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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jul 1936, p. 1

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Ma With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News VOLUME 82 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 3Oth, 1936NUBR3 ___GO MNSE A AEsILALVTutn Cowboy A. D. Kean ILOCAL TROUPE 15 PINPNYPOSETN MAKIG 0 A INITER AS IX RE__ ALVETUStRg n Dich ponHisSEEN IN ACTION PA oisc ss 0FirI -~ Gouncil of 1913 Has Only One Hurled SCHOOL il'ITP111 TOPIC UOF ROTARY AUDRESS Member, John 144e, Clerk, H____I_______ 14f ea Prset r f Heit NrsoBforeln O I CU S R st"Living LPre o entDaatitiNre o ayl T REVU RANKIN B NISI Oiysi*mncipal mayors of PopuarCwboyFeature Writer Bites the Dust Large TForonto AudienceBR O LN-PT B RO OA BY REV. FRAN LIN BANISTE the town of Bowmnanville are stIll As Spiteful Filly Plays Rodeo Torn Nose Ladd yMss WE. .Gaam kO LI ____living, at was revealed today. The H asQ ikyU drS ilu ram n ulHead byuMse. R. trupemo _____________________list includes the followîng withQucl U de SklflTetet PbiHalhNratope0 dates of their terms of office: Bowmanville juvenile. pl1a yer s S t . a u l ' " A a wt theP u bla i c a lt h o St alsMinister CMVC HOLrDAY IN Bowmanville's f irst mayor wu S A. D. KEAN Dr. J. Clarke BeI's bni comment "Aresen t the Puamaiczat o NEWCASTLE HASDeat et o Hih Tells of Experiences BOWMANVILLE ON Jas. McFeeters, 1858-59-61. when Goldie -drove me liastily into Nurse," ait the Teachers' Summer GOOD GRAIN CROPw ysM yC m ec AsY ugMisoayMONDAY, AUG. 3rd Co.Feei uit 1860-66- Tventy-five )-cars between lbroken his office. -And you're lucky if Course in Health lit Toronto Uni- Nw Hgw y T i To Foreign Settle- By Proclamation of His Geo. Haines. 1862-3-4-.5-.n ,siapealtairard rcuagtin oeto lany vta r e rsity on .July 22nd. This course (Special to The Statesman) WosipMyr .FÀm Faci . crru,1758- Atm faz% ard oui es cpto. lou..corne t oit al ta make is part of a controlled experiment Newcastle, JuIy 28.-Bar- Sm e fItrse metinToWet Sri Mayor W. Ag- 1 ncsF-2-3.r 85-0 A n rt o tsem oone manht toehingurbas cutadgash being conducted by the Ontario ley and fail wheat culting 11t4kd wiI b Clie oU- WiliamThopso. 176--8. svh ha spnt onsderletim paigh thoug yoronse nd ackDeprtmnt ! Ha1t.0Oer 70 as egu intin s sctin PrtiscCniRoc metiuh et st , wH. Mondav net, Au- Wl-m2-3. . ifl7-. the'ad! tl g g. ep oer here teachers were in attendance at and several heavy crops are day ln Bowmanville. MoieAbrm Yunie 188-9.thegamne of gentîingalongthe chck St 0 h.Ade en Com~nng ar quliies0f of hecitesandtov~ x, RobrtR. osomb. 8845-3-hores (unruly and othcrwise). under this liht a second.*' and the the course when the local troupe reported. Mr. Wallace ___ sincerîtY, humor and understand- have now adopted 4-5-6-7-8-9-1900. About a quarter of a centuryDao to acdm unrisfIo- presented the act. onecuafilofbre ing, Rev. W. P. Banister, recently the first Monday in August Wm. M. Horsey, 1886-7. 1 stepped to the stable door t(; peeK. The play was presented several Saturday that was trulyIft-e uncaiiscocrd tId~iucteci Pastor o! St. Paul's Un- as Ctvic Holiday and It is John K. Galbraith, 1&90. at a bad horse mv brother had just "Aha !' said the cornposed surgical tîxnes in Bowmanville and the magnificent, oneC of the fi- canrecangeein sta ~tdChu.rch, Bowmanville. pre- almost as general as Domnin- William F. Allen, Sept. 1890- bnouglit home and promptly received expert. "Fi'll ust Put iii a couple players who went teo Toronto est crops ever grown on the unior rutte naroG - sented an interesting topic 'Mak- ion Dy holiday. Two bg, 1-2. a glancing blow f romn the hoof of of platiuni wires-now hold still an- were: The Mother-Mrs. Ross farm ln ail time. Grain ernetplntoeenthN. lng of a Minister" at Rotary Club events are schdue for Moses A. dJames, 1903-4. the nie% steed which left mv nose- other second-these stitches will sew S t e ven s, The Teacher-Miss crops arou.nd the front ln 7 Egwyfo rokl oPt Friday. next Monday in tovn. The Archibald Tait, 1905-6. tii) hanging bv a shred. 1I waltzed you up Iin grand shiape-'fact is you'll Greta Wickett: The Health Nurse titis locallty certalnly lookc erbor hspeet uie.Sv In mnakirig a minister there are first lis the annual toura- Thos. Spry. 1907-8. back into the'house, ere scarcely'a never kniow you had ait accident to -Miss E. R. Graham-, Chilcren- welI and are ln shari> con- eral dpttos!o ot n two &eparate parts. began Mr. mient of the local L.i ~ J. J. Mason. 1909-10. minute had elapsed carryirîg the tip your nose after another morîti or Patsy Clarke. Dorothy Evans. trast to, those one reads or tarioDra n eebr Banister. First, it is necessary to Bowling Club whlch wilU get J. B. Mitchell, 1901-2-11-12- of tri% nose in the palm "of my hand. . Helen Jones. Betty Stevens, Don- hears about in many parts Coutishv inriee te "-knor-k something in"; secondly, under way in the mornlng 16-17-18-19. A\nd thiat is also about wxhat hiappen- "-So long as that," 1 questioned, ald Gilhooley and Bobby Stevens. of the country. Minstraigththerooe it is most essentiai to '-knock for the han<jsome "G<><i<i Dr. S. C. Hillier, 1913-1î4-15. cd thte otiier day own on the farm aghast at the tîlouglit. 'Tîi'Il c Between the acts Misses Patsy highwyb ad btec ee sonething out and off" before a year Tro The other A. N. McMillan, from June 1919 at Boý%vman%-ille î%vhenl saddîed for preîty lookirîg mess to appean bbeoa 'Clarkan et Stevens recited. gatio hasugte adfern mînister is -well prepared for his important event is the an- H. L. Quinn. 1920-21-22-23. the fin-t time a lialf-bred four-vear- the Kiwanis at Oshawa with to-! The îittîe presentation was well WIARTON COUPLE routei h eatmn sare w o rk. College, continuedl Mr. nual Garden Party of Si. "T.. Hoigate. 1924-25-26-27-28. old f il% that 1I had raised. morro .'. ..Guess tîîey carireevesadanrtd edosd bya Banister, is the place where they Joseph's R.C. Church which M. J. Eiliott. 1929-30-31. GodeVnebrho if %you cati. assured Dr. Bell the audience. It depicted t h eE R W D o endeavour to "knock something wiII bie held at Rotary Park 1Geo. W. James. 1932-33. li ole clanebugof Toorthedvorkn tedB vii l ell ,numerous and varied duties o! and teiunyt eebr in," and the home mission fields titis year. W. R. Strnke, 1934-3536. Nvlu n use dn t se n -day wrking eadil'. 'ih esand, the Health Nurse in lher everyDr. and Mms R. E. Dinniwell, shortnib h pnn !ti of the West f orm an ideal place ________________ Of the 21 mayors who served ci ebiniitranayb u 3~ o!er day activities. Bowmanvllle, Attended Cele- ne gw ay u neaadfn to have something "knocked out ti uncpliysnc twa tnhsdle n. rt. ront te_______ not loorsceed.b and of. Mrs. J. J1. Hamilton. Bethany. corporatied into a town. only J. J. sdlele.Surne nough, ai the'Ki.anslu.n- i .owan Beach Folkh hlrno r.adMs ihthi nmdameî The speaker neceived his final was at home to a number o! fri- Quinn, M.J.B ElMitthe. w.forThe aoycd ensfto bsmile e , ht niiext daý Iw, nee nî edG re a T heWm. ilnnioei Mr.Wartnd mtats be al orTeMaAg o rising off n es is ti ct 1931. ends in honor of ler daughter, Jam es and W . R Strike are sti11 111 the open field and saddled insid e a ro sly *b: the assembly. ""ili head_ _ _ _ _ their hom e on Sunday, July 2th. us lt h at P n y o l t 1. 0 p Thi sctonwas one of the hard Miss Ruth. whoze mariage will living. Another interesting item the stable without so rnuch as flick- b u t tiunhoved. was thle title 4 The Rowan Beach Cottagers' to pay honour to their parents. m. sadr ie hna n es i ra uigtake piace early in August at Ed- of statistics reveals thàt every iing arr car i pnotvst. of helien I led . v angatiM C e ry who this year on the 21st day of tr Wet itM re as ni gtharie drou . monton. Beautiful floral decora- member of the town counicil in ttfii., mb t e grain f ield and pre- sighît of mle. isuccessful Garden Party. July December have reached their attend t o it h atr i h een r anster arrived there tions. oI y gfts and dainty e- 1913. exceptng former town clerk paredl o climnh aoard she sood s Atthe cnd of inn lergtv expai- 25th. The object was to promote fiftieth wedding anniversary. dt andconitonsbot 0 crps ndfreshm ents were features of the John Lyle. have passed away. stili thiat 1 exclairnîed -This colt is atrori somfleorie tan back il, the as- 'sociability and. general improve- Thlhlrnpeetwr:D.vemso h etigt h e gaPe w r d p o a l .thering. G uests we e present Their nam es include M ayor Dr. S. s ' !giitlc that 1 hae te treat lier se i i caled ouint iro w , tellils what me t. a es w e p ay d nd a d M . . A Dr n el, o . p rt n. peopl wene deplo able.from Cavan. M illbrook. Brant- i C. Hillier. Reeve Archie Tait, and like arr ordirary greenri ie." haupered to the otier elie'.- refreshm ents serve di. In spite of George; Dr. and M rs. R. E. Din- s h p d h t al ine et d The unflinching courage Of fod. Guelph, Bowmanville, andlCouncilors John Grigg. Levi A. iIltcrt e yef îliî requird (ue ail ite for thia thunder storm earier in tlle niwell, of Bowmanville; Dr. 0. C. and pa ic ary m bes o th these People, most'o! whom iwere other points. The bride-to-be is W. Tole, Albert Barber. 1 C jeuîh s gt ascs Idlike ig ttlrartmy e" .Godflo day. the weather cleared and a and Mrs. Dinniwefl. of Cainsville: muniiaroni. cncerned Norwegians, Germanis. Canadi.ans. ieeP-Ms ho.Prc.BC--Teblok.Lws nsh o n cas enticha 'ike ma',crartat iîyar le, m on! bout t(ire -,msenjoyabie time was hiad by Mr. and Mrs. John Pratt îGrace). w tedti otpo et Scotch and Irish, in the fc f caselmanville.*r . vc ea ýaIl. The ladies o! the commhîîtee O! Elmwood; Mrs. John Ritchie îng.Thdscsinwlbere hardship 1ortraved vîx-idlyatheJohn____________Town up. A.\nd 1 donit warit t10stant a herse stepping on'nie, seerîed jusi a1 held several successful monthly (Helena), o! Dauphin, Man.; and and oe n nedaorw. Treasurer.andeJohn yleeTobnicerîout.f iglît. JBut that's %wlere I bit lt)e thimi . îinirrthe lighit 0Cim% I'and weekly euchre parties durin, Raymond, of the Royal Dental be md o aearotisial truh tatemegenie bnng ut Mî' a n ',otirl eimh Ililer Clrk. tiade a rnisiake. Fraf - wlingapueararîce - a face swvath1diitewne omk hspsiltÙte rncide eeas oal hntsruehsbe 'Île went about his pastorate. hie 1 hp ie iddnoffai i i idtt will be recalled that 1913 was a',vav ahourtorme hiunred feet the bandage'.arnd of the nocit su..hîrcruus-anfnc the geeamipoe present. Dr. WiIbert and Mrs. decide h etn ilnm Iw'.i1d ..e rnîrrclof his line tny-ing 10 the Year the town wat.erworks - Iiofih rd eait ea okrg tiî- oudnt bianamdfments. the gfo llo i ocrsDnnwl !Hanstn ere u-dlgto owi pntemn !oundmany andies uing fin eu'reci e. rmdiî l sse a ntlehig!i "ide arnd farîcv across the level therri. At ai rate I wa> te appear helped ho makie lit possible: C .able ho be present. se homne nade shoes, 50 poverty fc ..Attlicnd of tefirsi pamleadirrg thic'BoNvlaiîviiie Arnual Dawkes. ister to DroutB.line the routee as thetivety-'on stice -ee he.Soeofhsliv guti er wind, tiier werît ai il Rotan'. parade '.'ithin a week, SO o ou Bains, vice-president: J. C. Grind- seven sat down ho dinner. Afte: 1Pie i h itit pepe lme veyhing on the LIaPiA îi'rL'I. This lime I cotid sec that mav helieve ru'. face %vas caîru l 1cehr EoCnae. îes dne r.R .Dinwl be- T goveriment with the resuit that I1IU PL N i te lunuose %vas to gel me off. The no ernd of '.crrv. 1 hîadl uiiedtrer.I half o! the family, vonveyed to way wudma uht hs several sects ad protest AITe-leaps and larn(irig'.the cxcited mare George jarntes or The Statesman thatMran s.Dnielti-rv Ments came into beine. IIIIVnLrade w ere li'.clv iiru.r.. Jîrst as '.'e 1.Graham PueblicvStret ho ANNUAL A VL fi]pAe Iih dg f nhe19cfaMeiar Mirs. elt s E. leftmonPFride for Mn waid M frtihelte dir rvligt rmPtroo The predicaments lhe encount- came__________a__te_____ofa____theuiseo expressionsaqu0foappreciation.leffor allyy goesxpitssonouodapprovetiantornae- ered nda thdathe ooalI qutooduflrditueInticrdskatoc*snhsheofwiflaiispeno htheoalpportunitigolesSasatocnwtheyshehadl saverth oopBowmanviilech tandhaOronov necessity of using caution andOAC R F S O i vn ü eHl warrrrig. Il carne too laie. 1 couid vu..tirig ioo fan off. Naritoha. Thent part of her vacation. Miss Gra- given them. Suitable souvenirs peopFromBwavU twl eZ O.A.. PROFEinR BngEveng Wl Be eld Infl ite addie loosemi a bit; and ai secrnied rîohîirng Isc to do but ride ham will aise visit f riends in Chi- 1were 'resented to Mr. and Mrs. be sibetgonrh nte '1,4yollended People. who. when 15 CRASH VICT1M Rotary Park Instead of Tem- 'tuie saine lime as the f illv zoorncd mmcc more ai the hiead of tic R(-,- cago, Minneapolis and other cen- Dinniweil by the faimily. seulo iha ome h e lie new minister arrived were not perance Street-Parade Willi eadlorng irîto the off-banýk of the tanianls colurnis-brokeri rose or iol. tres and will be away until Aug- Mr. David Ottcwel, an aged pavemn. ad te rtedn hrh osiue a rfso î a on qn- As eaFauditchi. Saddle arnd ail slurrnîed over Te mv great relief. howcver arîd ust 24th.* During her vacation brother of Mrs. Dinniwell. wasaI- 'straihàotes b.f eea portoinnteeing and humor re aged illiamfeJohn f fieid - - B aPetuethe iaresrîeck arnd I feli a îîurnp hariks1y thie cle',er abilitv oi UD.thî Child Welfare Conference wili se an honoured guest o! this oc- Miles ewe httw n husbandny a- he Ontario Agri- apaaneo hvori i inoscihiat soîmnded as iliougiBell, uiheuirsiglîîly perac rIvbeclssainson e AfO an ebak hecuc cultural College in Guelph and 1 hanges in arrangements for t%%o lglarit sa',logs lîad brrmped irn face was riullified hv the titerntudne e pavementi After any stback the hurchird-trcarn. Nexi îhirg I knew I ade mda% carne arourd .And qofa teU gained ground in Peebles unden one o! the provinces best known1 the Lions Club annual carniva ;l ý( h'td tire ditchi-side hloding, as 1 auîi coricerned arrotîro te HAP' HOID IAY OV lbDfri the minîstenial guidance o! Mn. educationîsts. was fatally iniured I were announced at Mondavsi', o i îvcrpdhaîs îar brasirg taro h rih rnsoehr Banistei' Thie mointcd police ln an automobile collision on No.' o th Clu atthe-e Titli ilrciped tI stilcîri LB LUNIJLUUL hgwsayuatoimeetothe ne 20 Highway. three miles east o oa Hotel. The carnival sched- iunnges (Continued fnomn page 71 Si:hne Saturday evening, cx- l uled for Wednesdiay. August l9th, S B Y E UR R M C M plin, in S' Joseph's Hospital ati was 10 have been hield on Temp- AniLE JA n 'L Ha n:lzon a f.'w minutes after be- eane JreVnoîh bt rrng- LOSE FIRST PLaAY-OFFnisCanG thr Mrs. William L. Mason celc- nng '.em.-ed to the openating mentlo alfrtesango ila re n o oereodies a group o! white men ____ btdhe'9tbmtdaatte roni Fis -,vile. Mrs. Gertrude the CircusinRtrPak Th vese oepa vrana- homne o! hen son. Ex-Mayon' Frank Squirn~i à ged 54, is in critical in Rch ar .the t Bowînanville Juveniies dropped awa scored the oe b unwenk Wj Contsortê ; BO in were s e at to ~ earoe a ne-th L. NMa oni.Oshawva. on Juiy 29th. 1.Oiiditior,,rn the saine hospital 1commttee i hreo!teeetthe first game o! their best two- leraru irto n ewrer.:Cnm neslaoPr e toy in . byil. i Grte a ectmenathe- Te2n anulruon ! 1 lopasasetclrparade h ece is na ro. Cm l-arnsNgtvie nteIda apsteHamni Mmna ako h Mrs. Masnon hactonfmns eld abed u r n.acrted f hshcal nd o get the event off to a good of-threc series with Oshawa by a stole second. advanced ho third' o n Wednesday Attracted medicine man was a!lili tenono uy 2d bu 'th a frachured hip, seven'al vis- sevre 3sock. sar.5-4 score in Oshawa on rTuesday Ion anothnfie ot and ca le me HgeAdinecsu ltaneaeinfgte ig te f8 mmenaaneedad3p fiscaiied to e\tend congratu- Snuirreil was well knowNn Much of the meeting m-as given nighit, errors having much te do omnte ro.Bwmnih ____pa lationîs.Mis. Masons m ýanden - . tadhsben over to a discussion ef' the cincus. îi wth their downfall. The second lied the scor'e in the fourth when men advanced and presented oe nainewas Ruse and she h er:nsva an at Ap- . nhI the grand draw the club is gaine is. being playcd here on Jack Rice wAent ho second on thei Wihh the presentation o! pnizes'Igifts which were savageiy dividcd 0pcarta.h dsrd otk rnany relatives and f n ne ncd s i (-e . Convenions and offering as prizes a $210 NongelThursday inight, and withhthe o othird ase an'swild tw eh and h a urhri lh Scwatemampnhiteh en wthen nve Theîo th. o igloutDurian) Count'vQo ' c Ievents in Wes.t Electnnc Refigerator. a $100 Rog- youngsters sure ho display a soe theona ild itc ad tefut eaSotCamp with enbrae r the inimp VLeau]n on .ni bycn ion in e\tending gcod wiSles olc1 mens radio. an 8nm ,Cine Kodak, serappy bnand o! bal and having incore fo on c p itce adtosse1came tb a close ah Tyrone on Fr-- joîn theravheies aofd teacamp-ducetilee h ae eev ths ap y cc sin 50 gallons of gasoline, an occas- a bettet' than even chance to win n a efot o gl Rce a th day night. Nexh morning tents fine wh n The i o! ce was origina n u oou n d e i ional chair, a gallon Thermos a large tunnout would be apprec-!PS55e.wegreaîly hoandthe merrunent o! therea jug. a hable lamip, and a 5 cell iated. Oshaw'a mient ahead in the one o! the seventy young camp- compicted, the leader o! the ei flsbgh. hee rieswil e hetwrlngonboh idswasi fifth when Clapp and Crossman ers had retui-ned te bis home a!- white men and a priest le! t the lam. olwigthiprtah Ganadian Industries And Products dnam-n for m-len the carnival high clas, Bowmanvillc garner- came through with triples, but ber nine days of exciting activi- carnPfire and proceeded up Vthe whichpoedh comes to an end on Auguat l9thi ing six bila off Ciapp. all singlesý Bowmanville staged a rally in the ties. hiil wherc they erected a cross, al sne. ontflspe old Inteest At ~InStitute 1 ns dtalsofthe parade an- vhile Hooper on he Bowmanvilîe seth htbogti w us Latwe rvdavr ucross, the piest and the white Toront.cleih sebyt ________ _____At ________1_rangementsandth prizes offer- mnound gave up f ive hits, two o!fto give them the lead for the only week. On Tucsday night the leader silhoi etted against the sky,ore.H radaeeganrm cd mwihl be announced shontly. the lis being good for threme drn the ae.MFersAYPA o!S.Jh'Cuchhemen wft hein arm.§ raised NewtonAnseriepesn noraveMeeting it nig H otidoanife u. Held at R. M. Hollingshead Co., makers Pesident E. W. Crawford pre- bases and bot.h coming in the waiked and stole second and went paid a visit to the camp and en- in beniediction. In the valley be-reetontbegabeoatnd o!nfiorodmativsepepre a sîded ah the meeting, and aflened i it nig ooper f a n n t hrdo n niiot roin- ioyed the campfire pregram and 10w white men and Indians stood Tocomeorteth mm bofnes ha ben dspocd !, igh an wakedfor. hil hi astherecpiet o thtse-erfraluent atthecloe. tihsilncecit-upased and a5oryo! he rignalhecstos, ev Home of Mrn. L. Braund on paper on Iheir produchs which dlivceà a splen dirpoto!te ppnntwhfcd elvn ndod n'ewako!thnndngad ededalwsth bgda tfsour,! hisiaiy w5ad hoaAnis or ta $5 fi-s nmbr n heprgrinW85 ppecabonfo te plndd ho as ben undrgoein arodrie hey had orHe o l padt Jhn cunni ngtham's farm. Thiresu cney atae h nd Tuedyluy2s we a selection by this band, (a> Iprograi w as exprsed ho Mrs. complete renovatxon o! the ex- the point o! a gun. ndlieved hum was some ine after midnighh fancy o! the audience who gave it Belleville Citadel Sal vai i o n vcry hap tie wssnt MacigThrough Georgia, t(b) John Tait. convener o! the gî'oup tenon o! the bUildip.j, with Frank of 20 hi adan tl i n t a rtydn.a splendid reception. Arin3'Band will hBowman- PresietMs .A hn a MenQHai'dCh in charge, and to Mrs. Braund. Jamieson and his assistant. Cynil new car which Mn. Lingard had Provinil Contbl .E. A t-oup o! some twenhy Imd- ville and district this week-n.nchreadodad Mi-s. John Tait read a splendidi the hosteas. Come. wel g te p a i n t boughh only last Wedncaday, and Smith, Bowmanville. made inten- ians were seen as the pageant This band is in excellent shape Vhoroiyejye hinevs pae n"Mcaia Gos"1Refreshinents w'ere sei'ved au bi'ushces. The colon scheme is bbc w'hich hadt rua only about 300 sive search o! the Newcastle opened, rehunning froin the hunt. and citizenis shouhd take full ad- gamnes wr ncag !Ms Sîîpa.o!ed GoodrAr Ti Hre y, and e dorated wmhh bouquets o! nelI know'n black and w'hite feat- miles. The car was found by neighbonhoed Saturday morning Bound securely, they broughb vantage o! heaigti iea-Mre Rlltbbro.,h andyerThregh nthe !owers amid a background o! ured on ail places selling Cihies Counciflor Earl Walton and Gor- and made many enquiries that with hein a captive Indian. Hav- giegation Te and tU fine teMrme yman,. .O.Fs kindnessCo.and treach hd hollyhocks and shrubs. and ail Ser'vice producha. don Asb on Baldwin Street south might iead Vo their capture. A ing Iocated a camping spot. they beard in its initial program on was sugbthrlyadJn kinnes f r.Hadyealilay njye te ocallilfhor. In recording particulans o! the o! Fenguson's garage late Friday general phone cali was also made proceeded to erect thein tepee and Saturday ah the Post Office ah 8 Chaîhs adRuhHucino en.s0n'ed the socialrhuaI! hour. 1fatal miotor accident o! Char'les niglih. with the key in it. Mn. asking anyonc for any informa- buihd a campfire. As the amoke p.m., and later will journey ho favored iharctto.Ms pot stand. Next meeting w'ihl be beld at Low'ens in ast week's Statesmnan Wallon took the key, notified the tion that might eo assistance acndf ro the finee Indian Oooah .1 standard tm. oe er, e o ,nihe nembeî's o! the band sang the home o! Mrs. Fm'cd Baker, 1it ahould have sated that he is authorities, and ltri h byt h oi e o! ascninwoene senthe Vhe rom Onoda ebnd ie oBnc'edt two lovel3' numbers. (a 1 '"Steal Scugog Street, on Friday, Augîîsb survived by two brothers. Vernonu Mr. Liagard recovened bIs car. question is well know'n te many a trip in the woods. They carried heard in the citadel at il arn. appetian upnwa evdo AwaY". (b> "Clinbing Up the 28th. Lowens o! Weslon. Ontario, and The couple around midnight liadt Southh Hope esidts, b 'g ith hem l apos ho n 7 p.m., and at open-air meet- the lanwhiheeyoepo GodnStis" r.Ge.Pit V.' E. Low'enis o! Burnley, England. apparenhly gone up froin Baldwin apent huas boyhood and worked on deposited in the tepee as the ings througbout the day. The nouned od r. .A at ard takiag solo par'ts. anId hey T1ivey whr wotld f iitl perfection Il shtouîd also have been men- St. Vo the Queen's Hotel a! 1er the fam at Mr. Rd. Ughow'a, R. group reached camp and joinedf concluding event will lie an open- letadhergopEeei then played "Golden Sllppers." wihtlupain are loekirg otihv to ptîrh ioned that Us brother in Eng- some atables by way o! Geo. R. 1, Port Hope. Neighbors al- the men around the fire. air festival at Rotary Park at1 charge 1 tmetn ilb Mn. John Goi'flan, Supt. o! the arr edge oii . 5',',or( of head. land cabled fiowcn's. Fergusoa's, Miss Wade's, the ways spoke o! bim as Fred. As the Indians chanted their 18.30 p.m. Suaday evcning. b el Tesaygep. 5

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