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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Aug 1936, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN '3TAITESMNN BOWMANVILLE, ONTA-%RIO, THLTRSDAY. ATJGUST 20th, 1936 PG E~ DURHAM REGIMENT OFFICERS IN CAMP AT COBOURG IN JULY î BROADCASTING NAMES 0F Who carvssproalyadmk OBITUARY SUBSCRIBERS IN ARREARS r nd eot. W os 4 Presbyterianism in Cartwrlght A. laf -0 **<.'O~~~ I A large nurnber of the weekly subscriber narasbodat Wrîtten ~ I - Daid Davis Bowmanv1l~ ne spapcrs in Ontario have put but toaoid î eaeakn Fo c v easa rn !etor a Good Will Campaign" ail %who oefrsbcitost MIS AR M LCLM NSTETN o ýory eas poiinna lon iwth the business men of make retane nuiorn M I S S M A R Y M A L C O L M N E S T L E T O ~ P .B o w i n a n % i l l e u n e . m a r i . D a v i , l i e o %v n . t h e p u b l i s hi e r s ' p l a n s p a r t w î t o t f r h r d lyin _____ ____ ____ _____ ____ ____ _____ ____ ____ _____ ____ __ - . iDavis, a.sed away ar i r<to collect arrears of sub- dividual sr. a e s al u 4CnIý )id ence. Beecii Avenue, on FrIc1a', .cipiond and the nîerchant.s ta they toal ag mon.Yu Cocl ' AzŽtt4iLus i:nsh j~ n outst.anding accounts. label siostedt hc Re. . . aruhness Ho h-le -CIla.s in hi, 91st x a'Gene ral:v a couple off dozen can- your sucipinb ad.W R.v.R G Crut2s4 aso nOC Ii C I M nos'ssbr -a Strator. ' cudate.s are :n the fleldi. and the thank ailtoewohv led 192 -2 n .Cornwall. England. and 's th I va ious winn pi re eive aluable paid in ad nc The Rev. R. W, Cai rutliec; .,L 'fRei . R G.Cari î i u Ionl .o f Mhnèc prrrts ~orehî a David Dn ar. A arh aLeoe The31Canadian Sinbareaseis Une apobe nenan her. deliv*ering threc-eal l enDavi.. At tlîe ae off 2thefcand dates Classifie d.T'e rngrsi. apable "es 'r onxvould r p1 alie caille to Canada. and. 'ak2frihd od Po ee-ntiat hi.s trade as a .hoen:aker ____________________________________ MnCiiC o r s onC- 11 e,ko Mra i nt, nuînbier of y arýi-, t,11 a Sînda. Mi and Nti Cd' ~ k M m off , ni ITreea en shoe stroe. and ' T D IT L' Mi.Ca rutilters 's as a au :în\" n e.b n C r:and con1~upyb.~e~u of the Rev. Prinrcipal \\'glo ~I' r e' v mdx.~Erv~oenwbigo raind- RA E Halifax Ladies' Seinsnarvý. ShA. '< ~f)r a l"unsrThIe Hydo Shngop.wheh wu 1 specîalizîng In eloctioni. M iThe fl Of e:: suede Wnîly adeY dl red 0onfor- fortvy ýea:.. rei u.n e~ g olîeîue TnORONTO EXHIBTO lie laun:ly and ws v-(-n.6 UIl 125. t0a ara-,. se foi CI!eare y al Iiis home here. Mr. Davis Wa. b C aitrîiîlî r e< st on x a nelru , c v , î u t. .' :'i intrec sted in m un icipal affair Carthr s rie:e'd , j,.u i.\o:gcuîîPcdTn1' Top Row: Leuts. A. G. F. MecDonald. B. B. Daw~son, C. iH. Fourt, J. S. Spencer, F. J. Billett. G. 0O. and for- îhree 'cars lwa.,a memn -reat. interest lie took in ta~ r l. and closed ebua 9 1 JCow%8linz. 'Middle Row: Lieut. K. Hall, Capt. F. E. L',ett. Capt. R. S. Gamey rMj Lt. J. L. liber off the Town Counicul. H e n C AC nul n'tng ffte lrrh.~ -r nbers vted. the bý- a~ Sylvester, Lt. N. N. Brimstin. Capt. IL.'M. .!akenian. Lt. W. R. Howard, Capt. D. . Fowleri Pay Mr. a faitîaful nieiber off St. Jln, was a inost. efficient (!,rhamutiCa-n 1nd to 'u: Row: Capt. P. J. Bigelow, 'Major J. C. Gamey, . M.. Major E. S. Ferguson. Lt.-CoI. ASnlia LINESnda!-ohe a rol Th1e l0th off June 1925 Nu- '. Thorni O.C., Major L. J. Stuart,V.. H Mai. C. 't. Spencer. V.D.. Capt. C. M. Chandler, 3Major .me-si nWeln;-L , _____________ Receipts off the dufferont o:,- "îrrîiiiSonbfei.hpnand lngtone g ganizations. 1920-24. ch uil c ido- ri t:e ;Su,înan .L Dde.onsoff estern.,.dth ncn treasilers nd eec of Foreestr " H Comfortable up-to-date Busses gigdiyfo 1920-24 Receipt.s S2.810 Rv . .V ake rx..n c aml. *drt l -na'm C-:X:s m). Mc. ws s: mas, AUG bm'UceSwa 2arieTatChrstm.s Church Missions W.8H V.5 'ale.rj,ýlan HoM-. Herinan Sa.ini- centlY' whlen an enjoyable af _r- .1879. to Isabella Barron hAU ST 9TO EP MB R 1 Sunday Sehool 342.'71 O!cr for 1925: Ede:s - . Edgs"r',n Gibsýon. M:rs. Sîd- noon wa, spent.lvst or i eie DYIH 1925 - 1936Misios 9 4 As3n ofere(DY__HTSAVING T1E SunaySeholMisuo, 542A. anofrh.'ogr5a:an. aGlbson Hcaey. Wil'iain Hsy v"M 'a' Mrs. David xvi- United Chr:ch haveaîIrangedý The funeril service. which 'sas F rdMoveinent 526 ý * Ja:etville charge liSd z5in:ýJohn Dckie: Mana .er.. jarnv' 'io hoid their Sunday School pi-, largelY attended. was held from Rd nteBsadaodwry.gaotdiigi Laies* Aid 1,056.53, inaUno.1h oiiser's St on. coha:rnan. Robert rEuck'y, The End. nie gI Glenneyva beach on Wed- hslt eiec nMna f Fice in Northern Ontario 165.00, -i the Position off YrnkMlo.Lrns an-ateno.Ags 6th.teno.e.C.RSpcr.r- _____abe_________alcom.________uný nesda% feno, eno.Re.C .Spneic heavy traffic or crowdîng foritetcr Th.eto henwcuc, UPPlyNestleton. and Re,, Mc jO. John Hooey. Normnan Mur- tEveryo ne 'sill be %welccrntro Th dbtonte ewchcc.Walkcr took it on wvith hi,-atheri lhead. Secretary. Ce:il WI;ls.-n LAiST: Mr. R. W. Plilip us imp3ovýing ducting the rites. Many beauti- which cost around $4000.00. 'sas charges, natnely Janlebvîie'd DkBh'______________ afSTasrOu C'eKflflrl;ics rm1rans-1ev settled in 1922. The Manse lie- and Ballyduff. ITreasucer. John icey: Coir after a serious__________fu__loral________ . Arrive R.etu.rn longing 10 Blackstock and Nestle- Leader. Mrs. McQuade: As;;i.tant.! Recent Visitors: tiaiLs and friends testified ta the B.ead Down Ra p Fr towss o 2000 n12. Rev. Mr. Walkeî' preached h uS Leonard Joblun: Organisb. Mi...s On Wednezday, aftLrnoon, Allg- Miss tva Williams. Toronto, high esteemn in which he %va held 7.00 a.m. Kawartha Mapls.5 26 frst sermon ta a large "ongrega- 'Rose Mountjoy: Sunday SchIool ustb l2th. the'ladies off the W.M.1 withi hec mother. Ms.R. Wil in the community. Paîl bearers 7.10 a.m. Janetville Two organs were Purchased.: nt'on. the fîcst Sunday in August. Supeintendent. Richard Philp: entertaîned the mernbers off the liais. 1were Geo. E. Chase. M. G. V.7.0am Yeern115.4 the church organ costing $310.00.1 1925. in his new charge. It hap- Church Missionacy Tr ea su rer.: Golden Rule Mission Band at iMc. and Mrs. Pringle and Gor- Gould, Dr. G. C. Bonnycastîe. A.7.0am evro The foundcation off a libiary with i pened bo be the church anniver-ElzbtJ.HoySeear fM.EnebLmes Thf irst don. Toronto. at Mr. R.Wv S. Baker. John McConnachie, and 7.30 a.m. Nestieton ý acyH. Ichdi temon Sunday Scoo. M.ra e- 1.zW iPips M A. Neal. Interment was made 7.40 a.m. Blackstock 1.521 A mebtong was afllad. e cacedi b1-mrn oho.-aca Fruson; % ice-pre.sidenb. Mrs. Jabez Wight nBwa"lCmt .0an uktn1.521 Ameig"saldbythe ing and the Rev. Dr. Stuart Park-s.. Treasurer. Robert Dickcy. toak the chair, and the meeting Mr. William Nesbitt wibh Mc. in omnie Ce ctr3.7.0a. Bkeo Session, Febcuary 4th. 1924, Mr.erfTono prcached in l cSunday. School Teachers - Bible opened by the ceading off a poeman8.M0s. Herman Samelîs J. G. Hooey in the chair. This evenîng. In October. Rev. P. W. Class. R. W. Philp: Girls' class.1 "We Thank Thec." Miss Annie Misses Snowie and Winnjfred Albert Andrew Taylor, Irma, A .0 .. aptn122 19 meeting was called ta decide Cucie. who was present with Mc. Miss Rose Mountjoy: Boys' clas. Wrîght t-aok the worship period. Marlow.' Oshawa. with their par- Teepse ors i an .0ar apo about discontinuing co-operation1 Walker-. pceached the pcepacatorv xvm. ooy: Primacy. Mcs. R. W, After a .-ssi3n off business, an i-IetM.adMa .W alw Teepse ors iWin- 8.20 a.m. Bowmanviile125 with bbc M eth dis Chu ch. T he .Sem on on Friday evening w hen Plip. Ladies A id- M s. R ob ct îe est ng p oram %v~as giv 'en: b r . a d s M ff t, Halier ot ewcig R 1 9 h l t s îa l n Sunayor ~ '1 . 0 a m.T r n o E h b t onL a e 1 . 5 p m 1.4 meeting 'sas unanimous to end a great many ncw members were Dickey. president: Mca. J ohnlriMrs. Jabez Wight read "What or.itlermtr.MsR.C. 10.h0 AlberToAnnrcwETailorion the co-opecation. At the close off received. many of whlonî hadi Dickic. treasucer: Miss M. E. Mal- -Do You Think?": bbe Mission Jackson. Irma, Alta. Deceased wu a son A.bove fares' include AdmissiontoEhbin the church Year in June. bbthe's-aited to sec tbe outcome Off colin, secceblary. ' Band sangý a chorus. "Blessed Mr. and Mca. Cecil Wilson and off the late Anson Taylor. and ',as Nestîcton Presbytccian Churcla! Union. Tlhe followung Sabbath InNvmr198McGbsnJsuGieU Wisdom": Beryl daugh'-ers, lat Mc. Lamb's. Ennis- born at Blackstock, Ontario, in Hooey passed away. Mr. Hooey!ILarnser played a piano solo: Lu- killen. 1877, goîng Wcst ait the age off 21 Bus' takes passengers right on to Exhitio rud n haci been an eIder foi' mani% years ci~Farder zang -Hear the Pen- Mc- and Mcs. Howsard Philp, er.Hihm ede nNrhst.ays there aIl day for tuhe convenienceo asnes and ervci he hurla roppng': 'arin Hll eadToron' o. at Mr, R. W. Philp's. Dakota. aftecwai'ds going ta Ed- andthe ended bbc clîucch fait Prince An-esmDraopinge MacioniHilIoreadrt to tlio cnd. Eîng i gaocd Neiglib>ar": Editia MsKthDao.?uc I otn ewsbcsno at For information phone - lindsay 453r13 rBwavle4 On Aprul 4,h, 1936. Mr. John 'MýNaI1v cead 'The Two Offer- . r, v.suued Mca. Hcrian Saînielîs nec off the old firm off Taylor & W.Hoey a-s n ldr ranins" G,,-PnehMalo tldaand 'Mrs. John Hoo2y. Spinks in that cils'. In 1911 his PATRONS USING OUR BUSSES MAy LEAETERCR *4 128-36. oîcd. Mu' Ho'eav 'tov A Lîrtle Girl*s Dceam": Mc. and Mcs. Collins. S3cugDg bealthi faîled and lacenaovcd to IN PARK[NG SPACE AT KAIVARTHA NAPE RA U 1ir~b~ f . G H oey a ba Anina Thiiunr.on sang "The e-Iý1and. wvith Mr. and Mrs. j. V.cboria. B. C. He returned ta GARAGE IN BOWMN VIJ- LLE FREEI FOHRE .s -if ti'" Moose River Mine"': N1.Abrai 95mc mrvd ____________________________________ ;vee.sons off John Hooey. Sr.. an G nr a:os n ea Mc. Jahn TaYaî' aand M's,, where he lived untîlhidah eder .un Cadmu.s Chucch foc sel,- MNlvpaedapaode~Marion Taylor 'sitli fr:ends 'in froni heart'failuî'. '________________________________ ecal years. Miss Hanna Hoceiy Li;Lcrepledainoso'Markh, sm ,He 'sas a meinbec off bbc United îrassed a's'ay Ilis wiia:er. al'vas Lýz are dapanosoo.ICliurch and wvaa nuch intcrcsbed faithful nierinber 'sho 1,; great .y A dIaintv lunch off 'ce cream Wa-S ain education and chucch wock ns'ed. And rnany otlaer ins"mi-- .seved Ille twenby ladies and vaesscîe b i ie e bers and adheren:s whi lia%- fifbee-h ildren present. CAMIUUS Hacriet McLaughlin off Black- A CompleteStock of ublic andpa.sced on helped to carry on tneý On Tlsuc'day afternoon bbthtc.eagtrofOc.MLuh A Complete St~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ock ofPbian rkoff bbc xacious oi-2anuzýauon.s voung ladies' clas off the Unite tc.duhe fGo -Lu21 High School Texts and Supplies tbrough bbchear.IaisbcCuc njydapeu tC Miss B 'de Fallis, Osha'sa, i.- lin. ex-Governor off Cobourg Ga;I ars.lie f'cnoni ted hem pdrents, . M and Mcs. C. bis only daughtec Winnifred. aho i 'rcc. for u.-,o take up and hoidra lefeno wspt H. Fall. is teacher in public ýchoail ai Ir- ~~ 'u~~~y ~ ~ r -hîgh. liun wiinîssuing and boating. Afier MisHlnFwe.'b asn.Ata:adfusoGor, Froin 1893-1920 a considierabie a picnl i' supî'sc he young lake.s Ms ee olr a a la:adfu os ere aiouitha ee cntibtd o L s ea out ybeen ralcîng a smîînmec course' at iteacheî' in bigla sehool atWia Phonnhsbencneîuedb :reeiMs3L0 outo O.A.C.. Guelpha, visibed frienda un wriglib. Aita.. and Gecald. John Phn 0Bowmanville ,Mssions: Blaeksock and Nestle- wLundsay ' fourI ais- r 1 ___ton W.M.S. ha., c o ni t c i b u t eci On Thur-sdsy evening the A.Y. Mca. E. Gîbson spent last wekHeili Normani and Roy; orss -$2.265.97. and ba., valued a.t P.A af St. John's Clburcc and with fcicnds un Mount Horeb an r ers Nellie, Alida, Mca. Sidney 21.018.45 clher nn-2glhbars and friends Off with Mc. E. GiooBri n cwn n r.Saliey Ml Officer. off Nestîcton ChurclirM and Mr,-s Thomias Hodge pre- Glen, 'sas present at an oncle's colin. all near the oldhoea foc196 -Pator Rv.H. V. e ed 'hiein suth a miscellaneous fuxîcral thcre o audy Blackstock. T'so brothers,At- Walker; Elders, John Dickey .sawer in the conaiunity hall. Mca. Proctor and Mr. Bi,, ur and Joseph. predeceased hini.r IWilliam Hoocy: Manageýs. Hec- Afcc r:cla ..eech-rnaking. lunch Proctor Mc. CaleHedro. Mc. Taylor 'sas laid to retn R O Y A L TIH E A.T R E ber'. Hooes. chairman. R. W. wa-, 3ervî',ýc. and the remainder off Torontoj Mc. Bill Browsn and sons iteIm eitr.SriL a Phil. Rber Dicey.thak Ma-rmae v.eiServicepen indaning com ei isn rn a-'5 vnn ,aseti acn.Sunderland, Mc. and Mca. E'ý conducted by Rcv. Mc. Kemp, BOWMANVILLE cln eilWloWundel Ginn, Rc'..nt Vusî,tars: Bbe ndfîiyOh"a pùspeakinr ffromi Revelations. He r Hernsan Sanîils: Secretary. Bir- Mu,, Aitn Devitt. Peterbora. Sunday ai Mi'. R. C. Bcoiv'n's. , shaîl wipe alI tears fromi their 1 The Coolest Spot ini Town on a Hot DayI, inie Hooey: Treasurer. Mccv u: actIlndhoe is . iso. ooug, es. The laymns. Rock off Ages,r BUY AT SUMMER PRIE Mouiroy. Sundav Sc Ila o ýil! -- ' Susie and Olive Van- holudiaying with Mc. and Mca I.Abîde wsith Me. and God be wîth r Superinteiiders:. R. W. Pliii:: veebauiulysr- yte1 o ans' $.0pe o i-o S'ecretacy. Mliss Daoohy Bwi.'Cal irare.tter.dunîsLeadership Wiiitfield.Yu.'eebaiulyunbyte oucnse$O eronfyubyyurw trs Friday an Saturday August 2eand 22 c. Mc .R Dce .m " a t Oak Lamke. 'MuisMarion Beacock. Mr. and choir. and Mrs. Pryce Joncs sang supply of coal now. Tbhis is a wortwlesvn mes' A N-I.-. SiaeoxaSaîd"- Musý i ýne Duni. Oshawsa. aid .il wOf TyosOdf-1i 1Brown. Sunderland, 'sere vLitocs YOu.ToofM.Tyo' l n JAMESSTEWA T insona. îac,-îdýnt. Ms. M rvm1,a1 M,I ;Haret Wruglit isited at Mrs. a! MI- George Fawlei"s. ends. Mc. Stuart Daccocb off Ed- CONGER-LEHIGH ANTHR CT Cbur'h Or aanr1ý.r NýI R o re M.- Mld HooPer liais beciawbohiave puicchased Ruddeîl Inn Vukung,. %ece Present. The pall Aeiasfnt o.Hrdcenc Mount;r', 1\0ltY C1111-11a CýI: r Leader.l'-Iaal.i Lýiu. .!th uicadsat aiPrt %vor~rc iltheuir cottage :at seý -lcrr eeMsi.S osr gives the utmost in heat. Prompt delieyo hsf Mca. M Mî.i1o Perry end maxi, F. Thuiston. Wv. Gray. .1. coal 15 guaranteed. Ail fuels storEdu erce. ~LS Crn:umiî ~ Roll -,eMir- j Mu_, Myrle Marrui o, Toronto,. i' and Mr. Gardoin Browns Tlaoîapsoti. H . Adanis and J. Bal- JAC OAIEIN Mis Loi' t:.Brown, M. z Vidi ýlHciaey tlieur cottage tiful floral ributes ffcoîîubthe fa- JAKOKEI r own, liuîsell Brown. Da)cotia', M ut, Bush ansd Mr. Don- Nin. and Mcs . :ouli îp l l and numnerous, friends. n i h ' Brown'. David D:mvd.)is. Mrý aId Lamnb. Miss Mablle VanCamp, amidson.s, Toars:,a, t Mr.W. Klog t % "F1orida Speciall" David Davidson. Mi'-sLoue Dav- esr Douglas and Robert Phidp'. iespondency~ is ing-ratitude: Phones 173 or 98 Taxi ServieadTiln ecc Dîckey. JolhnsD:rkim-. Mca. Somlitîs Bras :itL_ÈM.OcaQde3. Beecher __________________________________ John Dîckey. Miss.ý Lena D:ckey. is Vereta C-cabana. Tot'onbo,Mude. Mar'sood Dickey. Foster Fer-gu- ta liolida-,lisg .ýwthliber graxaipar- Mon., Tues., Wed., August 23, 24, 25 ýýn.Mrs. F. Fergoson. Mius Pai- en!.. Mr.aîid Mi'-. Hemi-v Moun- die Gînn. Janies Gordon. Mis. R. Ili, leeI- u:t Qmîen's University, HR AND JOEL McCREA inl Burton. Mu';. Thomas H-oaey. \Vl- Kingdston. , S oidaying wtls har liam Hooey. 'Mis. Williams Hooey. parent, Mi-. d Mns. Ja'is Mc- + Mî's. JohnîsHooey.Ra) Hooe. I Lamîghtîîs__3@_à IlTes Trr lBurney Hooes'. Herbertr Hooey ____ Mi's. Herberit Hooey. Miýs Norun-_______ Thrce Little Wolves News Hooey. Miss Myrtle Hory,ý. Mvs i NETLTO i Theluîta Hooey, MMca Art.hur Hanl E T E O MaieeMndyad enedy2.30 p.m. na. Arthiur Jackinan. Mca. Leon- Matîne Mondy and ednesay umd Joblin. Mrs. Leslie Lansing, Tise .--nup:lîy f thecaun- _____________________________________________ Mis. George Magull. Mca., Balc ty tii exlended fo Mr. C1ifw~n ¶' ~ ~ ~ Windle Ginn. Cuthber n a value than ever. ~~N V EE a.~don Nairn, James Gordon, Mca .c) K. Burton.G M.G.M.'s Tremendous Triumph, now in its 6th Week Hoy Roy, Burney, Herbert, et t.e IWilliam, Nornsa. Myrtîe, Thelma, C" at Loew's Theatre, Toronto and Mca. Tlaoînas Hooey. 11 _____________________________ McGritl: Mca. Mervin Mountjoy Ge~ Malcolm: Andcews Malcolm who N'% pre , attended the ficat log chairccli witla re~ COMIN iùs fthrFrank Malcolm, Mca . "PETTICOAT FEVER" '"COUNTRY BEYOND" E. Malcolm. an MisMr "PRIVATE NUMBER" "FARMER TAKES A WIFE" Montgomnery, Sanderson, Neal -' Simeon Sanderson. Hacry, EvcelyS N Shirley Temple in "POOR LITTLE RICHI GIRL" and Mca. Simeon Sandccson. Av Scot. Mr. James Scott, and ____________________________________________'Mca. A.nne Scott Barclay: D

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