PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATES-XAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THUTRSDAY. JUNE 18th, 1936 Whe Oanubi-an -tltlmn Established 1854 A Weekly Newspaper cevoted to the interests of the town of Bowmanville and surrounding country, issued at King Street. Bowmanville. every Thursdlay. by M.A. Jamnes & Sons, owners and .ubli.hers. The Canadian Statesmian is a member of the Canaaian Weekly News. papers Association, also the Class "A" Weeklies of Canad-. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada. $200 a year; in the United States, $2.50 a year. payable in advance. Single copies, 5 cents. THURSDAY, JU1NE î8th. 1936 Two More Durham Boys Honored Boxwmanxiiie H il1Schtool lias produeued agrec xithîi isbuîp Bever nix' ii isetlirteiltiorl manv outstandiîîg citizenis of this i)oliiiiiiort. tiit the11' est xay 0o vxrcumnie cxii is to alxvay' Their naines are legioi. arîd the% tuve 1n be doit]- good. are fîllînîg rimportanît positions iii professiorun i and commercial business. Txvo miore iistuticees Greedy Big Interests Breed of B. H. S. -raduat(-.,niaking rîaïuîîies ftor thiii - C m ui selves have coite ta light ini recenut weeks. C m uit LasI xveek it xxas arunoînnced titat Otis Os- . There lias beeru ialerîdency iii reeusî vyears borne W(îrdeîi. a graduate ut the itîcol schtuîl, Prinipal<ifHoxvrd ark chîotiToroito for ecuntîiuinism, aînd a score .of otht'r radical Prinipalof HwardPar Sehol, oroitoisnis lt flounisli iii Caniada, and Bnitisli eus- and a son of the late Mr. arnd Ms Jobrt \or- tm hc aemd h mie aepr den, Ebeniezer, liadcl oifenred tîporui ii the l'sx'ihla' ndeteEpr.hxepr dégréeeof Doctor of PedagogY. lîy the trîiver- bmps xordered xvhy. No doubt liard limes haxve sit ofTornto Ths otstndiîg ntixx'li ad a great deal ta do xxith the birtb anid mert.e hoio M's xor bva tesi xbic I). roiîhi of these nexv politicai creeds. Oie of Worden liad wrtteît 011 bus observations ut a the tenîdeiicies ailoli- foliowxers of these g-rouîps 4 year expérimental studv lie hadnmadle ofif es ticeessui iieeeiie T h verv fact havre super normal pîîpiis. he seesiliilf.Tevn atta n Bowmnvile i prod o itsHi-i Scoolpo.sesscs veaittio nomalter how 'mucli iniitia- Boxvanx'iieis poud t is Hili Siiuti ixe, abilitv. aiîd lianrd xork produetl it, xxas graduale who bias this broiîght lioniifr Ioii ira- enonigh 1<> derionaice lbeni as enertîles of the self and his native'ecountv. HamtonclanîsWalaceRnîdî.piîHoni n xxokivgmai. dishotuest and their xealth il] Hampon lains Wllac Raidolh Hrii sgutten. 0f course xxe knoxx' hat Ibis ik nul tthe a~~~~~~~~~~~ naiesn.Wiae vî nuottîuig cs. Soute xealth is il gotteli, ,ust the saine as student wher ibe atleiîded the big-h sciui dc'nit re x'thêxh ufe l here in more rt-cenit years. Silice tuaI ht i ' ori)uverlx' is carte ho w sfri, hasrecive hi B.. aid .A.d-re, id blt t il s inalali Ihtat al xxealth ik dis- has ecex'e lu BA and M. dî'es. utt houlestliv nide, or that aIl puîx'rty is dest'rx-et1 just i'eil frointMctluii Uniivcrsitx' ili M<tut- irern real be neeietl ikdég~rée u o'îoir otut il-1 nerid soh.At the age of 24 Dr Hti lias madeia'1IThe g roivîhu tf sieutiouglit voiriies xx'tlu sophy. reod. H s ol fýýr IIlrevelotioits si'îli as thuose brouglit tint hv the Mrs. W. W. Horut of Hatimptîtri, or< BuxrTaît- oniisoi t exie as ville joins xxith Hamptoua iii jioyiîgtniiut' to Duniiiîînut Textilesxvhit'b buld.s prie t i'a lixa a gradtate of the Ha nîltoîl Piibl jeSe boul a l rntorîoptly <iiithie textile bIhiIIies ilut ( a tatîtu' Boxvmanxille Highli Sehoul ou i.s fille uIlievi'. ruade proifits of îîie'iy I 15millins ot lollkins tîil -- i , I ah uirîu-îîiil nt f h.lf ..1.. menit. i uese are but (Mii xx-nse niarites ia v been hlonored in necenut xxeeks, anîtl tiere orf scores mure acruss the durîiiruionîoft ivii 1ow tx inanville are justiy proud. Factories Leaving Congested Cities That the riglilful location for initustr' v a in the smatl toîvus arîd nul iin the largreecilles, w'as Itue upinion expnes.sed xxeek livJ. . '. Herity. Indtis*tial Coniissiotier fuir the uit ' of Belleville. He urged that tlie stal towvnŽ make an organized effort to seclîre inîdustries, which wouid bc lu the nîntual advaintagre of hoth the industries- and the toxvn. "Today in GTreat Bnitaint anud in rtue Uniled States indusry is movirug front tue eoîîgesîcd icitles lu the t.iwîîs ix-ene labot' is of a biglier intelligence, more loyal arîd attaclîed Iii their homes." Mr. 0O'Henit ' vsaîd. "Overiteati custs in the toxvns are iower." The speaker sîrggested that suialitîxx'i.s go out after industries. Each sltould have thnee or fouir suitable plants lu attraet industries tu the Ioxi'r. At the present tinîethe t)oiiiiin Orgranu and Piano factory arîd the D)urnhuam Textiles building-s are both ax'ailabie for the locatii) of industries. We untderstand luat the inanfacturer's committee ofthte toxxwiîi'ii has iieeii xxorking, for sontie tinte, iii oi enden- von tuti)îterst inîdust ries ini the îlatîIts. lbtt su fan vithou ti cct'ss. Penluali thelIn'greatesîtliiruglui lu e stu'essod is the loxî'enoveriî uoss the giiud laluor nar- ket. ai1d rtut'ideai siîittioiiî uf te ttivnîuif Boi'nîo uivile. M'itli a pnoviri'ial h igixxay, ~twoi niainu brie nnili'<ids. aiti exei'v ruoiir n~c' tiiis txiilas t'vvt luiii . te) ut ter indutstni'. Discussion on Holding Decoration Day Tlieî'e ivuis a lîiet'ustu<iuahttu'e'hit' meet liîtr tutthet'lowvi l 'ujuiieil, i'îlat ive to Iiiecorittum l)ayx. wxvii i la iteuipusiîî t'u l dune :. 'S. nnîuiiielîur G, C, Morris u'i"'t it faet thai sexero I fr'at'nrua I tr.rauuiza lionis mwen nult' ti.i ier iîg iiitit'- nuiitu r l' li w uii 1 tiie.x used tlu(du. aid suiggestHdti tlitif rit('-i)i'uora- tioii Da *i v;ntign'rrt uilienlithe flii'tull supi- potof it he t<wiii it rîigilit' iibet.nIri) 411'01) il. Reexe O. H. .Jtiîies jîtiiited aitutter'siti.of titi- pict ii"île a lut' t iii îtt'd ttit thua t sut 'e l)ecura- lth l)ax D it as iresto r'îeulthe haluterv lld it.- Co-me a place <if beauît x', alnid tlal t I)iiî mnIe il astr'uiiu.r effornt i mii ivert iiiaitttaii anrd ilprovxe'lt'i iitîspi'ioli) iilte ~'i cerenntties. lTh uis 's, u itel ii auixviii- pros'einerlui t luth'ellwtIeu'x itul foiî' tut rn- sai aitire,thie n'ee said, l)etr'alittul) aY ieldt a Sle(ig -u.nificautve' foi' the retînieil stiii'i. Couîri'ir Motrris agi-ec(t lat lt's'thîilnîgs xieî sa. aid exjtr'-sesu'tl lii oluilie tt aIfr'att'nal tîîîl alter uugîiztuîi ii ii iîoutil I ake ait a'tive Jpart iii t t'i't' l(ýittîlie. w e ii o r î'î' t if lt- q i n îuît lia t ioua n'î frîîîuîift seînilinuiîtuîl xaliîi' I)i'i'it'uîti) av i.s xaltiall in rlirilaiiu tîît ar i îîiî'uu'îsîîîu' i'nrýi'ter v, nîtt ftirt.iîitn'itl ea't' xu Iîî. îî iteil' l i ni'î 'nilit'n t l eite llitliilis tiu'i) t'au's xi lti. itui'ei tltiî' huruit--, îuo tut i'f, ie x altruu l, îui lu o il] tht. intetrxeuiit.r 5î'a littux' lîitliilt t i îiiuruuu- itx î*' ~uixi. pri i ) >lis i' t! Bishop Beverly Offers Sane Advice A pu'rti' liuîîît %vak s t'i iatîit' uv 81 slîuî;A. R. * BtvtiiofT i'tiîtlut lis fii'tssutilue coifi'ii'iiit i ')I t5 ;i. SI. ,Juîilîîu 's ( 'Iîîîn'î'lî lasI '1'lursday w1wi~m ii tld lt'îrî "'liii' iî's - xvof (ti overcomîie exil. , t u bit'aI lii ys iiîsV lîiu good."-- T1he sentenice t t,îuirsîerhItoîîflei' sst'îît'î'ou the cure for a gioýt uîam-tof uit utn'îi'ulieiri1.1lb those of us Who U r'.r iitv uif tit ldu"picoblu' 11 a'1' it 41' t ' it)i 1 ' w'l 0' t1. 1 x11 vîý,11ititî gtii ( ) î 1î.t 11 i lOta vrllt . oi, tit t Iti i. woustjuîîwt'iiîi 1r ili itc ~ In t' ut 010ax 'îxmi ci li I ou'xxIii heisi e ii,'ituittoii hii' (Iox tuta vi xxî111i il Slii.rL'sts tilso tinît tiît'u is vatluît' iintî'uî ler'sliîî ii ogariuztiuuî,tît area'i'att euutçin,, to(oil 0 gotitixvirk, cîtunchi, trotenal. uui pe'tpie*S aridti tiien tr'gaii7atiolit lias li isaid thtot theebîsier a cltild ks kep*thte lesý udishieflie xviigel mb. cantd its dtuiîtiessh îî'îe. \Ve recoil ait eventt at xvhi('h a largE mniinber' ut yourtg people xvere pre.sent. xvîtl onîx- one atdtiit to control thein. This aduit w'a asked huwis' l ias possible to keep sti nia rîxo i of ntisehief, anti the ancsxxer ivas thaI thie, w'ere su hnisv Iouing othter thinius that titcy hadît ' tinte to get lint> rnisciiief. We cari easils .~ ~ "~ "~" ~ILIilIIiqHI. ISigned: J. T. Willianms. C-onl Te omalri0fhe31 r taze bttre the greate-st profits wver,' C1o0im m a n ding. Port Hope, 6th Coy., 'Bowý%manville) 3rd Bn., for V_ ade dtîriiii the depression ivhien stnfferiing Dec. 1837.- 1861. lists Lieut. James B. Pair- xva' wide.spread 'Like revelaw 1011 were mnade "Militia General Order, Tor- bairn. O.C., and 158 privates. The in the fainois Prie Spreatls Probe. Vies, b onto, 30th Dec. 1837. His Excel- limnit.s 0f the Company were: busiies en kep t,- hndscler o ths*tpêlency The Lieutenant Governor is "Lots 27 to 35 inclusive broken busnes ea kep t.shads lea o ths tpepleasedt to signify that 700 volun- f ront and concessions 1 tb 4 in- of rackeî.eerinig, cîmniism and l al its attvii- teers are wanted for general ser- clusive." dant evils are bouind to corne, and it xiii l vice in t.he province, to serve for (M. R. Militia Report) thistypeof an ail ndnsry hat ilifour months, if required. Ail val- thist.ýp of an nd idiisrý tat unteers are requested to provide M. R., 1862. "Return of Volun- )rini, it. tenevswt evcal teer Infantry - Class ~B", Riflie f irelock (musket, fowling piece or Companies: Bowimanville, Major fusil) with thirty rounds of ball Cubitt. 1 Coy., 3 officers, 50 men; One Unbeatable Quality cartridge, or anmunition to that Port Hope, Capt. Kirchhoffer. 1 extent. . . . A.mount of force re- Coy., 3 officers. 61 meOn." quired: County of Durham, 12 M. R., 1862. Durha.m County. Us Asked once for his definition of a great, men: Northumberland, 125 men: ' population per census of 1861: lit'e, a farnous Frenelhman said: 'Lt ik a etc. 39,115: 7 Volunteer Corps; 385 thoghtiiiyouh errid tit ii iî~î.d In West Durham it is reported Volunteers. that Colonel H. S. Reid toolc kom- M.R,86. oalsrength Years. nmand of the men hurriedly calI- available for service: 7,015. Num- Here k ailfie definition of th(- sueessfîîl ec together for the suppession of ber 0f service militiamen requir- life, in sigîîificanît conî.rast to the planfless cf- the rebellion, and that Prederick ed by ballot, under General Or- for w'iebreeonsunl frrn a~~n> ay ntiCubitt was an Ensign at that der 13th December, 1564: 1,590. ,r afort w agc. Lt k incail- ntato voîîtlî time. M. R.. 1864. Organization of r wa-e o w,(Ye Ititlaristha inyolth ole URHM MITIARECRDS two Service Battalions f rom Dur- b las b ut t buiid, there ký. a bhîepriinn DRf.MlUTAREO S ham County. Service mien 10 be bet 1837 te 1865 chosen by ballot: the work.sbop table, and possibiv a few bricks Militia Reports and numerous Bowmanville, ton of 56 56 o iii the founidatjon. Oix' -bx- thi.s prinviph' does original documents enable us ta Cavan 99 99 etritc suceess cone about. make a mental picture of the Cartwright 56 56 There are lives wbieh are a sieesio f next twenty-eight 3ears. The en- Clarke 133 133 firt ap, rguartunig ve f tries are unfortuntately discon- Darlington 140 140 i irtlas i r-ilrtuiiiioerof110Vnected. but at least they are au- Hope 120 120 ýleaves; there are ind(iv.iduals wvho perpetuiily thentic. Manvers 85 85 cre'iain rrnsng' others wvh os e careers The original Muster Rolof Newcastle, village of 21 21 sor îb hebiliatthe Bowmanville Company dated Port Hope, town of 85 85 soa wih te billantblaze of a rocket on]i'y Junle 4th, 1838, list.s Capt. A. 1to epul in the saine inii,,orions, fizzie. Nonle ot' Fairbairn. Lieut. R. H. Cubitt. OTHER TROOPS MN DURHAM -tiiese lives are disintîîished bv eoninniii:v,. Ensign Edward Lunn and 202 OOUN'TY cd ri out an fielv<'tiiiletd h ~Other Ranks as present; James The Ist Troop of Volunteer cd in %outh anîd fincy cý(10inpleted in age. McMurtry was checked for -dis- Cavalry of the County of Durham ed i yoithand iiiy eimpltedin ge. obedience of orders while on par- was authorized in the Upper Can- i Tiîele is rarely accompiislimenit iwthoîîî" ada Gazette. Sept. 3rd, 1857. -oniiituonis work <of a lifetinie. We loo.k, per- The Muster Roll of No. 8 Comp- Capt. R. W. Smart fron the 7th haps. at tbhe other feliow 's ooccupation als more any (Bowrnanville, for June 4th, Battalion. Durham Militia, Port attactve îî Ies cactngtha,î nr 1839. totals 142 AIl Ranks pres- Hope, was named Officer Comn- attretie ad les eaetng taijour ent on parade, but there were manding. Lieut. David Carson Bîit ive imust reîîîeîber titat ail gooti worîk saine absentees. andi the Coin- was appointed October 8th. 1857. (leqailds interest lîaeked I v t rainied abiliî.v. manding Officer saw fit ta deal and Cornet P. L. Innes wa ap- 't owh t a stated in the fol- pointed May 29th, 1863. This rThat iiian iwe envv inîavhave silbiflitted'i . wit utleflr187 years to the prolonge(] tests ofailriii'elii) al>: toy ri and la reported ta have had the -ina 1ae a 1 hugi iapoîtmn Darlington, 19th Jn.13 first mounted band in Western antdtlsone t'y 0appret'iatet' t itvalueicof 'Sir. , Canada. organized by Mr. W. I have the honour ta înform Philp. 'o lit inluit *v. you that a Court Martial for the ThePrtHp Engineer Comp- If ve look to the, notable lives ofi oiir .eti- trial of Militia Offenders wiîl as- aywsatoie aur 1t %vewil fii( rtiiiii, lioti-,i ;v smbe a Cark*sTavrnin he1862. and Captain George Alex. mîajoî'ity of them this golden tiread of von- Township of Clarke an Monday Stuart was named Offcer Com- t:iiiiit - . The great musician whose inastpry v e te eighth day 0n f u ext ath mandiîîg on August 2lst, 1863. teadcocmornonbfoeehc No records have been found ta ~înieon the concert platfornii lias refýineil you will summon such men of date which show this Company is talent thirotglî exhaustintg Iloîirs of prat'- your Company as negxlected to ti('e. l'le great teacher or the great artist of- enroîl themnselves as Militia men aacie on the fourth day of June in- "B" Squadron of the 3rd Prince telli worksý through years of mnistinderstaind- tn:i sncsytes- of Wales Canadian Drageons, la- îîî. egleùt and otten ridicule .%et Nvlls mons should be served at leasîiteda il1o. stogtt throungli li virtue of th-e (oiiiiljltý- of Ili, four days previaus to the assemb- have been active since 301h April. purose '1lieîsîceesfil ari whtevr h~sling of the Court. For the form 1875, when the Regiment was or- purpse.'l'ie siieessillman ivlateel'hi of notice I beg 10 refer you 10 the ganized. In 1932, the officers of field. iinîîst xvork harder thati others. He nis2lst clause of the Militia Act. I the Squadron were: Captain K. lu' moret' courag-eoiis thaiî otlier,. Heiiiiinst per- will thank You ta have the tw~o P. Sisson; Lieutenants: R. J. severe miorte t lait othter'.. Andi su lie îe. enclosed surnmonses (against al- Payne, B. B. Dawson, A. F. John- t'tltlititl t li' iii voith vrrit- iens?î be served on the parties stan,: 2nd Lieuts: C. A. Walton thoigitwith those ta be issued by you and R. B. Shaw. Il is reported onit in rîpened veIN 1is the omît' îîîiîletJble against absentees. that the S.cuadron was disbanded illialîity. I have the honour to b. in 1935; Lieutenant B. B. Daw- Sir, son transferred ta the Durham Your most obedient semvant, Regiment ("C" Company, Mill- H. S. Reid, Lieut.-Colonel, brook) on May lSth. 1935. A Word About Habits Cmmg. 1 Durham Militia. <To be continued) T1he xvuru ihabit ik verv rt.,sîstaîîî lu (î'i'iîJ- itatioti. Leavt' off th,- first letter' antI *'ia bit C rerna iîis. Bt'hetad iaga iinand tht' saiiii ' bit ' k jIn'IThe Dim and iDista nt rast iet Drîop the 1h antd i t"stili eiaîs TheIi.' iîiît.whi'tIiti' word lcfiîîî'ss îi iilv'% resîsta rt. A fixt'tI ihaîbit bt ilnes s> it'h l FF'Y YEARS AGO 1 treal on Friday last for Bristol, a part uf il peri' -, I ai~sjli' lite thii t > 5 is lix','-1England. cd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~i îiîintiîîltli l u tt.. e~'~ From Th anadian Statesman Mr. T. Nowell, who has been lotu ie iîi'îtsiîigit* dîttfie-ltilA O il i Is (iii- A celebratton the past few years, has secured a tiiied iliilîit'iîet. vr situation in Boston, N.Y. i'iîî.t'a i liluîs iY itViloti ~ came off on Wednesday evening M:r. Porter is gaing ahead at 01,voiiseill libit ao lot ioilis Mal 0f last week ,whlen about one once wîth the erectian of his new art g<tîtl il itit utiiia t>ititii 'i Blit hundred and twenty friends andibrick residence on Lowe Street. siliee ail g.r'i",'ltin' pt'î'istvli'la, lx ' neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Rich- The cantract for the masonry is bu~"ftl iiwedi.and iSiuit' iatli habuit j.,ikl , ard Osborne met at their î'esi- let ta Mr. Daniel White, and for .dence on the Towvn Line between the carpentry ta Mr. R. H. Os- to hlave sott îttite lilitili i, the 'îiiiii Clarke and Darlinglan and gave'barrie. eoîitiiiiid praot iii of otht'rs it is %wisf,'t.u) 'xt'u- thein a genuine surprise, the oc-. The Cddfeilows of .this town ('isi' ('iiiti(ili 11gi11hît lthe eîî,itiu î casion being the 201h anniversary idecoraîed the graves of their de- vii la î't'ail. af their wedding day - their ceased brethren on Saturday ev- China Wedding. ening. The band was in attend- Hlabits ai'.'as iiisitiottis as thii' art' ltt'is Mr. Prower has taken possess- ance and the ceremony was wit- te Ilt. Thir ut'ti'îi biîiî',îî, dniuiî îtr t- ionîflof his handsome residence: nessed by a large number of cîti- 01n( ]S aM'are ofut i. Ett a tel, is I s su'.1j recently purchased from Mr. M. zens. The Foresters sent a coin- Potr. hsP.J mittee ta decorate the grave of <if~~~~~~~ got ii' i 5tfhdtli' tt r hs .Jmes of the their late brother, John Colwill. ..estiolî is obv'jolis. Statesman staff sailed frain Mon- Marrîed: Gilbert.-Mitchel - In The Militia in Durham County CAPT. C. M. CHANDLER r(Copyright, Canada, May 1936, by Capt. C. '. Chander.) Installment 3 1 Captain Fairbairn, lst Durham Mîlitia, THE McKENZIE REBELLION Darlington." 1837 It was some lime af ter this thal Arnot Craick, of Port Ho0pe. the date of the annual muster (190f), says: Iwas changed f rom June 4th to s "The annuat musters were held M.ay 24th, in honour of the birth- on George IV's birthday (June day of the new Queen. 4th) and att the men capable of Tenas0fheficra- bearing arrns were required ta be Theintedta the i aîons iii presnt I th drll goun, 1 Durham between 1846 and 1851 vthe east of the present cemetery. 'are avaitable. Until the prospect af a rebellian became serious, this was the ex- Judging f rom the naines of the tent o! the military training of iofficers, the 3rd was in Bowman- the people. Then, in the sum- ville, the 2nd was in Newcastle, mer of 1837, John Tucker W<iî- and the 4th was in Millbrook. tiamis organized a town Camp- The sedentary militia in Dur- any, which drilted regularly on hamn in 1857 was of considerable the "flats" and becarne saine- size. <Militia Report, 1857): what profic4ent. The f irst news o! the actut utbreak o! the re- IsI Bn.-Lt.-Cot. Wm. Wallis 741 bellion was received from a mas- 2ndBn.-Lt.-Col. AUlan senger who dashed thraugh the Wilmot---------- 1064 town 'Port Hope) late at night 3rd Bn.-Lt.-Col. Fleetwood bearing orders to muster for"ces Cubitt -ý-------- 1340 imme4iately and march ta Tor- 4th Bn.-Lt.-Col. John anto." It la reported that two Thompson ---- 733 daYs lter over 1,000 men had as- Sth Bn.-Lt.-Col. Alex sembled under Colonel J. T. Wil- Preston -. _- 583 tiamas and had made a start for 6th Bn.-Lt.-Col. Geo. H. Toronto. Grierson - - 393 The f oltowrng orders are of in- 7th Bn-Lt.-Col. Oea. C. "Major Smart, Part Hope: Sir. Mr. McKenzie and Mr. Lount, h. oiinlSrvc4R870 o headng n a-xnd frceare in 9 Company of the 4th Battalion sight of Toronto. I fully expect dated 1858 la in the possession Of that you wiil proceed her'e with Lieut -Col. A. V. Thorn, 0f Minl as efficient a force as you can brook. The officers were. Cap. readily obtain. Signed: F. B. John Thorn,. Lieut. Ed. Thorni- Head, Lt. Governor, Toronto, De- dyke. and EnLsign Wm. McMan- cember 5th, 1837, Tuesday înorn- uad(7ie> ing."lus, nd(a mn) "O .The Colonel Command- A ito the C.O.'s of the 7th ing the 151 Durham Militia orders Bn. Durham Militia dated May that the rifle Comtpany and Troop i1111h. 1857 la on file. (Appx. 3t o! Cax'alry attached 10 the said i M. RP, 1&58:- "Applications ta Reginient be forthwith increased farin fresh Corps have been x'ery ta the full coruplement of one nuinerous." Newcastle la named. hundred mnen each and the Ca)l- "Volunteer Corps were formed in 1 onel confidently expecla that the Part Hope. viz: 1 Troop Cavalry.- Loyalty. Zeal and Patriotisî off CaPt. R. W. Smnart. O.C., 3 offic- his Regiment will induce suffic- e rs and 42 men. 1 Rifle Camp- ient numbters x'oluntarily ta enter any, CapI. Augustus Roche,..., the sid Cm SSnvand 1 o cersand-0- me." SMOOTHNESS AND ECONOMY 4 4e. yow~ a4dw~/ N P-346 E VERY buyer wants the smoothest-rnin a he can get for the money h. has tosp. . . . If youre Iooluingc faor such an auto- mobile, we suggest you drive the 1936 "Silver Streak". Pontiac. One drive wiII prove to yeu that it's the. smoothest car at or near Pontiac's Iow price. Every day more buyers are discovering that Pontiac is the perfect answer for the man who desires boih smooth performance andf Iow-cost motorung I A ten-minute drive will open your eyes te tth. now type of quelity motoring that Pontiac brings ta the. Iow-price field. And every year you own it wiIl add tbousands of happy, enipense-fro. miles te prove again and again that you pay no more for Pontiacs extra qualityl AMONG PONTIAC'S 101i FINE-CAR FEATURES SolId Steel TuretTp lady by Fisher . . . Tripie'Seaied Hydrauic Brakes . . . Kooo-ActIn "glidinE ride" (on 8 and De Luxe 8 models) . . . Fisher No'Draft Ventilation . . . Fiat Level Floors front and mur ..Deuble K-Y Framnne . . - Satety Giass throughout the car... Uil-SUlent Syncro-Mash Transmissien COME ta our showrooms-drive Poniac-and you'l agree you can't cdo botter than Pontiac for 1936! OIL 0 0fllFIrIdC Roy NIChois COL RTICE BOWMANVILLE Bawmanville. on the 15th by rden ta enjai the sait îrssthe Is tLoe rPof? the Rev. R .Fraser,.A.,Mr. blue waters af Lake Otrot sI oeo rft lHarry Gilbert and Miss Rose the Ftowery City. Micedaughter of Mr. A. Mît- On Friday seven coaches off the By scribe "«G" chel, ail of thîs tawn. Na. 1 *'Flcu"' carry4rug nearly 300 Maî'red: oît-usta-In St. sauls teft the track less than a Oepra ittEyuta John's Church. Bowý%manvile. on mie west of Newcastle and xere a 'iht goari lve affair will pu-, the lSth inst.. by Bey. Dr. Mac- tomn froin their trucks and ptung- more pep int a man than anv- nab. nectar. Mr. R. H. Naît. eld- ed mbto the earth ploxving sa deep th:ng else in the wortd. est son af the lte Bey. H. J. in some instances that the ivin- Anather persan will insist that Nott. andi Miss Nellie Dustan, dows wxere almost on a lîne vitil the possibilitY ai a profit la the third daughter off Mr. 'William the surface. How an accident af greatest known urge ta action. Dustan, atl 0f town. this character under such candi- We'tt take Love first. IL iS lave Died: Oke-In Bowmianville. on lions cautd happen with only ane that makes a mnan think that Monday. June l4th, Lottie, in- f ataîity and no other ver3' ser-, perhaps maybe two cani live as tfant daughter of Samuel and Ai- ious injuries ta passengers and 'cheaply as one. No tesser force rice Oke. age 6 months. train crew is almost a miracle. than lox'e cautd ever make a man W D Died: Glendenning - In New- District meeting af the Oddf et- believe anything so false. Sa you castle, on Tuesday, June 151h. lows was held in Florence Night-, see love is powenfut stuff. Robert Gtendennîng. age 23 yeans. ingale Lodge. Bowmianville, on' When a persan buys a counter- Caurtice: On Monday a match Wednesday. June 141h. Meeting feit ticket an the Irish Sweep- gaine was -played with the Gtad- was called ta order by D.D.G.M. stakes, or cracks a dru&gist on stones, of Tyrane. in which ow- Oea. W. J. HattetI, Whitby. A good the cranium while hie cleans the ing to accidents befalling several representation of delegates was caîsh register. or sits att night in men-bers af the home team catis-, present f rom Oshawa, Whitby. a poker game with a bunch off »ing them ta quit playing. the vis- Port Perry, Brooklin. Pickering bums. hie daes these things in itons won by a score of 34 ta 25. and Bownanville. xiew af the possibitity o! a profit. White people were departing in Mrs. M. Jamieson. son Reg. and It is a strong urge to action. the evening a horse dniven by daughter Doris. and Mrs. J. Jain- When a person tells yau lhe la Mrs. Levi Tale became frightened iesn nd son Frank, are visiting in a business because hie loves il, ythe saft opig n.t relatives in Tara. that is likeiy as flot a lie. The hesadran into another rig. Mr. Harley W. Percy has pazis- probabilities are that hie la in the upsetting Mrs. Edwin Annis and ed his p)rimary examinations tak- business for profit. iMrs. Jas. Langmaid. the latter of îng firist class honors in the The men wha have made the whom hadher llrboe ,rke.Chartered Accountants Course. greatest contributions 10 the ma- Hado: heewas over a Mr C. C. Washington, B.A.. terial progress of the worîd hundred at the picnic hetd at Mr. delegate f rom Y.M.C.A. af Tor- haven't been song wrîters. They Robt. Fallas' on Saturday last. onto. lef t Tuesriay morning toata- have been men hustling tike aId Goori music was furnisheri by Mr. ten a convention at Nonthfietri. Harry 10 beat competitars th ey Richard Davey and Miss M. By- Mass. didn't lox'e. It is this healtp~y erns. Ipovmn r h Dr. G. S. Horider Wilson. son competition that makes our prs- rroef mrveet r the aisiuoso the Rev. A. C. Wilson. former- ent economic organizatian such ordr 0 th da. cnspcuos y of Tyrone. has started practice an efficient device. among those we note Mr. M. as an Osteopathic physician in There la nothing shameful Cole's handsome new front ta his Guelph. about a profit and il la. a force dwelting house: Mn. Sain Bing' In the University examinations about which no man can a! ford haîn's artistically f inished man- in the second year classes, Miss 1ta be ignorant. sian (the work af Mn. T. Wes- W. E. Phetp obtained first class~ Take strawberries in January. colt. Baxvmanville); the tast but. honars in Modemns course, and You see them in the store win- not least, the new school f ence Mn. A. L. Phelp obtained second dow. They corne atl the way froin suggestive of close custody 10, the 1ctass honors in the PhiIosophy Flonida. They are perishabte. aspiring pupil. . .. Mr. J. C. Van- course. daughter and son0f R ey. !Are they here because saînebody stone and f anmily are about 10 L. Phetp, Brighton,.f!ornierly pas- !loves ta see yau enjoy ing straw- leave the village and Lake up 1tan of South Dariingtan and Tly-. bernies and cream? Not much. their residence in Bowmanville. 'rone circuits. God gave somebady down in Flan- This will cause a sari blank. and j William George Cornish died ida a cnop o! strawberries. From i s the subject aifniuch regret by 1 June lOth, age 30 years. Deceas- 'the moment a little nigger girl I hein large cincle of fniencts. 1 ed. who was the eldest son oi Mr'. picks the first basket a! berrnes William Carnish. was born andi everybody who handles that box TWENTY-FJVE YEARS AGO spent ail his lufe in this village. titi il gela 10 yau. does so, with _______Rex'. W. Limbert conducted the: the possibiity af a profit in view. From The Canadian Stae ia funeral ser-vice on Monday. It may ýbe services or it rnay be tatesan iBirth: Reidi-In Clarke. June b rade. The possibility of a profit June 22nd, 1911 * lst. ta Mn. and Mrs. Robt. Reid_ was what moveri the bernies a The annual outing of the War- a son. 'thousanri miles andi kept theni den ai these Unitedi Counties has Birth: Rowland-In Clarke, on f ran going rotten. gnown in favor front year 10 year. June 141h. ta Mr. andi Mrs. Haw- The 'Principte af Motivation" and the outing oi 1911, when Mn. el! Rowland, a daughter. la a littie aven our heari but when T. A. Kelly, Beeve' of Cavan and; Married: Stoie-Dearborn-At il cames 10 the reason why a Warden, extended his hospitality 'the residenu'e af the bride's moa- grocer ýbrings a box of berrnes a ta his council, county officiais and ther. Mrs. E. A. Dearbomn. Osh- thousand miles. we feel saf e in a few personal friends. surpass- awa. June 14. by Rev. J. Hodges, suspecting that il is not for fun, eri thein ail. On June 8bh the B.A., Mr. A.* G. Stonie and Miss for his heatth. or 10 inake h.imsell ferry dock at Cobourg was aliveI Jennie E. Dearbonn, bath ai Osh- famous. or for the love af human- with animuabed g-uests of the War- awa. JtY, but for profit. j mý