PAGE SIX THE CANA.DIAN STATESM AN. BOWMANVIIIE. ONTARIO. THU~SDAY. AUGUST 2Oth, 1936 ries. Cook one cup of the ben 'riev with il-, cups water until soit i OU R E iE ix -ugar and cornstarcb thor E Pies, oughiiy: add st.rajned bot lîqudAn Paging Pie 'li fromcooked berr:es. st.rring con- 0e L thick and clear. Add gela-tinVSO ,~Iwhich has, been soak-ed in 14 cup B ~~a g n gthicken. then a-Id remainrng ber- C.H.Tuck ries. Tnrn into corn flake crumb Opt. Pie shell. Clu]]. Serve with sweet-Eegh Disproving oId truisms seemis to cupa. lîgbt corn syu enedc whipped cream if desired S a be thbe chef joy of modern cook- 1 tsp. vanbUla extract Yed: nel-nhp. Disney Bidg. M14<~ tsp. Salt Crumb Pie Sheli op P . ery experts. Many fo iea cup whole pecan nut 1-3 cup butter (p.P . have been changed by recent re- meats 1/4 cup sugar Oshawa, Phone 1516 search and, because of this, Prepare ail-bran pastry sheil. 1 cup fine corn flake or 1 menus have undergone startling Brush lightlY with beaten egg rice krispie crumbs TE EE I OENIF transformtations. The wei-plan- white. Beat eggs until light. Com- Melt butter in pie pan. Add 1 I VSI OENLF ned meal now is vastly different bine sugar and flour and add te sugar a-nd crumbs; mix thorougli- fien -Pr4 fromn that of grandmother's day eggs; mix well. Add syruP. flav- ly. press mixture evenly and ElcecyPr and pie holds a prominent Place oring and Sait. Sprink]e pecans f irmly around sides and bottom 1 Ma-ny remarkable condîtuins upon the menu. in prepa-ied pastry sheil and add of pan. Chili before adding fi- ma-y be refenreci te. Let me cite pie at one trne was cansîdered iifling. Balte in moderate oven ing. Yie]d: One 8. P. or 10-inch an incident of a contractor. who to be no f itting dessert wit.h (375-F) for about 45 minute-. shell. on account of an tincorrected wbich to finish a heavy meal. Yeld: One 9-inch pie. *F.01 or grind 4 CUPs cornu error of this nature came down M[any hardy souls ate it at break- Ail-Bran Pastry flakes or 3 cups ice krispies to to washing dishes in a restaur- fast and feit that this fortified 14 cup ail-bran yie]d 1 cup fine crumbs. ant because bus eyes would not thmfradyo adlbr 1ýclips flour Permit hîm to carry on succes.- But at night they a-te scantily i tsp. Salt fully a-t, bis work. Ater lus cor- and shunned pie on their dinner 1/2 cup THINGS TO DO rection wa.s applied he was able menu. They thoughtit suitableI 5 tbsps. col water U to go back te bis work a-gain suic- oniy for hoLiday fare. (more or less) N VjA IO cessfully. Then a new feeling for Pies be- Rllall.-bran until fine and 1 Then again let me refer ta the gantobe otced Aple Pifl'~combine with fIour and sat. Cut i ,htluîgsmmr loursau csefthldywaw-adîd kin and cherry, while stiil general in shortening. Add water, 'a lit- <hlnî utfe ueîtyte.aind ta seek relief for her discomfor' favorites, were modified. and mod- tic at a time, unt-il dough is moist it is11")itlils Iougidite their recrea- Iby a change of clima-te 'but after ernized. Other pies unheard ai enough te hld together. Rall tiiui iltu îutasaîît channels. Therehe eeadmuce orctn t'wenty years ago came into be out on lighiiy floured boa-rd to art'>"ui naiy îinteristing, ecatioa'i was on. perfect comiort en- ing. Pe eeu gi.adtî about 1/s< inch in thickness. andl Vuuthliwilc tluings tbat younig- sue. Zwîthaut. the necessity 0f thie time they were here to stay' New- For Pastry Sheli: Place loosely stens niay tnjoy, mîo malter wbat the added expense. er types followed the Uir-minded in pan. Tim edge of pastry, chii(lt îuage Material for sncb tuiea-J I recail another incident ai trend of our times and became leaving about V2 m ich beyond rim surte i' isiially obtaiiuatle rigbt inione who did withaut glasses or fluffy, light, chiffon creations. of pan. Fol extended edge un- tht ho.iuli<eye 'Correction for a matter of (For whoever heard ai a chiff on der and flute. Prick pastry shel - twelve or fiteen years because of pie in pre-war days?) with a fork and balte in hot aven Sinall fuulks eiîjoy strnmging but- a remark which led her tO believe An amazing and aPPeiizing (450'F) fromi 10 to 15 minutes. Wzns fi-r beauls and bracelets. A newlnathing couid be dane to relieve variety of pies is now offered to 'yieid: One 2-crust pie or two innouvationî is that of stringing mac- ber, It was faund upn examna------ us. With this variety we can add 8-incu pastry sheUs. anoni, the commun clhow variety. tian that both a distant and near sparkle to our menu and com- rsMsbeyPi Given a wailpaper sample book, bluint corcin could be accepted and plete our diniier. rather than end FesRabryPi creio ut with "that sinking feel~ing.", 1 quart rcd raspberrues shcars, and a uottîe of paste thegood vision resuli. What of the Hee xesoeditictvline 1/ cups water litie finster wili amuse himsetf for ma-ny cases remaînîng uncorrect- pie ideas for occasions great and 1 cup sugar hours making vaicntiîîes, doit furni-ied because same one remarks Em . 1/ tbsps. cornsta-rch tire, cutting free-lîand figures, anti they wii grow oui ai il,? What Pecan Pie 1 tbsp. gelatin makiîîg heoktets. A large spool wiii Of the ma-ny cases ai buying 1/4 c'up col water makc a bubbk ue ),wbich dIippled i .elasseS by mail irom an a-d.? 1 al-bran pastry aluehl1t i . e " ulîc dssul il soap flaku s wiîî lMuw love- 'W'hat of buying a-ny giasses with- Egg whuite I ts. sltunIh- bh~.out an examina-tion? Ail these 3 eggs 1 iO-inch corn fl.akE crumb1-- are contributary te aur worst 1 tbsp. sugar pie sheli V'al. i eraI uifftuiîî sizmid 1)i- conditions. 2 tbs. flour Wash and pick ove-r raspber- tatocý andl show yungster buw tu __________________________________________________________ asti . îiii tugeths'r witbtoo'th- The Cana-dia-n National Exhibi- kpicks arnd form <iffuenmt kinds of tion, originaily chartered "for the anima!i, It'ý, great funil, an(] proves encouragement of agriculture, in- amiuls.imj mvin for çrowutnit s.pi,. dustry and the arts" bas neyer T 0 0 0 F T E N littie fingers slyly steai some matches . .. and then off in some dark corner a "mysterions" f ire suddenly starts. Keep ail the matches ini your home out of reach of children's fingers. Do everytbing you can to prevent Pire but also be adequately insured. Re- grets are very u.nsatisfactory substitutes for sound insurance protection. Je.JeMASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 50 Bowmanville c onis an fumn for making amimal.s forgotien the pumpose for which too.Soreties recr I)as ljI it wa-s orga-nized. It. bas grown strinîî. n SmtmaJes gre(eaL iiand expanded in ma-ny respects struîg ha-rs ma li mîsil.'but the basic Plan ha-s been care- .Scnapbiuoksý are iliteresting for ail fully adbered te. agis. Molor-iniieldboys tike serap- Ibooks, îîictîîrimug cars and acruuîlaîîes. Ra-pidiiy does not a] w a- y s Littît girls gfteýn like their scrap- me-a-u prog-ress, and burry iS akînI huuuîk ii cotiti~nn vi,,ure of t,.. It<.waste,"-. A. Stoddard. Diumîî's, Shirley Temple, or pnî'tty homnes. Anud of course tbere are bits of vursc. poetry, recipes, cotored pic- tuires. miagazine covers, toys amuit all osuntof iubjeets. Scraputooks are interusis to bc imiulgedj in from lime sui timic. WEDDING IVannan-Moýlunt o- A vers' ntere-,ting e en': e place on Satunday. July l:r.~ the home of Mn. Norman Moiin-- L juy, Blackstock. when their sec- ond danghter. Lela EIna, becan.e the bride ai Mr. Lorne 0. Wan- n an, son of Mr. James; Wannar. and the la-te Mu-s. Wannaii o: Raglan. The bridal party enter- e-I the drawing îoomn to thc simains of tbe wedding ma-- h pla-yed by the br:Ie's sister. Mis Muriel Mountioy. The ceremony which ioek place beneaih an arch of evergne-ens and wedding beUls banked with gla-lioli a-nd fern, was performed by Rev. H. J. Bell, ,pester of Blackstock United Churcb. The bride. gîven in marriage by her faiher, looked charmuùng un a gown of white mous-selaine de soie made on long flawing lines.,t:h a floor length s'eu banging irom a coronet of orange blessams. and wore the gift of the groom, a sa-pphire ring. She carried a bouquet oi roses wiih baby's brea-i a-nd maiden hair feu-n. Miss Hazel Mauntjoy, sister of the bride, a-ciel as maid of bon- or, a-nd wore a gown of yellow mousselaine de soie. fashioned an the same lines as that of the bride, and carnieI a bouquet of roses a-nd yeliow rnums, witb baby's breatb a-nd maiden baui iern. Little Miss Audrey Mount- jay, sister af the bride, acted as ilower girl. and wa-s ainiily gowned in a Ireass0f pale green georgette a-nd carried a basket of sweei peas and baby's breaib, The groom was supported by his twin brother. Mr. Lloyd Wa-n- utan, af the Bell Telephone Co., Taronte, During tbe signing of the register, Miss Pa-uline Fergu- son sang "I Love You Truly." The bride's mother receivel the guests, gowned int navy triple sheer, anà1 wore a corsage ef roses and maiden hair feu-ut Aiter the ceremony a da-inty luncheon was served. the dinîng roomn being decara-tel with white and yellow streamers and wed- ding belîs. The happy couple le-it amid showers of confetti and goal wishes for a boneymeon ta Ottawa and pri nts norih. Tfl bride iravellel in a navy suit wiih white arcessories. After their retu-rn they will resi-de at Kirby. Thie filling-satîon manha f inished wiping the wunlshield, when the woman driver sa-id: "Wauld you mind going over Jobnny's face just once?" Prim roses For Luck [?- LIFFORD C. I'URDY. Bozimanvillc A .sanul tilt un samuil box offert I'osnthi Iîîstalle)lcknt levur ending recteatiomi for iml ages 'Fi lrscydhi whrae Oif chlîluibîuTh'le very ouuug Iku thiitmis yîlhmwtl ae ti il fIsmal l ,an imlil cýlities "l'Il tril thtlî'swect wuinlul 1havi' Us,' a can ouenen wbich lcaves no ilsisu-l mii s lonîg iuuw amuit1 cari cilgu s anmd lut thlut-cluil ilren base t li- ass~ u rt oiliu ave n o inmtentlionsuOf varionis sin il titi catis for their sait(] slartînîg ui thut levemuttu t' pile fini. Jliut'n çlilîren liki' 10 IlIt îîn«,Iît1t lu miacls,.l( lînm huitrt cities. towun, in farm bI)tilings - i thle sr lT wigs, graissejs, mirmors, '1 leu uiu r c inuiîîfeii ti a su lî-îî , Ilinr - matctî s si ring, tilts uf îastu arut, nil seccli uruuiîgb uis piicl«ts. UI- spouils an(i aIl sîcb materialS niay tiiuateiy, wtli a sigh of relief, he bt îsu-u ii ttise st mr efucî It s istaîialirty little candulmnuuur ttîe a luiver eîuuluîg soîmrce uof enctuart- florisi's isu lînPresto 'Flue card mn nul)tii iîlal.îIniaî villaget-rut aiwuîrkeui w'undurs. si mils igluoi.i amduilutgi vi omii htur istlii IC i-caril tlciity muf 4<i)t 'it %iIois'lu mi sterse' thulii' lii "ue uave sui' belittiful if ormuat îuion mu Ii isu- clt il-andl t lu i'r n s- iiw suritue c'arn al muni- lalir' ..."'li, ni i>ttuiîug u t hu eotone l' t, o-sui av îîî l , tiurnud graveiy - 'But 1Ilbave a lm iinu jtsmu anutforn a swinig. fie iiii luHIaiblui f irI'nu namuo uurs mi' t-il ni tut nf('ctly safi - nuiikt- a [tem t Ilr l'l teneimî f,-s for;ibý b ar ý(at liolili hili lcuy f thlein ' f il( un a li' lir rut suand t ti neti îluT'~ he luiist wimkeî ilkuuwirîgiy. ta li('nuu; si il u oil. AmutnupoC lemou"t h'li ut eb'nr stat e tas uust led %vliici lu t lildl nuy 'srîtht' t -if'întt-r a uamkit uof ulanktnuss. Alîuvt', i, utarr as vers memàsay am m nuîuu ttr-ateîîî-l liintervats. nu g;înuiuhy lIait thtestýatt<s watcliman luu'eî sonmuIc, ikewisi il -af'- traîuu'-iuuuot lu 5Va k -lie woulilu havse turobulully nu> jo ti)i f;ut muîve ' tu grînimd iffuns ticu>Il, hlait is eyes buuiiu llet, a ilark 1u1011rs, îf ;aiusnmit fuî thte yuîung- s'luailuw ttuat glilimI oven l velvcty stu r Wli, tIu .îsuî- toiilu-a circuis per- iawns. 'ltuat îlaîîmu-ike vsîtmur fre.w as inumu(t-mîtlier thlan tueyou t lufui Girl s lîkutiio sew an ilulwî apturecu- 1Tluî'ourc Witb tîuîînuing pulse be aIe ttue, uîîuounîuîîity tii make huit)lish pausdttl uiascu ilaini is tirogrt'ss. inululrs foîr mnuîîîer, as wcîî as a ,lhn fiîmuing evcnytbimîg favouratule diuil's wardiruituu. '1'a tuuwcts may he cru ;ut elmutusiy tu the rîrrusc lied. lemîneu lamî it( ebioideremt. QtiIt Uîty ing a sîîuaii towsel frnt h ls bîlocks Inove iiti reýstiîug frîîm , uit tit andulîaying lis torcu nean at tim. I ISsnmuursin Iuuw uneictyluandmini case ouf emergeîucy, be pro- i unr îaîgîîter wiîî master tliese ail (ceedetwith thuc unîuteasaiit task of ventures amuitprogru'ss lu înaking tcr spatn rrvewrcku brita I siuil tutfit fo hesci secned itctiecrnîity, he finisbn'ul the ('uuukîîg atututais f0 ail yîuungstens, wîîrk lie was gatberîug lis lue i tliîk. M anîv a mothuer proutiy loungings, ureuarimug toii iave, wtuu'nI saî-sIlia Juîîîni or auiecan ake îrk silhoutte' shot anmtiuind fhi'cor- a cake nur lias malie tînese cotukies. nreo<f the lumunsu. Il was coming 'l'biy miglut tuegimu with simple ilishe'ss - g Tathi u tutiitveiya lic sîmli aus soup or a custard. Th cy luckeil. T runner tteet ihuldflt try lii attenuttoc, mtchu ery oif surprise as liu, catapuilteil anti ificommrnsu' tey shu mlii wasîu .i1s'en 'ihioil ure's lumîuilelii body. 'h ere tluuigs ni aftu'rwari. L.ater un the %vas a chutl thmid as skull mît fouii- teimu lge girl înay take minuthe une ti slce iianationuof ant eltire mî'al, anduth(.me cil uexdore, nîuw î'xtremei]y fnigliun- planuninig of it, wbich is hall the fun. i.s W htctîciion bis iOrch. Several -feet from hlm la-y a mail, mîaîl ti The' bigh sebumol yîîuîgster shotul the' wurid, a fat svatlet still Ctintclued lii î'îcurageîl lu nuad gondl i<oks .in htus mistrctcheit tant. -er <)nc miglut give ulauîglutm'r the chanuce' It was then that L~ord ( acklî uen tii (lo uver lie'r room aeeurdimug ta tuer aîîuîareîl on the scelle', tiuffiiug anutÉ muwnu idmIas Son ten tt-mitas hi-as ai so, tuIiwýing likt' a it eam engine. Ile wasi anud it won't birt a litbtcflethi m cioseiy folluweui ly tilietttiCC-y eet tr hs al(]atincrordeortnw atcliman. tn r usariml a nlun>ril ecurto h Tluuodmîre u'xîieientcrti an, ncuîm- anîm elmtuiit r. ,furtatilc sinkiîug seîîsatiuuî.1 If uni 's llîîgltu'riS altal lmit( r- 1, Wtuen the pyjamna-clail jasimine an-a t-isuu i siwiug, situcmight bave i veit ht was emllaredl lî tîhe tuuiy tiint mnlti ialsIo li ry ii u uhlm-ias. watelihman, vaii y attemmt ing 10iîx - fln'lt'unm lî tum uie imuag -l ii~ plainluis presecri. Thu' girl' t-yss mmni thlîî-î i:ltl a ipatchiwork îtîîilî "'i' bo. lîy uwil tlîat pair 'if ratîlits 'b'ti nîuîilg t'im in pig,'îui,',or soilint, r fîîî' in litîîscii îbiilY iiititii uiltleiiied ini lit(a ii lîîîll le hiîct nd i therwii' rnit a i r leiî r naI ieil t hi' jig nu ul fur ti'iî, iiil iigiî ts. I le îinriiitIo) t iilîrt out rsh i it.(i illis scasiîn.tîi' wliilc 'iîrdtit triiitb Arriving at trhi irgIar's ;utitri'lunisiînin lu is de.sondîs o b unr"~ " toirya îrîlliaîît idiva Strîlk iikm. be eand ue no b ugrtfulertn'ws a rv ri <litit ilitv, a beforhnd e olooking fr lt .nuii alifttirn' -a ilaîeto fývi."-luppr. liaieaindl play tliî hi-ru "Aid 5v il 1 loiîki il1lii,"'Il(- icon- liivl wit î1imrw î'iflil niiisty, "Wlilit' was iiiiiîing D;xr . rpIm a t ords O i rntm oorbiEn t IoicIi' ei g . Ut e otw I 'n sfni- ing distance 1 sorta tappl)d him,I ilevur ilredining Fii knuîck Iiiin giiofy. 1gicss --guess 1 was exciteil and hi bit iiin a litile - a trifle adr thari 1 exîîeeteýd to," lie finished laine- Lord f 'ackIvbvîrrý s imu ustae hi' bob- b;d tbiriateinigly. 'Thbc vatcbiiri, a fok of iiiilie ie f n pou bis face, stll retainil b] is biold on Thecodore's col- Jar. jasimine alonc lbailrrnainied faithfuil. Sl1w bail swallowcd the crn- tire ivretcbied talc and was flow gaz- ing ai 'I'l (ldru iin wîrsbipftil ail Inisiili li îiî ii fl o tn ie li'i lyttlli'il a swilçh. T1he tlace was flîîîîîiîl iitlîligbit.1 It wams Lord (Uacklelie(rry wbîî, iii- t iiniat iv slbat t(-r(-cl thle silIenice. Ile liait lii ciiUrtinîiziîg iTheoiiorc iiii hui' ntitterîîlI. "Pui n îi i -v tri if if t vas fîrty i ars so c l'il l'(i swveýir- " 'Yiitswcar 1 was I A)rd N M u rut qIite lin tint l'in clise -lii il eS? ra igbt i icd Ioiatte nt iuonîami ii iaîl b s liomuI(Jers. O'ii'îi 'tscar t ) uitittle Ml lierry - at s unr service, sir!t" Sun-piseil, jasimnilie giggli'd. iLord f ack lebcrry tii cincea I bis c(if 1 ii nii stîoid iw amni çii'ki<l îî)the wailet. lîî wtatcliman reslîicti%,elv witlîdrew biis biandil 'Hie n a strange tb n g lbap Loîd.IMrd (t ack lî'lîcrr v smInlul - there wî're actuatly diîmîîlcs! "(ii fi iid 'fi'emb iiickl ed. "Sncb an iuieartlily lîîîiir tîî transplant tnrnm- roses. Yiing Inari yu îî'd lut t er corn' ariuîinît ii tlîî' niirniiîg anîd finîsb the joili ii"îl 'Th I i CON4STIPATIONÎ By arousing the torpid, sluggish liver to healthfiul action, youelimxnate the cause of constipation and chroni' indigestion. You can depend on this time-proven treatment, Da. CREE WILSONS. REALLY KILL One pad kills flis all day and ever> day for 2 or 3 wecks. 3 pads in ecd packct. No spraying, nio stickinesi', no bail odor. Ask vour Druggist, (iroccry oir (envral Store. 10 CENTS PER PACKET WHIY PAY MORE? THE WILSON FiL PAD CO., Hamiltonent. SHREDDED WHEAT MADE IN CANADA - 0F CANADIAN WHEAI ove-r a yea-r a-go, there ne-mains one daugbter. Mrs. Waier John- 'son. of Osha-wa; two sisters. rs. W. Gimblett, Ritson Road South, Oshawa. a-n Mrs. J. U. Ca-le of Ample-r,, a-nd one brother, Thomas Veale of Bowmnanville. The funeral was l'eld from thse family residence Friday aiter- noon. Intemment t-ook place mn Mount Lawn Cemetery. OBITUARY Mrs. W. F. Vanstone, Oshawa Mu-s. William F. Vanstone. 205 King Street West, Oshawa, lied at ber home Weînesday. Augusi i2th, after an ilineassoi severai years. Mrs. Vanstone ha-I been a resideni ai Oshawa for thimty- six yeaus. Although she bad in hem younger laya been a mcm- ber of Queen Mary L.OB.A. Lodge her main interests ha-I bocu heu- home a-ndia-mily. She bal a nuniber of friends who were ai- wa-ys we-lcome at heu- home, Born in Torquay, Engla-nd, the daugbier of Mu-. and Mrs. Thos. Veale, Laura Anut Veale camne ta this counttry a-t the age of four years, a-nI the iamily settied in the Courtice district. Tbey lived for ma-ny yeams there. Mr. a-nd Mu-s. Vanstene we-re maru-ed un Bawma-nville and lived there for one year before unaving te, Tor- onte a-ndiateu-Londont. They came ta Oshawa tbirty-six yea-s a-go. Mn. and Mrs. Vansiane bad lived a-t 205 King Street West for the pasi twenty-two years. She attendeI Centre Street United Church. Predecea-sed by her busband gSunlight Soap Special Standard Quahity WAX BEANS Sir Ml-colm CamPbell's "Blue- bjrd", tbe mammath racing car that attaîned a- speed of slightly more than 304 miles per baur on thse sait- f laIs of Uta-b, will be se-en in the Automotive Building a-i the Cana-han National Exhibi- tion. "To believe a business impossi- ble us t.he way I0 make it .- CaLer. \V hItl 3 n25c Specia 1 Austraiami CloicQiality PEACRES flu ' 229 iIeîtquby ;10(111J Pkg.:1 9 Early Morning .....E 9 PARD CAT & DOG FOOD 2 1-1t). tinîs 23C LIBBY'S ORANGE JUICE 15-02. tin 12ei HORMEL Bonclcss CHICKEN 6-oz. Tin 29C PLEW'S OAT PIJFFS - 4-oz. pkg. 9g SHAUROCK SAUSAGE - 15-oz. Tin 29e HEDLUNYD'S MEAT PASTE 4-oz. Tin 1Ot Speial!I Catclli's 'YE--LLOW EVE" BEANS RAKIED SiuiriliiStyle2 Special!1 MUFFETS IRRADIATED Ilkg. 9 10ae% Pure Pennsylvanja Double Action Penn -Rad Classkc Cleanseir 1.09 MOTOR OIL We Deliver NEW LOW PRICE - Gai. 35e STEAMER EXCURSION COBOURG te ROCHESTER, N.Y. FRIDAY, AUGUST 21 ONLY $1.25 RETURN CHILDREN. 65 CENTS Schedule - Standard Time GOING RETURNING Lv. Cobourg - - - 8.00 am. Lv. Rochester-- 6.30 p.m. Arr. Rochester-- 1.45 p.m. Arr. Cobourg - 12.15 ar. 1 (Aug. 22) EXCELLENT ORCHESTRA ON BOARD FOR DANCING Low prices for meals on steamer - Breakfast 50c; Lunch and Dinner, 75e eaeh. Aiso Lunch Counter Service, Ample free motor parking sx>ace at steamer dock at Cobourg. PURCHASE TICKETS FROM LOCAL CANADIAN NATIONAL AGENTS OP. AT STEAMR ONTARIO CAR FERRY COMPANY L. (Cobourg-Ro4chester Steaiship Route)t Brain Wor ker's SECRET THOUGHT HE WAS A FAILURE He w ted to get ahead, to arnotmt to something. He hi ambition . . . but a tired, liutless feeling was slowly and surcly beating him. Found A Way Out He consulted bis doctor, and a simple diet habit started 1dm on the road to success. IIow cid 1w do it? That's what his fellow worker% wanted to know! Gloried in New-Found Energy Then one day his secret came ouf. Someimne ask- cd hlm how he got ail hi%, pep. When he repliid, middle of the morning," bis felow-workers fol- lowed bis advice. Today. they all give thanks to Drink Gien Rae Milk GLEN- RA± DAIRY R. R. Steveinzalad Sor Phone 408J SPIRIT AND BLENDED Vinegar il PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN SISTATESIMAN. BG'%VMANVIILE. ONTARIO. THURSDAY. AUCYUST 201h, 1936