THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THUR.SDAY. JUNE 4th, 1936 Mr. Leo Bush visiteti relatives in the open double horsesboe con- in Canipbellford. test at Brooklin Spring Pain. Miss Mae Noon. Toronto. was Mr. Gordon Ashton. B.S.A.. Sunday guest o!M.ý hîsi actionalti College, Quebec. is Freemnan. hobidaying with bis parents, MMn Miss Etina Hamiley. Redi Deer,,anti Mns. W. C. Ashton, Sba*s. Alla., was guest o! Miss Frankie Congratulaions to Harold V. M. Jewell. Slemon. son o! Dr. anti Mrs. C. W. Mn. anti Mrs. S. J. Courtice, o! Sîemon. who passeti bis fi! lb yeaî Leamington, bave been visiting examinations in medicine at Tor- bis sister, Mms. T. G. Mason i onto University. St. Andrew's choir anti pastor, Mr. W. J. Bnagg, M.P.P., Messrs. Oshawa, exchanged with C am - frank, Russell. Orville anti Hu- bridge St.. iàntisay, Sunday even- bert Osborne attentiedth ie funenaI ing. o!flime late' Sain Dunseith. St. Rev. C. D. Daniel. pastor of!Marys. on Fniday. Mark St. United Church, Peter- l Don't. failto1 hean il-e radio boro, bas been invitedt t Palmer-i artists, Miss Jean McLachlan and ston. 1 Dr Harvey Robb. at the afler- PortHop Unted hurh 1noon service of Ebenezen Anni- ton anti choir exchangeti wilh versary, June 14th. 23-I George St.. Peterboro. Sunday ev- A militia camp will be belti ai enmng. !Cobourg fromn June 29th to Juiy Rev. anti Mrs. A. S. Kerr anti 4th. The Regiments fnrom Non- family spent the weekenti in thumberlanti anti Durham Coun- Belleville. guests o! Mns. R . 0. ties will form the camp. Stewart. Daily anti weekly newspapers Mn. anti Mns. Harry Brust. o! are now available daily at W. J. Rochester. NY.. ane visiting Mr.13,agnell's store. Sture open eacli anti Mrs. G. A. Edmontistone antieeig I ssppvyuwt Miss Dingman. your newspapens. 23-1 Mn. anti Mns. Cetinic Needhamn. Miss Alice Higlifielti assisteti Mr. Ernest Smith. Syracuse. N Y.:Miss Ora Wilson. Oshawa. wben Swere weekend guests o! Mn. anti1 she ententainedti 1 a cup anti Mrs. J. H. Needbam. saucer shower in hionor of Miss Rev. Russell O'Brien of Mem- Marjorie Armstrong. Coîborne. oial Unitedi Chuncli. St. Cahar- Mn. William Bentham. Thorn- ines, bas accepteti a cal' 10 The 1hlI. Man.. gave The Statesman Tabernacle. Whitby. a f iendly caîl on Saturday. He Mr. Roy McLaughîin. Bunketon. say's it's over fifty years since le came finst with E. Bemis. Oshawa. left this district for the West. The remains o! the late Mrs. W. C. Anderson, who died at Jan- eville. Manch 21, were removeti EXTRAORDINARY from tle x'ault at Lindsay 10 Bow- manville cemetery on Saturtiay. Sale of Millinery !May 23. Don't miss tiis mîti-season Mn. anti Mrs. Manly R. Cryder- OPPortunity of seeuring new man anti taughler. who bave season's style felt and straw been in Belleville for some weeks. bats at greatly reduced pices. visiteti bis sisten. Mrs. C. N. Ruse, enroule 10 their home in Edmon- From $ 1.25 up ton. Alla. Hats blocked and remodeUled. Mn. anti Mrs. C. H. Haddy. Mrs. DINGMAN & J. B. E. Staples, Toronto, anti :Mrs. N. S. B. James. Bowman- EDMONDSTONE ville. left Saturday on a moton Serving the publie for more trip to New York City anti other than 25 years. American cities., Phone 21 or 492 - Bowunanville 1Mn. Ken Morris. wbo bas been with Canadian Industries Limileti PANSIES We have thousands of pansies in almost every color and type. If you want a solid color corne and select them. DOZEN .......... 40c A full lune of annuals now ready Snapdragons, Stocks, Phlox, Asters, Alys- sum, Petunias, Verbennas, Marigolds, etc. S. J. Jackman and Sons PRONE 80 UPTOWN STORE - W. J. BAGNELL PHONE 152 SWIi4 FOR MEN Fane>' trunks by Jantzen anti Wavecrest. $1.95 1 Full Swim Suits, ail wool Jant- zen and Wavecrest m a k e a. Some wth zipper at waist. A wide varaety of colora. $1.50 To $4.95 FOR BOYS Boys'*t runks inîMute and red. fil wool. Speetai -.. ...... ...... vi LITS FOR THE WKOLE FAMILY 98C LADIES' SWIM SUITS Here are the ver>' newest models, in al wool suits, in plain colorsa and attract-1 ive color comblnations. Halter neek: and other modemn styles. 1.98 2.25 2.39 2.50 -MILLINERY SALE- Wv are tleanîg every coioredlit iail dn isiicaliy reîedpriees. These' hais w'ene prt'ed as highi as $271r.1 Special Sale Price Your Choice...... Couch, JoIrnston and Cryderman LIMITED Phone 104 King st. Bowmanville for therslvation e the World"; for C.Gl.T. "Ativen- GI oiu,"N fhe turaslvatione.wlc 25e and Uj) turing with Girls aroundti he GI Teewsasplendid dentanti World"; anti for Mission Cireles for the pictures last week, anti 48-hour service on PILLS 'P'LS advMrise anefo apr e ciat ees pcilorders 1 - GIN Q D A Ilex M G reo Mr.tta e Moris l rnform edWes pca advianyo a ewsI reatWeB H39l fine pints 10 call aI Morris' Pur- J. W. JewelÏ c x eo niture Store right away anti sec- IRLELAND-In Toronto, on Tues- United Cigar Store Phone 92 UG We Deliver une one o! these fine pictures. IPhione 30 Bowmanville day, June 2nd, 1936, to Dr. antigny R G Tbey are f ree, anti there are no '.Mr. Irelanti (nee Muriel Deeb) JAec strings attachedt o the offer. Mr~ a son. mmbib- PAGE SEVEN PRODUCER MUST SAY "YES" BEPORE THEY CAN WEDj and Auxiliaries. -Men and Wom-1 ed. counicil committees are re- year a~s ham been ta date, the *en of Far Horizons." This book 'maining we]l within their estim- counicil shoulti be able to operate covers 13 countries. 8 are new 10 1 ates. Large expenditures, how- anti finish the year without any lis. ever. always corne toward the endi request.s for supplementary es- Her subject was "Far Horiz- of the year under some commit- timatesç. The ýtanding of corn- on. nintelectuai figure of tees, but if the saine care is ex- -nillee finances as at May 3lst, speeh. e ak ouse!es:Howercised for the rernainder of the ;,va.- as follows: wide is our intellectual horizon? Department Estimates Expendîtures Balance Manye of oU ignerne, vaeybf Roatis and Streets $4000.00 S 969.89 $3030.11 caseofou inoane.lak fPolice 3000.00 1094.97 1905.03 imagination anti lack of advent- uire. We can wden our horizons Fire 6300.00 493.14 5806.86 noma tr ha or octinCernetery~ 1100.00 335.33 764.67 Jus mkrg lvig s otai ~Public Property 5700.00 2888.24 2811.76 if e. As we grow older we are Hat 700 9.310.< rapt to narrow our interests. but Relief (Direct) 1500.00 362.24 1137.76 wemut lo d tis I i ntRelief (Unemployment) 2M5.00 830.77 1419.23 lie race. we need to study thie point :1 kof i w o te'as.n oidntr r E1 au eralîzations. you are a civilized ______________________________ being when you get the viewpoint ofohrraces. W.MS. widens j Learn THE DIFFERENCE ~ S. whether it needs our money or X not. We must look beyond thîs Bj EERN atr lAND littIe hf e to the if e beyond. LookPeer d up. not down! Look out. not in! rs ve FRSN S tThere are ways to attain this 1_______________ mental attitude: il) Pepl N1ebring far horizons to us" as Ka-1 To have real coffee freshnes.s- s gawa: 12) By travel: (3) Armn- natural freshness-freshly roast- A chair travel - through reading. ed coffee beans mnust be ground co not forgetting the Book of books to order exactIy right for your * where we see a gleam on t hat snethod of nmking. C f ar horizon. Widened horizonsl eeteC Br'ta'n*s romancing screen stars in Holly- contracts with Goldwyn containing clauses that give rest and peaoe of mind. I RICH AND FULL-BODIED Iwooci Merle Oberon and David Niven. are in a make it. necessary for the producer to approve be- Delegate to School for Leatiersi pecu]:ar predicament. Apparently very seriouis fore theY marry. Filmdom awaits Goldwyns re- was Miss Myrtle 1Tamblyn, Or- R EDi> CIRC.L Iý about marrnage intentions the pair cannot pro- ono. .th Miss NeUîie Mutton of turnfroma buines trp fo hi annunceentSPECIALLY s ceed wJîh nuptial plans unless Samuel Goldwyn, unfrmabuiestpfrhi-noneet Bowmanville. alternate. PRICED Ill.3e 1 noteti producer. gives his permission. Both have Here are Miss Oberon and Niven a-motoring. Delegate to Branch Meeting at THIS WEEK 17 5 Arnprior in May 1937 çvas Mrs.1 -lbn Montreal. 's being removed to NOTORIOUS JAIL corted the captured jail breaker Mr . Staon , o asanv l-leUX SthMovie Stars Cake 5 1 Edmonton. Alta. Mrs. F. H.* Mor- N B E to Cobourg, where he was lodgéd' e Mat.H.SaesOrnsa- ris is visiting her son before he BREAKER N B E in the United Counties .iail. Wes- Sug a& op heSapo levsfor the West. segrwilfc two charges of 1 Lalu>o, a duet, xwas nicely Sung iuiy r a -- em 2 Cakes 9 Mrs ichrdwite0ap0fseainsar.of Orono, accompanied by ETS seT.Rerard. chargesws kiIStaofplesingcar. l in n ut acien wil rtun-landi He also ad.mtted getting1 He told police at Cobourg ta Mrs. M. H. Staples. forth t.~ A & P's Ow l.n5 w T. Riaachads.epnwe e as thps ithth plieit rs. Jones reported fortheBll. 3U3 ~iGO ing f rom Kingston. Rev. Rich- into scae1îhlm oiea he founti it quite easy to escape Coutsy Commiittee, thanking al ummin7jTASpecial ind10 ardswasa frme pator0f o~lother centres. Since bis second1 from Guelph. "I hati a rope and woht ept omk h al Prr Unitafoed hrch. rofPotescape from jail on May 23rd. ahovadgt pte alwth- w' a d ess. I 4UMRLheNall Pery niedChuch Wssngr hs toenseera crs1 utanytrube,_a______ UA ER MUFFETs - - 2 pjk. 1 7c Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Vanstone i WeissenbgerhaGsoled era ilarsd nytrule"he explaineti _________-oz_ spnt Sr.unday Mth r. C Dvittî ndT r. Goerih land C bPORK and BEANS LIBy-s 3'Tis25e apn r Sna t r . C. J. iice ctrd hoe helca pl ourg Wins Honors iONLY FIVE FAMIILlES 3 Morson. Superintendent of thei Af 1er the anrest had been In Tight Bail G ame ARE NOW ON RELIEF SALAD DRESSING ENCORE J" r-45c Deaf and Dumb Institute, and matie, Provincial Constable Wil- iI Mrs. Morrison. Belleville. i iam Carey anti R.C.M.P. Ceci! George Piper. Bowmanville*s (continiivd From Lr'agi 1) PINEAPPLE SING APORE - 3 T-s 27c Provincial Constable W. J. Car- Graham of Cobourg arrived n ih hndr was the victîm of ey of Cobourg will be transfenred the scene. An investigation b somne loose fielding last night when a already been granted by the CHELSEA BIS for 1 3e Ay!meMixed Peas & Canrots 10 Brockville July lst. Constable them revealed Wessenger's gtin when Bowmanville Royais îost Department o! Highways. 3-o O >Carey, who was wth the Peter- hitiden in the building wbere he' tieir first game of the season. The matten of the reduction of MIION CLUB a i Oc 2No. -z boro police force for eight years hati slept. together with a numr- Cobourg going into firs place in taxes applieti for by John A. Cox GINGER ALE (plusBotl DepTzns2 L3c2 T-in.-S e anti a year anti a hall with the ber of articles fromn the stole the league by winning a 2-1 ver- on the former Bank of Commerce11. provincial force at Napanee, lias car. bearing the initiais of E. L. dict. ! building, now occupîed by the MILK-FED ýLEGS, Whole or Hfaif b. 16c ibeen stationieti a Cobourg since Copelanti, the owner. The oper- Piper allowed but five hits in Agricultural Representative, was V E L CUTLETS lb. 23e 1 1920. ator's license had been changed r the eighit innings and had a one- referred to the Court of Revision.LI OP ------M 18 1920. Richard Seaborn wishes to from Mn. Copelanti's name to that run I dgig note eet inac omteepeetd V E L BNLS R SM 5 annunc th enageentof er f Wlba Hailtn, . R 4,onCameron's single, an erron andi andi recommendeti for payment BLUE BRANE daughter, Juliette Kathleen, to Hastings, Peterboro County. a scneaming double past third base accounits amounting to $1907.60, BLADE...................ll. 12c Mr. Kenneth Glackin Smith, so Provincial Constable Carey es- by Large. of which $151,72 was for relief, HR I ...... b 3 of Mr. anti Mrs. Williami Peebles <-.______Wiliamsandarge______ the lowest monthly amount in R A T Smt fTrno.Temrig Mitchelî's easy noller te start the several years. SHOULDER..............l. 8c will take place on June 13th, at CHURCHES 1 seventh anti Mitchell went ail the A new heating system will be SMOKED P1CNICS, M4aple Leaf, Bonelesse l ---- --.b.2e the Bishop Strac han S c h o o I1:wyt hni.Goydopt installecl in the McGiUl Building SITSES iu1l.Cn 3 chapel. pop hit in left field and the score in Washington at a cost of $25,- WF'WENISPrmu ------1b.C.Z3 Keith McElnoy, son of Dr. andi ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN wat ti.000 Mayor Strike notifieti counicil. FRESH BRISKETS 0F BEEF lb.---------7c Mrs. W. F. McElroy, bas surcess- CHUTRCH _I the eighth inning Rollings An endeavour will be made to seIl FRESH WHITEFISH - .-----------------..l.. ---- b. 19e fully passed his second year ex- Rei'. W. G. Blake, Minister singledti t lef t, stele second and the building for $125,000, before FRESH HADDOCK FIL -- -----l-----b. Ise aminations in Medicine at Ton- Miss Louise Osborne, Organist lîconeti the winning run when the installation is due.RET OUH SAMNFrsbte ec .l.25 onto University. He also obtain- Sunday, June 7th: il a.m.- Elliot hit to left. Bowmanville Counicil heard with pleasure a RSIOCES OFeh ytepee.. ----M 5 ed the f irst classa instructor's "Caieb and Joshua"; 7 p.m.- had men on third and second in statement that Constable Walter CENTrE COTS AND STEAKS......... LB. Me certificate of the Royal Lif e Sav- "Who Is This Jesus?'; 2.30 p.ns. the last inning but coulnt bring Hall was making splendid pro- ing Society as well as the silverI -Sunday School. them in. gress. and that he expected ta be medal in the Award of Merit Ex- Large played a great game in back on bis police beat in the Fresh FRUITS and VEGETARLN amination in swimming. TRLITY UNITED CHURCH lef t for the Royals, driving in the f ail. A N S3 21 Miss Helen Beal, of Toronto, Rev. E. F. Armstrong, Pastor loue. run andi clim1bing the bank Councillor C. G. Morris was BA N S- - - - 3 Ri whose marriage to Mr. George Francis Sutton, Mus.Bac. on one occasion to take a Cobourg appointed, ta represent the town New Jacobi takes place in June, was Onganist anti Choir Director. fly. He had five putouts. ail high in the arrangements with the POTATOES N.1 Grade -.13~ 9 guest of bonor at a charmingly Sunday. June 7th: il arn - flues anti in the Sun. Gibson was Ministerial Association for Decor- arrangeti tea anti cup and saucer Rev. Mr. Osborne of Toronto, e toucheti for seven bits but was ation Day, Sunday, June The CELERY CaMehrnia - -2 St.alm e3 shower on Saturday when Mrs. presentative of the Temperance unbeatable in the pinches. Usual parade anti service at the Claude M. Farrow, Toronto, Mns. Federation. wiIl speak, . Sunclay With Bates out of town working cemeteny will be beld. TOMATOES - - - - 2 ux- 29e Waltr Fase, Hmilon. nd chol wll eet fte th seondBill Bagnell donneti the mask anti Town Clerk Alick J. Lyle was Miss Agnes Vanstone. Bowman- hymn; 7 p.m.-Rev. Win. Pointen. undi eyacpal ae rne ot' ev fa- ville. entertained at tihe formers IB.A., B.D.,wilpac bsfit Line-ups: sence from July lSth 10 Augs home.-Oshawa Times. sermon after bis ordination. You Cobourg-Rollings. ss: Elliot, If: lSth. Mn. Lyle is joiningugsA TSED PULR FES M ayden. 2b; Mitchell, c: Godày, some 6,000 war veterans in the Daily Egg Mash 100's .. $2* 19 DalIy Egg Scratch 100's.. $1.75 A tiespatch fnom Halifax says: are condially inviteti. l; c ng f; Broos cf: Hie: Pilgrimage to Vimy where Can- i Daily Growth Chick Starter Daily Growth Chmck Scratch ýWhile preparations were underý ......10s.. 25 ......10S.. 21 way for the state funeral of Msgr. 1 ST. JOSEPH'S R. C. CiiURC j 3b: anti Gibson, p. ada's magnificent wan memonial 0s $25.10s $25 Thomas P. Curnen, vicar-capitu- Rev. Father J. F. McGuire, Pastor Bowmanviile - Williams. ss;i1 is te be unveileti by His Maesty à Ian of the diocese of Halifax, his Sunday, June 7tb: Mass at Moise, cf; Hicks. 2b; ColwelI, 3b; King Edward =. gr e* l u*Lo mother, Mrs. Florence Curren, 68, Bowmanville 9.00 a.m.; Mass at Codn lb; Bagnell. c; Cameron. Expenditure to May 30, 1936 ________ dieti suddenly at ber Robie St. Newcastle 10.30 a.m. r are I;ant iper. H.E. ith nearly hall the year pass- hom. Soc ovr hr on' deth ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN I Cobourg 00<> 000 11-2 5 3< ___________________________ was blameti. Mrs. Curren was lIURHBo7 4< ____0_0_010_00--l_7_4 born in Hampton, Ont.. daughter CUEH w'iles- 0 1 0.-e________________and___________________ of the late Mn. anti Mn.Jh Rev. C. R. Spencer. Recter .Umie-cao an Kn- Wallace. Slîe hati residEtipat Mrs. J. A. Gunn, Organist f iCk. SALE 0F _ _ ically aIl her 1f e in Halifax. Tninity Sunday: Holy C o m- EASTERN SECTION Rev. S. MacLean. Newcastle, munion il a., Evening Prayer ~W was in charge of the Sunday 7 pJX.; Sunday School 10.30 a.m. UNITED CH. W.M.S. *l~q m in ed Churcb. Ie chose as bis sub- Beverly, Dl:D., Sufiragan Bisbop (Conitînti( Froni P'age I1) ~& jeci, "Life," comparing it to, the o! Toronto will adininister te 1 "A' O D bighways o! the wold, the var- rite of Confirmation. at Wbtby College, August 24 to _________________________ ilous warning signs, anti the re- THE SALVATION ARY Augth 28. resareon. a day sut hnntobserved. A cjuar- Bowmanville Corps Ii colec rsy TOOTH PASTE ANTISEPTIC Camiera Howard Wight, Mrs. M. H. WightLiueat Brown anti on terlal is giving $25. Mrs. Efflie 50e size - 37C 1.00 Size 79C____ anti Mr. Ross Grant, sang a Sunday Services: il a.m- Jamieson Day is to be Dean ofC C *7e _ ___ ipîeasing number in addition te "Strange things to be reati in the the school. Miss W innifreti Big new Size 23e 50c Size - 43C the anthem by the choir under Bible"; 2 p.m.--Sunday School; Thornas, Gen.,sec. of Dom. Board. directàon of Mn. F. Sutton. 7 p.m.-"WIhat it costànflot o be anti others will be assisting. Trial Size - 1 OC 25C Size - 23C KODAK JUNIORS The Afternoon Axliryof the a Christian.-ieuit. Brown. January bas been set apart for ______________________ W. M. S. met in Triiy Unitedi Kingdon o! Goti Movement. Mr$10i.00 - $12.00 Chu.rch school roomn on Tuesday NOTICE Perey McMullen ,Stirling,waa- afternoon. Meeting openeti witm Dr. Birks' offce will be closeti pointeti Press Secretary. r.B- X R PE I LJFF1O A the president, Mrs. C. W. Slemon, frn Saturday, June 201h, 10 Sat- veUl having gone te the Great Be- I- T t P E IA IF O A in the chair, who also condueti urday, July 111h, inclus.ive- . q ', yond. Resolutions were, passeti PFPSODENT l»ANTISEPTIC $1359