PAGE Two THE CANAIAN STAESMAN. OWM&tDArYv i' "c" T'rflT1936 ~jm~' j ~ heci, ed 1e cîclxi cl1îiile', pc'ieo ' tiuticew lii> tcc tcikc'lhî(Iocil.î'cldcawccît lix vccuk tior tlei c' Establcshed 1854 In Ic'uîuci'î'î ic'xe cre aîct c> l) iiiik iic'e A Weekly Newspaper devoted to the interests of the thii;iui r x ic' f eli f Mc>,t oftcf m cre c'cîîtc'îtici chdo town of Bcwmanivcie and surrounding country. issued at King Street, Bowvmanvtlte, every Thursday. by M. A. cio ixr... vccuk. caniithonii cexcte the' [ciai îîiî' .James & Sons, owners and publcshec's. The Canacian cf 1tic> ' Iilt, ict>ric, gîl fiiig. Icy Iig t.,'îcî c'. Statesman is a member of the Canaclian xveekly News-. i )lcxî >xiîi. ci' ctîcr' Iu>iclcîr spocrts, Fv Canada. Assocaton. aIso the Cass *"A Weeklies of t'cui.ichcr it i dut v ticitlcirn icrctitv t> grivet Cnd.scciii>'of thi'i'c'illc,)ilit.ic's tcxx'crd tIi>' yccuuuger' SUBSCRîPTION RATES g'i"i iciTIhi, sc'lf-iritc'r'sî is ol>uîîc Ii 1"aet Anywhere in Canada. $200 a year; in the Unted States, Îdti()11"0cci'lct>'i' t1c>t hi e tt riliît'u tof c clitIl. $2.50 a year. payable cn' sdvance. Single copies, 5 cents. Y'i cccu peple cPc'crc' cuic'k Ici uitioe' uugleet. cmndc tithitheicc'v o o > iiaii Y01111- peoptcile tccdci GENERAL MANAGERS OF LARGEST BANK - tor flcc ilerreasocii tthanîthev î'jghtfillv he- jeethie clclr people are filt ifiterested ili This Happened Right in Our County rîiti. thoicr welfaro andtholiir rgc.Tu Soo01101cn1îpfle reihie thlat thii lt-v or ia Ili the of Diiahp rJ îliin.trtcclasî -occ(1citizen ji: to) x 'scr i-t.)the 'ont wretcheti situaition iwasri. iciuit. to lLlt vcii munîty. the 'socciir tlîc' fineivoWrk naing t teh a voîiiig -niotheri lix in i a dehî;nclatc'cl lhonte. l"iceccule cf the conîtînlit v vill hardlv- fit foi-îîiiiîak 2l. ave hirt h fia l oild. îae, 'cc~clli)r~ ivithoiit the aid ot alieto. a i Iîriic' or ait%-cct the eoIIîtccî't-ý tg) vlîeh ail oliiî îîK c'ititle'l ar hcl îdcrl.I n tlis pa rtieîîlla î iiata ace "vu alru Bank Interest uitis a New Low iîîforied frciuî reliable o ice.thle iîictlîei had trot, as iinîteli al-a iîl î cl (ress ito lwt'a. îtil O i iiio Inlst the rafle of iîîrc'zt paid oni a dax- laîci'. 0sort'ie eil-li)ors W-uc) lîear'd (otthle x in ithe' elia rt.ered haniks cdof Caiada wa: akosod fatn l v1ighit w>> x-jed lier wît.lît hei. >itdclown t o a ilicw low c cf onre a nd orie JCsflDdW. A. Bog General Manager of the General Manager of the Q utu iatn railv thle bb l ied. crha ps ifi,; iý l f lpur vent. Tlle rate. at orleti me thrl'er~ Bank of Montreal. Bank of Montreal. btter tîtat it did. for alread v five little tot, (cen t, lias bceil lovered w-e are tlcîci),eiecî live iii that honteî. eli ont ai aru xeîe a, t'flie speiidiiig if niiey air( thiî.s li- eir- froîn thre imeirrc' pav Ieeuixeci 1w thle 1hîs1la îîd. e îîlaî iccli inrcase uiiîplox-îneiît aiieoîiclitijcci cA HISI'ORY 0F THlE who vorks cn nihoiî fa rnis. Wc' are iii- getiera llx- foriîed tduiat this tiraitlia', een pa id atifthle 'Tlc'gcii era I effeet on tlio-se wlîo have î:îrge 46 th Durh am einn rate of 50e pur day fcr- wcîrkinîg hcîg hc i 1 bIai k s -iîs voul d be ticforee tliAiiitcclccck1 on a faim, and that this xvas îuiereased tcc oîîe lsewie-re to iix-est tlitir inoiiev, %vhe(re rotîirns ,CompiIed By dollar a dav ini the sinîînier tinie. vcciili e largeir. Thiîs wccîld ncc) dotnbt tend CAPTAN CHARLES M. CHA.NDLER Wrhat stirprt'f;il.e ; us ktlat iii tlîe il't of a tg) aid iii thie'itiivestîîîet. cfof moliies iniiine's. Adjutant of the Regiment Christiani ecinilllitv suc'h thliigsa re leriiit t- jinluuiresa it(d eci mmree, %hieli wccîld ha ve ed to exist. gie îatiirallx- wcuiiuer., wlîyif was, its attenîdant c-cod effeetn ccii nîloyînent. Foreword m1iles t0 the westward called Bar- that Mien tdisii fcîiily *s Cc ciclticcîi was si> well 011the other liici jtlerc' is tl1e siiall %,i- The information con.aini in bers Creek in 1794, Darlîngton knoxvî b- îeihhrsand towvIisl1i j officiasiigs aoeecîiîî, cf thi vcrking mnarii vicc is thrift ' this history hias been obtained MilIs in 1806 and Bowmanviîîe in tna r'gîla xIits verc' flct îile tcc the hcii'enuigli i)tcc ait y.c i adollar cr txvcî cverv frorn officiaipblctosP.gî 1823. The folloxvîng are extracts T (mental files and f rom originalfonEaiSetrsoBwm - and t lie fa iilvc'a red fcor. 'Flie'valueo>'cf tlie wek fccr ia railî-div. l Ii' îîcw lcixv rat.e no ouet npseso ffr- !le and Vîimnty,', by J. T. Cole- coiiiiiiiiiitv iilii'so' is lccsi s'eii wlîeîî slie h eassN >i(< rag'icnt t>> t ivtpe. ,îc taan.da psmer officers and residents of the man. 1875: am tliîs arrivef. tcc lce il t o)'cf citizi'i>xi» i"l5>ie)licw county. References. nominal roils On 2nd October 1794. Mr. John It voilcI s' ilis ti aiiiV l cIit ltaliîi- mlenit. Wc-' aei 1' .'tr'a>lv t>> îisk ,what licivý,'and olerdetails appear as an Burk, John W. Iruliand *Roger- iyla viliiitutcc xist cciisuIicli sniIIciiI arIi iii¶, V\cl dI cic t.lî-Ill .voii r icî xîic'ii a appendix hereto. Conat wi:h their famies from ilx- i j1 have endeavourd to provide the Unied States seie one mile shorl at lcast Il'-c'a recifcr by sortit' cffieiil. a Jîlic",fcr re'l ic'f, but thie' vccrk i îîaîîis trv- an accurate. sstemaîîc, and im- wVest offBarber's Creek. Their and i lait fic) nîcclrshccîlci lcx), 'ct>'> !-r<ive>'1 ejixcrv lilttIc' ciic'curagc'îic'it tcc savc'for liaicipartial account of events. with a s)ýk off two cows and one horse hirt.h to alc h ilcIii in lhic is>e thlat k îî othlii:<rt ilnie' lîc' n rtheii rtecrest ratc Ki ccxx-ert i'> I , background off the xarying con- -c re driven around tlie shore via mcore' tliiii îî -a c 'k. and iitviî iit t lie a ic[ (cf iaandionccii>' li>cr c'ant.1crîccp lccvverthe diions and sentiments of the York. The:-e xas not a house I ime. There are inevitabie gap- -il'in lthn:iy nilies tb the west. snc au c'c'îî I 'ft ii .liitliili ' v . csandi tea li'rvoIcrk %vil! in tme more information A-LI ba aand non2 ea t short of Smit s No cIoîîttI'thufinilv xva crt.v t10Iin ini'iirc-îI .lcr'is ccli>' ct Iîcr ail 'ini i.~a forthconiing. Creek Port Hope) . The nearest not. preseicî it - >'filet.,t>> tîl i> cper a tlîcir tfilie batiîks carc' ncc xpayvilîîg ccfihoiv u'lia If <cf ccii>' The story is now pubiished b\ rs îi xa yrsMii îu ideslîbut fthe>' lavk of t hi', filet, thli'" si.,; 1 îîc'ir c'ît., wxvi i liiakc'.-sojîr rat,' gefic'rc>lis. pferisin0f the uhm Rmedng thfotfLaeOar, Officr of he Drham egi nnes distant. The round trip by doubî tue fc'ar f li>'cclc' on rclief ccitii:lxLie-ut.-Coionei Arth-ur V. Ton >a sal oktowes askiîg for supjpl ies anid licI .of Milibrook.. The Indians were very trouble- Onc' thini 5 c'crtain. andîcltlit is .,thatiii> fang- Hon. R. B. Bennett B,,sts Acknowiedgements are due t seinie. and caused considerable o anxi ety. be:ng armed and equip- il- of nicther andi fcthir andi fivc' ljttlc' t, Advertising the librarian of the Caniadian ped. ccii it)c' pur day. W >' nia V the m any officiai records and h is I 7 5 M . L o a d S p r s t boast of otir t'hr-istiaiitv lcv att>'rucinîi Liîihrcli. Rf. Ii>cî. R. 13. B>'iîitt.. t Cciscrvativ>' vic'i>>' tories placed aI xny disposai: to tled mn Hp n eoe 0Dr and donicting toxvarul foreiizîII iiii.ssiccn',. but xVe' las lceei nIickingigia stîiclv cf alvcrtisiîig, and>i >, Mr. Rhys D. Fairbairn for copies Ilington in 1805. and erected the are totallv laekinigin it aiilppreciaî iccu cf ( hri- t,ýlIs ftl,.' hou'>'c'( :rConîoi l.fiiliio. f oid documents; 10 Colonel f;rst saw iii. tianix if ~c',like ii>'i)ricntsanl tii' î.'vitc. scix-',Lorne T. MeLauglilin. C.M.G.. Clarke's First Settier 'walk by <cii the cther sic'of the,'roacl- We ' iiii Sul i'~,n cicrisiiniav Ic(- îiiiicarixc'l Lietu.-Col. R. W. Smart, V.D., À,asthCirst e. M r.RIard lei flot 1wc'thlec l', of tlîis or aiiv ut lic îfaînil y ac">i>ii-r tgcin 1 4l<>pwcrvéfîion, iit i l wcrls. for copies of miany early records:sellaIhenut fBdws misfrtuc, bt w oei Iiýlp g) iiii-1,Moroadvrtisli-to him and to Colonel J. AV. Creek >Wtmot'sc. He drew his m i s f c r î ; u i , b t w e > c ' r a i î l c o l e l p I c i i n a k > ' M c i c ' ic I x - c r t s i î g ,P r e s t o n , V D . . f o r n u c h a s i s t - ! 2 0 0 a c r e s o f l a n d i n 1 8 0 1 a n d b e - life a littIcli alli>'r. ai ittle nMore>' eu craIi' -licilî'-crd.rýs, if if. is dciii>'sî>csîiccci ,alvyance and statements of great came a permanent citizen. and and aI itt le uîmore li ixallc îtfrails;-if if is c'ccîtiîî hol', and persistenlit it xvil Ivalue,.'was appointed chief magisîrale stifc'eed f -' Isalot o f the home district c which eni- Flose ivs re p n rm I Apart tloote roincthe 'nc'elcîîîecl t braced the ciuîr from Cobor altcgcthi'rDurham County was named af- 10> Toronto) __________ Ate ic iniii', orfthi,' icvcrtise'ic'iit, and icl iiatt.î' r >f ter Durham C iuty in England. 1 During the xar off 1812 he adt- Itliattioit. 1 ain cirtiin îîyrciarks miil -xVt» Hope Towvnship was namedà af- mninisîered the Oaîh of Ailegiance If t hic' ccikl>cclouif thie ,onal lo'rccinii iii iiiit is. jt he' îque"stciioof lioxv îecai Iiak- cclvcristu er Colonel H-enry Hope, a moîn- 10 many pensons. the Oath ha I. the iicecîil'i.îiiurcliaîii. is tcî lie saivc'cl Sfrcc't'c, allil .,,cfar as,. -nccxx- thi,'ciijjj î'îîccîber of the Legisatixe Assembly. ing been communicated 10 bimi asnginto cllixioiin oii'llîîgcrcisti>'x-l xx-lil .~~l ior>' .ic I il>'rî îark TowshiLieut.-ColonlWlim ar pssongl'axe t>> ,'leiice>tlcci-t>>li ClarkceuiTownstic'was named rmeiWlam a-r soonfiae t bi elaolil g) itzit LLiitit lýe af te rMajor-General A 1 u r e d ren Baldwin, commanding lst Cl1e1Let-oego.n 72 Re.,iment 0f the Durham Militia. cvl(f theil iacil rcic'i -norros. thepei>'f>' lIcýr.s <11>1 - \Clarketi,'lic>iii'ci ci, îii'îulc'nti1792 cHe telakr. idrte rsn rvl\h-en lt iloaboi oie o Ciox- a carefui and capable business (ee foloxs a list f 123 names - t h e ii ix k > rs I iî lc r Ii ' î rc .s 'i î îr ix li 'i i il , r î i M ru. N ci l I) v is c'c îc'ri ig t,>) ti '- a >- m a n . o f i ten e n ro l ed in th e c o u n t > a s laxx-',. theiiiidiialii iiiicipclit.v IiioiP',a ittlkÎ" a- i Drint owsip ftlerbein" hiable for inililary seri--ce Townin 1812). reujti- tit ut-icc >cli'els îr'ici~ >>->icrc'alizc'd that the expeîîdittsre for tlîct alie-Dain-tn n;uta As a young man Mr. Lovekin hîsuî ,t iii a tccxx-ri', I ik'Bcx ic aci axie to.4 îisirg raui it.o litiîuureds of dollars lier iiiiii . C-aatrCava-n in Ireianý d. ans gor o c i on trainin day BoTa k,'vsornegweri-knoenieprpithtccryva rti bIlts Manvers, in honour of Charles! the 4th of June. Money was very Bow îî ui -iIe oo -u ic uc s w tl ou t ,cci t ib t- t uat arc' k rîcc x-i a I I o x-r the -wcmld proI>ah I Pierrepoint. E arl of M an xers in 'scarce w ith the settlers, a nd he Thg oevti n tqv i i ccxc'r-ruuuî xi tu-i-tivifut wilI inoaze honocrablel,' emlc'rsIci reîl ix' 1806. 100k furs with l-im for trade or Thi. tÀýwi isove-ru ývth hat n ian hes- aviýtisiiý ex Cartwright Township, af ter The sal. baklrs.pudlr fcil al kiids caiid! witu umaiîtlia i iai ntne tis d-r.sîgiX Honorable Richard Cartwright, a Aot1815. Samuel S. Wilmot order catalccguics 'l'uie 'I iiereliciits >d>ocî- c'îîiituîî'eciruîu lit llt t idreds cof thcîusandi',of J native of Albany, N.Y., Who set- waus rveyor in York, and be- in n iiilrpa i i c lollars buit. t» îmillionus cof dollars lier cîuuîî. tled at Kingston about 1790: he came employed by the Govern- ing ii siîîla îi>rc'iaicc s iutLt ay uavy Tieapprop~riationîs malle> for tlat.p rp s was a m em ber of the xecutive m ent 10 survey the main road taxes. bIcîcîl cînpi>rty lcîou iehcir l>uisiîI'.Ies. ae uix' îase,î upo r'eogîitioîîof the favt osu C0ncil, and died in 1815.' The leading from Kingston to York. to eniaîle thui to op>rate' ber>'. xx-l i l u îv cof îîî t~'î Kingston Gazette of March 13th, This road was cult four rods wvide. tae hitsnd f ht l(.ýssii dvrix-gurias ot,-ii adi- 1816, contained the foflowing: "A and gube wrd.I a iýrisl1, tiit itill .îîîcîîs t'iiiiuiitx-: thiat il new township in the rear of Dar- constructed by Captain Danforth. ofitýt-e ii iPaoîlcvii .ncar. nd etirn iotIn .inausi)cruiaitl -anud that votyciu aîuiit ~-lington, in the District tof New- and though being the main post lo siii ' rc orc-u uuc ui î,' lc sily su'i'd y a spasîîccdie ffit.' castle. has beln surxre>ed and is roa-d, was a ver>' indifferent one; ___________________ii)i__ is oor honoi open for location of U. E. during summer, after very lîeavy Loyalists and miiitary dlaim- rains. il was almost impassable. conistanit i'xerv da.% auicixai <e îîuiian'dieuants . .-.-.-..The first mail carried oven this ientlic'11Sc'Iulrugug accciiu forcee i'misc'- A Preacher's I-ard Lot 'Ref erence."oîin bt road was taken on a mule. and ves i ic>,t tli'i r lioilt'i îsi îîg cal] ',urt.s of g<ag. ___ Names"b>' Herbert Fairbir arrived ever>' two weeks, from ginvîîitliv. V ilk cîric socl) StuIff t» sc'lltli'ii' A îcrecher lia,4 a Ilircl tilie. If his hlisi ', ubisers:HamGeoenMCanada & igon tpril nd. 81.n. S.. xves hitc' b,' is t»>,)cîid.I f hi' is am youîuîg tirai lie Co. Ltd., Toronto, 1899. Wilmot moved to the towniship off It si-t'iii.., tgc iL', liat tIc ,' r,'at relcc'Iis1> 't acclixe'rcic'c' I f lie lias to c'lvicu, HOW DURH~AM w UNT Clarke, having purchased four politic'a i pa rt - hi,'hî wil xxasll itf.,;>lic k c> (f lie lias t4),) maux .If lie lia's mineîc, lic' sluuii WAS S LDhunred .Ares tlnirm ohn- t-lie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i jllc'c' iti'lcgiVIusu'5iitr't.haecidil li IslcowViuiga gicoci ixaniilc. If So that we may have some -forth Road was imase thDan and xxill ec'îîcîc'î l'iiticcii xxhivilivil]I <ixc' tii,' hi xi eSinrs iri tIiihecllir i r' is îr'trnii.Il conception -of the character of'Clarke and Dariington. in the fat! small tc'oii>c'ichiit acli i)tclix->' A sui' iccsîî hesîc iI ielî'iii.,Ia id s xvccîk. the earl>' setlers in Durham:and spring, and good travelling vital liielis it ',lri 'îî' uet xvhi îclî l I ivc'the'If i creciclic' ril cîds loteîs lu,'is a bocre'. If Courut' and an appreciation Of was onlY foun during- the wtnteri n u i i'i p c î I i i- l cv c'i h a n dcs c t i a i c l u jî cl i slil c I fs c ' î c lîi a i c i s I i ~ î t d ' ' d i f f i c u l t -e s t h e y o v e r c a mn e , t h e ' T h e r e w e r e n o s e t l e r s n o r t h o f OluSiIc' Ic k,î',", p II cs cii I lîi i < î' I'u' ~ cuili If hi' .cis ;c i ol lcîci ci st.ulv, ltic'following descriptions are gi-en. the main road in Clarke or Dar- bou1ses, uno c'xocrbitanit]l*vcbit sci fli'iii i Lixc cslcî.îtlui ix vith heîl>pcpcîle'. If'lieh,' tit-n Itis well 1 rememb>er that the ing'ton. It was a dense, u.nbrok- the lool ilifrolialt al) 111aliv ill, iiýi hnte arlind 01 Countyrelwles. in a1791-94.ntyaasdens179e-4f edb onlyon bybyIn- m ark t. g 'tt uig uj> i su'uîciui If l ls il tii>'- lîco n ' India rs, bears a n d w o ixes roa mied A P ost O ffice w as e.vablishe di at cil tIie' îccr lic' is îîyiigtic tii' li'îiî5c everywhere., Darlîngton Milis in 1829, and Mr. General Lack of Leadership If lic 'clis ;It. thie licîtu»' cîftil(" ii'i, Ilie is aii W. Arnot Craick, in lits PortRobent Fairbairn then in charge ,Hope Historical Sketches, 1901, off the Bowmaru gnist mili andà cîristccc'ucît c\lctc'cr lie' ccjcs sccuuîeccii' cl'ciuIi a-> !store. was appointed p'ostmaster It friat tc'u'-litr i l>'x iait ci'gai izit imii cc ii, uuis hiaxv' tcîlcl iiii howxx-tic(le) il bc'ttc'î. N . tic ' About the year 1791 six fam i John Simpson'took a census off he finuds ciii>' <f it',<ru>'>test uîc'c'is. t-liai ccl lc'acl- l a'rt cii 'itcîu'i t K cîxxfillit>'. irciuîipltîiliilies came across the lake cLake Darlington about this lime which Oen tanof and s are he se-îe- am ounted ttc 118 persors: oruy of ilsgu'c'ctc'st l'a ilifii <r s i., ck- of Il-;'c;ýIcil)ii Hope). About two hunda'ed In- - min-od On'One uîciiv'i Icc crIc cc îîx'îuc dtrilN tsda-srae h xcnt n >h oter îwsiswr 1 kind."-Janes. . first one on the veranda-b a-rud ~Vihl I comb il dry." Life Insurance Aids Employment E VEYDLLRyuset sd double duty. It protects yourself and family, and at the same time heîps to create and increase employ- ment in Canada. The savings of yourself and 3,500,000 other Canadians, totalling more than Two Billion Dollars, which your Life Insurance com- panies have invested in the Domin- ion, have helped and are helping to develop Canada. Life Insurance dollars have built and arc building city, town andi farm homes. They have erected and are ereccing schools and hospitals. They have developed and are de- veloping public utilities and indus- triai enterprises. Governmens ail across Canada have called upon and are calling upon Life Insurance funds for pub- lic pur.poses. These funds have extended and are extending trans- portation facilities by road, rail and water. They have built and are building water, sewage and ocher municipal undertakings. They have extended and are extending public utilities and public services under federal and provincial administra.. tions. In thus siunulating private and pub- lic business ail a-cross the Dominion, Life Insurance dollars have created and are increasing work for thou- sands upon thousands of Canadians. As Life Insurance dollars creae more jobs and fill more pay enve- lopes, the strain upon relief funds is lessened and the country's econo- mic position is improved. Life Insurance Gusardian of (.anacilan Uornes f ti a, Yi tf j THE CANADIAN STATEWLA.N. ]3OWM.lý.Ný- 0';TAP.Tn 'rWTTP-Znà-,r rTrXTý "" -- to provide their own arms. TI:e sxept it- hard. You should f ct udernenpt mn 1794 o in- iCan Your Barber p ced 1. In~ 1808 an Act was passed to TaIk ? and boy did it change the coor l'aise and train Muitia. and to of the grass. The missus ays proxide much more thorough. or-: the grass wiîI ikely die and l'in ganization. B>- Scribe "G" afraid t wil kili the fish woîm. During the war tcf 1812 nuiiier-1to) hn1saedo ugad ous Acts effectng the organiza--1 We xere n the cit3' the other sneeze and when I bIew My nose. ion and administration off the day get-ing a fancy xasher for boy was it black. There must be militia -ere passed. our cistero pumip. Looking at a Iota germs in carpets like thatý. After the conclusion off the war the reflection of ourself n one of Il said t0 the wife. we shtuld get in 1814 the militia once more the big store windows. t was soiebtdy else ttc beat em. came in for more neglect than' plain to see that ocr hair xas' Did you se where that felow attention. The territorial secent- curling up our neck. This su- f rom Eaton's got, kiîIed under the a-y miitia system was manain-1 gested a ha-m ut. sreet car. Can you imagine an>- ed heoretically. men eligible for'ý So we went ttc the shop vdere body walking in between a street serxice beng required 10 musterý we used ttc gel it ut when we car. It- don't seem ike the>' could. once a >ear. but beyond answer- worked in the cil>. The barber Hae yu got anything up on ligtheir names, perf oimed no who dd it- regula-ny i ad a culst- t-be ing s Plate? We have a jmilita-y duties. The Canadian omner in is chair so- he shakes pool here with the boys but we cMiiia was an imposng aray on, hands xith us and then sa->s t10 don't have nothing on the separ- paper. ý he barber crut-e nexî chair. Joe ate horses. The Act of Union of the tîwo this is Scribe G from Boxvnan- Do you eer have a egg shampoo 'Canadas was passed by the Bni-, ville. Cut il short- in the back. 110 take the oil outa- Your scalp? ish Panliament February lOt-b,;a-nd he don't like the coid Clip- Wonder whos going to win the 1841. and henceforth the unmtia- pers on bis haId bead. Put :t.heni election. 1 see in the paper that becarne one national force in- un bot water. He forgot 10 tell Stexxart will be a push oven. 'bodes. cf -w'o distinct prox-incia! Jo? xvho is ha-tf coon that weC How long dues il take you 10 go lades. At this lime ihere xxere'donu t ike conversation, home t-o Brownsviile? afwindependent, Comipanies of' Rugbî axxa-y Joe stants un. The1 That's a funny spot on -your RilsaniT'op ffC- l'-Who0,rîemainder of Ibis account is a head. Neyer saw one like that c maintained themtseix-s at the'rsial portion of wha-î Joe uni- befoe. s il a- kinda wart? own cost. selecting andi pur-chas-!i'panîed to us.-'*So you corne froin Soînetimes I think business is îng their ow-ni unif ormis and a-ris. Oshaxa eh? Tbat's xx'ere the better. Theî'e sure is more womn- driiling w'ithout pay a nd being1ç brysier people have the hie c en comiing in a-gain than Ihere generally left a-Ione b>' the autb- plant. R. S. Chî'ysier was bon h as been.' Penhiaps it's bec.ause oities. This was a period off smallj there or something. He bas racelxve gix'e ever>' dame a free cigar- public revenues. 11horses. I knew a feilow. down elle. If the>' don't smoke enm The Cnimean War in 1854-53; there. He sa-ys he works day and îhey takes em home for the prac*ically denudeti Canada Of night' in the automobile facto'>- ohittiren. regular troops. for 1wo months off the year andl The air seems to be getting ý T o hR e ' ' c » i c > t h e n b u i n s t h e o t - e r n i n e . s t c i r aIlh e l m . I m a l When I go; home îa-sî nught the xv-eanîng the winten undenwear 'The interests of chidbood and wife had eigbî carpets out in the That's because i'm on my feet stc youth are the inerests of mani- yard for me 10 beat. I put the ruch. p