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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Aug 1936, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIC. THUtRSDAY. AUGUST 20*,h. 1936 thai thev areCAMP SCHOLFIELD las izrnn 0 adSi stîl: being ,vorn c-,raighît hxs oba.Huly Cowboy ftean ftnows nis norses venîonalnaSTAGES P.r a n____ year. And if 1, 1,r11îS (n-Seniors 4 But Not An OId Grey M are's T a îîgnenYi ti otio: ýe Mrs. Fred Goodiman and Be'- i n..Sm rcn Ihv ______ ___ T ail ~ ~ (fl~ ~ ser~ ~ . ;*-~~el Cobourg_.s ge ld e dapùpn'1 ~ pc~ n~W L L L L Platinum Stitches Turn Wl ( i{e ply acs fma gc~ m ri. paçno:ox.H esBn, RuyThw Out To Be Ilorsehair -,y c reP1aIYJohn nlàeBap::s:t* .ç which tria: cabe p;eo. an1Mr. ndors.Ac Bran:. Mr.n uitDvÇvaajca:\Vr Ls rEho. 7o: -OId M ar e's Tail he-au .t osaffty pnsç,! Tie So her--s h(,%;.A. ~M..W. teadDanne. hÏ Ç'eld oy dpi!ig a 80YrH csEhn.Hr. Upnumber wýas five s'rtryes f.c it r, ie proper su o: f course -Oshawa. receniy visîted Mrs. a tr. ftu unru l- Hardy r: r R au yE:sn U sed To Stitçh Upno+ ite men:)or n , c ,c-', To thie end <f a Pe.ifet ot' -Wm. Litt'e. Mrs. Lttle cofltln-'f]:cts- btween re-dii anR.C O A Cowboy. plaste(r Rd,.ee m Cw ue. nmuch thie same. ewnrdnnadv1e Bi'___0"'f r thie buiding of settlenen -,Wcndz ak. Wcrcýbtess. G-Erow: 10L Bu t.:~~. :îoi- pa:rnlaies or Xtinouîsly, Mr and Mrs. Tbeoeiore Down ýYard Sr-HryW.C'erow, T na:, ha.s me- dîz7r,- Who ever J Clark Belî. NDJand abe spent the weekend %vith anc he oneutaiaer- Si*itr heard l a god anke of gaine. Thie st.ery wasý de-' o,ýa _ngRev. and Mrs. A. McLachin. Oak 1eoe y ease ti-e (hanpion-s Augus* 10*:hý. 1936 platinurn evýen on crie of h:s besi Lake. vlTh e fists o f a eetnes.h tvn* Sie 1 ons hnPie To l'bc Edîtor. frinds? Who does lie t.hnk bc Mrs. A. B. Stepriens. Arthur îrdiar±s. salutarv gestures. peace Junor-DarJing. 19 points: in- W "The Canla(han Stateaman'. is anvhow-John D. Rockefellar? Here and There and and Bever]y. have retuxnied horne pipe cerernony. mred4ocine man termedae-Hartley. 14 pionts a Bowmanville. Ont.ario. Plat:nun-î forsooth! <whatexe ver w eete Toronto after holidaYing withdaean wrdne. urn Senior-E1ll.')n 12 poin * Lwes Dear eorg-: ta: my menx N î>r- and ber sister. Mrs. R. Burgess. and trie cerernonY a moun*ie arrived <_____________ I av Jstreure~frinbe- e-e s ri cuxardkernel etoterreatives, w:: h thie answer te a prote-st sent1 îday-makîng to fimd, in thie ý tre oke <(I reaily htate te x RvB Dave Morris.or. Sr. Mrs. Emmerson Davi..Evelyn by the- redskimns :o trie White Fa- STARKVILLE bulk of accumnulated. papers lusion hm', but he was an Adrytrchedtig e a0 urv r istn e lra Que-bec. The message was,___________ awaiting me. your issue of ..Th, upwth ccommon. ordinary-. pleb- morither. Mrs. F Rose. Belle Hav - inped and appare-nt]v wa.s Mc, csv Sîl a n.nol satisfactory te trie Indians. The net, cry wea ther r. s Cowbey Keans ýfaceticus accoun1 and lin positivelv aýýasmre-d te ose.The Mran ndaubtr. Harry Staples T-h, mountie was cewardly sh!u,:lec aiong trie han-est. Soe I o ne nwpr cý, ss;thie Hunitsville- Mc. r ad and ers. sriee f you eed a ew aar of how lie nerly 1 , Iht at iîVeteran. eAlta.eand-andimmed:ately ail was eonf us- have 'th,.reseda! ou-, and repor. tition o att oe 0f how re n a rly o h e î rr als menion it- h i n iey n re -new idea in sumnier dres lha, Mr. W . S. Staples. B wmanville. j r The ed eace c ief Awit- la v -y poor and 'lgri:crp. Ev-or a t to c v rAA fleeuty. rtuanday is a bi*: te riiihfor ari«v ~becorne-accepted aslittle- ou: called on a nuniber of eûd friends arca was overcorne. and Gloeskap. ierycne ,s wviing fer rain to belli old walls Nýith a drbe C A N Afe m iXshes over h fs over- artain ~nl :og t re t e dahry Btsexhrve on uda.Hmpo.a voung iwarrnor. was eected te trie mIEs and also e rlp the p- p0 iihta a unýýbecornepart of an upper abbre-v- spent Sunday al, Mr. Rob,,. Burg- dtrie lesagJ' ss g.W hcan reatu ese w hen eorto ndde l LI- of my Inîle services nad sub- rae -ennidamffi'on knewn as nhalters." and ess'.twhite men. l ehmnceaue r hn1 any eoain nd os siddI eaîzd ilà a certain I 2t falei -. th re wiîot± Eli5mblP certain]y Mrs. Alex Wilson, Toronto. v s ,- ene twe shewe-d the arrivai 00(1 wlthoicis Hîs land. yet semi- arnoulît of riscriievous glee titat t-dlart:o (f' ma:er:W. hersýe- le-a; es but li'tle te trie- imagia-tted1 r asiteeyof front:e-csren at a ne-w stock- 0f us ive as tiougb we were in- not warp or hum, you rie had unwttingly given ris fi- bî :Estn-luefrfn ien. w:îh bai-e legs. backs'adiland ndMs ae opr raded settlernent and trie dedica hi 01 *nsuiu o tdMs a.So .- de-pendenit and needed ne Divine wl att I naotCoVESMR ends aneth-er *"borse-lauigh' a'- skin -j work - I mean fine -wýork. eldr.The craze fer radical an'Mr.Chs'Ad. rn l ien ccereny o! raising tbe flag h-p UFC ai a a~on xene- Ls~'ntLa sms r obe Kai uvmrdre-ss bas gone- bevorid ited al, Mr. Rebt. Hodgsons dnote-d trie protection ofthtre fort Mr. S. .C-'iîwefl is îrnProved descent. into trie ditehi' on ri .h1 dxs : hvebee c:cf i c- linmtls fer sensible street wear. Mr. and Mrs Hrod u' ,bv trie Kings colonial seldiers. fren a bac fall. L bns ave shaker. trit After readîng trie tcuchnn c Modesty may b-c a f1exible virtuie an family visited at ber bcoth- epcie\frÙ>eM&-, Rutri Savery and Miss CHFAAEST N TH unqucstione-d acceptance of trie count of thie rEtlguialities cf but il ,tili -ernant.s> a virtue neyer- ler's, Mr. CecilTalrKeic occupation cf ne-w territer a wnGimrhv etredbre THE FIREPROOF WALLUOARD LN U perfection of bis herse-mariip trie lîttle mare II etse tl rces A number ef Young friends sur-begnngrtfIsadalwsfeiObaa wbich bas becere an article o! laîîghing t. I would b-c quite pre--- -piel Master Howard Bradevquiet. Outietftrie sbadows came 'Miss Margaret McLeod, of Sask. faith in the rnînds ef ris trustîng pared teo accepitrihe suggestion Hr-i p-ie !Setshwtiapryi oero Gleoskay-s waruiors. trie alarm bas retîrned afte-r visiting hec felew îtiens TraI n tseii is ,btrat she bas a be-ai-tof goid. but t ifer1yo ponde-r ove-r: birtlsday on Monday afternoon. was seunde-d and a battle cern- aunt. Mrs. S. G. HalloweIl.T 4 E E ) -E . - , , de-plerable-. But. wocse. m u c rih da tie ie :tu ltni Se-ventee-n ye-ars ago Andre-w Gaines were played ancd a de-h-m-cdlre niniaigte- Miss Helena Hallewell attend- - - _ werse-, is te folîow: ïae, dfle-ss thri-e be such a Carnegie- oie-c Aug. 111h: came te ieu supper served. protection et the- weeds sbweced ed trie senior girls' canning club 1 will pass very ligritly over trie thîng as, a platinuni blonde- :n trieArnerca a poor bey: f irst job a' Mi-s. A. W. Annts and Miss Aburîng*ar*Lesduantre rte-s. de-monstboution i. Hampton.HomH two stiteîe - mecely callîng mv:lealn, cf Žior.sefle-sh. Shades cf a dollar a wefe-k. second job. a Adelaide Annis entertainedtiAfîetrt nd th tokae Mr. and Ml-s. H. Barewclough 9bu efenn orHm- ouIi upme fellow men te be-ai-.vitne-ss tria 1t wd0~ grey mare-! nessengEr boy a: $25G a wee-k: Beginners and Pi-mary S . ' feil. Trih cn nedwt b fWelyil iie e ohr when yeu learn how econornically it canbcdnwthSai anyone who ceuld hope to re-pa:r ltefep dewn innrny neart 1 have 'oyasafewcsri odbs classe nTedy wenoe 0rush of the- cedskins. the rattle Mcs. John McKay. Fns"Hrwo leig and cestore the- redeub -ble - 901, g P. conviction tria:!rie- versa- steel concerri for 445 million del- little folk enjoyed an afW.noon lot musketry. and trie greans ef Mc. Gordon Hallowe-Il. Mount beys magnîfîcon, naal organ -1 tile CoNbov ainrms te, any lacs: but up 10 trie end be kept e! gaines. A clainty supper was trie dying bre-aking trie st~ilness Forest. has retui-ned after visit- Ad htpcnnnl eui cencemved on lînes et leader.zhip-. sort. of assault or battery per-,up tbaz pnrce-ess possession- served on the- lawn wbich +be o! trie nigbt. Annhsdans.Hî îser Ms forned uni bis ruggeU pe-rsc-a by ete-mal yeuth. childre-n thorougily enjoyed. Scene trre was a table-au Helena Hallewell. ce-turnec witrih"" ~fi losto an hrs. scn o ecli n so,%ýga peace- meeting between him for holîdays. "ai inh si vague vay a. certa:n occasion \Vrk has be-gui.n cm:itrie new PLEASE REMIT tbe- reds and wbmte-s A riuge Mcs. Sydne-y Hallowe-ll has be-en «' SupinrFir P E S henrie ltok a a te-s fer 18 me-asý- WS___ cross n trie- background and In- vîsiting be-c motrer al Port Hope. Quality yetnehhemnpie BESRET AIEtre~fe-- ;e ag ed n eicphont office, cerner et Temp- q SE UR T TNE urK ft-ovr na-s',ca nderance and Chuccri Sts. W. j. The- principal cause o! merchants dîans flanking the rigrit side wîtb Mi. an rs.Luec ht and, being mr opetl IN DS wn o ny pu gbmna ren iri ir istri Tck. contactor. Oshawa. bas ils tre whites on tre left was tre and faiily. Osrawa. called on is fns e ,c y ner7i-ifeflC htlS the- job. The s_:e -,as the eld Is found in trie people who went setmng for the -Bucymng thie sîster. MNrs. MRs. LHaucoel htl.O fnsec~s ea ely [ ~ txr.ebeen thre-e feet, long. withIA:r.ta Hotel. pay thei.r buis. Hatcbet- ceremony and trie pro- Mrs. M. Sbutka and daugb:ec i L- s aints b uss.rnîhng c ounitenance-. be- It's surely sumpising bow many fernng efthtre peace- pipe-. lh£ visiled friends in Oshaw a. get usye see-mied( none- the- worsE On triai hI la oe a a3soe youll find The- Fie-Id Day of trie- afternoon Mc Fred Todd expecta tIo move ST O* e tvent rie did not e-yen ne-e-l"a Tie-nadHot Ls shesa. -tr-y Wbol îaugb a t a state-ment - was dicected by Earl Cunning- nto niisriew rieuse sriortll. haîr G'fIt hnorse- tria: osse-lbiin.adwtisresnd 1 wlie's always be-hind: ham. pbysJcal dîrector o! trie Mi-. Lave-rn Farrow was borne- h1.., na bv bda1e stable-s. occupmed qîuite a bit of Tse- tiîn tht ...o rb ot p i od be rrknecke-eut !ape aniad ea ene- turne hac a'a amerobant, for- scbooî. rnost of the-events being frein Bebany on Sunday.HA and runsoutpaodre- bt an ' tked ot owinfaley.Aton- îm î ws ever and aye. stageclon the- main campus et trie1 Rev. E. Be-e-ch sberne froin bis run by G. Masçon. but. latec by Srieuîc carry the-r on without schoel. Due Iotee o! holidays and we- expe-ot to se-ea Lieve strains and sprains; to heai 2 was a pleasure- te-mead that Thiomas Shiaw, Se-n. Tom Shiaw, asking foc pay. the eve-ning thse wcestiing and goodly nurnibe-r al, chucr eacri pLOORI NO RegisteTed Na. up cuts, wounds, burns, chapped itrie Rotary Parade- was le-cl st Jr. and Fr-ank were trie- îwesns &boxmng finals had te be postpen- Stinda'y. skin and inscct bites. 1IseIt would have- be-e-nt-ooliadtAnd if you sriouîd write thern: e-cl tntil another time. R.esults Mis. C. Rein and daugister Chek veyor kt o e ureMiar'àif thie picturesque edr nhsFor svrlyath w ed-M is there. it's net be.t thing to having a ull war paint. bail, like Lot. f qaresvertye lsa e a- MyW goodne-ss! They veiry ne-acly event se are: brother. Mc. S. G. Halowell, aIse doctor &long. Made for 50 yeArs by old. kept his e-ye-s relîgiouslY to Ceuare.sfertri- sae- unne- t4i fly into a fît. JuveniUCs calie. on Mrs. Jacob Hallowell. h p a dG lL Minrd', Liniment Co., Ltd., Yarmouth, trie-front. while- bis nose-, lîke a e-sadra. cuogLen. Thiskitl-Trie-very idea! Thie ne-n'e of! 75Yard Dash-ltrurblay.I10.2. < N.S. of etLt's wi.fe-, had turned te rel-on Hmtn shte triat dunce. pceR LIMITED t!aes gens: igrt. r ws i tetri lefl?~had a fine large balîrooni Vbich To ask for mone-y. (The-y bave - Sîer eterson: R.unnmng Broad HoeldF.R AenC.toots: re-allyorge-,;t erap thead ft was well paîronîzed by many eec imfrmn.ijJump--Trumblay 12ft.2in.. Spi- Family Re-Union PHRONE 15 tui-ning intb a pîllar cf ,aitowse iladcbn-tenly The-y ask hlm for credit - and Jm-pcr J. Woods. S. Car-mnvll - ~migrit have- turnecl nto thie Bal- es.Tahi e jau aric ple. Oadnotre re-, lîke a frie-nd. pner aI hew isace êTTON FAM"ILY REUNlON _____________________________ £ ~~moral Hot.e-l long balc.ony on the- 2nd store-y Says, *Ye-s. triatL s something i- nT-unblay. Lawsen. Spîcer: Puck Trie- Mut-ton f amly re-unuon vas @o---_________ Me-n ray be- twistems. trie-y mmay the eld îown band be-Id forth on glad te exte-nd," Shoot ing-Trurnbl ay, Spicer. Za- beda'uîe ae otie-st of ROUND TROP RAIL TRAVE A G I e-e-n woren av-been umm-~er e-venngs while trie cîti- He- me-ans it. for credît. as a2It of kai-ri: Bail Thcow. accuracy- Br'ght-on. las, Wedne-sday. wîit - "6KING 0F PAIN» tunwromn hari eirl*fen ka bt zens congre-gated on trie marke-t you know. Spicer. Humpries, R. WVoods: 60 128rne-moers cf trie- fa.miîy pres Fo U M N IL un on bae a stndri.dse! ret-suare. wbiîe triese inclineclte a Is something al merchants are- Yard Hiirdle-s-Scpicer. R.. Woods. en Tre oun peope ecupe- Itîe ! ri-m- er on.Wbat- glsso! be-e-r eard trie prograin gîad te bestow Réeyse-: Relay-Zakarob. SpJce-r. !thernise-lves rnaînly wîth a sports i AUGUST 28 and 29 AU ST2 evtie fshieabe ftue my rom trie- precinctis et the- bar- Ors folks wrio are- bonest -,t R. Woods. Fre-eman: 50 Yd. Kim Iprograrnwrimcr included a base- jT hav i strefortre-mmIle-rniso. riifie- ldbuidigbwuildinre-gantrut.--Ryse- ldhel. acari,.tîîve rce.y tc t 0 1 ortHuonrt4 I _____ orne- clon toe-trer wth aJuniors Next year's eun:on is screduecl hicao5 ~Flint--- 58 large trame dwelîîng and aIso trie- But ye-t thriee are many whc clin, 75 Yard Dash--Sedgwick. Dam- for trie- last Wedne-sday mn July I - Cengregat:onat c humch. wrisc h te trie trieught, 1ng. Maris: Running Bread JumpiTos who attendecli fromr a dis-l C iatàu Durand. $ 1 made a fire et suori se-rousnessiTie-y shoudnt b-c clunneci for,' cgik aln. ac:tnewm-:M n r, e Excursion tickets aiso sold to Windsor àn eri. uy3d tha* trie Oshiawa fume brigade was thîe-goods trie-yhave boîîght Runnig Hîgs JupDar ging k. :ýanewe-rry andoandht r i-i a mj[bd trLî:sla,îIfritî'fo get s orHnb askef fr asistnceandwe-e Whil we-tri Imor mrchnt. Sawczuck. Astins: Puck and Mrs. Har-ve-y Barrie and son I soon on trie spot. 'nie large- months at a turne- as -Darling. Marrs. Sedgwiok: Bal . Gordon, Neil Mutton, Mary. Ne- stables andl shedls centainecla Without paying se mnuch a ho.citne-Drig o'i- aun.Be-t aBry.ceal CN T A N1 NC glarge quantit3-0flieotck dnelinisConstantine-: 60 Yard Hurdlfe e! Bowmanville: Mm-. and Mm-s. C. N Alr 1 A F among whicri was a4 fine stallion They'1I put on trir parties. wtn -rig ewikMas;BlK.PipButnRoWoa ownee by a Mr. Hal, a fariner on splendor and show. iTisrow. aecuiacy-Dýaxling. Con- and C-ci] Priulp. Winnîe Abranis the Broken Frent. This fure breke But bavent (? the- mone-y to pav st antine. D. Dort ador: Relay- and Ka'haline e! Port James MeCregors.ý Maple Gm-ove- out. on Satum-day atternoon wse-n wriat tise-y we. Se-dgwick. Sawczuok. D a rc1 Jn g. Hope- Mcr and Mrs. Fred Beatty. Miss Helen -Wilson, Breoklmn a. - a Decration Day service- ws be- T7he-y'Il put up a front for tue- Ma-is: 50 Yard Swim-Damlîng. Mc. and Ivms Bosuirgcvne o! Tor- W.B-s ng observec at osîr ceuietecy man on thie street. Internediates onte. bolîdayung at, Mr . n wbîclî service te-rmmnatecl sene--Adwopy h ideB1 Miss Ada Rahm ente-damnecla whla. uddenly. S eme- et our el-c- A d w o p h ill-' T ie 10 Yard D&si-Bowes. iBs. -é nurber of girl friends te a brthi e-i-Iy itizens wlll rm ernb r t i . i - o an t th ey beat. H a tle y : R un n n g B r cad J u m p - d y p r y o u e s a i e n o ey iiesil eebrtl LETS PAY UP! Scniver, Hartle-y. Brusb: Runnun o.Dringto Mss Glaclys. Ferguson is vmsi TeLe-gion Banc gave a con- PitclrHeswt- hoe- cs:Sbtu rsh. Hney,1 u.M .etSe-rensB, ce-rt n Rotacy Park on Friday ""o - ai, MSOLE AGENTayorBlck e-vemng toa net. extmeme-Iy large ~~came-tu] whe-n yoîî walk on my pel- cot: Rugby Bali Tbi-ewHr- MisKtierTyoBa- crowd. stonoi.exresonorg1-ecislied floers.- le-y. Biush. Scot*:: PoIe- Vault- stock, i.s Mi&s Ruby Mc- 4. E . G N coi- tonseortie s-in r o! r Plumber.- -Dont woî-c3-bout] Scott, Dunîeavy. Cobban, 80 Yci. 1Laugin. -Love looks triougis a telescope; SHE ROKQ . ouiea tow adoleseeba nd ors me, murn. I can't slip: I've-gel 1Hurdles-Hartley. Bewes - Brush: iMr. and Mm-s.William Wette-n e-nvY, trirougis a mlicroscope."- Umm Gu ewntwhear ýbant concert.spikes on me- boots.' 1 Relay-Dtunlea-y, Brusis W 1u1 - 1andt Blanche i;pent Suinday at, Mc. 1He-nry Wheele-r Shaw. is on and yeu wîll fmnci as many, crmoe, on trie front street as at Instalithis Bathroo M corito emberC EV OLE M pl athTec band h ie ômt o hï at littie cost ceturns in lise shape of filtbyIow p c d 1 lucre. Looks pretty smart, doesn't it? Of course, It t h~r o~ lcI cit.zen o! the town S T E F RAC rqie unn ae.But a Dura Automatic Pump- de-pa-ted thtis life- on Pciclay, in S T NW- -- R R I CE Eo N» yR ECR ing System wil provide plenty of running water from th person o! Mr. David Davis, your own weli, at littie outlay. at bis re-sictence- on Be-ech Ave- Mr-. Davis fer rnany yeaa-s carnieetAU facto and ijuîes quoted for the &Soamy ettrc r This Iayout (tkree pieces), ready for installa. on a boot and srioe- store-, trade oertified by the CANADIAN AUTOMOBILE ASOIIN wri- I fttng, s ni $0.0and was aise, a me-mber efthtre- As a resuit of the test ofal >C. A.A. Certificat a12--6 - tion, complete wihA Ptigi y..... 7 0town council for ,seve-ral periocts.h enartd The uro-pecai Pmpin SytemailHe- came te tliis ýcoum'rv froni The uroSpeialPumingSysernailCanadian- Cornwall, Englarcl. aind was well 1 4 i e made, capacity 250 gais. per hour, complete with known tbrouglmout trie district. He die-c at tîme- advanîcedclar'e ef 30 gai. Gaivanized Tank, 25- or 60-cycle 110-volt 91 ye-acs. at a record low cost of W&U motor is oniy $8 1.50 Terms if desirei. -...-.. A large number o! visitors were- in town Saturclay andt Sunday. Hydro's Free Gift to Rural Tre-e fiDed busses and one part-$ Iy fiUled for Toronto on Sunclay Dwelerabs! evening shewecl te wbat extent2 7 6 4- ~ W~UU~Ut.he- railways have loat trie- trade- EIectric current wiII be provided-Free of Charge-for Tise motor car proce-ssion was GSLN 2i~eg. one o! the- large-st seenfoc thse-GSLN-2mlseg oideratg eler prure or-summer andl continueclfar into lbn average. videwtr uder resurefor thse- night, esPecially going west. Ou.-1 pint in 1246 miles. s.Household Santary Systems. Tenmie . rîer rsFUEL COST--oaly one-third s~ Th ume * * o! chisf a cent per ton mile. ye-a. se-e-ms to be- growing and tis ine- et business is more notice- WATER -1 2 pinta used dur-*Huln2000ondcrtedgsswgh146mesfo Write for fros illustrated able be-ce- bis ye-ar than forme-cîy. ing ontire trip. 0Huig2,0 onscriidgoswih 26mlsfo fuIders on bathraom equip- Many o! Ibose- travelling "iseuses" REPAIRS-No money ex- Windsor, Ont., te Moncton, N.B., this big Chevrolet-Maple Leof ment or plumbing supplies. are- finely furnisisee with every pended on repaire or adjuet- 2!, -ton truck recently estoblished a Conadian record for Economy, conve-nie-nce and quite cootly. t. Sa.fety and Stamina. The long, hard test was made under typical road and weather conditions. The total operating cost omounted te For Sale By Mi. J. H. Jorinsten, f oimertl' $27.68, or one-third of a cent per ton mile! Principal o! Bowmanvilde public - acitools, announces trie- ope-ning For operators handlling 5- te 7-ton payloads, this Chevrolet-Maple ofabook store intise- Bunsall Leaf model eupe with Truxmore third axeoide s a combina- Chvoe Bert Park&r Ciî,h.e1;,, euipd - roids'/2-t401 elTrc àrfn f _-l- --. Duro Special Mith 30 gai. Galvanized Tank MO£.,njua fl a *AJÀAieJl V une1VU1 scriool boeks, statione-ry andt mag-i Plumber azines, andl founet in an up-to-da.te- book store. Phone 651w Bownianvie Why shouldn't Ne-wcastle have a geod town or citizens' band? Tise-ce are- a numrber of old tjim- ercs thriei o would make a good EMPIRE MRASS MFG. CO., LTD. founidation for suds an organiza- Londoan Hamilton Toronto Winnpeg tien. Why net have- a bandeequaI Vancouver te Vise dmamatie players, for ex- ample-? Talk it ove-r and trie-n get going in this fine pastirne. For Economica) Transportation COURTICE nion wmicn, ny slasning expenses, materially octes te your profits.HresthChvot /tn As a resuit of the trail-blazing experiment made under practical, éeithCevat1/-o workaday conditions, we have been provided with a f und of useful truck which accompanied the Chevrolet-Maple Leaf information. Individual and fleet owners are invited to share tis Nith Economy Test Truck as us. Con you spare a few moments to visit our showrooms today ? "Pilot Car." Carefully kept performance records of this truck indicate gasoline mile- age, 19.05 miles per gallon; ]ROY NIC13OLS BOWMAN VILLE cil co:sumption, nil; water adjustments,. nil. C-6 CT-566 r 1;

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