riz -±Ll, lil)PAGEàun I*what bas been accomplished in! China's regeneration. Are y o u 21ST BATTALION I their lives and what they are ac- interested? Do you feel that the A N A i Story of C h nanCOtheir îfe work. 1Christian Church is responsible A NU L MEETING Story of C h na iTo sum up the work of Christ-! for that Young church in Szecb- ian Missions in West China, note wan. How can you escape -e- Major A. Stroud Unanimous By AUA . HMBEYwha* bas been accomnished: ýsponsibility for your plant out Choice For President. of We-Known Native of Cartwright Now i hn FootbJnd*ng - that t e r r i b]1 e there. and it is flot yet strong Association cruelty has'been amost abolished. enougb to stand alone. That was ametn ofheO aw 1!Event twen ty years ago irn Tzeluit- what we founti in1972 hn A (Contýnued fosingatheisuettIeagirls ocomrlg k the missionaries al left. The Club of the 21s,, Infantry Battai- (Cot:uet fom as i~e aituloldd in the b~alî school had bound feet. he wrec1urch went back terribly and ion Association. held at, the Gen- These Young women brought Up wtotleas tewrs ntefocdt. The whn ntrgsowed down tii] a great deal of Osha Hotel, Oshawa. on Friday in the W..s. schoois and îhaving etTh key boards of the or-, the board;ng school. Now of the wr a etudn.Te oteeig a si a h n Normal training are strong lead- gans were broken, with no dam- hundreds in the da3Y schools there senuch in spiritual life that it animous decision of ail to remain ers in the church.Wente age to the inside. When noe ax oud e ýwoid took five years to get thernsUp as a unit 0f the Association em- are on the platform. they have1 smasbed all they could tbey came safe in making the statementi again to where they were in 1927. bracing Bowmanville. W h i t b y, such a definite message given'1 to where the teachers were stand- that. whereas a few years ago no 'The church cannot carry on alonte. andi al] surrounding district. and with such a clear voice. any audi- ing. TheY demandeti to know girl with out small feet coulti And now the General Society is to decline the invitation of the ~e cnha r tle m ofdi one would tel MssLui ad beeti Now no educated man anywhere f000 wit hicbhscgonleuit o f 00-Torohto cis tknamition 0f ene anher he dtinctly. where the Principal was, and no rnarry into a well to do family. 0ace0iwith Ibis crue u f$1-Trnto c hm lub to enafiitonioh TheY hve Plety of hance l, Pricipal alf a ear an theHowulcanrrybe Christiann teCCurctiaaIlurmembersnemer holdho theirirAs- is atleastone bl!The Chînese kentered University andi Miss Wang f eet.. Tat Li t work 0f the do without the missionanies flow sociation reunion in Oshawa, and Churh an taing ven orehad taken the Position. They Women's Missionary Societies. Il being helti in Canada for lack of they are sure that at some fut- hrnh and theighevn or e could not finti out wo was Prin- is a wonderful thing to accomp- funts. Last year in many a mis- ture time this year will be ac- than Tone bal!the Weig. hto the adi nerdte.Thyls n uhasllr ie sionary address I tolti bow the complished. A 2lst Battalion re- load. Thos wit W. S. s bool cip l d itoag t t e m. heytis n ucoms or im .Am erican Church were throwirg union as been eld each year know that they are there to build wr ete o tteQitcm Education - Was il flot a love- overboard their mis s i o n a r i e s. continuously for 18 years. andi is upa hrstanchrc ~ Cin.posure of the teachers. They be- 'y tbmng te give girls education, to Even the Y.M.C.A. have said to attentiet by from tbree to five Mleen ang bcame rinc a n treing aro ne club bring about the new day when men who spent thirty years buildi- hundred men. which is sometbing of e e Wang becam iipl in 2 tdhirasJsas oemngils are free to come out and go ing Up the work in China "We we are sure no other unit in the o!e the Tzeuisng eholi92ea i club raised and was to school by the day. Just a few have no further work for you."1 corps can boat of. Owing to the wbnte uis eefewer iri bringing it clown heavily on ittle ,.cars ago we only got small girls Men and women came home on pressure f business. the presi- nu r . W27 he n se e ft40 in lsJanu- Ms a s u poetd b ai n day schools. for a girl in er furlough in al gooti faith andi dent. George Edmunds, anti sec- ary 1927 t e were 140 girl s n t o eh syd c o l gil bo w teens was shut. away in te inner ave spent their savings or bor- retary. W alter Esley, asketi to tha scoo. I wa drin th sppoe~to be a bundred feet1 rcerns o! the bouse. Pupils O! rowed to get some extra training be replaceti. winter bolidays that the British away, were immediateîy on the jous -bave been taken Out O! Ibat they wanted for their special The high spot of the evening Government succeedeti in getng scene. One girl with ber strong schoci. married agairist their will. work. Now tbey are toldth e was the selection o! a new presi- the last o! us out o! the interior, hanti and armn stopped the blox. ;andi for the next five years were church does flot wanîtbem. Their dent, Major A. M. Stroud. whom and none toc soion, as ever.ts in' which might have feileti the fra:lrneyer aIlowed at the front door. homes as well as their hearts are everybody chose in one voice. the coasPinipl.Thnth mn prcved.omn r tacin.on teMission F'eltis and tbey The ether ofmcers elected were: the cast Poved.struck a blow at issz Dye ardlTlrough a:, the ages in China are not allowed to go and get the lst vice president, Allan Forbes. When the parents founti the wth angry threats 'teck tei-i the teaching profession was en- îig hylf.o r 0arneOha n iepeiet .A Muissire s ene , flscho ba l! cf t he eiv e u i treiy in the hants of men. We anyting to save the work they Parker. BO wvmanville; secretary- Vupls etu ne 10 scb ol. Il was The tea he s au i al de-1 are doing a neçw thing for China. spent teir best years in building treasurer. Charles Patten. Os- the same :ri the boys' boarding claredti tey were net afraiti. but We are giving them better teacb- up. 1 fear that even the Univers- awa: social secretary, C. P. Elle- school. Before long our school they mrust have been un'der a ter- ers than they ever had before. ity in Chengtu is being left with- gett. Osbawa; social committee, was no fault of the Chinese Prin- rible strain. The girl who saved The Young woman is a modemn out the man anti his wife wbo Frank Davey, C. Lemon. J. Mor- c was ne faul4I o the Chinese Prin- Miss Wang felt il afterward. for Young woman anti quick to accept were tbe most on the inside track gan, E. C. Meadman, ail of Osh- cipal; il .iust bappeneti that the she went out. o! ber mindifer a new methods. She makes an ex- in the lives of those Young men, awa. parents had faitb in the mission- t;me and in ber delirium kept cellent teacher with sucb a symo- moulding them inte Christian ____________ aries anti were net sure the schoo1 thýreatening the enemy wbat shei palbetic contrel oe h hltrn2okrs' aefit . eiv woulmangemaengt.iThe pey Cîn would do te tem if tey hurt er \asnr* that well worth doing? the Curch as a whole would isePHS esrtermanagem e. aTb ieo he 5 beloveti Principal anti teachers. Hospiais - Another ting. for up in protest if they only knew PH SCAL TRAINING S furbe pevei ber aiî i te She recovereti however ant i i now 3.012u realize that in non Christian tbe facts. The missionary womk DISPLAY AT B. T. S." missionary, for, a year after we training in the Cbengtu Hespita: atsn n crsfrtesik savtl at0 .eCaain____ metunetiddui the c yoears uhl Wen Miss Wang hati complet- 1 The,- are ften left te de alone. Curch. The Church wil wther public Ae Invited To Attend followed we had much diJlcYeti seven years of teaching. she The miss:onaries came anti start- ant i de witbout that nourisbment. Interesting Event on May 27th C in keeping the number de wn 'tebati a yeam in cellege, taking mu- fcd hospitals. In Chengtu we have If ever the Cburch needeti some -__ta_ wbat we coulci accommoclate. In sic, Englisb anti some speczal sub-J a large hospita: fer men and crie thing te get it out of its sub- The ol! ordtr gives way 10 the may ay hepepi be~djcts. The W.M.S. camieti eut fer womren. 'Girls are being train- normal state it is just now. Give lew. Thu loingust establisheti vearlthat y wante the miolesiedy that plan for a few years cf giv- ccl for nurses. That meant work- UP Missions anti you impemil the feaîîîre of the Boys' Training SchooI l Just before we returnedti eigtahesc ee.yassad igaanlPublic opinion. In Church. Give up the Cburch anti prograiîn is bei9 disconltinuitl is ing a sabbatical year. Sorry we the TzeluJtsing scbool the day Canatia ibself will soon be a place ,erwe , h is iei e t e luilsing ai h e ena t f 19 8 b vbh t tpi cpi-n w en aila e b n we ha ti ospital gra t- w ere y u w ould fot w ish te live. v ars there iill benon Cadet Corps. th oatin coc ac s a-countilo! funts. It was this year uates some as scbool nurses. Very 1 am on my way back te China liti us place tihre will be presenited g tism cf prosecutien. Prom 1926- that Eilcen hati a visit te ber seen the girls were keen te take anti my bcart is overburdeneti for b îb plic on it' aflernoon of g 1928, when Russian agitation was birtbplace. She bac] 'net been the training. one girl from a those who cannot go back t0 Ibeir Weýd1Ii sdpaýbIc.May t27th. the First n al. ils heigbt. turning the Chineçe Iheme fer twenty ycars. She was well ta de home was anxious te fields. I 1amn anxious about the Annual Demronstration iii Phvsical or anti- rri bte ti-rteo he eitber in colr teacnîng anti go. She knew she tiare flot men- Churcb in Canada, but I must Training. orm anti- c inhitir. atii thie l wasnt convenient te get there. lion il t-o ber mether. but she was leave the task te you. M work is While Ill iepvsî,cal training work c for ofant-chistan ct'jtl-s-Il was a peculiar ex'perience fer elated aI getting ber father's con- in Szechwan, anti as in bbc 31 buiig (douie aIt t School isflot b Gangs cf Bclshevik stutients at- t bis highly cultureti Christian -sent. H-e knew netbing about years thal I have spent there. 1 Inw le the people of ihis commnunitv. tacketi Christian &hoos anti Yung woman 10 finti herse]! hospitas. The next day in came founti life too sîrenuotis, the de- due to the imany mallr dîsplavs fw we res awayothemChnese Chrc among these primitive peeple. She the mother anti in great agitation. mantis on my sympathies so cx- past vears. this' first annual dem-sn- pepe toi imy eehe ni saidt tey regardeti ber as a greal scateti berçelf in my cfice. She acting thiat I know I cannot carry strationi will bec il greater an111tt perie t p re t Ib enrnicuriesity but were very friendly. was in a aging temper anti al- any cf tbc weigbt o! the situatien imoreonipnheîîçlve Ihan au% thine I tridtoprvetoth ufrenlyAIl the women sti11 bave bounti mest scmcaming. "Do yeu mean ta in the Home Cburch. Oni the leu e heforc. Abonî 1 60 ,element tha thbb Christia n Church feet in that eut of the way cerner. say ycu want my girl te go le ether banti I look to you for your bovs will he taking part in the pro- was Chinese ais. anti they as Nne bati educattion. It was great hospital and teucb sick people. prayers anti sympatby te help me grain which il1 last from 00ec hour t rihneecate heChprstanmystery te ber why ber father anti sIec dead people. cdean Up sick carry the loati. anti that O! MY Io une bour- andti Iirie fliiiilec ani- migicn. Nrogte tess istiwan shoulti have been the ony one cf people." Each sentence snappeti ce-workcrs. as we carry the Gos- w'ill show activities of'ail the differ-' reliion.Nevrtheess il a-z aail the clan te ceme eut anti ac- out barder than the laut one. as pel o! Christ to these far away cut grades of thie Seool. d trying time o! persecutien. One cept Christianiy. What a wn- tbe berror ef it evercame ber. Of frontiers f tiesperale huma n The tirogrania., pliiti wîNvll fIa- o tiay a rewtiy gang e! non-Christ- tierful tbing' it wu that she hati course ber girl tiid net go. But neeti. litre a iased tlt tiontisraiço f about ian students were scen cnteriîng feunti the Christian religion. that n;any do. Girls wil2 almost run Signeti-Laura H. Hamblcy, ('nle lhundret (r more bovs in Dai *h the secocl premises. Ms Wang she bat hati this chance. Life'away, in order' te get, bospital AdrcsTzlitig. (ymatis knew at nce the sig ifî anc 0f w as surely changeti for ber in the training. T h cy m ake excellentSz c an Ch a . i t er s e ia f at r siU b a il ail. They wverc bent on destmuc- kinti providence of Goti, even if nurses. Wasn't il a lovely lhing ____________col ,rfiul agant depictilig hsoi ietiong l he s eh eol girlsdout sbe cannot explain how il came te give China Christian nurses? rulay races. There will bc shown o! gtebling atsconce. tc about. She kncws sbc was saveti Se wcll worth deing wasn't il? "One teo-day is wort.b twe te- ancicut Greek relav.. withi torches, ct of stebledinget at nce. far for service. Christian Cburcb - But t he morrews."-Beniamin Franklin. sandals. robes, heati bauds, anti the ,Sside bebinti the building, hbile Eilcen Wang ant ieh~r father arc climax e! al iS that we have giv- ____________________ive wreath te the winniers. The al ý1the six ycung woen teachers two cf the many lea ders our Mis- en tbem the' Christian Church. ruinners in the Indian relays vlll bc bl stooti near the front to sec what sien wcrk in West China bas pro- When I wcnt te China 31 years arydi oofl aiecsue was goîng en. The mewdies hati duceti. I wouîti like te intretitce age there was ne cbumcb. There 9A4 c/fiE arrati in colrfiti noains costumes clubs anti went areunti smasbing bbc others te yeu alse. You would wcre buidings antiMissionanies qales diuapim,,w theh cloth. arm band] anti will thrnw the th evcrything that ceuiti be smasbei. flot be disappointeti I know. Tbey preaching gooti sermons. B u t LUysuand lGdneys javelin as a baton. The Romnan re- ar Tbîey ibroke aIl the glass on the are se lovable, s0 human anti do- there was ne church conscieus o! - mud ylavs ill show chariots, sandals. iir pictures, broke the face of the îng their besI. They are sucb a being a Cburch. There is new. ai. roud whips, heatigear, robes, armilets, etc.. af ______________________contrast Vo odinamy Chinese men Tbcy have a Presbybery anti an Du(lSiSwhile the Olympie relays will bring di: anti wemen. You wouldti IrilI annual Confemence anti thcy are us__clown____modern_______ with pleasure if you coulti see tackling the migbty problems o!fsdw the odemors les. n P Busines Dhrersê,u,, LEGAL X. G. V. GOULD, B.A., ML.. Barristçr, Solicitor, Notary (Royal ankBting., Bowmanville W. R. STRIKE Ba.rristcr, Solicitor, Ntary Solicitor for Bank o! Mentreal Money te Loan. Phone 91. Bowmanville, Ontario L. C. MASON, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail its branches. Offce immecialely cast o! Royal Theatre. Phones: Offilce 688; Home 553. DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Col- lege, Toronto. Offic: Jury Jub- ilIe Bldg., Bowinanville. Offce hours 9 ain. te 6 pisn. tiaily ex- cept Suntiay. IPhone 90. House phone 283. X--Ray Eq4uipn-e.nt in Office. SHOE REPAIRS R. PAWSON Boot and Shoe Repairing Soles sewn on by Goodyear Stitching Machine. Prices reasonable King Street East - Bowmanvle FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIECTORS Service, any boum, any day. F. F. MORRIS CO. Modemn Motor Equipmcnt Amrbulance anti Invalîi Car Caîl Phone 10 or 34, Assistant. 5'73 BOWIMAJVnLE NORTHCUTT & SMITHj (Jomplete Funeral Service Modern Equipinent - Ambulance - A. W. G. Northcutt -t - Aubre~y Smith - Phone Days 58 Nlghts, Suntiays or Helitisys Phone 523 or 276. mu'sic FRANCIS SUrFON A.TiCIP. diplomias ini Piano, Blnglng, Violin andi Orgaan Piivate or clas Ieoeons. Pupila Prepared for al eamlnatlooe. Phone 42, Rowman'pfle THE ONLY C O M P L ETE GIvEcs You 3 GREAT SAFrETT PEARTURES Not Combimued l.amRy Other Low-Priced Car MOST mothers know that ~~whoie wheat supplies the vital elements so necessary te make strng muscles, and sound îeeth andibories. And Shredded Weat is 100%7 whoe wheat, Nature's perfect cereai food, notbing added, nothing taken away. . Children thrive on Shredded Wheat. Serve itat . least once a day with ricb, whoiesoxne mjJjan fresb or canneti fruits or bernies. m a d . THE CANADIAN SHREDDFD WHW.AT COMPANY, LTD. Niagara Falls - Canada SHREDDED'W.A MADE IN CANADA - 0F CANADIAN WHEAT displav Of Indian Club Swiniginig andi 'a mother's love."-Chapin. chiltiren a superabuntiance o! en- later ini the program wil] demlonsîrate "No mother wbo stands upon tbtisiasi.....J. C. Hare. a class apparattîs periodl withI fi1e 10w grounti berself can hope to "Mother, when your chiltiren groups working on as many pitc s of Place ber chiltiren upon a le! lier are irritable, de net make them apparatus anti rciating. plane. They may eaeh it, but more se by sceltiing anti fault- The Leaders will also presellt a it. will net be thrcugh her."-Julia find.ing, but correct tbeir irritabil- special demionsîration of apparaitis C. R. Dorr. ity by gooti nature anti mirthful- work cii the high bar, lte paralle' "A mother shoulti give ber ness."-H-erbert Spencer. bars andt ui bling ('n1 thll iais. The Junior bo 'vs wil] be seýen iii a dunb bell drill, while Ille Atxiliarv Class boy s iill present an eiiter- Fo a new de i h i e taînîing dJisplavN of thc type of vor' r thev dIo iiphv sica] rai ni ng. A rupo b%' wt Iinr Salada Orange, Pekoe Blond physcal diecis will show' Ibe cor- rective cxcrcsts that the%- taka, regulariv. gro upl gam e~s hlow iiig unie < ih e. games that are play e<l iniithe's' ni nasi c um. ] bc"a opttolii S AL ADK P ramitis si]again bc on î1 program. perhaps bit I iigh(. r thait11 eir andi wiili a grt ater timbr of boys aking part. clowns wil] fil! i bewen cis wit]i some w-t] preparti nonsense.TA From the siantipoiuit of thtetc tators. the ads ii physical training __________________________________________________ sîtoulti prove greatîx more, enter- lailling Ilin was cadet dril]lsscidi is feit ihat the work being tdone ai the Training School ean be more ~ri\SFAow1n in tho. w av. Tbe dis;ulav syil] be prsentc ztioî-I d], r>, o lie caunînîs j nst îo the rear cf Ilite gyinrasiim urn i \*eu -day,];ý MOTHER "The motber's hcart is the child's schecireom."-Beecher. "The beautifui in character is also, the gooti, wclding indissolu- 'lY the links o! affection. A rîothcr's affection cannot be weanet f rom bher chilti, because thc mother-love includes purity nd constancy. betb cf wbich arc Lnmertal. Theref ore mate r n a I iffection lives on under whatever lificulties. "-Mary Baker Edidy. *'No, language Can ex-press the owcr anti beauty anti beroism o! Sole Agent For Flo-Glaze Preducti Bowman Ville Phon. 30 LOW PAINS ARNIHE EAM L J. W. JEWELL . CA iiTORPE TO0K at ail low-priced cars with an eye to safety facts, and you'il he convinced that you get today's 3bi safety advantages only in a Chevrolet 1 The roof af this new Chevrolet, first of all, is the famous Turret Top-a solid sheet of seaniless steel-a fortress ci protection over your head. Moreover, Chevrolet adds ta the safety af its smart Turret Top Fisher Bodies by placing igli quality Safety glass in every window! And Chevrolet provides ail its new, 1936 models with perfected Hydraulic Brakes-fuily enclosed against dirt and waler-powerful, to ensure quick, smoath, swerveless stops -and dependable as the day is long. Only Chevrolet in the low-priced field combines these out- standing features of motoring safetyl - along with iCnee- Action-Fisher No-Draft Ventilation-and the economical Valve-in-Head engine. That's why owners cail it The Only Complete Low-Priced Car-why they urge yau ta drive a Chevrolet before you huy. Check your savings under the greatly reduced 70/ GMAC tizne payxnent plan today. Chevolet Gi,.. Tou, Ail PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES . . . TURRET TOP BODIES IY FISHER VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE .. . FISHER NO-DRAFT VENTILATION . .. KNEE-ACTIONM (e Master De Luxa Modehi) . i. SAFETY GLASS THROUGHOUT Roy Nichols COURTICE BOWMANVILLE q 'j 1 nR CANADIAN STA7ESMAN, BCYWMANVILLE, ONTAPM, THUPMAY, MAY 14th. 1M Ifx