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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 May 1936, p. 6

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*cott. missionary vice. toak charge in-law, Mr. A. Turner. and grand- -____________________________ SA EMof the program: Bible reading son, ail of Toronto, paid a visit _________________ land worship period. by the lead- ta Mr. and Mrs. F. Cator last SOLINA * er; topic. Mrs. E. Doidge; read- Sunday. Sorry ta report Mrs. at as Sudas ~ a wing. andss N. L Schar voin M atrs. L. Squaior vsit e n o w'en AaThe New castle IndependeintK Rev. A.S. Kerr's sermon here ig.Ms .DrhadMs .Ctrudrtedco' ae Miss Helen Baker spent the lu ud sservice aa selections, Mr. C. Collacott: sex'- onto last week. Bopwmanville. very pleasîng and he]pful spring- eral hymns were sung and the Mr. Hertsburg, who bas had his____________________________ time message from the text. "The meeting closed with League bene- foot in a cast for somte time past, Mr. and Alan Penf ound J.i H. Gibson bas sold part REV. GEO. A. WILIIJAMS Our D Winter is Past and over. t.he Sum- diction. Attendance 22. has had it removed and we hope and family. Oshawa. visited at jai lher lake front property ta Mrs. 'SPEAKSONCU l3SIS mer is here."Sorry ta report Mr. P. Cann is ibe has been much helped. Mr'.T ude.Ida Stinson wbo will eventiially Y. . . metng edesay ic. Ms.W.Can saldd er Mr. and Mrs. V. Hooper and Mr. and Mrs. A. Whitnell. June build a summer cottage on the Rev. Geo. A. W Ilams; Feld Castile evening, May 13t.b. was opened arm very badly. We wsh for littbe daughter. Toronto. and Miss and Loraine. Mr. and Mrs. John'iltwîhajon h r n sceayfrtelMsinr dSa by the president, Mr. E. Doidge. them both a speedy recovery. Alide Silver, Town. were guests of Robertson. Audrey and Kenneth. Mrs DucadnstheM. tnaScear o the M west. n sa with a hymn and Prayer by M-. M.G lubohr0 Mrs Mr. and MVrs. E. Silver on Sunday. Toronto. visited at Mr. Jack Rey- Mr w nan tte S ean.Tan Maintenance work ût the Unied 10 Cakes Lloyd Richàrds. Miss M. Colla- P. Car.G.with ,bs seof and sn Mr. and Mrs. L. Hayesan Mrs. nolds'.MrWatrSlo.Ton. hc fCndfàsmees I Mrtan Mr. J Dacb t Nw- sorineaMisdBbbyCn-um.visited his son-in-law and daugh- Cuc !Cndf~ oeyr ___ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ __ E . D arch and daughters isited M r. and M rs. Sid B rooks. ter. M r, and M rs. A . 0 . Parker. a m issionary in For sa, and cie tonville on Sunday.Mran r.H ry amlo' BWerry's. vsti tWr .E hitney Ave., Toronto, announcelthe nmissionary wko tl FREE PAINT C ~ ~poNToronto. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Royal Hall. Osh- the engagement of their only cburch at the Unie Ctrc aý h1 FIR E P IN T COU ONhis parents. Mr n r.C ol- awa. visited t Mr. Go White's. daîîghter. Mary Webster M O l'l, Sunday. inI the mo. ng hestol, lardhscupnt u toeadrciv afpu Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howsam 1ta Dr. Horace G. H. Wat-allo odrulyelg nn sol RbrG Bri tisCOPOntoou sorean rceve hJ. pnt Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Richards and Mrs. Geo. Howsamn were in elder son o! Dr. and mrs-. W. H. of what the church done anc Of FLO-GLAZE Paint, or a quarter-pint of FLO-GLAZE Fou and cbildren visited her parents, Uxbridge on Tuesday attending Walton-Ball of Toronto and Har- is doing in betterinz the condi- ShaN BBn Hlour Enamel FREE, with the PUrchase of anything in Our Mr. and Mrs. Lane. Providence. the funeral of the latter's sister. i g. Newcastle. the wedding tions o! lufe of man, people in store to the value of 50e or more, excepting newspapers andr l Sorry t.o learn that Miss Ruby! Mr. Will Rundle. Columbus. vis- 1ta take place Saturday. June 27. landsa across the se. by giving an Periodicais. OnlY one free tin of FLO-GLAZE Paint or Lane is indisposeci. iteci at Mr. Thos. Baker's. at Christ Church. Toronto. them a knowledge of esus Christ Enamel to each customer. This offer good only tili June l5th, _______________ M.ncMr.E erWles Miss Aresta Martin. Toronto. and bis saving religiq. The gos- 93.rIToronto Mr. Merton Walters. spent the weekend witî i er par- pel of Christ andi Hý redeemiùng j ia NAMH AMPTON 1 Taunton, Mr. and Ms. Edgar ents. Mr. and Mrs. Parnaby Mar- grace is taught and p. aced and Krs- NA1 *Pascoe, Thornton's Corners. Mr. tin. hyIshealing is done in1.nre in 69l ADESand Mrs. S'as Williamns, Harnp- Mr. Ernest. andi Miss Phli he foreign mission f: s ut lit- 9 ADRSs-The presîdent openeci t he ton. Mrs. Grace Allun. Mrs. Fred 'Williams.' Toronto. were weekend tle is saic!d nomtinalism. îYoung People meeting on Friday Coucb. Mrs. Norman Samis and guests of their brother-in-law The churcb throfugh 1 ail its nes.Prgrm asinchrg f is Nta Nwtmile vste Mrtn.Shws wrkisbt ary-ngOworskbs i evening and conducted the busi- Miss Pearl. Mrs. Leslie Allin and anci sister. Mr. andi Mrs. Larue maypse0for.n ison W t* o ,ness. Doigrr a nchre f.Miss Jonita Net r.iH.e . std Mri. EShaws. anwtbU ca.ryig o. a be-,it,.-ho BOWMANVILLIE BIG 20 Rackham led in prayer. af ter Tink's. aeetygautdi Ai oaltetreé ,Ur-l*n o h J1 W JE ELL, Mss ori Crdera~s Re. W Mr. Jhn asce a Mr H.E. e~î d~eins, Headpof h tioe e t ito i- B t whciBruce Hogarth read the About sîxty Young people o! the uenUierty Cnso. -heC rcb yeit -. . ____________________________________________________ ible esso: thedevo.iona wascommnity Qtueednintbeionsrtedtbs.cosin.stonT.A. Rdger athee wald ad pned th gos tae yMrs. Harold Salter: the Hall on Monday evening ta ex- public scboaî principal,.el o1ethreoe nteach aI PON topîc Wa presented in an inter- tend congratuations and best ntosbaizgth in4 esting ninner by Miss Grace wishes ta Mir. and Mrs. Ralph1 Golden Rule Mission Banc 1 wl naineos.hebanthe. in the 4 Cawker; Alf. Rundie favored witb Wilbur on their recent marriage. 1mtintîr theMay23r.Sa . m. Son anci a! the HalY C. ast. mout oran olo:a radiglWen l] ereasseble Mr Royurdv Mv 2In the evening Rev. r. Wl - A. L I H LL ' S O Kas nth rgais oo: a readi ng enai l e e enbedMr. R oy Unitedi Cburcb - Rev. S. Mac- ýlams enthused bis beii. 15 wî*i A , L NIC O L STO K was give bhss oen Prrett n gaider caTheie dcromany to Lean. B.A.. Pastar. Sunday. MaY ,vivid word pictures o! ýe rn ,,~ ere that eci bome from Toronto. escorted ta seats at tbe front of 21tn: il a.m.-Special E mp ir e anci varîed enterprise, ofte i e ù ota i at ~Miss Gladys Chapman. Tyrone. tbe hall. and Mr. Tom Baker. Jr. Day service: 2.30 p.i.--Sunday church in the home i s;.: n field, The loss is1ý spent Sunday at home. read the address explaining the Schaal: 7 p.m.-Evening Service: on sea and landi. in cro. ied cit-, - Tr me do s ed t OIES Miss Beatrice Leach, Osbawa. is reason for the gatbering. Miss subject. Rules of tbe Raad. Hrb- îes andi in far flung fro. tiers of Tr ~ ~ d u ed c ivsting ber sîster. Miss Wîlma Gladys Yellowlees anci Messrs. way Signs. civitization. Eloquently ï. i Hundreds of useful Toys, Kitchen Items, Graniteware, Leac. Pery DevxèII and Howard Millson St. Georges Church - R e-;.flashes of huour andi ontrap CI'ldrn'sGaren ool, Jwely, anc chnaetc ,Miss Jean Hogarth. Maplei presented them witb a wainut Oc-1 F. H. Masan. M.. B.D.. Rector. touches of pathos he pict ed th Chilrens GrdenToos, ewely, anc Chia, tc.Grave. was borne over the week- 'casional chair, a walnut end table Sunday. May 24th. Sunday after'aciventure. the romance, e hu- R 10eto 5eIte s Y urChoceenci. and a vase. Ralph replied very Ascension: 8 a.m.-Hoiy C oin - manity of the work. He i:as bap- D 1 Oc o 15cItemsYour hoiceMiss Meta Brown. Toronto. vis- nicely thanking the Young people ni un i on: 9.4.5 arn--ýSu n cia y'py inte choice of bis eéxt. He An for 15 - C for I ited witb Misses MarîorY and for the gifts. The remainder of Schoai: Il a.m.-Morning Pray- shali have dominion asl from - 6 25c Edith Pascae. the was spent in dancing er: 7 and Ser- sea ta sea. and from tbe rier un- Mr. anci Mrs. A. E. Billett andi and a dainty lunch was serveci.1 mon. ta :he endis of the eartb. Pj. 72:8. Mucilage - Ink - Swn Machine OU - Glass Tumblers Old Keith spnt Sunday with rela- Solina Wornen's Institute liI Rev. F. H. Masan. MA.. BD.. This is Canada. and the United Sewing- - 'tu style Globes Or Chimnevs for stable lanten - Camp> Kmves, tives at Fenelon Falls. the annual meeting in the school1 Rector 0 t. Greorge*s. was -in Church is trying ta do its i1art in to sho, Forks or Spoons - Tin or Granite Pot Ces MraniMsW.mihacso rom ftecbchnTusay aante last week attending the: making ii a ciom:nion over Wbich sumnI GadevTy oo s Albert. Mr. and Mrs. W. Young.1 afternaon. wth Mrs. S. E. Werry. Anglican Synoci. Messrs. W. H. 1 the King o! kings shall bcl His take b GadnTyTosHavelack. visiteci the latter's fa-1 president. presiding. Letters f rom Anderson and D. J. G:bson. Lay j rigbtecus sway. ing st, 1ther. Mr. J. L. Johns. on Sunday. sick andi shut-ins were reaci. Five Representatives. returneci home, Rev. S. MacLean was present to ness «. 15c and uP Your Choice for 10c « 3 for 25C Mr. and Mrs. Frise. Toronto. dollars was voteci ta the Canadian on Wednesciay e. ening. bsihl3 o Re. Mr WLamds' ce Ah spent Sunday with Mr. F. J. National Institute for the Blinci. Rev. P. E. Powell o! S-.. Barna- ihyo Re.M.Wlam'seti Jewelry Rings (some as high as 75c) - Flavoring Extracts Groat. Following are the officers for the bas* Cburcb. Datifortb Ave. andi knoçwledge anci ability. This wag, and ye Tooth Brushes 25e - TaJcuni Powders - Shoe Polish - SunMr Wallace Horn is home ensuing year: President.-Mrs. S. Hampton St.. visîteci Rev. F. H. not Mr. Williams' f irst visit t& Iy at4i Visons - CaP Guns - Fruit Dishes - Porridge Dishes - Butter Mr.gcmltdhscoreý .Wry s Vc-r.C .MsnatteRcr nStr Newcastle, he having preached mer c] Dishes - Rolling Pins - Paring Knives - and handreds o havcin ore af E. Wermit : latVice-Mrs. C. Gl-P. tason at thetRec:ory on Satur-!. ote tm.taining bis degree o! P.H.D. in bert: Sec.-Trea.-Mrs. Roy Lang- day.. Ber ucioe thopasor ae 0f Rev. cbemistry. maici: Dist. Director-Mrs. Chas. Mr. anci Mrs. George, Fenning1 and on a week nigbt given an il-' SPECIAL P»RICES Mrs. Harrison and ebilciren. Howsam: Directors--Mrs. R. J. and little son bave been visiting1 lustrateci talk on Formosa. 1he E Dell1 Rockers -------- - Toronto, were recent visitors at MeKessock. Mrs. F. Tbompson. wth ber uncle andi aunt. Mr. anci i PHNE 594 Dlil Carrnages - --- -- --- - -- 69c the home o! Mr. -and Mrs. E. Wil-j Mrs. W. Parrinder. Mrs. G. Leask: - 1T.F ratn Large TOY Steam-Powe MotorBoit, fÈmrt bur. .. 1lower Bed Committee-Mrs. Kl- - Members o! St. George's Men's BETHANY IS PROUD TOO sold for $1.50 - ---- Mrs. Geo. Pirie. Toronto. ist vl. Mrs. J. Baker, Mrs. McKes- Club with tbe Rectar. Rev. F. H. 0F MISSIONARY NURSE -E--- -ns--------t--d..... - -a----- 4c eci ber sister. Mrs. W. Craig. '-so(ck-, Flower Committee-Mrs. L. Mason. M-A.. BD.. .iourneyed ta o__ Dressing Coenbs, value up'to 60e--------c-9 Miss Nora Kerslake. Oshawa.1 Williams. Mrs. J. Moorey. Mrs. G. Cobourg on Monday evening, May Coînc ro ae1 ShaingBruh nd Wrrr -------- 9C spent a few days at home. 1 Leask; Pianists-Mrs. Iaaac Har- lIth. wben Rev. P. H. Masan. ilton le!t Bethany andi spent two Shavng rushandlUiror . - 39 . Ms. . Bunet,;b- y. rs. E. Crycierman: Auditors danor o! the Mason silver cup Wek at Cbapleau Indin ei- Handy Plera, cu.t-ng-ty------- I----- Steel Wagons, rubber-tîred, $150vlu --98c awa, visiteci ber sister, MsAB-Mrs. C. Howsamn anci Miss Hel- emblematie o! the D)eanery carPet dential School, leaving June4t Wme Paper Baskets -----15 Ferguson, on Sunday. en aker. It was cieciclec to con- baIl cbampionsbip, presenteci the for duty at Aklavik. The long E.aZOrs, genuine Wade and ButÏcheÏ rigt razors, Miss Bessie Simpson. Mapleltinue the group system. Group cuP with bis congratulations teo journey was made by rail to thec (slightly stained) ---------- ------- -------- s Grove .was home over the week- , leaders are Mrs. J. Baker. Mrs. N. the past aeason's champions. St. endi o! steel, andi by boat to Ak- China Cream and Sugar Sets ------5-------c...... end. LecCh, Mrs. N. Yellowlees, Peter's Club.laiweetepryco osiStl Cut Glass Fruit Bowls -50e MissGladys Tru.ll is visiting ber Lloyd Williams. Mrs. Haroldi Pas-, lé. S MaLean BA, o the o!Ms Slmna!ritcis Col- Bridai!ERose China, standard pattern, - aunt. Mrs.W . Young, Have-I coe anci Mrs. W. Parrinder. D-Ufiteci Churcli attendeci the Osh- umbla, the beaci, Misa Hamnilton about hall the usua.] price lock. egates to District Convention irre awa Presbytery meeting at Bow- o! Bethany. Miss Hutchison o! CuP aud Saucer .__---_ -- - ----- ----c - 6 for $1.00> iOur syrnpathy is extendeci ta Mrs. S. E. Werry. Mrs. C. How- iffanvllle Thursciay morning. Hamilton and Miss Harvey o! To- 0 Satu Bread and Butter Plates ---- - c Mr. andi Mrs. W. Watcborn in the sam. Mrs. Gordon Leask. Mrs. 'ess .E acc.D..J.rno os ato.arvdo u Lun Dinner Plates-. 3c-3fro< death of their yaungest son Jack, John KivelI andi Mrs. W. Parrin- for Durham East, W. H. Hockin July lst. a Raisi Loa Platters --- 35e 3 for$1.00 who was killeci in a motor acci- der. Mrs. 1. Hardy. convener o!fn .W ako aoeit tti a-wymsinr FRDA ad ATRDY NL -Wewil iv a!ident near Clevelandi. Ohio. Jack group 6. toak charW of the pro- Orono Sunday afternoon andi at- hospital arrangements were sign- hv FRIAY nd ATUDAYONL Wewil gi, aca-ing was about ta be made manager o! gramn: Vocal sala. Miss Pearl tendeci the S.0.E. District churcb cd for four years' duty. but these Y our CMnCI "Grab Bag" containing over 50 cents worth of merchandise for a store. andi was contemplating Leach. "Tue sang that reaebeth Parade anci service o! divine wor- were very sudcienly changeci by . JttTiboficei imarriage in t'he very near future. my beart'"; reading. Mrs. R. J. ship at St. Saviaiur h e.tedssru ir fafwwes M tr only 25 cents. Watch for themi. Te remain6 were interred in McKessock. "Just Mothers": vo- P. H. Mason. a member a! Wol- aga. Everything te be sold. Ne reserves. Cou.ntry stores should tampton Cemetery on Manday in cal duet. Misses Ruth Reynolds, verbampton Locige. S. 0E. B. S.. Discovers Fire stock up at these prices. Show ca&Mseale, aU for sale. the presence o! a large number o! and Dorothy Hardy. R e f r e s h- iOrano, conducteci the service. I a isHmlo b i- ~ _____________________________________________ isympathizing relatives and ifi-ments were serveci by Mrs. Hardy Six !reight. cars o! Yo ung farest I oeithe ire Hasilsbe was mas- ý iends. anci ber group. trees fram the Provincial Farestrycvre h fr s hIasmk IEldaci Anniversary Services will Station. Orano. bave been shi igbe oud'wiPEnnih be belci on Sunday. May 3Ist. pied from bere during the past I duty. She founci amoke coming MAPLE GROVE bhen Rev. W. C. Smith a! Eben- four or fite weeks. Five cars were tbrougb the walls a! the waoden Fresli :.Mt wueze ill peacnd onnce dl ay. loadeci at the C.N.R. station andi[structure. anci badjust time ta Fresh n J ue lt. ea nd oncrt ilI~one f rom tbe C,.R. for Kempt- rouse tbe staff andi then run for \\t regrit thii ii, .iti n elci. Pull particulars next week. ville. In addition ta these large belp ta a point a quarter of a mile Sund:... èCoors khat Gleam «n w;iý îîîalicrittnîix ninîlîtvd iromIi, i Mr. andi Mrs. Chas. Mackev. of! sbipments bave gone out every distant with the temperature at Fresh Gw1 c,rrv.ýpiidecvrt iii nas we<k Brooklin. visited Miss Mary HO- day by express. -5-e-o-sea.- 20 Minutes -NO POLIS14ING "î'arcnts lDa.%tir gram was f lolxvd gartb and Mrs. R. Pascoe. Mrs. Cbidley. Toronto. who in No lives were last, but tbe per- FLOO)R on Siiiindva'. o d i.oigr'.gation Mr. anci Mrs. Cliffard Naylor tb, past baspsent Part of pacb sonal loss o! the staff was beavy. Chocola, Il A W E S s ~ ~~~~gretettul ie lulstor.heprînîarv clas, andi Jobnny visited at MarJs.I m \l~sIaElot~,NrhObw. e tIsurmer at Broacilawn leaseci All the members with one ex- SS srig"Jeiis1ticý u-ý lis1'sIva Ulitt*. Noth shaa. rom Dr. W. H. Waltan-Ball by ception were sent home, travel- STORE-i1 HWE SFoie'. Elleri -li a (n111(.t îý)ott r itr.Ms owrba a-ling by chartereci plane ta Fort No forge~tlteiromisc iroadtir ho ie r" en a leue o! Tue Lilacs. another McMurray, the largest air-base F LO R G O SSRcv. E.F. Arînstronig, fBowmanville' ENNISKILLEN of Dr. Walton-Ball's cottages, for i Canada, andi then by rail. Miss F LO R G O S SQuito avea'slei(li oi "Mthe's utciso, RN.,remaineci i n 1 WJPE IT ON - LET IT DRY Wages". .1 baptismal service wa'. Mrs. Ida Stinson andi daughter, charge o! the patients an.d willId also lîcld whcn Mr. andmi n V m. Congratulations ta Mr. andi Miss Frances. Toronto, are again c an-y on until the bospita] as re- G.4 ModebVyThe Mokers of HAWES' FLOOR WA&X Lycett had their two childr @. j5aptis Mrs. Earl Parrott (nee Muriel P. making weekenci visits ta Bark- Tuere is a Roman Cath- Poe9 cd. William Kay anid Jameçe Page.' Wearn¾ ,Cbalk Lake, on the ar- bain Hall whiclb they have been olic mission at Aklavik andt a new Poe9 rival o! a fine baby daugbter leasing for some semsons from Dr. school is being built, and it was -(Helen). W4ton-Ball. Sorry to report Miss Marie ýTue Overenci Famiy. orno Ashton bas ben il.are &gain occupying the Campbell ~ Mr-. andi Mra. C. Branton, Mr. cottage, Tinturn. A. Lobbin, Oshawa. Mr. andi Mrs. Miss Lena Pear] Kea, wb W p k e dV a l1U e A-KPage, Miss Ama Page, Mr.. has lbeen staying with ersitewho Week-end GG R O C ER Y e Robt. Page, Toronto, visited M.1hr.E. . Fisher, ar Et lS e h s apton, M r. . 1 1s M N u h o n i e o - rrI Oyster SheU ...1.001 ail beat vretsMsic Festvli h orn aLa tteproe U aitsc1ý vlue i.nathesournt oraLeay a! Rhev arsnci Mrs. S. SIMMONS -Ni*'\RS-1 I claseads - .0 Bsell,1to150 MMrs. Stella Anderson entertain- OW ER Grtfie ndcare 90 Bshl 15 o 1.0 Mr adMr5. Wallace Aber- e vrsit Ust tteNe*'- ,ffrs1endid varIN 1 ' ii tenliai, visitedia r Russel . Mr-. W. J. Bragg, M.P.. t- alug o i or ntehm Gri.ffaninOLs. Sdresseci the young people of tad e any aes WIENDOS . MIRPOLSHES Congratulations to Mr. Gardon United Church at their closing TUS ndOWS IOS BANaS.y ~ a aa Stevens on winning the congol- meeting of the year on Monday - A wide choice of ncw covet ", e 29c SRA PHONE 186 or 121 BOWMANVILLE Cortdnrneflrot o<n hat PercendiRev s. McLean ment. if clsired. smewtwa n l)iogcncsle, but a world 100 <smail for Rural Life Conference at Black- Alexander. stock on Tuesday o! this week. ___________________ ERSLAKE'S SRII Developing and Printing is done by ExPerts Let us finish you.r next filin 25e I l5c-29c-49c 20c-47c-79c 1-lb. 39e Sun Glasses )onges . ... 25c . . .1 .1 9 - 3 5 - 1 .0 0 Iloves - . 29c ishes 25-50-75 kno1w. Placè -your trust lu us because we arc optometriats ofmany I Moth years' experience. Wc recommuend Balls and fit Canada's foremost glases 4-Ibs. 25c -'Corectal"-tho lenses for maximunim eye comfort. )th Paste 19C Large Listenine Paste Gooth Paste 19c 40c Tooth Brush ste . 25c-35c Both For 39c Enos English Fruit Saits Health Saits 0f course, yau meazs to puay mae when eye-sight is concerned, but lisa Hamilton was as the hospital was splendidly help. equipped and capable o! the most stimateci at $25.0010 efficient surgery. ESS UP FOR THE 24th iot iu any Previous season have we been able ow such a delightful group of sunimer frovks, er coats, and smart accessonies. It would half a page to tell you about their outstand- tyles, their lovely colors, and the attractive- of the accessonies, hats, purses, and hoslery. W1 we cau say iu this space is "Come in and lei." You wiil be weil repaid for a visit, ru'l1 be more than surpnlsed at the unusual- ractive pnice, for these very fluest of suni- tothes. -.vlyn Ladies Specialty Shop BOWMALNVII.LE )pportuni ties Il Present Themselves at Watson'S Store irday we offer you the choice of anyone of ich Cake Uines together with your - ehoice of «f or Dat£P and Fig Loaf, for .. . ... .25c ve also a fine selection of Cookies on display. choice in 0O*aten, Hermuts, Sugar, Jini Dandy, es, Date Roils, at doz. 15c Cookies, Special Price 2 doz. 10Oc )UR FOUINTAM - WE OFFER YOTJ ECIAL HOLIDAY NUMBERS - As Follows - it Suxidae 10c Ice' Cream Bricks .. 25c -apple Ice Cream Pies. 5c . .....-10c Dixie Cups ..'5c age Sundae 10cé Neilson 's Chocolates 50-25 Canada Dry Ginger LOild ALOc Aie NA MY25H son' s ,--,Bakery Co. an'nounce jio Couc-hes di i studio lounges that anyone wanting wlcame in and sec these values- they )i s at popular prices $21.75 - $27.50 flI' ms, ail with rooiry storage compart- t i .1 .~w. ILf PAGE SIX q-w- 1 L- THE CAN-iJDIAN STATEsmAN, ilovimANVUI£. ONTARIO. THUR.SDAY. MAY 21st, 1936 25e IAI i- WAYSAGLESS

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