'iHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAŽJVILE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 1 lth, 1936 PG RR next Ontario e]ectian will be1 7 f ought along sectarian 1i jn e s. SARK IL There is nothing quite so bitter S A K IL W hat thers and sa devastating to the peace c of a community as a fight be- lrir-t Say . tween men af apposing religious 1ý eaiths. Many things iwill be said l lti'. i ir bl Uiù 1:and done that will div ide such a icru i ra community as Midland and the «iî, ýuî li lte r. i rî: i -.. Canada Needs Immnigrants -surrounding district int tw> hos- T1hf '.'tii i' iii. ili- r L (Pembroke Standard-ObserverI tiue camps. Much that bas bee I'nxî 'm ulia aiirl .r ,Had it flot been for the World accomplished through the years alo i thu-a]'idu uI the tt'i>d War we vid probably tc-day in welding our people into a har- ']a% hl sitii 'xi ca, r- c'miii.- have a Population in Canada af monmous and co-operating unit I' g *uIg inI wh" at ,etrai at ieast 20,00(),000. Prior to that will be undone. Life-Iong friend- ai rtIl wIe > 'Iini '11k,l 'n Urne immigrants ta the numbex- ships wi be broken up: neighbor ntii~~.h . auidh'tî of 400,000 were annually settling f vil be set. again.st neighbor, and tuit t'_'IIe il i Ifibtiar% here. What a population of 20,- such a guif driven between P ero- .(lewnld naînra j1a, 000,000 wauld mean to us f rom tesat n ahlc a iliiukii I Wiîesdav hall ni , )an industrial standpoint can be take at least a generation to l'~t~iiîdyih savinig iliai easily ixagined.1 bridge. linu c"îîil bit prîviledlfor 'uch re f The ing overmentcoul do The Free Pres.s believes most hitar>al> tîjit r ihan (illit h: alitat i few things better for the Domin- strongly in a public school system lily. ajt r.la.Sar aîi ion than ta encourage immigra- open to children af ail clasçses l> tr n tian again. Familles settied upon ancres Wergemat îigler,(ri.xiitdi' t fars ae nt.a brde tath cerely that our Roman Catholic 1r.,.a> tca ~i ha haîl î farm ar no a ule tothefriends cannot see things as we itti. country. Very soon they are pro- 'do. Since hycno.ads ls i.Svr iIlvýIi, ducing weath. they need machin- ehecantansince 'h.\mSvrli'îCix'tî, ex-. huseold fuxnitre.andSeparate Schools are a heritage lier 'iiiiittr, in i flia%%a. many othex- necessities which the ltiotagrent-io by the C anea r ii ir.\ifîl Nc East can supply the West. tinareet efe htaye~t t~l i'ier. \Ir. aid Ir>. talk ai wiping themn off the map i'hnîct. We have the land, the railway isentirely imPractical. Just how l\rix;îîH~,ii a,. systems, the electrical Power-. ev-lfax- concessions shauld be made 1 N<î îi'iiiiiît hr ni'her a, 1"'rî exything fox- Vilc ur present in the matter af the division aiof ;. a tiiîî oe Population. and if we had thistaxation is certainly debatable. ili ieh~N u"î numbex- we wauld have a far more The Public Schools systemn shauld ,iiiik lr;,n(in(tlxier. \Ir. 'Iiih prospex-ous Canada,.flt be crippled by any favors Nc~y anted sectarian schools. There .\I.. hriha Hailowîi andîh1r'. The Weekly Newspa.per must. be faix- treatment fax- bath. pruil..itiiil and uilitlUriail. (Huntsville Fax-estier) We plead iwith aur readers ta Tý 'r' 'iii hia\(- rt-tîlri d l 'I 't The president af a grear. metro- rreserve balanced minds on the î.1îiîi r ilm"iicr. \Ir'. .itai!t r polillan French daily papier tald aJ issue. Be open ta reason. and re- lt'wt Il.. gro?4,p af weekly newspaper pub- fuse ta listen toalal appeals ta ýNIeat i' ît,> Htîu lishe rxecently in Mantreal, that Pa.sson andpeuieîometeRtvtîltl'h iha ftrd c"Hal;( the "country weekly- was a poI- 1siîde. Be toierant of ather peo- iNI r. N. rnijai Rat rmin~. al Ha;- l') erful medium in c ommu ni tylpIes vîewpoints. Let us alsaoi building, and a strang influence1 con duect ourselves that when thel %Ir. h atril -rtw ' i;'x in local, Provincial and national J hurly-burly af the ensuing cam- W ii a farinur ai itaiv affairs, even ta a greater extent. iPalifl is over we shahl have nath- ir ~&'ii.tCll.a.Nr,.1, he thaught. than the large cityjing ta regret. that we sha2l still i idI lii' 'it i, inive \illîhiîtIlc'- dailies. The maycur ai Canadas'nuimber among aur friends those ill.i.a 'un !.S a greatest citY - Montreal - wvholof other faiths. and that aur in- el il i t rtedith. had given up important engage- ifluence may counit toward-s heal- Il iil>teita I.om ment.s ta attend a luncheon whm h wnd htar uet -al.la i'iii hr'aiî ine-aa the "country" editors. made this1 be inflicted. If vre must have this ;I I iitli îîvilig il litth,- iari. Observation: -You editors contrai struggle le', us neyer forget th't Ttaiitan u>]luîilhs art jýjIakiig f(,r- a pwexiulweapon. Your local Catholics and Protestants alike utard l th( i;ii ý i-.aîuîrtal hiIil- newsPapers give yau a most po- are the children af the same da>. tential source ai stx-engt.h and Father and that. side by side w-e ÈLt2rt-î,ii tkiibwii e le.adership in public affairs. Na must some day answer ta Him 9 tcwaiu'll îîîi~ iîuiît-a1.> other instrument -nfot even the for Our- wards and actions, wileii Rexý. T\allace u ifl preacli metrapolitan daily-has the same * ___ ial ' 'r etc. iSin Power- in shaping the destinies of eiîcî Canada as hias the thox-aughly 'Uno ,D rng n xead weekly newspaper." T h e Union,___ _______ presudent ai one ai Canada's great.est insurance organizations Mx-. and Mrs. William Wotten MEN'S CANADIAN welcomed the weeklY editars as and famiiy visited at Mr. James CLUB3 FOUNDED U the 'moulders ai public opinion. McGregor-'s. M-Naple Grave. INMN ILE10 and the greatest. farce in Canada Mx-. and Mrs. David Ferguson B W A VL E10 in sbaping public policies.- These are visiting fxiends at Mount tributes are recarded here: not in Fürest. i(t iiî,tt1 I rim Page I1) a spirit. ai boastfi pride in t.heir jMx-. and Mrs. Richard Griffin mre aîgpse n .H bhb rigin. Put because they in- aidC lsent Sunday at Mr- . Jry. R*hys D. Fai-baion:,J.Hg. dicate a grawing recognition aifJm"'oerýs.Pickering. 11 UY hsD ararHg t.he important funictians ai the Miss Idas.Ferguson visited at Munroe. *M. A. James. *L. Mar- local newspaper. These are the Mr. Walter Ferguson's. Ci.F . Jwel. . JB. Cah. Wm. opiniuans af men who. but a few Mi1 s I. McLean spent the week- Ca. eCl. W. S .emoM .. F.W. Years ago. would have hesitated end at Bethany. Ca. e .C. W B oncsC. R.. *Mc-w ta acknowledge the local paper's The People of this cammunityCuogh JonMMry. H sphex-e af influence as extending as well as rnany other fxiends ga- llui.*onM ury,* beyond the strictest limitations ai t.hered at nnsiln hlonW. Harper. Frank H. KyddW.J envions Locl nws-Tuesday. June 2nî1. to say fax-e- Bragg. Thos. White,. Thos. Bing- Papers. taken as a whole. have, in weil ta, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Ben- h tax-. Jr . Fr e T.Shor. F. J late years, reached a standard fax- 1 tham. Miss Jean Bentham. and'Mtells. '. Jd .ort. a.y A. in advance af the day when they Mx-. Jim Coats. During the course ilMinc*el.T.W. J olff. Hn Eyl- wex-e xegarded as merely the pur- af the evening. gif ts were pre- 'îiatt. R. M. Mitchell, *James Dey- veyors af local gossip. and thbe sented. The best wishes ai the man. John Lyle, Chas. H. Andex-- legitimate target fox- local ridi- cammunity iallow them ta their sn .H nihC .he- cule. Today they are giving theix- new home. so, . ~ .R anai comnuitis at nl anews ser- We welcome Mx-. and Mrs. Ben C. A. Johston. F. F. Morris,' vc<' e f great interest and value. t.oarcmuiy orxat D .Smsn .W bue, ýhey are giving editorial ex -____________B.Simpon,_p._W Couch. *S. Hays. W. j. Bagneil1, pression on thaughtfully consid- î:r'iiU0 t ,2(K)gtl'u n i A. N. MeMillan. , .Aln exed public questions. which, tak- art-itîlII I IIppjt\ tilt' ful ineFrd*W.. m. F. AlleH. en collectively, is xeflecting the a"i Ul, I't eHMor. red . Fly .L on drift ai Public opinion t hxouhout Moe rdR jlY .L on the country, and is influencing legislative bodies mare, perha.ps. than any othex- medium. "Give me the chance ta know what the contyedtosare sayîng. and In The Dim and Distant Past l'Il venture ta tell yau what is in ______________________________ the mtids of the masses ai the'1 People," xecently xemarked a well- FI'Y YEARS AGO 1 TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO known Iulc man. The growing a lmrton fox- the local neis- rom T)he Canadian Statesman Prom The Canladian Stateuman paper, by sbx-ewd. fax-seeing men, lune lti, 1886ThrdJuelt 91 thnPur cintion wa roer clos aBawmanville is sending a con- Mx-. J. H. Devitt has been r-e- the ul ft4n atnalp-estiinen a tre o te irbl- nominated as Canservative cand- toaofn antngamnglocal don Team this year - W. S. Rus- idat fox- West Dur-ham fax- the tct iens. he intimacl ai con-sel], W. C. King and John B. Provincial Legislature. Reeve A. at ntoith ndtheir ca esp tsap. itcel.A. Powers. Clar-ke, is the Liberal Patetof blued their ye taits ea Miss Matilda Morris, niece ai candidate. ity. Appreciattion ai its contribu- Mx-. Levi Morris, axriveè in town About ioxty relatives and frui- tiion to cammumity welf are would on T'uesday moxning frorn the ends visited the home af Mx-. and1 be eirpressed more reacily if its Isle ai Wight. Mis Morris camne Mx-s. Romaine Dumas,Onai functions were ta cease. over on the "Sardinian,"te t.FOiayenintaaeerite _____ocean passage occu.pying 18 datys, with them the 20th anniversary Perils of Sectarlan Confliet 8 ai which the vessel was envel- of theix- max-nage. Mx-. W. L. Keys (MdadPe rs) oped in a dense fog. rend the address and Pxesented-n (MidandFx-e PrsslMethodist Cbux-ch - The fol- colnie dinner and tea set of The alinost unanimous decisian lowing is the fi ist draft of sta- Umege china. of the Resolutions Cammittee ai tions fox- the Bowrnanville Dis- Jennie Gilbank, beloved wii e ai the Conservative Convention ta trict: Chux-ch St.--C. E. McIn- Fred Hockin of Darlingi.was recommend that repeal af the tyre; Queen St-E. Robex-ts, Paul box-n in Manvers on Sept. 21st. Heplur Sepax-ate School Tax 'Robbjns, superannuated; Os b- 1883. and died May 27th at the legislation be made a plank in theI awa, Simncoe St.-Thomas Mann- exî g i2?yas uea part plnior is ikey tobe ng, B.A., W. Scales. supexnumner- was conducted by Rev. J. Bax-nes, adoPted next week. Indications ary; Medcaif St.-Newton Hill; BA. Plbaeswr .D tv Point ta Hon. Enri Rowe, who bas Newcastle and Oxono-R. Walk ens R. Rer eJ. StevesTr wx-L oreout flatuooe for- reaical, cx-, J. C. Speax-; Newtanville--J. Lane. R. Warden and M. Mun- being chosen as leader. Whitlock; TYxone-W. Kenner, J. aJ.Selnvst nun e TlismeaInsizfcoursie, th he Tl. Mri;Hmpo .Caxkband J. Sea augtri7yrnaidh deligtful ange f ý rn here ta take charge ai the AllUn. pottery items store at the east end af the vil- Mx-. Rupert Hamblyn and Miss lage ai Tyrane. . . . Isaac Clar-ke Macie Rehder are now entitled ta Ali ideal as wedding or took suddenly iii while at wox-k in write B.A. nitex- their names. Mr. shower gifts andi very the field lasit week. The hoxses Hanlyn graduated with honors in reasons.bly priced took frigbt and upset the haxrows Mathernatics, and Miss Rehder on him while in the act of tux-n- took the Modern Language course Sing ax-aund. He received severe a oot nvriy j.O W. uewell injuries f rom the arwan wh.ifletrees stxiking him. itstuhhationt of eectrie ights atud ]Phone 30 ]Bowmanville Enniskillen: Thos. Evans was rttuiitg water itu M1ecca, Hohy City kicked by a colt Thursday and of thue 1Mosherns, is to hie started at sustained a fracture af the ]eg. once. WHAT A RECORD i 'i Nearly and Trucks Sold IN FIV-EM.ONTHS Front Jan. 1 to May 31. 1936 There must be a reason why each year Roy Nichols' record of sales, both in new and used cars continues to soar to new records. The reason is that General Motors cars, provide a complete line from the Iow price range, to the more expen- sive car. General Motors cars provide many extras that no other Canadian car provides. Ail steel bodies by Fisher, perfected hydraulic brakes, knee-action, no draft ventil- ation, safety glass and a score of other special features. The reason for our ever increasing, sales of Used Cars, is because Nichols' Used Cars are Four-Star Used Cars. They carry with them the guarantee of Dependabil- ity, of Quality, of Value, and of Reîiability. You can buy with confidence from Roy Nichols. Whether its a new or used car, you are sure of value and service. Sec our huge display of new and used cars at our Courtice Garage. Don't buy until you have seen these values. General Motors CARS and TRUCKS CARS The Home of Good Values General Motors Dealer ln West Durham NICHOLS' USED CARS are 4 STAR CARS 1. Dependability Every General Motors Dealer's Used Car bearingt tis 4-STAR TAG bas been carefufly checked and inspected - and proe p e r 1 y condltioned for dependable ser- vice. 2. Quality OnIy the flnest Used Cars ln your General Motors Dealer's stock wlU carry the 4-STAR TAG. Among them you iwl find many laite niodels, of ail makes. with mai» of the outstanding motolng in- provemients brought out in t.he Iast few years. -*3. value Bcse of the great populartty of the new General Motors cars, these dealers are able to offer you better Used Cams at thc market's Iowest prices and on easy GmAC ternis. 4. Dealer Rellability General MOtOrs Dealers stand squai-elY back of everY 4-STAR USED CAR they sel], and as re- Potable mnerchanta, are anxlous to pIMaseYou and retamn youzr good-wul. COURTICE 500 w Eý igk, T. A. Du.stan. 'J, Howar-d 1 view of Public Aflaurs; C. C. WESTERN DIVINE io:rty, he added. Harrison, who iatian ta the speaker fox- his very MtcZMurtx-y. D. C. Bet-ts. A. R. Jamies. Deputy -Munister ai Agx*--ae h at f"eLw"inieade CmrnA.L ihlsJ.HE culture: Hon. A. D. Marine. late- AT ROTARY CLUB pae h ata D ad nieades DaernA.L.Nihaîs J H ~-Premier of New-ioundland. and _____ Green Pastu-es. did not make During t.he mcet:ng W. J. Chai- sali, W. A. Cassidy. 'C. W. Law- Senator, James Douglas. Speak-, . i hn iii 'dat h1) h:mself a great narne until he was'lis was untroduced 'as a new rnem- ton. C. E. Bounsaîl, Gea. Cox-nish, ex-s the second year included. Dr-. 65. John Wesley w-as stili carry- 'lat Aogte ussa h W. Caldwell. T. W. Cawker. *Nor- G. C. Creelman. B.S.A.. Px-es:dent Tri s rroup must nat ]et the spirit ing on a great wark at 85. and' it.Aogtegetsa h man James. 'J. W. Johnstan. î Oi the O.A.C.. Guelph; Dr-. R. A. of 'cynýcism get inta their lives. Tennyson wrate bis iminartal metavsing he a rnt Billr .awy Cydrma. J H Crder- alcne~ 'ow ix Roex- .Prei-They muat seec vleax-ly the fox-ces -Cx-aSsing the Bar" when hie was Club, Ratarians W. R. Tanton man. Geo. . Jae.-.C dent of Toronto University: Prof. . 80. In the wox-ld ai business. W. James.r thmW.WaC.*and Albert Swail af the Oshawn K4ng. *L. A. W. Tale, E. A. Love]], McOimmon ai McMaste- Univer- ý1a -nt n fx"se.Wht~ Vanderbilt built up a great faort- Club. and E. A. Summers, Dur- Alan M. Williams. sity; Dx-. J. Gilmaur. Warden ai'ý needed in Canada today is some une aite- he was 70. As long as hmCut gtutrlRpe A îecapitulation ai the mem- Central Prison. Toranto; D r. great personality who wihl show there is life there is hope and senive.t grelualRpe bership shows 30 are'de-ad. 20 are Manor oi Taranta Univex-sit.y; Mx-. juswaee andtasov arfitan a bsevxyhigt n-r esiders nt d 15oare ede ntsbtJs- eRdel prablems and then fo- us ta get live for. Go out in that spix-it, be lo members.ad7 itelrgn the courage ta go out and do it. canchuded. Get the Rotar-y ser- 1 ube-who attended that Mistres-"î wander who broke The man wbo says things cant vice idea intoalal men. Women-No, I tell you 1 abjet meeting are stili memibers. this plate inta two pieces?* b e done is always wrang. Any- Past President F. F. Morris. ta giving money at the doox-! S>peakers at the club during the Maid-"You can be sure ut thing that ought ta be done, can Acting President Fred Cryderman Tramp-Well, ma'am, perhaps irst yeax- wex-e J. Casseil Hop- wnsn't ume; when I break a plate be done, Dr. Endlcott said. and J. H. H. Jury expressed an Jyau'Il hand it out the window. kins, edito- ai the Canadian Re- I break it p-ope-ly." I bel ieve that lufe begins at bebali ai the membex-sbip appx-ec- I*rn not particular. Star