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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jun 1936, p. 6

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PAGESIX THE CANADIAIN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILALE ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE Iltb. 1936 *Mrn.. E. A. Werrv zook charLe of DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP PURCHASES NEW CRAWLER TRACTOR iiititî O u: ' l h îltln- I ENNISKILLEN ..lhe programn. the theme qf wh:ch i Ie ENa-. PrayeN. MisŽ Mabe: Beech -~ti.. i ce Haydon favored wi*h a p:ano i f; ni .i \ tiii Mr. B. Fergusor. and 'r. .e.ra:g.MsCa.B \: t u.siiiiSd' '-I Mrs. A. Oke anended :,he fune-a'. .oca. soie. Mis.s Eis:e -Moore. ar- tui'"' it- it"n 0fMus. Frederick Fergjo opndb r.H eG~ Por: Perry w-ho passed a;vay _May r:ns:ngppro- 22d.inhe 7thyer.a ias ven bv Mrs. R.Ou::n andi a~followed by a ;oca-se- T) Mr. Orville Ashton, M'ss iar- ec::on. 'The Beautiful Gai-den of aret Dalton and Mrs. E. C. Ash-) Praver bdcll(lltl li Ilulii ton visited fr:ends in Oshawaat Ms Ii- stn.6i~ - n:accompan:ed by Mrs. H. Werry: --4. attended the ordination service. . A. Shat-pe gave a read:ng Mr. and Mrs. M. Slemor. and hen ihngs go Wrong.- Pro- tf riitiii fixurtrtre Mass Greta Siemon. Toronte. vs gram c]osed with a hymr. andi'N-e .Iîrt .S.itt iteti at Mr. Tbeo M. Siemons. Mizpah. Group 2 ser-ed a datnty ' îN.\ I ereiilttE.tttt i a 'l Miss Greta Slemon is sailing en lunch and a social bout was en- 1,-I ' lnti.a tI att- uent nnl -iunte' the Empress of Britain for Eng- joyed by al. A vote of thanks to -l, jr mitiiof i, land. Scotand. andtthe Coninentr. Mrs. McGil for opening ber home i -A.~ t. Congratulations to, Mr. Jas. land te group 2 for the program; l... th i:i t ratu iIli Iarlt-'yv aiti' iit.'il Stainton on his 90th b:r:hday on! andi lunch was moved by Mrs. E. June 9th.. C. Ashton andi secontie-t by Mrss. i* i Miss Susie Thoxnpson and. Mr. C. Crossman. The officers wuere \fl l George Graham. Bowvman v ýýe j pleased t-o note the increase in, and Mrs. Leslie Thompson and i attendance . AIl ladies of t-e coin- î1,i.1wt fgl2 Marie. Tyrone. visitet a- Mr. and munîti- are invited to attend and la ttt'n'ttiitnCritt it Mrs. S. Hodgsons. ýenioy- these meetings and ïo help Mr. andi Mrs. Staney M 1f: c iake them more-e 'aeeýng Nr N itii-litt.t rm andi family. Oshawa. Mr. D. Wo:,- .anqti :nritructive titr ttt itîî t't :h- ten. Toronto. -ecently visitei Mr. . .t.i. t:.. 1ttii> i 'I t'i l ît-W 1 li Oke S. -~î itIr'i r-ntl îî M.r. andi Mrs. R. Day andi fana- 'M'rtl\ r i it h i'-îir--Il ily. Seabight. Mr. and Mrs. C.' SOLINA - - it- i- .itttrl Tanner andi family. Queensboro. ';- nîniN. itti.inittrt uî.tt Mr. Wm. Scott. Stella. Rev. J. A. Thre Soluna Young narneà peo- ',~~ ~ * ditt t; Nr>- .ri-tiiti -. i 1'r îii Plant. Miss Vera Plant. Baýý-ide. p:sana -'b îî '~ S"c nîi -i,tî- île : N-. visiteti at Rev. Win. Parker's. la. aeiwPr saw n-. '- ii )iîît-i9 ltt..trtt' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahnae June 18thb Dinner a:- 12 noon. 'î--u i ua n t îtt rttntit and family vsited Toronto fh standard time. ~- r. 1-. H iti tutu e a n adiitig u en s 41 'r~-~ " . iciq .are i -te Natittîtai ttîtî ut Mr. m. entam. an. Dr A numnber froinahere attentieti t.t '- ---tig ut nfe.hîtî ue 'tr t MWm. Bentham oot. Mran.tDrthe Young Peopi&'s p'enic a - a-ib\ti te grttt i ttcharit - M. Betm. oront, r.aidy. ampton on Saturday. n- -_nti Mr. Ambrose Trenout.h cele- Bowmanvi]le, Mr. and Mrs. KarI Our Young people presenzed <-.t- brated bis 79t-h birt-hday on Sun- Potter anti son. ot. visited telAinray afet3Fisat Bveth- syY-- - day. June 7tb. when ail members' Mrs. D. Burgmaster. elAniesrylstFiia -yn oj, f his famiiy were home t-o enjoy Mr. andi Mrs. A. Wearn. Tor- îng. andi have receiveti invitations < th dawthhm Tospr- onto. visited at- home.'opeetu.aYeero an- . ent were- Mr. Ross Tre-noutb. Tor- Mr. anti Mrs. E. J. Harrison versary on June 17. and a: Ma- i - - Mr. 'Frank r . " - .and visitedc their parents at Cameron. -plie Grove anniversary on June Miss Helen Cole, Oshawa. Mr. and' Miss Miidred Gilroy. Miss Elie 22nti. Pictureti above is the ne-w McCorm-ick-Deering The tracter was sold by L. R.. Wood, Bowmanville Mrs. Roy Metcalf, Base Line. Al Oke Toont. M. taney urn Mss e-n Talo hai br tn-Crawler Tractor recently purchaseti by the Town- agent of the McCormick-Deering Company. The enjoyeti the gathering whe-n gifts er, Miss Winnifred Oke. Oshawa. sls cemoved in Bowmanviilie Hos-' ship of Darlington for coad put-poses.Byisue obnngftatornigadrash nin-e and be-st wishes were presenteti. vistedMr.Wesey ke'. ptallas wek. e hpe he illpicture is capable of twe-nty miles of visied r. e-sey kes.pitl ist ee-. Wehop sh wil .the township expects to build a system o. roatis road daily. The- above picture shows Wes. Taylor Mr. Floyd Fethick. Miss Etb& soon be arourut agamn after ber wbîch sufer l:ttle from ,,inter froats. andi of Tyrone on tbe tractor and Livingstone Mille-rMA L G O E Ward, Mr. Oswaiti Pethick. Missileng:hy illness. iwhich wiLi. the samne time provîde better roads. of Solina on the- grade-r. A L GR V Helen LeiDre-w. Toronto. v:siteti at Reeve- A. L. Pascoe is atte-ndîng_______________n Mr. S. Pethick's. Countie- Counicil ai Cobourg. ______ Mr. andi Mrs. John Tamblyn. Mrs. J. J. Brown is under the I-Mms. R. Langmaiti and fanaily. Mrs. Roy VanCamp. Base L:ne. Misses Elia andi Myrtie- Tanablyn. doctor*s care. We- wish ber a Solina. Mc. and Mrs. W. Moffat Mrs. N. 1. Metealf. Mr. Howard Mr. Franklin Tamblyn. Orono. SALEM and family. Orono. Mr. and Mrs. UIKIJIE Foley. Miss hva Foley. -Mr. Tios. visiteti at Mr. L. Ashtons-. apee-dy recove-ry.i M. Blackburn, Orono. Mrs. Smith ** Snowde-n visitedc the former'a fa- Wome-n's Association met- aituhe Vs:tocs: .S niest evcsi-r anti Mr. C. Smith. Clarke Union. Mrs Albr.t on Mrs Snowden. Osb- horne of Mrs. Harve-y McGill on, Mr. anti Mca. Ernes:. Larmie-r s S nnverac. st-ie-Albe ertJohnasonantidaa.o una.aniaî-nst June- 3rti. The presitieni. Mrs. anti family. Blackstock. :M.A ei e- nSniywe c ibM. anti Mrs. .A..:uar.Wn. Hugbson. Toronto. visiteti onernc Roy MoGilI. pre-sitie-t. andi after J. BaIson's. !J. Mellor. Crooketi Creektieltver- Mr. andi Mr. J. W. Lancaster Mrs. W. Little and Mrs. R. Mc- Mr. anti Mrs. Leslie Collacutti. ed two very fine atitresses. anti anti Mr. S. Lancaster. Newvton- Cullough. Glati*,o report Mcs. the- opening bynan led in a de- Mr. anti Mca. A. W:VlL:ams anti the choit untier tbe leadertship of ville. Miss A. Budýery. Town. with Little is împrovîng nace-ly. Misses Pe-acl anti Le-nore Collacutt votional perioti frona Psalm 54. Miss Dorotby. For. Ferry. a, Mr. Mr. L. Coombes. S. S. Superna- Mn. anti Mts. S. Butte-ry. MiassOlive- VanCamp. 1 vusite-ti. Mr. Arthur Welsb's anti1 Foîiowing a short business per:otiCbas. Howsams. tendent. rende-cec splendid music. Mr. anti Mrs. L. Savery anti stock. spent the eentat Mrs. Gog olct' n Messrs. Sam anti Peccy Dewell The day was fine anti large con- family ant i Mss Lane. Ne-ton- N. J. Woodley's. wekn a-r tendec Sale-m anniversaty. SIGN PAINTING .Sit-t heir aunt. Mrs. Jim Mit- gregatuons attentietibath after- ville. Mr. anti Mrs. C. Bigelow. Mis~s Mae Camneron. Toronto. Miss Susie Laicrd. Prince Albert. cheL. Ballyduff. on Suntiay. noon anti evening. Donations for Tyrone. Mr. J. J. Mellor. Crooketitre-ntly visit-etihý. rParents. Mr* speni the- wee-ke-nt a: home. Trucks. Autos, Furniture. etc. Mrat r.Hr- ns e-S. S. funti wete very genetous. Creek. Mr. anti Mts. Fre-eat, Betb- anti Mrs. H. Cameron.t Mr. anti Mca. Roy Metcalf. Miss I tco:t. visiteclat. Mt. Gordon On Moiatay evening at 6 p.m. a escia. Mr. anti Mca. Hertsberg anti Mr. anti Mca. W. J. Turner. Matine anti Mazters Glenn anti J. H. NEEDHA3M Leasks. Mrs. Edin Annîs te- gante of softball was playeti by Mc. Blackburn with Mr. anti Mrs. Markham. Mr. anti Mrs. C. Ire- Rosa Metcalf. Base Uàne-. vsiteti Centre Street - Bou-maniUe turneci to De:ro'e: wî-tb ber 'son for Bas.e Lne anti Tyrone teanas. re- Welsh. son. Toronto. wece Sunday guess the forme-fs parents. Mr. anti ahovis4t1 sul::ne :n a -score in f avor of Ty- Mc. anti Mca. Langdon. Mc. C. of Mc. anti Mrs. Floydi Dutiley- Mrs. Ambrose Tcenouth. Hamp- Phn-41 2J-4w Mr- anti Mca. Chanlie Smith. rone. At 8 p.m. Tycone Young anti Miss B. Langtion. anti thre-e Master Ray Dudiley, Bowmaýn- ton, on Suntiay. ___________________ Murie- anti Jack. Mc. and Mca. Peop&a* Dramatic Club presenteti littie gcanti-daughters. Canton,: ville. is visîting bis grantipacents. _______________________Ken. Jenks anti Haroldi spent their popular play -Eye-s of Love' Mc. anti Mts. H. Hocke-n anti! Mr. anti Mcs. J. Dudley. Dnha Cu.tyHostin Suntiay with Mc. anti Mr.How- whîch was weîl piut on anti well daughtec Shirle.wt c r.W ohaeat ENFIELD art Wonactt.Dîxe. n:. rece-ieti. At the close lunch was Mca. C. Poliacti. Ray, Orono. spent SundWy a: Mc. - Breeders Dr. F. W. Penhall. Morton, serve-clto, the bal teanais anti the Mr. anti Mca. L. Collacott ant i Russe-Il Virtue's. Mc. anti Mts. Frank Mason. AnnualMissiLDay and enti arren tic amatcplyrs auher. aleGovMiss El- Mc. anti Mcs. T. Fintiley anti Oshawa. recentîy visitedi atMc. Ana Fil a an Y. P. . meetung wsw hrw aClaot oot.Mr-. Bread- Be-rt. Thoruhiti. spent Sunday at Geo. Ormiston's Tpe.Detcoit. Miss Lucretia îast week. bent. Oshawa, wîth Mca. G. Col- jMc. Otto Vrtue's. Mc. Edwacti Mr. anti Mca. W. Sculle-y anti Picnic --aL Fo erry. a: Mr. Thos. Mas. F M. Taarblyn. Town. islacottz. Virtue ceturne-t home- with the-m. Biliy. Mount De-nnas. Mc. Silas Mib ed tBkrs Eve-lyr. Tinkek wtheiscus-pe-nnddMag A a.We-ry. E i Mca. C. Johnston. Toronto. vis- TaxP, Toronto. Ma-. antiMa-s. E. ORON PA K- wekMiss h f lrinis iiPe-terboco -i n. Mcs. F. L. Squair. etezer. Mc. anti Mrs. E. Werry, te-tiMta. James Stocie-. Ormiston anti Miss Julia. Bow- andi Hastings. Mc. anti Mca. W. Atiarns. Mc. Town. Mc. anti Mcs. Ferry. Osh- Mr. anti Mca. W. J. Bratit anti manville. visiteti at Mca. W. J. Saturday, June 13th Miss Je-an Mlîson. Toronto. anti Mca. Clark anti taughtec. of awa. Mias W. Rickacti. Newcastle,! famiIl-. Osh.awa, Mr. Ce-cul Puti- Ocmiston's. Judging Competition at h visite-clMca. Sam 'Bush. Oshawa. visite-c the formera asis- with Mc. anti Mcs. W. G. Weccy. j le-y. Bowmianviile, Sundayetiau Ma-. anti Mca. Albe-rt Nititery. Jon Mc.-anti Mrs. S. E. Wercy anti te-r. Mca. J. Icwin. on Satuctiay. Mc. anti Mca. Smith, Long 'Mc. J. Dudley's. Toronto.' vîsiteti at Mc. L. C. Pas- Ta.mblyn's Farm at 10 a.M Mc. George- Wery visiteti Oshawa -Mc. anti Mca. Mootiy antifaa Sauît, Mc. ana Mca. Annis Toc IgeprganThrdye%-ces PICNIC DINNER AT 12 NOON fretsofSnia l.Toot.wc-wek-t ii- ente. Miss L. Hooper anti Mr . L eague progrn carTsiayM-y- .oand.s . tn frenîng won in charge 0f MTssontM..wantiwMca.nL.vStînson anti GUEST SPEAKER: SMc. anti Mca. H. E. 'Tink spent 'ors with hîs sîster. Mca. H. Gauti. MartTro.W J an. wt c niGae ar-t.Raigb jua aîy.Hr vvst-la c Dr. . S Arhibld undy wth frietismn e-trboo. nti amiy. ca.W. . Cnn.j Doree-n Byamt guitar selections.i J. StinsonaS. Dr E . rAial number thfroed na e-e atende-ti ndSory.t eotMs il Mc. anti Mcs. H. Gau anti j Mc. L. Moctaon;t topuc, Mc. Rosa i Annive--sacy service-s wil be- Director of Experimental Anmlrfo eeatedd1Sryt eotMs il Master R. Simpson witb Mr. anti PooIe-y. "Mode-rn Use otf the- Bi- be-Idbe-ce next Sunday. Farms. Zion annive-rsary services on Sun-: Francis lias been compelle-tito Mca. E. Doitige. ble-"; ceading. Miss Gladys Brati- PROGRAM 0F SPORTS dyat uîe retstee give up ber positon anti corne Mc. anti Mrs. H. Hooper. Pon- le-y; ceading, Misa Eva Yocke:I Everyone interested in livestoek hm w - - ilhalh e typool. Mca. C. Curtis. Miss A. Sil-'solo, Mc. Gordyn Brent. Recrea- home-fowinr ta Hi he-altb We hope- fr be-tape-e-ty ceNOvTICy. ver. Town, the- Misse-s H. anti M. tien peciotiwas enjoyet i atthe coRrdily JO Env id N r B r * o ice w l e coelAnniversary Visitors Werry, Bethesa. w tb M c. anti close.I H. . WI, eey.frin atrdy.J- e 0- e--S35 Mrs . Foney trs. . .oe-y M. Mra..m.le ___________________ roa a:ctay Jne 2:h t S:-anti Mca. J. H. Muntiay, Mc. antid_____ 2.30 p.m. Chutcb service- a: 10.30 ~AR~S~'esidnt.urday, July Mr.E. anti Mcad r. . oe M. Maa.Slvr utaySho e-tSna a 1. MpeGrove. Mc. anti Mca. B. HAYDON Se-vecal of our Young Pe-ople au-I Coiwe-lI. Mc. anti Mca. R. Poole-y. ______hemaeur______ a ;Tow, Mr R.Richrdsand issBîackstock on Fcitiay might. SEE CO N F R S LEBe-ech, Haytion. Miss Hocke-n, Chucc:h service on Suntiay- at A number otf the- Young people -co 10 Varieties to choose from. This is flot feed corn re--cleaned Wilkins anti babe-. with Mc. antiMd .Mngmiy h a io înca apo nStr for seed, but is grown especially for seed. Any ye-low var- Ma en Rcad.spe-nu seve-ral we-eks a:i-Mc. H. day afternoon. iety, $1.20 per bushel; Mammnoth Southern Swee-t and Wis. Mc. anti Mca. Lane. son anti Ashton's. bas cf turneclto We-ton. Miss Etina Came-con entectain- No. 7, $1.30 per bushel. Also a imited quantity of Mýixe-d Chop daughtrc Miss Crago. Providence-, Mc. anti Mca. Fred Cowling anti e-c a number of Young pe-ople- on at special price-. S21.00 ton. Keynote- Manitoba Bread Flour, Miss H. Richards, Haytion, Miss, son, Purple- Hill. visiteti at Mc. R. Saturday evening, t beîng be-c whille it Iasts, spe-cial price- $2.59. Jackson, Town. with Mc. antirs Mca. 's-buathtiay. A ve-cy ielicîous te-a Lloyd Richards. Mca. M. Gcee-nwoot ias visuing was se-neci after which the e-en-3Mr. anti Mca. Samis anti fanaily, relativea un Orono thas we-ek. ing was spe-nt in games anti danc- flEnfielti, Mc. anti Mca. Abernethy Suntiay Visitora: ing. H m t n F o rM lsanti family. Tycone. with Mc. anti Misa Wilnaa Smith, Whiu-by , Our Young pe-ople pre-sente-t -',< Phone - XIII 129r6 House 129r23 Mas. C. Coîîacott. Mca. Wm. Moore anti Misa Muriel their play "The- Eye-s of Love-" at Mca. F. M. Tamblyn. Mc. anti Moore- Enniakillen. at Mc. Wm. Sale-m on Montiay nîgbt. ___________________________Mca. K. Squaic. Town. Mc. and1 Tre-win'a. Se-veral f rom be-ce attendec an- _________________________________________________________________niversaa-y servicea at Sale-m on Mc. anti Mca. H. McComb anti Suciday. t - fmlToronto. a t Mrc . E. Women's Institute- anti Ladiies' W EIEK-END SPECIALS M. ndMca. John Grahama. L. Hooper oni Wednesday. June- Mr. anti Mca. Noman Hall. Be-cyl 17tb, at 2.30 p.m. r ON S LE HUR DAY FRDAY SA URD Y, UNE11,12,13 and CChaton, Mc. anti Mca. Walter Mca. A. J. Falîs anti Mc. Reg. ON S LE HUR DAY FRDAY SA URD Y, UNE11,12,13 tarr anti family. Oshawa, Mca. Fallis, Miilbcook. visiteciMr. G.1 COMFORT SOAP 5 bars 21c I[VORY GLOSS STARCH pkg. 13e John Tabb, at Mc. D. Graham's. Rose-ve-ar. BULK C17 94A 2ls 3 AMTE OP5brs2c Ma .BaeyMa c ni c.Rb-tAoMs R Special five-ceil Focusing FLASHLIGHT $1 .50 2100 ft. range. For only Larger Sizes New Shades 35c Sun Goggles Shu-Milk for white shoes 25e Hospital Cottc 5-yd. Gauze 300 Filter Dis] 15-29-49 Cinderella white shoe cleaner 50e lb. 39 .39 1.30 PHOINE P. R COWINGPhm. B, Wedo Developing EVERYBODY COME Bethany Saturday, June 2Oth, 1936 Girls' Softball Tournament - Boys' Softball Tournament Ent ries to be- sent to Bow-manville by Monda3-, June i5th. Games commence at 9.30 a.m. i(Standard Tine . Standard Events for Boys and Girls at 2.30 pan. Township Thg-of- War. Supper served in Orange Hall 5 p.m. to 7.30 p.m., at 30e plate. GRAND DANCE-Mode-rn and Old Time Dancing, 7.30 p.m. to 11.30 p.m. Fe-e for Dance, 30e including tax. Admission to Grounds: Adults 18e plus 2c tax; Bail playe-rs 10c; Children 12 years andi under, 10e-. E. A. SUM.'.1ERS, Agrucultural Repre-sentative, Bowmanvîfle. WESTON BANISTER, GEORGE McKNIGHT, President, Durham Junior Secretary-Treasurer, Farîners' Association, Millbrook. Campbellcroft.. i s WARM WEATHER SUGGESTIONS KRINKLE CREPE L PYJAMAS 98e: 'AID [osiery * tr -.Tlii-,ffrîiic 1 thon. are visiting hec sister. Mca. Z o- ' I i itl itiAtouttiihSititthti W. Coaig.beige-, cool * I nt ii - t, ti ., i .a tt t i i - :î IP e o p le - a t t -e n d e - c i t h e - Y o u n g P e o - itt en iPar îct î Iilt- i.'ple's Presbyte-ry picnic which was flL ~ fl ~i ttt- tt \tniiig Inn nJit et tuee-Id in our park last Saturday., TfD tuttiire-t tt ti)ttir itlj .,y(.k-, IMr. aiti NI u. E. L i. \tiiatntnttu Fin W A N &L S rPhonle 599 B W M A5NV ILLE L eik- itiitn urtIh iittdi1itntitîî auitt11ltiltt]\î(ît-îr1cngîti u W ALKE T R \tittih ~ ~itni I .it nîI l5c N\1 titt lli tî e la k-utt k ntîî Ucitiay- tiitu utlit -tli __________________________________________ ~SLtd. organdy and lace- trims. Smartly styled and trinined,- plenty of roorn, fine quaity crepe. Sizes S. m. L. Krinkle GOWNS 89e; IVell made cre-Pe gowns, nicely trinuned, short sie-eve- style. CELASUEDE GOWNS and PYJAMAS Cageegowns adpjmsta ar ulrin styleadln waig ClrOfIceberg, Tea Rosfe, Blue, et. ihasorted lance and sl trlm. ANGELSKIN SLIPS 79c White and Te-a Pose Slips with adj ustabl e straps, faggoted and tanal- ore-d. Sizes 34 te 40. White Gloves Fiechamo suede gloves, with idalnty -I 1 I j j i I 'i sclHgetg, Rilng St., PRESBYTEiY Y.iP.(;rn ve. Iailantît :1 ANNUAL PICN IC ir'" nlt- HELD SATURDAY 1111ý 1u uS Over 200 Young People of Oshawa ;j,, . > , .1 , llet ilfi a tl Presbytery EnjoY Spor-ts \ i ,îî lg Ille utc 'Il for a n d P r o g r a m t i 'I\-c' - t H tI e y a r . a c ,. '-t . t'îtrace. 1;iieetî irace itini i s : t . i i týrcîtjtgi'! race lirc ru, all e.l-- t S;: ri.i it: 't': N îi"~ tii rn'îîîi't of tht- park abolit 0.,)() tînt ,î tii ititiîr n t- ' 'i~î ni nt ItichI tillte R A. S. Kcrr al-;i-' I t"' !t:ic tilt iid i ' !' àn il î\ un-. Sints ere re.sit:rdv î*tii-.îi .t.i frinîu ii~ 'ti for a i(,-iiii' t t .ititil ahunuit 8 .. tiitntnlittt tii- Iri i' tr. luit: t' v i Ii tue xiltig îuwu( le gathced fe 111 ttrb rim 'r". Bt iii i ic tti iG -b 'iitz bi 'tiiiu i Ti p nî i-ie î rshj1î ai N% t n I i - i --it ( i', .1 ', tt rlii'r, R.ît k;rI-a n -h nu.i; în ete. M M\' RIt t n i',n e-r. Intrin' Mr MNit iii \Iiijî i -, Iva oit-i aîid Ft cl t - r . t( i 'i i r g . a s ! I ' u t . i' î k a r n i a i -, , t on k p a r t'. - ~ i r;î Wî ruiît t el(' vtci ii U se S tatesm an classified a ds. v. i t r They btng esults KERSLAKE'S SYVIC DRUG M Wen we fit your eyes you are assured satisfaction, style and price included ES9 Ltd. Choose Your BATHINO CAPS Now from our fresh sup- ply of 1936 models. Caps from 19c To 4 9c Jiffy Kodaks $5-$8-$9 Box Cameras $1-2.75-$3 Univex Cameras 69c-1.98 NEW PRICES Pepsodent Antiseptic - 23-43-79 Pepsodent Paste 23.37 Williams' Pis 45 Squibb's Paste 23-35 Ipana Paste -.43 Sal Hepatica 30-59-1.19 Carter's Pis . 23-69 ,on ;ks i 1-1 . . -ý ý ýl ý ý 1 . - 1 11 ýJ4 . j Al r. ý% s c 4, il d prizu i l',

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