THE CANADIAN STATES'MAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 23rd, 1936PAEFE EVEN TOO HOT FOR huiles or the valley and bab; iYOUR WORLD and MINE PIENMO L raisfEro Windremi, of Lin( 1Bowmanvil]e Homing Pigeon ci1 I a~ the miaid of honor, w: BY JOHN C. KIRKWOOD Club flew their last aid bird rac~e M JI I harming in a gown of cornflowl (oyih)of the season on Saturday, July 5l* j blue organza posed over blue ta (CprgtIlth. from Decatur. Ill.. 600 miles. J I J feta. On account of the intense hieat co Bridesmaids were Mis.s Jea the race resulted in a worse * o Gillespie of Peterbaro and Mi. Aman of whom I have iea d a mans in the Franco-prussian war. smash than the one fiom Dan- * Cl W o Verne 'Gardiner of Mount Plea, gooci deal is Henry Labouchere -land built up a fine name foi hinm- i ville. 111. the Saturday previous, wf W ant. cousins or the bride. ThE a inan who died in 1912. Whilej self as a journalst. Only one bird arrived home in «mril thaL both vwore gowns ofrorse pink ai I was in England, during 1906-j Then, whlen he gat back ta the time limit and that was 'Ou m iI ganza, poseci aver Pink taffet; 1911, "Labby" was a much talked- Lond 1, e faunded the magazinecocebyFBtreiaut20 whcrnaerbessesa ,about man. Indeed, he had been calle rth. and quickly made, P.m. Monday. mw a talkeci about for many a long it a p 1eru medium of opinion. _______________________ Year, for he was a genuine and aa . .sipec-Thefamusement wa.sissex- Persistent disturber of the peace posing rotten persons andc cmp- NEWTON VILLEFeusn fBactok sm of many a man and of some wO- anies. Labby was sued for libel ______________ niece of the groom, who wore men, including Queen Victoria. countiess times. and became a piquant Kate Greenaway frockc Queen Victoia hated him thor- very proficient defender of him- Mr. andi Mrs. J. E. Anderson pink georgette with blije rosetteý oughly. -That horrible, y in~giself in the courts. visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Mitchell, She carried a colonial nosegayc Labouchere" was her description roses and sweet peas. of hlm. And iher son, Edward VII He became a member of parla- Miilbraok. iast week. William Ferguson, BIackstoc] said of him, "That viper Labau- ment, and there made himiself Mr. andi Mrs. Harrison and Mr.npe fih rom a l chere, yet Edward and Labby hieard incessantly. He built up and Mrs. E. Sherlock and son ehwotegrmash had been at one time very intim- for himself a reputation of sorts, BIle. Hamilton, called on Mr. ring-bearer. He wore a Fauntle at red.but was flot generally regarded and Mrs. Anderson. an Sunday.rysi fbakvle n vr at being a very sound or depend- 'Other Sunday guests with Mr. and C o sit fba. evtan io Labby had many notable fri- able man. Yet he did attract Mrs. Anderson were Mr. and Mrs. Decorations of Trinity Unite( ends - but not always did these maimn wo bcm j ihr ooradMs Church, where the ceremony wa friends stick, for Labby rubbed staunchi friends. He marrieci an Hamilton. Port Hope.peoreeaueialstn them the wrong way. He was actress who developed high soilM1 hs ards of pink hollyhocks, blue de], Pally with Gladstone and with ambitions. and Labby himself ber- Mrs. Gea. Stapleton Jr. and f am- frs Roebryani it Je habe-came a theatrical manager and flv and Mrs. E. L. Marjerrisoi .rs.. T. Pearce was in charge The bride was given in mar- lain, and with m ultitudes m ore, producer. Once he asked Gla di- B Owm anville. attended the su o hM J g a . Mr .B u e r . ri g y le rth r r eb r including Sir Henry Irving. So stone ta give Henry Irving a eral offn f the proram Mrs. W.e rohr r.Die in his day. hie was flot anobcr knighthood. Here is his letter 110 Crocker. MidanTr.nJ.,W.nIsavery and Mrs. Pearce each gave Gardiner of Peterboro. an Amaabet abse Lindsayngoninh Toronto, Ofa.l a reading. The Institute mem- Rev. H. W. Pointen, Northport mn.sfArineandb emaer - nd ig n hesujet:Modasang the chorus that took was the grooms attendant. Wed- st ends of rincesav pemio uaTers andGadtoe) Mîss Marguerite McKay has i the prize at the picnic. ding music, piayed by Rev. S. L itlm. and Labby had good quai- wants ta know if yau'd like ta been halidaying at Elizabethviiie Pearce displayed an exhibit Of Osborne of Napanee. featured thE ities in large measure. Unfort- be tappeci on the shouiders by andi Miss Wanda McKay in "Short cuts for hot weather Lohengrin "Bridai Chorus" as the unateiy he cambined baci quali- the G O W (Queen Victoria). Brighton. meals," and after explaiming how bride entered on the arm of her .,ties with good ones, and these I told i hm you were afixiaus Rev. and Mrs. E. L. Beech and ta, prepare the different dishes brother, and M e ndcei s sahn'. bad qualities got hlm in wrong ta turn actars into gentlemen babe are spending their holidays sre hmfrlnh WdigMrh stecul Eve hi goci uaitis -his -Go aoneknos wy! with frienda at Goodwood. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Jones and left the church. During the sign- passion for the plain truth, for Shall I tell hlm that you are Mr. andi Mrs. Bruce Leuty, Port famiiy spent the weekend with ing of the register, Mr. Rosa Gil- example - broke up friendahips dying to be tappeci? Hope, spent the weekend with her hier parents, Mn. and Mrs. D. lespie piayed "O Promise Me" as~ and kept manY great men at a J- C K parents. Mr. andi Mrs. W. C. Lane. Merrili, Warkworth. a viola solo. The ushers wer distance f rom hlm. Once when Labb3' was travel- Mr. andi Mrs. Davey, Toronto, Mr. C. J. carlaw andi son John, Rev. George Service of Fisherton JOX ling on the Continent he was de- are visiting Mrs. Rutherford. Warkworth. calleci on Mr. and Rev. Ralph Spencer of Napanee taineci at the border between Sympathy is extended to the Mrs. Willis Jones, Monday. and Rev. Franklin Banister of Henry Labouchere w a s o f France andi Germany by an ex- family of the late Mr. and Mrs. We extenci congratulations to Bowmanville. French origin. His grandfather amiination of his luggage, and 501W. J. Hallowell, Starkville. Many Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Alexander Arcetn ahedtWa- was French. and had been sent misseci his train. He thereupon from here attended the funeral (formerly Hilda Wallace, Mark- erfielci House. where the couple tc, London by a banking f irm in addressed a telegran.tot Prince cf Mrs. Halloweli last Sunday. ham, upon the arrivai of a baby were felicitateci by many friends. Paria ta be attached to the Brit- Bismarck as follows: Juiy l2th, andi that of Mr. Hallo- girl (Yvonne Meryl), Saturday, In the receiving line wrere Mrs. ish banking firm 0of Baring's. Cannot dine with you ta-r weil this Sunday. July l9th. July 18th. Gardiner, mother of the bride, Young Labouchere did the right nlght. Missed train through Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Trenouth. who ivoire a gown of navy sheer thing - he feul in love with Bar- a damneci ass of a custom Napanee, visiteci Mr. and Mrs. B. wth miatching accessories. andi ing's daughter. But the proud house officiai. Wiîî let yo Petlck andi attended Mrs. Hallo- SIX PASTORS PARTICIPATE Ms egsn ohro h and rich banker did not want a have his namne. well's funeral. AT CLASSMATE'S WEDDING MgFrg uon otha erl-fgthe mere clerk for a son-in-law. Sa No sooner had the officiai seen During the weekend of July 12, aheer frock wth white accessor- BYring, "Would i me adiffeMr. this teiegram than he arranged a death claimeci three fraintaur Rev. Clarence Howard Ferguson ies. Barng,-Wuldit ak a iffr-special train to take Labby to community, viz: Mrs. John Peth- Marries Miss Phylls Greta aybutflgtswrre ence if I were a partner of my Berlin. Labby did not know Bis-!iick, William Bowen, and dear wee Maye Gardiner - To Live Many bermatiul gits erof ne- Paris house?" "It c e r t a iny marck! .Babby Wade. We extend deepest In Bethany ends. A centre of admiration was wouid," said Baring. Sa Labou- A somewhat simlar bit of synipathy toalal the bereaved.antieArc wla ugth chere went ta Paris, anci said ta bluffing was when hie found him- At the girls' bail game on F'i- Six of the groom's classmnates a ntivf e African ildcat ru.h his principals, "Would it make self, with his wife. at a fine hotel ay evening the score was New- at Victoria or Emrnanuel CoUlege brother of the groom, wha is a any difference if I were to marry in some Eurapean capital. He castle 17. Newtanville 13. We of the University of Toronto, and missionary ta Angola. Baringas daughter.'" It certain- was tald that there was no ac- ivere proud of the 'home team as fellow-ministers of the United The bride's travelling costume ly would" said they. Sa Labou- commodation whatsoever - that lit was their f irst attempt. Church of Canada, took various aaconti ylwsutih chere married Baringas daughter every roam had been booked. On Wednesdiay evening the parts in the wedding on Saturday, matching awaggen felt hat and and became a partner of the Lbysn for the manager' and boys' game with Newcastle wvas July l8th, at Trinity United brown accessories. bais chidren And hs chieands demandeci a raom. saying that he campleîeiy spoileci when Douglas Church. Peterboro, of Miss Phyl- After their Kawartha Lakes chllrenbecae Bitih ciizes.vas an "elector of Middlesex" Ogden suffered a broken leg dur- !lis Greta Maye Gardiner. only trpM.adMs egsnwh cl-idenbcaeBrtihciien.The manager was ail apologies ing the game. . daughter of Mrs. Ada Gardiner, be at home ta their friencis at the Henry Laboucheî'e of ivhom I andi deference, and secured hlm Mrs. Huntei', Mr. R. Bebee. and 213 London St.. Peterboro, and United hr psoae t- am writing was a grandson of the the best suite in the hotel. Misa A. Anderson wene guesta of the late D. R. Gardiner, ta Rev. any. Cuc asng.Bth man wha married his employers When Labby wvas on hîs death- Mrs. W. Austin. Toronto, recently. Clarence Howard Ferguson, Min -________ daughter. He was a very difficult bed, a spirit-lamp on the table Mrs. S. Burley. Miss A. Ander- jister of Bethany Unitedciiurch, chîld to raise - being full of mis- beside hlm was accident a il y son. E. Walkey and H. Bunley'second son of Mr. anci Mrs. W. C.C D U chief. or it may havre been more knocked aven and the f ire flared motored to Oshawa, Fniday. Ferguson of Bowrmanvilie. _________________ than m.schief. He went to Eton, up. "Flames?" Labby murmureci. Mn. and Mrs. E. Gray visited Three of the pastars senved as and was sa "*naughty" there that "Not yet, I think!" andi chuckled. Mrs. Anderson iast week. ushers, one playeci the wedd.lng Miss Helen Fowler is taking a for most of his days - and years It seems too baci that I have to Mr. Lloyd Bradley, Toronto, music. another was the graom's summer course in Agriculture at - at that famous schaol. hie was leave out of this contribution to spent a week with his grancipar- 1 attendant, and the sixth, Rev. the O.A.C., Guelph. u n- îe-sa he says-to sit down! The Statesman so much about ents, Mr. anci Mss. W. Whittaker. R.oy Rickard, pa-star of Caibomne Mn.' andi Mrs. Muckle spent gmasters birched hlm faith- Labby. But what I have written Mn. and Mrs. Edgar Whittaker Unitedi Church, was the officiat- Sunday with friends at Graven- fui .,,. WI'en later hie went ta about hlm may be enjoyeci by andi famiiy, Hamilton, Mra. Brad- ing clergyman. hurst. Cambridge University. hie didn't some of my readers who may ley. Toronto, and Mrs. Chester, The bride was lovely in a gown Mn. and M.r-s. Cook and family, attend many lectures, but was neyer have heard of Henry La- Oshawa, were home for the fun- of white satin cut on princesa and Mn. andi Mrs. Hennessy are much seen at Newmarket, the bouchere until now eral of their grancimother, Mrs. uines with quilteci Peter Pan col- holidaying in Mn. I. Whltfield's famous racecourse. Once when John Pethick. lar, shoulder epaulettes andi belt. cottage. playng hooky, hie met hls father Misses Laurna Pearce andIinez The yoke andi long fitteci sleeves Mn. Claire FaHis is building a an the Strancd. London. His f a- Symons are holidaying with their were fastened with self-cavered new cottage in our village, .ust ther was surpriseci, but Labby "What's that pieoe of -string aunt. Mrs. Leuchner. Niagara. buttons. Her veil was of em- east of the church. changed his face. and pretended tieci round your finger for Bill?" Misses Berniece andi Helen Le- bridened silk net extending over Mrs. Cecil Ferguson la spend- that it was case of mistaken "That'a a knot. Forget-me-not Drew, Toronto, are visiting Miss the short train. The cap was ing the week with friencis in dentity. Juat the samnelhe took is a f lower. With flour you make Lena Kimbal. . circled by a pleateci halo of net Hamnilton. the f irst train back ta Cambridge, breaci, anci with bread you have The W. I. helci thein regular caught to the head by bands 0f Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Brown o find his father on the samne cheese. This is to remind me ta monthly meeting in the U. C. braided satin. The bridaI bou- havre returneci ta Toronto after train, meanîng ta check Up on his buy some pickled onions." basement on Wednesday, July 15. quet was premier supreme rases. holidaying in their cottage. on. Labby got off the train firat- and hastened to his roam andiN D S_____________ donned his gawn. When his f a- C ANAD AiSD R IV IN G A__D__U__I her arrived. theson greetec i hm, sayng. -Wny, Father. this- isa deightful surprise." He got awvay vith it! Young Labouchere was sent to the Unlted States as a sort of punishment. It was too expensive ta have hîm at home, gambiing. His debta, which the father had ta, pay, î'an into the thousands (pounda>. In Anieica young a bouchere lveci quite a wilcd lif, andI was for a time with a cincua and with an Indian tribe. His f famllY securec i hm an appoint- ment on the British Legation staff at Washington, anci for sevenal years afterwards he was a junior in Britain's diplomatic service - in various countnies. Once hie waS appointeci ta the le- gatian at Parana in South Amer- ica - this appointment was given hlm while hie was on holiday in Itaiy. In Italy hie remaineci for 18 manths. When hie inquireci the whereabouts of Parana nobodyI seemeci able to give hîm the ini- formation. When a year haci passe<i lie receiveci a letter f ram the British Foreign Office asking him why hie haci not gone to par- ana. Again hie gat busy toa is- cover the whereabouts of Panana, and wrote ta tendon that Parana haci Once been a republic on the River Plate in South America. but that some time previously it haci been overthrown. What shoulci he do? Six months later lie heaLrd frnm the Foreign Office that it di flot know where the Republic was I Such a public servant was not regardeci with approval by H. M. Government, andI Labby was f reeci from the diplomatic service. Lat- er he became a newspaper mian, andi was in Paris thnoughout the siege of that city by the Ger- )YS what can the nighteous do," PsaIm "Goad gracious, old man, what ci KENDAL1:3 Mr. HollingsaIaso acdres- apndt o? ad- __ ________ ed the Sunday School. speaking "Motor accident." a ~~~~~~articulariy about cigarette smok-: Gtrnov.Isupe? A ee t iîto' in oui ne, h- ing. Next Sunday we wili have a "N a: I .ust m et a felow 1 an a boî'hood wvhon- olci friends wre speaker f romi the Lord's Day Ai- over ance, and hie recognized me." glad ta meet again was Mi's.lane ,an Vasy, ornirly agge Thmp-"What is calied 'freedam 0of the ii son. frel ageTop "To love an enemy is the cis- press' in liberal countnies is reaily a rsM-onPukttadsn tinguisheci characteristic of a ne- the worst tyranny that la exer- ey Tor.Mlo lnetadsn Dr- Trnto. whio are spending a few ligion which is fot of man but ofi ciseci annonymousy.".. P a u 1 ýtweeks with hier parents. M. and God."-Anon. 1 Goebbels. nd Mr. Geo. Quantril, spent a few ;e daYa with lier brother, Mr. Cecil a M. and Mrs. M. Robinson have al hier aunt and nlece Freda withpe dV C T O a them for the month oif July. of Mns. J. Henry anci Milcireci and es. Mr. Alex Henry, Orono, were of Sunday visitors at Mn. John -Stewart's. IT EW S k. Miss Dorothy McKay. Toronto, ~ -- ie is a guest at the home of Mns. Roy Mercer for the month of 7 _ ry J u ly . 1 , - .1 l Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Tebbie and family, Kirby, were Sunday visit-% ors at Mn. Cecil Tebble's. Mrs. R. Kean andI son, Brant-' ~ ~ L ~ j ' . ifrd, are guests at the home of_ Mn. M. Saper. rMr. andI Mna. Reg. Eiliot hv rt returneci home from their haney - moon, and we extenci sympathy Vt O the latter whose father, Mn. 1-Seens, passeci away auddenly be- Lfore they arniveci home. le Thie Glorious 2th was a gala le day this year, especially for the rseventeen Young f ife and drum Sboys who marcheci with Kendal lL.O.L. 41D5. These young chapa, whom, Hart Lowery and Mult Rab- inson traineci. dici wonders and NEW LOW iummer ]Pares twere praised by ail who saw and heard them, so they more than ENJOYa different vacation ti year. Spend your suxnxer hoU.. deserveci the "treats" they receiv- days in Western Canada. Take advantage of the new, eduod 1 edwhe levin fo Blckseck aumnmer fares to visit the Prairie Provinces. faxnous vacation rebort@ I' eci wh e aving for, Blackstck in the Canadian Rockies; and Canada's Evergreen Playground OU )f bPecFroMsDalngton thse Paciflo Coast ..ail outdoor sports. andI Mrs. Underwood. Bath on ieavîng andI conùng home again Pull information from any Ticket Agentl ethe boys took time ta drop inta Orano andI give the folks up there IA a tune, each time being repaid CAN DI'ENA IOUNAL by L.O.L. 409 kindly giving every rboy a gooci colci drink. j Sonny to report that Mn. Arthur eBostock la seriously ill. Miss Gertie McKinnon, wha has been visiting at Mrs. Gea. Swar- bnick's. returneci home to Toronto on Sunday. Mn. anci Mrs. Chas. Beatty. Mervin and Ronald, and Mn. and ol ; Mns. Carman Bell. Elizabethville. to the Cantan Circuit picnic held at Orono on Friday. Same from here attended the funerai of Mn. Wm. J. Halloweii at Starkville on Sunday. Miss Annabelle Hendry. New- castle. has been engageci as tea- cher of McLean's (S.S. 17) achool ta succeed Miss Edith Truillof Lekard who has been engageci as teacher of Providence school for the caming yean. We are giaci to see Mn. Orville Hooey able to be around again on Children seem to dart as if impelled by fate in the breaci route here. front of every careful driver. We are looklng forward to aur Fielci Day this year when we hope You should guard against this fearful fist of ta have in aur midst aur former f olly. Complete automobile insurance should be pastor, this time as one of the nineteen "black face men" in a obtained from this agency of the Hartford Fire minstrel show put an for our ev- Insurance Company. ening's entertainment by t h e Young men's bible clasa of Green- Avoid financial Ioss and large court costs.- bank Unitedi Church where M.I Wallace is now peaching. i Phone today! The July meeting of our Young i People' Leagule wiUl be heci this: Thursday evening in the park. Je Je A O O with Mr. Mellor as the guest speaker. Rev. M. Hollinga. speaker fromI INSUR.ANCE AGENTS the Tempenance organi za ti on. Phone 50 Bowmanville gave us a wonclerful sermon Sun- day morning, using for his tx _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "If the foundations be destroyeci 1 CH E V R O LE T FOR 1 936 Botter Ihau Words. e.IA Single.Ride Proves IT'S THE SMARTEST "DBUT"ý IN ITS FIELD W.T don't have ta tell you that the 1936 Chevrolet is a big, sV mart and beautiful car. But what we do urge fs--corne take a ride and get first-hand proof that it's the only complete low-priced car! Check its new swerveless, perfected Hydrauic Brakes!1 Streamn- lined Fisher Bodies with thse protecting, solid steel Turret Top! Valve-in-Head, high-compression engine that saves you money on running costs every mile and minute! Fisher No-Draft Ventilation ta guard your healtis! Improved *Knee..Action gliding ride! And high quality Safety glass ini every window! Only Chevrolet in the low price class offers you ail t.hese good things . .. proved by exprience ... preferred by the public. But-far better than words-step in behind thse wheel and let your own actual driving test prove every claim we milke. Ask, too, about the General Motors Instalment Plan, which allers low monthly paynsents ta suit your purse. The Ouuly CO0MP LEMTEZ LOW.Pwlcegl Car PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAMES . . . TURRET TOP BODIES DY FISHER.. VALVE.IN.HEAD ENGINE .. . FISHER NO-DRAFT VENTILATION . . . KNEE.ACTION *On Master De Luxe Modelar. C-736 Only the kidneys can purify the blood and rid the system of poisonous impurities which cause serf ous and painful ailments such as rheumatism and lumbago. The kidneys are quicly aroused ta action by the use of this time-tested prescription Dit. CHAUE'U KîdiYml'rLiver Pillis ROT NICHOLS COURTICE PRICED PROM $736 (Standard Suels 2-pass. Coupe) Master DeLuxe Models frais $864 Divarcd i f Att, OshMta e soerneee1taxes rettat ano lronu #extra BOWMAN VILLE P PAGE PIVE f f f p 0 ti t( ti d, ti