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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jul 1936, p. 2

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______________ >~.~±o 1Ik3AJL 3d 96PAGE TWO THECANDIN SATMAMu.cWAVrTOTRO HRDY UY2r,13 nbe %ambt i u§ttmn Established 1854 A Weekly Newspaper devoted to the interests of town of Bowmanville and surroundinig country, issi at King Street, Bowmaniviîîe, every Thursday, by M. James & Sons, owners and publshers. The Canad Statesman is a member of the Canaoan Weekiy Ne' Papers Association, alsut the Class "A' Weeklies Canada. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anyvihere ln Canada, $2.00 s year; inthe United Siat $2.50 a yesr, payable in advance. Single copies, 5 cen THURSDAY. JULY 23î't, 1936 Hats Off to the Taxpayer Buiwuuaîi'ulîh'îut iliss, " it,îx iîi-.ta.ilue foi' 1936 iii a1 ifltst 'ia fii aiiî" 1 Criiaittjuîc ii ReporIter'iiieoi ('tlaueluim-,uouî tI îîîthîdî!ise d fltpit'su vs' "Souine tuie shcunhd staî'ta il uiovt'uiîuît ta blii a monulumnt if 1 flica vci"cta xla ver Hli Ntl maîiiiv%hoakeeps tfli luîe fii't' hiî'îiui'liai makes theie ieîs tuf guveruiimeut ,go i'iniid. 1 lias gafltef lilunscîlf ilito the' pusifioîi of tau paver' bv thîîift. hv s peîidiîig hî'ss îiai niakes. by iuivest iii g iiitfli hiiuiîe taw'i. "toi if lie lias deuied iiuîself pthtasnres aîd huixui fiaf thie spcuidthiift iad iii pleutv. lui evei- coîîîuîuuuiiitý lie is abîîsed anti rt'fcrcd tut sli-ig ingly on inaiy occasions. but liigood N eucs au bad x'cacs ie is flic backbouic of thie couiîtî and vithiout if hilm fîce woi.îd be ia gýoveruiii and iîa relief,.lHe carrnes thie biurdeiî fhiat othîcî shirk, înany tiflnes without couîîplaiuît. 'ihic lie' 'uld oftcîî be jutsified li voiciîîg. Uc deseî'viuîg of a iiîoîiuiiieuiî. a bail. eidtiii monumentf. focrlie. ike Atlas of aId. bears thi world upoî his shonders" To which w'e add thiat if 's Iiiighi haie tdia somne defiîîite actiouu %vas bakcuî b shift a pou tion of thîis heavv fax bi.rdeiî froin thi shoulders of Mr. Average Tax Paver. Anid if'ý higli finie f00 ta redcdîthe fic iuiiîhcî'of peoph w ho arc living off the procccds of taxes il soff go\-ecnuncîîb jobs. 'We hiave poiintcd oui time anid ag"aili tiat althituighi dîîriîig the' pas fen years tiiere lias beexu soitîc jiercase ini ni icipal taxation the great tiffeuiders lii fhîls art flie F'deral and Pcoviiciat (i-uveruieiîs wlit have faxed everytliiii iuîîagiuîahle i<id thîrotîgh fliese varions taxes have actuualhv houîisedI tht spencfhiriff aîîd'peunlizec fhîe averagre uuîaa wvh is bhriftv. The Art of Conversation flaviuigjust refurîîed froiîîil twt ivo eek trip on uirtutînantîal holiday fa tthe pre'ss col ventiori, this year at Witiiiipegt. conîversationi t nunierotus fal)ics and under varlouis couditloi with aId acîluaintarices anîd uew'iv îmade finici wuas a dailv oecurraîîcc aîîîîg the lu i!LhIizi'h ofour tnpl. Diiîag w' ith ilageialh capanuioîî îumi avlI related fhîls expenîclîce: Sittinîg iext ta a genîtleman ah a lanusui he fauîd flic dinuier lîctur îiildhv hborine'. Il threw- fliccouvrsatitaal hall a nauînber ofti hl but it alw-aYs faihed ta rcbîîîuud. Neilhbtu Biauik sniiled geuiahlv. gazed about 'uitlî a fai off look anîd rêplied ta cadi provocafive iter rogafion inluiflicaffiritive or thi e lgabivu' a flic case seemned ta reuuire. Afler echi faillir a freshi start 'iwas uecessarv, or silefiet. Rui ouftof amuiiiitin lie, was'redticed tu iiîuîsifi( on fhet'pruobtablii'ecoiîîîunicstafuis of ft'e troniî boue îla.ver li t hie' orniur. Aetl ht tableii'anilw hur îlin'r ru îu (ri inl cessa itIlv. IFis ls euuuîu ofîî af f a de iutjtil suit( pcrfîtnialie. uatlî i' fthaia l aduiet. IFils uii sumot hîu'î'i'îIi i s l1it(o1npi lt.,; t ollv. \\Wîiilhi ofî' ie'uuuthi'îs. isflihetuigier epon'tuît'<il festail tieuasiotn- itfaia iwloiu lI l ot Nlk at ahI, ao'rtune 'ihi t îks al tht' timei' Ilîuw man * vintetinur tahke'us are poor convýersa;t abilitv tfui 'leit a rtespcuise ? \W'u u'uaci once'thiat t'tuuvt'satlauiis uîeitlîu'u mnolo gue c lIa rgumtuui'itrîuî iispuutatiuuui.buit radie'r' tlt' fuit'auv givu' andt take tuf t4ilk. It is thiiîs hîeuuii'il astuilal J)lauticc. ia niî'uî- bal î'ti'.li i w'hiiu'lîthîu'î'îar'e ilia"sie pa r tlit'l',s. Y'aî's ugo, 'Sir JîuhîîîPeîithuîuîMu lui ft'f avu'aIl îu ti'lulluîi: "Iuîfku'up ivliatt thh(Ius sul ii t'asx vo uli'it ho gin u ru'huuu'uî sutuîetliiag ' iliuu'-i whi peau' tjîStîn- ulatu' tht' sient anudumotrose oîut of thil'vaptirs aînd surp'trise tlîeinî lut> gut inoul rîîîtî'. ta id'u wuihiht' ilit' 5t't's ato olh,v--blisis 1theI'vnal aiuui oir ut! Otl ulsaiii apalizu'o. sio'lîîe, iaî' ilibi.nniîI)f. O(ilciî'uu' tii tliu'sî' fhii'uu'tiuliiiiiihiitîts ah Iu'ast 'uihl Iot saunetliiig -tii ku'u'pia fit'art fr(>ii i'xîiîlit'li. Bhessiigs aot tht' peopleu'withi thie spîcitlul gift of "lalkabiihit v.-"as h)u. lita l'y \aiiu1liv ku' îîsu't ta catI il ,What lapp ',v hîauîî's îaav lit shtulit li thelu' sotv . To ii i lîa 1>)1lues Juuhîuî Milhîiî 's chsi'plinasu' w~'ih thî"eutoivcl'siuîg 1 fuiî'gttaIl hit'v Ail seiasouis auîul thîu'lî 'i. îî'. I )tau alike. Humanity on Parade *W\e 'i'i'u (ilI' "iuhhtt'l's ils tht' <tht' îuuuh>isli- ableu'illil, hIl I s' 1î"siuu.îuu'ît'(q 1 f' iu0,fi( tuof oailr., îil ac u'abiduh ptitîuivi uuth hIislift.' îllhiî<thtiil lo(lu ,u il li'l'iit Ihil'.itory' on u l 'iji,.i- iiIl'h il L'i uifu ft'e's ilî14h 1 tuIiIl.t (. i i s s Ilii. h i i lui'Iiuîi 1t ru îi-a 1 ,t I Iiil in si( tut' 1 i)f 'utiu'u'ul il uîl t l:'guuli'i u'îthi illIipl w1s' ehuhuîiîîi'î :d"hi il i litnari îîîuu f'o't'1î'.îîîîî j l i îtt t Il i, i v. i la Iie,' ht'tit'1. c-ol uiîîil ol t it- 'hi li':.,' ' M ,tilo le 1 Ii h i' ' 11t 111111 0( I tli- 'li liii f, ii IjoI:dIhItî is i l ui iIi . s.hisutil lilifilju < alidî uîî v'uuisu'oi<tshvhiilii'îii 'o lii fi. s-eî'hJI haitlue Il iasits it u'i'uii"ia-.,iu'oIuui.Il-hliîuîi hI e'1tiIîIu'ut. lih' u 'Il stittIIi.aullîhîu' h)(Ittui't'i' uti iuit t iliti(- i î'uîlu of i' It h' l - îihuu'u'. Ilhi tlucui.f -u i',llfor otjliîjt ti't 5. If si t aibI'5 h i 'u'i,I%- ii L il Il tý IlE lit j "lie fahh lig letîci' was wi'itteui hy 1) îiuu ta lus solui Sooli ilfu ur lit' laid Ieft homelut'for 'thie iîst tiluie: -Baiiuv, if uiui gî't auîy nioIey, duîî 'bcaîît t iun a 'twl Doi't g onu oruoff al w'agitl FIFTY YEARS AGO Mr. tT. F. ýJames returneti home wlvl tS11)'lg OC s lNonn Iwfrou h liCountry last week. 'uthi'u i ' îau"iig Joî ' uk ~ .tuiaiSiu'e From The Canadian St.atestnan, Bi;rth:l Woton-Near Enfielti, aId slie is, nr h)uke fui ut auuuboul 5 ' h<thiis.j Juiy 23rd, 1886 Ion thl8i inst., the wife o! Mr. hîon 1h iaîpuieofi. 1)îuuî 't lit' oruoflcss i us , 1ît' rance Examinations: New- Wmn. Wotton, a tiaughter. 1101 ilhapeild. oilt le l1ilss t i il de castle-F. Allen, L. Watson, A. relise oftifla gaîuuî1w'auiai. Anîd iever cuîuu fraii HunIer, Wesley Camseii, H. Ab- TWENTYFIVE YEAJtS AGO al fighît that yuî'i startted. As ta sîalokiîig by, A. Newsome. Nellie Stark, I._____ anîd îhîiikiuîg., thue huss the' better, but hiauiv- N. Wa kcr, V. Scott, J. S. Davie, "o h aajnSaemn îuî,Ilius 'uucs ht tî n heoiir.NtM. Mason, A Ferguson, M. Stew- rnThCadi Stem , aivi is ofs,(ooeo h te.N art, Oco. Dcwell; Bowmanvillc- July 2th, 1911 î su' tii t.alk ou' 'vîitt' auît uîîeuîs halbits. it'- C. Allin, C. Cherry, V. Gilfilian. Officers electeti at Liberal As- c'uuusu' ul(iohotîx- î'auî îiîid t hit bu )t tht' îiti M. Jcnnings, Mabel Tait, M. sociation Convention are: Hon. îliuuii'Iu's ;l4's1lfcu'e jjt'uurv,. aîîd Iaw.%s Worth, A. Black, J. Knigliî, J, Presitients - Hon. Robert Beitli, jShaw; H a pt on-F. Hooper, Bowmanville, Dr. L. B. Powers, u'evu'numade t' îiiking andtidritikilig t'ss ttr' Maggie Rogers, A. Stonehouse; S.1 Port Hope, anti D. B. Simpson, jmre. Meddhhiiglitut heur îîo l sffiais stiî's S. No. 1 Dar.-B. Galbraith; S. S.Bowmanville; Pres i tie n t-W. J. up trouible' îiul ttIgNttu.No.g Vie,-Dars. t>o uiiiuehi, 1 i i-%-rile." NyrtI iittiîgIey; S. S. No5-M. F. Keat; S. S. deflts--Fred E. Wite, Hope, Thos _________________No. 21-M. J. Werry; S. S. No. 7 Baker, Darliagton; Secietary--cG. -W. J.Bray.A. 'Stepliens, Darlington; As st. Edioril N tesNewtonvillc: A pleasant time Secretary-W. G. Runile, Dan- Editoial oteswas spent at the barn raising aI lington, for West Durhamn, A. H. ,Mn. Oco. Stapleton's July 2nti In C. Long. Port Hope, for East!i "'If tht' upilîltiolîf tht t ',iuidiaui people iS licth evening dancing wa.s iatiulgeti Durliaun; Treasurer-Jolin Mc- ii l'lltîi' vi" stagit ;i.1, wtuu h 0î v. in. Clellan, Bowmanville. N r Tuestiay. July 11h, Phyllîs 'u'hu'îiii ua.Iiuitv ini favai' tf s'uu'î î Ennaikillen: A large company A o.rlc ! h aeSmc assembleti on Tliurstay t bd bitirlito telteSme 'auiauh lii ii u'i 11viz lis as ']Ashton, Danîington, passe-ti away It'ustfi vu'îii iI Uul':st'WRev. S. Salton welcome to our at the age o! 86. Th uu il i îîutss Colhî ' iu' .Johu î'hîut'ih'uttvilg.The Goodyear' Tire & Rubber 'l'îu'('aiaciau Baikoh'( uuuiui 'l"t' hHampton: The sutiten appear- Co gave th'ein first annual outing ance o! an enemy causeti consiti- J to their eniployees on Fnitiay by Va<'t uuiî ~ utri'uiitlut 'Xt'ts li-eable excitement on Satu:tiay.irunning an excursion t0 Roches- dÎ:ui111:;(ru;s 'orutie.s-' 'lias oou'tuuit lulth eniut luuthiuîîar to te n : S. E. We'ry lias in- Bi iilre'porî t' u;:Yusîitu l v scene andi le succeeded iniisecur- stalleti a hytirauîic rani to pump lui ~ i~<» i î or o' Ofu t ; t'uîu sa lut su'-i- îng a safe position in the second tlie waher ho lis tionse. uuuisîv st îjil l ui ni- lu'.,' - shîtull bco s e tory, 0f a tweîling lioîse. Afîcu' Newcastle: Af teri'nicli discus- N.asting conisideî'able powdeî' f0 sion il 'vas decideti to continue "twcitle.Ofl ilit. 25 11luil iiiîîuîîhhutî ~~ no Iturpose. an otti vetenan famil- fle icHgl Sctîootlihere... Mn. W. sos i'ugiutt hi wttlilit k liii*i tuloutuit.iaî'with tfl iselo! blooi. afheî' W. Jardine, î'etiu'ng Higli Sclool six ori su'voiliiliii t his atuiu' i il -ru' îîîîu Ilhi', a desperate struggle, laid the en- Pr'incipal, is removîng Iiis fanîily of i'25. 'lh.o'u-uuithî'uî tIlt'. in iiuaiy îîîî e mx' ow. ta Wautisvilî . . .. Mr. S. A. Peu'- Ia the Wimbledion matches. oui- rin lias faunti no trace of the iai lu i"i'i' 'iti '. lii ttalt"t liii t ilit' ttj townsînaa. Mr. W. S. as burglars w-ho îeceatîy robbctt]lis Itti'î îî uit -to 'wiui'l. aliIut1u,, ui liî.tiagain clstînguisheti hîuîîself.lhav'- jeweîi'.'tue.... Mî's. A. W. Car- 41uhîuu' uii <s'ut1)hiitîitluii'î' rjîi uh'.l"îuuu iîîg won £10 anti a badge in tle veth lias ivetifrom Oî'ono la- i1 i1'<l. tliiut' u 'i îlii t.,,. 'lîui'.t' afinal stag~e of Qucens l)iz con- to Mu'. W. Pickau-c's residence on ol, "1('11test; also £10 in thc contest for Beaver S. .. . Mr. Goodaîl hati vswtîiliijU~ui Prince of Wales' pîrize. his ankle injiîreti in flic black-- of Life Insurance payments find dependence of private charity or their way. In your own comniunity, as welI as in hundreds of chies and cowns across Canada, littie savings" in Life Insurance are doing "big jobs". During the past six years, policy. Many such homes today would lack the necessities of life -were it not for the littie savings" which thrifty parents have set aside periodically in Life Insurance. To the family which loses its bread- have received, daily, haîf a million winner, Life Insurance means money to buy food and clothing - money to pay the rent-money to pay household buIs -money to dollars from Life Insurance. "Be it ever so humble".thee's no home which cannot have the much- needed protection of Life Insurance. Life Insurance G uardian of C anadian Homes j lv.ettîetiii itî Llitrfto ttlralie '~ihsinitli shop by a horse stepping on ter. Of course the groo011 is froîn the immense reception room, tiiztii' anI iîîeîeit It k a so t. . Ase Gibson. Standard ou of t.own. h1d ich a platl we acupr avlabebrietrt tlio iliiiiiîi*tof F cesle, _Bank, Penhold. Alta.. and Mr. AI- JAn old codger on the bride*-adlysanu aplaeeorar Vale altit l)aioitlilettil (t ta cts t V S u r g e o n s an G bson from the 'ie.t are:sde of the faiilly is ased to add Tnd sacer.l lf fDP i li~itiltl 1<1th' ltZltt'li 'VîitlitI'lt'iii at home. :a few words. He niakes the qU11 ne otrtiPo at, n the roi. (ttîîdt'îîed Froim liai pu' Bazaar Birth: Francis-In Darlington. about women becoming sooner or. exteed oortpo asun ued uTe eîlitîri'tal lttîier tiîîî tliî-t have a Juiy 6th, to Mr. andi Mrs. Richard later a self elected boss. while in kno'i'n. They went to Hamilton A. w'ionterfî11 il u i 1sf las wîîîileî'tîîl a tia Carola De Peyster Kip ýFrancis. a daughter (Edna Ade- ýthe ceremony the minister hiad in t.he brother-in-law's car. laide). i madie it plain that, the husband is The account closes with the in- Di)- i( lier of thele . Frti the terrestrial master of the formation that Mr. and Mrs. he jî talvtoîci itî mtts-erwdof Recently I sat at dinner nexi j ent spot over the ribs, whittled hue hnh ae h i-Sart 56t take ute r e Bstne lîîîîîîaîs. Ilit raîîires iii Iii.,rt'aîiiîit fromî patlias to an Engtish general who looked into shape, and set in the nose. * *ciosure that in lier girihooti days a 06LFytt idBso tobtis riîtael ofre r)f >~ like a certain New York broker. 1Wh.atever cartilage ta flot used is I tebid a sto hskie Tisi heete rd'sfte to a trl Atointaie m- o aluelit li' jai itI tolti him se. He said he knew 1emeded ina litenOok eut un- .4 TLnnlLTheidcoeai s a omnieîs ne.Tisswhrtebidsfte tets, a ndladded that the resemblancelder the breast. Here jt ishoadExa gThio i dilose s t aompani fidsty and ster ofe).grain wo wits. al.illitothe downast '.vhad only conme since te War, ed in case tthehoemgt aet oenbas ha t orth ad aor lr So te happy ciople gt thir (Craiks, refrclers, eharlataîîs. crtisaders aïffl since his face had Ici be recon- be redone.mgtt s oU~V U L i woen aefogtfr htf vorlst ast.e feaggernatja ot tooc %vian t ttI) Jilîsifils gaze'. Eveiî a year of structed. He indicated where the JFolds of skin coviering tefxlicSrbeTe since cun e- itanetdfie iit atte oeainhad lef t scars anti when *. BsSrriee"G"the nesper gaccohebuntid-wodcaireis ataft o operation ,wedn1- fuI summer homelp 1111trmiie o teeys refarl W hveateon eouhlovell ume hmeoLoonl Lo I oud otsce henatroi ed1cmîtues 0fth weeopaefan iry We and e ad tsrbsth tn tthe beauti- "Lodistant d ate.g fenhs - ftir litoth ilia wikiuîrkiiî-knwiitigt' tf litiuiali for the poor light in the room. 'typical of the Mongolian races. them after t o observe what must ogou rfsino.xti atc mto.It i arich strong. l'ails aîl bibles. Plastic surgery is flot yet a The correction of this is duck b apaea gorge. l ,ýb o u htw ý vs puon0fextîr iantic emoious x. sis n f c, ea'Mr. Elititi* 'eîiiii(î111;1t sîiî'commonpiace but good work is soup to the expert, andi al Occi- eappren adunc. It y- bom. hat we &sawas svelid-ght-matyevrou eprsinchfrate itphrase i: a vast gaiillt 111I1Viîio ititîîý. 'lh' beginning to show. This is be-, dentaily-minded iJapan is having1i xageto nir. furbrde- sce orhersfds i h rel d-twhe Crund Cisntur acnter reuIe cause reputabte surgeons now re- the operation done. An insertion Two ni Ist ,fu rds int odr fdmstcsrb teCrs-ientr ni lie~ ~ ~ ~ ~~fi aeîrîd'lhe'<~jîrtt'< th(tltiisvad 'l - cognîze the economic andi psycho- is made, a crescient of skin re-missxflower girls. eîght ush- and bushes. fultest development." - Henry uk cîat -tItle wife st't'hdînr ît'hp forihelit" vahîi logical importance of looks and imoved and the edges tliat sur~- rs. 0 vretioe f sani cnr - feheî itt exdi rmod lîîîshtuîîil-tht' pîlirtali aLî'hî<î.jîalt )lliîb liîttîl are taking cases they wouid for- round it drawn and stirchedti laIlgehenotc. e0 ena -t it'siiîîi~ita~etîaîiaîîlîîrîjîî~î ~ *~~ rerly have abandoneti to ciuacks. gether. This smooths out the fold lreet -Ile I(iiiii(lilrlib rtý_of eto'l Th reare at last chairs of plastic anti the entire rim 0f the eye be-i Some couples take a shîne to STEA M ER EX CU RSIO N lie t l s aliti t010tl' VlietitS of ittî'il- lter'îi' surgery in most 0f the leading cornes visible. Something of tl-e eacli other and almost before you Ssait t het l'e'ttl o îîî hj.I l ' ta it ijîsîttjttîî medical universiî,ies. Then, too. sort is sweeping Hollywoodi also. know it the wetiding is announ- ~ u g oo h s e N 111(litiai ilellidîrt', tfor 1il îuîtseîits ftor plastic surgery at ils best has im- where the idea is to have eyes ced.1 It is a happening. Another Cobu r oR c e t ,N X proved. To name only one of the'like Red Riding Hood's grand- Icouple will go together for 'icals IN v t' v itu'restî'îlttbse'rver a (rus., set'tituuî tf big steps forward, the use of par- mother. Little cuts are matie at lanti marriage is consummate. The MONDAY, AUGUST 3rd hie ha îmaiiiiî tîîîo paradle. affin - or of any non-living mat- 'the outer extremlities of the eyes couple who have given, love theO LY$.5R T R (Io ter - has been eliminateti. simply to extend the rim. Not tougher test. may be compared N Y$.5R T N There are three types of plastic very attractive close toi. but stars with the commercial chemist who CHILDREN, 65 CENTS ls Ca pDw nC m uim surgery - correction of congeni- are made Io be seen at a distance. makes his mistakes in test-fubes ceue-StnadTm tai tieformity. Everyo~~~~ne la i insteati 0f in the vat. ThereutShdl-SanrdTe ta eomtreconstruction of a hi own wilt is lxrEqii GOINGREUN G Eud"Peuie Mitchell F.ciamages due 10 disease or acci- idea.s abou face lifting. Some ~Eei stiie v oor - - 8.00 a.m. Lv. Rochester-- 5.45 p.m. id Muub Rtihe Must il,*Pe erdns andi repau-îng of the rav- belive tta few stitches wiîî re- But when the minister proposes Ar'r. Rochester - - 1.45 P.m. Arr. Cobourg-- 11.30 pa. - Ieh))tiurii lias cleereed. auîd huie 'iih have thie ages of age. The number of alistore the radiance of youth. the toast to the bride. he makes EXELN RHSRiO OR O ACN b~ aekiîuî of ai ha aidiuig citizeiîs iui]his ef- types hias increaseti because moreIOthers will tell You that the op- SO little distinction between one ECLETOCETAO OR O ACN ltforts ta stauuîp out joiiîiiîuilsuîî wýhîieIi is sec- people know there is help foi' eration robs the face of expres- couple anti another that you may Low prices for meals on steamer - Breakfast 50c, Lunch and rs otsl indeiiiiin te pac o te)omitîu them. Besides, there are more sion. makes chewing difficult, anti easily imagine each union is so Dinner, 75e each. Also Lunch Counter Service. iau. uiprctcalvevrv ui tlîe l ia benpotential cases; accidents are iauging impossible. Act u a Il y, dlesigneti that ils pattern is pret- Ample free motor parking space at steamer dock at Cobourg. 2 sin i reiaI'eeyisac thsbeimore numerous, and longevity there is no such thing as face ty nearly perfect.PUCAETC TSFO LCA CA DAN AINA us i)oeitit'veîsIl iarcuci oîen a nraei lifting. The work consists more The groom in respontiing f0 the AGENTS OR AT STEA1MER 1 in-g relief lias beeiu noted iii a iiîuuieipalitv-, You can see in the waiting- of refitting a skin that has toast 10 Nis bride leaves himself le rooms of almost any of the great stretcheti anti sagged with age. oe ysyn h stems naj a er o pn tIOîin fijs aofgiatred aie mi licsei iîdsrensams nydy oe Just as a tiressmaker takes a beautiful womian he has ever luia feuzv tf îaredagalît al ditîcaic 'girl wifh a large hooketi nose... dress in on the seams. 50 tioes a known. According f0 local ap- r 1ofgvruu 1i re le îfrtnw c-io 0fmlio s a 0f ,surgeon draw a face in af a seam Praisats her long suit is charac-toougRcsertamhp out ie ief reeipielits f0 disurder. .ist a few 'veeks iaswhom or sae impotan. Seh ae inhe etiges. Like the ______________________________________________the________ e - the -harns come foraia abnewhenses-. dressmaker. lie culs away the. un- agtse oeui1eifa fa1saahhsed 1C A cast of t.he face is the first necessary material. The incision t oli 98 of the Cciîiîiuial C'tde 'ivhichI plaeed pen- step toward the operation. From a i a u-ne that starts back of the alisfor eig nieîîîbers of iiîlaw-ful asseni- thsapatrmde1smteat temple, carnies down 10 flic ear hihes.Thîs Seulecito e aproet'iîî ag Inron it the surgeon remodels thej lobe anti passes back toward the Inose. Scutpturing was part of! Ns nape of the neck. Once the cuf thicss' agitators. lbit tht' goverliiuiîif. < luthil)- training; ant i s model servies is made, the skin ai loosened from -jparently the peuopile seenieid b lu i a'Laiist thîis iprimarily to show wliat his pa-]the untierlying tissues so that it .ectitiuî tient is to get. She i probably flot!'is possible f0 take the surplus J Aparîiiv ht'ah<ihtiuîiof eetau 98lia jcertain what 10 ask for, anti when'from arounti the eyes. moulli. 0 AparntI' vtheaboitin o 'Svtin (8 1 shei, it offen happens that the chin. anti outer etiges of the îîot left thie gî%rîuîîr'vithitu îieawîs of j srgeon has t-o illustraîte wly her'cheeks. Fitteti in this alt-over pluttiuig a stop) tu t hiusu' isorîdt'cs V l'îetr thie ideas are flot feasible, why a way. the skin dtoes flot take on I-lepiurîî tdict a sectitîl lias bieli foîuidd t nose i not beautuful with that straineti. lifleti look. The Slavic cleek-bones. why a short dlock lias been turneti back ten, clou' 'vlhî htut charge agitators uîuuî 'ie i'eau thitt se is out of place on a long ycr.pelas oe at li x fhev art, iahih'tut te'rnis tuf imprisaîiuieut iî u face. 1pression. though it may be un-j to 2:5 veaî's. Tht' aboluiioun tf setiolu 98 iinax The scenie now shifts to trie OP- familiar. is flot unnaturai. How-1 or iuiav flotliav'e een thue correct thlig. luit as erating room. Ili possible t-o ever, the resuiti not permanent construct a complete nose- anti no future tiiscovery wili make Ion,-, as thie code Jrovide'ýs lrote('fioui froîuî supporting structure. îiing an'ti se. iliese ('Oîniuuuiist c'tîîîiîuîitv 'vreekers thev covering. But the removal of the, Skin grafting i one o! thle ..... cutîliot guo 11) fac wvithî theuir prt)grauul of via- hump from our patient's nose is wonders of plastic surgery. If is ht'ict aîd tieoveflîa'i ofcaisttuuiauairoutine work. She wlll probably, no alternative to a poor compilex- It-ceaifl th oerhrw f ontinot be on the Operating table 'Ion, but simply the removat of a - gt)veru iielît. more than 20 minutes. The ii- burn, a birthmark. the recon- cision is taken haîf an inch inside struction oif some injury. Nothîng one nostril, andti hrough this the requires more skill. Plus remov- At The Age of Sixty-Five hump is whittled tiown to the ing. shaping anti placing the measuremenîs o! the plaster graf t. the surgeon must sec fliat model. The bone le! ti smoothed. the etiges are perfectly fiff cd. Too A guittil fal1 i lîîus lil"'lit yrevvn t ' ellvI' anti lest the removal of the hump tiglit a fit wili leave a ritige. A seuli the' ue tuf 65 strt'ssu'îh. Il is reii'ar(Ildus lias left an undue flatness, the fit flot tiglit enougli wiIl leave a a tiîîîe ivlîiti atfeniitn 5 ou;s sthoui thie iîl sitie bones arc fractureti atId depresseti scar. Anti 0f course cuhdtogether in a thinner the skin must match. Sometimes i(Iialto eeif ie illbeabl toconine lmie lie.Thats att. The incision is a transparent layer of 5kin will lus ownivî îoer orr îethuer hie wiJI be 1100(1diuug stitcheti up anti the nose bounti serve, but often something decp- ~ assistalice. in a sort o! wax anti flannel er ineedeti. In sucli cases the«. ()li tuof (100 îuu'u t agu'weîîvfv 44 'uvilh scaffoiti. ful fhickncss of the skin ire- liavu chiitI wilh Iu'clastd s w'lh -a-ut With a local ancsthetic the moveti anti set like a piece o! hav (J -5ivil b elsse asivel-t-do 5sensation of the operation iflot moic in a bcd Prepareti for it. xill be liviung ou i 'ihîa thie.v t'ui 46 'vill vcry different from that of hav- Perhaps there will be no notice- dteuiti oui relatives oir ehiaritv. ing a difficult wistiom tooth re- able scars. Many o!flice faoces Shatstis so lis th at 46 altuf ,, moveti. The following two days treatetii lc Wa hw n nu'uchîuîîg age 65. are liiardI-uip li(jtiyul ilialuiarunmfrblbtfotncs marks totiay. But no patient M sarily painful. At the enti of five shoulti counit on such gooti for- niature is siiehi thiat u'au.hî uuîe îhiiîik-s lit'%vil] lui or even four days you can take tune, anti no surgeon does. aul 'xeehtiii. Theiru' îiav be tiii lliuîtu'pro Your ncw nase home from the No one shouiti tiscuss plastic t iiiL The fact that a recetiing chin tioning fliat there is stili a lot o!f - I d V ' 'usautuiad',lt htl)u hIlîîs tusîut'ut al ] ' osptl ugr0Iil etwtotmn a îîîsiggush tlut u\'rt'hhi ui~ ivîI lîuttIl aI 0 ften gocs with a f00 pronin- quack work being donc. Il is flot n gi t j nt nose lias led tDflic perfection possible 10 take f00 many pre- Utîfuîu'îîuuîuîî'lv tht' uuaî i who Is ehtsiîl-ig of a beautiful doubie-header op- cautions in choosing a surgeon. Ieration. The f irst part consists consuit your ow,ýn physician. if 65> <v uiuot chu1> îauchîalittil, luit yaiiiu'lt )t'aPît' in removing the huînp from the i only to establish that your physi- S ub e \%il I hi îrsiglit anid detvrniiiuatitîîî. havi' flicsut. nose. But here ifi taken ouf cal condtiion i up to an opera-s lîutluuî avuilahîle lfin 'hesafest of ali luivcstiau'uihts wliole-p:iecc, shapeti to measure. tion. Furilier. it is wisc ho gel in -Life linsiiraice. l>reîiiin uilepasits unmadue lu- iserteti in a tiny opening tifiter toucli with flic local mnedical or- l'ih the chin. anti embetiteti in the1 ganization rcpresenting flic statel gularhv gulucrauIteflic fuI filuîîeît tuf yiuor-I' tprecise spot in the chin that, or city in which you live. in New igifial objetivc <of Icisturu' after' agi.' tf 65. ýneetis building up. lokteAaimyo eiie Youi owe it ta y-ourself and your fam.lIy to The building up o! a tiepressetiJin Chicago the American Medical cary k(l(liii(ý if iisirareenose is as difficuit but no iess cer- 1Azsçpciation. 'The most eminent IT is to the "humble homes" of educate the children. Life Insur- car ~ dtujîafîhlu' lisiiauii'tain. The exact dimensios of: naines in flic Profession arc on1 flic transplant are taken. carti- 'their lista andt liy wili senti theun Canada that the great majority ance also means, in rnany Some Good Fatherly Advice lage is quarrieti fromn a conven- I to you without partialiîy. L-96X THE CAMADIAN -QTATESmAN. Bc>wuANnm.T.v e-%w-rAmTý public relief.

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