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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jul 1936, p. 7

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THE CAJNADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVI1LLE, ONTARIO, '.HJR-SDAY, JULY 23rd, 1936 PAGE SEVE2N -Social and Personal- 4 In view of the fact that Good- year are using considerable water from the creek and the Canning Factory has closed operations for some weeks, sufficient storage of water has been buit up to allow consumers unrestricted use of water for the present at least. Close check wiII be kept on the supply and further notice of restrictions wiII be given only if it becomes necessary. Dowmanville Publie Utilities Commission F. W. NELLES, Chairman. Highest Quality and Lowest Prices GOLD MEDAL 'Stuffed Olives 11-43. Jar 250 HA E L M N I .............. .. ........... ...........bottie 24c GILLTTSLYE, (Cash & Carry) ........ ......tin lic PI K SALMON, i 's ......... c TIGER l's Fer Tin Salmo don 210 ZINC RINGS ......- .............. .....- ........ dozen 22c GOLD MEDAL SARDINES ............... ......... .. 2 tins 25e PUFFED WHEAT . ...-......................................pkg. 10C PUFFED RICE .. ........ -..................................pkg. 13e WONDEILFUL Soap 10 Bas 27,c SHREDDED COCOANUT .................................1-2 lb. 10e 'GOLD MEDAL MAR1WALA.DE ...................... jar 25e PEANUT BUTTER .-................ . ............ large jar 25c GEM JARS, Sniall .........$1.03 Med ........... $1.23 QUAKER Cornflakes 2 Pkgs. 1SCp SERVIETTES, White or Coloiired .............pkg. 14c ICY WAFERS, Summer............. ................. . JEL O IE C EAM MIX .............-..............p 0 PITTED DATES ................................................. 2 lbs. 23e PICNIC SIZE PICKLES ............................. ......... jar 10c A fulliline of tobacco, cigars and cigarettes F. W. NELLES PHONE 599 BOWMANVILLE Miss HCîele.Norwick is enjoying are spending a f ew weeks at Mr. holidays *with relatives in Whitby. Fred J. Manning's. For a treat try Bowmanville M3iss Mariori G. B. Warder bas Dairy Butt.erscotch Ice Cream been granted High Sehoal Assist- Bricks. ant's Certificate by the College Misses Helen and Gwen Hooper af Education, Toronto. are visitiflg relatives at Wood- Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cowing ville. and Mr. and Mrs. Stuart James Miss Loraine Harmer. Oshawa, a nd nth holidnays. is visiting Mr. arid Mrs. Cliffordlado hihldys MacNair. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Happa. Miss To iproe yur dsh i rsp-Lorraine and Master Glen Hopps. Torisd im rve olrdnsBowanas- New Toronto, spent Sunday with ville Dairy Creamn. M.adMs etCle Miss Mary Tamblyn, Toronto Mrs. Gibson Kerr and daugbter is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs: Elsie. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Kerr. M. W Tamlyn.Moose Jaw, Sask.. have been vis- M. W. M amsn. Stud iting her sister. Mrs. J. W. Miller. fr.D.nM.oJaes lhef t Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Weir nee Miss forn Vancw ouveiwbreshewilBinnie cal]ed an Mrs. J. E. El- spen a ew blidys.liott an their return fram their Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Swndells boneymoon tbrough the Eastern and sons Eric and Roy. are bh- States. daying at Sharbot Lake. Mr. abe Vanton. Kicheer, Miss E. E. Haycraft in comp- Mn. abe Vanton. Kicheerany with Osbhawa relatives is en- is holidaying witb bis parents, ij-oying a mator trip in the U. S. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Vanstone. and visiting relatives at Boston. Mrs. R. Siemon, Mr. MiltonMas Siemon, Lloyd and Gardon. spent MranMs.taBrnad Sundy a Mr.J. . E~iot~s. daugbten. Beverly Ann. bave re- Milk, Cream. Butter. Eggs. Ice 'Iturned ta Detroit after visiting Creamn and Cbeese fresh daily at tbeir aunt.. Mrs. Eva Rabbins. and Bawmanville Dairy. Phone 703 Or atber relatives. 446. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Mrs. B. M. Warnîca. Rev. C. C. Klein. Toronto, sisters af Mr. AI- Washington and Miss J a y c e bert Black formerly aofThe Washingt.on camped at Rîce Lake Statesman staff. were in tZw last week. Friday and favored us with a cali. Miss Shirley and Master Han- He wba xill flot accept onders aId George. Smithfield. are 'Vs't bas no rigbt ta, give them: be ing thein gnandmatben. Mrs. B. who will flot serve bas no right M. Warnica. 'ta command: be who cannot keep Rev. and Mis. C. C. Washing- silence bas no rigbt ta speak.- ton, Misses Joyce and Anna, Tor- Hubba.rd. onto. visited bis motber. Mrs. W.: The Tirteenth Annual Picnic C. Wabingtn. a the Mauntjays will be beld at Mrs. L. J. Bartan spent tbe'Orono Park on Saturday. July 25.1 weekend witb ber sisten a.nd bro- AIl tbe Mountjay cannectian are ther-in-law. Mn. and Mrs. H.,cordially invited and urgentl re- Millson, Orana. quested ta attend. Mrs. W. I. McTavisb. Ian Mc- i These days yaulIl like coaling. Tavish and ýJack Brown. Toronto, 1 appetizîng recipes. Tbese may be Use ofWaterI aif nominating anti îesolutians t imi ul cuitdwt lot COMING EVENTS cammittees. There are open for- everyescial poltmamast' o-1 GIN ________________vns on commercial prîntîng. adi- rotîa1nt cn veriangsuacnptonsan ieamccircumatance that bh aILLS PILLS Anim St). o Fn tiay n, su apies a s n-and Eng ra onei the ontrsin e- A I Bowmanvmlle Womens Institute culatian. ediitolal anti news mat-tasiim the countr9's. nce e will balci the regular meeting at ter. Then there, are îechnicalteeal90sJonDfeb-hhmeiMr.LBaui Watinpitialairsesn cames. ai once, upan beaing bim, 391c ducs hoeciaf MsicLBaitems. aBdiocs et.Goon erenceson tneaofthe unmoutrsing PhonA e x M c Cref or B. Mutton,AnaS..o idY uhtpsas"n- n grv sonalities te be met. with in anes ______________ July 241h, at 3 p.m. Mrs. J. Tait ing Plant," "Building the Cani- si.tweerCad.Phn92W Dlvr anti graup in chiange. Subjeet: munity Spirit," -The ModernvsTha es thernWnata United Cigar Store Agency DRaU @ WeDlie Canadian Industries anti Pro- Trend," "Making ai Linoleum "h alo h et ManaM MANITOBA PROVINCE PLAYS HOST TO PUBLISHERS o f the delegates that t.he out- standing address af tbe conven- tion was that deliv'ered at tbis luncbeon by L. W. Bnockington. }CC., a former Calganian assoc- i CLEARANCE SALE 0ae f tbe Han. R. B. Bennett, but now solicitor for the Grain' Exchange at Winnipeg. T b i s Alil of our best gifted Weish lawyer wîth bis ne- nowned wit and eloquent oratory spoke wit.h fervor and srncerity of "The Cal of the West." He began bis remanks by re- ta the convention came from all C h parts of Canada -- fromn beyond tbe Rocky Mount.ains, 'where bell must have been popping even be- are tbe days of Jerry McGeer' D from Aberta, "whene tbey taok De s s -ý tbe script out of Scripture '; f rom 47 Ontario, 'wbere tbey toak the re- vel out af revelation"; and f nom G iga etpie five athen provinces, as Weillm as gA eutllo s . *.INewfoundland. A olw i. . 4 We inrthe West have paid a pricMforRegu]ar Price Mr Enjaying the baspitality af Premier. Bracken ta rigbt. seated at the head table shows: L. j. Brockington declaned, 'A pnice SA gL PRICE $995 and the Gaverniment ai Manitoba. delegates ta the Bennett af Carman. Man., President; Gea. W. which 1, for one, hope we'Il neyer 6AL.95C l7th annual convention ai tbe Canadian Weekly James, Bowmanvilîe. lst Vice-Presîdent: and Mrs. regret. The price consists of tbe 69 Newspapers Association were guests at a dînner C. V. Charters, Brampton, wife of the Managing tariff. of the f reight rates on the at th Univrsi*, of Mnitob at Wnnipe. Lef Diretor o the thing.- (ienibuyriane) 0fngthe bdifferof Rhgdiilar RPrice ri $1212.5 at te Uîv'sit aiMantob atWînîpe Let IDrecon i te CWN..-'~nnpeg'~'ibtne) ential interest rates. Tagether with world conditions these fac- SALE PRICE .....8.50 faund on Bowmanvîlle Daîrys Statesmian Editor based on circulation of papiers, tors have produced disaster for calendar. C ne tnare held ta, discuss problems af aur western farmers." Messrs. W. P. Corbet.t. tawn. bis Attends C neto mutual interest when construct- Aid Should Be Given Regular Price $13.95 brother J. E. Carbett. Toronto. ive and successful ideas are pre- In view 0f these circumstances, SALE PRICE .... 909 T. M. Sîemon and Dr. H. Fergu- iCantinued from Page 1) sented. . tî pae otne,"fw son. Enniskillen. have been on a1 the largest and finest palatial lin- Wbile these business sessionstespar oend,"fwL fîsbing tnipta Jack's Lake i n a t yeo h ae are going on the ladies. ai aur ned gaverfiment aid. it should be I PeebooCony.e o tstpeo telae oe-given; the farmer sbauld be ai- T I E S NSS Y E Petebor Couty.ated by the Northern Navigation 1 Party are being shawn the city by fTrdeSailthe elp b STYLESs Mn. and Mrs. Athur Nic halas. 'Division of the Canada Steamship 'mator tours. ententained at after- i flo t airf the easthe rn tax- Newcastle, announce the engage-!Lines. This flagsbip is almost noan teas or theatre parties. payer to, tbink that he is bearing ment af their daughter Ruby. ta 400 feet long, has six decks, Official Welcome By Mayor a langer shane af the burden, be- Mn. James W. Murray. younges t stateroom accommodation for 562 There is always an official wel-casan uid mdette Cheaper Suinmer Dresses sonai rs.Samnth Murayailpassengers, and dining salon came ta, the delegates by the western farmer is generally paidON S L Toronto: the wedding ta take seating 272 pensons. In supenior Mayor of the convention city. OnIby the West.-"NS L place eariy in August. icomfort and service the Noronic this occasion the editars and their In witty, sametimes 1 y n i c, ReKular to $3.95 $1. 95 Mrs. Albert Cax, Oshawa, basis nothing short ai a gîorious wives wene tendered a noan phrases, M1r. Bnockington told of lef t on a trip through Weýsternifloating botel. From aur deight- luncheon by the City of Winni- his lov for western Canada. in Canada and the United States. ful expenience both gomng and peg at Assiniboine Park, a beauti- jall ils variety. He paid tribute ta She is accompantied by relatives returning by this steamer we can fui park af aven 200 acres on the the early explorers. traders, and 1i *~ andi will visit Saskatchewan. Las highîy recommend it as an ideal outskints of the city. Mayor John 'pioneers, declaring he ledti th A iUiM ens Elannel Suits Angeles and othen places. return- holiday vehicle for healtb. recre- Queen, Socialist, in extending a particularly for thein essenhtial Plain and Svort Models at ing in about two mantbs. ation and complete freedom from very cordial welcome declaned 'human.ity. "The West was set-1 Mn. John M. H. Jury bas been cane. The 7-day round trip Canada could nat came out of the tieti on a broati basis of humnan- 25 Per Cent. DISCOUNT successful in securing High Schoal cruise between Sarnia anti Duluth depressian until the economiclity, justice, and fair dealing,' be Specialist in English and History, makes a wonderful restful vaca- systemn was changeti, anti urged tieclareti. $18.50 Suit, less 25 per cent. $13.88 High Schaal Asistant and In- tion at a very reasonable cost the anti daily press should -I like the maunted Police." he ____________________________ terim Elementary Art Certificates wbich was tborougbly enjoyeti by use its great power over public saiti, "especially before tbey got in the College ai Education ex Mrs. James whiîe I continueti the opinion in working for a systemn inta the movies.1I ike ta think aminations. jaurney fram Port Arthur ta that would enable witier distribu- af the tradition af peace, and an- Mny. Band Mrk On.. nno Wce nJut be a littîe more specific of the nation. lef t behind. 1bc hybv Couch, Johnston & Cryderm an teengagement ai their daugh- about wbat happens an board The same evening a campli- "I like ta tbink of the remit- I TD ter, Le]a Etina. ta Mn. Lamne 01-I ship fan those ai active tempera- mentary dinner as guest.s of tance men. Aiten aIl, they wenen't IIIE iver Wannan, son ai Mn. Jamesment or- thase more passively in- Premier Backen and the Govern- alîowed ta keep their remitt.ances Phone 104 King St. Bowmanville Wannan and the late Mrs. W an- clined. The latter may rest, read ment af Manitoba was beld at the vn og nirmmete _____________________________ nan, af Columbus. Tbe marniage1 or play cards in quiet camiont in University Building. Hon. J. S. aUl leit Canada about the saine _____________________________ will take place the latter part ai the spaciaus observation lounge McDianmid. Minister af Mines time. It was in August, 1914. I1 _______________________________ August. anr enjay camplete relaxation an and Natural Resources. presided like ta think of the colon that Mn. T. H. Everson. a resident ane af the decks. Those looking in the absence ai the Premier bas been brought ta the West by wha bas lived in Oshawa for ion mare life find aîmost every- wbo was in the rural districte thase we cail foreignens, andi I many years. celebrateti bis 80th thing ta their heats tiesire in electioneering. Wonder what weath and colon REDUCED IN PRICE birthday an July lSth. While no the mile march araund. the deck "This Newspaper Bsins" wl oet u onr when fsiiiswere held ta mark t.he before naan and evening meals h drs iteeigws they are absorbed into aur nat- Cretsaehpyt noxc htSlewo' occasion. Mrs. Muriel Hall, bis led by the bagpiPes and banti; Th drsofteeeigwsinlabc.Cret'aehpyt nou eta Svrods dauhtran RthHalhi iprmpu onersdacig ndgiven by W. L. MacTavisb, vice- He praised.ti.o0. the pioneering fine Ide Cream has been reduced in price gadaugter, nti RutHal, abisimprmpntu con erts.danightipesitient . anti editar-in-chief .aifspirit af the fareigners wbo bave gust a tepaenalhoeanti led by a peppy orchestra, anti a WiniTb Tbue Discussîng matie Western Canada wshat il is. BrksUf aret alenegolpacqnta n es.msqeadTarytisas ve- Newspapen Business, the wha endureci great sacrifices in Bikpint size, 10 flavors, Now .... 20e ar wanild ai Ice Coti ngai heae attbhd oatevad- speaker nef erredt thîe fear, îre- abandoning theîr respective caunt-Saine size, saie quality, saine nchness. Bttenil w a great s ller st zstfatiegaety. dvyaeadsquently vaiceti, that modern civ- tries. Butrikwa r sle a t hzestdgitrDesHs ti ilizatian will discard the news- The matenial camiants. the Remember to let Corbett's bake for you. No one week. Tliere's pîenty mare. Tr h dtrDe i tf paper. "Don't you believe it,-' be high musical anti cultural stand- wants to bakte this weather. You'll find it more it taday. If you'll promtse not to tell declareti. "There is a bigger antiantis Western Canadians bati ps- convenient, economical and more satisfact.ory to A fienti! What is a iienti?l anybody l'Il let yau in on a sec- better f ield for every newspapen tientîy won fan tlhemselves eann- let Corbetts bake your pies, cakes, buns, cookies, My inienti is hie wha laugbs with ret as ta what actually happeneti today - iram tbe smallest week-1ed bis admiration, as well. etc. me, wha weeps with me: one wvha in one af these Major Bawes amn- ly to the greatest daily - than In concluding, be saiti: It is encurges paissrebke; wo teu hur onert: elv i thene ever was before. 1ta be the glony af North Amenica. cine tomeatte edig eatno h santiortouaeito o The warld is a v'ast sounding anti oi the West particularly. ta o b t's D k r or stands xith me besîde the caf- The Canadian Statesmian was board ai conflicting vaices. The make supreme that Sense ai bu-ker fin: w-ha listens ta my hopes. my prevaileti upan ta do "The <Old speeti af modern lue, the tremen- mani friendship that bas alwýay-s Bwanil fears. miy aîms. my despair; wha Gney Mayor" tap dancing stunt1Idous play and inten-play ai the been latent in the h arts ai mani- Phone 3 omnil rej oices in my successes; wha he put on at the Benef it Minstre ocsta1cecebsltbs it. daes not despîse nie in my mis- Show here asat winter. ai wsýtewrlimk tevrmr h fnlscaeetwst~ fortunes. awa.rtiet one ai the pnizes for bIidifficult ta see cleanly anti think dinner andi danrce at the Fart Abaut one hundreti iembers ai effort. sanely. The time we can permit Garny Hotel when the association the Wtten anti Powell f amilies On the retun i tp the same aurselves ion calm reilectian be- entertaineti the hasts af the xvar-ppecotsa eeaared tNe areO. gathereti at the Cream af Barley individual crasheti the Masquer- cames even mare restnicted. iaus arganizatians wha hat oIpa0thirfucons wfoîlow: t hNe Sae Shient. ,ppr n Camp for the annual e-umion ade parade irnpesonating Ma- "The newspapen's place, if it generously entertained thte tiele- tifuiioasolw:ThSvgehedperun picnic. A plentîful picnic supper hatma Gandihi, bis entire cast- hves up ta its responsibilities. ifj gates. Chas. A. Barber. Ch«illi- The Mason Trapby for papers tien 1000-The Gazette, Grand was enjayeti. aiter which a pro- um en opst iabt holtis uppenmost in its cani- wack. B. C.. President ai the C.W. aven 2000 circulation-The Re-. Parka, B. C. gram ai races was belti, antin sheet suitably drapeti anti three munity 'tle goati taste wbich is N.A. presideti. former, Simcoe, Ont. goîinwte&bl eTorontoag which both aid anti young mem- buge safety pins fasteneti at the conscience ai the mind anti ' Presentations Made The Charles Clark Cup, papens gl ac o etfotpg ber~s ai the clans participateti. strategic points in the abbreviat- tbe conscience wbich is the goo Ti Ie ntesvra es ewe 00 n 00TeEa Cotne npg 0 The officers for the ensuing year eti gown. Again the jutiges look- taste ai the souL.' is secure. Tohe ntesvrlnw-bten10 at 00TeEa Cnuut npg 0 wha wene electeti during the sup- ed with favor or pity on us anti Speaking ai the tack newspap- per bour. are: Presitient, Irvine awrded us fimat prize in the an- er editors must set themselves. Wotten, Oshawa; VicePresident, igin.ality costume class. Which Mr MacTaxvish said: -Ta a very Blue Mountain Mary Griffmn, Enniskillen: Secre- ail goes ta prove you neyer can large extent we must do the tary-treasurer. Gardon Hutison, tell wbat a fellow will do when thinking for aur communities. iea Water beeboo e gels away fram the olti home Most men andi women are so F e - - ' Petrbo. H .Huk.,60 ig town. Or sbould we say tbere's wholly engrosseti in their every- isBc Pe ston Roati east. Oshawa, enter- jet the incident pasa by saying upon the newspaper not only to A GENEROUS SAMPLE OF Try it for Constipation,, taineti at a deligbtfully arrangeti wben in Bomne do as the Romans keep themn informeti about the PRINCESS PAT FACE POWDER Indigestion, Sejatica, trousseau tea for ber daugbter. do. iprogresai events anti mave- At our store Thurs., Fri. and Bat. This excellent powder Rheumnatlsm, Neuritis, Helen Myrtle Irene, whase miar- Arriving at Port Arthur Mon-I ments but. ta interpret theseis adwthwhanam dbse Itw 'tAtiisAcsadPis naet n dadTyo okday morning aiten two nighls and things for tbem. smd ihwtanlm dbse I o' AhrtAcsadPis raetMr dadTyo oka day anti a Iali on the Noronic 'They may not always agree rub away and it won't shine. 16 oz. place quietîy an July 20tb. Dur- we again took ta the C.N.R.. The With the interpretation. anti it isè $1.0 ing the aftennoon. Mrs. W. Bran- ail day trip to Winnipeg takes nat necessany Ibat tbey shoulci.f MAY FEVER Princess Pat Bottie 0 the brie-elect, presideti at the forest, rocks. lakes anti iinally tbe tbougbt that is given by theI tea table. wich was decarateti first sight ai the vast expanse af newspaper tbey would give vit- Beauty AbAM PHOTO FINISHUNG with Pink roses anti candies. As- prairie, Ianding you about 8 p.m. ually no attention ta these things LIN'FERAL Fc odr------ 5-5 sisting in tbe dining romr were at Winnipeg - "Out wb&re the at all.OFaeode 5-c Misses Snowie anti Winnifreti West Begins." It is bard toi ne- -There are sa many servicies R-----e-55e Marlow, Mrs. Oea. Marlow anti1 alize that Winnipeg is the centre that anly the newspaper can nen- HEAD CaLUS -R051 FEVER Rouge RefUis ----------25e Mrs. R. W. Marlow. Assisting up- of this x'ast Dominion from East tien the community," the editor JUIIE COLO -SINUS TROUBLE Llàp Stick ----- ---25C - 55e stairs were Mrs. A. Scatt. Mrs. H. te West or mitiway between the, cantinueti. -Anti anly if the news- LMlE Allen. Mrs. C. Cary antiMssD Atlantic and the Pacific. paper tiaes rentier thase services UPEIILLOMUE-INEXPEN$I' Skin (leanser ----- 5c-55c Miss -; GYdy -ereei1i t-u Mt___ -niegFreds ca 1t-e ih - tie.0 l tus. .LT rGUlAATEID [Ie Astrhwient -----25C-83c

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