elther not discoverediTuesa ay 19th. There wi Miss Irene Weatherilt- Be:har.y. and lasss c' sre*,chin,, ta western :nfinîty one strey'edif:c. surraunding a carl rcIcte d-o ecr e Mor gaiternoon and even- .at, Mr. M. Mauntjoy's Phoe aro- pisio trob:n waerspaio and garden in the rear. the treatment they need, with thelîgssins h9onigssin Mr.adMs ereHcsvs for appintinent 1516 ~a rauiy tasntei aweeatn-igfonan xti result that many lives are cut tbgîat930. Dinner and sup-; :ted IricncLq at Pontypool on Sun- Disfly Bidg. Opp. P. .Ors'xç o the ra:nboA-. cazzk'ng the humrning bees. contr:bute to m engd.howtha:hecibom.eterdsntrs adshr.prwlbeevd.a. Oshawa. Ont. .50:o ana benumbing the senses neofPrecpeeasequf The preventian of tuberculosis Congratulations are extended 1 Mr. and Mr.s. George Marlow ______ ______ _____ ______ _____ . na v re.rgng and d:sap ; a c p Io-a o a i h n is nothing m ysteriaus. It d pends M r. and M rs. H arold Larm er on ' s e t S n a i h fr e ds a p ea.r .g 4n the sable embrace of awel.l m, am oke a'wthins gci<jupon our making use af what is the' arrivai ai' a son. Fieet wood. fo -urseis reca rmaiready kno%%n concerning the Wc are sarry ta repart t.hat Mr.; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley -Malcolm the patio we ,*ep directly int. disease. The germ which causes E. Galbraith 15 ilinir Bowmnanv:le nfany.M.nd rsSw- the sof*tiy hrhted chaelwhr tuberculosis is trar.sierred from 1Haspital. îiams. Hampton. with Miss Mar- Ramonas nuptials- were celebrat- the sîck ta the weil in the drp Aba ut twenty members off - ir nhM.Jh Tyo.3 ic Btro ed nd herei-r-izhed andeslets af sputum or saliva exp Il JA.Y.PA. met at the home of Misse1 Mr. C. MGl.M.adMs slwa THErCURuatFR"TOrGHmemary. by e ghs. sneezes or spitting. Vera Farder an XVdnesday evcr- i Merwir. Mountjoy. Mr. Arthur SanDigo s ort wile - Just as scoar as we realîze that n.M.R .Ala.pi.îa ,',tapeton. Miss Irene Weathcit EGY, TH FeEAK SE Ir Os EA T1 NEVEIZ PAYS, We had gone down by the pic-, the body secretions coming f rom the Continuation Schooi. gave a - Bih r.ack spenW.Suri- "~51.t4'5VME ELNy45H, turescque coast route. skîrtîng the the mouth an.d nase are the most most enlighren:ng addrese orn1a ihM.ardMs .Gv FAST wFRE A i .%iosGIC flashtng. foaming. thu nid e r o u S;dangeraus disease spreaders. may Watman has donc ta imprave N" "ad- "' " ' ly.Lid-Installation Extra TQJ- , c A j'r POW ro pflv *sPE!y - Cr ALý%AyS . Pacfiîc. We returned by the in- we hope that effective means wa-ll Fiowcrs. Fruit.* Grain and Vege- sa.. nW~. L amb. n d-l IMGN HYGO and trek. along mauntain-waîîcd .be taken ta prevent their passage tables.-~ Lunch was served and a 53 r .Lm.E.ikiei Bathroomn consists of 5-ft. White Ename ahwih3ic val:cys and through fertile f arm 1from anc persan ta another. ývate off thanks extended ta r-. Miss Mac Larmb. Bopwmar.ville. Mr. roU rim. 17" x 19" WhIte Enamel AprnWahBiWit an futlnst iesd hr'Those who know they have tub- Farder for her kind hop-lty. Vteu hn oltoti.Ada hnasutladp:îtar4d heelSAIurd a ha-M. NaMstl ciet Vteu hn hltotit n i itrsaea~nb -we spent a time ibeen \V.A ,Wlson. înw~ spas- erculasîs wiil if they have b D 1 . St. John*s Church Snd ywih i' ad1rs Cc i thMs rd iklpae it sibîr Sauth'iarids mast alluring, taught. an.d particularly if t.heyimeet at the home off Mi' s. E.; lstGaeNckIIItd itns hoselr - he isson nn 0,hae hd te geatadvntae o "Arcy o Thursdav evening. May - ç sFlorenice Pair with Mir. hos:tirv- eispsn Inn - offraveig h a n rat aduatae aIj o ad M. ohnMcaugiî Reports of the recent or- 1LEN ELLIOT tecture and all the iurement that peatosa ilpoettoevention at Toronito will bc- g'ven goes therewith. an art gaiiery wîth wham they came i contact. bv the delegates.1..Gets oan-k PLUMBING AND HEATN jov forever.- a chapel with carved about their ordirary lives and n'cal Shool. has been vsting greater foc than a hiabitaif drnk- aitýar and reredas of matchiess work. who have tuberculasis butith Rev. and Mrs. Harcourt. an-'1! 9*-Va*e Scott. ar-st-. cffuleent :in p:a:îng off who do not know it: they are not j assisted with the service on Sun-i gcld. refflecting the mult:-,coiored takir.g any special care. d ay The cha: r off S" rays tha: filiter :hrough priceless Everybady. mer.. women and John's church ae a t se aNesile- i______________________________________________ T:ffany g.ass. chîldren. should caver t h e i r ton Presbyter4an church or. Sun- aDON'T R1SK FAILURES Pendable baking. -Asure The other day or. a tour thraugh mauths when thcy caugh or Iday evenr.g. ..Exp4-enrccd cak-emak- Iuscious, ine-textured theIc Angeles rines* plant. in snccze. Spitting is mostly a hab-, Abaout twenty-five .r.cmbers c', ers dcii t cxi rnent with cakesevfn timneYc-tMagic caurse o'f con versation wth a lel- it as is showr. by the graduaI dis- a ur League v:,sltcd Tyrone yo:ing chcap, ierior ba.king powi- is verv inexpensive. Ac- ow itr we discovercd that we apMarance of the spittoor.. Noi People on Thursday evenhr.g. m:ss S ders. Youl ind Canada s t aIy th n ei cowrcè ,ad bath arigm.ated in W st Dur- anc shauli spît exccpt ram nec - Ferga Johr.stan toid a story ThWS trs ,L ___________ a kerStoesLimte leading cookery experts rnai-e a big cake. Order a han and bth graced the banches essity an.d then arily into their j Cobbler-: Miss Pauline Ferguson a e %Madencaa recommcnd -Magie for de.- tin. from your gracer. of Bowmanvi'le H4gh in pre-his- handkcrchiefs ar a proper recept- t sang -An Evenîng Frayer: the __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ orc period. 0 ler c tzens o sce Na nc h ud tak rg t Be Stud y was taken b L a N;ewcsstlc x-:1 remember Ernie into the face of same other per- Aileten Moun:joy: readings wer been anceoo' the leaders in the Eatîng nd drîr.king utensls M 1iss Pearl Taylor: Miss QI 'elLsT e dental profession in Las Angeles unless sterilized. may pass these VanCam-p gave the tapîc. That's. an.d upon whom the lace af pros- dangerous secretians f ram oneiWhaz You Think": Miss Jessie f SUýLCE a banana intoa a w per::,y hath shone. user ta another. The commor. Knox f avoured with a piano sa 0 pp run ty D y a ga n hilA: the corner off West Sixth drir.king-cup shouîd be bsnîshcd 'and Mr. Leslie Bescock sang -The o cKlogRceripe -ndSath 'lve reets in Las, fram the home as weIl as from Garden aof rayer.- The res: af Pour on mil], or creana. Angeles star.ds wha: is justiy re-r public places. Heslth depart- the evening was spent wîVr. gaines garded as one afithe architecturai 'mcrts sec that restaurants ster- and. lunch.______________________________ Ma.ssve piars surmounted b pes in the hme? Sundav School af the United cereal that combines sa weII chaste capitols. arc sharply defin- Eah nccn eîtarect Church n uLaastexn 1 with thecflavor of ripecfruit 1 cd ra; the gleam'ng white tile,ý tuberculasis by looking after his special Mothers Day pragra'ni j i CIDE' RiceKrisies re fur-walis. snowy background for the, own generai health. hîs 'R eadings were g.ver. y MissesG"Z aenu-open. square across the street mouth when caughine or sneez- 1Kathleen and Dorathy Wrigh@t I D E ,e ,CT isigand easy ta iet hcecutre aisan te ng. svaidîng spitting.and by 1 Miss BerI tarner sang a solo Atgoesevrwee 'reez nod human laden beri-, ___Miss____Susie VanCamp ar.d missG& ii asox rdlt s %vi HOSEý(1 Atgoesee hr n chezs- n a city brcathing space. It s i !Hiný;PGE,-, LB Heicn Knox sang a due,:an in- T xiii edil h p r.lq isté oeofte aiieMtuiiteresting sddress on "Mother'- L:fc Insurance Ca.. the argcst BowmanviLlc Homing p; ge 0r a Y-wan Eare y r Mr package. M ade by Kellogg and most prosperous ho re-grown1 Club few their second ad bird ri n. a tu nt m is r Black y ..r iz s in Lndon, Ontario. .'tsurance baby an the Pacific rc nStra.Mv9h rmRcn iios Coast. and the destînies of which r c n S t r a . M y 9h o e e t V st r:O 1 res lagel inthecometet 1Guelph Jet.. Ont.. 7J) miles air Miss Genevieve Fergîsan. Tor-.M M ha.s ito -aie sons off Bow- e ronto. wth hec parents. manviofetwo e at hrsb rebeî.g so warm for this tîme a Ms. Foster Fe sari..7 01nan"Mewhs ftes oe th ea lseSO ohaea eCRISPcrlul'ul:n o DRESSESI TBECO S n m es ta conjure by in D urham ! h c r it s e e o ha e a f c -M i a F re cug L . To ' IC E thy actualy j~st~ wc~~ed the birds as they came h oarta w;th her parents. Mr. and .uad cTc _c 9 i' n the seventies and eight.ies sf1vn a part,. Faliow:g arc the IMcs. John McLaughlin.Piuan Tic-osmIart floraliad Size 5 52 inc KRISPES crckle a whîe ~r.umbcn ai te MctodistFBottrel1 1 hi'. 53 min. 29 sec. 'wîth her parents. Mr. and Mcs.. dg15w Laesi fn waeciu, Church. Bowmanvilie. later i .n aoner1 r.54 in 1 se-aHccSaouty.they wash. Itcon mii orJapari and Toronto. and Thas. R.Dlln h' 6 i.31scb c ereBabr an Mr'hsi. IR . W oll n e r h. 5 Om in. 31 se c. b %armIr.rnSpecia] $179 M r Ciur.g off McClung Bros., pioncer Postern 4 Toronto. wîth the oie' eca$17 each green, bucoe, adgl.Nt mecat nKn t.werc F. Nickerson 2 hi'. 44 min. 3 sec-c parents. Mc. and Mrs. WV. Brad-telres creaoe Cach. CrydortKang St.Johs F. Nickerson 2 hi'. 48 min. 54 sec. burr..-____ .. creu ouh. ryeran& JhistnF. lBattreil 2 hi'. 51 min. 45 sec,. Mrs. John McKe. adms ýare now lacatcd. The scions off -- eoepo îhMs onHoy joEdertn: Assistnt Seco i . ENGINE SPEED DROPS 1/3 CAR SPEED Feel for vaurself the almost unbelievable sensation I Annuai-Mrs. Perey Phiîp: Fruit!l Se bma l in smar t3 INCH I NT STAYS THE SAME of estand relaxatian hhen the AutnaticGasi'Saver 'Philp. Mrs. P. Edgerton. Mr "L. i knltted suit.s, P u 11o ve rs, 59 e Pr,, 15C d Transmisian -cuis in.* Realize h fuel and oil Jobliri: District Dirctr-Mrs H. sweater coats, childrensTbat'i 7HEYi RE -ailing along at top hhi4%aî-, peed c ,n îpti n and en" ne iWear are cut to new low Fhilp; Branch Directors--Mrs. D. knitedI wea.r. 30 shades to Slightly ii.regular wTba.tPît in springs Iî lien suiddenlv, ALTOMSATIC ALL' aitalift of 1l b i e glJ to SI .. ' e- rop in îoday. Davidson. Mrs. R. Dickcy: Audit- choose front. jOf MLsty, Caribou an d and suinuner'nestpt lir o-,D ST GSSAE ,A crl-Sô- u, or an ber to DE sO O G A ~ sA X E R R A \si, h SI O \ors - M rs. P. Ph lp. M r--. K . B urt- I K nitting tere Oc p i.~8 .P ri s se t dr'ël- toa newont f el-z-.vson. Mrs. H. NTesbitt. Mrs. L. Job-î five mles isFR E. in. Mrs. O. Brovvn. MrsG Thompon gav ýIk r t re LliIE Corne in. Cet behînd the i heel (,ta i r),,ta toUtilization. offWoal- course held I 'qipcIiith Autoinat c as Saverr n"TA LUNSAK SYE"a: Hampton. Lunch was serv-edi 11TRAVEL IN WANKY STYLE"and a vote af thanks extended 1ja kr S o e fhn Mrs. H. Phiip for hec haspitality- Phon 290 W .J. C ALLI B- manvllehome an 7Thursday evenine ffoc