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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Aug 1936, p. 1

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__________ hdeg m ni With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmnanville News VOLUME 82 L0WMA1N VILLE. ONT., TU URSDAY, AU GUST 20th, iIBR3 1. LUFFMAN _WINS --MAJOR -PRIZE AT LIONS CARNVA PICTURESQUE PAGEANT WA ELEVEN SONS AND ONE DAUGHTER ATTEND) PARENTfS' GOLDEN WEDDING HG RW NHPYMO CLOSING FEATURE 0F 1936ATCLRULINCRNVL CAMP SCHOLFIELD FRIDAY TRTR AR ENSA Rotary and Lions Clubs LOCKART FAMILY___ Guests of Boys at IS BEREAVED BY SCHOOL RE-OPENS AI u w Pie e 4 Dinner - Field Day LOSS 0F BROTHEW~TEDY ET ani omnil Events Followed by j. j Lockhart of Marshaltown 1 ewi Departmental iRegulations -DawasMd Indian Spectacle at Iow~aWas Brother of Ex-Reeve'DmnOeigfHg ~ yGrl ates Twilight.i manville Labour DayLtieBnd oy Before a large crowd of inter- The first break in the Locklîart . Bowmanrville school children was h ukywne ! h 9' ested spectators. the closing cere- family of six children took place are 'out 0f luck* as far as the date ModlNreRfirtrtte monies of Camp Scholf ieId. sum- this week in the passing of J. J set for their return t0 school this LionCibsnotucesu mer home of the Ontario Train- 'Jack) Lockhart. at Marshall- flu is concernied. For ProbablY carnaltRtayPronW- ing Sehool for Boys. were staged tou-n, Iowa. He was the second the first time on record. the stu- Desdyngt MrLufaa- at the camp along the shores of son of the late Mr. and Mr. dents will be required to resume pearst ehvn tek0 Lake Ontario on Friday after- Michael Lockhart, and was5 aged their studies before Labor Day, lue]ii er s ewstewn noon and evening. The a! ter- 75 years. the reason being that new de- ner 0 w ftepie , h noon was given over to the trackj Mr. Lockhart will be remem-whntefrtfSetbrf ls teak partm ental reguatons state that rece i S. J s p 's G r e at and field meet, with nearly one bered by the older folk in 'own n tiri saome fll i hundred boys taking part in as "~The Walker" since he was us- oinothure-aopr uni t h ocw 193 miany keenly contested events. uaIly one of the successful con- wRoaers Radio-w. B.the Hoarw- l At supper time the Rotary Club tenders in the walking matches ing Mon Tday but if t eisa Orno and Lions Club were guests of the that were frecquently held in the cur nTedyo ensa, Cn oa .J ans school at dinner in thie main old drill shed in the eary eight- This is the case ibis year. when building, wben the service club iles. H-e %vas for some years the -thGallons 0f Gonaaoline-L.andR. members mingled with the boys. outside salesman (with horse and therefore school will re-open their OcaoalCarrsA.J Mr. A. R. Virgin. Superintendenticart), for the late C. M. Cawke.dos1 teyuh0 Bwa-Aas.Bwavle o! the school, welcomed the visit- i'burcher. He migrated to Iow ileo Teda.Spt si hrmsJu-hlm chiv tors. who included as bead tablelwith the Brittains butcher. epeee srcmngo guests, Bill Coburn f Toronto, a o,er 50 ears ago and ever snce Wednesday in 1937, school ill Ta~m.M Fgl5 O- member of the Advisory Board.i that tulle bas resided in the Un- - also open prior to Labor Day next wo vne W. J. Bragg. M.L.A.. W. F. Rick-1 ited States wbere he bas always ~~ year. 'FahigtE H aies 6 ard. M.P., President E. W Craiv been connected with the meat DurS fodo h LosCuani Pres- and packing business. retTrot ident W. Len Elliott 0f the Roary He is survved by is wife and Mr, and Mrs. Louis Demerling, wbo res:de jut nortb f Fordwici, Demerljng with a gold ring. The 19 grandchildren p,:esenred a beau- DURHAM CENTRAL rtheda o hs ie Clbr.ef hedurigentleen inner our. H 0fons:anvioue, W. G andT.Huron County. celebrated their golden weddi:ng at the'r borne on tîful bouquet of 19 flowers. signifyîng tneir numnber. The above' Another honored guest. who al-so D. M. of Columbus, Ohio, Alex o! August 2nd. surrounided by Ibeir Il sons. one daughiter. and 19 photo of ' the parents and children was taken at the celebration. Top FART H VEN W csflfarTbetinwabr row, lef t 10 rigt: William, of Kurtzville, Ontario: Fred. of Fordwichi: POULTRY BUILDING aid toeeawyherod addressed tbe boys. %vas Greorge1 Toronto: and one sister, Sarah. grandebjîdren. 1' was the firsi reunion o! this unusually large fam- :Albert, o! London. Ont.; John, loi WezL End Ga:age and Maciline adtruhu ~iog Barber 0 Batavi. NY.. G vernor'ily in so mne tim e and wvas an event o! m uch in erest 10 the district. 'S op, Bowm anville: Edward. o! N ustadî Ezra. o! W arrni Springs. _ _ _ h v n n 0ffbet 7the itrit ! RtarDi-stricligtw.ofemaiRousary wiIen- Deeiing fomery eorfa:Larene,0f amîto: ad A. n. f Krturhame FontenranrCetra Aricltualpar geerush iaropngth ternational. who was paying hils1PLYFF TAT.Ms Frederira Gadke. was a native o!f Hovick Township.' Botb are row. left te rigbt: Harvey. o! Fordwich; i. Rev.) William Meihe, Society is ibis year pre;aring for .8bob.A~teun o h Club. HERE SATURDAY lof Germnan cicscent. Af :er their marriage the3. setîled on the farm of Kutrtzville: Mr. and Mrs. Deiierling. ',le parents; Eldon. b e h ags n otatatv ia h rw ahrdaon w h e e t e y til res d e. a n d w hi h t d a y th e 5h 1 o era e. oîb b e- sid e s w ith is p a r en t.s : a n d M ilto n , f T o ro n t o). T h e e n tire fa m ily F a ir in i s h is io ry . a i O ro n o o n t be pr e b ot . a d r si nt E Followingtil dinner Ja tdaythe k eteber22n-and 23d. rLins luyeprSseeapreiWio 0f th ool stnnr acknd3ucî. OnadBimnîl ng in excellent health. At the golden wedding celebration the cbild- attended the old family place of worship. Howick Lutheran ChurchuedyadWnsa.Se- .Crwod nbha!!te livelysing-ong. ad Ear Cun- wili meet in the first of the ren presented Mr. Dernerling witb a god-heade<j cane and Mrs. as a part o! thîs unique observance.A etngi rn 'forthgneossuprthpu- igly ih s f te faed Eam r Cu AtoaemLetine titie in onw- ninghami gave an outhîne o! h1 playoff games for the Lake -_____________fa______l 1 ie events. mi elr !teeeimanville on Saturday after- jFORMER TOWN BOY B N S P A I N O R TOWN CLERK LYLE ai , buidig ere dPisued toaciunerakng Te ra The m a n ea ur o t e ve -' noon. The H igh S leh o o 1B NS LY«aINuOnh s bul i g U iln a an y b y Ing was the presentaîion o! the j Campus should bie the mecca lUSI ATR FRTRS ODS .,i. % ee vdn o er.a pageant. "Calumet Da3-s,- a col-! of a huge crowd to see this There will be plenty o! roi om Braniod orful enactrnent o! the Indiani game which starts sharp at TRNO ESPERADO IN L IO N S KALITH U I AN t FROM VIMY EVENT accommodate and show te better! Memeso h lbwr i and white settlers in the earîy ' :'l30 p.m. Picton beat Co- jOOTOD advantage a much larger number 1,v elae ihiesceso h days 0f Canadas histoiy. Thisi bourg 9-5 in t.he final game f ---r 0! pofatr. p resen tation w as ex trem el y a mn- i b etw een th ose tw o team s, an d 1 N ellis B y e rs e r n h t !A .L l s W l l a e i h 0 M e c a t , m n f c u e s a d a d bitious and muchî credit is due this final series ivill deter- rs,3.0:HearingSaesandShots1 did ob le mde o it Thi ~ nd ase hethr Bwman j in rrvaHooliceandtEntridies -aradye arcWiMney 2 Events in E n g l a n d and J dealers throughoui the district have ennn opetfl m Mr.__Jacke EastownoriCfoicctheractenFrancee taheat Bckungchaemcionserting0wiahreecdiret-rjtfor bis reasneiherclutbasobee t______ fPliejEtie ooyarWnnr rac -art eln- j did job le made o it. The nd alorsheineheBpîng BproClucn ailargeic unablet-1os do muchngworkdthat larg ery was realistic aiid ai)pi-rl,-a-,, 1-ille willg on again to an In the Float Division. -RÏ~Bl.$00 ajteBl. ha Palace Garden aPattatveriztiy.mny0 NellLs ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ esrd With trno.heirf finances0 Mrjr nll am!adatrctv pie ismayof1dei The costunmes wel-e cî-Ilrful. iid Eastern Champion- Nl~Bes oot.~no 50c: Bill Slaght. 25c. j ei do- Wk 1goo the ligbing and stauing s'.ýi-< ship as they did in 1935. James Bveî-s. forinerly o! BOW- As hiiid,.ed-s ined the streets, Bï eieyTuc1rWgn1wýiiCekAe .Lye no h directors are stressing the yeai-r mnm r a- Ibe workof an exerien-cih.îni - inanviille. t:itured in te . -:iejtheLions Club.s Kalithumî>- Bs 'hve3 rc o ao o ler Al'e J LY leoeofItendntd oo odto o h nun th gun n xeiicd iu-1iF an nTc inPPLew su ernwe PesntVý ares ier~Bwan le VîyPîrims. re- 1tact that Ibis is an agricultura iedotb bscu mn h Witb their leadei.s th' boG * Z; -i The Ontario Gazette o! July,1l! of a deswra' îrea. $39 tumed b owna!re-a1n:ntbsfairfordee-favers butlocalblon andunderriviegedo",v e-d the pageantr befor'a : conitaîis the announceinv'nr of onto on Tuîe'zday nighit. A!teir be- 1 msday nigh, vitl1 great succe.. nM danih r.wm ishoItkeaepaui crowd, and *'b'- applau- .11teappointinenio! Howard C. ing shot b. tie bardit. wi'nogaie Banda. fijat..clownS. and 'al etJz adDkGb. uec nMna ih.M.wmnas hudtk epagetta en oeb h greeted theni ahîowed with l h Rundle Esquire, MMD., o! Brighton, lus naniie a, Bernard Cavanagli d: essed k ddies, together ,.",iBand. Tyrone, $5.00L l w s'r ni sitsticfo!itheintersa n therexhncy ldp to be Chiie! Coroner in and for! Ot Van -,u' e, Jail% sMKenney. j~ o! nlew cars. delivery trîiks iBest Decorated Car-Mi-;s AVimy rîliroîn ,vas lie inish 'ing omandpother ftehiis whichcirn (Contînued on page 3) thie Cotînîy o! Northumberand. 63 year o:d druLg.s. balile the and other enries nmade a hengiîv Hoît, Courtîce. $5 H0:; oron aieiLneearly a he npleas ed i- hem a porto k o! th spa1 c hioh ceisoriesc robber im-o .-ubinission. ii:h th, pýarade whicb drew a large cro-'vd iChartra, S.300.' rn'î'rannntpoîe h îesoc hw iti eso Wdedysfi ost aid o! nLs -lerk Weslev Clark, tb wîtiness îil Three bands 100k Thie judges ini the *;ai*aae %ere Uy iheFrîx.gnetfr hi er iseha nd in somle aseèserit or aaewogv Neliîs Byer-,, who resîdei aI 606 Part. the Canadian Legion Bond 1 W j. Brgg M.L.A, F 0. Me Aske-d if any o! t1he sîgns o!oergy for several Pages5prioe t and runnng to the streelt saw% Eand o! Orono. and lIhe Oshawa'Monireal, and R. L. Mitchýell Town Clerk saîd thiat youî "ould ) hefi lakhdin aanagh on he Sca Codets Ba.nd, with a cOmlPanvý' manager o! lie Bank o! Cozi- n;rko hr a enabi But Few Are Given Any. Relief groun& Evyersheld Cavanagh ofrîea cadet,; n blunaval uni- c eninsoudb neve kowtherldiad been F llw hi A dUberttd-g I addedi t' hebidig ia itb, F low hp An n SeeadaridMnoWodda onIed gioI o!n thae rou ImICvand hleCarkg b inscTacwfoJazBs added o SeilmntoIhed emd'-a3'ulo sumînoned police. Byers to1d the fno! the parade, and severa. jo! the manner iin whicb the Pol- sheil hohes were now p-es eful Severa Marrid MenWhOýdi a boyattendng an ut of.e.vspaei-w.ti tha ontrolled-sethechugeflcrowdsdd foate.s. Thererolwerte hueoroddtierms. hGreawre raNeedieRotarvesGovern-or Have R e n t le d Properties town college for eightnonih.s n asked liow badhy M\cKenney v.wa 1 colorful .scene as the parade pro- through-Iomit tlhe evening. he added, but the thousands o! Sinc Lat AsessentToldthi yea beomeImabe fr binjured, as he eld hiki foc police. jceeded Ibrougb the hov-n. Thn ast eress othû'g olrttax. Thie eCourt rulefrathe-Ldb rfi Ohcrm u- Anoiber afier-parade feature young irees planied since the of R eeIsin ohng o. rthaT he Cwasthaled for lime ta HUNDUEDS SEE TRAiN ies, Cowboy A. D. K"eanandwrteciussusptonnGeaWrcmeoanndee George Barber, of Batavia, basbencagd Mearb- onfess he couhd show that eabdt harie Eddsof Necasle fo tete the ring ai the park by Charlie sbowing a fine growth. Mr. Lyle unlHundredsco!ldlocal heophee were parde fddylo ecate, hheddwl nw st1etaehdmn snrd !mî N.Y., Governor of 27th Dis- ing atae ytesii !sr Because the Court o! Revisior paid xl in some other municipal- a heCN..stto on Sundytoki hoghtebsnse-horseman. over the baltlefields o! France trict of Rotary Pays Officiai vnicbfesl.Toawehv beliaed ithaekd.N.eR.uîsdic 113 ni-ndayex- t anrug idealismsse- ad o!gur adesprand V iftoRotreClcani ti a num e !poltaexJappels C oucilo Ltledrw ttn ion -gbt t-o see the streainlined rex mton and a portion o! the resi- The entry o! the Kingsway- wan eliu mand wastpeKeng Viutn- j n ubro olta pel otclo Ltl rwatninall tr~ain pass through. Thme train dentia.l section norîhi o! thei high- Brookdale Nursery was a part ofwhnHs aityhe igu- leave oicmuiyalti et which came before il on Thurs- to thie tact that onhy males werer stopped very brie! ly to give the way. their exhibit at the Ottawa Ex.- veiled the mionument at Vimy ontef da ngh, er nt ntrtindasesedunerth at orpolcrowd an opporttinitv to inspect The hsi o! prize winners moatn the and the appellants. liough quite*tx, and ihai as ginls had taken isixnr bthe ibton uthet. r Llews lo iesinvhevlu oeglo- e- orhvîgpaseyhil iy it xteio.Auooilsweearosclsesfllw:An appropriate float was teparitle f o tte pln tBga-e sBparbd unoe-ndinoftheore Wemsive tewol o apparently eniithed to some relie!, the jobs of many men, and had ined up !roinlime crossing on tbe -oarioinsus hercae nhclassesofiia folhows:trc o RtryItenainaou for the mosi part received none. equal rights and voting powers wharf -oad. soutb to Ham.ley's Rbert aad a Group-o! ol! wbicbi brouglit pleniy o! laughs ongHi am aae, i onalrdnce adhis fic! oaiy iteratie oa l, uytercgîe u epn Sevn ppere beor t iethey shouhd become lhable aiso. !arm, and nortb 1e0thibend in Cubes an $5 0<>f Wlfalong the route.LndnMrLyesiiaipc- manville Club on Friday. Due to do. somtigt(mpoecn court appearg b as the reA mtin e$iisefet0aspas-obndbo! sia odn fid bisoffiiaIvisi te he ow- siblt. nacatcwrd courtarredandeîn g pt sth re- modiand w ies fet 0 te Mins- the________ esrooaedBidle. ie The Goodyear Prise entry, a the club bein9 guests ai Camp etios evc bvesl utee tic tey er enited e xem-ter o! Municipal Affairs, Hon. Brown, $100: . Mffat, 50; H huge yacht, was .the outstanding <Continued on page 8) Schol!ield for dinner, a meeting bthewahwrrywhy o David A.Cr011.rNW APPOINMENT Caeoxenp- float o! the parade. _________was behd ah the Balmoral Hotel tiygvrsisladcr-e tion. The conteniious point was DvdA rl.NWAPITET Csor,2c ro otednewe h i-isM that one bad te be assessed ±,O There are numerous other cases prier Boyihr Girner, cosnumeeoDis-iils memage foi-ward te thea1-0.000 get exemption and these men where paying o! tbe poil tax bas foot-Marilyn Carpenter. $1,00; Dr. J. C. Dcviti in a letier to MINIÂ'LQL A SSSdes.M. abr saciie f ofth I were ail married since lime ast been neglecled or absolutely îg- Don Gilbooley, 50c; Betty Bel the edtorfrom Can e L i, . YBarb er e eis itien ! O e w r.t l assessmenl and therefore wouhd nored. Court action wîll be tak- thes, 25c. >' e e to alPromreorsBaitvaN. Y., of rublie i HeSup- c, a nThbe asee applîcnuex- ibr.nis M ees!IeCut!Re ________________Decoraled Doll Carnage- fishing exceptionalhy good, hiis- was inîroduced by Pretident Len. ape]aint h ititGv Tesvnapiat ne hs MmesothCorofR-Betil> Farrow, Oshawa, $1,00: ing in one hour caught two spen- Elliott. ernor fr"n !tefne d section were Eric Colwehl, Rance vision were, W.F. Ward, chair- Jean H-unlley, 50c; Jean Living did trout weighing 51", and 41,12 Idresses heard in ksthe des Dilling, Orville Hooper, Chai-les man, S. Little, L. C. Mason and 25c. Ibij.î In bis openin rtellmarkst th e cu o Betîles, Fred Cole. Stan. McMu.r A. Hoît. BestIIWgn PeaP.lef rhr elsaout sm un. Fra k W lhi ms bro gim up an Sto e n xi 0 nfa tin s i-ut n M cGiUl University. He wil as- law t, M iss m yrtIe Beacock, were eie. He was a cousin o! M r. the iainbow. That was the pii-!and see i e lm i h 2 y a- l interesting case whcn ie asked Store, ibis Salurday. isume Ibese posts Sepiember fb-st. on lueur way te a cottage wiichl (Continued on Page 5) J. H. Johnston. osopimy o! the day. Today limati - allim 6 dydjiin

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