Counties' Rate Is 11.5 Milis Sonenhp COhUfceoNCILbliie Coun il ecid s a Sesion a .subsantia.! deficît. ASKS RETENTION Cou cilDecdeThe esBridge Costs binwh1h35 heOF POLICE OFFICER! Unied ounie Ha Opra- ~ar cotîcens t tîs efîîtNorthumberlanîd and Durh arn Umited Co f $13 Ras 3Opera ntead 0f nto Uinc o ti0dficte unicipal partners xesolved theîî Equah.zed Assessment Is Con- ing Surplusof$383i Counties' Home. The desire of bridge dispute provided that Nor- firmed by Counties Councili 1936- Work of Ex-Warden last years council was to leave thumberland \vas to raise by Stinson is Commended. the new home for eldcrly indig- special levy $6.000 to be paid in- -Move Entrance Exam Cen- ______ ena ice f ebtat ts om e-to the countîies treasury: but two tre to Enniskilien. ensfreo db t t o l-bridges________n uramIm The counties tax rate for Nor- tion, and this policy was adhered yes wGader b ideinnur a last _____ofhe__ unie thumnberland and Durham this 'i0. yar. Gard10. ner dgeappnav Arlouioefyh oute ycar will be approximately 11.5 Comments from the report ofa ot$110 n HpyVle Councîl Thursday requesting At- mills. the auditors. Oscar Hudson & Bridge in Darl'ngton cost $1.550. torne3-General A. W. Roebuclc Theexctley ecrnen 'dCompany. of Toronto. on las a total o! $2.700. t retain Provincial Constable bye hexFiac evy ommendi!te. year s finances are quoted as fol- Th[.t eut teeor.o arey in the jurisdiction of North- Countie Ffntc UnmiteCounties the bridge settiernent requires u radaaDuhmiîlc Concl f heUitd outisSpentS43215 Northumberland Vo contr i b uteî a fine tribute t the popular of- is 11.43312 milis. $3,300 to the counities treasury byr ficer. The rate is virtually the samne A sumrnary of the financial special levy this year. The petition to the Attorney- as last years. at least in its cf- 'position of the United Counties Counties' Home Costs r General was expressed in a mot- fect on the ceualized assessmcnt as at December 31, 1935, follows: The counicil has not deviated' ion by Reeve J. F. George of as reviscd for the apporuioningr Debt- fr-or its original decision to pay Brighton Town6hip. seconded by among the other municipalities Deficit at January 1. for the construction o! the new Deputy-Reevc Leslie Wilson of of the reduction given by agree- 1935 $ 70.471.39ICounties' Home out of available Cobourg. Vet o Darlington Township. Expenditure in 1935 413.211.45 funds. The insurance on the old Th rnf oPovcilC - Th~xee i a slight increase by rea-- House of Refuge which was al,-sthbe Ctrfer 0f rokvinci aCon- son of the committees proposa] S483.682.84 mqs:,- total.Iy destroyed by fire asal ae~t rcvlea h to apply $27.000 to the Councils Credit- year ago last December. was $34.- end of June was reccntly an- debt of S78.185.83 t.o the DEpart- Income for 1936 8427.121.96 cO.bttî wsrdue oa ou "Tedeprec o.r a ment of H'ghways. and $10.000) Deficit Dec. 31. 1935 56.560.86 S29.000 by repairs to the wing T hesexcounies isofMa .read to reducing*an accumulated gen-whc ecae tefams arn- antage in the enforcement. of eral deficit of $56.560.88 as at the i 8463.682.84 ,,in-in, to approxrnately $5.00 law.* Reeve George said. "and it endi of lasI December. The indebtednes.s to the bank Tn:.s emnergEn: cxpenditure was seerns a mitake that he should be The surnmarized details of the for boans a.s at. December 31. 1935. .,ndertaken Io put the old section reinoved from these counties after 1936 tax rate are as follows: was- $128.000. an increase of $19.- in ccndi-ion for housing sorne of he has corne to know thern so wcll. Gencral purposes $294.523. Vo 000 over that of December 31,. thi inrna:es. The total cost of if he gets a caîl he knows im- t- collected by 8.3 mills: Debent-, 1934. the ne-v Home was close to $50.- rnediately whcrc he is goin g. Ji eprincipal and interest, $87.-1 From the above it wiil be ob- 000. and the rernaining funds surely means a lot! to have to 629. equivalent to 2.4695 rn'l1s- served that the deficit was re- were obtained from the 1935 con- educate a new man in this terri- County roads. $20.000. to be Zi duced bsy $13.910.51 durJng 1935.tnec con.i h ron torv. Mr. Carey is an officer of' ed by .5636 milîs: School rates. The Counties Home was rebuilt of $21.000. This means that the srlnchate.ndhs alwavs $3.548. represented by .1 rnillî at a cost of aPProximately $50.- financing of the new Home has beerlng a ceVodthesacuni, . O raigSrls 000 to date (May 20. 1936). Un- been complcted. and the ratcpay- be rdtt hs-cute. Oprain Srpusless the council determines to ers of Northumberland and Dur- Junior Fariner Grants The Council last syear had an mnake a substantial reduction in harn have one o! the most mod- The report o! the agricultural operating surplus of $13.853.46. the current deficit. the financial crn Homnes for the Aged in the comrnittee of which Reeve W. A. in addition to erecting and pay- situation of the counties will as- province entirely free of debt. Wood of Cavan is chairman was ing for the New House of Refuge sumne the most serious aspect. adopted. recomrnending grants of without resorting to the issuing possibly involving official inter- $100 Vo the junior farmer's clubs of debentures. The outstanding'%*ention. in tetocutead$5t deficit was reduced frorn $70.- thyw onieau$5t 471.39 Vo $56.560.86. and would Cost of Social Service the Quinte Seed Grower's Associa- have been further mrtie if The report points out that the rA l in Schools Report 0f82.00 ro teestimates were exceeded in the A VuI Spend your Vacation in Western Canada! New Low Summer Fares: Enjoy a DIFFERENT vacation this year. Spend your sumrimer holidays in Western Canada. Take advantage of the new, REDUCED round-trip s um- mer fare S iD vîsit the Prairie Prov. incesa. Canad ian Rockiea and the Pac. fic Coast . . . aIl outdoor sports. PRAIRIE PROVINCES Ji,îa, 1UNE 17, - AlUctSiT I.ý ONE-WAY PARE FOR ROUND TRIP Good in coaches only SLEEPING CAR PRIVILEGES Passage tickets also on sale good in: TOURIST SLEEPERS - at 1.1 10 tares, plus berth charge; STANDARD SLEEPERS - at 1.1 3 fares, plus seat or NEW LOW berth charge. fl.fli nliçr i n noirmal Ifirsr c.1:îg following items as follows: Counties Home. $5.807.12: mo- thers' allowance. $3.727; indigent patients. 86.768.20: old-age pens- ions. 81,346.74. -In none of these cases could the council contrai the expendi- turc. and the facts mnust be ac- cepted as they stand, but in the case of the Counties Horne. no doubt thc excess of expenditures over estimates was duc to hous- ling your patJents in other insti- tutions during the proceassof re- building.*' The council cstimated t h e Counties' Home expenditure at $7.600 last year. but the actual outlay was $13.407.12, largely ac- i counted for in the bills for the maintenance of elderly wards o! theUnited Counties in the Hous- es of Refuge at Peterborough and WhitbY. j Municipal Governent C4oni--%vay rare) In spîte of thc special meetings _ANADIAN ROCKIES of the council last year occasion- NEW FARES surprisingly Iow-o-ýnty cd by the acute problem of set- slightly higher than to Prairie tlement of the dispute between Provinces. Northumberland and Durham in PACIFC COAST regard V'o bridge costs, and also Low.cost su0mmer fares. good in by the duties of Vo, the $coaches, to urlst and standard sleep- construction of the home for the ers, in effect to VANCOUVER, aged wards of the United Coun- VICTORIA and other points, tics, the expenditure was $6,0174.99 STOP-OVERS as authorized by tariffs as compared with thc cstimate o! Fuil infùrîîîatw,î iroui aila!lCnt. 1$7.300. a surplus of $1,225.01. The Canadan P cifi fact that thc couacil completcd in 1935 with this surplus was ROYAL THEATRE BOWMANVILLEj The Coolest Spot in Town on a Hlot Day Friday and Saturday, June 19 and 20 BARBARA STANWYCK in "AN NIE OAKLEY" Also ZANE GREY'S "DRIFT FENCE" With Buster Crabbe and Katherine De Mille Matinee Saturday 2.30 p.m. Mon., Tues., Wed.-June 22, 23, 24 THE BIGGFIST HIT 0F THE YF5AR Don't Miss This Big Musical and Danceing Treat FRED ASTAIRE AND GINGER ROGERS in "&Follow the Fleet"9 Lyrios and Music by Irving Berlin Matinees, Tuesday (King's Birthday) and Wednesday, 2.30 p.m. Thurs., Fr. Sat.--June 25, 26, 27 FRANCHOT TONE AND MADGE EVANS in 66EXCLUSIVE STORY" And "TOO TOUGH TO KILLY> MATINEE SAT. 2.30 p.m. COMING The schools cornmittee cf which Reeve E. C. McKeel, Ca.mpbell- f ord, la chairman. recornmended eS that a high school entrance centre be authorized at Enniskillen and that the present centre at Solina be discontinued: also that the fol- lowing grants be made: To Osh- awa 1Board 0of Education 81405.47 By C. H. Tuck, Opt. ýfor the period frorn Sept.. 1934 teo Eyesight Specialist Dec.. 1934: Vo Stirling Board of Education 3147.63 for the periodI YOUR CHILD AND THE EYES 'from September, 1934- Vo August, ____1_1935. and Vo Havelock Board' Par 36 1$65.09 for the period from Sept.. 1934 to June. 1935. Whcn we reach middle if e the The reforestation committce re- diminishcd power of accommoda- ported that 37.000 trees had been tion causes a form of strain even planted his spring in the gov- in those cyca which havc always crnnient's forcat in Clarke town- mcasurcd normal according Vo aIl ship and 35.000 trees in the Hal- standards. Even in these nor- dimand township forest. Thle re- mal cases., headaches, vertigo port was prcsented by Deputy- and nausca may devclop due Vo Reeve J. G. Honey o! Cramahe. sirain being fcît when the ac-! re~rcomrncnded that more trees commoclation is depleted natur- be planted in the Clarke forest ally with the advancing years. 1 because a large numiber had died. There ai-e also what are known as premature cases. being those Roadsa and Bridge cases where the power is brought The Roads and Bridges com- low due o depleted encrgy -ducernittce adviscd that thc Depai-t- to illness, malnutrition. under- ment o! Highways be petitionect nourishment. etc. These cases Vo continue the ax rebate on roadé Ialso find glasses a necessary rc- maintaining e<uipment. IV was lief and many a Young student also recommended that the road will find them n ncessary only un- comnission hold a private invest- il their strength is sufficiently igation of any com.plaints of a built up and many of thcm may road foreman and that the de- after a given period dispense with cision o! the commission be final: the wearing of the glasses en- aIl investigations to be held in tirely or perhaps for a prolongcd the locality whcre complaints are period may use hemn only for rr.ade, and evidence to be taken close work. But should the phys- in writing. ical condition remain below par. Decker Hollow bridge on thc glasses rnay be a necessity at ail Hope-Clarke boundary was as- times. sumed as a county bridge. These cases cannot be detected by the mere rying onl o! glasses Equailzed Assessment (but are depcndent upon a thor- The equalizcd a6usessmenKts o! ough examination of the cyes. ithe municipalities of thc United OId Folks Home at Cobourg Cost $52,169 Furnished Report Submitted to Counties'contract for electric wiring was Council- Bowmanville Maxi$ 1,150 and the finalbilws $1,2321. The excess suin of Ra.d Contract-Zurnlihings $82.31 was caused by some addi- Cost $2,500. icnal work requircd 4by the wir- ing inspector. The complete cost o! the ncw Len. Eiliott was given the Counties Home at Cobourg, re- piumibing and heating contract at built last ycar alter the fire o! $5,700, and his account amountedi IDecember, 1934, was $52,169, in- $5,755.50, the extras rcpresenting cluding- all f urnishlngs. $55.50. Reeve Percy Stinson o! Mill- To make the new Home thor- brook. Wardcn of the Unilted modern and conivlcte the Counties in 1935, prcsented te the f ollowng equipment wa.s instali- council the financial staeient cd: A. Livingstone, a ut omati c on behalf o! the building comn- coal stoker, at $795; John Inglis, mittee, which was composed of boiler, replacing the old one, Reeve M. Booth, Cobourg; (Reevc 8720; extra flooring in the hos- Fred K. Dcnyes, Brighton town- pital ward. locker room and ship: Reeve Norman Green, Cart- bacerent, by W. A. Moffat & Co., wright: Reeve Reg. Joncs of Bow- S297.55; and Vo Chas. Langmian, manville. and Mr. Stinson. $110 for a pantry cabinet. The Mr. Denycs and Mr. Green are fees o! the architcct. F. W. War- noV members o! this year's coun- -en of Hamilton, 6 per cent on cil. 1ý cnet o! the building, were In accepting the cornmittee's $2813.73. financial report. the council ce- Thq total cost of the new corded its satisfaction in the fe]- 'uilding and repairs Vo the old lowinig resolution by Reeve Pas- reinnant was as !ollows: coe o! Darlington. seconded by M-irtin .Tpx & Co. $37.944.92 Reeve Morrow o! Murray: That Turv Electrir- Co. 1,232.31 the counties council greatly ap- Len. Elliott 5.755.50 preciate the services of ex-War- Livingst.on Stoker 795.00 den Stinson and the members of J. Inglis. houler 720.00 the building ccimmit.tee in con- W. A. Moffat. !looring 297.55 nection with the work o! rebuild- Chas. Langman 110.00 ing the Counties Home. F. W. Warren 2,813.73 Credit Surplus of 86.08 Temoat plcasing feature o Total $49.669.01 The Reeve Stinson's report includcd the report was the fact that thetisnfrain-'rElots gencral contract which had been fhsin ortaton:t "Mrf.tElco.sf let te Martin Jex & Co. of Co- finlmbngamnhofatngwas $5.- bourg for $37,951. was completed r 66.1.but ad ha cntra gua- at a cost of $37,944.92, lcaving aan866.1.dbtasth wor u no credit balance o! $6.08. The sîg- cxceed $5.700.epayrentwas de nificance of the small surplus on I onlv o $5.700. plus $5550 ford a comparat.ively large job with itsolor$70,pu$5.0fr possibilities o! cxtras arising inI roof, drains whîch wcre not in thec the progrcss o! the work was orginal contract." !ully understood by the members Furnisblngs, $2.500 o! the council. IV left a dccidedly The furnishinga e! the ncw agrecable impression and flavor home, including beds, beddings. as the books of the new building chairs, tables and similar items were figuratively closed. cost $2.500. They were bought by fSorne incidentai extra cost.s the ccimmittee on the basis o! wcre involved but they wcre more wholesalc prices plus 10 per cent than offset by credits against tic Vo the dealers, with additional contract price by the committee's allowance for sales tax and purchase o! hardware and lin-freight, and represent another oleum at substantial savings in cconomny rcsultîng from the close both itms supervision o! details by Reeve j Plumbing and Wiring Stinson and the memLnbrseth The Turvcy Electric Company's building committee. CHOO 0se NOW!l GREATEST USEDCAR VALUES ÙSED CAR lS EEt4 CAREFULI AsS SI4WN By (% 5toc No.Make of Car UC-736 Oh'y ,LY CI4ECKEDE y> EL 0W r ucenIge No. FENDERS FINISH FLOOR MATS 3URIC^'> 05AL.cR I Backed by Your IERAL MOTORS DEALERS -STAR TAGý T RHEsustained, outstanding popuiaritY of thé new .General Motors cars of 1936 lias brought to your General Motors Dealer the finest 'Irade-in" stock of Used Cars in history. What doos this mean to you, as a Used Car buyer? It ineans that riglit now, at bis showrooms, you can pick from the cream of this year's late-modelo slightly used cars-and save money. These cars are backed by your General Motors Dealer's famous 4-STAR TAG-the new symbol of dependability and maimum " un used quahity mileage " in Used Cars. The 4-STAR TAG certifies that every Used Car bearing it has been carefuUly checked and inspected for satisfying motoring. It's the best assurance ever offered motorists of A SAFE USED CAR NESTNM. See them today. Remember, oxily your General Motors Dealer offers you 4-STAR Used Caru-only your General Motors Dealer can give you the advantage of new lower rates on the General Motors Instalment Plan, with payxnents to suit your purse. FOR BEST VALUES IN GENERAL MOTORS USED CARS SEE ROY NICHOLS COURTICE 0 BOWMAN VILLE mi -. t-r'- - "UNDER TWO FLAGS" "CAPTAJN JANUARY" "1SMALL TOWN GIRL" "IT HAD TO HAPPEN" "LITTLE LORD FAUNTLEROY" "THESE THREE" "STRIKE ME PINK" SEE YOUR GENERAL, MOTORS. DEALER for Dependable 4-STAR USED CARS f THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE l8th, 1936 PAGE FIVE THE CANADLi%.N STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 18tli, 1936 PAGE FTVE rCounties for 1936 was coniirmed 181.4à; Bowmanville, $27.-299; « tion on number two highway, he by by-law Thursday a.s f oliows: Erighton, $8.133.37; Campbell- UPlJJ ff St said. Alnwick. $531.200; Brighton ford, $15.026.72: Cobourg, $34.- p ttonA k It looks vcry favorable." J. J. townlship. $1.263.50Gb; Cartwright, 617.57; Colborne. $5,531.31; Hast- F r ~ U t Dorris of the Chamber of Com- $1.342.100; C a v an. $1.882.100 ins, $3.704.45; Millbrook. $3.276.- eWd merce. one of the members from Cake. S2.501.000: Crarnahe. $1.- 03; Newcastle. $3.639.13; Port ForNew NigJ yPeterborough on the delegation, 247.100: Darlington. $2.751.700: Hope. $27.968.15. Total $294.523. commented. 'The Hon. Mr. Mc- IHaldmrnand. $1.643.200: Hamilton. FpeibBidgHRteGivBn'Questen went over the whole $2.52Ï.500: Hope. $2.161.700; Man- F~ijBdeR~avorae Hearî ien y ,matter with us very carefully and vers. S1.346.400: South Monaghan, Teefet fagemetse- fterl~~ To Port Perry- it. was apparent he realizes the $667.000: Murray. $1.387.400: Per- tling the bridge dispute between Peterboro Road. importance and the need for the cy. $1.449.401); Seymour, $1.602.- Noîk-humbcrland ancl Durham _____projected highway. I think it is 600: Bowznanville. $2.423.400: reaches thc Northumberland mun-! l usino oe. Brighton. $717.600; Campbellford icipalities in the following special A deputation headcd by Wi1- mainly a qesind.0f mdnof he $1.324.000; Cobourg. $3.050 400: îlevy to ýbe paid into the counties liam, John Bragg, Liberal mem- Charnber of Commerce. AIder- Coibone. S86.60: i illbrok., treasury this year: Alnwick, $96.- ber of the Ontario Legisiature for Rln lvradF $289.100: Hastings, $326.600: New- 25 rgtntwsip 284Kuhm o uelV ofr eKrr, K.C.. were present from castle. $320.900; Port Hope, $2,- Cramahe $225.83: Haldimand, with Hon. T. B. McQuesten, Min-Perbouh Wila J.Bg, 465,600. Total 3,5,484,700. .$8297.69; Hamnilton, $457.80: Mur-! ister of Highways, regarding tak-Pteorgh Wlia J.rg, General : ray. $251.52; South Monaghan. ing over the ra ew otM.PiP., introduced the delegation, Taxes Vo be paid for generaî $120.74; Percy. $262.63: Sey.mouriPcrry and Peterborough as atwn-iv rog county purposes under an 8.3 mili $289.94; Campbellford. $239.64; 'Provincial highway. rate by the constituent munici- Cobourg, $552.0,7: Brighton vill- *I would say there was almost "Conscious remorse and an- palities this year are as i ollows: age. $129.71: Hastings. $59.08: 'assurance the matter would be Knwick. $6,035.60; Brighton. Colborne. $88.21. Total $3.299.95.: looked into," Mr. Bragg said, fol- guish must be feit, to curb desire, township. $14.349.61;Catig. Aut.hority to borrow from the lowing the conference. to break the stubborn will, and $15,254.32: Cavan. $21,381.20; bank an amount flot exceeding He said the Minister concurred wi eod auei h Clarke. $28.404.82; Cramahe. $14.- '$149.000. as requircd for current in the necessity for somcthingj soul.ý-Rwe. 160.96: Darlington. $31,406.41: expenses until this year's taxes are being donc in regard to the high- Haldîmand. $18.668.28: Hamilton, paid, was set up in a by-law. a way being extendcd from near $28.706.52: Hope. $24.561.08: Man- routine provision for financing the Port Ferry to Peterborough. It "1V has been the fate of alI vers. $15.287.18; South Monaghan. couinties aff airs until the munici-" would save 17 miles in the jour- bold advanturers and reformers, $7.570.77: Murray, $15.772.40; palities contribute their rates. The ney from Toronto Vo Peterbor- 1 Vo be esteemed insane."--G. B. Percy. S16.468.58: Seymour. $18.- interest is at 41;2 per cent. 'ough and would relieve conges- Cheever.